  • PROTON Holdings Berhad (Company No.623177-A)

    PROTON ‘VOICES ’PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    A NEW SAGA BEGINS PROTON Holdings Berhad (Company No.623177-A)

  • 01PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    P R O T O N ‘ V O I C E S ’A company’s journey impacts its stakeholders as much as its

    stakeholders impact the company. ‘Voices’ is about the people from

    all walks of life who have played and continue to play diverse roles in

    PROTON’s journey. Their heartfelt views, be that of a loyal customer,

    stalwart shareholder, dedicated employee, visionary manager or

    committed dealer and vendor, are captured throughout the PROTON

    2008 Annual Report.

    The cover of this Annual Report pays homage to PROTON’s stakeholders.

  • 02 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate mantra & core values

    The PROTON Way

    PROTON employees are dedicated to the Group’s long-term success. Every PROTON

    employee shall operate under the Group’s shared values and rely on these values

    to guide their behaviour with each other and the customers. These values form the

    foundation of how we work and conduct business.

    Core Ideology

    Audacious Goal

    Driving Malaysia’s transformation into a leader in technology

    and quality.

    Vivid Description

    We deliver innovative and superior quality products and services.

    Our brands inspire confidence and pride.


    We are a passionate group of people working together, creating

    exhilarating products and services for global markets, synonymous

    with great styling, innovation and leading technology.

  • 03PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate mantra & core values

    Core Values


    We make products that work the first time, every time.

    Customer Focus Customers are the source of our income. We deliver on our promises

    to our customers’ satisfaction.


    We challenge convention, always seeking new and better ways of

    doing things. We view change as opportunity.

    Teamwork We trust, respect and share knowledge to foster teamwork at

    the workplace.

    Speed We have a “can-do” attitude and will not rest until the problem is

    solved. We have an inherent sense of urgency in everything we do.

    Caring As a responsible corporate citizen, we invest in safety, health and

    the environment.

  • 04 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• PROTON’s policies

    Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

    “The company shall provide the resources necessary to ensure a safe,

    healthy and conducive working environment.”

    Our mission is to strive towards excellence in all aspects of our

    operations. In achieving our goal, it is necessary for us to promote and

    protect the health and safety of our employees and ensure that our

    environment is unharmed.

    We are committed to provide a conducive, safe and healthy working

    environment for our employees and to ensure this, it is our policy to:-

    • Take responsibility for the safety and health of our employees;

    • Provide the appropriate resources;

    • Take all action necessary to remedy any non-compliance;

    • Monitor and maintain high standards in environmental protection

    as well as health and safety measures.

    In implementing our policy, we shall, where reasonably practicable:-

    • Comply with all rules and regulations concerning the environment,

    health and safety;

    • Provide all the necessary facilities and equipment for the


    • Actively promote programmes for the employees to instill awareness

    for the safety and health of the employees, our business associates

    and the public;

    • Provide adequate information and assistance to our employees and

    our neighbours to avoid unacceptable effects on the environment.

  • 05PROTON 2008 Annual Report• PROTON’s policies

    Quality Policy

    “PROTON is committed to manufacture quality cars, knock-down parts

    and spare parts that satisfy customer requirements and meet the

    required safety and environmental standards of each market.”

    To achieve the above commitment, PROTON shall:-

    • Ensure quality as the Number One work ethics in all operations;

    • Establish an effective and efficient Quality System based on the

    requirements of ISO 9001:2000 Standards;

    • Provide adequate skills and knowledge to all levels of personnel

    through systematic and structured training programmes;

    • Provide a culture and environment of continuous learning,

    improvement and innovation towards total quality excellence;

    • Provide a conducive, safe and healthy working environment.

    To assist us in achieving our goals we shall work together and towards

    this end, our employees shall:-

    • Abide by all rules and regulations concerning the workplace;

    • Utilise all the facilities provided by the management in a safe and a

    proper manner;

    • Maintain good work practices;

    • Actively participate in all the Environmental, Health and Safety

    (EHS) programmes.

    This is our objective and it is our intention to put this EHS Policy into

    action and to make it our way of life.

    “Environment, health and safety are our priority.”

  • 06 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    02 Corporate Mantra & Core Values

    04 PROTON’s Policies

    10 Financial Calendar

    11 Key Financial Indicators

    12 Summary of Financial Highlights for Five Years

    16 Corporate Profile

    20 Awards and Recognition

    22 Corporate Information

    24 Group Operations

    26 Board of Directors

    28 Profile of Directors

    34 Senior Management

    36 Other Senior Officers

    40 Chairman’s Statement

    54 Managing Director’s Review

    Contents PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 07PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    62 Operations Review

    106 Statement on Corporate Governance

    123 Additional Compliance Information

    126 Statement on Internal Control

    130 Risk Management

    136 Calendar of Events 2007 - 2008

    144 Statutory Financial Statements

    237 Shareholdings Statistics

    240 Properties Owned by PROTON Group

    244 Share Price and Volume Traded

    245 Notice of Annual General Meeting

    248 Statement Accompanying the Notice of Annual General Meeting

    Form of Proxy

  • 08 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 09PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    “ A big thank you to our Prime Minister. ”A new saga begins for

    PROTON as our Prime

    Minister accompanied by

    the Group’s Chairman and

    Managing Director launch

    the latest addition to our

    fleet of cars.

  • 010 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• financial calendar

    15 August 2007

    • Notice of Fourth (4th) Annual General Meeting

    28 August 2007

    • Unaudited First (1st) Quarter results for the period

    ended 30 June 2007

    6 September 2007

    • Fourth (4th) Annual General Meeting

    30 November 2007

    • Unaudited Second (2nd) Quarter results for the

    period ended 30 September 2007

    21 February 2008

    • Unaudited Third (3rd) Quarter results for the

    period ended 31 December 2007

    26 May 2008

    • Unaudited Fourth (4th) Quarter results for the

    period ended 31 March 2008

    31 July 2008

    • Audited accounts for the financial year ended

    31 March 2008

    6 August 2008

    • Notice of Fifth (5th) Annual General Meeting

    28 August 2008Fifth (5th) Annual General Meeting

    010 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 011PROTON 2008 Annual Report• key financial indicators


    Basic earnings per share (sen)




    Net assets per share (RM)



    Dividend paid (RM’ million)






    Retained profits carried forward (RM’ million)


    4,916.9 4,908.7



    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

  • 012 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• summary of financial highlights for five years

    2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) (Restated)

    RM million RM million RM million RM million RM million


    Property, plant and equipment 3,150.4 3,169.5 3,302.9 3,288.9 2,879.9

    Prepaid land lease payments 24.1 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2

    Goodwill 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0

    Intangible assets 275.2 169.1 18.0 14.3 18.3

    Associated companies 165.4 169.8 160.4 165.6 171.9

    Jointly controlled entities 192.7 223.6 245.3 251.8 108.9

    Investments 10.4 10.4 10.4 6.3 6.3

    Deferred tax assets - - 105.8 38.4 46.6

    Total Non-Current Assets 3,847.2 3,781.3 3,881.8 3,804.4 3,271.1


    Inventories 1,100.3 1,273.6 1,389.0 967.1 795.8

    Receivables 1,099.0 1,192.0 1,244.0 1,403.2 930.0

    Current investments 20.8 73.4 212.0 201.5 182.0

    Deposit, bank and cash balances 1,226.0 626.5 1,586.0 2,454.7 2,877.4

    Total Current Assets 3,446.1 3,165.5 4,431.0 5,026.5 4,785.2

    TOTAL ASSETS 7,293.3 6,946.8 8,312.8 8,830.9 8,056.3


  • 013PROTON 2008 Annual Report• summary of financial highlights for five years

    2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) (Restated)

    RM million RM million RM million RM million RM million


    Share capital 549.2 549.2 549.2 549.2 549.2

    Other reserves 395.8 389.7 412.7 393.8 406.1

    Retained profits 4,476.2 4,291.7 4,908.7 4,916.9 4,611.8

    Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 5,421.2 5,230.6 5,870.6 5,859.9 5,567.1

    Minority interest - - - 0.3 -

    Total Equity 5,421.2 5,230.6 5,870.6 5,860.2 5,567.1


    Long term liabilites 230.5 181.6 100.3 759.6 447.4

    Deferred tax liabilities 2.4 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.0

    Total Non-Current Liabilities 232.9 182.4 101.1 760.7 448.4


    Payables 1,637.6 1,531.6 2,324.2 2,207.4 1,900.5

    Taxation 1.6 2.2 16.9 2.6 140.3

    Total Current Liabilities 1,639.2 1,533.8 2,341.1 2,210.0 2,040.8

    Total Liabilities 1,872.1 1,716.2 2,442.2 2,970.7 2,489.2

    TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 7,293.3 6,946.8 8,312.8 8,830.9 8,056.3


  • 014 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• summary of financial highlights for five years

    RM million 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) (Restated)

    Revenue 5,621.6 4,687.3 7,796.9 8,483.3 6,361.2

    Profit/(Loss) before taxation 144.3 (618.1) 18.0 399.3 556.2

    Profit/(Loss) after taxation 184.6 (589.5) 46.7 442.4 510.3

    Retained profit attributable to shareholders 4,476.2 4,319.2 4,963.6 5,054.2 4,705.1

    Dividend - (27.5) (54.9) (137.3) (93.3)

    Retained profit carried forward 4,476.2 4,291.7 4,908.7 4,916.9 4,611.8


    2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Per Share

    Basic earnings/(loss) (sen) 33.6 (107.3) 8.5 80.6 92.9

    Tax-exempt dividend paid - 5.0 10.0 25.0 17.0

    Net assets 9.87 9.52 10.69 10.67 10.14

    Issued share capital 549,213 549,213 549,213 549,213 549,213


  • 015PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 016 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate profile

    016 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Since its launch, the new Saga has become the fastest selling PROTON model to date

  • 017PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate profile

    • To spearhead the automotive industrialisation process and

    manufacturing industries;

    • To acquire/upgrade technology and industrial skills within the

    automotive manufacturing industry; and

    • To strengthen the international competitiveness of Malaysia’s

    industrial capability.

    PROTON was incorporated on 7 May 1983 with three

    primary national policy objectives:

    “ The PROTON Dream is now a reality. PROTON, the nation’s pride and joy, has also proven to be a success on the international front. With its wide

    range of cars, PROTON caters to different groups

    and levels of people. I myself am the proud owner

    of a PROTON Perdana and I fully support and look

    forward to PROTON’s greater success in the near

    future. When I walked into PROTON, I felt an aura

    of happiness and unity among the staff, just like one

    big happy family – a key element for any

    successful company. ”Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor

    Malaysia’s First Angkasawan

  • 018 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate profile

    PROTON commands a substantial share of the domestic market for passenger cars and

    over the years has been building up distribution networks in key market centres across the

    four regions:

    • South-East Asia,

    • the Middle East,

    • United Kingdom / Western Europe, and

    • Australasia.

    The main business activities of the Group encompass vehicle engineering, research &

    development, manufacturing, distribution and after-sales services. The Group is also involved

    in financial services and property management in supporting the main business activities.

    The Group designs and produces cars for diverse consumer preferences. The portfolio

    of PROTON models includes the reliable family-sedan Waja, the stylish Gen.2, the

    elegant Perdana V6, the versatile Arena, the proven Saga range, the fun-to-drive Savvy,

  • 019PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate profile

    the desirable sporty Satria Neo and the ‘2008 Best Model of the Year’ winner,

    the Persona. The Group also has in its portfolio, the world-renowned Lotus sports cars,

    with models such as Elise, Esprit, Exige, Europa and the recently unveiled Evora (which

    will be available in the first half of 2009) to suit a range of customer demands and


    The Group conducts research in its centres in Malaysia and the United Kingdom on

    new technologies to create cars that are unique in both design and driving performance.

    Through Lotus, the Group provides comprehensive and versatile consultancy services to

    many of the world’s OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers.

    Currently, the Group has almost 12,000 employees who are involved in the whole value

    chain of the business, from research, design, development, testing, stamping, casting,

    machining and assembly to marketing, distribution and after-sales services.

    Strong customer orientation and competitively priced products are the foundation

    of our business and essential to our success. We aim to maintain market leadership by

    continuing to develop innovative products and satisfy our customers needs better and

    enhance profitability.

    of our business and essential to our success. We aim to maintain market leadership by

    continuing to develop innovative products and satisfy our customers needs better and

  • 020 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• awards and recognition

    Awards and Recognition

    PROTON received the following awards from various organisations as

    testimony of the Group’s efforts in leading the Malaysian automotive

    industry as well as making in-roads in branding and motorsports.

    Awards 2008• Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2008 Gold Award for Car Category.

    • Asian Auto - VCA Auto Industry Awards 2008 - Best People’s Car

    Award for PROTON Saga.

    • Asian Auto - VCA Auto Industry Awards 2008 - Best Comeback

    Brand Award for PROTON.

    • China Press’ 2008 Chinese New Year Greeting Advertisement

    Award, Full Colour Category.

    • Frost & Sullivan’s 2008 Asean Automotive Awards - 2008 Best

    Model of the Year Award for the Persona.

    Awards 2007• Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2007 Gold Award for Car Category.

    • The Malay Mail declared the PROTON Satria Neo, winner of the

    Coolest Car of 2006.

    Awards 2006• Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2006 Gold Award for Car Category.

    • Nanyang Siang Pau’s 2006 Chinese New Year Greeting

    Advertisement Award - Full Colour Category - 5th Runner Up.

  • 021PROTON 2008 Annual Report• awards and recognition

    Awards 2005• Reader’s Digest Super Brand 2005 Gold Award for Car Category.

    • Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race 2005 - 1st place-Overall

    and Class ‘O’ Winner.

    • Malaysian Rally Championship 2005 - Overall Class Winner

    P10 Category.

    Awards 2004• Malaysia’s Best Brand Award.

    • National Creativity & Innovation Award 2004.

    • PROTON Waja - 4.5 star out of 5 star rating for being the Most

    Economical and Greenest Sedan in Australia.

    Awards 2003• Industry Excellence Award 2003, Quality Management Category III.

    • Industry Excellence Award 2003.

    • Best Landscape Competition (First Place - Factory Category).

    Awards 2002• Best Landscape Competition (Second Place - Factory Category).

    • Appreciation Award for Contribution to the Development of

    Malaysian Motorsports for 2002.

    • KPMG/The Edge Shareholder Value Award 2002 Sectoral Winner -

    Industrial Market. The award measured economic profit as a

    percentage of invested capital.

    • Highest Increase in Turnover Award among companies listed on

    the then Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now Bursa Malaysia Securities

    Berhad) for financial year 2002-2003.

    • Motor Vehicles and Transport Equipment Sector Leader Award

    among the top 1,000 Malaysian companies.

    • Highest Increase in Net Profit Award among companies listed

    on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for financial year 2002-2003.

    Awards 2001• Certificate of Merit for 2001 NACRA Award.

    • Appreciation Award for sponsoring ‘Le Tour de Langkawi’

    2001 event.

    • Superbrand Award for Automotive Sector for 2001.

    Awards 1999• Satria GTI - Wheels Magazine Best Hot Hatch Buy Year 1999.

  • 022 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate information

    Corporate Information

    Board of Directors Date of Appointment

    • Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim

    Chairman/Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir

    Managing Director

    • Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar Bin Abdul Majid

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Dato’ Michael Lim Heen Peok

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Datuk Zalekha Binti Hassan

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Encik Mohammad Zainal Bin Shaari

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Dato’ Ahmad Bin Haji Hashim

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    • Dato’ Mohd Izzaddin Bin Idris

    Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    17 December 2004

    1 January 2006

    12 April 2004

    10 March 2005

    15 September 2006

    11 February 2008

    17 December 2004 (Resigned w.e.f. 3 April 2008)

    26 October 2005 (Resigned w.e.f. 11 February 2008)

    15 September 2006 (Resigned w.e.f. 30 November 2007)

  • 023PROTON 2008 Annual Report• corporate information

    Board Executive Committee (“Board Exco”) • Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim - Chairman • Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir • Dato’ Michael Lim Heen Peok • Ms Vimala Menon (appointed w.e.f. 16 June 2008) • Dato’ Mohd Izzaddin Bin Idris (Resigned w.e.f. 30 November 2007)

    Board Audit Committee • Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar Bin Abdul Majid - Chairman • Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim • Dato’ Michael Lim Heen Peok • Encik Mohammad Zainal Bin Shaari (Resigned w.e.f. 3 April 2008)

    Board Risk Management Committee • Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim • Datuk Tan Kim Leong

    Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee • Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim - Chairman • Encik Md Ali Bin Md Dewal • Encik Ahmad Tajuddin Bin Abdul Carrim • Dato’ Michael Lim Heen Peok

    Board Disciplinary Committee • Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim - Chairman • Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim • Encik Md Ali Bin Md Dewal • Tuan Haji Yusof Bin Ahmad (Appointed w.e.f. 21 February 2008) • Dato’ Ahmad Bin Haji Hashim (Resigned w.e.f. 21 February 2008)

    AUDITORS PricewaterhouseCoopers (Chartered Accountants) Level 10, 1 Sentral, Jalan Travers Kuala Lumpur Sentral PO Box 10192 50706 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel : 03 - 2173 1188 Fax : 03 - 2173 1288

    REGISTERED OFFICE HICOM Industrial Estate Batu Tiga, 40000 Shah Alam Tel : 03 - 8026 9741 Fax : 03 - 8026 9744

    REGISTRAR TENAGA KOPERAT SDN BHD G-01, Ground Floor, Plaza Permata Jalan Kampar, Off Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03 - 4041 6522 Fax : 03 - 4042 6352

    STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad

    COMPANY SECRETARY Encik Mohd Nizamuddin Bin Mokhtar (LS 006128)

    INVESTOR RELATIONS Mr Kelvin LowTel : 03 - 5191 5864

  • 024 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• group operations

    Engineering Services Lotus Advance Technologies Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton Engineering Research Technology Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Lotus Group International Limited (100%)

    Group Lotus Plc (100%)

    Lotus Cars Ltd (100%)

    Lotus Engineering Ltd (100%)

    Lotus Engineering Co Ltd (Shanghai) (100%)

    Lotus Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Lotus Body Engineering Ltd (100%)

    Lotus Lightweight Structures Holdings Limited (formerly known as

    Holden Lightweight Structures Limited) (100%)

    Lotus Lightweight Structures Limited (formerly known as Holden

    Aluminium Worcester Limited) (100%)

    Lotus Motorsport Ltd (100%)

    Lotus Holdings Inc (USA) (100%)

    Lotus Engineering Inc (100%)

    Lotus Cars USA Inc (100%)

    Marco Acquisition Corporation (USA) (100%)

    Manufacturing Proton Tanjung Malim Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton Automobiles China Ltd (BVI) (100%)

    Goldstar Proton Automobiles Co Ltd (49%)

    PT Proton Cikarang Motors (Indonesia) (100%)

    (formerly known as PT Proton Tracoma Motors (Indonesia))

    Miyazu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (51%)

    PROTON Holdings Berhad

    024 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 025PROTON 2008 Annual Report• group operations

    Sales & Distribution Proton Marketing Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton Edar Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton Cars (UK) Ltd (100%)

    Proton Cars Australia Pty Limited (100%)

    Proton Motors (Thailand) Limited (100%)

    Proton Singapore Pte Ltd (100%)

    Proton Parts Centre Sdn Bhd (55%)

    PT Proton Edar Indonesia (95%)

    Proton Cars Benelux NV SA (Belgium) (99%)

    Property Proton Hartanah Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton Properties Sdn Bhd (100%)

    Proton City Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (40%)

    Financial Services Proton Commerce Sdn Bhd (50%)

    Lotus Finance Ltd (49.9%)

    Proton Finance Ltd (49.99%)

    Investee & Associate Companies Exedy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (45%)

    Netstar Advanced Systems Sdn Bhd (40%)

    PHN Industry Sdn Bhd (35%)

    Marutech Elastomer Industries Sdn Bhd (25%)

    Vina Star Motors Corporation (Vietnam) (25%)

    Aluminium Alloy Industries Sdn Bhd (19%)

    Technomeiji Rubber Sdn Bhd (15%)

    Peps-JV Sdn Bhd (10.50%)

    Ara Borgstena Sdn Bhd (6.67%)

    Others Yayasan Proton

    Lotus Pension Trustees Ltd (100%)

    Lotus Cars Foundation (100%)

    025PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 026 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• board of directors

    026 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 027PROTON 2008 Annual Report• board of directors

    027PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Standing (left to right)

    Dato’ Michael Lim Heen Peok,

    Datuk Zalekha Binti Hassan,

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar Bin Abdul Majid,

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim.

    Sitting (left to right)

    Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim,

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir.

  • 028 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin HashimChairman/Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    Aged 51, Malaysian

    Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim was appointed as Director of the

    Company on 17 December 2004 and subsequently Chairman of the Board

    on 7 February 2005. He was nominated to the Board by Khazanah Nasional

    Berhad. A Chartered Accountant by profession, Dato’ Azlan graduated

    with a Bachelor of Economics from Monash University, Australia. He is a

    member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia, Malaysian

    Institute of Accountants, Fellow Member of Malaysian Institute of Directors,

    Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators

    and Hon. Member of The Institute of Internal Auditors, Malaysia.

    Dato’ Azlan has extensive experience in the corporate sector including

    financial services and investments. Among others, he has served as Chief

    Executive / Executive Director of Bumiputra Merchant Bankers Berhad,

    Group Managing Director of Amanah Capital Malaysia Berhad and Executive

    Chairman of Bursa Malaysia Berhad (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock

    Exchange) Group. Dato’ Azlan is a Board Member of various government

    and non-government related organisations including Labuan Offshore

    Financial Services Authority, Employees Provident Fund, Khazanah Nasional

    Berhad, and Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology.

    He was appointed Chairman of Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia in 2006.

    Amongst others, Dato’ Azlan is also currently the Chairman of public listed

    entities D&O Ventures Berhad, Sunway Infrastructure Berhad and a Director

    of Scomi Group Berhad.

    Within PROTON Holdings Berhad, Dato’ Azlan serves as Chairman of the

    Board Executive Committee, Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee

    and the Board Disciplinary Committee. Dato’ Azlan also sits on the Boards

    of various subsidiaries of PROTON.

    Dato’ Azlan has attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings held during the

    Financial Year. He has no conflict of interest with the Company and does not

    have any family relationships with any director and/or major shareholder

    of the Company. He has had no conviction for any offences within the past

    ten (10) years.

    “ PROTON’s financial results for this calendar year is a clear indication that the Group has progressed and is moving in the right direction. ”

  • 029PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir was appointed

    Managing Director of PROTON on 1 January 2006. He also sits

    on the Boards of various subsidiaries within the PROTON Group

    of companies. Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal is the Chairman of PROTON’s

    Management Committee.

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in

    Engineering from the University of Maryland, USA, began his career as

    a Project Engineer with Petronas Gas Sdn Bhd in 1987, prior to joining

    Petroliam Nasional Berhad in 1992 as Senior Executive of Corporate

    Planning & International Business Development. He then left to join

    HICOM Holdings Berhad in 1995, where he assumed various senior

    positions in the company.

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal lent his expertise to PERODUA when he was

    appointed Senior General Manager in 1999. Subsequently, he was

    appointed Executive Director of PERODUA Auto Corporation Sdn Bhd in

    2002, and later promoted to Deputy Managing Director in October 2005.

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal has attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings

    held during the Financial Year. He has no conflict of interest with the

    Company and does not have any family relationships with any director

    and/or major shareholder of the Company. He has had no conviction

    for any offences within the past ten (10) years.

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir Managing Director

    Aged 46, Malaysian

    “ Our improved performance for the year under review was the result of us achieving our short-term objectives and targets, which are themselves stepping

    stones toward reaching our long-term goals. ”

  • 030 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar Bin Abdul Majid was appointed as a Director

    on 12 April 2004. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered

    Accountants, Australia, as well as a member of the Malaysian Institute

    of Accountants. He is also a member of the Executive Council of the

    Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA).

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar began his career in 1974 as Senior Manager

    in the Internal Audit and Organisation Department of Bank Pertanian

    Malaysia. In 1977, he joined KPMG Malaysia as Manager and was

    admitted to the partnership two years later. In 1993, he was promoted

    to Deputy Senior Partner and made Senior Partner in 1995, a position

    he held until his retirement in 2000.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar then joined Malaysia Derivatives Exchange

    Berhad in 2001 and retired as Executive Chairman on 28 February

    2004. He was a past president of MICPA. He was an Adjunct Professor

    of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting of the International Islamic

    University. He was a member of the Senate of the Open University

    Malaysia Board.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar is currently the Chairman of the Board Audit

    Committee and a member of the Board Disciplinary Committee.

    Besides PROTON, he sits on the Boards of Tradewinds Corporation

    Berhad (“Tradewinds”), Opcom Holdings Berhad and Bank Muamalat

    Malaysia Berhad. He is also the Director of Golden Pharos Berhad and

    the Chairman of the respective Board Audit Committees of Tradewinds

    and Bank Muamalat.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings

    held during the Financial Year. He has no conflict of interest with the

    Company and has no family relationships with any other director and/

    or major shareholder of the Company. He has had no conviction for

    any offences within the past ten (10) years.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Jabbar Bin Abdul MajidIndependent Non-Executive Director

    Aged 63, Malaysian

    “ Good corporate governance is the foundation of the culture and business practices of the PROTON Group. ”

  • 031PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md Kassim was appointed to the Board

    of PROTON Holdings Berhad on 10 March 2005. He serves as the

    Chairman of the Board Risk Management Committee. He is also a

    member of the Board Audit Committee and Board Disciplinary

    Committee of the Company.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the

    University of Singapore. He served in the Malaysian Administrative and

    Diplomatic Service and in the Judicial and Legal Service between 1966

    and 1973, holding various positions. He is currently the Managing

    Partner of Messrs Kadir, Andri & Partners.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir is also the Director of UEM Group Berhad

    (formerly known as United Engineers (Malaysia) Berhad), UEM World

    Berhad, Suria Capital Holdings Berhad, TIME dotCom Berhad, Sino Hua-

    An International Berhad and Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas). He

    is also a Director of a few private companies and Chairman of the

    Committee of Labuan International Financial Exchange.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir has attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings

    held during the Financial Year. He has no conflict of interest with the

    Company and does not have any family relationships with any other

    director and/or major shareholders of the Company. He has had no

    conviction for any offences within the past ten (10) years.

    Tuan Haji Abdul Kadir Bin Md KassimIndependent Non-Executive Director

    Aged 68, Malaysian

    “ PROTON regards risk management as an integral part of the Group’s operations and a consistent, disciplined and systematic approach for

    managing risks was endorsed and implemented

    within the Group. ”

  • 032 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Dato’ Michael Lim was appointed to the Board on 15 September

    2006. He is a member of the Board Executive Committee,

    Board Audit Committee and Board Nomination & Remuneration

    Committee. He also sits on the Boards of various companies within

    the PROTON Group.

    After graduating with a first class honours degree in Engineering from

    the University of Strathclyde, in the United Kingdom, Dato’ Michael

    Lim began his career with the UMW Group in 1975, in various senior

    managerial positions. In 1986 Dato’ Michael Lim was appointed the

    Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of UMW Toyota Motor

    Sdn Bhd, a joint venture company between UMW and Toyota Motor

    Corporation of Japan. Dato’ Michael Lim retired in 2004.

    Currently, Dato’ Michael Lim is the Chairman of Furniweb Industrial

    Products Bhd, an export oriented manufacturing company with plants

    in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. He also serves on the Board of

    Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad.

    Dato’ Michael Lim has attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings

    held during the Financial Year. He has no conflict of interest with the

    Company and has no family relationships with any other director and/

    or major shareholders of the Company. He has had no conviction for

    any offences within the past ten (10) years.

    Dato’ Michael Lim Heen PeokIndependent Non-Executive Director

    Aged 60, Malaysian

    “ We are making good progress in improving our product performance, functionality and quality. ”

  • 033PROTON 2008 Annual Report• profile of directors

    Datuk Zalekha Binti Hassan was appointed as a Director on 11 February

    2008. She is currently the Deputy Secretary General of Operations at

    the Ministry of Finance.

    She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from Universiti Malaya.

    Datuk Zalekha was previously with Konsortium Baja Nasional

    Berhad, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Putrajaya Holdings and Multimedia

    Development Corporation (MDEC).

    She is currently a Director of Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Penang Port

    Sdn Bhd and Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS).

    Datuk Zalekha has attended all Board of Directors’ Meetings during the

    Financial Year since her appointment. She has no conflict of interest

    with the Company and has no family relationships with any other

    director and/or major shareholders of the Company. She has had no

    conviction for any offences within the past ten (10) years.

    Datuk Zalekha Binti HassanNon-Independent Non-Executive Director

    Aged 55, Malaysian

    “ PROTON is a key player in the national automotive industry. The Government and people of Malaysia have high aspirations for PROTON. Thus,

    PROTON endeavours to be competitive with other

    car makers in this region. ”

  • 034 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• senior management

    Sitting (left to right) MICHELE KYTHE LIM BENG SZE General Manager, Group Legal Division


    MOHAMAD SHUKOR BIN IBRAHIM Chief Executive Officer, Proton Edar Sdn Bhd

    Standing (left to right) VIMALA MENON Director, Finance & Corporate Affairs Division

    RAZIF BIN AHMAD Director, Group Procurement Division

    MOHD NIZAMUDDIN BIN MOKHTAR General Manager, Group Secretarial & Compliance Division

    HASNAH BINTI ISMAIL Director, Group Human Resource Division

  • 035PROTON 2008 Annual Report• senior management

    “ PROTON has demonstrated to its stakeholders its ability to transform into a viable and profitable

    automotive company in spite of our numerous


    “ It’s about creating trust and positive partnerships with vendors and suppliers. ” - RAZIF BIN AHMAD

    “ No doubt PROTON is bouncing back and it will be stronger than before. You know that the adrenalin

    is flowing in each of PROTON’s employees. This

    momentum must be supported, carried and

    elevated to the next level and all of us play a part in

    it. Together we will make it happen. ” - MOHAMAD SHUKOR BIN IBRAHIM

    “ Teamwork, commitment and dedication are certain to lift PROTON to greater heights. ” - VIMALA MENON

    “ Developing PROTON’s competitive edge by building the organisational capabilities – uniquely

    through the hearts and minds of employees and

    maintaining a balanced work life. ” - HASNAH BINTI ISMAIL

    “ invigorating and challenging yet colourful period as PROTON enters the dawn of a new era.

    What’s even more exhilarating is to be a part of

    this revival... ” - MOHD NIZAMUDDIN BIN MOKHTAR

    “ PROTON cuts to the core of almost all Malaysians and we want to see it succeed. As Management

    and as Malaysians we are all the more driven to

    see that it does happen. ” - MICHELE KYTHE LIM BENG SZE

  • 036 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Abdul Jamil Bin JohariGeneral Manager, Group Security

    Mohd Raziff Bin Ahmad General Manager, Manufacturing (Tanjung Malim)

    Mohamad Azeman Bin Redzuan Director, PT Proton Cikarang, Indonesia

    Low Pheng General Manager, Group Internal Audit

    Tajul Zahari Bin Abu BakarGeneral Manager, Engineering

    Azmi Bin IdrisHead, Group Quality Management

    Muhammad Aris Bin Anuar General Manager,Manufacturing (Shah Alam)

    Wan Nadzree Bin JaafarGeneral Manager, Corporate Planning

    Dr. Shamsuddin Bin BaharinGeneral Manager, Transformation Office & Special Projects

    Hamdan Bin Mohd NorGeneral Manager, International Sales & Services

    Tan Chun WengGeneral Manager, Group Finance

    Mohd Nadzir Bin Che Omar General Manager, Proton Properties Sdn Bhd

    • other senior officers

    Other Senior Officers

  • 037PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    (left to right) Michael J. KimberleyChief Executive Officer, Group Lotus Plc

    Brian CollierManaging Director, Proton Cars (UK) Ltd

    John StartariManaging Director, Proton Cars Australia Pty Limited

    (left to right) Moses TanManaging Director, Proton Singapore Pte Ltd

    Djunaedi HadiwidjajaPresident Director, PT Proton Edar Indonesia

    Faridahanom Binti Idris Senior Manager, Corporate Communications & Events

    Zamariah Binti IsmailGeneral Manager, Group Information & Communication Technology

    Izwan Bin Zainuddin Senior Manager, Corporate Finance

    • other senior officers

    Heads of International Subsidiaries

  • 038 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 039PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    “ Human Capital is PROTON’s most important asset. ”PROTON’s Chairman

    greeting staff during a visit

    to the manufacturing plant.

  • 040 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim

    Chairman / Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

    • chairman’s statement

  • 041PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    “ On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to present the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of the PROTON Group for the financial year ended March 31, 2008. ”

    Industry OverviewThe year under review saw signs of recovery for the Malaysian automotive industry. Despite

    the challenges that persistently impact the industry, which include the ever-increasing cost of

    manufacturing and raw materials, shaken consumer confidence stemming from the threat

    of global economic slowdown as well as an over-crowded operating environment, there was

    a notable uptrend registered in vehicle sales from the second half of 2007. This positive

    turnaround continued through to the first half of 2008, further underlining the confidence

    that the sector is undergoing a revival.

    Whilst there was cautious optimism throughout the industry in 2007, total Malaysian vehicle

    sales for the year recorded a volume of 487,176 units, surpassing the forecast of the

    Malaysian Automobile Association (MAA) at only 460,000 units. However, this was still a

    marginal contraction of 0.7% compared to actual sales of 490,768 units in 2006.

    In terms of segmentation, the performance of passenger cars, a category relevant to the

    PROTON Group, fared much better during the year under review. MAA recorded total sales

    of passenger cars of 379,639 units in 2007 compared to 365,422 units the previous year,

    marking a year-on-year increase of 3.9%. Modest as this may seem, any growth in a market

    of this nature is a cause for celebration.

    Complementing this growth, sales of passenger cars were up a noteworthy 25% from

    January to June 2008 compared to the previous corresponding period, while total industry

    volume during the same period jumped by over 24%.

  • 042 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Primary factors that contributed to the resurgence in the industry

    include new vehicle models launched, the stabilisation of duty

    structures, the firming up of the price of second-hand vehicles, greater

    availability of loans for car purchase as well as the increase in salary for

    civil servants in 2007.

    Improved conditions for the nation’s automotive industry had a positive

    impact on PROTON’s financial performance. The Group capitalised on

    this uptrend with the timely launching of the Persona in August 2007

    and the Saga in January 2008.

    Moving forward, MAA has forecast an increase in total industry volume

    (TIV) to 510,000 units in 2008 or 4.7% over 2007. That said, the

    Group is not oblivious to the impact of the removal of fuel subsidies on

    the industry. On this premise, PROTON will continue to be aggressive

    in its sales and marketing strategies while offering products that cater

    to the needs of today’s consumers.

    Improvement in TIV: Passenger Car Segment

    Note: Passenger Vehicle industry reclassified in January 2007 and includes all passenger

    carrying vehicles i.e Passenger Cars, 4WDs/SUVs, Window Vans and MPV models.

    Source : MAA

    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008






















    490 488510



    ds Passenger Car

    CV, 4WD/SUV, Windows Vans, MPV

    Passenger Vehicle

    Commercial Vehicle

    Total Industry Volume (TIV)

    Financial PerformanceThe improved market conditions during the year under review, coupled

    with PROTON’s strategic commitment to become a more resilient

    and efficient national automotive company, has resulted in a healthier

    financial performance for the Group.

    For the financial year ended 31 March 2008, the Group successfully

    recorded a profit after tax of RM185 million on the back of an improved

    revenue of RM5.6 billion. This marks a significant turnaround to

    profitability after tax compared with a loss after tax of RM590 million in

    the previous year on the back of revenue of RM4.7 billion.

    The Group’s cash and cash equivalents as at 31 March 2008 have also

    improved significantly to RM1.17 billion. This is after taking into account

    research and development (R&D) expenditure undertaken during the

    financial year, expenditure for product refreshers due later this year,

    and the new PROTON MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) currently under


    The year’s financial performance is attributable to improved sales

    volume, which increased by 27% over last year, mainly due to the

    introduction and sustained popularity of the Persona and Saga. The

    higher sales volume translated to an increase in revenue of 19% year-

    on-year. This higher demand for the Persona and Saga also generated

    a better product mix for the Group resulting in higher margins.

    In addition, the financial performance was also augmented by the

    significant increase in other operating income, including a Government

    grant in recognition of PROTON’s investments in R&D amounting to

    RM194 million.

  • 043PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

























    2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08

    Revenue Export

    This R&D grant is part of the 4th Measure of the National Automotive

    Policy (NAP) that seeks to encourage R&D activities within Malaysia,

    specifically among Malaysian-based automotive manufacturers. It is

    available to any automotive company or component manufacturer that

    meets its qualifying criteria.

    PROTON, as a national automotive company and a firm believer of

    investing for the future, has over the years invested substantial amounts

    into R&D and associated activities. In the recently concluded financial

    year alone, PROTON incurred over RM500 million in R&D projects,

    bringing the total investment in R&D to more than RM3 billion.

    Hence, this R&D grant from the Malaysian government is not only

    a recognition of the Group’s commitment to R&D but also an

    encouragement for PROTON to continue to advance R&D efforts in

    meeting the objectives of the NAP and the nation’s industrialisation


    In addition to the R&D grant, the year under review also saw the

    Group gaining the benefits of its revenue diversification programme.

    This includes the income from sale of rights for use of its intellectual

    property in its export markets, in particular, the Group’s business

    arrangement with China-based Jinhua Youngman Group, amounting

    to RM33 million.

    This commitment to R&D has enabled PROTON to develop the

    necessary capabilities to enable it to design, develop, engineer

    and manufacture its own cars. More importantly, as these cars are

    developed indigenously, PROTON retains the right to any intellectual

    property thereto. These can then be further monetised through various

    licensing arrangements.

    As PROTON moves forward and increases its catalogue of intellectual

    properties, the licensing of such assets to third parties will become

    more commonplace, thereby further enhancing the Group’s

    revenue base.

    Shipment of the first batch of the 30,000 PROTON Gen.2 units to China

    DividendsIn view of the need to ensure that PROTON is viably strengthened

    and able to achieve long-term and sustainable growth, the Board of

    Directors are not recommending the declaration of any dividends for

    the financial year ended 31 March 2008. With improved profitability in

    the future, the Board expects to once again be able to recommend a

    suitable dividend payment.

  • 044 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Corporate DevelopmentsPROTON has stayed the course with its drive towards positive change.

    In its quest to become an efficient national carmaker, PROTON has

    and will continue to embrace change, where change is required. The

    Group’s commitment is reflected not only in the improvements made

    in its products and services but also in the continued enhancement of

    the way PROTON operates its business.

    In this respect, PROTON has during the course of the year under

    review, carried out various strategic and tactical initiatives aimed at

    strengthening the foundation for future growth.

    Launch of New Products The engine of growth for any car manufacturer lies in its products.

    PROTON’s single-minded approach to renew its product line-up to meet

    the evolving needs and requirements of the buying public resulted in

    the roll-out of the Persona and subsequently the iconic Saga during the

    year under review.

    Having invested much time and effort in the three years that are

    typically required to conceive and develop new models, PROTON is

    indeed pleased to note that the response to date from car owners has

    been extremely positive, to say the least.

    DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong getting a feel of the Persona at the launch

  • 045PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    The Persona is the first to embody PROTON’s philosophy of

    manufacturing ‘the right car for the right market at the right time for

    the right price’. The Persona has received over 50,000 in bookings as

    at end July 2008.

    The Persona was followed by the unveiling of the new Saga, the

    car that remains the embodiment of Malaysia’s aspirations to be an

    internationally competitive auto manufacturer. The experience and

    lessons PROTON has garnered over the years have been embedded

    into this new model. This has translated into bookings of almost

    70,000 units within six months since its launch. It is currently the

    fastest-selling model in PROTON’s history. Both the Persona and Saga

    are also expected to contribute significantly to PROTON’s export sales

    in the very near future.

    Within the PROTON Group, Lotus Group International Limited (“Lotus”)

    has also unveiled a brand new thoroughbred that is set to take the

    world of performance cars by storm. The Lotus Evora is the first new

    Lotus model to be launched in over 13 years. Entering the market

    above the Elise, Exige and Europa, this new Lotus will be available in the

    first half of 2009 and is expected to contribute positively to the

    Lotus Group.

    The launch of the new Saga by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Malaysia

    The launch of Lotus Evora at

    the British Motor Show

  • 046 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Broadening ExportsThe export market will be key to PROTON’s continued long-term success

    as a relevant and credible auto manufacturer. Given the relatively small

    domestic market and saturated motorisation rate, it is a given that

    PROTON must look towards exports for tangible long-term growth. On

    this score, the Group will continue to be focused on the high-growth

    markets of ASEAN, China, and India, while tapping opportunities in

    various emerging markets such as Iran, Russia and Vietnam.

    During the period under review, PROTON began to make further in-

    roads within the highly competitive ASEAN automotive market by

    launching the brand in Thailand. Initial indications are that Thailand,

    despite being an open and competitive market, holds a lot of potential

    for PROTON. PROTON is confident that the company’s entry into

    the Thai automotive market will generate long-term positive results.

    Indonesia also witnessed the launch of additional PROTON models

    served by an increasing sales and service network.

    PROTON has also managed to enter the highly competitive but fast

    expanding Chinese automotive market during the period. Its Chinese

    business associate launched the Gen.2, re-badged as the Europestar,

    in January 2008.

    Development of New ProductsContinuing with the strategy of providing the market with a range of

    quality products in line with its needs, PROTON is set to unveil its

    first MPV by March 2009. Once completed, it will allow PROTON to

    showcase its ability to produce a vehicle that not only has high quality

    and safety standards, but is also able to cater to modern lifestyle

    demands, especially for the contemporary families of today.

    PROTON launch in Thailand at the Bangkok Auto Show, part of its thrust into regional markets

    A fleet of PROTON taxis ready for export to Iran

    The Persona launch in Jakarta, Indonesia

  • 047PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Rationalisation of the Vendor NetworkThe success of PROTON’s Persona and Saga is partly attributable to the

    improvements within the vendor community and their commitment

    to change and move forward with PROTON. On behalf of PROTON,

    I would like to commend the vendor community for their efforts

    and perseverance over the last few years. It is encouraging to note

    that the vendor rationalisation programme initiated in 2006 is

    progressing well.

    The rationalisation and strengthening of the vendor network will

    continue to be a major thrust going forward. This particular thrust is

    critical as it is directly correlated with PROTON’s strategic objective

    of maintaining the cost-competitiveness of its operations, as well as

    improving the overall quality of its finished products.

    Rationalisation of the Dealer NetworkPROTON’s improvement during the financial year can also be traced

    back to the efforts of the dealer community. Their tireless efforts to

    broaden the appeal of the brand among the public helped make the

    Persona and Saga extremely popular.

    Strengthening of Managerial ResourcesAs PROTON progresses, its human capital requirements, particularly

    at the managerial level, will also evolve accordingly. Given this, during

    the period under review, PROTON took the conscious step to

    strengthen its managerial resources, particularly those that are core to

    the Group’s operations.

    The Group foresees that this strengthening will be an on-going process,

    with emphasis on enhancing the talent pool of critical functions both

    from local and international sources. PROTON firmly believes that the

    steps taken to strengthen the managerial resources is a prudent long-

    term investment for the Group.

    PROTON is now carefully studying its options with respect to the India,

    Russia and Vietnam markets, which have the potential of being strong

    export markets for PROTON. However, given the complexities of these

    markets, PROTON will adopt a cautious approach before committing

    significant resources to these markets.

    PROTON is also cognisant that its ability to make further in-roads

    abroad is hinged on the Group’s ability to deliver value-for-money

    products that are of acceptable quality. Brand equity can only be

    built if the products are able to consistently meet international

    quality standards and customers’ expectations. On this score, PROTON

    will continue to strive for manufacturing excellence and continuous

    quality improvements.

    The dealer rationalisation programme played a significant role in

    breathing new impetus among the dealer community by ensuring they

    are financially more resilient and operationally more flexible.

    However, there is room for further improvement. Moving forward,

    PROTON would like to see the dealer community significantly improve

    its service levels to rival that of other more established brands. PROTON

    firmly believes that improvement of the level of service among dealers

    can help strengthen the brand image of PROTON in the long run.

    Strategic Initiatives Moving Forward PROTON’s positive financial performance for the year ended 31 March

    2008 is a clear reflection of the power of perseverance, as well as

    the need to continuously change, refocus one’s priorities and adapt to

    changing situations.

    As the Group progresses deeper into the new financial year,

    PROTON aims to maintain its forward momentum by zeroing in on

    continuous enhancements in selected critical areas that are in line with its

    overall strategy.

  • 048 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Products Catering to Demand

    In the company’s Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 March

    2006, PROTON had articulated its philosophy of producing ‘the right

    car for the right market at the right price and at the right time’. It is

    encouraging to note that this philosophy is slowly but surely,

    becoming entrenched in the culture of the company. This philosophy

    was instrumental in the development of the Persona and Saga. Going

    forward, PROTON will continue to ensure future products continue to

    adhere to this philosophy.

    By focusing on delivering products that offer value to consumers, be

    it in terms of quality, cost, features or customer service, PROTON will

    position itself as a brand that meets the needs of consumers during

    these times, when only the strong and agile will remain relevant. As

    such, the key thrust for the coming financial year will be to continue to

    introduce new products along the lines of PROTON’s adopted product


    There is also now significant demand for cars that are fuel efficient

    to compensate for the rising price of petrol. Given this development,

    PROTON is focussing efforts to ensure its future products can meet, if

    not surpass this expectation. In the meantime, PROTON will introduce

    Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) variants based on the existing product

    line-up. The Group is keen to meet the needs of a market that has

    been impacted by the soaring fuel price given that PROTON NGVs can

    provide a cost effective and environmentally-friendlier alternative.

    PROTON will also continue to explore and cooperate with technology

    providers to develop other alternative fuel vehicles that can enable it to

    produce fuel-efficient products.

    On the same note, the Group is indeed excited about the Government’s

    call for PROTON to explore standardising taxis throughout the country.

    Under the plan mooted by the Malaysian Government, existing taxis

    comprising different makes and models will gradually be phased out

    and replaced with a standard model that would also be fitted with

    a fuel-saving device as well as the NGV option. PROTON is currently

    studying this request further given the extensive R&D required to design

    and produce these taxis.

    Sales Volume: Increasing

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1



    1619 23











    Q2 Q3 Q4

    33 36












    2006/2007 2007/2008





    Crash test facilities at PROTON are used to improve product safety

  • 049PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement

    Emphasis on Product SafetyThe Persona and Saga are clear indications that PROTON continues

    to emphasise safety. Airbags, Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) and

    Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) are now features that are available

    in PROTON’s product line-up. Our current products also meet the

    NCAP 3 safety rating.

    As an automaker that places emphasis on safety, PROTON supports

    any move to improve product safety. Hence, PROTON welcomes the

    Government’s initiative to mandate the usage of rear seatbelts. For its

    part, PROTON has committed to retrofit rear seatbealts in all its older

    cars for free.

    Moving forward, these items will be made standard features. PROTON

    intends to incorporate side and curtain airbags as standard items by

    2012 as an added safety measure. PROTON also intends to ensure that

    all its products meet the NCAP 4 safety rating in the near future.

    Continuous Improvement in Product QualityThe quality of PROTON’s current product range has improved

    significantly since the company first made its commitment to improve

    product quality. However, PROTON believes that there remains room

    Efficient Cost ManagementGiven the challenges faced by car manufacturers today, particularly the

    rising cost of doing business, it has become all the more important that

    the Group concentrates on efficient cost management while remaining

    steadfast in its management of vendors to ensure efficient and effective

    procurement initiatives. PROTON will examine all elements of its cost

    structure in order for the Group to operate effectively and efficiently.

    Through this planned, timely and integrated approach, PROTON will

    stay its course towards improving itself. However, it must be noted

    that for the Group to move forward, there must be a quantum leap in

    improvement and not just an incremental approach. PROTON and GIATMARA come together for the advancement of automotive training

    Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Bin Mohd Yassin, Minister of International Trade and Industry, during his visit to the Shah Alam plant

    for improvement and has set an internal target of product quality that

    is at least comparable to the other popular brands within the same

    class and segment. This particular thrust will take some time, but

    incremental results can already be seen in the current product range.

    In due course, PROTON firmly believes that it will be able to match if

    not surpass the level of quality of comparative products being offered

    by its competitors.

  • 050 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• chairman’s statement


    The fast-changing global automotive landscape demands that players

    collaborate to gain further economies of scale and hasten the speed of

    development. Those that choose to remain independent must have the

    reach, resources and scale to secure growth. Alternatively, participants

    can choose to build multiple mutually beneficial alliances.

    PROTON as a company fully realises that it needs to keep up with

    industry changes to meet the challenges of the present and the future;

    in the areas of what it does, how it does it and where it does it. It

    is recognised that although PROTON can substantially proceed on its

    own, the company can utilise its limited resources more efficiently

    via collaborations and alliances. Collaborations and alliances can help

    PROTON achieve the desired end-state in a faster, more cost-effective

    and more efficient manner.

    In view of this realisation, PROTON has opted to adopt mutually

    beneficial collaborations that are specific to its strategic and operational

    needs, be it from a product perspective or for the purpose of

    market entry. The period under review witnessed the use of

    collaborations to facilitate PROTON’s entry into the Chinese and Thai

    automotive markets. These relationships have allowed PROTON to

    tap into the infrastructural strengths of the partners with PROTON

    reciprocating with products, technology and know-how.

    Although both these collaborations are still in their infancy, it has

    provided PROTON with valuable insight that will be useful in the future.

    Given this, PROTON will continue to pursue this strategy of multiple

    collaborations for specific needs and purposes going forward.

    ProspectsPROTON’s results for this financial calendar are clear indications that the

    Group has progressed and is moving in the right direction. Nonetheless,

    the road ahead is still fraught with a multitude of challenges, even more

    so now, than ever. The effects of the significant fuel hike in June 2008

    have yet to fully manifest itself throughout the economy. However,

    with the rising cost of living impacting the buying public’s disposable

    income, the Group expects the resurgence of the local automotive

    sector to experience a slight dampening in the short term.

    PROTON is a strong brand domestically, that we have continued

    to nurture. PROTON will build on its strength and look outward for

    continued growth. There are tangible and significant “low hanging

    fruits” in selected regions, where PROTON can leverage on its skills-set,

    expertise and experience to make further in-roads that will positively

    impact top-line and bottom-line growth for the Group.

    In this respect, the Group has identified key thrusts to succeed globally,

    which include focusing on high-growth regional markets, moving

    towards market-driven product development for these markets, while

    striving to achieve economies of scale.

    With the planned and integrated strategies in place and with

    well–timed execution of these plans, PROTON firmly believes this will

    enhance long–term shareholder value.

  • 051PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    AcknowledgementOn behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to convey our sincere

    appreciation to PROTON’s Management, staff and employees, at all

    levels and across the various functions, both domestic and


    The Board is indeed appreciative of the perseverance and dedication

    shown by the PROTON fraternity throughout the challenging period

    of the last few years. It is my hope that all those connected with

    PROTON will continue to work as one, to ensure the Group’s

    continued success, as it moves forward.

    My sincerest appreciation also goes out to our Board of Directors

    for their vision and commitment to guide PROTON in achieving its

    strategic objectives. On behalf of the PROTON Group, I would like to

    convey my sincerest appreciation to Dato’ Mohd Izzaddin Bin Idris,

    Dato’ Ahmad Bin Haji Hashim and En Mohammad Zainal Bin Shaari

    who have resigned from the Board, for their services and contribution

    to the Group over the years. We are also pleased to welcome Datuk

    Zalekha Binti Hassan as the newest member of the Board.

    As always, we are grateful for the support shown by our partners –

    PROTON’s vendors and suppliers as well as our distribution and

    sales teams.

    To our ever-growing customer base, we would like to express our

    deepest appreciation to all customers who have supported our

    products and entrusted us with their confidence. We are determined

    to close the gap in product and service quality to become a brand

    any car owner will truly be proud of.

    PROTON Group and the automotive industry could not have

    progressed over this last year if not for the guidance and

    determination of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri

    Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi and the Malaysian Government

    through its various ministries and agencies. The success PROTON

    has attained is also the result of the energy and drive of this major

    stakeholder. Our utmost gratitude and sincerest appreciation to YAB

    Dato’ Seri and the Government.

    And most certainly our shareholders deserve much praise for

    continuing to remain with us throughout the challenges and

    difficulties encountered. I thank you for this support and we would

    like to assure everyone that we will continue to strive ahead to

    enhance shareholder value for the long term.

    Thank you.

    Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim


    • chairman’s statement

    From a holistic and realistic perspective, it will clearly take time,

    significant effort and continued support from all stakeholders for

    PROTON to achieve what it has set out to accomplish. The task is not

    insurmountable if everyone in PROTON, from the Board to Management

    to our employees, along with the support of the vendor community

    and dealers work together to take the Group to greater heights.

  • 052 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

  • 053PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    “ Our customers define who we are and what we evolve

    into. ” PROTON’s Managing

    Director flanked by

    loyal customers

    during Customer

    Day at the PROTON

    Centre of Excellence.

  • 054 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir

    Managing Director

  • 055PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    “ In essence, PROTON aspires to become a regionally competitive automotive company, creating value by earning customers’ trust through the quality and innovation of our products and people. ”

    OverviewOur improved performance for the year under review was the result of us achieving our

    short-term objectives and targets, which are themselves stepping stones towards reaching

    our long-term goals.

    As highlighted in the previous annual report, PROTON’s focus for our 2008 financial year

    would be in the core areas of product, quality, cost efficiency and distribution network. We

    have been consistent in this strategy during the year under review and this has reaped

    positive results for the Group.

    It is vital that all levels of the Group are committed to working hand-in-hand to further

    enhance our operations, processes, value and quality to enable PROTON to make greater

    strides, and thereby grow from strength to strength in the years to come.

    As I review the previous financial year, PROTON has demonstrated to its stakeholders

    its ability to transform into a viable and profitable automotive company in spite of our

    numerous challenges. To ensure that we are able to sustain the improved results, we must

    stay focused in our pursuit of global standards of excellence in all areas of our business.

    While we have indeed achieved notable progress, there is still plenty of room for

    improvement as PROTON intends to become a world-class car manufacturer. To enable

    this vision to become a reality, we will continue to drive initiatives that will enhance the

    quality of our products and services domestically and regionally.

  • 056 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    ProductThe importance of ensuring we have a strong product portfolio is all the

    more crucial as it has a pivotal impact on our turnaround plans. This is

    reinforced by our winning strategy of introducing ‘the right car, for the

    right market, at the right price and at the right time’.

    This strategy was reflected in our newly introduced Persona and Saga

    models, with the latter powered by the new CamPro IAFM engine

    during the year under review and suffice to note, these two models are

    performing tremendously well in the market to date.

    Furthermore, we have continued to update and refresh our existing

    product lines to entice and attract customers. The re-energised

    Waja and Gen.2, with their new look and powerful CamPro CPS

    engine, and the economical Savvy re-designed to give better value

    • managing director’s review

    proposition to the buyers of the Savvy Lite, have successfully managed

    to excite car consumers in Malaysia during the year under review.

    Staying on course, PROTON will be launching our first MPV in

    early 2009, further solidifying our product line-up to include a high

    quality multi-purpose vehicle that can cater to the family-oriented

    contemporary lifestyle. Other exciting offerings are also in the pipeline

    with replacements for the Waja and iconic Perdana on the drawing board.

    To sustain this positive momentum, we will continue our research and

    development (R&D) efforts and comprehensive market surveys to

    gain a deeper understanding of the needs of our customer base. By

    harnessing the right technology and keeping our finger on the pulse of

    customers’ requirements, we truly believe that this will bring us closer

    to achieving our goals of a dynamic product portfolio.

    The Managing Director inspecting

    the production line during the

    Quality Campaign

  • 057PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    QualityAs always, quality control remains a focus area for PROTON in every

    stage from design and production to sales, distribution and after-sales

    service and throughout the whole value chain from our vendors to

    our dealers. We remain committed to ensuring that our products and

    services meet global standards and exceed customer expectations.

    Over the years, there have been noticeable and meaningful

    improvements in the quality of our vehicles as evidenced by the

    reduction in customer concerns. When the Savvy was launched in

    2005, there were 1.28 concerns per car for the first three months from

    the start of production. However, the number of concerns per car had

    significantly reduced to 0.49 when we introduced the Saga in 2008.

    This clearly shows that the various strategies and initiatives we have put

    in place, from the introduction of a new Warranty Policy (which was last

    updated in 1993), Customer Delivery Policy, Voice of Customer (VOC)

    feedback to raising Pre-Delivery Inspection standards to manufacturer’s

    requirements, implementation of the Quality Improvement Committee

    framework and our emphasis on prevention rather than detection,

    among others, are coming to fruition.

    • managing director’s review

    We have also made it a priority to deliver excellent after-sales service

    as it has been proven to have a huge impact on our long-term brand

    equity. The PROTON i.CARE customer service programme is an

    extension of our promise to customers that they can rely on quality in

    every aspect of our business.

    We strongly believe that the customer’s experience with PROTON does

    not end with the customer driving our product out of the showroom. By

    ensuring that our customers have a great experience throughout their

    usage of our products, we are able to build PROTON’s brand equity in

    such a way that we can scale-up when satisfied customers return to

    purchase more of our products.

    Our product quality is also dependent on our partners. Hence, in

    February 2008, PROTON and the National Productivity Corporation

    (NPC), now Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC), signed a

    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate in managing

    vendor development. The MOU is a crucial development to enhance

    the nation’s automotive eco-system.

    The Managing Director inspecting

    the production line during the

    Quality Campaign

    Signing ceremony between PROTON and NPC to enhance

    management of vendor development

  • 058 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    Distribution NetworkAs a pro-active measure we have carried out a sales network

    consolidation exercise with the primary purpose of reinforcing our sales

    distribution network and creating value for worthy distributors.

    During the year under review, we reduced our number of outlets by

    24% to 302 outlets compared with 397 outlets a year ago. We plan

    to continue with this exercise in the current financial year as we aim to

    reduce our total outlets to 250.

    Cost EfficiencyTowards this end, the year under review saw PROTON making tangible

    and significant headway in increasing component standardisation and

    carryover between its models. By value, the Persona/Gen.2 carryover

    is about 75%, whilst the Saga/Savvy carryover is approximately 40%.

    Moving forward, we expect to continue this best practice in the

    development of future models.

    With more and more of our products sharing similar parts, we would

    be able to build synergies within our manufacturing processes that

    improve quality management while consolidating inventory levels via

    Overall, our efforts towards quality improvement have resulted in

    PROTON being recognised as the most improved automotive company

    in the J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2007 Malaysia Customer Satisfaction Index

    (CSI) Study released end July 2007. This recognition will undoubtedly

    galvanise the Group to leverage on our success thus far to strive

    towards building an automotive brand that is known globally for its

    reliability and quality.

    a more efficient procurement process. At the end, we are able to price

    our cars competitively to capture a larger market share.

    This strategy has been employed by leading car manufacturers the

    world over and it has been one of the core focuses of the PROTON

    Group over the last few years.

    Given the positive strides we have made to date, we are confident

    that our goal to strengthen commonality will have significant benefits

    in terms of cost reduction and improvement in operational efficiency,

    thus, positioning us as a viable automaker in the region.

    The Managing Director addressing the team on the Business Turnaround Plan Kick-Start Programme

  • 059PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    Vendor BaseApart from strengthening our dealership network, we invested an

    equal amount of energy and time into strengthening our vendor

    base through rationalisation, tiering and consolidation exercises. Our

    initiatives saw a decrease in the number of our direct vendors from

    260 in the 2006 financial year to 200 in the year under review which

    represents a reduction of 23%. What this effectively means is that

    PROTON now has a stronger, more structured and manageable direct

    vendor network which is ably supported by a second tier network by

    virtue of the tiering system.

    PROTON is clearly committed to enhancing efficiencies within our

    distribution network. In tandem with our rationalisation exercise, we

    have introduced a culture of meritocracy amongst our distributors.

    Only the performers will be rewarded. We are pleased to note that

    this strategy is yielding positive results as the average monthly sales for

    each outlet has risen by almost fifty percent from the fourth quarter of

    2007 against the corresponding quarter in 2008.

    We are fully aware that our vendors are key partners as they play a key

    role in ensuring the continued success of PROTON. To this end, we

    increased vendor participation in the various aspects of production of

    PROTON cars such as design, quality and cost management, which was

    further supplemented with training.

    Signing ceremony for distributorship

    agreement in Bangkok

    The Managing Director receiving the ‘Best Model of the Year’ award for the

    Persona from Frost & Sullivan

  • 060 PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    Moving ForwardHaving achieved an improved performance during the period under

    review, this has set the pace for us to create the momentum to achieve

    tangible results. We are aware that we are facing a period of uncertainty

    which is plagued by external factors and internal considerations. We are

    also confident that we will rise to the occasion as we have over the last

    couple of years.

    With our plans in place, it is only a matter of execution. We have

    committed ourselves to delivering meaningful results in the areas of

    product refreshment and technology advancement under the area

    of engineering.

    In the domestic market, we will continue to build market share.

    On-going enhancements and consolidation of our dealer networks will

    also be fundamental in achieving this thrust, while customers can look

    forward to exciting marketing campaigns for the Saga, Persona, Neo

    and Waja models.

    Directing our attention to the international arena, we will intensify

    our export programme and improve logistics. Diversifying our market

    segments is particularly crucial to ensure we are not solely reliant on the

    domestic market. On this note, we will be launching new programmes

    regionally, specifically in ASEAN, China, India and the Middle East.

    In essence, we aim to design value-for-money cars that meet target

    market needs through smart partnerships with local partners in the

    respective target markets.

    PROTON will also move towards market-driven product development

    and adopt a high value proposition strategy by making ‘the right car for

    the right market at the right time and price’.

    Towards achieving economies of scale, PROTON will maximise

    localisation to reduce cost and, where a certain level of scale is achieved

    and commercially viable, there is potential for production hubs to be

    established in the respective targeted high-growth markets, translating

    to cost competitiveness and complementation of key components.

    The new Saga is flagged-off

    The Managing Director at the launch of the face-lift Gen.2

  • 061PROTON 2008 Annual Report• managing director’s review

    In essence, PROTON aspires to become a regionally competitive

    automotive company, creating value by earning customers’ trust

    through the quality and innovation of our products and people.

    We will:

    • move towards a customer-focused, value-for-money product

    development approach;

    • customise marketing and distribution by working with local


    • collaborate to build economies of scale for cost efficiencies;

    • seek partners for joint development and acquisition of technology;


    • invest in people to build a culture of performance, innovation

    and teamwork.

    We will also strive for manufacturing excellence and continuous

    quality improvements with the implementation of various processes

    and initiatives such as QIT, ICC and Kaizen. Last but not least, we will

    continue our cost reduction initiatives and vendor rationalisation plans

    to become a more dynamic and competitive car manufacturer.

    Dato’ Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B Syed Mohamed Tahir

    Managing Director

    On the whole, PROTON will leave no stone unturned in our vision to

    strengthen our brand equity within the local and regional arena. With

    our expanded product range, improved quality and value-for-money

    product positioning, we are confident that PROTON will continue to

    capture the hearts and imagination of our customers.

    Towards this end, I present to you our Operations Review that

    showcases the core components that form the brand.

    Thank you.

    PROTON continues to support the advancement of A1 in Malaysia

  • 062 PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Engineering Services

    • operations review

    In the year under review, the Group’s engineering capabilities remained the core focus point

    for continuous improvement in line with our thrust to become a world-class and regionally

    competitive automotive company.

    In addition to developing new models and enhancing our existing product line-up to

    cater to the needs of the market, our engineering abilities were geared towards technology

    advancement via consistent and progressive research and development as well as technical


  • 063PROTON 2008 Annual Report

    Product DevelopmentWith robust product planning, we were able to introduce both new

    and improved PROTON cars in the year under review, marked by the

    successful launch of the Persona in August 2007, followed closely by

    the unveiling of the new Saga in January 2008.


    The Saga is currently the longest-surviving and most popular model

    introduced by the Group to date, which is why, the development

    of the brand new Saga was such a landmark project for the

    PROTON family.

    Our enthusiasm was clearly reflected in the fact that this

    project was completed in a record-breaking 17 months from

    conceptualisation to manufacturing, thus achieving, if not, surpassing

    all our targets. Equally important, is how we managed to surpass our

    customers’ expectations, as evidenced by the overwhelming response

    in sales since the car was launched.

    Given that a significant amount of planning and effort were invested

    in the new Saga’s development, we are pleased that this model has

    turned out to be the biggest seller in PROTON’s history to date.


    The Persona was launched amidst challenging market conditions

    that improved progressively. While the model is based on a Gen.2

    platform, it is important to note that the car was designed to be more

    family-oriented than the sportier Gen.2, while at the same time,

    retaining a stylish and contemporary appearance. With a brand new

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