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    E-learningProject 2

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    ect 2The blended learning students are responsible for studying and familiarizing the cour-se contents themselves, in their own time: watching the videos, completing the wor-kbook exercises, posting on the wall, learning the E-vocabulary, etc. The activities, videos and goals and homework tasks have been devised to allow the student to practice and improve all four abilities that are indispensable when learning of a new

    language i.e. listening, reading, writing and finally, speaking (which will be the focus of the weekly virtual or actual classes). In addition, the student will benefit from lan-guage reinforcement in the form of corresponding vocabulary exercises and grammar review activities.The weekly virtual or actual classes are their opportunity to interact directly with the teacher and, in some circumstances, fellow students. These classes have been de-vised to help the students perfect their speaking and pronunciation through direct contact with their tutor.The objective and contents of these classes have been defined and designed taking into account the students needs when practicing speaking, i.e. the activities corres-pond to the grammatical and cultural topics seen in the explanatory and virtual ses-sion videos. It is essential that the students comply with the weekly programme and complete the daily goals as they form the basis of the class. Although other additional complementary material will also be used, failure to comply with the assigned goals and written and speaking tasks will be to the students detriment.If the student is experiencing difficulty understanding or using the grammatical or cultural topics covered in the videos, the teacher will go over these again with them in the allotted time given in the class in order to answer any questions or solve any difficulties they may be experiencing.

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    Ingeniera MillyResaltado

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    Erika Erika

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    Jenny Video 32Erika Jenny

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    Grgory Grgory Video 34Freddy

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    Video 1

    Video 11

    Arthur Daley: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to share a secret that should not be a secret. I am here to offer you the key to the door behind which lies all the riches of Eldorado. The secret is the secret of success. If I offered it to a king, hed give me a ransom. If I offered it to a queen shed give me a princess. Its the secret in three simple rules. Rule one: your work is your life and your life is your work.

    Never listen to these whinging fools who tell you that you must separate work from life if you want to be happy. This is ********. Rule two: successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people dont want to do. Dont want to work all day? Do it. Dont want to take risks? Take them. Instead of asking a successful person what they would do, why not ask an unsuccessful person what they would do, and do the opposite, of course. Theyre rigid, you need to be flexible. Rule three: you must be thankful for your success every day. You must be pleased by success above everything else. If youre not grateful for the success, you might waste it. Ok. There are three simple rules my friends. Now go out, into the world, and be successful.

    Presenter: Hello and welcome to Test Your Intelligence. Five questions, five answers. How intelligent are you? Ready to begin? Number one. If James is 24 and three times Emilys age, how old will James be when hes twice Emilys age? A: 28. B: 30. C: 32. D: 34. Question two. Which of these is least like the others? A: T. B: E. C: F. D: M. Question three, which of these is least like the others? A: carrot. B: apple. C: tomato. D: onion. Question number four. If two trains are travelling towards each other, train A at 40 kilometers per hour and train B at 50 kilometers per hour and the two trains were originally 900 kilometers apart, how long until they meet? A: 6 hours. B: 5 hours. C: 10 hours. D: 12 hours. Question number five. Which is the least like the others?A: EJ. B: CF. C: AB. D: DF. Good luck, youll need it.

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    Video 14

    Interviewer: Hello and welcome to our weekly section on interesting jobs. Right, so lets welcome this weeks guest James Stubbs. Hello James.

    Interviewee: Hello!

    Interviewer: So, you have quite an unusual job, tell us about it.

    Interviewee: Well, people seem to think its strange but it seems very normal to me. I write personality tests, all kinds of personality tests, from trivial ones that assign a colour to someones personality to more serious ones, testing peoples suitability for certain jobs.

    Interviewer: So, are you a psychologist? Have you had a lot of training to do this?

    Interviewee: Ha! No, really, it, its not necessary. There is obviously a certain formula that I stick to every time, but its no more academic than that.

    Interviewer: So tell us about that, you make it sound so simple.

    Interviewee: It is! Its very simple. I fact, I think in a few short steps, you could do it yourself.

    Interviewer: Well, Im always ready for a challenge. Whats first?

    Interviewee: The title. The title of the quiz is the most important thing.

    Interviewer: Ok.

    Interviewee: The title is the question and youre trying to establish the answer to this question. So, for example, you wanted ascertain which colour best describes someones personality. Then, you would start with the question: what colour are you?

    Interviewer: Ah, I see.

    Interviewee:You could then have five possible conclusions to the quiz. Say, green, purple, red, orange and brown. Each one of these representing a personality type. You should define personality types before writing the questions, and the questions will determine which of the personality types someone is.

    Interviewer: And how do you go about choosing the questions?

    Interviewee: Well, I would choose ten to twelve questions. For each question there should be an answer, A, B, C, D or E, and this answer suggests one of the personality types.

    Interviewer: And I suppose the wording of the questions are very important as well as other things

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    Video 20

    Anna:Hello and welcome to the big question this week the debate centres around the question: do personality tests really tell us anything? Today we are with two AC Canada experts to debate on the issue.

    Ffion:Look they cant tell us anything because you cant measure personality traits. People like to give names to everything and of course this is essential in establishing a language. People like to talk about things like intelligence, like confidence but really peoples personalities are made up 9of a complex mix of chemical reactions and life experiences and of course it is impossible to divide a persons personality into parts and even more impossible to measure these parts.

    James:I cant agree, when I walk around the world everyday I see people and some people are intelligent, some people are kind, some people have other personality traits. I can also see the amounts in which people have them. Some people are very intelligent, some people incredibly kind, some people only a little kind. So if we can see the personality traits and we can see the amounts we can measure them.

    Ffion: But look even if we can measure these personality traits, what does this tell us in reality? Does it tell us whether somebody is suitable for a certain job or if were going to be successful in life, and what determines success? We like to believe this is down to certain positive personality traits but in reality it comes down to numerous factors not all of which are internal. Luck, for example, plays a large part in someones success.

    James: No, no, no look take three successful people Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Donald Trump. Theyre all risk takers, theyre all intelligent and theyre all hardworking. So they all share these things. Look for these things and you find people who are more likely to be successful.

    Ffion: All I know is that I dont need a personality test to tell me that you sir are as stubborn as a mule.

    Video 24

    Coach: Right then, you guys are all winners. Just do what comes naturally. You know youre good and you deserve to be here. So, dont waste the opportunities that are in front of you. Go out there and succeed. When you are born to success, as you are, the thing to do is to embrace it and to invite it into every part of your lives. Do not, however, allow your confidence to make you complacent. Remember, in life, nothing is guaranteed, and so you must give it your best and play to your potential. Dont let a moment pass without taking from that moment everything that you can. Right, lets go!

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    Video 28 (james)

    Video 28 (ffion)

    James: I am going to continue shouting until you are silent. Anyway, I dont know why you introduced this subject. You invent these disagreements and then expect me to be calm. For example yesterday when you were behaving badly because of the number of people I invited to the flat. You never stop defending your opinion and to be honest after a while I just want to leave for ever or scream. And one more thing, stop criticizing me it really annoys me.

    Ffion: I am going to carry on until you are silent. Anyway I dont know why you brought up this subject. You make up these disagreements and then expect me to be calm. For example yesterday when you were acting up because of the number of people I asked over to the flat. You never back down and to be honest after a while I just want to run away or shout out. And one more thing stop running me down it really winds me up.

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    Video 29

    Officer: So sergeant, I really do hope you have a description of this thief for me.

    Sergeant: Oh yes sir. I think we can be very confident about getting our man.

    Officer: Excellent, lets hear it.

    Sergeant: This is our man he is around 30 -40 years old and he could be German but he might be Swiss. He will speak German but wont speak French. I would say he was from somewhere near the border. He may have a tattoo but has no piercings and you will notice a scar his right cheek. He should have a dog with at all times but wont have a cat. He will certainly be without a parrot.

    Officer: Well that doesnt seem like too much information well never find this beast.

    Sergeant: We know that he certainly has short hair which may be brown.

    Officer: No still not enough. In fact I really do worry about your ability to catch this clown.

    Sergeant: I also have photos of three suspects.

    Officer: Now we are getting somewhere where are they?

    Video 31

    James: Hello my names James Stubbs and Im from AC Canada and Im welcoming you back to Express Yourself. Today were talking again about success. Can you tell me what do you think are the main reasons people are successful?

    Erika: The reasons are because they work hard and study hard and chase their dream.

    James: OK what do you think are the main reasons people fail to be successful.

    Erika: I dont know I guess because they get lazy and they dont continue with their dreams.

    James: Know tell me is success important for you and why?

    Erika: Yes success is very, very important for everyone not matter what kind of success they are looking for.

    James: OK and the final question. Thinking about your own success, what do you intend to do to

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    Video 32

    achieve success?

    Erika: I intend to work hard and study hard to become a successful person.

    James: Thank you very much for your answers and thank you for watching. I will see you next time for more express yourself. Good bye.

    Ffion: Hello and welcome back to Express Yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from AC Canada and this time we are joined by the lovely Yenny. Hello Yenny.

    Yenny: Hello

    Ffion: How are you?

    Yenny: Fine and you?

    Ffion: Good thank youto talk about success. Ready for question one?

    Yenny: I think so.

    Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for peoples success?

    Yenny: Well I think that the main reason is to feel confident about itself. If I feel confident about my skills and abilities about all I know er it will be project and it will be success for other people.

    Ffion: OK and in contrast what do you think is the reason for people failing to achieve success.

    Yenny: Mmm, I think that if people just care of what other people think is success or what other people consider being success. So you are going to be, if all the time you are thinking of what, what everybodys thinking, thinking about so you are going to fail.

    Ffion: OK

    Yenny: I think that is the main reason to fail.

    Ffion: OK

    Yenny: And, er, taking into account what I answered before. If you dont feel confident so this is you are going to fail.

    Ffion: OK, so thats key?

    Yenny: Yes

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    Ffion: OK and more personally. Is success important to you?

    Yenny:Mmm, well for me the most important is to be happy. OK maybe its a stereotype

    Ffion: A stereotype?

    Yenny: Yes I want to be happy be happy but really for me if I am happy in my personal life, my professional life, er, that is success for me.

    Ffion: That is success?

    Yenny: Yeah that is important. If for someone else, er, to be happy in personal life and all of that is success so yeah its important.

    Ffion: OK, and what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Yenny: What I intend to do? Well the most important is I have some goals established. Yes, erm, so I try everyday, everyday to achieve these goals. This is myto be success.

    Ffion: OK, fantastic. Thank you very much Yenny. Thats it for this video. Join me in the next video for some more interviews on success. Good bye.

    Yenny: Good bye.

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    Video 33

    Ffion: Hello! And welcome back to Express Yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from ACCanada. In this video were going to be asking our volunteer Freddy all about success. Ready?

    Freddy: Ready.

    Ffion: Ok, so what do you think is the main reason for success?

    Freddy: I think its a combination of different aspects. Sometimes is good luck, sometimes is commitment, sometimes is just having the right opportunities at the right time.

    Ffion: Ok, and in contrast, what would you say was the main reason for people failing to be successful?

    Freddy: Ok. Maybe, er, bad luck or just not having these opportunities at the right time.

    Ffion: Ok, and is success important to you personally?

    Freddy: Yes, I think that depends on how you define success. But, er, I think that if you dont have goals, something in, to succeed in, your life will be boring.

    Ffion: Ok, interesting, and what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Freddy: I think, er, I really need to be more responsible to, er, better, I dont know, to organize my time and my schedule in a better way because sometimes I have a lot of things to do and not enough time.

    Ffion: Ah, ok. Thank you very much Freddy.

    Freddy: Ok.

    Ffion: Thats it for this video. Join us in the next one where more people are going to be sharing their opinions. Bye for now!

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    Video 34

    Ffion: Hello and welcome back to week two of our fantastic new programme Express Yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from AC Canada. In this programme our lovely participant Grgory is going to join us to talk about success. Hello Grgory.

    Grgory: Hello Ffion how are you.

    Ffion: Im fine thank you. Yourself?

    Gregory: Pretty good.

    Ffion: Ready for question one?

    Gregory: Ready, lets go.

    Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for success?

    Gregory: For me the main reason is to be self confident, believe in yourself.

    Ffion: Ok and, and in contrast what do you think is the main reason for failure to be successful?

    Grgory: Probably the main reason to fail is, well, not to believe totally in yourself or maybe do some-thing stupid.

    Ffion: OK interesting, and more personally is success important to you?

    Grgory: Yes its really important for me because with success, success enjoy your life. You success do your life happier.

    Ffion: OK. And what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Grgory: Well ought to put all the possibilities in your sights. For example, Ive always been dreaming for coming here in South America and the first things I can do is buy a ticket.

    Ffion: And her you are, simple as that.

    Grgory: yeah, yeah

    Ffion: Fantastic, thank you very much Grgory. Thats it for this video. Join us for the next video where well be interviewing more people.

    Gregory: Bye

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    Video 35

    Ffion: Hello and welcome back to AC Canada and this exciting new programme with me Ffion Sleeman. Today we are joined by Javier again. Hello Javi.

    Javier: Hello

    Ffion: This time to talk about success. Question one, what do you think is the secret of success?

    Javier: The secret of success, I can say that is when you accomplish your goals and also when you realize that you have done many things in life that make you feel happy.

    Ffion: OK.

    Javier: And also that you find stability of your life in terms of money, in terms of happiness, in terms of and for example, erm, dreams like stability of your life.

    Ffion: Accomplishing your dreams.

    Javier: Accomplishing your dreams.

    Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for people failing to achieve success?

    Javier: Erm, I can say that its the contrary like, erm, when people realize that they have not accomplished dreams and that they dont have recognition of other people and family and like partners friends, colleagues. So they realize that, OK now what I do with my life? So they ask that question probably they realize that theyve failed and they dont have success, they are not successful.

    Ffion: OK, good, and more personally is success important for you?

    Javier: You know I think there are different types of success. I can say that, but of course because, as I already said we like that. I recognize you and tell you that you have done a good job, you have lived your life, like, in a good way or something like that. So, of course, is something that encourage you or motivate you to continue doing more things in life.

    Ffion: And to finish, what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Javi:The idea is to have like a future, a planned future

    Ffion: Mhmm.

    Javier: Like a family future, work future many things planned and that like every day we are going to get, er, thinking about that and I have to work hard in order to accomplish those dreams and those goals that you already planned or you are thinking of.

    Ffion: OK fantastic! Thank you very much Javi. Thats it for this video. Join me in the next video for more interesting interviews.

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    Video 36

    Ffion: Hello and welcome back to Express Yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from ACCanada. Today in this video were going to be joined by our lovely participant John. Hello John.

    John: Hello Ffion.

    Ffion: How are you?

    John: Fine, thank you.

    Ffion: Ready for question one on success?

    John: Yes!

    Ffion: Ok, right, so first of all, what do you think is the secret to success?

    John: The secret of success is, er, not to care about what the obstacles are and to fight really hard to get your dreams.

    Ffion: Ok, and what do you think, in contrast, is the main reason for people failing to be successful?

    John: I think that the main obstacle to get success is to care about all your dreams, so you have to care to, to care about your own dreams, you know? To worry about other peoples issues, just you.

    Ffion: Ok. Very interesting. And, more personally, is success important to you?

    John: Yes, of course because its the main reason of life to be successful, but it depends on your, er, your meaning of success. For some people it could be to be rich, for other people its to have a big family.

    Ffion: Ok, and what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    John: I work really hard and I spend my free time getting my dreams and I dont, er, I dont care about all the dreams but what I can do to get it.

    Ffion: Ok, fantastic! A very interesting opinion there from John. Right, thats it for this video, join me in the next for some more interesting interviews. Bye for now.

    John: Bye!

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    Video 37

    James: Hello my name is James Stubbs from AC Canada and welcome back to Express Yourself today the interview is about success. So the first question. What do you think is the main reason for peoples success?

    Paola: I think, erm, its discipline because it allow people to get all objectives that they want.

    James: And what do you think is the main reason for people failing to be successful.

    Paola: I think its, erm, people who are lazy because they dont try to get, erm, I dont know get a job or study or something that could be, be important for them.

    James: OK, Is success important to you and why?

    Paola: Well I think it could be different depending on the person because there are many kinds of success for example academic success, er, work at work, or I dont know in life. So I dont know it.I think that people want, er, more and more things so success is not a real thing for me.

    James: OK, erm, thinking about success in your own life, so. What do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Paola: So I will try to, to be disciplined in my job for example working hard for my enterprise and for my personal life and thats all.

    James: OK well thank you very much and thank you for watching. I will see you next time. Good bye.

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    Video 12

    Video 2 Video 2

    Video 12

    Secret to success

    Arthur Daley: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to share a secret that should not be a secret. I am here to offer you the key to the door behind which lies all the riches of Eldorado. The secret is the secret of success. If I offered it to a king, hed give me a ransom. If I offered it to a queen shed give me a princess. Its the secret in three simple rules. Rule one: your work is your life and your life is your work. Never listen to these whingeing fools who tell you that you must separate work from life if you want to be happy. This is ********. Rule two: successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people dont want to do. Dont want to work all day? Do it. Dont want to take risks? Take them. Instead of asking a successful person what they would do, why not ask an unsuccessful person what they would do, and do the opposite, of course. Theyre rigid, you need to be flexible. Rule three: you must be thankful for your success every day. You must be pleased by success above everything else. If youre not grateful for the success, you might waste it. Ok. There are three simple rules my friends. Now go out, into the world, and be successful.

    Intelligence test

    Presenter: Hello and welcome to Test Your Intelligence. Five questions, five answers. How intelligent are you? Ready to begin? Number one. If James is 24 and three times Emilys age, how old will James be when hes twice Emilys age? A: 28. B: 30. C: 32. D: 34. Question two. Which of these is least like the others? A: T. B: E. C: F. D: M. Question three, which of these is least like the others? A: carrot. B: apple. C: tomato. D: onion. Question number four. If two trains are travelling towards each other, train A at 40 kilometers per hour and train B at 50 kilometers per hour and the two trains were originally 900 kilometers apart, how long until they meet? A: 6 hours. B: 5 hours. C: 10 hours. D: 12 hours. Question number five. Which is the least like the others? A: EJ. B: CF. C: AB. D: DF. Good luck, youll need it.

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    Video 21Video 15 Video 15Interviewer: Hello and welcome to our weekly section on interesting jobs. Right, so lets welcome this weeks guest James Stubbs. Hello James.

    Interviewee: Hello!

    Interviewer: So, you have quite an unusual job, tell us about it.

    Interviewee: Well, people seem to think its strange but it seems very normal to me. I write personality tests, all kinds of personality tests, from trivial ones that assign a colour to someones personality to more serious ones, testing peoples suitability for certain jobs.

    Interviewer: So, are you a psychologist? Have you had a lot of training to do this?

    Interviewee: Ha! No, really, it, its not necessary. There is obviously a certain formula that I stick to every time, but its no more academic than that.

    Interviewer: So tell us about that, you make it sound so simple.

    Interviewee: It is! Its very simple. I fact, I think in a few short steps, you could do it yourself.

    Interviewer: Well, Im always ready for a challenge. Whats first?

    Interviewee: The title. The title of the quiz is the most important thing.

    Interviewer: Ok.

    Interviewee: The title is the question and youre trying to establish the answer to this question. So, for example, you wanted ascertain which colour best describes someones personality. Then, you would start with the question: what colour are you?

    Interviewer: Ah, I see.

    Interviewee: You could then have five possible conclusions to the quiz. Say, green, purple, red, orange and brown. Each one of these representing a personality type. You should define personality types before writing the questions, and the questions will determine which of the personality types someone is.

    Interviewer: And how do you go about choosing the questions?

    Interviewee: Well, I would choose ten to twelve questions. For each question there should be an answer, A, B, C, D or E, and this answer suggests one of the personality types.

    Interviewer: And I suppose the wording of the questions are very important as well as other things

    Interesting jobs

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    Video 21Video 15 Video 21 Personalitytest debateAna: Hello and welcome to the big question this week the debate centres around the question, do personality tests really tell us anything? Today we are with two AC Canada experts to debate on the issue.

    Ffion: Look they cant tell us anything because you cant measure personality traits. People like to give names to everything and of course this is essential in establishing a language. People like to talk about things like intelligence, like confidence but really peoples personalities are made up 9of a complex mix of chemical reactions and life experiences and of course it is impossible to divide a persons personality into parts and even more impossible to measure these parts.

    James: I cant agree, when I walk around the world everyday I see people and some people are intelligent, some people are kind, some people have other personality traits. I can also see the amounts in which people have them. Some people are very intelligent, some people incredibly kind, some people only a little kind. So if we can see the personality traits and we can see the amounts we can measure them.

    Ffion: But look even if we can measure these personality traits, what does this tell us in reality? Does it tell us whether somebody is suitable for a certain job or if were going to be successful in life, and what determines success? We like to believe this is down to certain positive personality traits but in reality it comes down to numerous factors not all of which are internal. Luck, for example, plays a large part in someones success.

    James: No, no, no look take three successful people Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Donald Trump. Theyre all risk takers, theyre all intelligent and theyre all hardworking. So they all share these things. Look for these things and you find people who are more likely to be successful.

    Ffion: All I know is that I dont need a personality test to tell me that you sir are as stubborn as a mule.

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    Video 29

    Video 25Video 25

    Students Guide

    Pep talk

    Coach: Right then, you guys are winners! Just do what comes naturally. You know youre good and deserve to be here. So dont waste the opportunities that are in front of you. Go out there and succeed. When youre a born to success, as you are, the thing to do is to embrace it and to invite it into every part of your lives. Do not fear success and do not doubt your ambition. Do not, however, allow your confidence to make you complacent. Remember in life nothing is guaranteed and so you must give it your best and play to your potential. Dont let a moment pass without taking from that moment everything that you can. Right, lets go!

    Ffion: Look, I am going to carry on until you are silent. Anyway I dont know why you brought up the subject. You make up these disagreements and then expect me to be calm. For example, yesterday when you were acting up because of the number of people I asked over to the flat. You never back down and to be honest after a while I just want to run away or shout out. And one more thing, stop running me down, it really winds me up.

    James: I am going to continue until you are silent. Anyway, I dont know why you introduced this subject. You invent these disagreements and then expect me to be calm. For example, yesterday when you were behaving badly because of the number of people I invited to the flat. You never stop defending your opinion and to be honest after a while I just want to leave for ever or scream. And one more thing, stop criticizing me, it really annoys me.

    Formal orinformalVideo 29

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    Video 29

    Video 25 Crime andpunishmentVideo 30Officer: So sergeant, I really do hope you have a description of this thief for me.

    Sergeant: Oh yes sir. I think we can be very confident about getting our man.

    Officer: Excellent, lets hear it.

    Sergeant: This is our man he is around 30 -40 years old and he could be German but he might be Swiss. He will speak German but he wont speak French. I would say he was from somewhere near the border. He may have a tattoo but has no piercings and you will notice a scar on his right cheek. He should have a dog with him at all times but wont have a cat. He will certainly be without a parrot.

    Officer: Well that doesnt seem like too much information well never find this beast.

    Sergeant: We know that he certainly has short hair which may be brown.

    Officer: No still not enough. In fact I really do worry about your ability to catch this clown.

    Sergeant: I also have photos of three suspects.

    Officer: Now we are getting somewhere where are they?

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    Video 32 Video 32Video viewErikaJames: Hello my names James Stubbs and Im from AC Canada and Im welcoming you back to express yourself. Today were talking again about success. Can you tell me what do you think are the main reasons people are successful?

    Erica: The reasons are because they work hard and study hard and chase their dream.

    James: OK what do you think are the main reasons people fail to be successful.

    Erica: I dont know I guess because they get lazy and they dont continue with their dreams.

    James: Know tell me is success important for you and why?

    Erica: Yes success is very, very important for everyone not matter what kind of success they are loo-king for.

    James: OK and the final question. Thinking about your own success, what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Erica: I intend to work hard and study hard to become a successful person.

    James: Thank you very much for your answers and thank you for watching. I will see you next time for more express yourself. Good bye.

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    Video 32 Video 33Video 33Ffion: Hello and welcome back to express yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from AC Canada and this time we are joined by the lovely Yenny. Hello Yenny. Yenny: Hello Ffion: How are you? Yenny: Fine and you? Ffion: Good thank you. To talk about success. Ready for question one? Yenny: I think so. Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for peoples success? Yenny: Well I think that the main reason is to feel confident about itself. If I feel confident about my skills and abilities about all I know, er, it will be project and it will be success for other people. Ffion: OK and in contrast what do you think is the reason for people failing to achieve success?Yenny: Mmm, I think that if people just care of what other people think is success or what other people consider being success. So you are going to be, if all the time you are thinking of what, what everybodys thinking, thinking about so you are going to fail. Ffion: OK Yenny: I think that is the main reason to fail. Ffion: OK Yenny: And, er, taking into account what I answered before. If you dont feel confident so this is why you are going to fail. Ffion: OK, so thats key? Yenny: Yes Ffion: OK and more personally. Is success important to you? Yenny: Mmm, well for me the most important is to be happy. OK maybe its a stereotype Ffion: A stereotype? Yenny: Yes I want to be happy be happy but really for me if I am happy in my personal life, my professional life, er, that is success for me. Ffion: That is success? Yenny: Yeah that is important. If for someone else, er, to be happy in personal life and all of that is success so yeah its important. Ffion: OK and what do you intend to do to achieve success? Yenny: What I intend to do? Well the most important is I have some goals established. Yes, erm, so I try everyday, everyday to achieve these goals. This is myto be success. Ffion: OK fantastic. Thank you very much Yenny. Thats it for this video. Join me in the next video for some more interviews on success. Good bye. Yenny: Good bye.

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    Video 34 Video 34Ffion: Hello! And welcome back to Express Yourdelf with me Ffion Sleeman from ACCanada. In this video were going to be asking our volunteer Freddy all about success. Ready?

    Freddy: Ready.

    Ffion: Ok, so what do you think is the main reason for success?

    Freddy: I think its a combination of different aspects. Sometimes is good luck, sometimes is commitment, sometimes is just having the right opportunities at the right time.

    Ffion: Ok, and in contrast, what would you say was the main reason for people failing to be successful?

    Freddy: Ok. Maybe, er, bad luck or just not having these opportunities at the right time.

    Ffion: Ok, and is success important to you personally?

    Freddy: Yes, I think that depends on how you define success. But, er, I think that if you dont have goals, something in, to succeed in, your life will be boring.

    Ffion: Ok, interesting, and what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Freddy: I think, er, I really need to be more responsible to, er, better, I dont know, to organize my time and my schedule in a better way because sometimes I have a lot of things to do and not enough time.

    Ffion: Ah, ok. Thank you very much Freddy.

    Freddy: Ok.

    Ffion: Thats it for this video. Join us in the next one where more people are going to be sharing their opinions. Bye for now!

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    Video 34 Video 35Video 35Ffion: Hello and welcome back to week two of our fantastic new programme express yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from AC Canada. In this programme our lovely participant Gregory is going to join us to talk about success. Hello Gregory.

    Gregory: Hello Ffion how are you.

    Ffion: Im fine thank you. Yourself?

    Gregory: Pretty good.

    Ffion: Ready for question one?

    Gregory: Ready, lets go.

    Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for success?

    Gregory: For me the main reason is to be self confident, believe in yourself.

    Ffion: Ok and, and in contrast what do you think is the main reason for failure to be successful?

    Gregory: Probably the main reason to fail is, well, not to believe totally in yourself or maybe do something stupid.

    Ffion: OK interesting, and more personally is success important to you?

    Gregory: Yes its really important for me because with success, success enjoy your life. You success do your life happier.

    Ffion: OK. And what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Gregory: Well ought to put all the possibilities in your sights. For example, Ive always been dreaming for coming here in South America and the first things I can do is buy a ticket.

    Ffion: And here you are, simple as that.

    Gregory: Yeah, yeah

    Ffion: Fantastic, Thank you very much Gregory. Thats it for this video. Join us for the next video where well be interviewing more people.

    Gregory: Bye

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    Video 36Video 36Video viewJavierFfion: Hello and welcome back to AC Canada and this exciting new programme with me Ffion Sleeman. Today we are joined by Javier again. Hello Javi.

    Javi: Hello

    Ffion: This time to talk about success. Question one, what do you think is the secret of success?

    Javi: The secret of success, I can say that is when you accomplish your goals and also when you realize that you have done many things in life that make you feel happy (Ffion: OK) and also that you find stability of your life in terms of money, in terms of happiness, in terms of and for example, erm, dreams like stability of your life. (Ffion: accomplishing your dreams) accomplishing your dreams.

    Ffion: What do you think is the main reason for people failing to achieve success?

    Javi: Erm, I can say that its the contrary like, erm, when people realize that they have not accomplished dreams and that they dont have recognition of other people and family and like partners friends, colleagues. So they realize that, OK now what I do with my life? So they ask that question probably they realize that theyve failed and they dont have success, they are not successful.

    Ffion: OK, good and more personally is success important for you?

    Javi: You know I think there are different types of success. I can say that, but of course because, as I already said we like that. I recognize you and tell you that you have done a good job, you have lived your life, like, in a good way or something like that. So, of course, is something that encourage you or motivate you to continue doing more things in life.

    Ffion: And to finish, what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Javi: The idea is to have like a future, a planned future (Ffion: mmmhmm) like a family future, work future many things planned and that like every day we are going to get, er, thinking about that and I have to work hard in order to accomplish those dreams and those goals that you already planned or you are thinking of.

    Ffion: OK fantastic! Thank you very much Javi. Thats it for this video. Join me in the next video for more interesting interviews.

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    Video 36Video 36Video 37Video 37 Video viewJohnFfion: Hello and welcome back to Express Yourself with me Ffion Sleeman from ACCanada. Today in this video were going to be joined by our lovely participant John. Hello John.

    John: Hello Ffion.

    Ffion: How are you?

    John: Fine, thank you.

    Ffion:Ready for question one on success?

    John: Yes!

    Ffion:Ok, right, so first of all, what do you think is the secret to success?

    John: The secret of success is, er, not to care about what the obstacles are and to fight really hard to get your dreams.

    Ffion:Ok, and what do you think, in contrast, is the main reason for people failing to be successful?

    John: I think that the main obstacle to get success is to care about all your dreams, so you have to care to, to care about your own dreams, you know? To worry about other peoples issues, just you.

    Ffion: Ok. Very interesting. And, more personally, is success important to you?

    John: Yes, of course because its the main reason of life to be successful, but it depends on your, er, your meaning of success. For some people it could be to be rich, for other people its to have a big family.

    Ffion: Ok, and what do you intend to do to achieve success?

    John: I work really hard and I spend my free time getting my dreams and I dont, er, I dont care about all the dreams but what I can do to get it.

    Ffion: Ok, fantastic! A very interesting opinion there from John. Right, thats it for this video, join me in the next for some more interesting interviews. Bye for now. John: Bye!

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    Video 38 Video 38Video viewPaolaJames: Hello my name is James Stubbs from AC Canada and welcome back to express yourself today the interview is about success. So the first question. What do you think is the main reason for peoples success?

    Paola: I think, erm, its discipline because it allow people to get all objectives that they want.

    James: And what do you think is the main reason for people failing to be successful.

    Paola: I think its, erm, people who are lazy because they dont try to get, erm, I dont know get a job or study or something that could be, be important for them.

    James: OK, Is success important to you and why?

    Paola: Well I think it could be different depending on the person because there are many kinds of success for example academic success, er, work at work, or I dont know in life. So I dont know it. I think that people want, er, more and more things so success is not a real thing for me.

    James: OK, erm, thinking about success in your own life, so. What do you intend to do to achieve success?

    Paola: So I will try to, to be disciplined in my job for example working hard for my enterprise and for my personal life and thats all.

    James: OK well thank you very much and thank you for watching. I will see you next time. Good bye.

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