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Tingkatan Perai!an

Sat" #a$

 Name:_________________________ Form:___________________ Marks:______________ 

Se%ti&n A

 Answer all the question that follows.

1. ________ orang utan has _______ hairy


A. A; the C. A; an

B. An; a D. The; an

2. My sister ________the gass tabe !ith a

"oth #ust no!.

A. !i$e C. !i$ed

B. !i$es D. !i$ing

%. Are there________ buns e&t in the basket'

A. any C. a itte

B. mu"h D. se(era

). The rose $ant is _______ the $andan $antsand the hibis"us $ants.

A. o(er C. among

B. under D. bet!een

*. Na#!a and Danesh __________ ner(ous

about the +nter,s"hoo -"ien"e ui/


A. is C. !as

B. are D. !ere

0. ________"assmates (isited her in the

hos$ita ast !eek.

A. Maria C. Marias

B. Marias D. Marias

. 3a(e you seen __________ bue $ai under

the shed'

A. a C. the

B. an D. ,

4. The thorns on the "a"tus $ants are________.

A. thin C. shar$

B. tight D. narro!

5. Munira ____________ her &a"e e(ery


A. !ash C. !ashed

B. !ashes D. !ashing

16. The animas tra(e _________ the and to

rea"h the ri(er.

A. o(er C. a"ross

B. under D. bet!een

Se%ti&n B

Choose the word that has the SAME meaning as the underlined words.

11. The e7am !i begin right no!.

A. arri(e B. "ome C. start D. end

12. My aunt shut a the !indo!s a &e! minutes ago.

A. &i7ed B. "osed C. o$ened D. rubbed

Choose the word that has the OPPOSITE meaning as the underlined words.

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1%. 8(eryone ikes Anuar be"ause he is a $oite boy.

A. rude B. "umsy C. &unny D. "e(er 

1). 9eeas hair is ong and she a!ays ties it !ith a ribbon.

A. ha$$y B. straight C. short D. ta

1*. ease $ut the "ean sau"ers in the sink.

A. od B. ne! C. dirty D. broken

'"eti&n 1*20

Choose the answer with the correct spelling.



3e &ound some __________ on the seashore.

A. sheses C. seashes

B. seeses D. seashes



My sister and + en#oy eating ___________ and mu&&ins &or tea.

A. biskuits C. beskuits

B. bis"uits D. bes"uits



There is a ___________ outside the burning buiding.

A. &eir engine C. &ier engene

B. &ire angine D. &ire engine



The ____________ is eating the ea&.

A. "ater$iar C. "ater$iar  

B. "atre$iar D. "atter$iar  



Amy bought a birthday _____________ &or her sister.

A. $resent C. $rasant

B. $resant D. $rasent

Se%ti&n +

'"eti&n 21*2, Based on the picture choose the !est answer to fill in the !lan"s in the passage that follow.

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  + am (isiting my grand$arents !ith my &amiy. There are

 ___21<___ ty$es o& &ruit trees at my grand$arents

garden. My brothers ___22<___ $i"king mangoes &rom a

mango tree. My grand&ather ___2%<___ &ather are using

 $oes to $i"k rambutans &rom a rambutan tree. My sister

and + are $i"king some &ruits on ___2)<___ ground. My

grandmother and mother are busy ___2*<___ some




A. any B. many C. mu"h D. a itte



A. am B. is C. are D. !ere



A. or B. so C. but D. and



A. a B. an C. the D. some



A. $i"k B. $i"ks C. $i"ked D. $i"king

'"eti&n 2*30

 Based on the picture choose the !est answer to fill in the !lan"s in the passage that follow.

  =ustin and his $arents are about to board the $ane. They are going to enang to ___20<___ their

reati(es. This is a (ery s$e"ia o""asion &or =ustin. +t !i be ___2<___ &irst time tra(eing on an

aero$ane. =ustin has read a ot about aero$anes and ___24<___ they !ork. 3e "annot !ait to get

 ___25<___ the $ane. 3e has a ist o& >uestions to ask the ste!ardess. =ustins $arents are ___%6<__

too. They are gad that their sons dream has &inay "ome true.



A. (isit B. (isits C. (isited D. (isiting


A. us B. his C. her D. your  



A. ho! B. !hat C. !hen D. !here



A. to B. at C. on D. u$



A. angry B. ha$$y C. !orried D. ner(ous

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Se%ti&n -

'"eti&n 31*3,

 Based on the pie chart !elow answer the questions that follow.

H& &/ t!e &r$ 1 St"ent &/ SMK Sri A$an

%1. The $ie "hart sho!s___________ .

A. the number o& students in -M? -ri Aman.

B. the &a(ourite $astimes o& the students o& -M? -ri Aman.

C. the "o,"urri"uar a"ti(ities o& the students o& -M? -ri Aman.

D. the &a(ourite $astimes o& the Form 1 students o& -M? -ri Aman.

%2. +& there are 266 students in Form 1@ ho! many $u$is ike !at"hing tee(ision $rogrammes'

A. 26 C. 06B. )6 D. 46

%%. Based on the "hart@ the most $o$uar hobby o& the students is_______________.

A. reading C. $aying "om$uter games

B. outdoor a"ti(ities D. !at"hing tee(ision $rogrammes

%). hi"h hobby !i im$ro(e their (o"abuary and anguage'

A. eading C. aying "om$uter games

B. Coe"ting stam$s D. at"hing tee(ision $rogrammes

%*. To im$ro(e the heath and intera"tion among the students@ !hi"h ty$e o& hobby shoud be


A. eading C. aying "om$uter games

B. utdoor a"ti(ities D. at"hing tee(ision $rogrammes

'"eti&n 3*0

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 #ead the passage !elow and answer the questions that follow.

Do$hins are !arm,booded mammas !hi"h beong to the !hae

&amiy. They are grey and !hite. Most o& them are ess than ten metres

ong. They ha(e shar$ teeth and $ointed #a!s. Their heads seem to

ha(e arge beaks. This di&&erentiates them &rom $or$oises@ their "osereati(es !hose heads are round. Do$hins and $or$oises i(e in grou$s "aed $ods.

  Fish are their main &ood but they aso eat she&ish. -ome do$hins i(e in the ri(ers o& Asia and

-outh Ameri"a@ but the best kno!n are &ound in the sea.

  The iot haes and the ?ier haes are aso do$hins@ athough they are mu"h arger than

the true do$hins. They &eed on arge $rey.

  The $o$uation o& do$hins has redu"ed shar$y be"ause o& the "ontamination o& the seas@ ri(ers

and o"eans. aste $rodu"ts &rom the &a"tories and e7"essi(e use o& &ertii/ers and $esti"ides are the

main "auses o& the $oution. -te$s shoud be taken to rehabiitate them be&ore it is too ate.

%0. hat kind o& anima is the do$hin' +t is ___________ .

A. a re$tie. C. a mamma.

B. an inse"t. D. an am$hibian.

%. hi"h statement is n&t true about do$hins'

A. Their teeth are shar$. C. They are grey and !hite.

B. Their #a!s are $ointed. D. A o& them are ten metres ong.

%4. hi"h $art o& the do$hin is di&&erent &rom the $or$oise'

A. The si/e C. The teeth

B. The #a!s D. The head

%5. hi"h o& the &oo!ing is not tr"e'

A. Do$hins i(e in grou$.

B. iot haes and ?ier haes are mammas.

C. or$oises are mu"h arger in si/e than do$hins.

D. ater $oution "aused redu"tion in the number o& do$hins.

)6. The $o$uation o& do$hins is redu"ing be"ause o& ____________.

A. o(er&ishing C. e7"essi(e hunting

B. its natura enemy D. "ontaminated !ater 

Ans!er s"heme:

1. B 11. C 21. B %1. D2. C 12. B 22. C %2. B

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%. A 1%. A 2%. D %%. D

). C 1). C 2). C %). A

*. B 1*. C 2*. D %*. B

0. B 10. C 20. A %0. C

. C 1. B 2. B %. D

4. C 14. D 24. A %4. D5. B 15. C 25. C %5. C

16. C 26. A %6. B )6. D

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