Page 1: PSU Digital Marketing Strategy - Brand: Jane Roark


Digital Marketing Strategy WM401 | Date: 9/23/15

Page 2: PSU Digital Marketing Strategy - Brand: Jane Roark


§  Survey of Professional Colleagues, Family and Friends, consisting of 9 questions.

§  Google and Bing search of “Jane Roark”

§  LinkedIn Search of “Marketing Coordinator” and “Marketing Coordinator Portland”

§  Human Metrics Jung Typology Test and VARK Questionnaire

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Findings: AudienceSurvey Questions & Insights

•  All survey answers submitted anonymously through SurveyMonkey. I asked a total of 9 questions to Family, Personal Friends and Professional Colleagues.

•  Almost equal mix of Introvert and Extrovert descriptors over all categories.

•  43% of my colleagues, 50% of friends, and 66% of my family answered Extrovert as a descriptor.

•  Colleagues gave consistently higher 10 ratings over Friends about social media, marketing and proofreading/ editing skill sets.

•  7 ratings of 10 from Colleagues vs. 2 ratings of 10 from Friends•  Lowest positive reviews of my marketing skill set •  Highest positive reviews of my proofreading/ editing skill set •  Top Endorsed Skills from LinkedIn data: social media, Microsoft Office

and Marketing.

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Survey Word Cloud

Adjectives used to describe me across answers from Family, Friends and Professional Colleagues

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Findings: MarketResearch & Insights

•  Google Search of “Jane Roark.” Page 1 elicited 9 total results, 2 of which are links to me, but the first 3 out of 10 photos to come up are mine.

•  Bing Search of “Jane Roark.” Page 1 elicited 13 total results, 4 of which are links to me, and only 1 photo of me came up in the first 10.

•  The other two consistent competitors for my name are a doctor from Alabama and obituaries.

•  LinkedIn search for “Marketing Coordinator” elicited 22,551 job listings in the United States and 990,917 People Results.

•  LinkedIn search for “Marketing Coordinator Portland” resulted in 7,787 job listings and 12,169 People Results.

•  Takeaways: my listings are not as high as I’d like them to be, but there is not a lot of name competition.

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Findings: Business

What I’m passionate about: reading, editing, collaborating in small groups, writing, communicating, problem solving, helping people meet their needs

Core Values: dependable, committed, loyal, honest, efficient, passionate, responsible, respected, positive, innovative, creative, humor, intelligence

Interests: books, travel, movies, TV, cooking, personal relationships, music

Who I am: an effective communicator, give insightful advice, creative problem solving and prioritizing, enjoy distinguishing relevant information, and I am an intuitive, realistic and innovative thinker

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Findings: BusinessHuman Metrics Jung Typology Test – ISFJ›  Introvert (44%) Sensing (1%), Feeling (38%), Judging (67%)›  Moderate preference of introversion over extraversion›  Marginal to no preference of sensing over intuition›  Moderate preference of feeling over thinking›  Distinct preference of judging over perceiving

VARK Learning Questionnaire Visual 6Aural 4Read/ Write 12Kinesthetic 5

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Theme 1

“I think you have a knack for small business marketing and that’s really useful in today’s marketplace when so many small business need assistance to stay competitive in the realm of marketing and social media.”

> Smaller organizations suited toward a mixed introvert/ extrovert personality type.

> Working and collaborating with fewer people to garner big results.

> Rely on facts and data.

> Strong preference toward reading and writing to communicate and/or express myself.

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