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  • 7/29/2019 Psych 145: Language


    Language is the means by which we relay our thoughts and feelings to another. It

    is a form of communication. Language encompasses strings of grammatical sentences

    having a generative characteristic that can determine a persons linguistic competence.

    According to Chomsky, the analysis of this linguistic competence can reveal anindividuals cognitive structure. It can give us a glimpse of how complex the

    information process system of a person. Through the article we were able to know the

    importance of language in psychology. The acquisition of it, as well as how it is used is

    very important in trying to draw an entire individuals cognition. According to Wundt,

    high level mental processes cannot be analyzed experimentally, and so, it is important

    to analyze their cultural products. The article The Place of Language in a Scientific


    argued about the importance of language in perception, learning, as well as

    thinking. According to the author he picked two topics to discuss, the first one was the

    innateness of language, and the second one was how language and communication was

    related. In the first one, he argued that there was no question about the innateness of

    language since there was substantial evidence that could defend those accounts.

    However, scholars demand a more precise characterization of what the claim of

    innateness entails. He discussed this in identifying the elements in the language that we

    tend to delve into when we learn a new language. Furthermore, in the second question

    that was identified as one of his discussion points, he associated representational

    systems with communication systems. These two systems according to him make the

    human language unique.

    The article didnt seem to focus on Wundts account about the importance of

    culture that considers language. I think that it was the most important point in the

    article. Psychologists after him like Buhler focused more on the how the language is

    used rather than its importance in the cultural setting. James on the otherhand, stated

    that language is a major error in psychology. I argue otherwise. It seems that what hes

    trying to say is that psychology and linguistics are two distinct areas of study that

    doesnt have anything to do with each other. I think that language is important in

    psychology because it gives a broad picture about the individual or the group of people

    under study. If psychologists would only focus on using English as an international

    language, this would lead to misperceptions. The terminology or words in the English

    language doesnt necessarily encompass all the terms in other languages. So I think that

  • 7/29/2019 Psych 145: Language


    learning the language helps in trying to draw a picture of how these individuals think,

    how they put meaning into words etc. Furthermore, even if some words have their

    English counterparts, it is still difficult to reconcile two different terms. If that were the

    case, the inquiry would be prone to bias.

    We all have to thank Chomsky in reconciling linguistics and psychology. He

    redefined linguistics that enabled it to be part cognitive psychology. Chomsky is

    influential when it comes to the basic questions that arise with regards to language. I

    agree with what he said that native speakers knowledge of his or her language is

    generative in nature that can be a medium in which one can identify an individuals

    mental capacity. This has been already proven by developmental psychology. According

    to developmental psychology, language is one of the elements that determine if a child

    has mental incapacities or not. It is also a sensitive period of development. If a child

    doesnt learn language in its critical period, he or she would lose the capacity to speak

    normally. The generative characteristic of language helps in language acquisition, if the

    development of a child goes smoothly, there will be no problems with speech. This

    could help the child in his or her everyday interaction with other people. A person

    acquires a complex system of knowledge throughout its development by which

    language plays a major part.

    Chomskys theory about the knowledge system of language enabled language to

    be central the study of human cognition. Thus, we can assert Wundts previous premise

    about language. According to him, the only way that would enable them to understand

    complex psychological process was to analyze culture, where language is a central

    element in the pursuit. According to Chomsky: the theory of language is simply that

    part of human psychology that is concerned with one particular mental organ, human


    Language can be a form mental process that enables the person to receive, react,

    and respond to stimuli. It is a means by which we communicate our thoughts and

    feelings. Language can be both verbal and nonverbal, the analysis of how it is

    constructed and the underlying cognitive process helps us in forming a whole picture of

    the human mind as well as his or her psyche.

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