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A Level Psychology Specification A

AS Exam Preparation

Unit 2 PSYA2 Marking Exercise

Spring 2012 Version 1

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Contents Page

Summer 2011 Questions and sample answers 5

Summer 2011 Marks and commentary 18

Summer 2011 Question Paper 22

Summer 2011 Mark Scheme 38

Summer 2011 Report on the exam 50

January 2012 Question Paper 56

January 2012 Mark Scheme 74



Summer 2011 questions and sample answers Biological Psychology The answers given in this booklet are candidates’ answers from summer 2011. Grammar, spellings and punctuation are as they appeared in the exam answers. Question 1 The body’s response to stress includes the pituitary-adrenal system and the sympathomedullary pathway. The following are all features of this stress response. A Adrenal medulla B Noradrenaline C Adrenal cortex D Adrenaline E Cortisol/Corticosteroids F Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) Select two from the above list that are linked to the pituitary-adrenal system and two from the list that are linked to the sympathomedullary pathway. Put one letter in each box.

(4 marks)

Ans: pituitary-adrenal system: C, E, F. sympathomedullary pathway: A , B, D Question 2 Psychologists sometimes use questionnaires to find out about stress. Explain two strengths of using questionnaires in research. (2 marks + 2 marks) Ans. 1 Strength one: questionnaires are useful as they are more cost effective than sending out

people to question those on the street so it is relatively cheap.

Strength two: the participant answers more honestly as they don’t have desirability biased

because they answer the questionnaire alone.

Ans. 2 Strength one; the information can be collected into quantitative data and therefore can be

easily analysed.

Strength two: The person completing the questionairre does not have to be face to face

with the researcher and is therefore likely to answer more truthfully.

Pituitary-adrenal system

Sympathomedullary pathway

Task: Three of these strengths/ weaknesses above score 2 marks each, one answer scores no marks. Identify the latter answer and justify the zero mark.


Question 3 Describe one or more studies of workplace stress (5 marks) Ans. 1 Johansson studied a timber mill, he measured stress in workday and rest days and also levels

of illness. He studied finishers for their levels of stress compared to other workers in the mill, He

found that the finishers had more stress than that of other employee’s, possibly due to the lack of

control over their work place, or as it was machine paced or boring work, or the fact they were in

charge of the whole factories wages. He also found that all employees were more stressed on work

days. He used a natural experiment, he found the finishers were off sick more often.

Ans.2 The study of the swedish sawmill workers was one study of workplace stress. They were

working in very isolated and cramped conditions and the work that they did would determine the

wages of the whole company. These workers were compared to cleaners that worked in the same

mill but had much more social interaction and worked less hours. The sawmill workers urine was

tested for levels of stress hormones and then compared to the levels of the cleaners. They were

much higher. There was also a higher rate of absenteeism with the say mill workers compared with

the cleaners.

Task: The two answers above obtained the same mark. Do you think the answers are

accurate and reasonably detailed (5 marks) or less detailed and generally accurate (4-3

marks). Take into account that the answer space available is 10 lines for a hand written

answer (with 5 lines extra space if required).


Question 4 Mark is very competitive and he hates losing any game he plays. At work, he is often impatient and likes working to tight deadlines. He can become quite hostile when challenged. 4(a) What personality type is Mark likely to have? (1 mark) Answer- Type A personality was recognised by many candidates.

4(b) Using your knowledge of how personality factors can affect the body’s response to stress, explain how Mark might respond to the effects of stress. (4 marks) Ans.1 Type A personalities respond more to the effects of stress as they are Hard-driven and

competitive. Friedman and rosenman showed how type A personalities have a higher risk of getting

cronicary heart disease (CHD) Type A’s tend to get more stress as they put pressure on themselves

to be perfect so they will be more stressed over things others may not. They may try and set

deadlines that are unreachable and be stressed if they are not met. They may become ill more often

as stress weakens the immune system.

Ans. 2 Mark may become aggressive when stressed, as Type A personalities do. He may also cope

with his stress by drinking or smoking contributing to further health problems in the future. Type A

personalities are much more likely to develop CHD when they are older because of the way stress

affects them. They may often be stressed due to their personality type, he would often have raised

blood pressure and a fast heart rate. This may also have an effect on his immune system as the

presence of corticosteroids inhibits the production of T cells.

Ans. 3 Mark’s personality type is type A, meaning when it comes to deadlines at work he’ll be

determined to get it done on time and be very committed, he puts stress on himself and will become

hostile. He likes a challenge but when challenged he creates stress for himself by working too hard to

achieve his goals.

Task: Read the 3 answers given. One answer was awarded 0 marks, one 2 marks and one 3 marks. Award a mark to each answer and justify your mark.


Question 5 Ans.1 5(a) Name one psychological method of stress management (1 mark) Hardiness training

5(b) Explain strengths of this psychological method of stress management (5 marks) Strengths of ‘Hardiness training’ created by Kobasa; firstly that it encourages positive thinking and

this may have a positive effect on the pp’s personality and not just the dealing with the stress. It has

been found to be effective, it is also seen as to be better than using drugs as there are no side effects

and you would not become addicted or dependent. Moreover it can be taught to children. Also once

learned, you can use it for years at a time, thus is better than Biofeedback as for that process you

have to get to regularly have electric shocks, to deal with the stress and this may be unhealthy.

Ans. 2 5(a) Stress inoculation training (SIT) which is part of cognitive behavioural therapy

5(b) You get taught relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation which helps you

treat the symptoms of stress. This means that you will find it easier to cope with stressful situations. It

is cheap to have and it puts you in control. It is an active way of managing stress as you are taught

how to apply it to real life situations so you can use it over and over again. It doesn’t take a very long

time, it is usually done after 1 session which makes it convenient and accessible for all people.

Task: Indicate what marks would you give to these answers and suggest what feedback

you would give to improve the answers.


Social Psychology Question 6 “Not everyone conforms or obeys authority; some people resist these pressures and remain independent.” Outline and evaluate research relating to independent behaviour. (12 marks) Ans.1 Asch’s study was used to study conformity and whether people would conform. He set up a

study where there was a group of men, all but one was a confederate and were told to answer the

question incorrectly, this was to see if the real participant would do the same, even if the answer was

clearly wrong. It was found that the young American, male students that he used (he did the same

experiment several times) conformed on many occasions, they gave the wrong answer, some even

admitted after that they knew the answer they were giving was wrong but they did not want to be

ridiculed. This shows that people are likely to conform, even though they know what’s being said is

wrong, through fear of being ridiculed and wanting to be liked. The same experiment was conducted

in England and only one out of about 390 males conformed, showing that English people show much

more independant behaviour. Other countries showed similar results.

This study lacked ecological validity, as it was conducted in a university setting and was a lab

experiment. The participants may have acted to demand characteristics. Also it could not be

generalised to everyone because they only used young males.

Another experiment was conducted by Hofling to study obedience. He arranged for an unknown

doctor to call up a ward, have a nurse (the person being studied for obedience) answer the phone.

The doctor would tell the nurse to administer 50mg of the unknown drug Astoten. This would be

breaking several rules but 21/22 of the nurses started to administer the drug (actually a placebo) until

another nurse stopped them. This proves that many will obey orders from an authority figure (i.e. the

doctor) even if it goes against rules. This experiment had high ecological validity as it was a field

experiment and took place in a natural setting. There was no chance for demand characteristics.

However it was only used on a small number of people and again, could not be generalized to the

whole population.

Task: Mark the two answers given below. Identify AO1 and AO2 marks. Explain why one

answer is better than the other.


Ans.2 People who have an internal locus of control believe that they have high control over their

actions and are therefore more confident in what they do. They are more likely to resist pressures to

conform or obey and therefore be more independent. Confidence is also important, some people

resist pressures to conform or obey because they feel confident, however Asch said that in his

experiment some participants resisted pressures but were not confident and so came up with three

types of confidence which lead to independence; independent because of confidence, confidence

followed by withdrawal and confidence followed by tension and doubt.

Another reason why people resist pressures to conform or obey is if they feel their freedom is being

threatened and they therefore deliberately resist pressures.

The Enlightenment effect can also cause people to resist pressures to conform or obey. The idea that

because some people know about obedience or conformity studies then they will know what to look

out for, however there is no research that shows this is the case and that knowing about conformity

or obedience studies doesn’t necessarily mean you therefore become independent.

Morality is also another explanation for independent behaviour. The idea that people with a higher

level of morality are more likely to display independent behaviour than those with a lower level.


Question 7 7(a) Explain why it is sometimes necessary to deceive participants in social influence research. (2 marks) Ans.1 As if participant knew the true cause of the study they may not act naturally and could

purposefully try not to be influenced. Ans. 2 If the participant is aware of the social influence to conform or obey they may fulfil demand

characteristics rather than giving a valid result.

Ans.3 Because sometimes you cant explain to Participants what the experiment is really about

because you need their natural reaction e.g. in Milgram’s study. Ans.4 If the participant knew it was about conformity they are less likely to conform, because they

are more aware of whats happening. The result- would loose validity.

7(b) Describe one way in which deception has been dealt with in social influence research.

(2 marks)

Ans.1 Asking the participant whether he/she would take part in a list of studies including one where

participants would be deceived. If he or she said yes to all of them then the researcher would allow

the participant to take part.

Ans.2 Deception can be dealt with by telling the participants what is going to happen and what could

occur however this will ruin the experiment as they will not act the same.

Ans. 3 The experimentors brief them at the end and tell them what sort of information they were

trying to find and why they deceived them and gave them the opportunity to withdraw the participants


Task: Identify the one answer which does not get the full 2 marks. Justify 1 mark for this


Task: One mark for a brief answer, further mark for elaboration. Mark the 3 answers below.


Question 8 Jan and Norah have just finished their first year at university where they lived in a house with six other students. All the other students were very health conscious and ate only organic food. Jan had listened to their point of view and now she also eats only organic food. Norah was happy to eat organic food while in the house, but when she went home for the holidays she ate whatever her mother cooked. Both girls conformed, but for different reasons. Explain which type of conformity each girl was showing. (4 marks) Ans.1 Jan shows signs of informative conformity which means that she used the information of the

point of view of each of her house mates and made a conscientious and informed decision to change

her eating habits.

Norah, however, conformed just for the sake of conforming because it would be easier to conform

and eat what was already available than stick to her old eating habits and be individualistic.

Ans. 2 Jan showed internalisation, she both publically and privately agreed with the majority views.

She had the idea of the group as her own now and will permanently stay that way when away from

the group (she will keep the views).

Norah has showed compliance. She has publically agreed with the majority but not changed her own

private views to be the same. She has done this to be part of the majority out of the fear of being

rejected. She behaves in this way when with the group, but shows true beliefs when away.

Task: Compare the two answers above


Question 9 Outline two explanations of why people obey (2 marks + 2 marks) Ans.1 Explanation One: legitimate Authority- as in Milgram’s study when it was conducted in an

office block less people conformed than when it was in a university. Showing that if a person believes

the authority is legitimate they are more likely to obey.

Explanation two: Gradual commitment- shown again in Milgram’s study by increasing the shock by 15

volts each time the participant can fulfil a large task by breaking into small stages this is the foot-in-

the door technique.

Ans.2 Explanation one: Legitimate social authority- people believe that because someone holds a

certain social role they therefore have the right to be obeyed.

Explanation two: Agentic shift: when the person no longer holds responsibility for their actions and


Ans.3 Explanation one: Some people obey just to feel like part of a group. They feel that if they don’t

they could become an outcast who doesn’t belong. Gives them a sense of peace and belonging.

Explanation two: Also some people just obey because they believe that what they are being told is

the right thing to do and if they don’t then their can be consequences.

Ans.4 Explanation one: Authority. people tend to obey somebody if they are in a higher position to

them e.g. a police officer or the government.

Explanation two: Children are brought up to obey their parents and they are brought up to obey the

law and therefore deviation from obeying was not the norm.

Task: Two answers gain full marks, two do not. Identify and justify the marks


Individual Differences Question 10 Two different drug therapies were tested on a group of patients. All the patients suffered the same anxiety disorder. Half the patients were given Therapy A and the other half were given therapy B. Improvement was assessed on a scale from 0 – 25, where 0 = no improvement. The table below shows the improvement made between the start and the end of the treatment.

Average and range of improvement scores

Explain what these findings suggest about the different therapies. (4 marks) Ans.1 Therapy A had a large range of amount of improvement, showing some people responded to

the therapy better than others. Therapy B is also shown to be effective, but its effectiveness caused

around the same amount of improvement as the range is much smaller at 5, than 17 of therapy A.

Therapy A is deciving as its average shows us it should show more improvement than therapy B, yet

the range shows us otherwise.

Ans. 2 Therapy A isn’t very consistent. It has mixed results. For example, there was an improvement

of two and then there was an improvement of 19. That is a big difference. However Therapy A does

have a better average than therapy B even though it is small (0.5). Therapy B is more consistent

ranging between 4-9 but the improvement is not that great. It would been difficult to choose which

therapy you would have.

Ans.3 Therapy A gives the largest range of results ranging from almost full recovery (19) and almost

no improvement (2) showing the effectiveness of therapy A could relly on other factors such as

personality or the severity of the case. Although therapy B has a more constant range of results it

appears less successful on average than Therapy A by 0.5 and only has a peak recovery of 9.

Average Range

Therapy A 6.5 2-19

Therapy B 6 4-9

Task: Which part of Ans.1 is written sufficiently clearly to be creditworthy?

Task: Both the answers above have interpreted the material correctly. Which answer scored 3 marks and which scored 4 marks and why the difference?


Question 11

Diane is a 30-year-old business woman and if she does not get her own way she sometimes has a temper tantrum. Recently, she attended her grandmother’s funeral and laughed during the prayers. When she talks to people she often stands very close to them, making them feel uncomfortable. 11(a) Identify one definition of abnormality that could describe Diane’s behaviour. Explain your choice. (1 mark + 2 marks) Ans.1 Definition: Could be suffering some sort of mental or psychological disease/ problems.

Explanation of your choice: Her temper tantrums and going close to people could suggest that she

has a disorder like autism for example, since these are two of the symptoms. Whereas the laughing

inappropriately could be due to the fact that she feels uncomfortable in the current situation.

11(b) Explain one limitation of this way of defining abnormal behaviour. (3 marks) Ans.1 You really need to be able to analyse her behaviour and thoughts more really before you can

determine the issues.

11(a) Identify one definition of abnormality that could describe Diane’s behaviour. Explain your choice. (1 mark + 2 marks) Ans.2 Definition: Failure to function adequately

Explanation of your choice: Diane is taking part in behaviour that is not acceptable e.g. temper

tantrums which is causing her not to be able to complete day to day tasks such as going to work. She

is also taking part in behaviour which make other people feel uncomfortable.

11(b) Explain one limitation of this way of defining abnormal behaviour. (3 marks) Ans.2 Diane may believe she is coping whilst causing distress to others such as making them feel


Task: Identify the marks you would give to these answers


Question 12 There are various types of psychological therapy for treating abnormality. 12(a) Outline what is involved in psychoanalysis. (3 marks) Ans. 1 Dream analysis, free association and transference are involved in psychoanalysis. The

analyst will interpret the symbolic meaning of dreams. In free association the client will say whatever

comes to mind. In transference the client will project feelings on to the analyst.

Ans.2 The therapist trys to bring unconscious thoughts/ feelings into the conscious through methods

such as dream analysis where they look for latent (hidden) meanings or free association where

unconscious feelings tend to emerge.

Ans.3 Psychoanalysis is a long process that looks at the stages of childhood as early traumas that

effect mental health later in life. Freud’s 5 stages are used as an eating disorder may be the result of

a trauma in the oral stage of early childhood develepment.

12(b) Outline what is involved in systematic desensitisation (3 marks)

Ans. 1 First the patient is taught relaxation techniques. They would then create a hierarchy of fear

from least feared e.g. looking at a picture of a spider to most feared (holding a spider). They then

combine relaxation with the feared object until they feel calm at the most feared stage.

Ans. 2 Association of relaxation with fears. Creating a fear hierarchy and approaching these with

methods to overcome them.

Task: Which one of the 3 answers does not focus on the requirements of the question?

Task: How many elements of systematic desensitisation are outlined in Ans.1 and

Ans.2? What mark does each answer deserve?


Question 13

Outline and evaluate the biological approach to psychopathology. (8 marks) Ans.1 One of the main aspects of the biological approach is genetic inheritance. It is the idea that

abnormal behaviour is inate within us which is ther from birth. A twin study showed the genetic

inheritance of twins and other relations. It was 4% more likely that if 1 twin has a psychological

disorder that so is the other twin. Nueroanatomy shows how depressed people have less serotonin in

the brain, which some psychologists would believe to be a reasoning for abnormal behaviour being

biological. However, do depressed people become depressed as a lack of serotonin or do depressed

people have a lack of serotonin because they are depressed? The cause and effect relationships

prove difficult as to what comes first.

Ans. 2 The biological approach to psychopathology is where it is said that all mental illnesses come

from physical illnesses. Szasz said there is no such thing as a mental illness to be ‘ill’ there is

something wrong with your body. The main form of treatment is drugs there are other treatments

such as biofeedback and ECT. People with psychological illnesses are treated as ill and they find

symptoms and label the illness and then find the underlying causes then they prescribe a treatment,

usually drugs. This approach is scientifically supported as there is evidence to suggest its truth.

Drugs can have harmful side effects such as addiction or other illnesses. It is said that mental

illnesses can come from infection or genetics. Twin studies support this statement. As studies have

shown 48% of identical twins have schizophrenia if the other twin does. Sheff said that people treated

as ‘ill’ will act as their diagnosis and thus will act as ill so calling people ill might not be good however

it is more ethical as the person is not blamed for their illness.

Task: Mark the two answers. Identify AO1 and AO2 marks. Explain why one answer is

better than the other


Summer 2011 PSYA2 Marks and commentary Biological Psychology

Question 2: Psychologists sometimes use questionnaires to find out about stress. Explain two strengths of using questionnaires in research. (2 marks + 2 marks) Ans 1Questionnaires are identified as ‘relatively cheap’ and explanation is by way of comparison with interviewing. The second strength is lack of desirability bias and the explanation is that questions are answered when respondents are alone. Ans. 2 Strength two is the likelihood of a truthful answer and the explanation for this is that the respondent does not have to be face to face with the researcher. Strength one scores no marks because it is too generic and could apply to any method. Had the candidate included a reference to closed questions that specifically apply to questionnaires it would have been creditworthy. Question 3 Describe one or more studies of workplace stress (5 marks) Ans 1 and 2 each obtained 5 marks they were judged to be accurate and reasonably detailed with appropriate selection of material. More details, or a second study would be required if this had been a 6 mark question. Question 4 4(b) Using your knowledge of how personality factors can affect the body’s response to stress, explain how Mark might respond to the effects of stress (4 marks) Ans. 1 was awarded 2 marks for citing Friedman and Rosenman’s findings that Type A personality has a link to CHD. The second creditworthy point was the reference to stress weakening the immune system and causing illness. Some relevant knowledge is exhibited but points made are basic. Ans. 2 was awarded 3 marks. The explanation of CHD and raised blood pressure are basic however the explanation of the effect on the immune system is effective and raises the mark from basic band to generally accurate. Ans. 3 obtained no marks as the selection of material is not appropriate. There is no reference to underlying physiology i.e. the body’s response to stress. Question 5 5(a) Name one psychological method of stress management (1 mark) CBT, Stress inoculation training (SIT) and Hardiness training were answers which were credited. Relaxation, meditation and biofeedback were also acceptable. Ans.1 5(a) Name one psychological method of stress management (1 mark) Hardiness training- creditworthy

5(b) Explain strengths of this psychological method of stress management (5 marks) 4 marks- The explanation given is reasonable and is credited for breadth rather than depth. A number of strengths are outlined, incorporating favourable comparison with drug therapy. The comparison with Biofeedback is flawed. Feedback: The answer could be developed by citing some research support for the link between Hardiness Training and lowered stress levels. Effectiveness in using Hardiness Training with children could be explored.


Ans. 2 5(a) 1 mark for SIT 5(b) 2 marks- basic explanation of the strength of SIT. The problem with the answer is that it refers almost exclusively to relaxation which is not the essence of SIT. The focus of the answer is weak. Feedback: The answer could focus on the strengths of SIT in dealing with e.g. anxiety. It has a number of real life applications. It gives clients skills for dealing with future stressors as well as present problems. It is the skill acquisition of the therapy that makes it effective in the long term.

Social Psychology Question 6 “Not everyone conforms or obeys authority; some people resist these pressures and remain independent.” Outline and evaluate research relating to independent behaviour. (12 marks) Task: Mark the two answers given below. Identify AO1 and AO2 marks. Explain why one answer is better than the other. Ans. 1 AO1- 1 mark, AO2- 2 marks 1st paragraph- all the description of Asch’s study is focused on conformity not independent behaviour hence it is not creditworthy. The brief reference to the ‘English study’ at the end of the paragraph gains an AO1 mark. 2nd paragraph- the reference to ecological validity and problems of generalisation is credited as basic evaluation of research -2 marks 3rd paragraph- the Hofling study and evaluation is not made relevant to independent behaviour Ans. 2 AO1- 6 marks, AO2- 2 marks Every paragraph contributes to AO1. Marks are given for breadth of explanation and effective use of specialist terms. Concepts discussed which outline research related to independent behaviour are: internal locus of control, confidence, freedom being threatened, enlightenment effect and a sense of morality. AO2- 1st paragraph- the point about types of confidence is not very coherent. It is used as a commentary on Asch’s original findings. 3rd paragraph- there is a brief comment to suggest that knowing about the study (the enlightenment effect) has not been proven to produce independent behaviour. Question 7 7(a) Explain why it is sometimes necessary to deceive participants in social influence research. (2 marks) Ans. 3 obtains only 1 mark. The reason given is ‘you need their natural reaction e.g. in Milgram’s study’ but there is no elaboration in terms of the consequence of not obtaining a ‘natural reaction’ Other answers give e.g. an explanation ‘if the participant knew it was about conformity they are less likely to conform’, and as a consequence ‘The result- would loose validity’


7(b) Describe one way in which deception has been dealt with in social influence research. (2 marks) Ans.1 and Ans. 3- 2 marks each. Ans.2 – 0 marks - the answer is not appropriate and fails to address the question. Question 8 Explain which type of conformity each girl was showing. (4 marks) Ans.1 Jan- 1 mark for “informative conformity” but no reference to internalisation or the private change in belief. Norah- no creditworthy material. Ans. 2 Jan- identifies internalisation and explains it in context Norah- identifies compliance and explains this in context. 4 marks given. Comparison The second is the better answer, clearly identifying and explaining the two types of conformity in a manner relevant to the stem material. In the first answer, the explanation of Jan’s change in behaviour does not address internalisation so is not explained. The first answer given for Norah does not name or explain the type of conformity being shown. Question 9 Outline two explanations of why people obey. (2 marks + 2 marks) Ans.1 Explanations identified and elaborated. (2 + 2 marks) Ans.2 Two reasons identified and elaborated. ( 2+ 2 marks) Ans.3 Explanation one- zero marks as it does not refer to obedience. Explanation two- 1 mark- reference to the consequences of not obeying credited. Ans.4 Explanation one- the reason (authority) is identified but not explained (why). Explanation two: credit for the idea of socialisation as an explanation for obeying albeit not named explicitly. (1 + 1 marks)

Individual Differences Question 10 Explain what these findings suggest about the different therapies. (4 marks) Ans. 1 The first sentence is written sufficiently clearly to be creditworthy, then the answer gets increasingly obscure. 2 marks Ans.2 scores 3 marks and Ans.3 scores 4 marks. Although they both interpret the material correctly there is better clarity and engagement in Ans.3. Question 11 11(a) Identify one definition of abnormality that could describe Diane’s behaviour. Explain your choice. (1 mark + 2 marks) Ans. 1 zero marks + zero marks- No definition given, explanation given does not relate specifically to a definition. 11(b) Explain one limitation of this way of defining abnormal behaviour. (3 marks) Ans.1 Zero marks- without a definition in (a) this answer is inappropriate.


11(a) Identify one definition of abnormality that could describe Diane’s behaviour. Explain your choice. (1 mark + 2 marks) Ans.2 1 mark + 1 mark- correct identification and one further mark for reference to behaviour making people feel uncomfortable. The suggestion of her not being able to go to work (possible maladaptive behaviour) does not really fit the material in the stem, where it is said she is a businesswoman. 11(b) Explain one limitation of this way of defining abnormal behaviour (3 marks) Ans. 2 Zero marks, the answer does not indicate a limitation. Failure to function adequately usually involves personal distress. Question 12 12(a) Outline what is involved in psychoanalysis. (3 marks) Ans.1 three aspects of psychoanalysis named and outlined. 3 marks Ans. 2 the aim of the therapy and two techniques are outlined. 3 marks Ans.3 zero marks- does not focus on what is involved in psychoanalysis 12(b) Outline what is involved in systematic desensitisation. (3 marks) Three elements of systematic desensitisation are outlined in Ans.1 – relaxation, constructing an anxiety hierarchy and working through the hierarchy combined with relaxation. 3 marks. Ans.2 two elements are outlined- creating a fear hierarchy, associating relaxation with fears. 2 marks

Question 13 Outline and evaluate the biological approach to psychopathology. (8 marks) Task: Mark the two answers. Identify AO1 and AO2 marks. Explain why one answer is better than the other. Ans.1 AO1- 2 marks- basic, AO2 -2 marks- basic evaluation AO1- genetic inheritance is mentioned as is ‘nueroanatomy’ with a limited/ muddled explanation about serotonin. AO2- twin studies are suggested as support for genetic inheritance, although the example given is not correct. The cause and effect role of serotonin in depression is raised as an issue but not addressed. Ans. 2 AO1- 4 marks, accurate and reasonably detailed, AO2- 4 marks effective evaluation AO1- mental illness results from physical illness, Szasz- illness is a body state. Treatment is drugs, ECT, biofeedback. Psychological illnesses have symptoms, the illness is labelled, the underlying physical cause is sought and treated usually with drugs. Infection and genetics are factors in the biological approach. AO2- Scientific support and evidence for the biological approach. Drugs prescribed can however have side effects. Twin studies support the genetics argument- 48% concordance of identical twins with schizophrenia. Labelling people ‘ill’ may produce the disordered behaviour, however people labelled as ill are not then blamed for their illness. Ans. 2 is better. AO1 has a broader range of ideas and greater depth to outline the biological approach. AO2 discusses a number of important and relevant evaluation issues.

General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Subsidiary ExaminationJune 2011

Psychology (Specification A) PSYA2Unit 2 Biological Psychology, Social Psychology

and Individual Differences

Tuesday 7 June 2011 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

You will need no other materials.

Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write

outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want

to be marked.

Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 6 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the

space provided to plan your answer. In Question 6, you will be assessed on your ability to:

– use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

PSYA2(JUn11psyA201)G/T66813 6/6/6/

Centre Number Candidate Number


Other Names

Candidate Signature

For Examiner’s Use

Examiner’s Initials

Question Mark
















Do not write outside the



Section A Biological Psychology

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 4 marks

1 The body’s response to stress includes the pituitary-adrenal system and the sympathomedullary pathway. The following are all features of this stress response.

A Adrenal medulla B Noradrenaline C Adrenal cortex D Adrenaline E Cortisol/Corticosteroids F Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

Select two from the above list that are linked to the pituitary-adrenal system and two from the list that are linked to the sympathomedullary pathway.

Put one letter in each box.

Pituitary-adrenal system

Sympathomedullary pathway(4 marks)



Do not write outside the



Turn over

Total for this question: 4 marks

2 Psychologists sometimes use questionnaires to find out about stress. Explain two strengths of using questionnaires in research.

Strength one .....................................................................................................................





Strength two .....................................................................................................................




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)


Turn over for the next question


Do not write outside the



Total for this question: 5 marks

3 Describe one or more studies of workplace stress.










............................................................................................................................................(5 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................







Do not write outside the



Turn over

Total for this question: 5 marks

4 Mark is very competitive and he hates losing any game he plays. At work, he is often impatient and likes working to tight deadlines. He can become quite hostile when challenged.

4 (a) What personality type is Mark likely to have?

............................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

4 (b) Using your knowledge of how personality factors can affect the body’s response to

stress, explain how Mark might respond to the effects of stress.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................





Turn over for the next question


Do not write outside the



Total for this question: 6 marks

5 (a) Name one psychological method of stress management.


............................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

5 (b) Explain strengths of this psychological method of stress management.










............................................................................................................................................(5 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................







Do not write outside the



Turn over

Section B Social Psychology

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 12 marks

6 “Not everyone conforms or obeys authority; some people resist these pressures and remain independent.”

Outline and evaluate research relating to independent behaviour.

You may use this space to plan your answer















Do not write outside the





























(12 marks)


Do not write outside the



Turn over

Extra space for Question 6 ................................................................................................



























Do not write outside the



Total for this question: 4 marks

7 (a) Explain why it is sometimes necessary to deceive participants in social influence research.





(2 marks)

7 (b) Describe one way in which deception has been dealt with in social influence research.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)



Do not write outside the



Turn over

Total for this question: 4 marks

8 Jan and Norah have just finished their first year at university where they lived in a house with six other students. All the other students were very health conscious and ate only organic food. Jan had listened to their point of view and now she also eats only organic food. Norah was happy to eat organic food while in the house, but when she went home for the holidays she ate whatever her mother cooked. Both girls conformed, but for different reasons.

Explain which type of conformity each girl was showing.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................





Turn over for the next question


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Total for this question: 4 marks

9 Outline two explanations of why people obey.

Explanation One ..............................................................................................................




............................................................................................................................................ Explanation Two ..............................................................................................................




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)



Do not write outside the



Turn over

Section C Individual Differences

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 4 marks

10 Two different drug therapies were tested on a group of patients. All the patients suffered with the same anxiety disorder. Half the patients were given Therapy A and the other half were given Therapy B. Improvement was assessed on a scale from 0 – 25, where 0 = no improvement.

The table below shows the improvement made between the start and the end of the treatment.

Average and range of improvement scores

Average Range

Therapy A 6.5 2 – 19

Therapy B 6 4 – 9

Explain what these findings suggest about the different therapies?








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................






Do not write outside the



Total for this question: 6 marks

11 Diane is a 30-year-old business woman and if she does not get her own way she sometimes has a temper tantrum. Recently, she attended her grandmother’s funeral and laughed during the prayers. When she talks to people she often stands very close to them, making them feel uncomfortable.

11 (a) Identify one definition of abnormality that could describe Diane’s behaviour. Explain your choice.

Definition ..........................................................................................................................


Explanation of your choice .............................................................................................





............................................................................................................................................(1 mark + 2 marks)

11 (b) Explain one limitation of this way of defining abnormal behaviour.






............................................................................................................................................ (3 marks)



Do not write outside the



Turn over


Total for this question: 6 marks

12 There are various types of psychological therapy for treating abnormality.

12 (a) Outline what is involved in psychoanalysis.






............................................................................................................................................(3 marks)

12 (b) Outline what is involved in systematic de-sensitisation.






............................................................................................................................................(3 marks)


Turn over for the next question


Do not write outside the



Total for this question: 8 marks

13 Outline and evaluate the biological approach to psychopathology.
















............................................................................................................................................(8 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................







END OF QUESTIONSCopyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.



General Certificate of Education

Psychology 1181

Specification A

Unit 2 (PSYA2) Biological Psychology,

Social Psychology and

Individual Differences

Mark Scheme 2011 series - June examination


Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation meeting attended by all examiners and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation meeting ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner

understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for the standardisation meeting each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not

already covered by the mark scheme are discussed at the meeting and legislated for. If, after this meeting, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been discussed at the meeting they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be

avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website: Copyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series


Question 1

AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of body’s response to stress.

Pituitary-adrenal system: C, E, F Sympathomedullary pathway: A, B, D

1 mark for each correct letter.

(This question will be automarked)

Question 2

AO3 = 4 marks Knowledge and understanding of research methods.

Strengths of questionnaires:

Can be given to a large sample of people. Participants can answer the questionnaire without the need for the researcher

to be present, so reducing experimenter bias. Compared with interviews they are easy to use, the researcher doesn’t need

any special training to use them.

For each strength, 1 mark for identifying the strength explicitly relevant to questionnaires and a further mark for explaining why it is a strength. The first bullet point is an example of a 1-mark answer as there is no explanation of why it is a strength. The other two examples are 2-mark answers as there is some explanation. Candidates could also make reference to the advantage of specific types of questions on the questionnaire, i.e. open or closed.

Question 3

AO1 = 5 marks Knowledge of research into workplace stress

There are many studies that candidates could use, such as, Marmot et al (civil servants) and Johansson et al (Swedish sawmill) although any other relevant study of stress in the workplace would be creditworthy. There will be a depth/breadth trade off here, one study in depth or more studies but in less depth.

Brady’s study of “executive monkeys” is not a study into workplace stress and is not



Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series


Knowledge and understanding

5 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of study(s) into workplace stress. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. One or more identifiable studies of workplace stress have been given. 4-3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate

Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate. 0 marks

No creditworthy material.

Question 4 a

AO2 = 1 mark Application of knowledge of personality type.

Type A (Also credit if the candidate states - A / A Type / Personality Type A / Type A Personality (TAP) / Type A Behaviour (TAB)

Question 4 b

AO2 = 4 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and application of how

personality factors can affect stress response

People with TAB are more likely to suffer the negative effects of stress. Mark’s

behaviour patterns make him more prone to stress-related illnesses such as CHD, raised blood pressure etc. He is more likely to have his “fight or flight” response set

off by things in the environment. As a result he is likely to have the stress hormones present, which over a long period of time leads to a range of stress-related illnesses. A purely psychological answer can not get credit, however, if it is clearly underpinned by the physiology of a Type A person it can get credit. 4 marks Effective analysis of unfamiliar situation Effective explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge of how personality factors can affect the body’s response to stress and explains how Mark might respond. 3 marks Reasonable analysis of unfamiliar situation Reasonable explanation of how personality factors can affect the stress response. 2 marks Basic analysis of unfamiliar situation Basic explanation of how personality factors can affect the stress response. 1 mark Rudimentary analysis of unfamiliar situation Rudimentary, muddled consideration of how personality factors can affect the stress response, demonstrating very limited knowledge. 0 marks

No creditworthy material.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

Question 5 a

AO1 =1 mark Knowledge of a psychological method of stress


As CBT is named on the specification, this is the most likely method that will be given. However, any other psychological method is acceptable, such as relaxation, meditation and biofeedback.

1 mark for identification/naming one method of stress management.

Question 5 b

AO2 = 5 marks Explanation of strengths of this psychological method of

stress management.

The strengths may refer to the control that is given to the client; the ability to use the techniques in a variety of situations etc. If methods such as relaxation, meditation and biofeedback are given, the strengths must relate to the psychological aspects of the method. One way of gaining credit is by comparison with physiological methods. For example, psychological methods do not have any side effects and are not addictive. If in 5 (a) candidates write Beck’s Cognitive Triad or ABC model, but in 5 (b) explain strengths of CBT – zero for part (a) and credit for part (b).

5 marks Effective explanation

Effective explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge of the strength(s) of a psychological method of stress management. There is no partial performance. 4 -3 marks Reasonable explanation Reasonable explanation that demonstrates knowledge of strength(s) of a psychological method of stress management. 2 marks Basic explanation Basic explanation of a strength of a psychological method of stress management. 1 mark Rudimentary Rudimentary, muddled, explanation of a strength of a psychological method of stress management, demonstrating very limited knowledge. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series


Question 6

AO1 = 6 marks Outline of research relating to independent behaviour

This question requires candidates to consider research relating to people who remain independent, so they can consider reasearch where some participants did not conform such as in Asch’s experiment, or where some participants did not obey

Milgram. Candidates could also consider personality characteristics e.g. Crutchfield suggested high self-esteem is found in non-conformers; Oliner & Oliner looked at social responsibility factors. Locus of control suggests that those with an internal LOC are more likely to remain independent. Gender differences are also relevant. AO1 Knowledge and understanding 6 marks

Accurate and

reasonably detailed

Accurate and reasonably detailed description that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of research relating to independent behaviour. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

5 - 4 marks

Less detailed but

generally accurate

Less detailed but generally accurate description that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

3 - 2 marks


Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question.

1 mark

Very brief/flawed or


Very brief or flawed description demonstrating very little knowledge. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate

0 marks No creditworthy material.

AO2 = 6 marks Evaluation of research relating to independent behaviour.

The evaluation could be a consideration of supporting research, as well as appreciating that some studies were laboratory-based and may lack external validity. They could also consider the fact that LOC appears to be linked to culture and historical time. The advantages to society of having people who remain independent, such as Zimbardo’s concept of “social heorism” is also creditworthy if used as

commentary. The evaluation can relate just to the research by considering issues of ethics, validity etc.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding 6 marks

Effective evaluation

Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed commentary. Effective evaluation of research. Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Clear expression of ideas, good range of specialist terms, few errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

5 - 4 marks

Reasonable evaluation

Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable commentary. Reasonable evaluation of research. A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Reasonable expression of ideas, a range of specialist terms, some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

3 - 2 marks

Basic evaluation

The use of material provides only a basic commentary. Basic evaluation of research. Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence. Expression of ideas lacks clarity, some specialist terms used, errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling detract from clarity.

1 mark



The use of material provides only a rudimentary commentary. Evaluation of research is just discernible or absent. Expression of ideas poor, few specialist terms used, and errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling often obscure the meaning.

0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 7 a

AO3 = 2 marks Knowledge and understanding of research methods.

1 mark for a brief answer and a further mark for elaboration.

For example, deception is necessary because if participants knew the aim, they might change their behaviour (1 mark). Second mark for elaboration eg this might effect validity.

Question 7 b

AO3 = 2 marks Knowledge and understanding of research methods.

Deception has been dealt with by: Presumptive consent Prior general consent Retrospective consent Debriefing

1 mark for a brief answer and a further mark for elaboration. For example, gain presumptive consent (1 mark) by asking people similar to the participant if they think it is OK to do the experiment (further mark for elaboration). Candidates may answer this generically or they may refer to a specific study. For example, Milgram debriefed his participants (1 mark) he reassured them that they were normal and answered all their questions (further mark for elaboration).


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

Question 8

AO2 = 4 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and application of types of


Jan is showing internalisation, she has taken the others’ beliefs as her own and this

behaviour continues even when she is away from the group. Norah is showing compliance, because away from the group she reverted back to her original behaviour. Explanations of conformity are also creditworthy here and reference to NSI and ISI can gain marks. Jan believes the others were right (ISI) while Norah just wanted to be accepted by her housemates (NSI). Credit explanation in terms of private/public behaviour.

The answer must be absolutely clear to which girl it is referring in order to gain any marks. If only one girl is explained, maximum 2 marks.

4 marks Effective analysis of unfamiliar situation Effective explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge of types of conformity and explains which type of conformity each girl is showing. 3 marks Reasonable analysis of unfamiliar situation Reasonable explanation of types of conformity each girl is showing. 2 marks Basic analysis of unfamiliar situation Basic explanation of types of conformity each girl is showing, or effective explanation of only one girl. 1 mark Rudimentary analysis of unfamiliar situation Rudimentary, muddled consideration of types of conformity either girl is showing, demonstrating very limited knowledge. 0 marks

No creditworthy material or no engagement with the stem.

Question 9

AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of explanations why people obey.

There are several reasons why people obey:

Presence of legitimate authority Authority takes responsibility for consequences Gradual commitment Personality factors (e.g. authoritarian personality) Being in the agentic state Situational factors (e.g. role of buffers).

For each explanation, 1 mark for a basic answer and a further mark for elaboration. For example, one reason people obey is due to gradual commitment (1 mark). This is where you are told to do something small and gradually the orders become more extreme but by then you can’t say no (further mark for elaboration).


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series


Question 10

AO3 = 4 marks Interpretation of data

The two averages are very similar, suggesting that both therapies are as good as each other.

The range of each group is very different. This suggests that for some people Therapy A was very beneficial, but for others it had little benefit. For Therapy B, there was a much smaller range, suggesting that it has a similar effect on improvement for all the patients.

4 marks Effective interpretation of data

Effective interpretation that demonstrates sound knowledge of what the data shows, with reference to both the average and the range. 3 marks Reasonable interpretation of data Reasonable interpretation of what the data shows; or effective interpretation of either the average or the range. 2 marks Basic interpretation of data Basic interpretation of what the data shows. 1 mark Rudimentary interpretation of data Rudimentary, muddled interpretation of the data, demonstrating very limited knowledge. Or reference to, for example, larger range/higher average/similar range. 0 marks

No creditworthy material.

Question 11 a

AO2 = 3 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and application of

definitions of abnormality.

Several definitions could be applicable: deviation from social norms; failure to function adequately and deviation from ideal mental health. Candidates need to engage with the question in order to explain their choice. However, they can make a case for any of the definitions. For example, deviation from social norms (1 mark): It is not the norm for someone who is 30 to have a temper tantrum, even though it is normal for a 3 year old, so she is breaking an age-related social norm (2 marks for explanation).

1 mark for identification of a definition of abnormality and further two marks for the explanation why it has been chosen.

Question 11 b

AO2 = 3 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and application of

definitions of abnormality.

The limitation must refer to the definition offered in part (a). For example, a limitation of the deviation from social norms definition is that social norms can vary from culture to culture. This means that what is considered normal in one culture may be considered abnormal in another. 1 mark for identification of a limitation and a further 2 marks for elaboration.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

Question 12 a

AO1 = 3 marks Knowledge of psychoanalysis and systematic


Psychoanalysis involves a range of techniques that aims to bring material from the unconscious into the conscious. These could include free association, dream analysis and projective tests.

Question 12 b

AO1 = 3 marks Knowledge of psychoanalysis and systematic


SD involves teaching the client deep muscle relaxation, client and therapist constructing an anxiety hierarchy, and then working through the hierarchy while remaining relaxed.

For each therapy, 1 mark for a basic answer and a further two marks for elaboration.

Question 13

AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of the Biological approach to


AO2 = 4 marks Evaluation/commentary on the Biological approach to


Examiners should be aware that this is only an 8-mark answer and they

shouldn’t expect as much as in a 12-mark answer.


The key features of the biological approach to psychopathology are that disorders have an organic or physical cause. The focus of this approach is on genetics, neurotransmitters, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy etc. This approach argues that mental disorders are related to the physical structure and functioning of the brain. Description of relevant biological therapies can receive credit, but an answer that focuses solely on therapies will be limited to basic.


Evaluation of the approach could be through research that supports these different causes, evidence from the use of therapies, or by consideration of disorders that do not seem to have organic causes and can be better explained by other approaches. The approach can also be criticised for ignoring environmental and developmental influences and alternative approaches can be used to elaborate this problem. Strengths of this approach include its testability via neuroscience research, evidence for genetic and neurotransmitter involvement in conditions such as schizophrenia.

Answers which make no reference to psychopathology (while unlikely) will be limited to Basic marks.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series


Knowledge and understanding


Application of knowledge and


4 marks Accurate and reasonably

detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed description that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the biological approach to psychopathology. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

4 marks Effective evaluation Effective commentary that demonstrates sound evaluation of the biological approach to psychopathology.

3 marks Less detailed but generally

accurate Less detailed but generally accurate description that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

3 marks Reasonable evaluation Reasonable commentary that demonstrates some evaluation of the biological approach to psychopathology.

2 marks Basic Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question, or no reference to psychopathology.

2 marks Basic evaluation Basic commentary of the biological approach to psychopathology, or no reference to psychopathology.

1 mark Very brief/flawed or

inappropriate Very brief or flawed description demonstrating very little knowledge. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate.

1 mark Rudimentary evaluation Rudimentary, muddled commentary of biological approach to psychopathology, demonstrating very limited knowledge.

0 marks

No creditworthy material. 0 marks

No creditworthy material.


Psychology A (PSYA2) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

Assessment Objectives

Question AO1 Mark AO2 Mark AO3 Mark

Biological: 1 4 2 4 3 5 4 5 5 1 5

Total: 10 10 4


6 6 6 7 4 8 4 9 4

Total: 10 10 4



10 4 11 6 12 6 13 4 4

Total: 10 10 4


Version 1

General Certificate of Education (A-level) June 2011

Psychology A

(Specification 2180)


Unit 2: Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences

Report on the Examination


Further copies of this Report on the Examination are available from: Copyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.


Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – June 2011

Unit 2: (PSYA2) Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences General Many of the general comments given in this report were also covered last summer. Unfortunately, it appears as if some centres are not accessing the report on the exam. One of the main issues is the extent to which candidates can select theories and research studies that are relevant to the question asked and the degree to which they can engage with the opportunity to comment and evaluate. In terms of selection issues, sometimes “less is more”. Teachers could consider covering less material, but make sure that their candidates understand the material so that they can use it to address the specific requirements of examination questions. It appears that some teachers are still focusing on the delivery of large swathes of knowledge, but not developing in their students the skills of using the material effectively. This approach results in many candidates being able to reproduce very detailed and very sound description of psychological knowledge. However, what they seem unable to do, especially with novel situations, is demonstrate that they really understand it and can apply their knowledge. This is a real shame and leads to the underperformance of what could be very good students of psychology. The other main issue relates to exam skills. Candidates should be aware that all the questions are written very carefully, the words are chosen specifically to elicit certain information and allow candidates to demonstrate certain skills. It was obvious that a significant number of candidates do not appreciate this and assume that simply writing everything they know about a topic will suffice. Quite clearly this is not an appropriate approach and not following the specific requirements of a question can result in no marks being awarded. Question 3 is a good example of this where candidates ignored the word “studies”. One of the reasons why so many candidates used the additional pages was due to their inability to write concisely. The space provided for an answer is a good guide to how much a candidate needs to write. Candidates (and teachers) should be reassured that it is perfectly possible to gain full marks in the space provided, often without the need to use the extra space. So if only three or four lines have been given, then this is all that would be expected for the allocated marks. It is possible that many candidates who are writing too much probably do not read the question carefully. It is clear that some very well informed candidates are not gaining full marks because they are simply not doing what the question asks. Candidates who think about which part of the specification is relevant, who apply their knowledge appropriately and who can write accurate and concise answers, will do very well. Often, time spent thinking and planning is extremely beneficial. Teachers might also think about spending some time explaining to their students the mechanics of online marking. Candidates need to understand that examiners do not see the whole answer booklet, but instead only see “clips”. These are the section of the answer that refers to a specific question. If a candidate does not indicate that their answer continues elsewhere (especially if their answer ends with a full stop) the examiner will not know that there is more to mark. It is in a candidate’s own interest to indicate clearly that their answer continues and to use the additional pages, not spare space in their booklet.


Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – June 2011

Section A Biological Psychology Question 1 A very straightforward question, but some candidates seemed unable to follow the instructions, putting one letter in each box. Some candidates selected letters that were not on the list, while others put more than one letter in the box. Candidates should be careful with their handwriting in such questions; sometimes it was extremely difficult to decipher the letter. Question 2 This question asked candidates to explain the strengths, not merely describe a characteristic of a questionnaire. There were a wide range of answers, such as if the questionnaire is anonymous, respondents may be more honest; if they are filled in private demand characteristics are reduced. However, answers that simply said that they are ‘cheap’ or ‘quick’, gained no credit unless there was some elaboration. For example, questionnaires are quicker than interviews. Describing the type of data as a strength was in itself not creditworthy, since such data could often be generated by other methods. However, if reference was made to the type of question and the data it would generate, this could be creditworthy. For example, open-ended questions produce qualitative data that can be rich and varied. Many candidates misread the question and provided one strength and one limitation. Question 3 The focus of this question was on studies of workplace stress and not factors. The most frequently used studies were those of Johansson and Marmot. However, any study that explicitly focused on workplace stress would receive credit. Question 4 Almost all candidates correctly identified Mark as being Type A. However, few were then able to explain in terms of physiology, how this type of personality responds to stress. What was missing from most answers was any understanding of how this personality responds to stress and how they have an increased risk of CHD and other stress related illnesses. Some candidates described the Friedman and Rosenman study in detail, but failed to apply their knowledge to this question. Question 5 Most candidates could name a psychological method of stress management, apart from the minority who offered a physiological method. However, in (b) they were required to explain the strengths of their chosen method. This is not the same as describing the procedures of the method itself. This is a good example of the need for candidates to read the question carefully. Too many simply described the method, without considering its strengths. One way of considering strengths are by comparison with other methods: such as CBT does not have any side effects, nor is it addictive, unlike some physiological methods.


Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – June 2011

Section B Social Psychology Question 6 This question should not have been difficult for candidates to do, although many candidates seemed to find it so. Independent behaviour is explicitly stated in the specification and clearly in Asch's and Milgram's studies there is arguably almost as much evidence for independent behaviour as conformity and obedience. Even for those candidates who were able to focus on the independent behaviour aspects of the question, very few were able to extend their evaluation beyond the rather basic (and often repetitive) methodological criticisms of the various studies. There is more to evaluation than the stock phrases of ecological and population validity - these seem to be churned out no matter what the study is. Very few candidates were able to provide wider commentary on the more general potential benefits to society of dissenting voices, questioning of authority, new, creative views or the idea of social heroism. This area of psychology should be much more meaningful to the students than it appears to be. Another notable point was the absolute determination of a high percent of candidates to give the standard Asch/Milgram essay. Even those candidates, who started their answer with a broad statement about independent behaviour, seemed to then forget the question completely and go straight into lengthy descriptions of Asch/Milgram. Teachers may wish to note that the over teaching of these two studies in many cases is impacting negatively on their candidate's performance. There is much more to social psychology than Asch and Milgram and candidates need to have this strongly reinforced. Question 7 Both parts of this question were answered well, with many candidates demonstrating a sound understanding of the need for deception and ways of dealing with it. It is worth noting, that this question asked for an explanation, so simply stating, “it avoids social desirability” is not quite enough. Candidates need to be able to explain why this is important, eg “so it affects validity”. The most common way for dealing with deception was through the debrief, although a minority suggested presumptive consent and prior general consent. Question 8 There were some excellent answers to this applied question. Candidates were able to explain which girl was showing internalisation and which girl was showing compliance; or which girl demonstrated informational social influence and which girl demonstrated normative social influence. Question 9 This question was also answered very well by the majority of candidates, with a range of answers including legitimate authority, gradual commitment, agentic state etc. Unfortunately, there was a notable minority who confused conformity with obedience.


Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – June 2011

Section C Individual Differences Question 10 It was encouraging to see that this cohort of candidates was able to go beyond simply describing the findings. They were able to make suggestions about what they showed. For example, that both therapies showed some improvement, as there were no scores of zero; that in fact neither showed much improvement as the average was only 6.

However, it was also clear from the responses that a minority of candidates had no real understanding of what range tells us about data. Question 11 This question required candidates to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge. Most candidates chose deviation from social norms and successfully used the stimulus material to justify their choice. Candidates who chose either failure to function adequately or deviation from ideal mental health, found it a little more difficult to apply it to the scenario, but made some creditworthy attempts.

The most common limitation offered was that the definition suffers from cultural relativism, but for the full marks, candidates needed to explain why this is a limitation, rather than explaining what it is. Question 12 Candidates appeared to struggle with part (a) and showed very little understanding of what is involved in psychoanalysis. Many candidates could not go beyond a brief statement: that it is the “talking cure”. Only a minority was able to refer to the techniques used in psychoanalysis, such as free association and dream analysis.

In part (b) candidates demonstrated better knowledge, and were able to include reference to the anxiety hierarchy, deep muscle relaxation and the gradual working up through the hierarchy. Question 13 There were some excellent answers to this question, with candidates showing very accurate and detailed knowledge. There was usually a very good balance between AO1 and AO2. However, some candidates only focused on treatments and such answers were usually restricted to basic marks. It is important to note that while treatments are clearly part of the approach, they are not the main over-arching feature of the approach.

Unfortunately, some candidates misread the question and offered the behavioural approach instead. Such answers gained no marks.

Mark Ranges and Award of Grades Grade boundaries and cumulative percentage grades are available on the Results Statistics page of the AQA Website: UMS conversion calculator


General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Subsidiary ExaminationJanuary 2012

Psychology (Specification A) PSYA2Unit 2 Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and

Individual Differences

Tuesday 17 January 2012 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

You will need no other materials.

Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write

outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want

to be marked.

Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 4 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the

space provided to plan your answer. In Question 4, you will be assessed on your ability to:

– use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

PSYA2(Jan12psyA201)G/K71735 6/6/6/6

Centre Number Candidate Number


Other Names

Candidate Signature

For Examiner’s Use

Examiner’s Initials

Question Mark

















Do not write outside the



Section A Biological Psychology

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 4 marks

1 Describe one research study that has investigated stress in the workplace. In your answer you should include details of what was done and what was found.








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Total for this question: 4 marks

2 Lee and Denis were talking in the doctor’s waiting room. Denis remarked that his new neighbours were very noisy and that whenever he drove into town it was getting increasingly difficult to find anywhere to park. Lee said that his wife had died recently and that he was just about to retire.

Using examples from the conversation above, discuss the difference between life changes and daily hassles.








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Total for this question: 4 marks

3 Both life changes and daily hassles are often measured using questionnaires. Give two limitations of using questionnaires.

Limitation One ..................................................................................................................




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Limitation Two .................................................................................................................




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Total for this question: 12 marks

4 ‘There are several methods used to manage the negative effects of stress. These methods can be biological or psychological.’

Discuss two or more methods of stress management.

You may use this space to plan your answer

















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Section B Social Psychology

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 6 marks

5 Josie, Hana and Caitlyn have just started new jobs and all three are keen to do well. Josie laughs a lot at the jokes her colleagues tell, even though she does not always find them very funny. Hana observes her colleagues closely and makes sure that she completes the work in the same way that they do, so that she does not make any mistakes. Caitlyn prefers to learn through trial and error. She believes that by trying and by making mistakes, she will really understand what she is doing.

Which girl’s behaviour is being influenced by normative social influence and which girl’s behaviour is being influenced by informational social influence? Justify both choices.












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Total for this question: 4 marks

6 Using your knowledge of psychology, explain why some people might resist pressures to conform.








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Total for this question: 6 marks

7 Explain one or more reasons why people obey authority.












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Total for this question: 4 marks

8 Describe two ethical issues that can be illustrated by Milgram’s research into obedience to authority.








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Total for this question: 4 marks

9 How has social influence research helped our understanding of social change?








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Section C Individual Differences

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 4 marks

10 The following scattergram shows the relationship between the number of weeks of treatment with ECT and the score on the Self-Rating Depression Scale (on this scale, a high score indicates depression).

2 3 400







1Weeks of treatment

Score onself-ratingdepression



Relationship between weeks of treatment andscores on depression scale

Outline what the scattergram seems to show.








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Total for this question: 6 marks

11 Abnormality can be defined as ‘the failure to function adequately’.

Outline and evaluate this definition of abnormality.












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Total for this question: 3 marks

12 The following statements refer to different approaches to abnormality.

Select three statements that describe the psychodynamic approach.Tick three boxes only.

A Holding unrealistic and irrational beliefs about oneself and the world.

B Behaviour is caused mainly by the unconscious.

C Behaviour is shaped by forces in the environment.

D There is conflict between the id and the super-ego.

E The human mind is an information processor.

F Abnormality is caused by unresolved childhood problems.

(3 marks)____


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Total for this question: 4 marks

13 Outline the biological approach to abnormality.








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Total for this question: 7 marks

14 Hugh has a phobia of the dark. Because of this phobia, he has problems sleeping and has difficulty getting to and from work in the dark winter months. His doctor suggests a biological therapy might be the solution and prescribes a short course of drugs.

14 (a) What advice should the doctor give concerning the disadvantages of this type of drug therapy?








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Question 14 continues on the next page


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14 (b) Identify one psychological therapy that Hugh could consider and explain why it might help him.






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Version 1

General Certificate of Education (A-level) January 2012

Psychology A

(Specification 2180)


Unit 2: Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences


Mark Scheme


Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation events which all examiners participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available from: Copyright © 2012 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Section A Biological Psychology Question 1 AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of a research study investigating stress in workplace There are several studies that candidates can describe, but they must be studies that set out to investigate stress in the workplace. (So Brady’s “executive” monkeys is not creditworthy!) Possible research could include Marmot’s research into stress in civil servants; Johansson’s study of Swedish sawmill workers, or any other study of workplace stress. Candidates may describe any aspect of their chosen study, such as the procedures, the findings or conclusions. For top marks both procedures and findings/conclusions must be included. AO1 Knowledge and understanding 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of research investigating stress in the workplace. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate. 0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 2 AO2 = 4 marks Discussion of difference between life changes and daily hassles 1 mark for using examples or naming Lee to explain Life Changes and 1 mark for using examples or naming Denis to explain Daily Hassles. For example, Lee is experiencing Life Changes (1 mark). Daily Hassles are things such as the problems with traffic (1 mark). 2 further marks for discussion of the difference. Denis is suffering from frequent, minor, everyday events whereas Lee is suffering from infrequent, major events (2 marks). Credit other psychologically informed elaboration of discussion of difference, for example reference to chronic/acute and links to stress.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 3 AO3 = 4 marks Limitations of using questionnaires Limitations of using questionnaires could include:

social desirability leading questions ambiguous wording/different understanding of words participants may not tell the truth, especially with regard to stress-related issues

which are sensitive sampling difficulties/response rates closed questions leading to lack of detail open questions leading to difficulty of analysis

Any other relevant problem can be credited. Any reference to data without an explicit link to open or closed questions is not creditworthy. Ethical issues are not creditworthy. For each limitation: 1 mark for identification of the problem and a further mark for elaboration of why it is a limitation or a consequence. For example, participants might not understand the question (1 mark) and so make a guess and give answers that do not really represent their stress (further mark for elaboration). Answers do not need to be expressed within the context of stress research to gain full marks.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 4 AO1 = 6 marks Knowledge and understanding of methods of stress management AO1: Although the quote reminds candidates that there are both biological and psychological methods, it is acceptable for candidates to offer two from the same approach; such as drugs and biofeedback from the biological approach. However, if a candidate offers two types of drug treatment, they must clearly differentiate the two. This is also the case when offering two types of CBT, a clear difference must be shown for them to be accepted as two distinct methods. Biological: drugs such as benzodiazepines (increasing activity of GABA); beta-blockers (affecting the cardiovascular system). Biofeedback, training to recognise physiological changes. Psychological: stress inoculation therapy; hardiness training. For both Biological and Psychological methods, credit other methods not just those given on the specification. For top bands, there needs to be a reasonable balance between the two methods. If only one method is given, partial performance is maximum 4 AO1. Methods of coping, eg emotion focused and problem focused are not creditworthy. AO1 Knowledge and understanding 6 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed description that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of two or more methods of stress management. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 5 - 4 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate description that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. If only one method is outlined, it is accurate and reasonably detailed. Max 4 marks 3 - 2 marks Basic Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question. If only one method is outlined, it is less detailed but generally accurate. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate Very brief or flawed description demonstrating very little knowledge. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

AO2 = 6 marks Evaluation of these methods of stress management AO2: Commentary can be common to both methods, for example if two different types of drugs have been given; it is legitimate to have one lot of commentary for them both. Therefore there is no partial performance for AO2. However, for the top bands if this path is chosen, the commentary needs to be substantial to reach the top bands. AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding 6 marks Effective evaluation Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed commentary. Effective evaluation of research. Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Clear expression of ideas, good range of specialist terms, few errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 5 - 4 marks Reasonable evaluation Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable commentary. Reasonable evaluation of research. A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Reasonable expression of ideas, a range of specialist terms, some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 3 - 2 marks Basic evaluation The use of material provides only a basic commentary. Basic evaluation of research. Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence. Expression of ideas lacks clarity, some specialist terms used, errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling detract from clarity. 1 mark Rudimentary evaluation The use of material provides only a rudimentary commentary. Evaluation of research is just discernible or absent. Expression of ideas poor, few specialist terms used, errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling often obscure the meaning. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Section B Social Psychology Question 5 AO2 = 6 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and application of social influence Josie = Normative Social Influence, changing behaviour but not personal attitude: she is doing something (laughing at jokes) just to fit in and be accepted by the group, even though she doesn’t find the jokes funny. Hana = Informational Social Influence, changing behaviour in order to be correct and using group as reference: she wants to be right and is using her colleagues as a source of information. For each term, 1 mark for correctly linking the girl with the social influence and a further 2 marks for justification. No mark for merely saying Hana shows NSI unless a case is made for Hana showing NSI and the justification is explicitly linked to the stem. Caitlyn is not experiencing any social influence. Candidates cannot access full marks unless explicitly engaged with stem.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 6 AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of why people resist pressures to conform People resist pressure to conform for a variety of reasons:

Desire for individuation Have an internal locus of control Support of colleague Prior commitment Dispositional Factors Models of independence/non-conformity Exposure to dissent

Credit any other relevant explanation. Students may offer one explanation in detail or more than one but in less detail. There is a breadth-depth trade off here. Merely identifying reasons without any explanation, maximum 2 marks. 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of why people resist pressures to conform. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate explanation that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of why people resist pressure to conform. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 2 marks Basic Basic explanation that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of why people resist pressure to conform but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate The student provides an explanation, which is very brief or flawed and demonstrates very limited knowledge of why people resist pressure to conform. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 7 AO1 = 6 marks Knowledge of why people obey There are several explanations why people obey, such as:

legitimate authority gradual commitment agentic shift lack of personal responsibility situational factors, eg role of buffers personality factors, eg authoritarian personality.

Students may offer one explanation in detail or more than one but in less detail. There is a breadth-depth trade off here. Merely identifying reasons without any explanation, maximum 2 marks. 6 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of why people obey. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 5 – 4 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate explanation that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of why people obey. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 3 – 2 marks Basic Basic explanation that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of why people obey, but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate The student provides a explanation, which is very brief or flawed and demonstrates very limited knowledge of why people obey. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 8 AO3 = 4 marks How science works – knowledge of ethical issues For each issue, 1 mark for identification of issue and a further mark for elaboration. For example, one issue is deception (1 mark); Milgram deceived participants into believing that they had an equal chance of being the teacher or learner, when in fact it was rigged (further mark for elaboration). Right to withdraw is only an ethical issue in terms of it being made difficult to withdraw. Milgram did in fact give his participants the right to withdraw at the very start of the experiment; however he then made it very difficult for them to do so. Simply stating ‘there was no right to withdraw’ will not gain credit. Explanation doesn’t have to explicitly refer to Milgram’s research. Question 9 AO2 = 4 marks How social influence research can explain social change There are various ways in which social influence research can help explain social change and examiners must be aware of the wide range of possible answers here. However, social change refers to the change that occurs in a society and not at the individual level.

Minorities bring about social change by being consistent, flexible and non-dogmatic. Through social crypto-amnesia and the snowball effect gradually the minority turns into the majority.

Dictators can bring about social change through their power and through the process of obedience.

Detailed descriptions of studies (eg Moscovici) are only relevant if they are used effectively to show how they have helped our understanding. Research can refer to either theory or study. 4 marks Effective explanation Effective explanation that demonstrates sound knowledge of how social influence research can explain social change. 3 marks Reasonable explanation Reasonable explanation that demonstrates knowledge of how social influence research can explain social change. 2 marks Basic explanation Basic explanation of how social influence research explains social change. 1 mark Rudimentary Rudimentary, muddled, explanation of how social influence research can explain social change demonstrating very limited knowledge. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Section C Individual Differences Question 10 AO3 = 4 marks How science works - knowledge of research methods The graph shows a strong negative correlation between score on depression scale and weeks of treatment. The more treatments the lower the depression. However, there also seems to be a plateau, where between 2 – 3.5 weeks there is very little change in depression. 1 mark for each of the following:

Strength (it is a moderately strong/strong correlation) Direction (negative) Description of the relationship (the longer the treatment the lower the depression

score) Indication of plateau / change in direction.

Question 11 AO1 = 3 marks Knowledge of failure to function adequately definition of

abnormality AO2 = 3 marks Evaluation of this definition Failure to function adequately (FFA) refers to abnormality that prevent the person from carrying out the range of behaviours that society would expect from them, such as getting out of bed each day, holding down a job etc. Rosenhan & Seligman suggested a range of criteria that are typical of FFA. These include observer discomfort, unpredictability and irrationality among others. 1 mark for a basic outline of FFA and a further two marks for elaboration. Evaluation of FFA:

Cultural relativism – what is considered adequate in one culture might not be so in another

FFA might not be linked to abnormality but to other factors. Failure to keep a job may be due to the economic situation not to psychopathology.

FFA is context dependent; not eating can be seen as failing to function adequately but prisoners on hunger strikes making a protest can be seen in a different light.

Question 12 AO1 = 3 marks Knowledge of psychodynamic approach Correct answers: B, D & F


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 13 AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of the biological approach to abnormality. The biological approach to psychopathology sees disorders as having an organic or physical cause. The focus of this approach is on genetics, neurotransmitters, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy etc. This approach suggests that mental disorders are related to the physical structure and functioning of the brain. If the answer only focuses on biological treatment without reference to underlying biological mechanisms, maximum of 2 marks. Answers which make no reference to psychopathology (while unlikely) will be restricted to the Basic mark band. 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed description that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the biological approach to psychopathology. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate description that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of the biological approach to psychopathology. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 2 marks Basic Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of the biological approach to psychopathology, but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question or no reference to psychopathology. 1 mark Very brief/flawed or inappropriate The candidate provides a description, which is very brief or flawed and demonstrates very limited knowledge of the biological approach to psychopathology. Selection and presentation of information is largely or wholly inappropriate. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Question 14 a AO2 = 4 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation and disadvantages of drug

therapy Disadvantages could include:

addictive properties do not treat the cause only the symptoms side effects.

Examiners should be aware there is a depth versus breadth trade off. One disadvantage in detail or a few in less detail. 4 marks Effective information about disadvantages Effective advice that demonstrates sound knowledge of disadvantage of drug therapy. 3 marks Reasonable information about disadvantages Reasonable advice that demonstrates knowledge of disadvantage of drug therapy. 2 marks Basic advice information disadvantages Basic advice of disadvantage of drug therapy. 1 mark Rudimentary Rudimentary, muddled, advice of disadvantage of drug therapy demonstrating very limited knowledge. 0 marks No creditworthy material. Question 14 b AO2 = 3 marks Analysis of unfamiliar situation, use of psychological therapy Students can choose any therapy as long as it is a psychological one, so clearly ECT is not creditworthy. However, it is important that the chosen therapy is made relevant to Hugh and explains why it works, not how it works. There needs to be some reference to the underlying rationale.

Systematic desensitisation could be used to help him with his phobia of the dark because it will stop him being frightened and replace his fear with relaxation. Fear is incompatible with relaxation.

CBT could be used because it would help change his faulty cognitions about the dark that are preventing him from getting to work.

Psychoanalysis could be used to help him because it would access the unconscious where the repressed material is causing his abnormal behavior.

1 mark for identification of a psychological therapy and 2 further marks for explanation of why it would be appropriate.


Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA2 – January 2012

Assessment Objectives

Question AO1 Mark AO2 Mark AO3 Mark Biological:

1 4 2 4 3 4 4 6 6

Total: 10 10 4

Social: 5 6 6 4 7 6 8 4 9 4

Total: 10 10 4

Individual Differences:

10 4 11 3 3 12 3 13 4 14 7

Total: 10 10 4 UMS conversion calculator


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