Page 1: Psychology as a Science -Scientific Method - Research Ethics - Becoming a Psychologist

Psychology as a Science

-Scientific Method

- Research Ethics

- Becoming a Psychologist

Page 2: Psychology as a Science -Scientific Method - Research Ethics - Becoming a Psychologist

What is psychology?the scientific study of the mind

What counts as SCIENCE?

• A systematic method to test a specific claim (hypothesis)

• The hypothesis should be

• falsifiable

• replicable

• better than rival hypotheses

• The findings should show causation, rather than merely correlation

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Scientific method

• Formulate a specific claim that can be tested (hypothesis)– For example: “Female rats exposed to high level of testosterone in utero

will exhibit male sexual behavior as adults”

• Collect evidence that either confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis

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Scientific Method

• Step 1: Formulate a testable hypothesis

– Example of a poor hypothesis: ‘Hormones make you gay’

– Why is this a bad hypothesis?

– How can you make it better?

Group activity

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Scientific Method: Experimental design

• Step 2: Design & conduct experiment– Dependent variable:

• What are you measuring?• Does the outcome of this variable depend on something else?• How will you quantify this variable?

– Independent variable:• The variable that differs across conditions (hormone level)

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Scientific Method: Experimental design


- Confounding variables- Uncontrolled variables that could also explain the results

- Were subjects assigned randomly to groups?- Were subjects in the four groups tested under similar conditions?









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mounting otherfemales

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Scientific Method: Experimental design

- Experiment- Conditions are manipulated

- Observational study- Variables are observed (not manipulated)- Usually under natural conditions- Usually results are correlational

- For example, is baboon’s size correlated with shiny fur? - A large male may gain access to more food (& thus healthier fur).

Alternatively, - More food will make the baboon arger (& thus healthier fur)

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Scientific method: experimental design

• Case study– Extensive study of one individual– Compare behavior to a group of control subjects

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Scientific Method: Experimental design

Higher Lower Causal

Lower Higher Correlational

Mixed Mixed Causal



Case study



Type of inference

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Scientific Method: Experimental design

• Step 3: evaluate hypothesis– Results

– Is the difference reliable? Are we likely to replicate the results? (statistics)

– Do the findings fit well with existing data?









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Some psychological research topics:

• origins of stereotypes

• development of language

• causes of Alzheimer’s disease

• accuracy of eyewitness testimony

• treatment of eating disorders

• causes of romantic love

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Research Ethics

• Goal: Ethical treatment of research subjects

• Guidelines and regulations regarding experimentation with humans and animals

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Research Ethics

• Holocaust medical experimenters and Nuremberg trials– Trials took place after World War II (1946)– Nazi doctors were put on trial for unethical human


– Led to the Nuremberg Code• Focus on medical research

• Informed consent

• Avoid unnecessary suffering

• Subject can stop at any time

– Declaration of Helsinki (1964)

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Research Ethics: Psychological Research

Protection of human subjects• Voluntary participation (vs. coercion)• Informed consent

– Are subjects aware of all potential risks and benefits?

• Debriefing– Are subjects deceive in any way?

• Confidentiality– Sharing information: publication of research results– Storage of records

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Research Ethics: Psychological Research

Protection of human subjects• Voluntary participation (vs. coercion)• Informed consent

– Are subjects aware of all potential risks and benefits?

• Debriefing– Are subjects deceive in any way?

• Confidentiality– Sharing information: publication of research results– Storage of records

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Schooling in Psychology

O ff to w ork ! M as te r's d eg ree2 years

P os td oc to ra ltra in in g

1 -3 years

D oc to ra l d eg ree4 -6 years

B ach e lo r's d eg ree4 years

H ig h S ch oo ld ip lom a

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• Homework , web (anatomy)

• syllabus

• textbook

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