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SESSION: MONDAY (5.30 PM -7.30 PM)



SHUM LI SZE 0322822

NG YEEN MUN 0323804

TANG FU HONG 0323092


NG JI YANN 0323713


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No. Title Page

1. Acknowledgement 2

2. Introduction 3

3. Methoda. Apparatus / Materialb. Procedurec. Participant


4. Discussiona. Storylineb. 5 Concepts & Definitionc. Application Of Concepts


5. Appendicesa. Scriptb. Setting


6. References 20


In this assignment, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of every member who was involved in this group project. All of us played our important roles in the group , we compromised upon each other's ideas and also did everything together as a team. It has shown that we all have it in us to give effort to handle our work with responsibility.


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Moreover, we would like to thank Mr. Shankar, who is our Social Psychology lecturer. He has taught us about the actual meanings of social psychology in all of the 10 chapters. He even taught us about dealing with life , human behaviours and other topics. Undoubtedly, he is the best social psychology lecturer.

Lastly, throughout the entire project we are grateful to our dearest groupmates as well. Without anyone of us sacrificing all our free time just to have discussions , to exchange ideas, and also to shoot videos together, we never could have finished this project perfectly on time.


In this final assignment, everyone of us is formed into a group of 4-5 people by our lecturer Mr.Shankar. In this assignment, we are required to choose 5 concepts in different chapters to do a story-comic and also 5 concepts in other different chapters to do a story-video. All of the concepts and theories that we chose have been taught by our lecturer in class.

For the comic that we have done, we did a story which is entitled ‘Father and Son Business’ . The 5 concepts that we have applied are observational learning ( Chapter 5 ; Scene 1 ) , stereotyping ( Chapter 3 ;Scene 2 ) , social loafing ( Chapter 1 ; Scene 3 ) , self-serving bias ( Chapter 4 ; Scene 4 ) , motivation


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( Chapter 2 ; Scene 5 )

For the video that we did , every one of us had one characteristic to be performed in the video. This story-video is called ‘ Fight To Be A Manager ’. The 5 concepts that we have applied are , Social Facilitation ( Chapter 1 ; Scene 2 ) , Fritz Heider: Balance Theory ( Chapter 5 ; Scene 3 ) ,Sexism ( Chapter 7 ; Scene 3 ), Cognitive Capacity ( Chapter 4 ; Scene 4 ) and also Birging ( Chapter 2 ; Scene 5 )

Throughout this assignment, we have gained more understanding of the applied topics. Now, we are able to realise and apply all of these concepts in our life as well.


a. Apparatus & Materials:

The apparatus and materials that we used in the story of the comic are two pieces of A3 papers, some water colors and also a few artline pens. Besides that, the apparatus and materials used in the story of the video are Canon DSLRs, Nikon DSLRs, Macbook, samsung, Iphone 6S rose gold, Iphone 6S rose gold plus, books, documents files and also some other stationery.

b. Procedure:

● On the 18th of December 2015 , we had our first discussion meeting in Block E, E4.07 ( 2-4P.M.) in Taylor’s Lakeside Campus. On that day , we distributed the work to each and every person in our group for the story of the comic project.


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We chose 5 concepts in 5 different chapters among 10 chapters. We also discussed which concepts are more suitable to be the introduction or the conclusion for the story.

● On the 28th of December 2015 , we had our second meeting in Block E, E4.08( 3-4P.M) which is in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. On that day, we discussed about the progression of the story of the comic.

● On the 31st of December 2015, we have our third meeting at Block E, E3.14 ( 9-11A.M) for our last progression of the story of our comic. Moving on, we discussed about the second part of our assignment which is the story of the video. We discussed about the characteristics that each and everyone of us had to participate in, we also distributed the script to everyone so that we can all memorize our own parts.

● On the 11th of January 2015, we had our first video shooting in campus. It is a classroom for the school of mass communication, but we still managed to use it for our shooting session. We did 3 scenes on that day. The first and second scene were in the white room , while the third scene was outside of the University’s library.

● On the 18th of January 2015, we had our last meeting and also video shooting. It was in Block C, at the computer lab of Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. On that day, we filmed the last 2 scenes, which were the fourth scene and also the fifth scene. After all of the progression, discussion and also agreement during all those days, we finalized our video and


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also the editing process. Now we are well prepared for our last presentation which is the 5 concepts in 5 different chapters to make a story in a video.

c. Participants : SHUM LI SZE 0322822

NG YEEN MUN 0323804

TANG FU HONG 0323092


NG JI YANN 0323713




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This comic is about a rich kid , Johnny Jayden who was born in a rich family. His dad wanted him to get a job position in his company. All his colleagues know this and think that Johnny is a rich kid who has been spoiled and pampered too much by his parents and does not even know how to do anything. He always fall asleep during the meetings with his colleagues. However, whenever someone wakes him up and scolds him, he will find some excuses such as blaming the weather for making him fall asleep. One day, a pretty girl named Jane who just got her job entered the office. Since his first sight of her,Johnny fell in love with Jane. He wanted to pursue her badly, but Jane didn’t want to accept his advances. He was then determined to work hard just to be accepted by Jane. Three months later, Johnny achieved his target on his work, he also proved to everyone that he can do it even though his motivation comes from a girl. Last but not least, Jane realised that Johnny really worked hard and achieved his targets. Finally, she became his girlfriend and it is a happy ending.

Concepts & Definition:1. Stereotyping-Stereotyping is a self-confirming belief that one may be evaluated based on a negative stereotype. It also is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.

2. Social Loafing


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- Social loafing refers to the concept that people are prone to exert less effort on a task if they are in a group versus when they work alone.

3. Self-Serving Bias- The tendency to attribute positive outcomes to our internal or personal factors, and negative outcomes to situational or external factors, it is useful to first become familiar with attribution theory.

4. Motivation- Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. Motivation, like intelligence, can't be directly observed. Instead,motivation can only be inferred by noting a person's behavior. Researchers have proposed theories that try to explain human motivation.

5. Observational Learning- Observational learning has been a part of the human experience for a long time, but it wasn't until somewhat recently that psychologists began to examine this phenomenon closely in an effort to understand it better.Evaluation Of Concept:1. Stereotyping-When Johnny Jayden started his job, all his colleagues gossiped about him. All of them would say that he doesn’t know how to do anything, he is here just because of his father.

2. Social Loafing-During meetings, Johnny would always fall asleep and he could not focus even when someone was asking him some questions.

3. Self-Serving Attribution


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-When Johnny falls asleep during meetings , he never felt sorry. Johnny would only blame the weather for making him fall asleep.

4. Motivation-A pretty girl, Jane came into Johnny’s father’s company for a job. Johnny pursued her romantically, but Jane would not accept him simply because he is the son of the owner. She wanted Johnny to increased his sales by the end of the year by working hard, then she will reconsider him.

5. Observational Learning- To achieves the sales, Johnny started to learn about business and marketing skills from his dad. 3 months later, Johnny succeeded in achieving the sales and won Jane’ heart .

VideoStoryline:This video is about a company which specialises in promoting different colleges and universities to high school graduates. One day, the company received a project to target two different universities which are ‘Teylor's University’ and also ‘Sunwey’s University’. The universities want to attract new students who just finished the SPM examinations to enter a higher education level in their university. The boss of the company has assigned this particular project to two leaders, Yeen Mun and Anderson to select one of the universities for further target achievements. Both of them have to lead their own members to follow up on their individual project. Whoever managed to bring in the highest number of students in the selected university will be promoted to


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manager. Both of the groups started their strategies to succeed in the project. Whenever they see each other being serious in their own individual project work, they will tend to work harder than usual. One day, both of the groups were resting at the balcony. Anderson thinks that Yeen Mun could not possibly do anything better than him just because Yeen Mun is a girl. Surprisingly, Yeen Mun told Anderson not to look down on her just because she is a girl, her capabilities are much better than his. In that moment, both of their members fought for their leaders as well. During office hours, Anderson discussed their own progress with his members and the data shows that they had attracted less students than last year. After that, both of them still blame their luck but believe that regardless of what problems they had to face they will still be the winner amongst the other groups. On the final day, when the results were released, Yeen Mun and her group has successfully achieved her targets but Anderson and his group are still lacking of a few students before he achieve his targets. The boss of the company finally announced that Yeen Mun will become the manager for the upcoming years. All of their colleagues came forward to Yeen Mun and praised Yeen Mun and her team mates for doing a great job. Anderson and his team mates are really upset. When Yeen Mun’s assistant praised Yeen Mun, Anderson and his assistant got angry. Both of them left the office in a fierce tantrum, but the others just do not care about them anymore.


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Concepts & Definition :1. Social Facilitation- Social facilitation is the idea that you will likely do better on a simple task when other people are watching you. However, you would tend to do less well on complex tasks where you were being watched or evaluated.

2. Sexism- Sexism is discrimination based on gender and preferential treatment of one sex over another. For example, women still make on average less money than men, and many people cite this as evidence for sexism in the workplace.

3. Fritz Heider: Balance Theory- Balance Theory is a motivational theory of attitude change, proposed by Fritz Heider. It conceptualizes the cognitive consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance. The consistency motive is the urge to maintain one's values and beliefs over time. Heider proposed that "sentiment" or liking relationships are balanced if the affect valence in a system multiplies out to a positive result.

4. Cognitive Capacity


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- The mental act or process by which knowledge is acquired, including perception, intuition, and reasoning.

5. Birging-Birging means feeling successful through the successes of one's circle and enhancing one’s self-esteem just by being in the group.Evaluation Of Concept:1. Social facilitation-When the boss passed by their working place , they worked harder than before.

2. Sexism-Anderson thought that he would be better than Yeen Mun in handling business as he thought that man would always be better than woman.

3. Fritz Heider: Balance Theory-Because Yeen Mun hated Anderson , her group member also hated Anderson’s team.

4. Cognitive Capacity-When Anderson’s group had attracted less students for their services, they their bad luck. They didn’t feel that their capabilities were lower than others.

5. Birging-When the boss of the company announced Yeen Mun as the new manager, Yeen Mun’s group members were very proud of her, because Yeen Mun was their group leader.


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Scene 1 : ( INTRODUCTION )

Li Sze : [ serious ] The SPM candidates has just ended and a multitude of graduates are now seeking to enter the next higher level of education. Sunweys and Teylors are already aiming to attract new students intakes. They want us to help them bring in more students. Each of you, will have the responsibility of handling one school. Anyone who manages to bring in the highest number of students will be promoted.


Yeen Mun & Ji Yann : [ working at usual speed ]Fuhong & Anderson : [ working at usual speed ]Both group : [ look at each other, realize the presence of other ] ; [ both perform better than usual ]


Fuhong and Anderson : [ chatting casually ]Ji Yann and Yeen Mun : [ walk in and chatting happily ] ; [ get a seat ]

Anderson : [ laugh and point at Yeen Mun ]


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Yeen Mun : [ angry ] Don’t just look down on me, just because i’m a girl. You know my capabilities are way better than you.

Anderson : [ sarcastically ]Oh ! So, you think that you are better than me ? You should know that I am very good at managing my business. Men are always better than women.

Yeen Mun : Don’t be so confident of yourself, by the end of this month, we will see who's the better. But of course , it would be me.

Fu Hong : Hey! Enough of talking trash , you should be worried for your sorry ass! My boss is always the best !

Ji Yann : Both of you need to man up , and stop defending us. Don’t worry Pearlie, I will always back you up.


Fu Hong : So how was your progress on the graduate intake?

Anderson : This year, it seems that less student approached us for our service.

Fu Hong : Anyway, it just a matter of time till the students come for us.

Anderson : Even we have less students, it’s because our luck's is bad. I believe we could win no matter what. I’m always better.

Scene 5 : ( BIRGING )


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Yeen Mun: Phew, finally we have achieved our target. Thanks for your help from day 1 Ji Yann , without you I can’t even walks this far by myself.

Ji Yann : I hope our boss will know that you have done well!

Anderson : Yeah ! Finally we have done ! but we are still lacking a few students to achieve the target.

Fu Hong : It’s fine, I think we did well ! I bet you will become the manager.

Li Sze : Okay ! I’m going to announce something important. Start from today, Pearlie is going to become the manager ! Good job, Pearlie.


Fu Hong : Cheh , You are not the manager, why are you so excited !

Ji Yann : She is my boss, and I’m her worker. That’s why I’m proud !



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Settings :

White Room (Block D Level 3) , in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.


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Computer Lab (Block D Level 3) , in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.

Outside of the Library in Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.

REFERENCESSocial Facilitation | Simply Psychology. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from


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(n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from

(n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from

Motivation: The Psychological Factors That Guide Behavior. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from

(n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from


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