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A look at the UK’s Bars, Clubs and Issues

November 2012






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TSThe Union Moving onThe RGU:UNION will be moving to the Garth-dee Campus and Pub Magazine have all the information you will need to know on the move.

PAGE 1&2Pub in the Spot lightTriple Kirks is in the spotlight this week - Pub Magazine looks at the Establishment’s of-fers and the current developments that sur-round it.

PAGE 3In this week’s issue...

PAGE 4 PAGE 5 & 6The Big Halloween EventPub Magazine covers the halloween event that oc-cured at Tunnels. I talk to the Co-organiser and DJ of the event Iain Forbes.

The Big IssueThe big issue this week concerns the Union Terrace Gar-dens and the contro-versy that it has con-joured.

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NTENIn this week’s issue...



Pub magazine is a free publication that looks at the local pubs, clubs and issues of various citys in the UK. This is the Aberdeen Edition. The magazines are distrubuted in Pubs all around the city. I hope you enjoy your read of Pub Magazine while enjoying your drink and I hope you become an avid reader of the many more Aberdeen editions of the magazine. All articles and images are original content created by Pub Magazine.

A word from the Editor


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End of anEra


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“ The Union team feels it is important to inform students that RGU:UNION will be moving to the new campus in 2013

” tudents at RGU recently received an e-mail that created mixed opinions among the University. It has been decided that the RGU:UNION will move with the rest of the University to the Garthdee campus. The e-mail was sent by Fran-cisca Chiedu of the Union team and President of De-mocracy and Communica-tion as she felt it was impor-tant for all the students to know. Chiedu confirmed that the Union will be moved to the heart of University Street in Garthdee. The Union team member also said the new Union “will create a haven for students on campus”.The new Union will be a hub for Societies, relaxing, meals, drinking with friends, pool and even beer pong.Many hope that the new building in Garthdee will still include all the excellent features and offers that the original one does. The Union currently boasts the cheapest pint in Aberdeen at only £!.70

and multiple other great drink deals on certain nights.Chiedu also outlined the fact that she does not want students to worry when the “For Sale” sign appears out-side the Union in the coming weeks as the original will not be closing for sometime yet.

Pub magazine is with a lot of students in supporting the move as it would bring all buildings in the university to-gether. But there is also a lot of students that are against the idea of the union moving homes.Many believe that the move is bad because it isloates a lot of students that wish to drink at the Union before heading into town and that it also poses a major issue for students living in the centre of town in either flats or halls that regularly like to pop into the union to study or social-ise. One disgruntled student voiced his displeasure at the

plans of the move by com-menting on the RGU:UNION’s Facebook page. The student made it clear he was dis-sapointed due to the fact he will no longer be able to ac-cess the union easily from town and drink there before heading off to a club.The post garnered over 100 likes which clarified that the move does have a lot of op-position.Either way it will be a very interesting propect to have a Union in the Garthdee cam-pus.

S “a haven on campus for students”

pub magazine’s top drink deals from the Union£1.70 pints of Tennents All day everyday

£1 vodka, shots and bombs on Wednes-days

£1.50 bombs on Satur-days

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Bar in the Spotlight: Triple

KirksPub magazine takes a look at one of Aberdeen’s most loved student bars riple kirks is a well known and well loved bar in Aberdeen for a great number of reasons. From the relaxed and friendly atmosphere to the great drink and food of-fers ,“TKs” is a fantastic place for not only students but peo-ple of all ages who are after a good place to drink with friends.Not only that, Triple Kirks also has an upstairs club for those

who wish to carry on the party later on into the night. “Exo-dus” is a relatively small club, but perhaps the best thing about it, is the fact it is free.Triple Kirks wiins approval yet again with their “yellow card” scheme that punters can sign

up to for £1. The cards al-lows customers to receive a 30p discount on each drink purchased so you gain your money back after you have bought four drinks. The bulding itself of Triple kirks is also very nice. It’s iconic spire is eyecatching and on the bars sign they have chosen to in-clude the spire because it is a big part of the bars image.Without doubt Tri-ple kirks has ex-ceeded the expections of Pub maga-zine.


Outside Triple Kirks and Exo-dus

Triple Kirks Fact FileOwners: Scream Pubs

Location: Belmont Street


Best Drink Deal: £5 cocktail pitchers (Tues-days)


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ig Issue - UTG

A plan that split the city... Pub magazine looks at the issue of the Union Terrace Gardens

he plans to redevelop the Union Terrace Gardens in the heart of Aberdeen

caused massive controversy in the city. Supporters of the plan believed it would be a great development and cre-ate jobs whereas the oppo-sition believed the gardens were fine the way they are. With Sir Wood putting forward

a massive £40 million towards the project it was clear to see that the develpment should go ahead.Despite this, a referendum on the issue had to take place before the develpment could

receive the go ahead which was the fair thing to do. The results of the referendum showed the people of Ab-erdeen wanted the logical choice in choosing the project to go ahead. However the controversy was just be-ginning as the Aberdeen City Council, headed by Barney Crockett still chose to block the development and in do-ing so, went against the will of the people.This was of course met with outrage, One protest group said: “Barney crockett is go-ing to run our city into the ground.”The Gardens are usually virtu-ally empty bar a few people having a walk through. There is cones and builders

equipment that lay in rubble. Youths also plaque the area of the gardens by using the gardens to drink alcohol.

Union Terrace gardens is an issue that does not appear to be going away anytime soon with a protest occuring out-side the councils headquar-ters in the coming weeks.


“Barney Crock-ett is going to run our city into the ground.” A mess in the gardens

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@The Halloween Event


For the first time, this hal-loween the Tunnels venue opened it’s doors to a themed club night. The venue, that usually specializes in Rock, Indie and Alternative gigs has tried it’s hand at putting to-gether a succesfull club night.

The event was advertised through social netowrking sites, with most of the public-ity coming from Facebook. Hundreds of people said they would be in attendance on the social networking sites and they did not dissapoint

with the Tunnels almost reaching capacity. Due to the success of the night, the Venues management has al-ready said it is open to further club nights occuring at the venue.


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The co-organiser and DJ of the Event, Iain Forbes spoke to Pub magazine about the succes of the event. The events management student and part time DJ worked closely with the Tun-nels management team from the outset so that the right kind of club night could be achieved. It was Iains job to make sure the venue was packed on the night. “I cre-ated the Facebook page and invited everyone to take friends along to the event and it worked really well.” He said. Iain is part of a DJ collective called “Pixelduck” that he and his friend, Michael Mor-rison created at the begin-ning of the year and have since performed at a number

of events across the granite city. But the DJ is convinced that the halloween event at Tunnels was their best yet. He said: “the Halloween event was definitely the best DJ gig

we’ve done so far.The DJ is to return to the ven-ue next week to do a slightly earlier set for an 18th. “The 18th will only be going on until 12 but it is not too much of an issue as we both really like doing gigs at the Tunnels - it’s a really fun place to play.”The club night went on until

2AM which meant it was open until the same time as all oth-er clubs.From Batman to sheep; eve-ryone was dressed up for the event. The venue had even looked to lower the prices of it’s booze for the occasion with vodkas being lowered to the reasonable price of £1.50.“Pixelduck” also offered a different type of music from most ofther clubs that operate in the granite city. “We played mostly House and Trance music - something different from the usual chart music that is played in most other clubs.” Iain told Pub magazine when asked about the music that was played throughout the venue on the night.

“Definitely the best DJ gig we’ve done so far”

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