Page 1: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

1 S 76.




I ,






. 1 8 '7 5.


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Page 2: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


cl'HE HON. 51!( WILLIAM ~'OSTEJ! S'I'AWlcl,L,






mil IlONOH 11m .• ruSTICE FELLOWS,




TIll> HON. sm GEOHGE YElillON, K.C.]l1.G., CJI.,


'I'Hl> nON. sm c. GAYAN ])UF~'Y, K.C.i\I.G ..




lfJtellibtnt; llTS HONOR 11m. JUSTICE HARRY.

m::tellllUtet :





1:1 u:~lIlreli (bent: DAVID CHAR'I'ERIS McA.RTHUR, ESQ., J.P.





• r. COSMO .:s1~WUEI!Y, ESQ., U.Sc •.






Prepnrntiou-Xot. g-iyen. rrintin;4 (000 copies)




APl'ltOXE\[A'I'E COWl' OF llEPOH'J'. £, s. d.

mI.; 0

Page 3: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



The Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria have the honor to report for the year 1875 :-

At a meeting of the Trustees, held 2nd April 18.75, His Honor Mr. Justice Barry was re-elected President, and David Charteris McArthur, Esq., J.P., was re-elected Vice-President; the Honorable John Alexander MacPherson was re-elected Treasurer; the Sectional Committees were elected.

The Sectional Committees were composed of the Trustees whose names appear at the head of each Report.

TheReports of these Committees and of the respective administrative officers are anitexed, from which full particulars of the general proceedings and the internal economy of each section of' the institution may be learned.



Page 4: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

- •

Page 5: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


~etttonill Ql:ommittff.:

His HOllOI' Mr. JUSTICE BARRY, Chairman;


MARTIN Howy IRvuw, Esq., M.A., The H on. JOHN MACGREGOR, . The Hon. EDWARD LANGTON, M.P.

The Sectional Committee of the Public Librm'y have the honor to pl'esent the Report of their proceedings for the year 1875.

In accordance with the regnlations passed in the yem' 1873:-4, the enumeration of the books has this year been made in the month of 1\1arch.

The schedules show, first, the amount of money. received and expended during the year for the pm'chase of books and binding; the remittances to the Agent-General, and the actual expenditure in England, Europe, and the Colonies for such purchases anti binding; together with the sums voted for such contingencies, and the expenditUl'e of the same. . '

The sixth and seventh schedules show the number of books received as donations and under the Copyright Act, with full particnlars respecting them,

The eighth gives the circulation of \'olumes in the Lendiug Library, the towns to which the books have been forwarded, amI the DU1ubers of persons enabled to avail themselves of such circulation.

The donations of leading importance contributed dueing the past twelve monLhs, as shown ill schedule six, a.rot1108e contributed by tho different departments of the English Government, by the Master of the Rolls, the Commissioners of Putents, the British Mnseum, the Royal Irish Academy, the Governor­Geneml of India, the L.ieutenant-Governors of the Provinoes; the departmen.ts of the Government of Canada, and other. Colonial possessions of the Crown, ami from the Governments of the U nited State~, Germany, Belgium, and Holland, and the Uuiversities of Giesson and Heidelberg, and by the Cobden Club.

Amongst the presentations made by private individuals are llUlllY of considerable impOI:tance and varied interest. Those chiefly wOl'thy of especial montion have beeD given by-

His Jlonol' Sir Redmond Barry, who hns presented upwards of 1,000 books and pamphlets. Many of t,he latter are Austmlian publi.cations long since out of print, and form a valuable nddition to that serios of works printed in Anstrnlia which the Committee hHve for some time endeavored to rcnder complete.

The Chevalier Marinucci, Conslll fOT Ita]y. George SteveDson, Esq. And DUl1ean Elphinstono Cooper, Esq,

III thanking 'the donors of these works the Committee desire 10 specially express their gratitude to Mr. Duncnll Elphillstone Cooper. This gf!ntlemall's liberality has placed the Library in possession of twenty-six volumes of wOI'ks illustrated by T. find J, Bewick. ImpTessious of the designs of the grent masters of the schoQI of English wood-engraving nre becoming daily scarcer and more vfilllable. Those selected by Mr, Cooper are for the most part examples of the artists' best manner, and are nefirly all clem.! and well preserved copies. The collection, moreover, is handsomely bonnd, armed, and lettered at the expense of the donor. In accordance with M l'. Cooper's desire, the volumes will be placed upon a separate shelf in the Libmry, under the tHle of the" Cooper Co\lectioD," and will be inscribed with the donor's name.'

The enumeration now finished, as compal'ed with that of 1875, gives the following comparative returns :-

1875 1876

Volumes of Printed Books. 69,299 73,202

Increase '

1875 1876

Pllrts, PmnphlctB, &c.


14,747 14,378

v The printed catalogues contain a list:of the .. contents of the Library. to the end of the year 1865 only, A eatalogue containing the llllme of eveTy:book and pamphlet in I,he cust.ody of the .Trllstees is in preparation by the: Libr!lrian. The Commhtee recqmmencl !o the Trustees to request the Bon. t,he Chief Secretary to calise to·be placed on lhe ,Estimates a snm sufficient. for the publicatioll of this' work, which is ll1J]ch l~eeded, find is freqnent.lY !lsked ·fOl' by the public.

" ",1"le Commit,tee have "till 10 complnin of the melln nn,l peUl' thefts of small nnd inexpensive volumes, and ~he still more disereditable mutilation of cprlnin \Yorks, .

" . The present ejlllmemtion gives 32 as the lIumber of missing, aild 13 as the number ofn<lIItilated books.,.' ., ..' . . , ,. ,

The c01l,dit.ion of the books, as nlso of the bookcases,: furniture, alld genem! fittings of the building, due and reasonable ll110wance being made for wear and tea i', is still good,

The nUll1bel' of visitors to the Library, as recorded by the tUl'nstile at', the door, wus 239,617. . The waut of vent.i1ation ill the galleries is a slIbjeet of (JOllSlant !llItl well grounded complaint hy

regular visitors to 1 he Lihl'llry. Dilring the months of JllnllHl'y and FebrlJary a record waS kcpt of the thermometric, whieh was fOl1nd to a \'erilge from 78 to 80 degrees Fall'renheit. On seyend (,cc!J.­SiOI1S it 1'080 to 86; and Oil one evellillg, Ihe 28th of ,January 1876, (096 degrees. 'f'lie Commif,tre beg to pl'ge the uecessit.y of immediate attflntioll to lid" maHer, ' ,

Page 6: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



Abstract of (Jontin.gency Vote, 1874-5.

1874-5. Parliamentary Grant.-Division HI, Subdivision 2.-Contingencies, £3,350.

Item 1. House Rent-Librarian ... " 2. House Rent-Sub.Librarian

3. Books and Binding ,. 4.· Books for Oountry Libraries, &c. " 5. Binding Patents... " 6. Printing, Stores, Stationery, &c.

Total Expenditure Balance lapsed


£ .s. d. 15i) 0 0

... ·0 100 0 0 2,349 13 7

99 10 7 300 0 0 347 0 11

3,346 5 1 3 14 11

£3!350 0 0 ----

Amounts 1'emitted to tlte Agent- General to be placed to tlte Credit qf the Library C01Jlmittee.

Date. On Account of- Amonnt. Total.

1875. £ $. d. £ $.

May ... ... ... Books and Binding .. . ... ... .. . 400 0 0 June Ditto .... I 350 0 0 ... ... ... '" . .. .. . September ... Ditto ... ... ... '" .. . 350 0 0

1,100 0 June ... ... Bindin~ Patents .. , ... . .. ... ... .. . 150 0 September ... ... Books or Lending, and Binding Patents ... ... . .. 150 0

£1,400 0



Books, o/c., Purcltased in lIfelbourne, 1875.

Bougllt from- Volumes. Pampn Jets and . Parts. Amount. Total.


0 0 0


- -~~~.

£ $, d. £ $. d. Brooks ... . .. ... ... .. 21 ... 4 3 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... 13 ... 4 7 0 ----- 8 10 6 Castlemaine Free Library ... ... 1 ... . .. (I 15 0 Cole ... ,0< ... '" ... 6 ... ... 1 14 0 Gordon and Gotch

'" ... ... ... 6 ... ... 10 18 0 Maxwell ... ... ... ... ... Subscription .. . ... 5 5 0 Mullen .... ... ... ... ... Ditto .. . 21 6 0 Ditto ... ... ... , .. ... 75 ... 29 15 6 Ditto ... ... ... .. . ... 116 .. . 52 16 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... .. . 3 . .. 1 1 6 ----- 104 19 6 Robertson ... ... ." ... 23 ... .. . 11 10 5 Sands and McDougall ... ... ... 1 '" 1 5 0 Ditto ... • .. ... ... ... 1 ." 1 5 0 Ditto ... ... ... ... . .. 1 ... 1 5 0 Ditto ... ... '" ... . .. 1 ... 1 1 0

--- 4 16 0 Smith .

35 7 16 0 ... ... ... ... . .. .. . Wigg and Son • I •• ... ... ... . .. 1 Map ... 1 11 6 'Wise ... ... . .. ... . .. 1 .. . . .. 2 2 0 Wynne and White ... . .. ... ... 6 .. . ... 0 10 0

. Books for Lending. .


Mullen ... ... ... ... . .. 45 .. . ... 23 5 10 Robertson ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ; 1 4 9

£184 18 6

Page 7: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



Books Bound and Repaired in Melbourne, 1875.

By whom. I Bound. Hepuil'ed. }\lnUU"L. 'rotal.

, £ $. d. £ $. d.

Detmold ... . , . ... ... . .. 4 2 24 19 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... . .. 100 ... .32 7 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... I 9 10 0

I 66 17 0 Evans and Co. ... ... ... .. 100 50 39 14 6 Ditto ... . " ... ... . .. ios '" 58 11 0 Ditto ... ... ... ... . 21 ... 6 7 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... .. . 101 60 46 12 0

----- 161 6 0 Pownceby ... ... ... ... ... 101 51 M 2 6 Ditto ... ... ... ... ... 102 51 45 14 0 Ditto ... ... '" ... . .. 100 60 40 17 6 Ditto ... ... ... '" '" 101 51 51 18 6

193 12 6 -£411 14 6

. "


Books Purchased in Europe, 1875.


Date. Brought from- Vo!umeJl. Pnmphlets and

I Amount. Total. Purts.

-:-1 £ s. d. £ $, d.

1875. Mr. James Bain ... Mail Steamer ... 11 14 3 2

" . . . Garpatldan ... 71 ... 39' 1 3 .. ..• Hampskire ... 28 43 30.11 6

" ... Ben}. Bangs '" 56 ... 99 810

" ... Lock Ard ... I' 128 ... 120 16 0 Somersetski1'fI : 186 . 78 238 13 8 " ." ... .. ... Britisk General '" I 57 .. . 101 10 5

" ... Miltiades ... , 124 11 182 ~ 7 Salamis

, 88 87 13 9 ,. ... ... .. .

H:!Jdaspes ;

190 167 2 3 " ... ... I ... " ...

" ... 32 66 46 18 10

. 1,127 17 3 Mr. Muller ... RO',Ijal Geor.qe ... 81 ... 143 4. 0 .. ... DunoUar Gastle ... 23 . .. 85 10 0

228 14 0 Mr. Van Trigt ... Sarak Grice . .. 119 144 ... 141 8 0

I £1,497 19 3 I



Donations to tlte Public Librar.1J 101' lite Year ending 31st Marclt J 876.

Volumes. I'llml}hlets. lIInps.

! Papers. !li".ic. I Eugravings. , Photographs. Hroac1shcetB. Sen.ts. Hp.marks.


... 2 ... i ... . .. ... .. . . .. ... From Africa . 4 35 ... 26 ... ... . .. ...

" America . 26 100 ... ... ... ... ... ...

" Asia . ,

31.2 1,629 367 3,06:1 ... ... 56 ... 7 " Australasia .

448 173 ... 37 ... . .. ... . .. , " Europil.

I --_.- - -- -------820 1,939 367 i 3,12{1 56 7 Total. i

... . .. ... i

Page 8: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



Works lodged under Copyrig/tt Act in lIte Public Libraryfol' the Year ending 31st lrJarck 1876.

Yo;U~eB: I"~amphlets. I Maps. Papere. lIIasic. Engrn.vlllgs. l'bOtographB . Broadsheets. Remark ••

-------_ . ..

.... 31 . .. 628 . .. ... ... .. . April. '" 38 .. , 611 ... ... '" ... May. ... 39 ... 663 ... ... ... .. . June. 1 27 ... 756 ... .. . ... . .. July. 4 22 ... 756 '" ... ... August.

... 31 ... 740 ... '" '" 2 September.::. 4 29 ... 715 ... ... .. . 20 October. :

21 38 1 740 ... ... . .. 39 November. J ..

1 44 ... 728 ... . .. ." . .. December. .' 1 , 39 ... 733 ... ... .. . 30 January. 2 32 ... 669 . .. ... .. . 34 February ..... : 2 16 ... 692 ... ... .. . 2 March.

----------36 386 1 8,431 '" ... ... 127 , .

, .


Books Leut to Count]·y 1.1 .• "rfJ'rll'.~ Mechanics' Institutes, gc. !

Place. Population. Volumes. Flaee. l'opulation. Volumes.


Amherst ... ... 10,962 105 Ifa~denoDg ... . .. 860 166 Avoea ... . .. 8,000 r .. 409 Harrow., ... .. . 158 207 Ballarat ... .., ,36,253 38 Hawt,horn ... l· .11,474 t

300 Beechwort)l 8,411 300 Kew . ~ 200 ... ... ... Belfast ... '" 10,396 '. 327 Maryborough ... . .. 3,700 300 Beualla ... '" 5,000 112 Stanley ... .., 200 '"100 Brunswick 4,000 619 Seymour 450

, 300 < •••• ... ... .. .

Carngham ... ... 950 100 100,814 3,583


Nitmbel' of Visit01'S to the Libra1:1J f01' the Year ending 31st December 1875.

January 21,257 August 22.294 February 19.225 September 22.885 March 9,935* October 20,900 April ... 20,546 November 18,929 Mlly 22,416 December 16,715 June 21,907 July 22,608 Total 239,617

• The Librur,)' W~B closell forclenning n~ld cll\.'merntioll of the bool,. from the 28tl1 ~'ehru.l'Y to the 18th March Inclusive.


Adelaide Chamber of Manufactures, per the Secretary, John Fairfax Conigrave-South Australian Industries and Manu­• faetures. 8vo. 1 vol, Adelaide, ISi5.

Anonymous-Iron: the .Journnl of Science and Metals for January. Folio. London, 1875. Mail Senice between San l!"'rancisco and Australia. 8'1'0. 1 pamphlet. Sun Francisco, 1875.

Athenreulls and iHechanics' Institutes-Melbourne-Anmml Hepo!'t for 1874. 8vo. 1 pamphlE:t. Melbournc, 1875. South Australian [nstitute-Annual Report for 1874-5. 8'1'0. I pamphlet. Adelaide, 1875.

Ballamt,...... C01:illeil of the City-The Visitors' Guide Book to the City and its I~llvirons. 8'1'0. 1 vol. Ballarat, IS75. School of ]lUucs-Descriptive Papers rel:tting to the Institution, by thc SpeCial Re'portcl' of the Ballarat Star.

(6 copies.) 8vo. _1 pamphlet. B1LlIamt, 1875. Barry His lIonor Sir Hedmond-

, 'Lizars, John-System of Anatomical Plates, with descriptive Let·terpl'css. Nos. 1 to 6. Folio. 6 pts. Edin-burgh, N.D. '

Aikin, John, and Enfield. William-Qcnel'll.l Biography or Lives. 4ta. 7 vals. London, 1799. Alison, Archibalrl-Sermons on Particular Occasions. 8'1'0. 2 '1'018. London, 1820. Aimallllch de Gotha, 1842. 18H to 1851, and 1853. 12mo. 10 Yols. Gotha, N.D. Bell's British Theatre. Yol 6. 8"0. 1 vol. London, N.D. l1ausset. ]'. L, de-The Life of Fenelon. Vol. 2. Svo. 1 yol. London. HrmlshiLw'o.l\fontl1ly Continental Railway Guide. .Angnst aud December, 1862. 8'1'0, 2 pta. London. Catalogue of the Libmry of the Pnl'liament of Victorif>. 8vo, 1 vol, Melb'o)1rne, ISI)7.

- ••

Page 9: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


Christie, Thomas-Letters on the,Revolution of, France. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1791. Chamberlayne, Edward-Anglim Notitia. 12mo. 1 vol. London, 1684. Companion to the Playhouse, Vol 1. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1764. Cobbett, William-Cobbett's Legacy to Peel. 12mo. I vol. London, 1836. Drake's Road Book of London and Birmingham and Grand Junction Hailways: 12mo. I vol. London, N.D. Don, George-General History of the·Dichlamydeous Plants. 4to. 4 vols. London, 1831. Dod, Charles R.-Tbe Peerage, Baronetage. and Knightage, 1848 and 1854. 8vo, 2 "ols, London. ].;aucation-Minutes of the Committee of Council on EdUcation, 1848-9-50. 8vo. 2 vols. Ellis, George-Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. Vol 1. 8vo, I vol. London, 1805. Ellis's British Tariff for 1839. 8vo, I vol. London, Gazetteer of England and Wales. 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1775. Heylyn, Peter-Helps to English History. 8vo. I vol. London,I773. And 12mo. I vol. London, 1709. Hollingworth, J. B.-Sermons in 1806-7. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1819, Ireland-Strictures upon an Historical Review of the State of Ireland, by Francei Plowden. 8vo. 1 vol. London,

1804. Johnson, Samuel-Dictionary of the English Language. Vol. 2. 4to, 1 vol. London, 1785. Jones's Theatre. Vol. 7. 8vo. 1 vol. Dublin, 1792. Martin. R. l\L-History of Southern Africa, 8vo. I vol. London, 1836 .

• Malkin, Revd. Wm.-Sermons on the Truth of Christian Religion. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1825 . . Marsh, E. G.-Brief Survey of the Evidence and Nature of Christian Religion. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1829. Massillon, Jean Baptiste-Sermons. 8vo. I vol. London, 1839. Men of the Time Eighth edition. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1872. Moore, John-View of the Causes and Progress of the French Revolution. 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1795. Ockenden, William-Observations on Modern Gardening. 8vo. 1 vol. Dublin, 1770. Paley, \Vm.-Sermons on Several Subjects. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1808. Poor Law Commissioners' Reports (1st to 5th). Svo. 5 vols. I.ondon, 1835··9. Pratt, John Tidd-Colleetion of all the Statutes in force respecting the Relief and Reg.ulation of the Poor. 8vo.

1 vol. London. 1835. Pino, Joseph G. del-A new Spanish Grammftr. 8vo. I vol. London, 1787. Reports of the Department of Practical Art. 8vo. 6 vols. London, 1853-8. RenneH, Revd. Thos.-Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. 1 voL London, 1825. Sedalne, Monsieur-Le Philosophe sans Ie savoir. 8vo. I vol. Pftris, 1767. Strutt, Joseph-Queenhoo Hall: a Romance. 12mo. 1 vol. EdinbUrgh, 1808. Tbeatre-The new English. Vol. 3. 8vo. I vol. Londoll,1776. West Indies-Three Heports on the Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice in the West Indies. 8vo. 1 vol.

London, 1827. Woodward, Revd. Henry-Sermons on various sUbjeets. 8vo. I vol. London, 1838. Woodward, Revd. Henry-Essays, Thoughts and Reflections, and Sermons. 8vo. I vol. London. 1836. Lauderdale, 'rhe Earl of-Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth. 8vo. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1804. Plays-Various; by Mrs. Bchn, ~olley Cibber, &c. 8vo. 1 vol. London, N.D. Quarterly Review, 1810, 1841,44,1853,59,1862,3,4,6,7,8,9,1870 to 1875. 8vo. 36 pta. London. Blackwood's Magazine, 1841 to 1863. 8vo. 65 pts. Lond0lt. Fraser's Magazine, 1847 to 1862. 8vo. 45 pts. London. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for 1854-5. 8vo. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1855. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria. Vols. 1,2, and 3. (3 copies.) 8vo. Melbourne, 1855-8. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Vols. 8, '9, and 11. 8vo. _ 3 vols. Melbourne,

lS74. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land, 1852-5. 8vo. 7 pta. Hobart Town, 1852-5. Bombay University Calendar for 1872-3. 8vo. I vol. Bombay; 1872. Belfast Queen's College Calendar, 1854. Bvo. 1 vol. Belfast, 1854. London University Calendar for 1874. 8vo. I vol. London, 1874. Melbourne liniversity Calendar, 1861-2, 1870, 1; 2, 3. 8vo. 13 vols. Melbourne. Sydney University Calendar for 1860,1865,1866, ISiO, and 1874-5. 8vo. 5 vols. Sydney. Agriculture-Annual Report of the Seeretary for-1873. 8vo. I vol. Melbourne, 1873. Archer, William Henry-StatistiL'a! Notes, IB35-60. 4to. I vol. Melbourne, 1860. Etude sur l' Australie, 1862-9. Bvo. i vol. Bruxelles, 1869. Pamphlets-

Victorian. Bvo. 311. Melbourne, V.D. New South Wales. 8vo. 22. Sydney, V.D. New Zealand. Bvo. 7. New Zealand. V.D. Queensland. Bvo. 6. Brisbane, V.D. Danish. 8vo. 21. Copenhagen, V.D. Exhibition. 8vo. 6. Melbonrne, V.D. English. Bvo. 110. V.D. French. Bvo. Paris, V.D.

Newspaper Cuttings-Australian. Fol. 1 vol. V.P., V.D. Reports-Various. Fol. 19 parts. V,D. Annuaire de la I'ouvelle Caledonie pour. 1871. 8vo. 1 vol. Noumea. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. Vol. 3,1869, and vol. 8,1875. 8vo. 2 pte.

Mauritius. Patents and Patentees, from 1854 to 1869. Vols.l to 4. 4to. 4 vola. Melbourne. Abstracts of Specifications of Patents applied for from 1854 to 1866. 4to. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1870. Victorian Law Times, from 31st May to 29th November 1856. 4to. I vol. Melbourne. Purday's Improved Preceptor for the lj'lute. Bvo. I vol. London. Milton, John L.-The :{.igaments of the Human Body. 30 plates. 8vo. 1 vol. London. Nicholson, The Hon. Sir Charles-Inaugural Address .delivered on the Opening of the University of Sydney, on

Monday, Ilt[t October 1852. 4to. I vol. Sydney, 1852. Meteorological Observations taken at Hobart Town, Tasmania, during the years 1856-7-'8. Fol. 1 vol. Hobart

Town, 1859. Rafn, Carl C.-Renseignements sur les Premiers Habitants de la Cote occidentale de Groenland. 4to. 1 vol.

Hafn, 1864. -Council of Education-Science and Art Department-Seventh, Eighth, and Nintb Heports of, and Minutes. 8vo.

5 pts. London, 1849:-62. Correspondence relating to the Fenian Invasion and the Rebellion of the Southern States. 8vo. 1 vol. Ottawa, 1869. Report of the General Board of Health on the Epidemic Cholera, 1848 and 1849. 8vo. 3 pts. London 1850. Sitzungs·Berichte der Naturwissenschftftlichen Gesellschaft Isis, in Dresden, 1866 to 1874. 8vo. 10 Pts. Dresden. Pamphlets-Miscellaneous. 8vo.,321. 4to., 42. Government Papers, 33. Guides to Galleries, &e., 28. Guides to Cities, Towns, &c., 18. Illustration Newspaper, 73 Nos.

Beilby, J. Wood-Beilby, J. Wood-Reasons Suggestive of Mining on Physical Principles for Gold and Coal. 8vo. 1 p(l.mphlet. Melbourne, 1875.

BiDdon, His Honor Mr. Justice-The Field Newspaper, from 1869 to 1874. FoL 11 vola. London. The Pall Mall Budget, from 1870 to 1874. E:ol. 5 vols. London. No.4. B

Page 10: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


Blackboul'n, JohJ;t-BLackbouru, JO'lll-O~ ,the Working <)f tl;l~ ~ine, ~~)l:~s 1a,l!~, f1.eme\'l!~s AllP'l!~.di'~ the, Harbor of San FranCISCO, 8vo. I pamphlet. Melbourne, 1874. . .,. , . " ' " .

Blair D:wid- . " . '. , Briot. Charles-Legons d' Aigehre. Svo. i vol: . Paris, 1859.

Carlyle, 'fhomas-:-jhooting Niagara, alld' After. ,8vo, 1 pamphlet. Loudon, IS67. , Jouy, E.-Les Hel'litites en Prison. 8'1'0, I vol. ' Paris, I ~23.' , , '

. , >",,:

Lactantius, L. C. F.-The Mannerin which tile Persecutors died.' 8vo, I vol. Ediuburgh, 1782.' L~gislative Assemb'ly~Stimdirig Rules'an,d Urde~~ of. 8vo. 1',voL M~lbpurue, 1858. ',:,,, . ',1".'",," LIving in J~ondon: a Comedy in Three Acts. 8'1'0: 1 vol. London"1815: " , .. -,. Manuel de Calcul Mental. 8'1'0. 1 pamphlet. Brux.,IS15. . " '.,' , Nayler, .B. S.-A Plea on belmlf of the Working' Man. 8vo. I pmruihlet. MelboU:rne, 'IS7],;! '" ",:;, ,>.' " New Church Temple. 8vo. I pamphlet. ~'ielbourne, 1873. . . ..' j'

Pro and Con: a Journal of Literary Invcst'igation., ,Nos, I to 12. 8'1'0 ... 12 pamphlets .. , .London, IS,i3 .•.. :, .. , Robertson, Reyd. /\ndrew -The West MeLhourtle Case. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Melhourne, 1'874; .' .: . ".

The Educatiou Question. "Svo. I 'pamphlet, ' Melbourne, 186S, Science-Lectures for the People. Second and Third ~eries. S\'o. J pamphlet. Manchester, 1870,}::',.' Smith, Sidney-The l'unishment of Death. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Londfin. ,1849. ' Wilson, Rev. lJ'. L.-'I'he Bible and Infidelity: ~vo. 1 pamphlet: Ballarat, ISi2.

Boroondara Shire Council-Plan, of the Shire.' . .,., .;

Brockway, George G.-Easton, James-Human IJorigevify~ Svo. 1 vol: Salisburj., '1 799. Buckley, A . ....:..Buckley, A,-Outlines of Geograpby 4rranged according to the !'rogramme of Instr~cH?ri adopted iu

Victorian State Schools. Part 2. (2 copies.)12mo. 1 part. Melbourne"lS75. Canada- ..: .' . ..'

... Commissioners of Patents-Pateut Office Record. ' Vol. 2; Nos. '8 and 9. YOI. ,3, Parts. 1 and 2, and onwards. 8'1'0. Parts. Ottawa,lS75:' ,', .' :. '" .,

Title·page and Index to Vol. 1 and 2., 8vo., ,1 pamphlet. Ottawa, IS73-4. , " Geological ~urvey-Proll'ress Report, .oy, Alfred H, C, Selwyn, Director.,. "Svo .. 'I vol. l\.fonb:eal, lS74. ,

Capper, Richard-Cflpper, Hichard-Dramatic Illustrations of Aucient History, Arranged for Representation on the Stage. (7 copies.) 8vo. I vol. Meloourne, 1868. . . '. " "

Church of l<;lIgland Synod, Ad~laide-Report, of Proceedings in the Diocese of Adelaide; incorporated during the 21st Aunnal Sessiou, 18i' 5. Svo. 1. pamphlet. Adelaide, 18i5. "

Clarke, Marcus-Revue 'AustraliennEl: Journal ,des, lrit~rets Francais en J\llstralie, Nouve)le CalMofiie, '&c. Nos. 1, 2,3. 8vo. 3 pamphlets. Sydney, 1873. ,.' . . . ' .

Clarke, Hevd. W. B.-Clarke, Heva. W. B.-Address aelivered to the Royal Scx;:iety of N.S.W. at the' Anniver~ary Meeting, 12th. May IS75, on Deep Sea Soundings aud the Geology of New Caledonia. 8'1'0. I pamphlet. Sydney,

, 1.8i.'. , Collins, James-Collins, .James~Museurfis: their Commercial and Scientific Uses. Svo. I pamphlet. Singapore,)~74. Cooper, Duncan Klphinstone- .

Adams, Thomas-!'oetical, WOl'ks of.: 12mo. IvoI. Alnwick,ISIL JEsop-The Fables of. Svo. I vol. Newcastle, 181S. Bewick's History of British Birds. 8vo. i vol. Newcastle, 179,7. Bewick's Figures of British Larid Birds. Svo .. (vol. Newcastle, 1800. Bewick's History of British Birds. 8'1'0. 2 vols. Newcastle, Iso5 .. " , .' -"." :,',' Bewick's History,of Bri.tish Birds-Land and Water. ·8vo. 2, vola. Newc'astle;'1834-.9, ',:.' Be,vick's History of British Birds. 8vo. 2 vols. Newcastle,IS47. .' j,;_.' Be'wick's Natural History of British Quadrupeds. ··12mo. 1 vilt: ,AlnwiCk, N.D.' Bewick's General History of Quadrupeas: 2nd edition. Svo. I vol. NewcastLe,.1791. Bewick?s General History of Quadruped,s.- 8"0. I vql. Newcas~le, 180,1. Bewick's Select Fables: "8vo. I vol. Newcastle,. 1820. ' Bewick's, Blossoms of Morality. 12mo. I vol. London, 1796. .', Bewick-Memoir of. Newcastle,1862. .. ,. Dodd, 'V.-Beauties of History. 12mo. I vol. L~~don, 1800. . Fergusson, Robert-Poetical Works of. 12mo., ,2 vola. Alnwic!<:, N.D. Goldsmith and Parrie1!~Poems'of. 4to. 1 vol. London,.li95. Goldsmith . .ur.-History of England. 12mo. I vol. London, 1812. , Hive of Ancient and Modern Literature. Svo. I vol. Newcastle, lS06: Knye, E.-The New Preceptor. 12mo. I vol. Ne\vcastle, 1801. Looking-glass for the Mind. 12mo. I vol. I"ondon, 1792. '," Service, James.:...Legends of Northumoerland. 12mo. I vol. Alnwick, ~834 ..

,~ -: .. "


Somerville, William-The Chase. 4to. I vol. London, 1796. ~' .. j' " '.~,..' < '" L

Curtis, Hohert- .' " ,. ~ .... :. .. , . 'J : ,,, '-., .. ('

Catalogue of the Fourth Exhibition of the Victorian Aeademy of>~rtS,;lsi'L 8vo. 1 ,paillphHit.:~ Melbourne, 1874. , . . . ,"

Catalogue (descriptive) of Pictures, the property of Mr. Black. 8vo. I pamphlet .. , Meltiourne, N.D. Reports"':'}<'irst and Second Annual, of the Clergy Stipend Augmentation Fund, for the 'J'.ears 1873' and I'S74. 8vo.

:2 pamphlets. Melhourne, 1814. Reports-Melbourne Orphan Asylum, for 1872-3 and' 1873-4, wi~p' Rules. 8vO. :3 parnphle~s'._ Melbourne,

1874. ' , Reports-Various-Charitable. and Melbourne Diocese. Svo .. 6 pamphlets. Melbou'rne, N.D. . ../ ' l

Testimonials of Edward Ellis Morris, M.A., Head Master of theehurcit of England Grammar School. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne, IS75. ." .". . . " '. '.' , .' ""

Walch. Garnet-Adamanta the Proud Prince's8 of Profusia and her Six Unlucky Suitors, or Harhiquin Riddle:rhe-Ree. 1 pamphlet: Melbourne, 1~74. '

Eaton-Eato"-~taternent Showing the Injustice of, Mr. Eaton's Dismissal from, the, Pub~ic:,Serviee"b(2 <;!opiI;S.Y Svo. I pamphlet, Melbourne,' IS75.

Ellis and W'hite-,C!ttalogue of Old,Books. 12mo. I pt. England-The Government-

Acts (l'uJ.lic, Gcneral),3S and 39 Vict. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1875. Colonial Office-Correspondence with t,he Colonial Governments on the" Copyright." Fol. I :p~ ... Lopq<?n, 1875. Commissioners of Pat.ents-Ah~idgel11ents, .l61S to IS!l6., 8vo. S vols." London, ~874.,.. ",.' "\""

Jonrnal for 1874. 8vo. 2 vols. Londo}],IS7'4. ,:., Ii~" 'Specifications of Patents from No. ,intiS, September 30, to No. 4294, Deeember 31st 1873. 8vo., ,56 ~ol~. ,I:()udon,

IS73. , Specifications of Patents from No. I to 1126, January 1st to Ma~ch 31st 1874. 'Svo. 57 vols. , London, IS74. Specifications of Patents from No. 1127 to No. 2213, June I8H. 8'1'0.' 50 yols. Loudon, 1874.,' , Specifieations of ,Patents from July 1st 10 Septpllloer 31st 1875. 8,0. 52,vols. London,187,5.

Papers relating to H.M. Colonial Possessions. (2 copies.) 8vo. I pt. Londou, IS75. .,' . I'arliament-Sessional Papers of the House of Vlrds for IS73. Fol. 71 vola. London, 1873.

Sessional Papers of the House of Lords. Vols. 26, A, B, C, IS72. Fol. 3 vol~. Lon,don,),872. L

Projet de Loi pour la Fixation des Recettes et des Depenses de l'Excise, 4to. 1 voL ?aI:is, IS15: '. ". " Reports- ' .,

Commercial-from H.M. Consuls in China"IS73-4. (2 copies.) 8'1'0. 2 pamphlets. London, 187.5. , ' . 'Commercial-from R.lI'L Consuls in Chillli, ou· Manufactures and Comrperce' of ~heir Consular Districts.

Pts. 1,2,3,4,5. 8vo. 5. pamphlets. London,lS75. ',' . "",,', , .. , '!, Eighth Annual, of the Lighthouses off ~hE! Coast of Briti'h Burma. .8'1'0 .. I pamphl,et. Rangoon; 1875. ': Fifth Annual-Deputy Master of the Mint. 8vo .. 1 pamphlet .. London, 1875. ,., : ' .'


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England-The Govcl'llllleut-Holls and Records-

Calendar of tbe State 'Papers relating,to Ireland of the Reign of James 1.-1606-1608. 'Svo. l,vol. London, 1874. Calendar of the State (Domestic Series) of thc Reign of Charles 1.-1639. 8vo. 1 vol. L1ndon, 1873. Calendar, ofc,the State'P'Lpers (Foreign Series),of the Heign of 1~\izabeth-1569-71. 8vo. I'vol. London, 1874. Cbronicles and Memorials of St, Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by William Stubbs. Svo. 1 vol.

London, 'IS74. Chronicon Anglim ab A.D. 1328 usque ad 138S. Edited by E. M. Thompson. Svo. I vol. London; IS74. Registrum Palatiimm Dunelmense :. the 'Register of Ricbard de Kellawe, 1314-16. Vol. II. Svo. 1 vol.

London, IS74. • Exhibition-The Commissioners of Philadelphia and Victorian Intercolonial of 1875-

Official Catalogue of Exhibits. (2 copies.) 8vo. 1 vol. Melbourne, IS75. . Newspapers published in New, South Wales,iu IS75. Fo!. I \'oL New S()uth Wales, IS75.

Fcllows-Leisure Honr for IS68. Svo., 1 vol. London, 'lS6S; Sunday at Home. 8vo. 2 vols. London, IS6S-9.

Fitzgibbon, E. G.-Fitzgibbon, E. G.-Parliament', Heform, Permanent Govel'llment, and Progress tI. Selfishness, Party Wrangling, &c. Svo: 1 pamphlet. Melbourne, IS75.

Forssman, O. W. A.-Guide for Agriculturists aud Capitalists, Speculators, Miners, &c. Transvaal Republic, South Africa. 8vo. 1 jlamphlet. Cape. TOWIl, 18i4.

Frearson and Brothers-Hobgoblins, a Sheaf of Tales, Poems, and Sketches.. By Unohoo and Udontnohoo. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Adelaide,IS;3. "

Poems by Austral. 8vo. 1 parnphlet Adelaide, 1873. Gibson and CO.-Robertson Brothers' Private Herd Bllok (FF brand), containing pedigrees of all, stock bred, irnport~d, and

used in the herd by them. Svo. 1 vol. ;-''ielbourne, IS1.1. . Giles, Ernest-Giles; E.-Geographic Travels in Central Australia, from ISi2 to 1874. Svo. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1875. Gilchrist, Archibald-Specimen Articles fO.r the Special gdition of the Second Reading Book of. the Irish National Board

of Education. 12mo. 1 pamphlet .. Melbourne, N.D. Gordon and Gotch-The Australasian AB C Guide .. 8vo. '1 vol. :Melbourne, 1875. Hartney, John-Maps of Laud for Sale in New Zealan'd.' Fo!.: 11 sheets. Hospitals and Asylums-

Belfast-Twenty-fifth Annual Report. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Belfast, IS75.

',' ,

Creswick District Hospital Hep~rt-Elevellth Annllal, for 1874. svo.,' I pamphlet. Creswiek,1875. Freempsons' Uharitahle Institutions-Eighth :Annual·Hepo!'t. (2 copies.) Svo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne,IS75. Gippsland Hospital Annual Reports for 1872:'3~4. ;Svo,. 3 pamphlets ... Sale. -. Homreopathic Hospital and Di~pensary-Fifth,Annual Report. (2 copies.) Svo. I-pamphlet. Mclbourne,IS75. Immigrants' Aid Society's Home Heport-Twenty-second Annual. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne, IS75. Melbourne Homm6pathic Dispensary Heport.;,.Fifth Aunual. (3 copies,) svo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne, IS75. Pleasant Creek-Sixteenth Annual Report. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Stawell, IS75.

India-The Government of- ", ,..' _, ,. Annals of Indian Administration in IS72-3, 1873-4. ~\·o .. 2 vols. Serampore, IS~3-:4... . ArchreologiealSurvey of India-Report for IS71-2, by.Ale'xander Cunningham. Svo.· 3 vols. Galcutta, 1873-5. Atkinson, Edwin J.-Statistical, Descriptive, and Historical Account of the N.W. Proviuces of India. Svo. 2 vols.

Allahabad IS74-5 " . '. . Beugal-Notic~s of Sa~skrit·MSS.;by Rajendralala Mitra. Vol. 3, p~rt 1. Svo. 1 pt. Calcutta,IS74. Vital Statistics of the Bengal PresidencY'-'-Cholera Epidernics of Recent Years Uompared with Former Epidemics,

from 1817 to IS72. '·Fo\. 1· vol. Calcutta,ISi4; _ Vital Statistics of the Bengal Presidency-Agc und Length of Service as affecting the Sickness and Mortality of

the European Army for Ten Years: Pcrioel, IS60-9. Fo!.' 1· vo!. ,Calcutta, 18i 4. .. Bombay-Census taken 21st Febrnary IS12. Parts I', 2, 3. ~'O!. 3 parts. -'Bombay, 187.5. '. Bombay-Di9t.ionary of the Ninya Philosophy an'd'History of King Vikramilditya.- Svo. 2 vols. Bombay, 1875. Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. existing in Oudh. Prepared by Johq Nesfield.Svo, 2 pamphlets. Calcutta,lSi4-5. Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in Private Libraries of the N.W. Provinces. Part 1. 8vo. 1 vol. Benares, IS74. Ceylon-Blue Book for 1874. 'Fol: ··I'vol. Colomho,IS75. . Education-Reports of Local Comrnittees for IS74-5. Fo!': 1 part. AlIaba1Jad, 1875. • . Finance and Revenue Accounts and Miscellaneous Statistics 'Relating to the Finances of· British India., Part I and

onward~. Fo!. ]'arts;.· Calcutta, ISH-5:'" • ;. . "r •. • •

Geological Survey of India-Memoirs and Records. Bvo., 6 parts. 4to., 1 part. Calcutta,IS734. Map of the N.W. Provinces un:rler the 'Jurisdiction-of the Lieutenant-Governor. Fo!. 1 sheet. Calcutta, 1875. Mitra (Rajcndralala)-Antiquities of Orissa. Fo!. I vol. Calcutta; 1875. ", '. ", .. ' Note on the Criminal and Civil Statements, for IS73 aud IS74: Fo!.· 3 parts. N.P.,. N.D. . O'Connor, J.E.-Vanilla: its Cultivation in India. Hevised edition. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Calcutta,lS75.

Reports- . ';;;; ",t"',;:-,'" i- .\1.:, . ,

Administration of Andaman 'and 'Nicobar,'Islandsj &c., for IS72-3-4-5 .• Fo!. 3 vols. Caicutta,IS73-5. Administration of N.W. Provinces, for IS73-4. Svo .. I vol. Allahabad,1875. Administration of:Police. ·~'o!. Allahahad, IS.75.' Administration of F,ducation: - Fo!. Alb.habad, Ui5. . Administration (Politieal) of the Rajpootana States, 1873-4-5. Svo .. 2 pamphlets. Calcutta,IS15. Administration of the Munnipoor Agency, 1873-4. 8vo. I pamphlet. Calcutta, IS75. Administration aud Settlement'of t.he Ajmere aud.MhairwarraDistricts, for ,IS73-4.,Svo. 2 pamphlets. Calcutta, 18'15. British Burma-Census in August 18;2; Fot I,part~ Hangoon,.1875. _ • . '. '. British Burma-Sanitary Administration, for IBN. 8vo. 1 'part. Hangoon, 11175. British Burma-Police Administration, for' I 874':'5. 8vo. 1 vol. Rangoon, )875. British Burma-Trade and CUB.toms, for 1874!..5. . -" ,'"' h" ' ", BriHsh Burrna-Public Instruction, IS74-5. ,Svo. 2 vols. 'Rangoon,.IS15. Cases Heard and Determined in the High Court, N. W. Provinces, in 1874-5. (2 copies.) Svo.Allaha.bad, 1875. Irrigation Departmcnt, Punjab---Hevenue Report, for. IS73-4. Fo!. 1 vol. Lahore, IS74. Central Provinces- ,<. ., '. , , '. . , •.

Trade and Resources for 1872-3 and IS73-4. 8vo. 2 pts. Nagpoor, 1874. Judicial and General Administration-.Civil for 1873 and Criminal for 1873-4-5. svo.'; 3:partS. Fo!., 16 parts.

Nagpoor, IS74-5. . • Police Administration for 1873. Fo!. 1 part. Nagpoor, 1874. Gaols .. Fo!.. 1 part. Nagpoor,.1874.·; . i.c) '.. _ ... ,:. .. '. Registration Department. ·Fo!. 1 part: Nagpoor, '1874. Stamp Revenue. Fo!. I part. Nagpoor, 1874. Forest Administration.' Fo!. 1 part: ·Nagpooi;~IS74 •.

, , .. ' Excise Revenue. Fo!. 1 part. Nagpoor, 1874.


Education. Fo!. 1 part. Nagpoor,IS74. - .', Government Charitable Dispensaries. Fo!. 1 part. Nagpoor,·tS74. Sanitary Commissioner. FoL 1 part. Nagpoor, 1874. Vaccine Operations. Fo!.· I part. Nagpoor, '1874. , Lock Hospital. Fo!. 1 part. Na!!poor, IS74.

" .. '.";: .. ",:


Administration. Fo!. 1 part. Nagpoor, 1874. 'Mysore-Public Iustruction for,the-Yea. IS73-'4.Svo,', 1 part.: Bangalore; lS74.

Mysore-Administration of-for IS73-4. 8vo. 1 vol. Bangalore, 1875. . North-Western Provinces-Adl!linistration of Excise"for 1873.4. ' Fol.· -1 part .. Allahabad,.l873~

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India-The Government of-Reports-

Nor~h-;Wcstern Pr?vinces-Revenuefor IS73-4. Fol. 1 part. AlIahabad,IS75. NOilCes of Sanskl'lt MSS. Vol. 3, part 2. 8vo. 1 part. Calcutta, 1875. Persittn Gulf Political Residency and Muscat Pol·itical Agency, ,for IS74--5. Svo. 1 pt.' Calcutta, 1875. Settlement Operations:-Progress Hcport. Fol. 1 P:1rt. Allahabad, IS73. Review by the Chief Commissioners on Arboricultural Operations in the Central Provinccs, for 18il-3. Fo!. I part.

Nagpoor, 1874. Review by the Chief Commissioners on the Revenue Administration of tIle Central Provinces, for 1873-4. Fo!.

I part. Nag-poor, 1874. Rig-Veda-Sanhiia-Thc Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, together with the Commentary of Sayanaeharya. Bdited

by F. Max Muller, M.A. Vol. 6. 4to. 1 vol. London, 1874. Secretary of State for-Hooker, J. D.-lflora of BrHish India. Part 3. 8vo. I part. London 1875. Trade au!l Navig:dion, British Bnnna,-Anmml Statement; 1869-70 to 1873-4. ]'01. 1 vol. CatcuLta, IS75. Trade and Na"l'igation, British Indill.-Accounts for October IS74-5 and onwards. Fo!. Parts. Calcutta IS75-6. 'I'rade and Navigation-Annual Statement. 4to. 1 vol. Calcutta, 18i5. ' Trigonometrical Survey of India. Vol 4. 4to. Dehra Doon, 1875. Walker, Colonel J. T.-Synopsis of the Results of thc Great 'rrigonometrical Survey of India. Vols. 2 and 8. 4to.

2 vols. Dehra Doon, 1874. -Johnson, Thomas-The Culture of the Rose. 8vo. I pamplllet. Melbourne, 1866. Just, J. C.-Just, J. C.-Tasmania: a Description of the Island and its Resources. 8vo. I vol. Launceston, 1875. Keene, James B.-Keene, J. B.-Handbook of Hydrometry. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1875. Kerr, Mrs. J. H.-Glimpses of Life in Victoria by a Resident .• Svo. 1 vol. ]~dinburgh, 1872. Kingham, R-Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Melbourne District-Proceedings, 1872 to 1875. 41 pamphlets, bound

in 1 vol. '\Yith Statistics, 1869 to 1874. Lampe, Captain, ship Professor Mohn-

. Almindeligt Norsk Mandeskrivt, October 1830 to March 1831. 12mo. I pamphlet. Christiania. Arnesen, J\'Jartin-HaraJd Harfagrc's Saga. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Christiania, 1872. Brun, H.-Korstogcne til det hcl\ige Land. 12mo. 1 vol. Christiania, 1852. Collins, Wilkie-Mercy Merrick. 12mo. 1 vol. Christiania, 1873. En Novellecyklus. 12mo. 1 vol. -Bergen, 1873. Folkevennell et Tidsskrift, IS52-7. '12mo. Christiania. For Ullgdommen et Maanedsskrift til Befordring af sand Donnelse. 4to. 12 pts. Haslim, F. G.-:-Den IHle Frauts. 12mo. 1 vol. Christiania, 1851. Laboulaye, Ed.-Paris i Amerika. 12mo. 1 vol. Christiania, IS72. Norsk Folke Kalender, 1847-56. 12mo. 5 pamphlets. Christiania. Norsk J!'olkcblad, Juli IS70, June 1872. :Fol. Christiania. Rygh, D.-Sagaen om Gunnlaug Ormstunge og Skalde-Ravn. 12mo. tvo!. Christiania, 1859.

Sigmund Bresstessn. 12mo. 1 vol. Christiania. Schubeler, C.:"--Havebog for Almuen. 12mo. Christiania, 1856. Skilling Magazin, IS45-6. 4tO. 2 vols. Christiania. Sundt, F.-Om Dodeligheden i Norge .. Christiania, 1855.

Giftermaal i Norge. Christiania, IS55. Windre Fortoollinger. 12mo. Bergen.

Labilliere, Francis Peter-Permanent Unity of the Empire. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. London, 1875. Lampray, Thomas-'-The Brewers' Guardian. Vol. 5. No. 114, February and onW'.trds. 4tO. Parts. London,IS75. Law, Somner, and Co.-,General Seed Catalogue. (2 copies.) Svo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne. IS75. Legge, Revd. J., M.A.-

Legge, Revd. J., M.A.-Curious Results of applying Sceptical Criticism to itself, as seen in "Supernatural Religion." 8vo. I pamphlet. 'Ballarat, IS75. -

Legge, Revd. J., M.A.-Attitude of Modern Science to the Theology of the Bible. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne. ISU.

Libraries-Boston PUblic-Bulletins-No. 32. January and onwards. 8vo. Pamphlets. Boston, 1875.

Twenty-third Annual Report. 8vo. I vol. Boston, 1875 . . Liverpool Free PUblic-Report-Twenty-second Annual. Svo. I pamphlet. London, ISU. Manchester, Council of the City of-Twenty-third Annual Report on the Working of tJ:te Publie Free Libraries.

Manchester, 1875. Melbourne Public-Heport, Annual, of the Trustees. (100 copies.) Fo!. 1 vol.' Melbourne, IS75. Mercantile Library Association of San :Francisco-

Twenty-second Annual Report, for 1874.- 8vo. 1 pamphlet. San Francisco, 1875. Catalogue of Additions from 1874 to 1875. 8vo.· I vol. San Francisco, 1875.

Nottingham Free Public-Annual Report for 1875. 8vo. I vol. N:ottingham, 1875. South Australia Parliamentary-Fourth Supplementary Catalogue, from May IS74 to April 1875. Svo. 1 ,pamphlet.

Adelaide, 1875. . Sydney Free Public-Reports for 1874 and 5. (2 copies.) 8vo. 2 pamphlets. Sydney, IS75-6.

Longman and Co.-Notes on Books. Nos. SO anp S3, 1875. 8vo. 2 pamphlets. London, 1875. Macandrew, James-Address to the People of Otago. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Dunedin, 1875 .• Marinucci, Chevalier L.-

Arminjon, V. J!'.-TI Giappone e il Viaggi!:i dell:t Corvetta Magenta ne11866. 8vo. 1 vo!. Geneva,IS69. Davila Enrico Caterino-~toria della Guerre'Civili di :Francia. Svo. 6 vols. LOJ;ldon,IS01. GaUbert, M. Leon-Histoire de la RepubJique de Venise. 8vo. 1 vol. Paris, 1856. Heyd, Prof. Guglielmo-Le Colonie Commerciali degli Italiani ,in Oriente. 8vo. 2 vols. Venezia, 1866. Bollettino della Societa Geografielt Italiana. VoL 12. Fasc: 1 to 7. 8vo. 3 parts. Roma, 1875.

Martin, James-Our Railway System, and the Necessity for Hailway Reform. Papers Nos. 1 to 10. 8vo. -10 pamphlets. Ballarat, 1875.

Melbourne Sailors' Home-Fourth Report. (6 copies.) Svo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne, 1875. Mercer, Revd. Peter-De Saey, A. J, Silvestre-Grammaire Arabe. Vol. I. !lvo. 1 vo!. Paris, 1810. Moore, Frederick-New and Universal Dictionary.of the Arts and Sciences. :1<'01. I vol. Londou, N.D. Mueller, Ferdinand Baron von-The Inquirer and Commercial News of June 23rd, 30th, and July 7th 1875, July 14th to

August 11th. Museums-

British-Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the Museum-Edited by C. T. Newton. Fol. I voL. Oxford, 1874. 'Busk, George-Catalogue of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa in the Collection of the Museum. 8vo. 1 vol. London, lS75.

New South Wales-The Government of-Accouut of a Memorial presented by Captain Pedro Fernandez De Quir to His Majesty cpe King of Spain,

eoneerning the discovery and population of the fourth "part of the world-Australia the Unknown. Translated by W. A. Duncan. Svo. 1 vol. Sydney,IS74.

Fitzgerald, R. D.-Australian Orchids. Part 1. }<'o!. Sydney, N.D. Journal of the Legisl.ative Council. Vols. 24,25. Fol. 2 vols. Sydney, 1874-5. ~Iilles and Mineral Statistics of N.S.W. 8vo. I vol. Sydney,lS75. Statutes for Sessions IS72-3-4-5. Pol. 3 parts. Sydney, 1875.

Parliament-Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, Session 1874. Fo!. 1 vol. Sydney, 1874. Blue Book for 1873. Fo!. 1 vol. Sydney, 1874. Statutes 36, 37, 38,39 Viet. Fo!. 8 vols. Sydney, IS73-5.


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New Government of­Auckland Provincial Governrhent-


Acts and Ordinances of the Council, Session 28.Fol. J vol. Auckland,1872. 'Reed and Brett's Auckland Almanac and Provincial Hand-book for 1875: ·8vo. 1 vol. Auckland, 18711.

Census taken for the night of the 1st of March IS74. l!'ol. 1 vol. Wellington, 1875. Otago Provincial Governrnent-

Ordinances of the Council. Fo!. I vol. Duuedin, 1875. Panorama of Dunedin. Oblong Svo. 1 vol. Dunedin, N.D. Votes and Proceedings of the Council. Fo1. 1 vol. Dunedin, IS75. ~

Reports on Durability of New Zealnnd Timber in Constructive Works. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Wellington, 1875. Report on-the Geology and Goldfields of Otago, by}'. W. Hutton. Svo. 1 vol. Dunedin, 1875. Specifications of Iuventious in respect of which Letters Patent or of ltegistration have been applied for during the

year IS74. }'ol. 1 vol. Wellington, 1875. Statistics of the Colony for 1874. ]'01. 1 pal·t.O Wellington, 1875.

Oakes, Mrs.-Englishwoman's Review, N.S. No. I, January 1875 aud onwards. (2 copies.) Svo. London, 1875. Observatories-

Greenwich-As~ronomical and Metcorological Observations in the Year 1872. 4to. I vol. London, 1874. India-Abstract of the Results of the Hourly Meteorological Observations taken at the Surveyor-General's Office,

Calcutta, for 1874. Svo. 1 vol. Calcutta,1874. ' Leiden-Annalen der Sternwarten in Leiden, herausgegeben von Dr. F. Kaiser, Director. 4to. 1 vol. Haarlem, 1872. Melbourne-Observations in Meteorology, Terrestrial Magnetism, &c., taken at the Observatory during September

1874, and onwards. . Radcliffe, Oxford-Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made in 1872. Vol. 32. 8vo. 1 vol.

Oxford. 1875. Sydney-Results of Meteorological Observations made during IS73. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Sydney, IB75.

Results of Meteorological Observations for Mouth of December 1874, and onwards. O'Malley, Revd. J.-

O'Malley, Revd .• T.-(l.) Noah's Ark Vindicated and Explained, iu reply to Dr. Colenso's Difficulties. (2.) Catholics and the Catholic Press: a Sermon.' (3.) Drunkenness, its Effccts and Remedies: a Sermon. (4.) Influence of Birth on Religion. (5.) Secnlar Education and Christian Civilization. Svo. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1874-5.

The Truth of Eternal Punishment Vindicated against the Rev. Dr. Bromby. 8vo. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1870. Phillips, Philip- .

Colonial Singer-Compiled by Philip Phillips. 12mo. 1 vol. Melbourne, N.D. Song Sermons. Nos. 4. 5, 6. Svo. 3 pamphlets. London, N.D.

Prussia-Imperial Government of-Abgeordneten-Haus-

Nachtrag, IS66. 4to. 1 vol. Berlin. Drucksachen, 1867-72. 4to. 22 vola. Bedin. Stenographlsche Berichte, 186S-72. 4to. 16 vols. B~liu. Anlagen, 1871-2. 4to. 5 vols. Berlin.

Herren -Hans-Drucksachen, 1868-72. 4to. 11 vols. Berlin. Stenographische Berichte, 1868-72. 4to. 6 vols. Berlin. Anlagen, 1871-3. 4to.- 2 vols. Berlin.

Gesetzaammlung, I 86S-7 4. 4to. 6 vols. Berlin. Deutsches Bundesgesetzblatt, 1869-72. 4to. 2 vols. Berlin. Deutsches Reichgesetzblatt, 1871-3. 4to. 3 vols. Berlin. Uebersicht del' Geschliftsthiitigkeit, H!71-3. 4to. 2 vols. Berlin.

Purnell, Charles W.-Purnell, C. W.-Our Land Laws. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Dunedin, 1876. Quariteh, Bernard-General Catalogue of Books. Svo. 1 vol. Loudon, 1874. Queensland-The Governmeut of-

Statistics of the Colony for 1873. Fol. I vol. Brisbane, IS75. Fourteenth' Annual Report of the Hegistrar-General of-Vital Statistics. Fol. I vol. . Brisbane, ISi5. Preliminary l::itatement on Vital Statistics for 1874. Fol. I pt. Brisbane,IS75.

Qnin, Thomas Massy-Thirty·seven Photographs of the Kings and Queens of England, from William the First to Victoria, A.D. 1066 to 1837.

Reid, George H.-Five Free Trade Essays, inscribed to the Electors of Victoria. (2 copies.) 8\'0. 1 vol. Melbourne, 1875. .

Renard Brothers and Co.-Antwerp v. London as a Market for Australian Wool. (2 copies.) 8 vo. 1 pamphlet. Mel­bourne, IS75.

Samson, Edmund A.-Cobbett's Paper against Gold. Bvo. 1 vol. London,IS10-17. Sheffield, HenrY--

Lifted Up: the Life of Walter Douglas. 12mo. I pamphlet. London, N:.D. Mill Hill Magazine, conducted by the Mill Hill Boys. Va!. 1,1873-4. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1874. Notice des Tableaux du Musee Royal Ii. III Haye. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. La Haye, N.D. Neu Holland nach den besten Quellen geschilhort. 8vo. 1 vol. Crefeld, 1810. _ Presbyterian Church of Victoria-General Proceedings of the General Assembly. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne,

1875. . Zimmermann, E. A. W. Von-Australien in Hinsicht der Erd., Menschen- und Produkten. Kunde, nebst einer

allgemeinen Darstellung des grossen Oceans. 8vo. 2 vols. Hamburg, 1810. . Silver and Co.-The Colonies. Nos. 179-180. February. Fol. London, 1875. Societies-

Academic (Imperial) der Wisscnschaften. Wex Gustav.' Ueber die Wassembnamc. 4to. I vol. iVien, IS73. Agricultural (Royal), of England-Jourual. Vo\. 10., Part 2; Ditto ditto, Vol. Il., Part 21. Svo. 2 parts.

London, 1874-5. Agricultural (Royal), of England-General Index of. 8vo. I part. London, 1875. Antiquaries, London-Proceedings or. Vol. 1., Part 4. 4to. I vol. London. Astronomical (Royal)-Memoirs of the Society. Vol. 40, 1874-5. 4to. I vol. London, 1875. Civil Engineers, Institution of-'~Hnutes of Proceedings. .8vo. I vol. London, 1875. Cobden Club-Bastiat, M. F.-Essays on Political Economy. 12mo. 1 vol. London. N.D. Cobden Club-Report of Proceedings at the Diuner of the Club, July II, 1874. 12mo. pamphlet. IJondon,

1874. . Cobden Club-Local Government and Taxation. Edited by J. W. Probyn. 8vo. 1 vol. London, 1815. Geographical, of London-Proceedings. Vol. 19, No.5; also May and August, IS75. 8vo. 3 parts. London, 1875. Geographical (Royal)-Proceedings. Vol. 19, Part I and onwards. Svo. Parts. London, 1875. Geological, of Ireland-Journal. Vol. 14, Part I. 8vo. I part. Dublin, 1873-4. Geological (Manch!'ster)-Tmnsactions, 1874-5. Svo.· 1 part. Manchester, 1875. Geological, of London-Quarterly Journals, Nos. 122 and 123. 8vo. 2 parts. L()ndon, 1875. Geological-Quarterly Journal. Vol. 30, Parts No. 120 and onwards. 8vo. Parts. London,IS74. Literature-Dutch Society of-Handeliugen en Medcdcelingen, 1874. 8vo. I part. Leidcn, 1874. Levensberichten del' Afgestorvene Medeleden. 8vo. I part. J...eidel1,1874. Manchester Geological Society-Transactions, Nos. 6, 7,8, Vol. 13. 8vo. 3 parts. Manchester, 1875. Manchester Geological Society-Transactions, Ses-ion 1874-5. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Manchester, 1875. Manchester Geological Society-Parts I and 2 of Vol. 13. 8vo. 2 parts. London, 1873-4. New Zealand Institute-Transactions and Proceedings, 1874. 8vo. I vol. Wellington, 18i5.

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Societies-Northern. Antiquaries- .

Tillreg til Aarboger, 1872-3; also back No. of 1866. Svo. 3 parts. Kjobenhavn, 1874. Mcmoires de la Societe, 1873-4; also back No. of 1866 .. 8vo. 2 parts. Copen hague, N.D. Aal'boger. Parts 1, 3,4 of 1866. Parts 1.2,3, of 18G7. 8vo. 6 parts. Kjobenhavn, 1866-i .. · Antiquarisk rl'idsskrilt, 1861-3. 8vo. 1 vol. Kjobenhavn,I864.·

'" Clavis Poetica. 8vo. I vol. Hafnire, 1864.. ,. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals-Massachusetts-Our Dumb Animals. Nci:.s. 4to. 1 part. Boston,'1875. Provincial Frisic Society- . ; .

De Vrije Fries-Mengelingen. Svo. 1 part. Leeuwarden, 1875'; '. Friesehe Oudheden Afbeeldingen. 4to. I part. Leeuwarden, IS75.

·Royal Colonial Institute-Proceedings from IS69 to IS75. Svo: .5 vola. London, 1870-5. Royal, of N.S.W.-Transactions for ISH. Svo. 1 vol. Sydney, IS75. . Royal, of Tasmania- : , ..

• d ,- , . 'f" _"r"'-'

f .

Tertiary :Fossils from Table. Cape. Freshwater Shells of' Tasmania. On the genus' "Fenestella." Svo. 3 pamphlets. Hobart Town, IS53.

,Monthly Notices. Svo. I vol. Bobart Town, lS75. Royal,.of Victoria-Transactions and Proceedings. Svo. '1 vol. ._lVIelb.; 1874. ~ ..... '.' Reale Instituto Veneto-Mernorie. Vol. 17, Pm-ts 2 and 3. Vol; IS, parts 1 and '2. 4to:" 4 parts; Venez., 1873-4. Royal Irish Academy- ; • ' ': ' ."

Transactions. Parts 10 to 19.· -4to . .10 parts. Dublin IS75., ; ..... ;~;".. .'!'

Proceedings. Vol. 2, Nos. 1,2, and 3. Svo. 3 parts. Dublin,IS75. '1'

Royal, :Mauritius-Transactions, .' VoL S. Svo. 1 vol. Mauritius, I'S75. . !:, ." Science- . 'oO' ;:',~:;:"

Societe Hollandaise :i:Baarlem-Archives Neerlandaises. 'Tome.9 et 10. Svo.,. 4 parts,' •. :La HayelrIS74-5. Bleeker F.:-Hevision· des Espcces'lndo-Archipelagiques. du Groupe des' Apogonini et Synanceoides. 4to.

2 vols. Baarlem, 1874. "'.'. ~l"; : . Briefe des Aggaeus de Albada, &c. Svo. 1 vol: ·Leeuwarden,.lS74:. .,:. . ,. ,," Van Vervou, J. F . ....,.Enige Aenteekiningen, Anno 161,6-17, IS, 19, 20. ·Svo.. I vol. ;Leeuwarden, '1874 .. Davis, J. B.-On the Osteology and 'Peculiarities of the.Tasmanians, a race of men recently become e;8:tinct. 4!.0.·

: . I voL Haarlem, 1874. \',., '. . . " . . . ': ... ;. .' A:' "; .

Verslag der Handelingen IS73-4. Svo. '1 pamphlet. Leeuwarden. '-.: i.', Social Science-National Association for the' Promotion 'of-G1asgow:Meeting 1874. Svo. 1 ·vol. .·Limdon,'1875. South Anstralian Institute-The Board of Governors-Diagrams, of the.Rainfall in Adelaide from 1839' to ISi4, also

in Melbourne and tiydney for 1874. . '. · ... 1·· .' ''''''''J ;;:z,1:q;-fj .. ' JI.,. Statistical-Journal of. Vol. 38, Parts 1,2, and 3. 1875_ '1 ", •. ,

Stevens' J nstitute of Technolol"Y-Thurston, R. B.-The Mechanical Engineer:' his PreparatiOn and 'his Work. Svo. I pamphlet. New York, IS75. .; ,·t, '.: ,; .. ..... . . \ ... '<

Telegraph Electrical Society-Transactions for the·Quarter·enc1ing.3Ist'October·1874,· imd .Progress· Report of Busi-. ness aud TransJ1Ctions for Quarter ending Janllary IS75. Svo: ".1 :pamphlet. Melbourne; 1S75.· I' .

Vegetarian Society-Dietetic Hcformer. Vol. 2, -No. 38 and onwards. Svo. Manchester.lS75. •• . •. :. Victorian Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society-ThinlAlllluaFReport. 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Melbourne; ·IS75. :Victorian Humane Society-mrst Annual Heport: .. :8vo.1, Hpamphlet.,'·,Melbourne,:1875. i:.' ,: .. " ,. . Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappell-Naallllijst van Directeuren en Leden.:.....Verslag 'van-het verhandelde.

8vo. 2 pamphlets. Middleburg,1874. • 'i!,,: .1. '--.,:.~',: i;'",~, :.;-,'.

Zoological and Acclimatisation of Vietoria-Proceedhigs of and Report of-Annua\·.Meetingheld'26th February ISi5. Vol 4. Svo. I vol. :J\olelb.,1875. . ...... .... , j. , .. ' .".', .

South Australia-The Government of- .. .'. 0.; " _ ... " •. :, .. ~. • '1

Acts of the Parliament3~··arid 39 Vict. 4t~. 1 vol: Adu'iaide, lS7:5. ., ,. Adelaide Almanacs, 1865 to 1874. 8vo. 10 vols;: Ditto for IS76.Adelaide, ISi6 .. :. , ...•.. Giles, Ernest......,

Diary of Explorations in IS72 in Central Australia, with Maps. . Diary of Explorations in 1873~Heport'!md Diary of \Y. C. Gosse's 'Central and Western El:ploring Expeditions

. in 1873. Ditto, E. Giles, lS74. . . ' . " , :Maps' of newly opened country and of land for selection, April '15, May ll,27, June 15, June 21, July 4,'20,

August 5,31, September 9,28, October 7, 14, Novetnber2, 11, 18, lJecember 9, January 4, '20,25, February 17, 29, . Man'h 6,16, 28,.April 13. • .

Parliamentary Proc"cdings. Fol. 3 vola. Adelaide, 1875. PHotogra.phs (6) of the llurra Burra Mil}es,'and.t7) various. • .. - "I' - '. ... '. r··;' "~'. Lf Heport on Ihe Progress and Condition of the Botanic Garden and Government Plantations during"fS74. Fol. I part.

Adelaide,1875. .. .. ; ,.,. ", .;" • ..'; .c·,· ..,., . ..;.~

Schomburgk, Dr. R.-The Flora of South AustraliR. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Adelaide,1875. - ; .' Survey i\laps (IS) and Waste Land Regulations.' . . .' " .•... , •. ' .. {, Telegraph-.Plan of Overland, from Port Darwin to Port Augusta, '1873. ' Statislical Register for 1875. ; , Warburton, Colonel-Explorations in 18i2-3-Diary of, in Western 'Australia) ·with--Maps ...

Steve'nson, George':"'" ." .. " . . .,.;

,~. .

Melbourne 4dvertiser-Port Phillip. M.S .. No.1. 1st January 1838 . . , l\lelIJourue Adv"rti,er-Port·Pliillip. No. '12. 19th March (838 .....

.First Specimen of Printing iii South ':Australia. " '7th Jjlnuary'1'831: .\ ." ,: '!.! :1

Tasmania-The Government of-Statistics of 'the Colony for IS74. "F~l.· H~bart Town, 1875. Triilmef lLnd Co.-C.atalogues of Choice, Rare, and Cur'ious Books. No. 10, January. Bvo. Pamphlet. London, 1875. Turner

t HenrY'8.- ' , " . . . .".. '" 'f • ,n,~ -:_ •

. .Map or Boston, its·Environs and Harbors. with the Rebels' 'Works raised against the Town in 177?: Plan of the City of New York, surveyed in I ;67, by Ilarnard Ratzen, Lieut"nant 61)th Regiment. 3 sheets. Pian of Ihe City of Philadelphia, )1'iI"h the Works and Encaillpmellls of H. M.'s Forces in 1779. . _ '.J Plan of the City and Ellviron~ of·Quebec, with its Siege ana 1lI0ckade by the Americltns, from 8th December 17i6

to 13th i\lar 1776.' _., , . , Twining,'TIIIJllIlts-T\\'iuing, Thomas-Tecllllieal Training. 8Y'0; r vol. Loudon,.1873. Ulrich, George-Heport 01\ the Goldfields of .Otago, . Fol. 1 part. .N .P., N.D. United States-'- ".

Agri('ulture-:-MonthlyHeport of the Department for JaJ,lUary IS75 and onwards. 8vo. Pamphlet. Washington, IS75. :

Army-Heport on the Hygiene of, with-Descriptions of Military Posts. 4to. 1 vol. Washington, 18~5. U niversities-

Giessen- ,r. ", "

Verzei<:hnis~ der Vorlesnngen auf Ludwig's Universitlit zu Giessen, 1874-5. 4to,'2 parts. ·Giessen,1f175. Zmvachs-Verzeichniss der Grossherzoglichen Univel'sitlit's-Bibliothek yom Jahr IS73 .. 4to. I part. Giessen,

I 1874. ' .. . . Diem sacrum ab S. J',uc1ovid nomine in honorem' I,udovici Ill. 4to. I part. Giesscn, IS74. Akademische Festrede, ]~ekhard (Dr. C.) Ueber das Nervenlehen. 4tO. I part. G.iessen, IS74.

Heidelbcrg- . . Anzeige der Vorlesungen welche im Sommer-Halbjahr, IS71, 1~74. S10: Cohu, Dr. Juris, Max......:Zum Homischen Vereinsrecht. Abhandlungen

pamphlets. Berlin, 1873. • .

1 pamphlet: Heidelberg. a;ts der .. Rechtsgeschichte .. 8vo.


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JUrgens, Enno-Zur Theorie der !inearen Differential-Gleichnngen mit veranderlichen Coefllcienten. avo • . pamphlet. Heidelberg, 1873. I .'. " ,',

Kneucker, J.·L,~~;Uoah.'· 81'0. 1 pamphlet. HeIdelberg, 1873. Kossnianu, Hobby-Suctorilt und Lepadidte, 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Wiirzburg. 1873. Krause, Martin-Zur Transforniation del' Modulargleichungen del' elliptischen .Functionen. 8vo. 1 pamphlet.

Heidelberg, 1873. Rohde, G.-Inaugural Abhandlung, 8vo. I pamphlet. Wiesbaden, 1874. Stark, Dr. Karl Bernhard-Hede zum Geburtsfeste des Hochstseligell Grossherzogs Karl Friedrich von Baden

.und zur akademischen Preisvertheilung am 22. November 187:3. 4to. 1 pamphlet. Heidelberg,IS73. Thom,t, Dr. Richard-Ueberwanderung f"rbloser Blutkorper. Svo. 1 pamphlet, IS73. Cohn. Dr. Emil-Die zur Dyaa gehorigen Gesteine des siidlichen Odenwaldes. 'Svo. 1 pamphlet. Heidelberg,

1871. Knies, Dr, Carl-Rede zum Geburtsfeste des H. G. Karl Friedrich von Baden, &c., &c., IS71. 4to. 1 pamphlet.

Heidelberg, lim. ' . ' . Lossen;·.Dr .. ·Hermann:"'!-Ucber die Riickbildung des CallUS. 8vo, 1 'pamphlet." Stuttgart, IS71. Pagenstecher, Dr. F.-Experimente und Studien iiber Gehirndruck. 81'0, 1 pamphlet. Heidelberg, IB71. Langhans, Dr. W.-Das musikalische Urtheil und seine Ausbildung durch· die. Erziehung. Svo:. 1 pamphlet.

Berlin, 1872, ' .Rose, Dr. Friedrich-Untersuchungen iiber ammoniak'alische Koballr;Verbindu\l:gen, 8vo.. 1 pamphlet.

Heidelberg, 187l. '. Woermann, Dr. Karl-Ueber den'Landschaftlichen Natursinn del' Grieehen p.nd Romer. 8'1"0. pamphlet,

Miinchen. 1871. ., Askenasy, Dr. E.-Botanisch Morphologische Studien, 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Frankfurt, 1872. Boeckel, Ernestus -Exercitationun~ . Plautinarum Specimen Dissertatio Inauguralis. 8vo. 1 pamphlet.

Carlsru he, 1872. ' . Hiller, Dr. Karl-Die Reehtmassigkeit del' Amtsausiibung. 8vo.· 1 pamphlet. Wiirzburg, 1873. Kolbe, Friedrich-Erzbischof Adalbert 1. von Mainz und Heinrich V, 8vo. 1 pamphlet. Heidelberg,IS72. Renaud, Dr. Achilles-Rede Zum Geburtsfeste. 4to. 1 pamphlet. fleidelberg, 187:!.· , . Schott,.Dr. Hermann-Der' obligatorische Vertrag unter Abwesenden. Svo. 1 pamphlet. Heiilelberg, 1813. Von JagEHlla'nn, Dr, Eugen-,Die Sogenanute Arrha penitentialis. Svo. 'j pamphlet, Berlin, 1873. Weil, Br. A.-Die Gewinnung vergrosserter Kehlkopfspiegelbilder. 8vo. 1 pamphlet.. Heidelberg, 1872.

Leiden-Annales Academici, 1870-1. 4to. I vol. Lugd. Bat., 1871. ,. . Melbourne-Calendar for 1876. (6 copies.) 8vo. I voL Melbourne, 1876 ..

Victoria-The Government of- . , Geological Survey Progress Report. Nos. 1 and 2, and Sketch Maps. (2 copie~.) Svo. 2 parts. MelbournCl, 1814. Hayter, Henry H.--Notes on the Colony of Victoria. (3 copies.) Svo. 2 vols .. Melbourne, 1875. Lands and Agricultnre-Department of~Maps and Plans, 341. Melbourne Botanic Gardens-Annual Report, by W. R Guilfoyle. (6 copies), 8vo. 1 vol. Melbourne,IS75. Mining Department-Reports of the SUf\'eyors and Hegistrnrs for Quarter ending December 1874, and onwards. Mineral Statistics for 18;4. Fo!. '2. parts. Melb'ourtle. 1875. . _ • Mueller, Baron F. yon-Fragmenta Phytographire Australire. Vols. 7, S, and 9, &e. (25 copies.) 8vo. 3 vols.

Melbourne, 1871. Mueller, Baron'F. von-ObRervations on New Vegetable ~ossils of Auriferous Drift. Svo. 1 yol. Melbourne, IS74. Orders in Council, RegUlations and Standing Orders and Instructions for the Volunteer Force. (\2 copies.) Svo.

1 vol. Mel~otlrne. IS75. . . : . Palreontologyof Victoria. Decades Nos. 1 and 2. By Professor McCoy. 8'1"0. Melbourne, 1874-5.

Victoria-The Governnient-' . Statut~s ~f RegUlations of Mines, 1873, and Chinese Translation of same; also of.Names and Addresses of r;spectorB

of Mmes throughout the Colony. . Statistics-

Hegister of the Colony, 1874. Fol. 1 vol. Melbourne, N,D. Report .of the Conference of Government Statists held in Tasmania January 18i5. Fo\. 1 vol. Melbourue,

1875. Statutes. Vols. 1 and 2, A to N. 8vo. 2 vola. Melbourne. 1875. Victorian Year-Books for 1873 and 4, by Henry Heylyn Hayter. (6 c!>pies.). 8vo. 2 vols. Melhourne, 1875.

Walch and Sons-Litemry Intelligence. No. 193, AprillS75 and forward 8"0. 1 pamphlet. Hobart Town. 1875. Watt, M. A.-Worcester, The Marquis of-A Century of the Names and Scantlings of Inventious. 12mo. I vol.

Glasgow, 1767. . Waxman, .Joseph-Bihlia Swieta. 8vo. 1 vol. Berlin, 1863. Westgarth, William-Westgarth, William-The Science of Capital and Money. svo. 1 pamphlet. London, 1875. Westel'l1 Aust.raliil.- •.

Blue Book for 1874. Fol. I vol. l'erth, 1875. Government Gazette No. 17, 27th April 18i5.

Whitaker, Joseph-The .Boukseller, No. 207, February 1875 and onwards. 81'0 •. Pamphlets. London, 1875-6.


Page 16: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



i>ettional Qtomm ittee :

The Hon. SAMUEL H. BINDON, Chairman;


Though the general advancement 'of the 1\1 llsellm as an educational institution has been much interfered with during the year by granting the use of the hall, annexes, and class rooms, for exhibition purposes, still considerable progress has been made, and'lt large number of additional specimens have been received, most of which are suitable for introduction into the classified collections.' The reading table and book-case have also received additions of books, pamphlets, and papers relating to scientific and technical subjects.

Since the closing of the Exhibition in November the cases and· collections have been replaced in the hall, and are now being rearranged so as to include all recent additions in the classifications.

The classes in chemistry, metallurgy, assaying; mineralogy and the use of the blowpipe, and telegraphy, were fairly attendcd during the first quarter of theyeal', when the class rooms were available. Since June it has been impossible to continue any except small laboratory classes in the temporary la.boratory.· ,

The class attendance was as follows ;­In Ch'emistry, 16. In Mineralogy and Blowpipe practice, 10. In Telegraphy, 29.

The new building handed over t.o the Trustees, at th~ €lose Qf the Exhibition, has been subdivided so as to inelude a Lecture Theatre, capable of seating about. 350 people; a Chemical Laboratory, with work tables for students; a Metallnrgieal Laboratory, wit.h suitable assay fUnlaces; n weighing room foJ' chemical and assay balances; a class room, offices, aud store-room. The work of completing these rooms. is' going on rapidly, and it is expected that they will be finished during April, when courses of popular lectures and class instruction will be recommenced.

It is gratifying to nor,e that in the recent rel)Ol't of the Science Commission, of whicll the Duke of Devonshire was chairman, presented to the Parliament of Great Britain, the met,hod of imparting a know­ledge of scicnce in its relation to urts and mauufactures recommended is similar to that so successfully inaugurated by the Trustees of the Museum, but which has llnfortunately been disturber! morc than once, through the want of suitable lecture halls aud class rooms. This IVa,nG is not likely to o~cnr again.

The descriptive catalogue, written by Mr, G. H. :F. Ulrich, of the'collec..tion representing the rocks of Victoria has been reprinted and issued as a separate volume, and copies were forwarded to scientific societies in other parts of the world. The reviews of this work in the scientific joul'Ila.Js of England, Germany, and America, have been highly favorable, giving it a place amongst the best scientific literature of the day. ' .

It has been proposed to publish, in a small pamphlet, from time to time as matter accumulates, the more intcl\estiug notes made by the students of, the hLboratories. The 1JOtes of the past year are now being compiled, and will contain mnch interesting maUer; as the work has included the examination of over 500 specimens of native !lnd manufacturell substances, ,vitll the view of ascertaining their compo­sition and valne: investigations in various manuf.'tctures, in illost'instances specially applicable to works at present carried out in the couutry; th,ese investigations have in some instances alI'eady resulted in improve- ' ments in the detltils of working, and in increasing the unmbel' of products. Othel' students have devoted themselves to the study of analytical chemistry and assaying; in this branch there are notes detailing new methods of determination, and the results of original investigation.

APPENDIX A. Industrial and Technological Musenm Laboratory,

GENTLEME;, Melbourne, April 1876. I have the honor to make the following Report on the condition and progress of the Industrial and Technological

Museum for the year 1875. , . On the 1st July the Museum was closed. and the hall, annexes, and class rooms, were given up to the Exbibition

Commissioners, by whom they were occupied till I·he 5th of December, A portion of the mineral collection was exhibited in the old picture gallery, the of the collections being packec1 away, thus preventing llny progress in the wurk of , classification, labelling. llnd cataloguing, Since the closing of the Exhibition the cases !Lnd collections have been replaced, and are now being rearranged so as to include all new specimcns, During the year 2,165 specimens h!Lve been received as donations, as well as 493 books, p!Lmphlets, and p!Lpers, relating to technical and scientific subjects.

The progress in the l\'1ineral !Lnd Geological section is given in det!Lil in Mr, Ulrich's report appended, In the metallurgical division .the additiuns have enablec1 me to make more complete illustrations of the methods of smelting lead, tin, antimony, und mercury; the processes of separating gold from pyrites, and the utilization of the W!Lsle ma.terial. In order to render the collections as useful us 'possible it will be necessa.ry to add some ne'v furnace models and smelting appliances. The value of these collections is proved by the number of pe.rsons who come to examine them and to make drawings of the models. These are uot only persons resident in Vietoria, but miuing engineers llnd managers coming from the other colonies, who visit the museum, spending d!LYs in making drawings of the mining and metallurgical machinery.

'l'h~ Phytological section is being largely adc1ed to,' so much so that it h!LS been necessary for me to (Lsk that Mr. McMillan may be employed daily for three months in thc work of rearrangement, Scver!Ll Melbourne merchants have grc!Ltly assisted in filling up many blanks in this portion of the museum, .

The Animal section has also increased; but ID!Lny of the specimens were destroyed, during the period when the collections Iyere packed away, by-the ravages of insects.


Page 17: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


In all parts of the Museum new cases are required. . ' . The classes in chemistry, mineralogy, the use of the blowpipe, and telegraphy, \~ere falr~y attende? dur~ng the first

quarter of the year, since then they have been closed; all· work, except a small class III ,PractIcal chenll~try l~ the, t~m­porary laboratory. being given up for want of accommodation. The laboratory work has lIlcluded many hIghly lllterestlllg subjects, some account of which I propose to offer for pUblication in the form of a small pamphlet, entitled" Laboratory Notes," or "Contributions to Technical Chemistry, by the Students of the L~boratory." .

Numerous applications have been made by persons desirous of joining the new classes, when re-formed, III the new class rooms.

The new lecture theatre, laboratories, and class rooms, into which the new building has been divided, are now nearly complete, and it may be possible to begin class \york shortly after Easter. The' lecture hall is estimated to seat about 350 persons. The chemical laboratory has table room for twenty-five students. The metallurgical laboratory, about twenty students. The class room will seat upwards of forty students. Besides these rooms there have been constructed offices. a weighing room, and store rooms. ,

The methods adopted of teaching applied scienee in this institution in the past resemble clo~ely that wh}eh is reeqmmended by the Scientific Instruction Commission of Great Britain; especially as to the class of public lectures; mdeed had the Trustees followed instead of prcceded the commission's reports, the practice could not have been eloser! and t~ere can be but !itt,le doubt that if the course of instruction is followed wi~hout interruption, such as has occurred III prevIOUS years, the benefit will be felt in many branches of art and manufacture in Victoria.


I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant,


J. COSMO NEWBERY, B.Sc., Superintendent of Museum.

Industrial and Technological Museum, March l876.

1'0 the Chairman of the Industrial and T~c/tnologicai Museum Committee.

In the following I have the honor to submit my Report on the eourses of lectures delivered by me, and on the inerease and general arrangement of the Mineral and Rock collections under ~ly care during the year l875.

LECTURE COURSES. '" l'he subjects of these were, as in previous years. practical mineralogy, and the scientific use of the blowpipe, a

knowledge of which is evidently of great importance to the miner, metallurgist, chemist, and also in some degree to the agricul turist.

The first course, delivered during the months of March, April, May, and .Tune, was attended by eight students, three of whom practised the assaying, according to Plettner's methods, of nickel, cobalt, chromium, bismuth, and other ores, whilst the remaining five were first engaged in the determination of artificial salts, and subsequently in that of various important metallic and earthy minerals. The attendance of these students was, with few exceptions, regular, and all made fair progress. The second course of lectures, eommeneed in August and finished in November, was attended by six: students. Four of these were instructed in the determination of minerals, and the other two i)l the theoretical part of the use of the blowpipe. Owing to the opening of the Exhibition; at which two of the students were exhibitors, the attendance during this course was not satisfactory, in fact one of thc students attended only a few lectures, and consequently learned but little. I may, however, mention that several of the students of previous courses have at times performed special examinations in the laboratory. One of these, Mr. Morley, who has become most accomplished in the use of the blowpipe, was thus engaged for a considerable time iu testing the new reactions given for a numb~r of bases, acids, aud metals in a large recent work on the scientifiC' use of the blowpipe, called" Pyrology," by Major W. A. Ross.

Concerning the lecture courses during the ensuing year, for which the new fine laboratory will be available, I am in hopes that by proper advertisements in the daily newspapers the attendance of students will be greatly augmented.

MINERAL AND ROCK COLLECTIONS. Both these colleetions have during the year received a great number of additions, some very interesting and

valuable. Comparatively few of these were obtained by purchase aud cxchange, the bulk, in fact, represent donations, showing that the interest of the public in the advancement of the Museum has not abated. '1 he aaditions were as follows:-



l. A collection of about forty specimens from the Beeehworth district, eomprising­Corundum of black, blue, grey, and red color. Zircon-yellow, white, and red. Topaz-white, yell.ow, and light-blue. Agate-banded in val'ious colors; some specimens cut. Caimgonn \)f dark and light shades of color; a large specimen finely cut. ROC/I-crystal in pebbles and crystallized. ' Auriferous quartz-two specimens rich in gold.

2. Ten specimens; six of the rare mineral Phacolite, and four of Calcite, the former well crystallized, from the Richmond basalt quarries. '


Specimens. of Hornblende, Diallage, Zeolite, and Calcite from different localities in the province of Otago, New Zealand.

Several large fine specimens of Analcime, Natrolite, and Calcite from Phillip Island, and of Phacolite and PhilUpsite from Chambers' basalt quarries, Richmond.


About forty specimens, comprising massive Nickel ore (Noumeite alia Garnierite), Cllromite, Asba/ite, Serpentine, Fossil resin, &c. from New Caledonia, by Mr. Longbottom.

Two large masses, each of above 1 ewt., and several small specimens of rich Nickel ore from New Caledonia, by Mr. Haneker. '

Six specimens of finely crystallized Stibnite (Sulphide of antimony), one massive specimen of this ore with gold finely impregnated, several specimens of the ore roasted, showing drusy coatings and pretty large crystals of Va/entinite and Senarrnontite, from Cosierfield, by Mr. Ferd, Kayser.

One specimen of Brown hematite, with gold finely impregnated, from South Australia, by Mr. Singlet{)n. . A number of specimens from different mines alld localities of the Maldon district. eomprising Scheelite and ApatIte 1n (Juartz from the, Ellglebawk Union mine; IJeulandite and Iron pyrites from the Tiverton l\eef mine; Em'tI,.,! Plwrma­cosldente, Spat/Hc 'ron, and Arsellopyrile from the German Reef mine; several crystals of Orthoclase jeldspar, representing the rare twins of Baveno type, from Bradford, by Mr. Rule .

. Se"er~llarge specimens of pure massive Cassiterite (Tin ore) of peculiar texture and appearance; specimens of this ore III matl'lx; also samples of coarse Stream tin ore, from the ::;tanhope Company's minc, Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania, by Capt. Bancroft. . .

Page 18: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


. . :I:"!"o ~pecin~eps of finely crystallized Calcite from the Hustler;s"Reef, Sandhufst; several specimens of' Iron p./frifes from the Garden Gully Re'ef, and of' Vligo'clase and Olivine froin a basalt dYke·accompanying this i'eef,:~liridhurst, by Mr. G.Thureau,· ,,' " ;' .': ., ,,' '. "'"

Two ;specimens of' Galena in fine lar!!c (ab!'ut 2 inches in diameter) oct.ahedml cl'ysta~s; from:':Cliainpio~ :Bay, We.tern Australia; 'also several specimens of Slib'"ile with Native sulphur from the Allison mine, Coste'rii'illd; by Mi-:G. Hodgkinson" ". , '" '"" :' I, ,. ,,-",

, One large speeimen of PyrrllOtite (Magnetic pyrites) from the Eaglehawk Union Coi:npahy's' inin'e';,r])y",t~e legal manager, NIr, Bums. ' ... I. .

,,,_beveral specimens of Red hematite from Soutb Aust~alia, hy Mr, :Fisher, . . .,: 1,·1'1 ';':', .'

Specimens of Scheelite'fi'om 'the Alta Reef, near Cromwell; and M Hornblende from Milford Sound, provin'ce' bf Otago, New Zealand';' also a sample '01' Garnet-sundfrom'the coast'of Corner Inlet, near'Yanakic Station; VictOria, coilected by myself. "'.' :. . , . '. , " " ' ,

Several specimens of Auriferous quartz from reefs in South Australi:t, by the Rev, Dr:' Bleasdale, .. "Severll'l specimens of Silver o1'e,one ricli'ili'Pf,iJ'lirgyrite'froni the niiiies'near Austiu cjtj;Nev'itda, Npitp America, by

Mr. Munro; I ' , , .: '

. Specimens of' Hornblenile rock. with Native bismuth 'and Magnetic pyrites impregnated, from '-:flit, Ramsay, Tasmania, by Mr. James Smith. ' ' , .' , . J -" ',' .,'

A large specimeu of Hornblende roell, rich in'Native bismuth, from Mt, Ramsa.y; Tasmania, by Mr'. Welsh, A speeimeu of Asbestos, and several. specimens of, Auriferous. Brown hematite from South Australia. by Mr, Strong. Several specimens of l:,rown'spar and Calcite in Quartz from Brown's !teef, Sandhurst; and a sample of fine gold-dust

washed from drift in New Zealand, by Mr, Bennett. ' _ S~veTlll specim!3i1s of. Molybdenite in Quartz from Wattle Gully Heef; and of Hornblende rock. with Garnet from the

Eagleha'Wk Rcef, Mlildon';by Mr, Hornsby. A number of larger and smaller buttons ,of Obsidian from thc basaltic lava flows of the Western district, by Mr.

Adeney. Several large speeimens of crystallized Native sulphur and Silicious sinter frOI11 the volcanic district of the North

Islapd, New Zealand, by Mr. Carty, " . A bloc~ of Lignite from Gippsland, by Mr, G. D, Carter.-" Flints from the bed of the River Yarra, by Mr. Teale, Specimens of Marble by Mr. F, Ateyeo, lSpecimens of Victorian marble by Mr, Clu~ten, . '. Largish pieees 'of Sulphide of antimony from Cost(;rfield, by the Costerfield Gold and Antimony Mining Company. Blocks of Iron ore,from Tasmania, by the Tasmanian Iron Company., ',' ,'.; " ;,,' • A number of specimens of metals and minerals from Singapore, comprising, several fine pieces of Cinnabar, a mass

scveral pounds in weight of Native ,antimoni1l11l, several pieces of Sulphide of antimollY, Crude antimony, small ingots of tin, &c" by the Commissioners of the late Exhibition, I

Specimens of Lead ore from Borrowdale, by ·Mr, A, Cox, .. Several pieces of Asbolite (Cobalt-Manganese ore) from tIle Upper Yarra; by Mr, H. Smith, "

,. -]I'rom the numerous specimens forwarded for examination were seleeted Galena with Fluorspar from New So~th Wales, and Chrysoprase from Queensland. • "


The systeinatic arrangement of 'the general mineral c6l1ec~ion in twenty-three table cases, including the supply of special (Jescriptive labels and such of sections, elasses, and groups of the minerals was completed during the,begimiing of the year; but the snbsf\quent removal of, the cascs into the qld picture gallery, on a"ccount o.f the late Exhibition,.caused ~on­siderable disturbance in the arrangement of the sped mens ard labels, whieh it took some time f6 rectiiff.'after the close of the Exhibition. A number of the best specimens presented during the year were on this 9ccasion added to the collection. , A small table case was filled with a fiI!e.series of Nickel and other ores from New Caledonia. , ',. ,



, A collection illustrating the varieties. of Basalt occurring 011 the Auckland Islands, from the geolo~ist' att~ched to the German Transit of Venus Expedition, ' ,..'

A collection of between forty and fifty specimens of interesting rocks, comprising Gabbro, Dunnite, Syenite, Trachyte, Basalt Ampltibolite, Serpentine, TracIJ]/te-Breccia, &c., from the province of Otago and the volcanic distriet of the North Island, ,New Zealand, from Capt~in F. Hutton, curator of the Dunedin Museum. ' _', \ ." .'


A slab of Metamorphic Flagstone showing impressions of "Fucoid's ., from the flagstone quarry, Specilneb Gully, ncar Castlemaine; also several specimens of :Wletamorphic wn,lI, stone and Porphyritic Granite, from a dyke struck in the Coliban water supply tunnel, branching towards,Fryer's Creek, from near ElphinstOlie, by Mr. Davis, the foreman of the work,

A specimen of·Limestone with a large fossil shell from'Valiaroo, South Australia, by Mr. W, Dennis. A eollection of thirty-six specimens, illustrating the variations both in texture and mineml composition of the Diorite,

forming a dyke traversed by auriferous quartz veins in the Albion Company's mine; Crossover, Nor~h,Gipp81;wd i also four' specimens from the walls of the dyke-lJpper Siluriun slate and sandstone-by the manager of themlne, ,Mr. Ferd Kayser,

Severnl specimens of porphyritie Granite and Metamorphic rocks, from the neig~lborhood pf ~io.Ul}.t Tarrangower, by Mr. O. Rule, , . ,", " ,

Several specimens from· the basalt-dyke connected with Brown's Reef, Eaglehawk, Sandhurst, by Mr.,Bennett, Abont a dozen specimens from the basalt-dykes. the so-called" lava streaks" connected with the Windmill Hill and,

Garden Gully reefs, Sandhurst, by Mr. G, Thureau. " ." , Twenty~six specimens from the Snowy Ri,er district, Gippsland, comprising Felsite-porphyry from m.asses pene­

trating and intercalated between slate-rocks, Porphyry-ash. Porphyry-conglomerate, &c .• hy Mr, 'A, "tV, Howitt, P.M. A large specimen of Marble from Waratab"Bay, by the licensees6f the limestone and marble deposit, ,Several_specimens of Hornblende and Garnet-rock from th!3 Eaglebawk Union Company:'s,'mine, Maldon, by Mr.

Hornsby. ',' " A ,number of specimens of Basalt and Augitic Greenstone from near I,aunceston, TasmaTI,ia, by 11:r, Johnson', A number of specimens of Syenite, Diorite, Hornblende, Gneiss, Phyllite, &c., frOID Milford Sound and some of the

goldfields of Otago, New Zeulanp, collected by myself. '" : '


Both the standard collection of rocks from foreign and that from, Victorian localities were mnch disturbed through the shifting of the cases on account of the late Exhibition; A.nd their rel!;rrangement and labelling rcquired considerable time and care, Some disturbance had also to ,be rectified in the collections of rocks from the neighboring colonies .. '. Two collections of Victorian rocks with some minemls were made up of duplicates and properly la1>elled-one sent'

in exchange for the rock and mineral specimens received from Captain Hnlton, curator of the Otago Museum, Dunedin'; the othe~ for the geologist of the German Tr;msitof Venus Expedition in exchange for ruck spe~imens.from the Auckland Islands, .

Since the c~mpletion of the descriptive eatnlogne of t.he Victorian rock-~pecimens I have ente,red upon the prepa­ration of simihir catalogues of the special collections of rock-specimen. tierivcd from the neighboring colonie~, and ~o far finished the Iis~s of those from New South 'Vales and Queensland, which I herewith appelHI fot' the,consideration of the Committee, On account of the comparative smallness of these collections, and in considcration of the many wide gaps that would ha,e appeared harl the classification heen made strictly in acc(,rd!tllce with the sume system as adopled for the Victorian rocks, I left out all the lllillor mineralogical subdivisions, and only classed and described the specimens nnder the several main groups of that system.


Page 19: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


My next work will have to be the preparation of descriptive labels for the large collection of "minerals used as gems and for ornament," and for the numerous large mineral specimens formerly displayed in the high glass cases, but which it is intended to arrange in small pyramidal cases, more couvenient for examination. Besides this, the collection of " minerals found in Victoria" requires rearrangement and the incorporation of a considerable number of specimens received· as donations, and whkh have to be supplied with descriptive labels .

. As the most important and, in their appropriate display, ornamental ad<litions to the mineral section of the Museum, I may. in conclusion, be permitted to rt:comlllend the purchase of at least two of the eigtlt special collections mentioned in last year's Heport that would render thc section instructively perfect, viz., one of loose crystals of.the six crystallographic systems, the other of pseudo-morpl1s, both obtainable from Dr. Krantz, in Bonn, according to his catalog~e.

, I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant,

GIWRGE H. F. ULRICH, Lecturer in Mineralogy and Miniug.


Name of Student. Occupntil,n. Name of Student. Occupation.

J. L. Morley Mining Man!tger J. Sullivan Manufacturer T. Draper Manufacturer I .. A. Latham Brewer G. L. Graham Manufacturing Chemist A. Hughes ... Chemist - Begg ". J. G. Mansfield " , A. Borthwick

" '" A. Reddie " D. Lewold Analytical Chemist C. Lillie ... ' " O. Rule ... Mechanical Eugineer


Name 01 Student

G. Ho.dgkinson T. Draper ·A. Borthwick - Corbett

Begg ...


Metallurgist Manufne,turer

Mach~i6t Mannfacturing Chemist

Name of Student.

W. Adams J. L. Morley F. Dunn ... C. Mansfield T. McBimey


Student . Mining Manager Laboratory Assistant

" " Museum Attendant


General arrangement conformable to that of the collection of Victorian rocks. Specimens 2, a, 6, 9, la, 15, 19,21, 29, 4a, 46, 48, 5a, 61,63, 68, have been collected between Albury and Sydney; special locality unknown. 1. Granite.-Coarse-grained; rather feldspathic and poor in mica.-Neighborhood of Albury. 2. Granite.-Coarse-grained and poor iiJ mica. 3. Granite, Granitite.-Meilium-grained and very rich in oligoclase. 4. Granite.-Coarse-grain!,)d and very poor in mica.-Neighborhood of Albury. 5. Granite.-Fine-grained"and rendered coarsely porphyritic by large crystals of feldspar.-Neighborhood of Albury. 6. Granite.-Coarse-grained and rather feJdspathic ; contains black and white mica. 7. Granite.-Coarse-grained and feldspathic; mica silver-white.-Neighborhood of Albury. 8. Granite.-Medium-grained and rather micaeeous.-Neighborhood of Albury. 9. Granite.-Medium-grained; common. ' 10. Granite.-Medium-grained; mainly composed of flesh-colored feldspar ,and ferruginous quartz; miea very scarce.­

~eighborhood of Albury. II. Granite.-Fine-graiued and poor in mica; rendered porphyritic by. larger crystals of feldspar, patches of quartz and

scales of black mica.-Neighborhood of Albury. 12. Granite.-Same as foregoing; feldspar of a more pronounced flesh-color.-Neighborhood of Albury. . .' 13, Granite.-Fine-grained, and poor in mica; rendered porphyritie by patches of very fine-scaly, black mica, and a few

larger grains of quartz and crystals of feldspar. . ~, . '. '. 14. Granite.-Same as foregoing. . . , . 15. Granite.-Similar to No. 13, but feldspar of a fine flesh-color and mica more scarce. 16. Granite.- Fine-grained; very poor in mien.-Neighborhood of Albury. 17., Granite.-.Fine-grained, and rendered slightly porphyritic by large crystals of oligoclase and scattered larger grains of

qual'tz.-NeiglJbol'hood of. Albury. 18. Half-Granite, Aplite.-Fine-graineli mixture of feldspar and quartz without mica. The feldspar has the appearance

of oligoclase.-Neighborhood of Albury. . 19. Halt:'Granite, A plite.-Medium-grained mixture of flesh-colored feldspar and quartz, the former greatly predominating;

somewhat affe(,ted by decomposition. 20. HaH~Granite, Aplite.-Fine-grained mixture of feldspar and quartz. 21. Half-Granite, Aplite.-Very fine-grained mixture of feldspar and quartz, the former predominating. 22. Graphic-Grallire.-Feldspar an.] qU'l.rtz with a little white mica. The q llartz being distributed through the feldspar

(light flesh-colored orthoclase) in more or less parallel interrupted or broken'laminre of irregular thickness, forming Hebrew-hke characters in cross-fracture.-Neighbol'hood of Albnry.

23: Graphic-Granite.-~ame as foregoiug', but quartz laminre finer.-Neighborhood of Albury. 24. Graphic-Granite.-Same as No. 22, but quartz laminre very fine. The feldspar appears slightly affected by decom­

position.-Neighborhood of .Albury. 25. Graphic-Granile.-Same as No. 24; quartz laminre rather thin and much interrupted; one face coated with scales of

white IT!ica.-Neighhorhood of Albury. 26. Tin-Granite.-Composed of greenisb-grey mica, very little feldspar and quartz in grains, irregular veins and patches

showing druse-ca~ities. Is tolerubly rich in imbedded crystals of tin ore (cassiterite).-Elsmore Company's mine, near Inverell, New England. .

27. Tin-Granite.-Similar to foregoing, but show'jug larger patches of quartz, and being far richer in embedded crystals of tin ore.-Elsmore Company's mine, neal' Inverell, New England. .

28. Syenite-Granite.-Weathered specimen; medinnJ-grained; contains much oligoclase, and some hornblende,-Neighbor­hood .. r Albury.

29. Syeoite-Granite.-Weathered specimen; medium-grained mixture of orthoclase, much oligoclase, quartz and horn­blende, with a little mica..

30. Tourmaline-Gmnite.-Very coarse and uu!.'ven-grained mixture of flesh-colored. feldspar, black tourmaline (schorl) and much quartz. .

............ -------------------

Page 20: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



31. Granite Porphyry.-Fine-grained, ternary granite base, with large crystals of orthoclase, grains of quartz, and scales of black mica.

32. Granite Porphyry.- Very tine-grained, apparently rather quartzose and poorly micaceous granite base, with large crystals of orthoclase and gmins of quartz.

33. Granite Porphyry.-Samc as foregoing, but contains ill addition small accumulations of very fine-scaly black mica. 34. Granite Porphyry.-Samc as No. 32, but base apparently richer in mica; orthoclase crystals of tine flesh-color, and

finely laminated with quartz, similar to graphic-granite; would form II fine ornamcntal building stone. 35. Felsitc Porphyry I.Eurite Porphyry, Qnartz Porphyry, ElVllnite).-Fine-granular, :tpparcntly purc feldspar base,

through which are abundantly disperser1 small grains and crystals of quartz. . 36. Felsite Porphyry (~'eldspar Porphyry).-Fine-grannlar, apparently pure feldspar base, dcnsely mixed with crystals of

feldspar and grams and crystals of quartz. '. 3i. Felsite Porphyry (Hornstone Porphyry).-Dcnse blackish-green, horIlstone-like base, densely interspersed with crystals

of fine, flesh-colored orthoclase and grains of quartz; resembles the porpbyry from the Upper Warmon River, in the collection of Victorian rocks.

38. Felsite Porphyry (Hornstonc Porphyry).-Dense greenish-black, hornstone-likc base, densely filled with crystals of white, vitreons orthoclase and grains of quartz; encloses a few grains of almandine-garnet. .

39. Felsite Porphyry (Hornstone Porphyry).-Sallle as foregoing, ouly finer-grairied, and containing more garnets, and a few scattcred scales of hlack mica.

40. Felsite Porphyry (Hornstone Porphyry).-Samc as foregoing. 41. Felsite Porphyry (Hornstone Porphyry).-Similar in appearance to No. 39, but base more predominant, and no garnets

perceptible; has all indistinct la.mina.ted structure, which causes a tabular cleavage.' . 42. Felsite Porphyry (Rorn8tonc Porphyry).-Sume as No. 39, but no grains of garnet perceptible. 43. ll'elsite Porphyry (Feldstone Porphyry).-Grey feldstone base, with abnndant crystals of feldspar, grains of quartz,

and small patehes of very fine-scaly black mica, which latter, in connection with an indistinct laminated structure, imparts to the rock a gneissose appearance. . .

44. 'Felsite Porphyry (Elvanite).-A dark greenish-grey, fcldspatllic and rather calcareolls base, densely filled with crystaJs and crystalline particles of feldspar, and scattered scales of black mica; no ·!l.uartz perceptible; slightly im­pregnated with iron pyrites.-Auriferous dyke of the celebrated Hawkin's Hill Miues, Tambarool"U.

45. Feldstone (Elvanite).-A very finely crystalline-granular feldspathic rock, strongly a1Iectedby decomposition.-Neigh-borhood of Albury. " .

GUEENSTONE . • 46. Diorite.-:M:cdiuin-grained; black hornblende and oligoclase, with a small admixture of white mica.

41.; labradorite and augite, the feldspar rather predominating. 48. Diabase.·· V cry finely crystalline-granular, nearing aphanite. 49. Gabbro-(Diallage-Greenstone.)-Crystallillc-granular mixture of. much dial\11ge and some feldspar. This rock crops

out in massive dykes and knobs, penetrating through granite and metamorphic sltttc.-Glcn Creek, New England. 50. Gabbro-(Diallage-Greenstone.)-Same'as foregoing. Surface specimen, showing weathered crystalline particles of

diallage, the feldspar originally between having beeu rcmoved by deeomposition.-Glen Creek, New England. 5l. Gabbro-(Diallage-Greenstone.)-The same rock as Nos. 49 and 50, bnt very finely crystalline-granular, nearly deuse,

aphanite-liko.-Glen Creek, New England.


52. Porphyritic Basalt.-Black, dense basalt base, with cmbedded large crystals of more or less transparent oligoclase.­Snowy Mountains, New Englalld.


53. Amphibolite (Hornblende Rock; Tremolite Rock).-A dcnse aggregation of fibrolls crystals of tremolite. 54. Amphibolite (Hornblende Hock; 'I'remolite Hock).-Similar in appcarance to foregoing, but far advanced towards its

metamorphosis into steatite (potstone). . 55. Serpentine (passrtge-rock).-Hock in course of transforumtioll into serpentine. Original nature unknown. Densely

impregnated with grains and veiu-likc. patches of chromic iron. ~ 56. Serpentinc (passage-rock).- Very finely crystalline-granular, alld rather hard. Contains a few grains of chromic iron. 57. Chloritic-Schist.-A finely crystalline - granulrtr siliceo -feldspathic base, dcnsely traversed by seams of chlorite.

Evidently a passage-rock. 58. Chloritic-Schist.-Same as foregoing. 59. Chlorite-Schist.-;llather coarse·scaly; cncloses a crystal of magnetite. 60. Chlorite-Sehist.-Same as foregoing, but without magnetite. 61. Talc (Potstone).-Massive, a.nd in parts slightly ferruginous. 62. Argillaceons Mica-Schist (Pbyllite).-Highly fissile and ferruginous; traversed by quartz veins.-Hawkin's Hill,


6:3. Sandstone-Breccia.-Irregular mixture of fragments of finc-graincd, fcldspathic-looking sandstone, quartzite, qnartl:­grit, quartz, &c., spotted with brown ferruginous patches.

64. Sandstone.-Fine-grained and highly quartzose. Faint-brown, ferruginous bands impart to it' a concretionary appearance.

65. Quartzite, Quartzite-Schist.-Very finely crystalline-granular; impregnated with manganiferous brown iron ore; shows an irregular slaty lamination.

66. Quartzite, Qnartzite-Schist.- Same as foregoing. Slaty structure more irregular. Impregnatiou of manganiferous. brown irou ore very 8trong.

67. Quartzite, Quartz Hock.--Finely crystalline-granular, and slightly porous. Traversed hy ferruginous bands. 68. Quartzite, Qnartz Bock.-Righly cellul(1r, and in' parts ch(1lcedony-like; some, of the cell-walls coated with quartz­

crystals. 69. Clay-Sbte.---,Cleavage planes finely cOffng(1tcd, and showing a weak satiny lustre; slightly calcareous.-Forms the

wall-roek of t.he celebrated H(1wkin's Hill reefs and dyke, '.rambaroora. . 70. Clay-Slate.-Apparently thick-bedded; elel1\'age planes uneven; highly C!1lcareous.-IIawkin's Rill, Tambaroora. 71. Clay-Slate.-Very soft and fissile; somcwhat talcose ; contains gold finely imprcgnated.-Bathurst district.

Cn"~llCAI"LY-FOn}lED ROCKs.-LumST07\E. 72. Limestone.-Very dense; cxhibits t.he so-called" conc in cOlle" structure extremely welL-Special locality unknown. 73 to 83. Limestone, Marble.-Specimens of finely variegated mlLrblc, suitable for ornamental purposes.-Orange.



L Granite (Grallitite).-Nledinm-grained, and rendcretl porphyritic by large crystals and crystalline patches of orthoclase; very rich in oligocllLse.-Neighborhoo'l of Brisbane. .

2. Granite.-Rather fine-grainetl; contains but Lt small percentage of mica.-Speeiallocality unknown. 3. ::?yenitc-Granitc.-- :I'ledium-grained; composed of orthoclase, quartz, mica, and hornblenc1e.-Neighborhood of Rock­

·hampton. 4. Syenite-Grunite.-Mec1ium-grainerl base composed of orthoclase, lUuch oligoclase, and a little quar"tz, rendered

porphyritic by crystals of blackhornblende and mica.-One mile east. of Rocky Creek, Nl1ndawar Range.


----~--------------__ ...... m •• · ............... ..

Page 21: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



5. Syenite-Granite.-Rather coarse-grained, porphyritic-looking mixture of predominating oligoclase, orthoclase, quartz, hornblende, and some mica; contains impregnated specks of copper pyrites.-Ravenswood goldfield.

6. Syenite.-Medium-grained mixture of oligoclase, orthoclase, hornblende and a little quartz, the orthoclase and hornblende appearing porphyritic in the oligoclase hase.-Mount Hobinson, Namoi River. NOTE.-Nos. 4, 5, and 6, represent rocks' intermediate in composition between granite and diorite. No.5 closely

resembles in appearance and nearly also in mineral composition the rock called" Tonalite," frolll Mount Adumello, Southern Tyrol.


7. Felsite-Porphyry.-A dense, hard, felsitic base, with crystals of orthoclase and a little ql1ftrtz.-Kilcoy and Coongabel. 8. Feldstone-Porphyry (Rlvanite).-Fine-gmnular, rather earthy-looking feldstone lJase, with small crystalline patches of

green epidote (pistazite) and crystals of flesh-colored orthoclase. Somewhat affected by decomposition.­Yarangariwandi.

9. Feldstone-Po'rphyry (Rnrite-Porphyry, Elvanite).-Micro-crystalliue feldspar base, with scattered hexagonal plates of black mica, and a few grains of quartz. Structure highly laminated or slaty.-Mount Robinson.

10. Feldstone-Porphyry (Eurite-Porpbyry, Elvanite).-Same as No. 9.-Mount Robinson. II. Felsite (Feldstone, Elvanite,.;pjurite).-Dense rock of rather dull fracture, consisting of nearly pure feldsptu·.-Special

locality unknown. 1.2. Porphyrjte.-A dark, felsitic base with crystals of oligoclase, scattered crystalS of hornblende and grains of quartz.­

'Durandar, Stanley River. 13. Porphyrite.-Dense, black, felsitic base with small crystals of oligoclase, and scattered scales of black mica. Special

locality unknown. GREENSTONE.-DIORITE, APllA~ITE.

14. Diorite (Quartz Diorite).-Fine-granular base, composed of oligoclase, hornblende, and much quartz, rendered slightly porphyritic by large hornblende crystals.-Coombing Creek.

15. Diorite.-Composed of hornblende and oligoclase, the latter predomiuating ; rather coarse-grained.-Port Curtis. 16. Diorite-Mica Diorite.-Medium-grained mixture of much oligoclase, hornblende, aud some mica.-Neighborhood of

Brisbane. 17. Diorite.-:\fedium-grained and highly horn blendic ; contains some quartz and is finely-impregnated with copper pyrites.

-Westwood Railway Station, neighborhood of Rockhampton. 18. Diorite.-Coarse-grained and highly hornblendic; finely impregnated with copper pyrites and bornite, and th.inly

coated and colored witb green and blue carbonates of copper,proceeding from the decomposition of thc sulphides.­Westwood Railway Station, neighborhood of Rockhampton.

19. Diorite-Aphanite.-Micro-crystaUine-granular base, with small scattered grains of quartz.and small crystals of horn­blende.-Bed of Calliope Creek.

20. Aphanite.-Quite dense; component minerals not distinguishable.-Speciallocality unknown.

VOLCANIC ROCKS.-'1'RACHYTE, BASALT . .21. Quartz-Trachyte (Domite).-Micro-erystalline-granular, of felsitic appearance; densely filled with minute black

scales, which probably are specular iron. An analysis of.this rock (which constitutes the steep, dome-shaped Mount' Wheeler, between 800 and 900 feet high, near Rockhampton), executed by the late Professor Thomson of the Sydney University gave the following results :-

Specific gravity of rock 2'576 Soluble in Hydrochloric acid 3'25 per cent. Insoluble in Hydrochloric acid 96'75 per cent.

Silica Alumina ... Ferric Oxide Ferrous Oxide Lime Magnesia Soda Potash Water

Silica Alumina Ferric Oxide ... Ferrous Oxide Lime Magnesia Soda Potash Water

Soluble portion.

36'54 .23'97 11'59

)'57 trace .2'00 1'14




Soluble portion.

1'19 0'78 0'38


IllJloluble portion.

73'80 1.2'20 0'76 0.83 0'32

trace 4'41 3'12 0'15

IllJloluble portion.

76'28 12'61 0'79 0'86 0'33

trace 4'56 3'30 0'15



74'99 12'98

1'14 0'83 0'31

trace 4'48 3'16 0'80

3'16 95'59 98'75

Whilst this composition of the rock indicates it to belong to the quart;-trachytes its general appearance aud mode of occurrence allies it to the variety called domite, massively developed in the A~vergne (Puy de Dome) France.-Mount Whceler, near Rockbamptom. .

22. Trachyte.-Rather fine-grained, rough and porous; rendered porphyritic by large crystals of sanidine.-Neighborhood of Gladstone. .

23. Basalt-Anamesite-Porphyry.-Finely-crystalline-granular, black base, rendered porphyritic by crystals of oligoclase. Bone Bone, coupty of Gowan. -


24. Serpentine.-Appears to be altered diabase, or gabbro (diallage rock), probably the latter.-Base of Moullt Wheeler ." near Rockhampton. '. '

25. Serpentine.-Similar to No. 24.-Calliope . .26. Serpentine.-Similar toN:o. 24.-Port Curtis. 27. Serpeutine.-Belongs to the" precious'" variety; rendered porphyritic by crystalline plates with half-metallic lustre of

a mineral resembling schillerspar.-Port Curtis. . 28. Serpentine,-Common ; encloses large portions of asbestos.-Port Curtis. . 29. Mica Schist.-Common.-Nellram Neuram, Stanley River. 30. Quartzite-Quartz-rock.-Very dense. hornstone-like, and somewhat feldspathic; shows a plicated interlamination of

more or less feldspathic portions, of which the more feldspathic ones, by having ou weathered faces suffered more through decomposition than the rest, are indicated by ragged grooves.-Speciallocality unknown.

31. Chert.-Gulf Creek, Berigul. . 32. Crystalline Granular Limestone-White 'Marble, Statuary Marble.-Finely crystalline-granular; resembles Carrara.

marble.-Neighborhood of Rockhampton .

............. ------------------

Page 22: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



REPORT OF THE SECTIONAL COM}UTTEE'· OF THE NATIONAL ~1USEUM~ .. ~ •• <,'d • t , , .r . . ~. ., " -......

", ~ettionitl Cltoillm ittee : The Rev. 'JOHN IGNATIUS' BL'EASDALE, D:D., Ch'airman;'


The National Museum has beeu conducted in an its departments" during 'the pas~ y~ar in' a . inM'iner s.atisfactory to the Committee, .so,. far as concerns the, directing and management of the iristitutiop. The same difficulties as mentioned in last year's report-viz., waut of room to accornm04at~ .the' existing Collections....:..,-still exist, and the work of t,he taxidermist's depart,menthas had to he confined, to small objects. At present, and for how long is nncertain, the collection of objects of natural bistOI'X, which'hiiv'ecost' much money aud labor to bring them together, are exposed more tlian ever to perish. Dui'iug the present year, a considerable portion of this collection, which had h,itherto fonnd accommodation in some rooms in the University bnildings,lHld to bel'emoved ioto the M uS!lum proper, t:hl1's ci70wding b'otldhe coliectiiJlis '!llr~ady displayed'in the'main liall and the 'spac~req'uh;ed fol' housing' 'those which,up to the pi'esent;liilvq l~~d to be packed away. .. ,~,-,

It will be seen by the Professor's report that he ,snggests. a .re-voteo£. :Four. thousand pounds {£4~OOO), heretofore place~ on t\le .Estimates for additio!lul 'buildings at the Museum, and for SOllie reason' not so e*,pendeu';' tillni:s "tlie 'inten!ion 'then' was foltiiild'" the nori.h front staircase alld two sels of rooms for eases," it appears that expensive work of.this nature might be postponed 1'01' the present, and such a sum as the. above voted fOl', relieving :the ·Iong-pressing and. now almo3t ruinous want. of room for the colleetions, now either ·inadequately display.ed .01' 6to,,:ed a'Yay in boxes to which the public can. obtain n'o' acces8 .. It would, therefore, be m05t desil'able at preselit that any new buildings Rli'onld form the continuation westward. It is felt tbat sHch a sum laid out in: plain substantial buildings would afford space sufficient for several years to eome"and the providing, of. a staircase . now', also Il!-uch required, might readily f()rm,;part· of :the new plans. . . ..- ..... '.: ~, .... ',. :.. . . .' .... , ", ","

A 'list of donations' of 'objects' of Natural History, together .\\,'Ith th~' names of the <ionqi:s; +.rill be fqund in Sehedule A of the Professor's report, hereto.appended ; 'alid to"a:~rtIH\se gen~lem~ri 'toe tlianks of the sectiOil are her(;lhy f¢iidered:·. '" '" . '. ,.":>. :":'1' ::~. ".1.,

ScheduleJ~, eoptains th!:1. statem'ent of the smallnumbtii' Of;.plii·q\)used objectS 4ui'ing the year. It seemed unwise. to add anything to the existing s~qck or undisplayed objects, unless such as might appeal' desirable for makj~l'g exchanges with similar institutions; or, pei'haps, to fill lip gaps in the st;lientijic series. .

The attendance of'vIsitors'," thoug1i hardly"s?i:great as for ~lie precE!ding year, :-v~s,very good, the numbers registered' being 99,390 .. ,The decrease is adequately accou nted for by the .inclement weather and prevailing sicknesses. , ., J" l.,:·!

A further in~talment of the Register of the: Contents of the' National Museum, from Nos. 14412 to 18643, is append'ed' as part of Professor ~cCoy's ·r~port. . ')~'.


~ .. ,To the Chairman ofth,e National Museum Committcg.

SIR, :': 1 have the honor to forward the· usual 'annual schedules of douatiuns to the National :'\:t:useuni for' the y'!ar, marked

A;, of the .pecimens'purch,tsed ill the'colony. marked B; and of the visitors, marked C; and exchanges, marked D. It will be seen·that the·public interest. iu the Museum, as indicaterl by the number of visitors, coiltinues very great,

although the 'unusua~ wetness' of half the year"rcdnced the number below that of last' year. The 'humber of regular systematic student. making use of the·opportunities for accurate study, whidl the perfectly named antI classified collections afford, is steadily increasing in a very gmti(ying way; and the aid which' the proximity of, the Public Nation:.l Museum to the Ulliversity \cctlir,:'rooms 'giveB to tbe studen'ts thcre'of the natural scieliees, is,as obviously hearing good,fruit.

'I think it will' b,' obvious tlmt the time has now come when, as an ('dneational institution-admittedly the best of its sorl in this hemisphere-some aihjitiou should' be made to the building ,j'c('onlillg to the original plan (less than half of which has been ,erected), to.ltllow of. the proper expansion of tlte colle'ctions, til l1ive the pnblic more commodiolls access to the.rn, Rnd to enahle the classifications and arrangements. which 'arc the glory of the. collections, to be' properly carried out. For Dlany years, port,ions of the collections have been in the old rooms of the University, but in the present year these have 'had to be removed int" the Public National Museum building, the prupert.y of, the .Stltte,· and this has oVt:f.wltelmingly increast'd the diffi"llll,ies of the former want of the proper space of thc original plltn for carrying on the, work, of the Museum. So m'lDY years .tgo as·that in which the :Exhibilion was.eret;led at. the, F.ublic Library,-Sir, James McCulloch, being Chief. Secretary. visited the Museum, and placed £4,000 Oil t.he Estimates to .. b,llild ,the: .. north,.front, im~luding the staircase and two s:ts of room~ for cafj.~s .. :A~ .. this, SU111 was itppropr~ated ?y th~ ~xhibition Commission~rs fnr their building, 1 would sug!l'est that the. Government should be.ltsked to I'e-vote It for Its orlgmal purpose of exteI!dmg the building in which Parliament h9.S decided the'natural' science collections shoul<t be kept, "

It is only by the utmost ingenuity in dispo;<ing the cases an? specimens tll~t it has,bee.n fo~rid ,possilile to pack th~ collections into the present 8p~ce ; and th~ use of them by. the pnblw,and the:~ontmlf9us.cla.sslfica~1H11, and .th~ ~vor)t: ?f.the taxidermist.s necessary for theIr preservatIOll, are greatly Impeded for want 01: the,roolD mdIeated In the complete'orlgmal plan of'the'Muselim. . '.' . '.

The small staff continues thc manual and skilled labors entrusted to the meriloers of it as hitherto, w~th trifling exceptions of illness, &c., and as usual the whole of the scientiflc work in'I111,th,e 'branches falls to my share, as well as th~ general superintendence of the duties of the staff. I append a further instalmentof the Hegi~ter of th.e ConteI;1~s of. the, National'Museum, from Nos. 14,412 to i8,643,' for publication, with tbeAnnual Heport.' ,," '. :1.: i¥' ....

. ' ", ' ' ·.c· ' .. , '. 'i h~~e the be, S'ir, Your most obedient.servant,'- ,.' :,.: -- -- ~ .• ;

" .: F~~DE~I.GK_M9qOy~ :n.ire~t9r.i~: Museu~, .'::

------------------.............................. I11III

Page 23: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


D~nation8 to the National Museum for tile Year 1875. 4 ~ ~... • , , •

" ;

Name of Donor.

Acclimatization Society of Melbonrne

Bennett, Dr. G., Sydney Blair, G. G., Melbourne Blair, J., Geelong Case, S. A., Melbourne Calder, Mrs. J., Hotham Clarke, M., Melbourne' Crawford, E. F., Melbourne George, J., Brunswick Godfrey, F. R, M.elbourne Hann, J. C., Brandy Creek Hards, S., Gippsland ... Hutton, F. W., Kew Larnach, -, Kilmore ... Leadbeater, J., Hotham Leadbeater, Miss, Hotham Li versidge, Professor, Sydney McBean, D., Murchison McDougall. Captain J.; Waterlily Marchant, C., Hotham . Marsball, H., Emerald Hill Murphy, R., Melbourne ... Stacpoole, Captain V., Shannon Stevens, S., Lake Corop WilsQn, H. M., Shelford .


1 Panther, 1 ,\,"ombat, 1 Camel, 2 Trumpeter Swans, 1 Thylacinus, 1 Roebuck.

1 series of Diprotodon Bones, 1 Didunculus (in spirits), 1 Musk Duck. Collection of Fossil Bones. 1 Acclimatizcd Roach. Series of Shells (Sunetta), from Phillip Island. . 1 White Muttonbird. , Collection of Snakes and Centipedes from Northern Territory. 1 Platypus, 1 Kestrel (destroyed, unfit for mounting), 2.Kites. 1 Podiceps A nstralis. 1 Worm. 1 Parrot .. I Florikcn, 1 Tern, 1 Painted Partridge, I Sunbird, from India. 1 Tiger Cat. 1 Tasmanian Mantis. 1 Venus lamel!ata (with fish). 1 Ceratodus (inspirits). 1 l'elican. 2 Ostracion, from Port Pirie, S.A. 2 Tippet.Grebes (1 destroyed, unfit for mounting). Collection of South A ustralian Insects. . 1 Callorhynchus Antarcticus. 1 Hippopotamus skUll. 2 Snakes. Collection of Fossil Shells.


Specimens purchased in the Colony for the National Museum during the Year 1875.


Ayton, J., Melbourne ... ' Balcornbe, A. B., Melbourne Day, F. J., Melbourne Kershaw, W., Melbourne Leadbeater; J., Melbourne RusseH, M., Melbourne Tappin, W .. Melbourne Thatcher, E., Sydney ... Thurston, C., Melbourne Webb, W., West Australia Williams, F. J., Lilydale"

1 Angel Fish. Collection of Shells. Collection of Shells. I Nankeen Heron.


I Shark. " .' 1 Tortoise. 2 Fish. Collection of Shells (including \ Ran ella pulchra and 1 Fusus pagoda). 7 Ducks. , Collection of West Australian Mammalia.' ' Collection of Victorian Birds' Eggs.'


Return of Visilo~s to the National M !l8eU1ll for the Year 1875,

Quarter ending 318t'March

" "

30th June 30th September 31st December

The monthly returns al:e as follows ::­January February Marc:h April MRY··· June .. . July .. . August September' Octob'er .

'November December

; ..

' ....



26,744 22,960 21,914 27,772


9,628 6,284

10,832 7,455 9,082 6.423 7,950 6,226 7,738 8,433

10,032 9,307


The tota.l ~umber for the year 1875 was 99,390, being a decrease on 'the' year' 1874 of 1,124, which is fully accounted f~r by. tl~e during six months of the year. .

.............. -------------------

Page 24: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,




EXCHANGES ON THE PART OF !"l"ATIOXAL MUSEmr DURING THE YEAR 1875. Sent to Dr. J. von Haast,for the Canterbury Museum, .Yew Zealand, in e:t'chctnge for bones to construct slleleton of Dinornis

Maximus.-Rare Australian Birds,from ltis list of desidcrata.-Forwarded July 22nd. I Haliastur sphenurus. 1 Stru~hideft cinereft. 1 Jlfegapodius tumulus. I Pandion Jeucocepbalus. 1 Porrmtostom us superciliosus. 1 Turnix seiutillans.

·1 Falco lunulatus. 1 Pomatostomus ruficeps. 1 Turnix velox. 1 Milvus aflinus. I Orthonyx spinicauda. 2 Pedionomus torquatus. ,I Milvus isurus. 1 Sitella leucocephala. 1 lEgialites monacha. 1 Elanus axillaris. 1 Cucatua Leadbcateri. 1 Cladorhynchus pectoralis. 1 Baza sub-eristata. I Licmetis tel)uirostris. 1 Rynchooa Australis. 1 Strix castanops. 1 Calyptorhynchus Banksii. I Carphihis spinicollis. 1 Strix tene bricosus. 1 Calyptorhynchus Baudinii. I Threskiornis strictipennis. 1 Hylochelidon stl'enuus. 2 Callocephalon galcatum. I Platalea regia (young). 1 Choorameca' leueosterna. 1 Platyccrcu8 pallieeps. 1 Grus Aust,ralasianus. 1 Pachycephala glaueura. 1 Psephotus pulcherrimus. I Herodias alba. 1 'Pachycephala TUfogularis. 2 Psephotus multieolor. 2 Botanrus poiciloptil us. 2 Falcullculus leucogaster. I El1phema elegans. I Porphyrio rnelanotus. 2 Oreoica eristata. 1 I<:uphema pulchel1a, 1 Rallus brachipes. 1 Menura Alberti. 1 Pti1inopus Swainsonii. 1 Porzana palustris. 1 Malurlls arnabilis. 1 Lamprotrcroll superblls. 2 Stietonetta nrevosa. 1 Sphenura braehyptera. 1 Megaloprepia assimilis. 2 Spatula rhynehotis.

'1 Ephthianura tricolor. 1 Myristicivora spilorrhoa. 2 Erismatura Australis. 1 Xerophila leueopsis. ] Leueosal'cia picata. 1 Plotus Novre Hollandire. ] Ailurredus Smithii. 1 Macropygia phasianella. 1 l'odieeps nestor. 2 Spheeotheres ilaviventris, 1 'l'al1egallusLathami. 1 Podieeps Australis .. ] Corcorax melanorhamphlls. 1 Leipoa oeelh,ta. I Podieeps gularis.

Additional Sp'ecimen, in exchange for bones, 9"c., as above.-Forwarded August 12. 1 Glass rope Hyalonema Sieboldii.

Sent to Captain T. Brown, Auckland, New Zealand, in exchange for about 200 specimens of New Zealand Coieoptera.-. Forwarded August 12.

Collection of 220 specimens of Victorian Coleoptera.

Sent to A. C. Le Souif. Esq., for F. R. Godfr.ey, Esq., iT! excllange for animals d.1Jing in Acclimatisation and Zoological Society's Gardens.-Duplicatc sllina.-Forwarded August 26th.

1 Euphema pulehella. I 2 Melopsittacus' undulatus. I 1 Polytelis melanura.


, Register of (}ontents of National Museum,-As Numbered (continued from last Report).

lI!useum No. 14412-4

14415-21 14422-3 14424-5. 14426-7

14428-34 14435-43 14444-7

14448-52 14453-61 14462-4

14465-8 14469~71 14472-&,


14478 14479-82 14483-5

14486-93 i4494-7 14498-9

14500-2 1450:3

14504-5 14506-7

14508-18 14519-23


14528-30 14531-41

Name. Locality,

Area Eadesii (M. & L) Minchinhampton MonodontaLyelli( d' Arch.) Minchin hampton Turbo Gomondei (M. &L.) Minehinhamptoll N eritopsisstriata (M. & L.) Minchinhampton Lueina despeeta (Phil.) Minchinhampton Trigonia Moretoni(M,&L. )Minchinhampton Nerinea Voltzii (Df;Sh.) Minchinhampton

" " (Desh,)(var.)Minchinhampton Cucullrea,Goldfussi (Roe.) Minchinlmmpton Nerinea funiculus (Desh.) Minchiunampton Trochus squailliger Minchinhampton

(d'Arch.) Tancredia truncata (Lye.) Minchinbampton Lima gibbosa (Sow.) ~nnehinhampton Nerita caneellata (:\1.& L.) Minchinhampton Turbo Hamptonensis (M. Minchinhampton

& L,) Monodonta Lyeetti ... Islip, Oxon Nerinea Eudesii (M. & L.) ]Hinchinhampton & Ox. Arca rugosa (M. & L.) Minehinhampton Trigouia pullns (Sow.) Minchinhampton Trigonia Goldfussi( Goldf.) Mineh inhampton Neritopsis varieosa (M. 'M:inchinhampton

& L.) ;rurbo Sharpei (M. & L.)

Area pulchra (Sow,) ...

Monodonta formosa (M. & L.)

Minehinhampton· Nailsworth " Yeovil Minchinhampton Minchinhampton Minchinhampton

Pecten hemicostatus (::-.:t. .Minchinhampton & L.) '.

Hinnites abjectus (Phil.) TurbQ obtusus (Sow.) ...

14542-6 Phasianclla Leymeriei (d'Arch.)

Minchinhampton Minehinhampton&Lay­

cock Minchinhampton

Minchinhampt~n&Lay-14547-51 Leda laehryma(Sow.) ••.

14552-7 14558

14559-61 14562

Astarte fimbriaLa

Nerit~ costul~t~ (Desh:) Ger'anoretus melanoleu-

CUB (male) .

cock Laycock Nailsworth Minchinhampton Chili

l\[useum So.

14563-5 ,14.">66-8

14569-71 14572-3

Name. Loenlity.

Astarte ••. Rodborough Hill Pteroperna ... Nailsworth Hill Astarte obJiqua (Sow.) Yeovil and Dundry Peetenspatulatus (Owen.) Rodborough and Nails­

worth 1,4574-6 Astarte rhomboidalis Uodborough and Nails-

14577 14578-85 14586-94


14598-600 14601-3 14604-5 14606-7

14608-10 14611-9 14620-5



14638-41 14642-7



14656 14657-63

14664-6 14667 -8

14669 14610-4


(Phil.) worth Trigonia subglobosa (Lyc.) near Nailsworth Astarte detrita (Goldf.) Rodborough Hill Cyprina nuciformis (Lye.) A, Nailsworth Hill; B,

Trigonia tenuicostata (Lyc,)

Ostrea Cardium

Leekhamptoll Hill Rodborougb Hill

Leckhampton Hill Nailsworth . NailswQrth

Trigonia angulata (Sow.) near Nailsworth Astarte Nailsworth Lucina near Nailsworth Tancredia axiniformis Nailsworth

(Phil.) Area pulchra (Sow.) ... near Stroud and Chel-

, tenham Astarte subtrigona(Goldf.) Nailsworth and Rodbo­

Opis elongatus (Lye.) ... Natiea cltnalicula~a (M.

& L.)

rough Hill Nailsworth Nailsworth


Unicardium CPbil.)

N ailsworth and Leck­bampton Hill

deprcssum Rodhorough and Culver

Sphrera Madridi (d' Aub.) Li!l'll1 punctata

Hills Nailsworth near Nailsworth and . Stroud

Trigonia striata (:Miller) Yeovil costatula (Lye.) near Nailsworth

" duplicata (Sow.) Rodborough Hill ISQeardia tener (Sow.)... near Stroud and Min­

Ceromya chinhampton

Leckhampton Hill and Nailsworth

14680-2 Cerithium. Nailsworth 14683-6 Natica tumidula (Phil.) 'Nailsworth

14687 -92 Astarte depressa (Gola.f.) N ailsworth

Page 25: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

MusenmNo. 14693-702

14703-4 14705

Name. Trigonia exigua (Lye.) Corbis Myacitcs sinistra (Ar­

Locality. Leckhampton Hill near Nailsworth neal' Stroud ..

comya sinistral Delphlnulafureata(Goldf.) Nailsworth 14706-8

14709-11 PHeolus lrevis (Sow) ... Leckharnpton & Nails­worth ~mls

Leckhampton Hill 14712 14713-4 14715-7

14718 14719-21

Turbo lrevigatus (Sow.) Alaria

Rodborough Hill Strond and Nailsworth Nailsworth

14722-4 14725


Troelms monilitectus (Phil.)


Cucullma eucullata( Goldf.)N ailsworth Nailsworth Nailsworth Nailsworth Nailsworth Nailsworth Hill'

14730 14731-2 14733-4 147:15-6 14737-8


Onustus Cylindrites Circe Madreporc Pleurotomaria Lima duplicata

near Stroud Rodborough Hill Hodborough and Carlow

Hills Pecten texturatus(Goldf.) Rodborough Hill 14742-4

14745-52 Lima duplieata (Goldf.) Hodborough and Nails­

14753-5 14756-60

Avicula digitata (Desh.) Tancredia donaeiforlllis


worth I .. eckhampton Hill ~{odborough Hill

14761-2 Cardium eingulatum Dober!!', Bunde, West-(Goldf.) ph alia

Aviculacomplicata(Buck.) I,eckhampton Hill 14763-7 14768-70 14771-6

I 14777-9 14780-5

Avicula Cucul\ma Corbicella subaquilatcra


Rodborough Hill Nailsworth aml Stroud Rodborough Hill Rodborough and Stroud

14786-93 14794-800

14801-6 14807-9 14810-3

Leckhampton Hill _Pecten personatus(Goldf.) Lockhampton Hill Cucullma cancellata(Phil.) Leckhamptoll Hill Pecten textorius (Munst.) Leckhampton Hilr Natica punctur!t (Bean.) Nailsworth and Hodbo-

rough Hill Pecten personatus(Muns.) Rodborough Hill Astarte ... Nailsworth

14814-5 14816-7 14818-9 Pecten •.• Rodborough Hill, near

Stroud Pecten symmetricus(Mor. )Mi nchinhampton

" subcornatus(Hoe.) Leckhampton Hill 14820-1 14822-8

14829-33 . 14834


Corbis aspera (Lyc.) ... Nailsworth Trochotoma affinis(Desh.) Nailsworth Pleurotomaria punetatll Hodhorough ·Hill and

(1:iow.) DUlldry Astarte interlineata Leckhampton Hill 14838-42

14843-52 Natica aducta (Phil.) ... Ilear Leckhampton Hill

14853-5 Owenstedtia lrevigata (Psammobia Imvigata)

and Stroud Rodhorough Hill, near

Stroud (Phil.) . .

14856-63 Arca carinata (Koch & Nailsworth and Leck-Dunk.) ..

14864 Hrematnderus militaris 14865 Amphllcanthus sutor •.. 14866 Seriola Revolina 14867 Trachiuotus oblongus '" 14868 Balistes aeuleatus 14869 Seorprena poreus 14870 Ostracion quadricornis 14871 Stromatcus albus 14872 Psettu8 sebre ... 14873 Lichia glaucus 14874 Labrax lupus ..• 14875 Sillago Malabaricus 14876 " domina

hampton Hills South America Ceylon Cuba



14877 Julia decussatus Mauritius 14878 Anampses viridis Ceylon 14879 Tetraodon leiopleura ... Bay of Bengal 14880 Hippocampus llrevirostris 14881 Trachinus radiatus 14862 Serranus serilla 14883 Labrus trimaculatus 14884 J ulis vulgaris 14SS5 Alosa vulgaris 14886 Crenilabrus pavo 14887 Ieracidea berigora(female) Melbournc 14888 Falco peregrinus (male) Crimea 14889" " (young) Crimea 1489U" " (female) Greenland 14A91 Temnodol1 saltator Sandridge 14892 " " Bass' Straits 14893 Diacope fulviflamma .•• India 14894*' ModelofaPotter'sLathe

or Throwing Wheel 14895* Moulding prOfile} Potter's 14896* Edging tool tools.



Museum No. Name. Locality.

14897· Moulding tool} Potter's 14898* Cutting tool tools. 14899 Sarcophilus msinus (old Tasmania

male) 14900 Pelecanus conspicilJatus

(young) 14901 Aquila chrysretns Norway 14902 Falco ishmdicus (female, Iceland

autumn plumage) 14903 Bonasa umbelloidcs (male) North America 14904" ,,(female) North America 14905 Podiceps rubricollis (male) Yolga 14906.. ,,(femalc) Volga 14907 Hallus pectoralis (female) Western Port 14908* Model of 11 Two-horse

14909 14910 14911

Whim, with moveable and stationary Drums

Gccinus viridis (male)... Europe " .. (femalc) Europe

Galbula chalcocephala Uppcr Amazon (male)

14912" ,,(fcmale) Upper Amazon 14913 Rhynchroa scmicollaris Chili

(male) 14914 Odontophorus dentl1tus Brazil

14915 14916 14917

(male) Milvago Novre Zealandire Falkland Islands Scolopax rustieola (male) Europe Andigella laminirostris QUito

(male) 14918 ,. " (female) Quito 14919 Leuconerpes dominican us Brazil

(male) 14920 " " (female) Brazil 14921 Cardinalis virginian US Mexico

(ma.le) 14922 " . " (female) Mexico 14923 Trogon melanocephllius Mexico









14924 14925 14926 14927 14928 14929

" " (female) Mexico B " " (young) Mexico B

Cyanurus cristatus (male) North America B " " (female) North America B

Rupicola eroeea (female) South America B Ramphastos euvieri (fe- Santa fe de Bogota B

male) 14930

, 14931 14932 14933 14934 14935 14936


Trogon viridis (male) ... Brazil " ,,(female )... Brazil

Nyctibius rethercus (male) Brazil Cyanocittacoronata(maJe) Mexico

" " (female) Mexico Chrysoptil us Buffoni(male) Bahia

" " (female) Bahia Bones of two species of

the gigantic extinct birds " Dinornis " (caned" Moll." by the natives), from the Pleistocene gravels of New Zealand

14957 Ramphastos Tocard (fe- Quito male)

carinatus (female)

14959. Goura coronata (male) ... 14960 Cyal1llrus cristatuB

14958 " Guatemala

Moluccas North America Upper Burdekin, 14961-2 Parts of Humerus and

Lower Jaw of Diproto­don from drift-basalt creek


14963 Beauharnasius fiaviros- Amazon tris (female)

14964 Aulacorarnphus albovit- Columbian Andes tata (female)

14965 Dromococeyx Mexicanus Mexico 14966 Cassicus leucorarnphus Ecuador

. (male) 14967 " ,,(female) Ecuador 14968 Ramphocelus icteronotus Ecuador

14969 149iO 14971 14972 14973 14974

(male) " " (female) Ecuador

Pyranga hepatica (male) Mexico " ,,(female) Mexico

Calliste gyrola (.rnnle) ... Napo ,. . " (female) Napo

Cornpsocorna snmptuoila Ecuador (male)

14975 " ,,(female) Ecuador 14976 Galbula maculicallda Brazil

14977 14978 149i9 14980


(male) " ,,(female) Brazil

Grallaria rllficapilla(male) ]i~cuador " ,,(female Ecuador

Cyanocitta melanoeyanea Guatemala (female)

" (male) Mexico











B ... Trall5ferred to the TeehnoJoglealllIuseum.

No.4. C

Page 26: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

. /

:r.ruseum NQ, Name. 14982 Callipepla Californica

(male) 14983 " .: (female) 14984 Crereha crerulma (male) 14985 14086 14987 14988

., ,,(female) Pyranga alstim (male)

" ,,(female) Ramphastos cullllinatlls

{male) .



California Ecuador Ecuador Mexico Mexico Bogota

14989 Chloronerpes rubigitlOsus Guatemala (male)

14990 " " (female) Guatemala 14991 Aulncommphus sulcatus Bahia

(male) 14992 Pteroglossus aracari

• (male) Brazil

14993 pluriciJlctus Quito (male)

14994 Ramphastos ambiguus Quito (female) •

14995 Thamnophilus Leachii Br~zil (male)

14996 " " (female) Brazil 14997 Casmorhynchns medi- Bahia

C{)lIis (male) 14998 Buteo lagopus (male in Norway

breeding plumage) 14999



15002 150u:\ 15004 1.';005 15U06 15007

" lagopus ('av- Norway iog nest)

" lugopus (female, Norway breeding plumage)

" lagopus (ad, female, Nor""ay autumn plumage)

Crotophaga Ani (male) Amazon niver GeocoI'CYx "mnis (male) Guatemala Rollulus cristatus (m;tle) UrogalbaParadisea(male) South America

., ,,(female) America Tinnunculus sp!trverius Brazil

(male) 15008 ,. (female) Guatemala 15"09* Mod~l of a 0aJ()incr (re­

nrberator.nfor zinc ore 15010"' Model of furnal''' for the

distillation of calcined zinc are

1;;011 Scolopax rusticola(£emnJe )Europe 15ul2 Distal eml of Humerus,

or arm bone 01 .. Dipro-tndon," frol!! Pliocene Mount Macedon Tertiary .

15013 Rupicola sanguinolenta Peru (male)

151114 " ,,(femnle) Peru 15u15 Odontoph(lrll~ denlatus Brazils

( fel11a le) 15016 Sll'ix persoIlnta (male) Vict?r.ia I ilUI7 Model or single wooden

oaring rod,' as e Ill-ploye,j in deep borings for coal and wat .. r

150 IS"' Ancient German miner's lamp

150.19"' Model of Darlington's water pressure engille

15020 CasD1Orh.lncha. ai!JUs South America (female)

15021-5 Voluta nnticingul:1.ta

15026 " . (McCoy) (Ad, 21)

allticinglilata (l\1cC,,:y)

Va,.. a persulcata (Ad. 21) ,

15027 Voluta anti<!ingnlnta (McCoy)

Var. {3 indivisa (Ad. 21) 15028-37









Volula anticiJlj,.pllat", (~{cCoy) (Ad. 22)

" antj,'('alaris(McCoy) Val'. {3 levior ... Mount Martha

V olnta stropho.Jon Fyansford (McCo)') (Ad. 28)

" anticingulata (l\lcCoy).

Var. {3 illdiviga (Ad. 2 .. ) Voluta alltiscnlaris Mount l\Iartha

. (l\1.cCoy) " allticin[!uhtta

(McCoy) (Ail. 24) " antiscaluris(McCoy) Mooll1p

(Ad. 14) " antiscalaris(McCoy) Orphan Asylum

(Ad. 28), J;'yan s ford " strophodlln (McCoy) Moolap

(Ad. 14)



n B B










B B n ·n B B








~Iuseum No: '~, Nn,me.

s~rophodoii· (1\1cOoy)

" anticingulata (MeCo)-)

Var. (3 indivisa(Ad. 22)


MudaY'\'C:~eek, near Grange Hiver

15080 Voluta




15086 15u87




Voluta Hannafordi (McCoy)

" Hannafordi(i\lcCoy)

" I

Mount Eliza

Port 'Fairy, 'YVarrnam­.. bool'

" Hannafordi(McCoy) Mount Martha " Hannarordi(l\icCoy) Orphan Asylum Res.,

(Ad. 28) 'Fy'ansford " Halinafordi(McCoy) Mnddy·Creek. 5 miles

.• from Hamilton Pull us of V 01 uta Hanna- Mount Martha

fordi (McCoy) Diabolus ursinus

1509\-3 Callis'uingo (young)

Cavc, 5 miles S·. 'by E. of Gishorue

Cave,'1; miles S. by E. of Gisborne



Canis dingo (1st true molar, left side. lower jaw)

C>+n~s dingo

~deliey, No.2

S. byE.

15097 }'istularil1 Chinensis 15U98 Plest,iudon Aldrovlllldii


Cave; 5' miles of Gisborne

China Algiers

15099 Iguana tuberculata (ske- Brazil

15100 151ul 105102 151u3 151u4

leton) Crocuta maculata South Africa Cercopithecus ludio(Gray) Africa Cunis lvcaon ... .... North America' Diuelphis cancriyora... Sontl:) America Halnmturus manicatus Swan Iti vel'

(female) . 15105· Vulpes lagopus (winter Sweden

coat) 15106 Rhea Americana (half South 4,merica

. grown) 15107 Prephagus ·grunnieus. Thibe,t: 15111S POl'tax tragocamelus Illdm

15109 15110 151ll 1~1I2

15113-·" 15116-9

1512U 15121

(male), ,. • Bison Amcricanns(young) North America A,inus hemionus Thibet :', Oreas canna ... South Africa Phasil~nus 'colehicus ~Ilgland Cacatua Leadbeateri . Swan Hill

" Eos ... Swan Hill P,wo cristatus (male)... Ceylon ,. l'hasianus torquatus China

(m.d,,) 15122' Phascolomys wombatus Tasmania

(male) 151'23

15124-0 15126 l5127 151~8 1,,129 1.'''30 1.'\131 151:12 ]5133

" wI,mbatus Tasmania

(feillale) C'Ulis ,lingo (felll"It:s) .:. Acr,,"otlts Ilallla Gazella pygarga SarcorallljJllus coudor ....

" papa. Ibis religio,a ' .. Otis turd" (female) Cehns robustus (Wied.) VespertiJio No,:c-


Ba~s ~i.ver 'South Africa Cape' of Good Hope South r\ jll~erica B SOllth Ailierica E;lypt . Eul'<'p~ ~ou( h America North.America ..

151:14 Mel,'s taxIls (young)... Europe 151'35 Lutm (Lataxilila lllo11js, Cal!uda

Gray) Canadensis 1:;136 Gulu lllscus... _ .. 15137 Taxidea Labradoria


North 'A'meric~' North America I

• _ ,:' T ~ ~

151~8 Rasaris astnta (Licht.) Mexico: 15139 l'rolcles Lalandi (cristata) Soul·h Africa 15140 Vulpes vulglnis I·.urope 1:;141 Lyncus rui'ns Sou.h .Carolina 15142 Helarctos Thihetalllls... Nepal 15143 Vin·rra tangalunga Phiiippines 15144 i\'111S Indicus (Mus Kok, India

Gray) 15145' Castor fiber ... 15146 Saccophorus


North America borealis Korth A illeriea

15147 Bathyel'gus maritimus Cape of Good Hope (maie)'

15148 '\" maritimus Cap!' of Good Hope 1:.>149 Seiurus lanigerus (And. Mexico

15150 15151

15152-3 15154

& Buck.) . " Keraudrealfa(Less.)Pegu " nigro-vittatus '" (Mallicca) India

Gerbillus IlidicU5 Bengal Dasyproctus cristnta South America

( lJerm.) 1515i'i Sus scrofa (young) 15156 Hyrax capcnsis

Europe South Africa

• Transferred to tile TeciinOloglca' Museum .



Page 27: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

UUscum Ko.

15157 15158 15159 15160 15161 15162 15163 15164 15165 15166 1.5167 15168 15169


15173-4 15175-80

15181 J51St

15183-6 15187-90 15191-2 151Q3-4 15195-9 15200-2

15203 152u4 15205

15206-7 15206-10 15211-3


15218-9 15320-2

15223 15224 15225 15226 15227 15228

J5229 1523LJ-3

Name. Locality. Redunca'Lalanaj (female) South Africa Hyama villosa . .,. Cape oCGood Hope Felis caffra '" C'Lpe of Good Hope Felis camcal ... Cape of Good Hope Herpestes urinator Cape of Good Hope Genetta tigrina Cape of Good Hope Aonyx Lalandi Cape of Good Hope Cynocephalus porcarius Cape of Good Hope Sciurus setosus . Cnpe of Good Hope Bathyergus capensis·... Cttpe '01' Good Hope Mus pumilio .:. Cape of Goor! Hope Euryotis Bmndti Cttpe of Good Hope Pedetes Cttpensie Cape of Good Hope

(Helamys) Pecten Burdigalensis Bordeaux

" "

(Lam.) mttximus (Lam.) Orford, Suffolk benedictus (Lam.) lI'ialltelan, Tours seabrellus(Brouh.) Provence Sowcl'byi (N yat .. ) Loibet'sdorf, Vienna SO)I'el'byi (Nyst.l Ant\\"el'p, Anvers Tigrinus (Miller) Antwerp, Anvers

" Gerardi (Nyst.) Antwerp, An\,(:1'8 " lrevigatus (Gold.) Flonheirri, Alzey ., spinulosus(Munst.)Oaden, Vienna " scabrellus (Lam.) Mantelan, Tours

Panopreaintcrmedia(Sow.) Bordeaux " ,,(Sow.) Enzesfeld, Vienna

Pinna amnia (Sow.) Eritz, C'Lllton Berne Perna maxillata· (Desh.) Hochheim, Mainz Modiola papyram (Desh.) Dax, Bayonne Cyt,herea erycinoides Bordeaux

(Lam.) '. Venus incrassata (Lam.) Flollheim, Alzey,.·

Hheinhesscll CucuUrea crassatina(Lam.)Loibersdorf, Vienna l'ycnotlus ditlymus Doberg, 'Westphalia Cyprina rotundata '" Flollheim 'i'ellina sinuata (J,am.) Bordeaux

. Venus Klksii (N yst.}... Loibersdol'f, Vienna Tellilla Bcnedeni {Nyst.) Loibcrsdorf, Vienna Thra:cia infiata I:-Iow.) .... Orford. Snffolk 'Paludina mnltifurmis... Heirlcnheim, W'nrtem-

. bU'rg' Pecten maximum Canton Berne

bifidus (Munst.) .Dohcrg, BUllde, Weat-

152.34-6 Cytherea incrassat,t (Sow.)


phalia " Paris Basin, Mttrgel'Y


1523B 15239 15240 15241 15U:!


Panopma (Gold.)

Cardium hiaus Pisidium antiqullm Pecten ter"bmtnliformis Ostren. undulata (Sow,)

" Cdlllis (Lill.) ... Pectunculus obovatlls


Doberg, Bunrle, West-phalia

Eritz, C'tuton Berne Oppenheim, Munster Provence Vivmm Orford, Suffnlk Pai'is Basin, Margery

152~9 Cyprina Lajonkairii( Har.) Doberg.' Bunde, West­

15250 Clypeaster Scilla (Phil.) 15251 Clypeaster Torbellianus

phalia. Karlsb"rg, Vienna Kttrlsbu:g: Vienna

(Grat.) . 15252 -4 Echinolampas

(Gold.) 15255-7 Spatllngns


Kleillii Doherg, Buude, VY cst­phalia

Desll1!trcsti BUllde, Westphalia

5258-61 Cidaris MllnBteri (Sis, lllonde)

15262. SClltcllaFalijassi(Gold.) 15263-5 Spatangus (Hemipata­

gus) Hoffmallni 15266 Scutella snbrotundata

(Lam.) 15267 Echinolampas 15268 Eehinanthus subcarina­

15269 15270 15271 15272 17273

5274-6 14277

tus (Des.) Schizaster Clypeaster Linki (Goldf.) Heteropora... . .• Astrca l'udis (Reuss) ...

" raristella (Def.) Cellepora globularis ... Retepora echillolata



Carls burg, Vienna ])oberg, Bunde, West-

phulia Georgia, S. America

Avignoll Dobel'g, Bunde, 'Vest.

pbalia Ji:ichillew, Bessarabia Salldersdorf, Vienna Orford, Suffolk Vienna Dux, Bayonne Vienna '. Orford, Suffolk

5278-9 Cellepora , (Mich.)

parasitica Mantelall, Tours

280-91 15292 15293 15294 15295

Astrea ornata (Mich.) .. Ceutctes ecandatus ... Tamias palmarll!ll Aonyx Lalandi (male) Ptcroglossns el'ythropy-

gius (5296 Tra!\,IIlus pedentr.agus


Meseritz; ROSSCll Isle of Maurice' Himalaya _. Cape of Good Hope l~cllador B

South Afriea



Museum No. 15297-8

15299 1530~ 15:~Jj ( 15:302 15303 15304



15307 15308 15309 15310 15311 15312 15313



15318-9 15320-1




15328 15329


15332-3 15:33+ 153:35 15336


15339 15340

15341-3 15:H4




15:l48 15349




15355 11;:.\1;6 15357


15361 15362

1.';36.1 15il64


15370-2 15373-4 15:H5-6

15377 15378-



15384 15385-6

15367 -8 15389

15390-2. 15393 15394

Name. Locality. Stl'ix'castanops (Gould) Tasmania

(15297 male; 15298 female)

Xantbarp,rgia stmminca Nubia _ Macroscelides l~dwardsi Cape of Good Hop~

" Roretti ... Algiers Cynocephalus Mairnon West Africa Oryctl'ropus capensis ... Cape of Good Hope Ctenodact,ylus Massoni Algiers

(Gray) , Xcrus (Sciurus) setosus Cape of Good Hope

(Gray) • Xn,lItharpygia JEgyptiaca Syria

(male) Mellivora Ratel Spalax Typhlus (Illi. ) .. . Oryeteroplls capen"is .. . Gerbilllls afer (Gray) .. . ClLracai (Felis) melanotis ZOl'ill,t Vaillanti

Cape of Good Hope Syria, Cape of Good Hope Cllpe of Good Hope Algiers Abyssinia North A frio!).


lIyama striata H"pl"el'phalus eoronatus Grafton, Clarence River

(:1 W. 43, 86) J'selldeciIys pOl'phyraicus Grafton, Clarence River

(3 W. 59) Liophisequalis(3'V.77,!lI ) Grafton,Clarence Hiver Dendrophis pUllctulatn, Gmfton,ClarenceUiver

(3 W. 20,33) IIoplocephaluscoronoides Gmfton,Cla..rence Hiver

(;, W. 16, 24) Diemenia reticuJatiL (3 Graft.on, Clarence River

W. 30,106) _ C!Lcophis Kreffti (3 W. Grafton', Clarence River , 13, i 1) Criptolis breyis (3 W.80) Grafton,Ciarenee River LYlllllodynastes ornata Grafton, Clarence Hi\'er

(3 W. 15) Ly rnnndynastes Kreffti Grafton, Clarence River

(3 W. 105, 95) Lit()ria Wilcoxi(3 W. 92) Hyla'eitl'opUS (3 W. 63) Morelia "pilotas(3 W. 99) Hydrophis.(3 W. 4~) ... Lymnodyuastes (3 W.

5, 72)

Grafton, Clarence River Gmfton, CI"rcnceHi 1'01'

Grafton, Clar(Joce Hiver Grafton, Clarence Grafton, Clarence River

Pygnpus (3 W. 64) Grafton,Clarence l~iver Jj,dis Burtoni (3 ,Yo 19) Grafton, Clarence Hi"cr J,erista (3 W. 51, ;;8, 10oJ,) Graftoll, (" larence Hi vcr Dierneuia reticnlata (3 Gmflon,ClarenccRiver

W. 41) (young val'.) Diplodactylus marmora- Grafton, ClarenceRinr

tus (3 W. 40) Diplodactylus orBatus Graftoll,Clnrence-Hlvcl'

(:1 W. 68) _ PhyJlnrus platnrus (3 Grafton,Clarence River

W.88) Hinulia (3 W. 69) Grafton. Clarence River Gramm<ttophora cristata Grafton, ClarenceHiver

(:; W. 10) Hinulia Australis (3 W. Grafton,ClarellceHivel'

23,39) Hinulia Australis (.3 W. Grafton, Clarence River

52,65) Delldrophis pnnctlilata Grafton, Clarence Hiver

(3 W. 27) Ijtoritt Wilcoxi(3W.l07) Graftoll,ClareuceBiver Ca.cophis Kreffti(3 W. 55) Grafton, Clarence Ilivel'

" ,,(3'V.83) Grafton,Cla.retleeHiver HiunlilL Quoyi (3 W. i6, Grafton, Clarence Hiver

87, 106) Hinulia Whitei (3 W. 32) Grafton,ClaronceRivel' Pseudeehys porphyraicus Grafton, Clarence Hi yel'

(3 W. 25) Hiuulia.Germrdi (8 W. 12) Grafton, Clarence Hiver I,iophis cqllalis (3W.28) Graftoll,Clal'enceHiver Hinulia treniolata (3 W. Grniton,ClarenceRiver

4,37,84,86,101) Hillulia(3 W. 100,85,97) Grafton,ClarenceRivcr

" elegans(3W.2I,30) Grafton.ClarenceRiver Ledsta -(3 W. 70, H) ... Grafton,Clarence 1Ih-er Anted:inns (3 W. 18)... Graftol1,Clarenee Hivel' Criptotis brevis (3 W. 80) GraftoD,Clal'ence HiveI' T'lrbillolia granulat(l Bunde, Westphalia

(Mullst.) CcUeportl. mUl'ginn,ta

(Braun.) Hel:'epora applicata (BI.) Cellepol'a

Gena varia (Ad.) Prionostrea diversifor-

mis (Mich. sp.)

]<'lonheim, Alzey, Hheinhessen

Bullen, Vienml Doberg, Bunde, West­

phalia Phili ppines Dux, Bayonne

Hinnitcs abj!'ctus (Phil.) Roilhorough Bill Eseharadall1ieornis(Mich.)Orfol'J, Sn!folk TheonagIQbosa(W99d) OrforJ, Suffollt

Page 28: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

Museum NO'. 15395-8



15404 15405-7




15416 15417 1541S

15~ 19 15420 15421


. 15429



)!i446-9 15~50-7

1 545S-64







15496-9 15500-1

15502 15503-6

15507-9 15510-12





Name. Cariophyllil1,


Locality. Italica Flonheim, Alzey

Cryptangia parasitica ManteJan, Tours (E. and H,)

Balanophylla Italiea (E. Mantelan, Tours and H.)

Celleporapumieosa(Lam.) Orford, Suffolk DendrollhyIlia Lattorf, Bernberg FJxplanaria astroites Vienna

(Gold.) DiploheJia crassaramosa Mantelan, Tours

(E, and H.) Turbinolia sulcata

Ostrea Argus (Mich) ... " GeLtardi (Defr.)

Prionosi;rea diversifor-mis (Mich. sp.)

Ostrea l':llissiana (Defr.) Psammechinns monilis Seutella Faujassi Ceriopom millepomsin.


Flonheim, Alzey, Rheinhessen

Dax, Bayonne Dax, Bayonne Dax, Bayonne

Dax, Bayonne Mantelan, Tours llitziug, Hungary

Amphistegina Haued Nussdorf, Vienna (d'ArL.)

Turbinolia (Mich)

Cupuhtria . (Lam.)

truncata Bordeaux

urceolata Mantel an, Tours

Pholadomya Zieteni (Ag.) Rodborongh Hill Purpuroldea Morrissi :YIinchinharnpton

(Bnrg.) Pholadomya ovulum(Ag.) near Cheltenham and

Stroud Trigollia

(d'Orb.) Purpuroidea

(Z. and B.) Ammonites

scuticulata Rodborough Hi~


nodnlata Milichlnhampton

Sowerbyi Dundry (Mill.)

Parkinsoni neaT Stroud (Sow.) •

Sowerbyi Yeovil (Mill. )

eoncavus Yeovil (Sow.)

Purpuroidea glabra(Lye.) Minchinhampton Ammonites iYfurchisonre near Nailsworth

(Sow.) (aged sp.) " ." (Sow.) neal' Cheltenham

Trigoniaeostata(typical Rodborough Hill form)

Gervillia prrelonga (Lye.) Rodborough Hill Homomy!t eassiuseula Rodborough Hill

eM. and L.) Trigonia signata (Ag.)-

Cardium Buekmanni (lit and L.)

Ammonites contractus (Sow.)

Rodhorough Hill and Leekhampton .

Rodborough Hill and Leekhampton


Triehites nodosus Nailsworth (151523, smaller valve, external surface; 15524, larger valve,· external surface)

15525-8 Ceromya (d'Orb)

Bajoceana ROdborough Hill

15529-32 Pinna euneata (Sow.)... Rodborough Hill 15533 Trigolliadenticulata( A g.) Stroud

15534-5 Myadtesdil:ttus (Phil. sp.) Rodborough Hill 155:;6-47 Rhynehonellasubobsoleta ncar Minchillhampton 15548-9 'frigonia dentieulat.a ... . Leekhampt.()n Hill 15550-S Rhynchonclla spinosa... near Minehinhampton

15559-6.3' Ammonites Bracken- Dundry








15582-4 15585-91

15592 15593

ridgei (Sow.) Rhynehonella Lycetti

(Dar.) Stomechinus germinans

(I'hil.) Pholadomya media (Ag.)

near Cheltenham and Minehinhampton

near Cheltenham and Nailsworth

Rodborough Hill

Ineeramns quadratus Hodborou'gh Hill (Sow. sp.)

" quadratus Rodborough Hill

(Sow. sp.) Pinna cuneata (oow.) Traeester Hills

(aged specimen) Pholadomya oblita eM.

and L,) Lima Pontonis (Lyc.) ...

'Peeten vimineus(Sow.) Lima pectiniformis Hemitragus Jemlaieus


Traeester Hills and Crewkerne,. Dorset

Nailsworth RodLorough Hill Rodborough Hill Nepal.




MusenmNo. 15594




15601 156U2


15606-8 I 56U9-ll

15612-3 15614'


15622-3 15624-5

15626-30 15631-3 156:i4-7

1563S-42 15643-7 1564S-9

15650-3 15654-62

15663-5 15666-9

15670-1 15672-3




15679-80 15681-2 15683-4

156S5-7 156S8-91 15692-4

15695 15696-8



15716 15717-S


15724-7 lfi72S-9 15730-2

15733-9 15740-4 15745-9

15750-2 15;53

15754-6 15757-65





15777-S0 15781-8


Name. GaJera barbara Sciurus atrodorsalis

(15595, male; 15596, female)

Locality. Bogoto Moulmein

Scjurus Phayrei (Bl.) Martoban (15597, male; 1559S, female)

Sciunis pygerythrns (15599, male; 15600, female)


Herpestes auropunctatus Nepal Highlands Caprovis Musimon (male) Corsica Triehites undulatus Rodhorough Hill

(Lye.) (15603, interior old val ve; 1560~-5, exterior of old and young)

Trichites nodosus (Lye.) Millehinhampton Ostrea flabelloides (Lam.) Hodborough Hill and

Lima he11ula (Lye.) " Lellula (Lye.) ...

Pholadomya socialis (M. and L.)

Nailsworth Culver Hill Nailsworth • Millchinhampton

Piuna ampla ... Minehinhampton Isocardia cordata (Buck.) Rodborough Hill Lima pectiniformis (::>el1.) RodLorough Hill

" 'oolitica (Lye.) .. , Nailsworth Myacitcs rotundus( Buek.) near Cheltenham Hinnhes abjectus (Phil.) Rodborough Hill

.Peeten lens (Sow.) HO<lborough Hill Pholadomya carillata near Stroud

(Ag.) " Heraulti (Ag,) near Stroud " Bathonica (M. Minchinhampton

&.L.) Myacites oblongus (Buek.) Rodborough Hill Belemnites eompressus Trocester Hill




Ceromya plieata. (Ag.) Pholadomya media (Ag.) Ceromya plieata (Ag.)

near Minehinhampton Hodborongh Hill Hodhorough Hill and

.Pholadomya voUtaria (M. and L,)

Cotteswold Minehinhampton

HOlIlomya gibbosa (Sow. Minchinhampton sp.)

.. gibhosa (Sow. sp.) near Nailsworth

.. Vezeleyi (d'Arch.) near Minehinhampton Pholadomya deltoidca near Minehinhampton

(Sow,) 'frigonia signata. (Ag.) Mytilus lunularis (Lye.) Maerodon Hirsonensis


Rodborough Hill Rodborougll Hill Rodborough Hill

Hma electa (d'Orb.),.. Nailsworth Astarte rhomhoidalis Minchinhampton

(PhiL sp.) Myaeites caleiformis Minehinhampton

sublobata near Stroud. (Phil. sp.)

Gryphrea tDesh.)

Cardium Hulli (Wright) Nailsworth -Pboladomya arenacea Nailsworth

(Lyc.) Belemnites tripartitus Trocester Hill

(Schlo.) Ammonites radians (Rei.) Troeester Hill Cardium Hulli (Wright) Trocester Hill Ammonites insignis Troee.ter Hill and

(ochub.) Nailsworth " variabilis (d'Orb.) Nailsworth

Cucullrea oblonga Hodborough Hill Ammonites dispansus UodlJorough Hill

(Lye.) .. eornu{;opire NaiJsworth

Pholadomya ll.dicula Trocester Hills (Sow.)

ModioJa Sowerbj·i (Sow.) Nailsworth Ammonites Clalensis Trocester Hill

(Zieth.) . Gervillia Hartmanni Stroud

(Goldf.) Ammonites, crassus Nailsworth

(Phil.) (A. raquinien-sis, d'Orb.)

Ammonites Garantianus near Cheltenham (d'Orb.)

Pholadomya Dewaiquea Uodhorough Hill (Lye.)

Ceromya beJlula(M.&L.) Minphinhampton Myopsis Jurassi (Ag.) near Stroud aI)d Mi,

" chin hampton

marginata (Ag.) near Stroud and Mi chinhampton

Page 29: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

lI{useum No.



15A05 15806 15807

15808 .. ) I


15818 .. 9 111820


15822 15823

15824-5 15826-31

15832-4 15835

15836-9 15840-3

15844 .. 5 15846-50


15852 15853-7


Ammonites striatlllns (Sow.) CA. Thona­rensis, A. Comensis, A. radians depressus)


T"ocester Hill aud Nailsworth

AmmollitesIllminstrensis Nailsworth (Lye.)

Myoeoncba crasea (Sow.) Mytilus lunularis (Lye.) Gervillia. lata (Phil.) Belemnites incurvatus

(Ziet.) Ammonites Humphrey­

sian us

Nailswortb Nailsworth Rodborough Hill Trocester Hill and

Nailsworth Dundry

Trigonia formosa (I,ye.) Troeester Hill Ammonites Martinsii Nailsworth

(d'Orb.) Ammonites ]}fartinsii

(d'Orb.) Yeovil

Myoconcha crassa (Sow.) Stroud Pholadomyafidicu]a(Sow.)Rodborough Hill Gervillia lata (PhiL) '" Stroud ' Astarte lurida iSow.)... Nailsworth Modiola Sowerbyi (Sow.) near Stroud Pecten textorius (Munst.) Nailsworth Modiola veniformis (Sow.)Rodborough Hill ,Belemnites irregularis Trocester Hill

(Schl.) Myoconcba emssa (Sow.) Belemnites breviformis Ammonites Hircinus


Dundry near Stroud Trocester Hill

Pholadomya fidicula (Sow. )Nailsworth Monthisaltia. Delabechei Crickley Hill

(Edw.) Pygurus Michelina. (Cott ) near Yeovil 15858

15859 ",. Rushden, Northamp-

15860-2 15863

tonshire Nucula turgida (Bean.) Scarborough Hemipedina MarchamensisMarcham, Oxford

(Wr.) 15864-7 Pecten equivalvis (Sow.) Gretton, Gloucester­

shire 15868-75 Belemnites elongatus

(MilL) Cheltenham

15876-82 Belemnitesclavatus (SchL )Cheltenham 15883-8 " umbilicatus Cheltenham

(B. ventroplanus) 15889-94 Belemnites compressus

(Stahl.) (ll. Tourme- Cheltenham lianus, d'Orb.)

5895-901 Belemnites acuarius (Schl.)


15902-4 Crenatula ventricosa (Sow.)

Hewleth Hill, Chelten­ham

15905 Pygaster conoideus near Stroud (Wright)

15906 15907 15908

Capra Hircus... Thibet Arctomys pruinosus (Gm.) Arctic regions Cephalophus Whitfieldi Gaboon

(Gray) 1'5909 I,utra Chilensis Chili 15910 Gulo luscus Sweden 15911 Felis pageros... ... Chili 15912 Cercopithecus albogularis India 15913 Vulpes Azarro (Wied.) South America 15914 Halientroa stellata '" 15915 Accipcnser sturio ... Europe 15916 Scymnus Lichia 15917* Model of buddle (Mun­

day's patent) employed by the Port Philip Min-ing Co., Clunes

15918 Caprovis Musimon

15919 15920 15921 15922

(feUlale) Mungos fasciatus (Gray) Didelphis Azarro (old) Nasua fusca (Desm.) ... Cephalophus Natalensis



So~th Africa Brazil Tropical.America South Africa

15923 Callithrix donacophilus Bolivia (d'Orb.)

15924 Spermophilns Parryi (Ru.)Hudson's Bay 15925 Didelpbis Azarro (young) Brazil 15926* Model of portable boring

15927 )928-9 15930

;931-2 15933

machine, worked by com pressed air, as used in the Frei berg district (sc. lin. to 3ft.)

Specimen of llative silver Norway Glyphisodon chrysurus Barbadoes Hronmlon macrostoma Barbadoes

xanthopterum Barbadoes " formosum - Barbadoes

(Cuv. & Val.) 934-5 Hromulon elegans Barbadoes










)(usourn So.








15944 15945

15946-7 15948-9





15955 15956-7

15958 15959-60

15961 15962 15963

15964 15965

15966-8 15969 15970



15974-5 159i6-7

15978 15979 15980 15981


15983 15984 15985 15986


15988 15989 15990 15991 15992

15993 15994




15998 15999


16001 16002 16003

16004 16005

16006 16001


16010 16011 16012



~[esoprioll chryslll'lls (Cnv. & VaL) .

Ostracioll bicaudalis (Linn.)

" trigonus (Linn.)

Mesoprion uniotatus



(Cuv. & Val.) coronatus

(Cnv. & Val.) striatus

(Cuv. & Val.) tigris

(Cuv. & Val.) " (Cuv. & Val.)

MOllocanthus chryso-pterus (L. Syst.)

PlatyglossuscyanOstigma Balis tcs ringens Scarus ehrysoptcrus

Clli. Sch.) Holocanthus tricolor

(Kaup.) cilians

(Kaup.) Holocentrum longipirie










Barbadoes Barbadoes

Barbadoes Barbadoes Barbadoes




Barbadoes Barbadoes

(Cuv. & Val.) Electris maculatus Eclteneis Holbrooki Chretodon striatus Cossyphu8 rufus Aealltlmrus Gerres squamipennis Plectropoma monocan-

,., Barbadoes Barbadoes Barbadoes Barbadoes

thus (Mull.) (Fam. Murronidro) (" " ) ( " Clupeidre) Tetragonopteris abram is

" cbrysargyreus C ara p us fascia t us

(Mull. & Trosch.) Erythrinus Braziliensis

(Spay.) Crenicichla saxatilis Leporinus megalepis Callichthys IitoraJis

" Sole~maculipennis(Ag.) Crenicichla J ahanna

(Heck.) Acara bimacnlata Pimelodus

Chai~eus macrolepidotus Macrurns Atlanticus

(Lowe) Exocetus exsiliens Saurus lacerta

" Caranx ovalis Sphyrroua vuIgaris(Cuv.

& Val.) Polyprion cernium(Val.) Centrolophus ovaHs

(Cuv. & Val.) Thyrsites pretioslls


" prometheus

(Gunth.) Pomatomus telescopium

(Priss.) Serranus fuscus (L01ve) Temnodon saltatoT

(Cuv. & Val.) Lepidopus caudatus

(White) Brama Rail (131. Scl1.) .. , Sargus cervinus (Val.)

" Rondeleti (Cuv. & Val.)

Chrotodon capistratus ... '.retragonopterus micro­


Leuciscus thalmus

vulgaris (young)


Teuthis Javus (L.Syst.) Monoeanthus scuber ... Coris lineolatus Acanthurus ehirurgus

(ll\. Seh.)


Barhadoes Bal'badoes Barbadoes Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo


Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo Rssequibo Esseqnibo

Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo Essequibo Madeira

Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira

Madeira Madeira




Madeira Madeira


Madeira Madeira Madeira

Madeira Bahia



Sydney Sydney Sydney 1St,. Croix

• Transferred to the TechnologiClllll1u.seullJ.








·A A








'A A A A A A A














Page 30: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

Museum No. 1601-5

]6016 16017 160.18 16,)\ (I 160.20. ltiOi!1 16022

160.23 160.24 160.25.

160.26-7 16028-9

160.30.-1 16032-3

16034 160.35


16037 160.38-9


160.42-3 160.44



1(\048-\1 160.50. 160.51 160.52 16053 160.54 160.55 160;;6 160.57

160.58 160.59

i6o.60 160.61 160.62


160.66 16067


160.70-2 160.73

160.74-5 _ 16076 1507i-S

160.79-80. 16081

160.82 1608:1

16084-5 16086-9 160.90.-1 160.92-9 160.0.0.-3


16105-6 1610.7-10.

16111-3 16114-7

16118 16119-20.


16127-8 16129

16130-7 161:'18-40

16141 16142-3 16144-7

16148 16149-50.

16151 ]6152~4


Name. Ostracion quadricornis


" Diodon atinga .. . Scaphiodoll cap recta .. . Hemichromis sacer Clarias Erythrinus unitrenirttns Hell1ioehns macrolepido-

tns (Cuv. & Vlt\.) ,GlyphiROdoll sodidns ... ppgasus naians Clarias. pu1ced Dnles teniurus Holocanthus septeutrio-

lIltlis (Tem. Sclf.) Labl'us mixtus Coris J nlis ... Gohius Steveni (~ord.) Anguilla morem1 (Val.

Locality. St. Croix

St, Croix f't. Croix Holy Ioand Holy I,aud Holy Lanel .Bahia Port N fl.t:.1

Port Natal China Chhla China Chino.

Bosphorus J3 Dsphorus B!>sphorus' Bosphorus

Kaup.) Scorpama porcus (L. Bosphorlls

Syst.) U ralloscopus seaber Bosphorns Scrranlls cabrill" (Cuv. Bosphorns

& Val.) Julis lunaris (Cuv. & Port NIl.tal




.A A A A A






Dilrema Il.ggl'egatum Vancou"er's Tsland A Gasterotokeus nova- Vancouver's I,land A



brllclllutus A' (Heck.)

Hippocampus brcviros­tris (Kaup.)

" conus (Kau p.) Holocentrum 8umnmra Dnles maculatus V orncr Brownii c"ranx ,pinnatus Hhomhus longipcnnis' ... Equula fili"era Gobius nirlieeps ~Yllbranchus marmora­, tus

New York Brazil


A A A A A A Lake CII:t.mplain

Seychelles A Cape of Good Hope A Cordilleras A

Lcpidoplls al'gyrams , .. ,;\ieJitermllcall Centropomus undeCima-


lis Blenllichis bincel httus ... Otolithus ruber BIepharis Indiells Ospltranter rufus

(males) , " " (female)

" ,,( Auchenia alpaca

(old males) " ,,(young)

Portullus pe!:lgieus ... Thcnos orientRlis P"linnrus gllltatns Carpilius conLllinns CardesollllL Guauhumi. .. Ardetla pnsili!l

(young male) Cl'ax Alherti (male) ... '" ' ,: (female) ... Pahnoeyclus porpita ...

" Fletcheri Heliolites interstinctus

" l\furchisoni .. . Fa v asHes Hisingeri .. .

cristata (Vat". ",ajor)

Plasmopora scita Alveolites Labechei Thecla Swinderiana Halysitcs esclmroides ... Palreocyclns rugosus H .. liolites Fa"osHea Forbesi

Cape nf Gooel Hope A St., Domingo • A India A Swan Hill

Swan Hill 8"':111 Hill Peru

Peru Chino. Seas China Seas' Barbadocs Barbailoes Barhadoes Melbo.llrne

Cen tral America Central America Dudlev Shale Rushnll Canal Hay He:td

A A' A A A

"'ren's Nest,Tron Bl'irlge Wren''; Nest.lron Briuge,

RuslHllI Canal

Rushall Cana1 IrOli Bridge, Cann.l 11'011 Bridge, Canal Iron Brirl"e, Mn.l vern Rushall Canal Hushall Cu,nal ,\Vren'sNcst,Iron Bridge,

Malvern ,. nhrosn. Rushal\ Canal " Rushall Canal

Plasmopora petaliformis Hlish,.11 Canu.1 Pl'opora tubuln.ta Iron.Bridge, Malvern Alyeolites repcns Dudlev

Gra,yi TronBi'idgc,Wren'sNest " scriat,oporides Irol1 Bridgc,Wren's:!\cst " Fleteheri... IronRri(1ge,'Vren'sNest

IJabechei confert·a IronBridge,Wren'sNest MonticuliporaBowerbankiIron Bridge'

" pulchella Syringopora fllscicularis Iron Bridge

lIIuseum No. 1615i-9 16160.-1

16162 16163

1616t-6 16167

16168-9 16170.·-1

16172-5 16176-7 16ti 8-9

t618o. 16181

16182-:3 16184-5 16186-7

16188-91 16192 1619:3 16194

16195-6 1619i

16198-9 16200~1

1620.2 16203-4 1620.5- 6

J6t07 16208-10

16:!11-3 16214-63

16264-5 [6:266-i5 16276-85

Name. Locality. Syririg6pora bifnrcata IronBridge,,\Vren'sNe

" serpens IronBridge,Wren'sNe Crenites lahrosus IronBric\ge,'Vren'sNe

"lineal'is Iron Bridge,'Vren'sNe "illlertextus Iron Bridge

Thecia Grayi...Wren:s Nest Aulacopllyllum mitratllm Rnshall Canal Cyathophyllum I,oreni "Iron .Bridge, Rushl

. ,Canal' " pseudoeerHes Rushall, Canal

..: Wren~s Nest ,tl'uncatum W.enlock·, Rushall

',,"i articuhttuiu Ompl1yma subl urbinata

" 1\1 urchisoUll Alce1'vularia luxuriltns Strombodes .... '

,.~ ....

'Canal Hay Head .:WenlocK Iron Bridge . H ushall Canal AVreu's Nest Iron' Br'idge Jron Bridge 'Dudley, ··Hay Head lRushlllHCnnal' .

'.... .'Vren's;Nest· Spongites BushalLUanal' Halysites ca.tenularia .... hon .• ') Bridge, Rush:

Cor~~lites serpulaHs 1'cntaeulites tennis ., ! ..

" ornatus Lingula'Symonc1sii Discina J!'orbesi Atrypa retieularis Athyris . Barrandi

" linguifer

" tumida

Canal Iron 'Bridge Wren's Nest Wren's Nest .•. Wl'~n's:Nest Dudle'sl Hushall ClInal Rus!ul11 CRHal Ruslmll Canal HushalfCanal&Malve' Iron Bridge, Rusha '. Canal' .,

16286-7 " Cape'ITelli Wrcn:sNest Dudley, Hllshall Cam Wren's Nest, "Rush

16288-99 Ppntarnerus galea 1a 16300-9 Rhynchonella eleftexa .•.

, c

16810-19 " I,ewissi .. :;; Canal

'Wren's Nest. WJ'en~i;Nest 16320.-9 ,. nucula

16330.-9 Hypothyris borealis ... Wren's Nest; Rusll Canal, ~Ial\'ern'

16340.-9 I G:j51J-4






III 4 I 3-5 16416-9 16420.-1 16422-5

16426-45 1644il-9

16'450 '16451

16452-5 16~!i6-60 16461-5

1646G-70 1 G47l-5

16476 164ii 164i8 16479 16480 16481

16482-3 ]6484 16485 16486 16487

16488-9 16190-3


16504-:'13 16514-7


16528-30. 1653J,-3 16534-9 16540-9

Spirifera crispus .. ' ... ,;Wren's Nest " spurius Wren's Nest

Orthis rnstica .... ,Wren's Nest & Rush . Camil

bHoba ... Wren's ·Nest & Rush Canal

Davidsoni '... '''ren's Nest & Rusl ., Canal

Bouchardi Wren's Nest & Rust Can'al

Strophomcna ~ep,ress~ .. , Wren's .Nest & Rusl Canal

funiculata '\Vren's-Nest " hnbrex ... Huslmll Cami.l ". alltiqua... Hnshall.Canal ,,' expunsa ... '\V ren's Nest " euglypha Wren's ]l\est

I,eptrenatrausversalis .•• Rushall Canal " DII valli Rushall ,Canal

A vicula Danbvi Dudley ,,' planat.ull1. Wrcli's N('st "lineutllla ,V,ren's Nest

Euomphalus diseors' TronBridge(Shropsl " rngosus Il'onBridge/Shropst

alatils Iron Britlge(Shropsl

" sClllptllS... IrohBridge(Shropsl

Pterinea ... Wren's Ne.t Mah;ern

Cte;~odonta O1't11011ota rigidll Modiolop~is axinitis C:trcliola intelTlIpta Cardium strin,tum M ytilus l1l)itillimerus Orthonota cingulatn.

" rotundata ' Strophomen:t scabrosa ... Orthis elegantula

" llybridn. Spirifero. pisum


" plieatel1us .. . H cyrtrena ... ...

Rhynclrouella Salteri .. . ,,' WilSOllL.

Dudley Dudley \Vren's Nest Dudley Dudley Dudley Dudley Dudley '\Yren's Nest Dudley Iron Bridge Rushall Canal & W , Nest

Rushall Cunal Rushall Callal Bushall Cann.l & W

Nest· ' Rushall Canal Rnshall Cn.nal Wren's Nest Dudley.

Page 31: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

MaBeum No. 16550-7 l6558-9

16560 l6561-2

16563 16504-6

16567 1656"-87 165$8-9



16598-601 166112 16603 1660-1, 16605

16606 1661)7

16608-12 16"13 16614 1661.5 16616 16617 16618 16619




16636-7 166.38-41 16642-4

16645-6 16647-9 16650-4


16656 1665i 16658 16659 16660 16661 16662 16663' 16664 16665


16667 16668 16669

16670 16671 16672 16673


16683. 16684



16687 16688


16690-1 16692 16693

16694 16695 16696


16706-7 J 6708-9

16710-11 16il2

Name. Rhynchonella cuneata .••

,; Baylii Obolus Davidsoni

,. Lingula

" Lewissi. Atrypa marginalis Perna isognomonoides

(Stahl) Cardium Buekmanni

eM. & L.)

Locallty. Wren's Nest Wren's Nest Rushall Canal' Dudley H ushal\ Canal pudley Sedgley Rushall Canal Rodborough Hill

Rodborough Hill

Pleuroll1yaelongata(Ag.) near Stroud and Nails-

A thyri. Grayi Phragmoceras Uyrtolites

" h"C\'is

worth Hay Head Dudley Dudley Dudley

Orthoeeras aunulatum, .. Rnshall Canal (near

", :fimhriatum' WaIsall)

Dudl~y Rushall Canal Rusball Can:tI

A viellla pianatula Strophomena applanata ,Fenestella assimllis l'tiloLiierya senlpellum ... Fenestella Milled

Wren's Nest, Dudley 'Vren'. Nest

Retcpora infundibulum Plilodictya lanceollLta... Wren's Nest, Dudley Fenestella'Lollsdalei ... Chinchilla hl.lliger{ 16620-1,Peru

females; 1662i, male) Tel'ebratula perovalis

(Sow,) Rodhorough and Leek­

hampton lIills Nncleolites clunicularis ncar Stroud

(Llw.) , Pholadomya Zieteni (Ag,) Rodhorough Hill Clypens HlIgii (Ag.)... ncar Stroud Hyhoclypus agariciformis Leckhampt<m Hill

(Forbes) Clypeus Plotti (Lh IV.)... Rodborough Hill Lucina Belloua (d'Orn.) ne'ar N"ilsworth Clypeus :l-lichelini(Wright)near NaiIswortb P~eei1()phis variegatus Timor

(Kaup.) . Diodou Illultimaculatus Bourbon Xirichth ys uvncnla Naples M ugB cl;elio ... Phylipnus dormitator ... Cordova Cottus seorpius (Linn.) Mediterranean Exocctus Gerres plumieri Sal>1rias quadricornis Platycephalus seaber ... Anguilla marmomta


St. DOlllihique Isle of :France Malabar Bombay

Ophicephalus Malabari- Pondicbcrry eus

Sanrus cynodon Prionotus punctatns Cheiloduetylus brachy-

dactylus Siphonostomus Rondeleti MastacembeluB armatus Sphyrama belona Stenometophus testudi-


Bombay Lake Qhamplaiu Cape

Nice Siam St, Dominique Martinique

HolectYPlls depressus ne:1.r Stroud (Leske)

Pygaster conoidel1s Astarte lllodiularis

(Desh.) Gervillia luneoluta


near Stroud Rodborough Hill


Pleurotomaria elongata Rodborough Hill (Sow.)

C.vprina(?) picta (Lyc.) Nailsworth Myacites dilatus (i\Iya near Strond

dilata, Phll.) HyboeJypus agaricifor, near Dundry

mis (Forhes) . Myacitesdilatus (Phil. sp.) Rodborongh Hill Astarte exeavata (Sow.) Hodburough Hill Natica Leckhamptouensis Leckhampton Hill

(Lye,) . Lima oolitica (Lye,) ,.. Nailsworth

"rhombica,.. Dundry






Clypeus Plotti (L1wyd,) Tapperton, near Ciren­

GOlliolllya (Ag.)

cester proboscider Cheltenham, nr. Stroud

Cyathocrinus ... Dudley Actinocrinus simplex ... ,'Dudley

" • retiarills... Dudley Crotalocrinus rugosus... Dudley


.Museum No. 16713-5

16716-20 16721

J6722 1672.3-5

16726 16727-31

16732 16733-4

16735 16736 16737

16 i a8-9 16740-1

16742 ] 674:1-4 16745-6



16757 167!i8

16759-64 16765-6

16767 16768-71

ltii72-4 16775-8

16779 16780 16781 16782 16783

11'784 16785 16786

16787-8 16789 16790 16791 16792 16793


16796-7 16798

16799-804 1680;)-6


16t108-IO 16811-2

16813, Locallty. Cyathocrinus goniodac- Dudley

tylns . ' Taxo('rinns tuberculatlls Dudley Dimeroeriuus icosidac- Dudley

tylus " decadactylus Dudley.

Marsupiocl'inus coolatus Dudley }~Llealyptoerinus decm'us Dudley Pcmlo-eornus monili- Dudley

formis Pisocrinus pilnllll Mltl vern Glyptoeriuus expallSus Dudley

" penna-tus Dudley Taxocrinus simplex ... Dudley Pselldocrinites bH"sciatlls Dudley

" q n,.drifasciatus Dudley Eebino-cllcrinus armalus i\lahern Acidaspis llri)!ll1 ii Wren's Nest

" corollatu8... Mall'ern, Dudley IlIamns BarriensiH Malvem, Dnelley Calymene Blurnenbachi ,Malvern, Dudley,

''\in,n's N .. st Cheirurns bimucronatus Malvern. Dudley,

Wr~n's Nest Cyphnspis m(>gltlop~ ... Dudley Veiphon lforhesi Mal vern Encrinurus pUllctalns... Malvern

" \'ariolaris ',. Mall'ern Lichas ... Malvern Phacops caudatus Dudley

" DowninbTja Malvern ., . MiIsheni i\lalvern "Stokesi Dudley

Proctns '" Dudley ., Stokesii Malvern

Beyrichia Klodeni Wren's Nest, Dudley , " ,,(Spirifer

plicatellus) Wren's Nest. Dudley Gruplolites priodon ... Wren's Nest, Dudley Cornulites serpularis... Wren's Nest, Dudley AI·.eoliles repens Wren's Nest, Dudley Elanu. seriptus (female) R()yal Park, ~Ielbuurne

" (female) Reilor Plains (male) Melbourne

" ,,(female) lIlelbourne Sarcopililusul'sillllS (male) Tasmauia

" " (female) Tasmania A1l1phidcsma donaciforme Peak, near Robin Bood's

BiIY, . " securiforme Scarburough

?v!iJlericrin us Pratti near' North Beach,

Terebratula coarctata ... Ampbitlcsma rotllndllLa Tropidaster pectillHtIls

Pentacrinus tubcrcnJatus Ammonites Lamberti ... Astropecten claviformis

Glouee~terghire Bradford, Wiltshire Whithy, Yorkshire Mickleton Tunnel,

Warwickshire Frethern Wcnllouth Lea. n('ar Pickering,

Yorkshire 16814 Spinopora straminea ...

16815-27 Rhyuchonella concinna (Sow.)

Crh:kley Hill lIear Stroud, Minchin·

hampton Rod.borough Hill 16828-31 Hyboe\ypus caudatus

(Wright) 16832-3 Ammonites Edouardianus Dundry

(d'Orb.) 16834-6 Aerosalenia Lyeetti near Cheltenham, Stroud

(Wright) 16837-9 " spinosa (Ag.) near Stroud 16840-9 TerehI'RtulabuiJata(Sow.)ucar Siroud and Min­

chinhampton 16850 Belemnites suhfllsiformis Minchinhampton

16851-2 Tcrebratnla subdecorata Birdlip Hill, near Chel-(Dav.) lenh",m

1681'>3-5 Astarte excnvata (Sow.) Hildhorongh Hill 16856 Leopardlls eOllcolor(hltlf- North America

grown) 1685.1. Callipepla Califorriica

. '(male) California

16858 " " (female) California 161159 Ardea Pacifica (female) Melbourne 16860" Modclofimproved Chilinu

mill 16861* " of Barfs, plLtent

quartz crushing al1<1 amalgamating Hlacbine

16862-80 Psamnleehinus eXCILYaLUS Orford, Suffolk

16881 16~82-i

16888 16889-:' 1


(]J'orbes) Ostr~a .. ' Ntlcllin nili,!" (Brou.), .. ArelL Nom (Linli.) FO>RHl:IIS costa Ins (Phil.) Turri I ella COllllHllilis


Esera~nolles, Provellce A sti, Piedll1(lnt Asti, Piedmont Asti, I'iedm .. "t ASl i, Piedmont

• Transferred to the TechuologiculMuseum.

Page 32: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

Museum No. 16912-22

16923 16924

16925-6 16927

16928 1(;929-31


16933-47 16948

16949 16950 16951 16952





1691;8 16959


16963 1691'04-5

16966 16967-8

16969 16970

16971-4 16975-8


16981-2 16983



16988 16989

16990 16991

16992-7 16998

Name. 1AJcality. Tornatclla semistriata Asti, Piedmont

(Def.) Perna maxillata (Desh,) Asti; Piedmont Panoprea Menurdi (Desh.) Asti, Piedmont Area mytiJoides (Brouhi) As~i, Piedmont Ostrea ventilabrum Asti, Piedmont

(Gold.) Mnrex Sedgcwieki (Mich,) Asti, Piedmont Venus plimtla Asti, Piedmont Xenophora Dcshayesii Asti, Piedmont

(Micb.) Corbula pelillcida eBrou.) Asti, Piedmont Cardium echinatnm A~ti, Piedmont

(Desh.) Tritoncorrugatum (Brou.) Asti, Piedmont Murex Branderi (Linn.) Asti, Piedmont

" Aquitanicus ... Asti, Piedmont Dendrophyllia irregularis Asti, Piedmont

(Bl.) Cardium eingulatum Asti, Piedmont

(Gold.) Yermetus



arenarius Asti, Piedmont

Pectllnculus insuhricus Asti, Piedmont (Br.)

Spondy Ius rarispina (Desh.)

Tellina lacunosa (Chern.) Pecten latissimus (Brou.) Chama asparella·(Lam.) • (= Gryphoides) Venus Brouhi (Desh.) .•. Fissurella Italica (Lam.)

. Venus· TU'rbo rugoslls (Linn.)

and one operculum Eehinanthns Helix syl.vestrina (Zie.) YermetuB gigas (Bin.) Ostren. edulis (Linn.) ... Leuciscus Hartrnanni

Asti, Piedmont

Asti, Piedmont Asti; Piedmont Asti, Piedmont

Asti, Piedmont Asti, Piedmont Asti, Picdmont Asti, l?iedmont

Angers Steinheim, iV urtemburg Asti, Piedmont Asti, Piedmont S teinheim, W urtemburg

(Ag.) Balanus sulcatus (Brog.) Val. Andona, Piedmont Pecten Spondylus crassicosta Asti, Piedmont

(Lam.) Pectunculuspilosus(var.) Asti, P~edmont

(Brou.) Lutraria elliptica (Lam.) Asti, Piedmont Balanus tintinahlllurri Perpign!11l

(Linn.) Venus Brouhii (Desh.) Perpignan Yenerictudia rhomboi- Asti, Piedmont

dea (Bro.) Chama rusticula (Desh,) Nucuht lrevigata (Sow.)

Chiavocana. Italy Dobcrg, Bunde, West­

phalia 16999 Cardium hians (Bro.) .. . Enzesfeld, Vienna

Doherg, Bunde, West-17000-3 Nuculacomptn.(Gold.) .. .




Dentaliurn geminaturn (Gold.)

Pectunculus polyodonta (131',).


pllalit, . Doberg, Bunde, West­

phalia Doberg, Bunde, West­

phalia Doberg, Bunde, West­

phalia 17008-9 Ostrea deltoidea (Lam.) J)oberg, Bunde, West..

plialia 17010 17011

17012 17(113-5


17017 170\8-24

17025 17026-7



17039 17040-2

17043 17044-5

17046 17047

17048-50 17051-5

17056-8 17069

J~ttlroomerix Pectunculus pulvinatus

Wiesenau, Mainz Flonheim, Alzey

(Br,) PanopreaFauj!iSsi(Brog.) Loibersdorf, Yieuna Artemis . Vienna Congcria triangularis Johnsdorf, Vienna

(Pm.) Ostrea fossula (Brou,) Venus cassilloides(Sow.) l'anopooa Frtujassi Cyprina Islandica(Sow.)

" Islandicoides (Lam.)

Nucllia margaritacea (Linn.)

Stomatia dupJicata(Sow.) Cytherea sllberycinoides

" Mary landica ... Cyprina Islandicoides .. , l'anoprea Menrtrdi Cyprina Islandica

Flonheim, Alzey Mantelan, TonI'S Orford, Suffolk Orford, Suffolk. Loibersdorf, Vienna

Flon heim,Alzcy, Rhein-hessen

PhiliPllincs Vienna Enzesfeld, Vienna Baden Clinton Berne, Eritz Canton Berne, Wein-

halden Loibersdorf, Vienna Loibersdorf, Vienna

Peet-unculus cor. (Lam.) Pecten flahellifbrmis

(Def.) " Sowerbyi (Nyst.) Vienna



Museum No. 17060":2 17063-5

17066-70 liOil-2


17074-6 17077-8

17079-84 17085-8

17089-90 17091



17094-5' 17096-7

17098 17099 17HiO lilOI

17102-7 17108-9

17110 lilll


17115 '171l6-9 17120-2

17123-5 171~6

17127 17128

1712\1-31 Ii 132 17133 17134 17135

17136-8 17139-42

17143-8 17lt9-50


17152-4 17155-8

17159-61 17162-5

17166-8 17169


17172-3 17174

17175-6 17!i7

17178-9 17180

17181-2 H183-90 17191-2

17193 17194

17195-7 17198-202


17204-9 17210-5



17220-2 17223

J 7224-9

17230-5 Ii 236-45

17246-52 ,17253-5

17256-7 17258

Name. Locality. Pecten striatus (Sow.) ... Antwerp, Anvers

Gerraidi (Nyst.) Orford, Suffolk " HrenigllOusi(Borq.)Birsch, near Mastricht

Maryland Pe~t~nculus arcatus Flonheim

(Brau.) crassus (Phil.)... Flonheim

" polyodonta(Brau.) Loibersdorf variabilis (Sow,) Antwerp, Anvers

" pulvinatus(Lam.) Vienna Cardita senilis (Lam.)... Orford, Suffolk Anatina Alzey,Flonheilll,Rhein-

hessen lIIytilus

(Lam.) Cytherea

(Lam.) Spondylus

acutangulus Vienna

erycinoide~ Berne

.. , Lattorf, Bernberg Lattorf, Bernberg

Lut;~ria Vienna Perna maxiJIata (Lam.) Provence

" Soldani (Desh.)... Hochheim " Soldani(Desh.)... :Flonheirn

Pecten pictus (Gold,)... Flonheim .... Leiterberg, Mal'burg,

Mya truncata (Sow.) ... Ostrea Sparmannensis ' .. Petricola ochroleucn.

(Ln,I1l,) Pholas cylindriClt(Sow.) Venus similis (Bro.) ... Congeria triangularis

(I'ral;,) Cyrena cmssa (Desh.) ... Planorbis pseud"mmo­

nius (Voltz.) Helix IepidQt;richa(Brau.)

" Illnuln, (,fher.) ... Cyprinn. tumida (Nyst.) Theona Glohosa (Wood) Mytilus Falljassi (Brog.) Dreissena Bmndi (Brou.) OSlrea longirostris (L!1Ill.)

Styria Orford. Suffolk Wurtemberg Mantelan, 'Tours

Eritz, Berne Hochlleim Hetzendorf, Vienna

Bordeaux Toeplitz, Bohemia

ToepIitz, Bohemia 'l'oeplitz, Bohemia Antwerp, Anvers Orford, Suffolk J{]t:inkarben, Weteran Wiesenau, Mainz Hanningen, Wurtem-

burg Pecten dubills(Linn.) '.. Vienna

" . opercularis (Linn.) Orford, Suffolk Lucinacolumbella(Lam,) J~ordeaux Pecten macro tis (Ag.)... Doberg, Bunde, West­

'phalia Cyprina rustica (var. Orford, Suffolk

tumid,,) (Sow.) Chama gryphina (Lam.) Gainsfahren, V;ienna.

'Cardium Deshayesii(Prat.) Pot;zleinsdorf, Vienna. Ostrea ... L"ttorf, Bernherg Lucill!1 divitricata 01'- Bordeaux

nata) (Lalli.) Ostrea cntssisima (Lm}!.) Flollheilll, Alzey' Mytilus rimosus (l",am.) St. Galien Spolldylus crassicosta Steinabrunn, Vienna

(I,am.) , Pecten complanatus(Lam.)Antwerp, Anvers Unio I,avatcd (Munst.) Oeningen Ostrea longirostris (Lam.)U1m, Wurtemherg Ostren, EscragnoJles, Provence Ostrea angulata (Nyst.) Antwerp, Anvers Perna Berne Myt·i!us Frtujassi (Bron.) Wiessenau, lIfainz Tellina obliqua (Sow.}... Orford, Suffolk Cytherea chione (Linn.) Berne TeIlina complanata(I1am,)Bordeaux

" trianglllaris(Desh. )Bordeaqx Chama ... ... Malltelan, Tours Cn.nlita crassa (Lam.) .... Mantelan, 'fours Pccten Burdigalensis Bordeaux . (Laln.) Astarte Ol1lalii (Lej.)... Antwerp, Anvers

" ,,(va,'. un- Orf~rd, Suffolk dulata)

Ostrea Cossini (Men,)

Cardium semigrtmosum (Sow.)

Flonheim,Alzey, Rhein­hessen

Enzesfe~d, Vienna

Cardium echinatum(Linn,)Eritz, Berne Mytilus socialis (Brau,) Oppenheim, Maintz Cardita Brozini (Desh.) Ormons, Departments

" seniUs Cardium conjungens


Seine and Oise I,attorf, Bernherg Brunn, Yienu'a

Ostrea ventiIrtbrum(Gold.) Bordeaux Cardium Deshayesii(Pey.)Enzesfeld, Vienna CongeriaPartschi( Braun.) Vienna Pinna margaritacea Montreuse au Bois



Page 33: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

Mus.umNo. 17259-64

17:!65-7 17268-70 17271-6

17277-9 17280-1 17282-5


17292-4 17295-8

17299-300 17301

17302-3 17304-7

17308 17309-17

17318-21 17322-3 17324-6




17334-9 17340-3 17344-6


17348 17349-50

17351-2 17353


17359-61 17362-4



Name. Locality. Avicula phalrenella(Lam.) Bordeaux Lima inflata (Lam.) •• , Mantelan, Tours. Cardium Parkinsoui(Sow.)Loibersdorf, Vienna Astarte heckelinssiana Vienna

(Nyst.) Arca pectil1ata(Brou.) ... Gena strigosa (Ad.) ... Venericardia Jouanetti

( Bast)

Bordeaux Philippines Gainfahren, Vienna

Venericardia .intermedia Gl'inzing, Vienna (Brou.)

Arca barbata (Linn.) ... " Nore (Linn.)

Ostrea calliata (Gold. ) ... Spondylus gredaropus


Vienna Vienna Eritz, Berne Vienna

Ostrea angusta (Desh.) Montpellier " princeps (Wood.) Orford, Suffolk

Anomia striata (Wood.) Orford, Suffolk Ostrea Rhenana (M erion.) Flonheim,Alzey,Rhein-

" elegans (Desh.) ... Perna maxillata (Lam.) Ostrea digitalina (Eich.) MytilllS incrassatus

(D'Orb.) Venericardia rhomboidea

(Bran.) Isocardia cyprinoides

(Bron.) Ostrea fiabellula (Lam.) Cytherea undata (Bast.) CrassatelJa Deshayesii. .. Isocardia cor. (Lam.) ...

Cardium ... squamulosum


hessen Mantelan, Tours Kleinkarben, Wetterau .vienna Kichinen, Bessarabia

Loibersdorf, Vienna

Flonheim,Alzey,Rhein-hess en

Bordeaux Bordeaux Kertsch, Crimea Dob.erg, Bunde, West.

phalia Vienna Kertsch, Crimea.

Isocardia Bronni (l\raun.) Weinheim, Alzey Cyprina Islandica (Linn.) Antwerp, Anvers Area Turoniea (Duj.) Mantelan, Tours

var. of Diluvii " pectinata(Brou.)... Kertsch, Crimea

Cardium edentulum Kertsch, Crimea. (Desh.) .

Venericardia Jouanetti Gainfahren, Vienna (Bast.)

Cardium ... Unter Kirchberg, Wur· temberg

17368-9 Astarte Kicksii (Nyst.) Antwerp, Anvers 17370-7. " gracilis (Munst.) Orford, Suffolk

17378-94 Cardium cingulatum Flonheim, Alzey,

17325-6 17397-406 17407-14 17415-8

(Gold.) Rheinhessen " apertum (Munst.) Baden, Vienna

Area Dilu vii (Lam.) ... Gainfahren, Vienna Astarte.Basteroti (Lng.) Antwerp, Anvers StomateJla haliotidea Philippines

(Sow.) 17419 ~ Perna maxillata (Lam.)

17420-1 C¥dium cingulatum Hochheim, Mainz Doberg, Bunde, West.

phalia . (Gold.) 17422-4 Ampullaria deltoides India

(Reeye) ]7425 Solecurtusappendiculatus Hagenau, Austria

(Lam.) 17428-8 Venericardia Jouanetti Kienberg, Vienna

17429 17430

17431-3 17434-7

17438-44 17445-56 17457-62

17463 17464-76


17481-99 17500-19 'I 7520-9 17530-9

17540-50 17551-61 17562-72 17573-88 17589-92 7593-606 17607-15 17616-7

17618-22 17623-38


(Bast.) Cytherea infiata (Gold.) Doberg, Bunde Venus cassinoides (Lam.) Loibersdorf Tellina complanata(Linn.)Antwerp, Anvers Limopsis aurita (LassL) Flonbeim, Alzey

Orford, Suffolk Bordeaux Mantelan, Tours Canton Berne Vienna'

Co~bula pyrum (Sow.) " carinata (Duj.)

Cytherea rugosa (Br.) ... Venericardia scalaris

(Sow.) Cardita chamreformis Antwerp, Anvers

(Sow.) " orbicularis (i:iow.) Antwerp, Anvers " planulata (Nyst.) Antwerp, Anvers

Corbula polita (Bro.)... Hochbeim, Mainz " striatella (Desh.) Mantelan, Tours " striata(Wal.)... Orford, Suffolk " pisum (Sow.)... Bergh, Mastricht " nucleus (Lam.) Mantelan, Tours

" Vienna

re;~luta.(l3~o~:j Gainfahren, Vienna " ., " ... Bordeaux " gibba ...

Mact!'a depressa (Desh. ) Area eardiformis (Gral. ) Cardita chamreformis

(Wau.) ,

Baden, Vienna Bordeaux Bordeaux Orford, Suffolk

Limopsis Goldfussi(Nyst.)Antwerp, A.nvers


Museum No. Name. Locality. 17653-4 Solen .•. Loibersdorf, Vienna 17655-6 "strigilatus (Lam.) Enzesfeld, Vienna 17657-9 Corbula donacina (Br.) Hochheim

17660 Helix subearinala(Braun.)Toeplitz, Bohemia. 17661 Pectunculus suhovatus Maryland

17662-4 "virginica(Wag.)... Maryland 17665-8 "glyeimeris (Linn.) Orford, Suffolk

li669-70 "insubricus (Brou.) Bordeaux 17671-6 fecten opercularis(Linn.) Alltwerp, Anvers

17677 . Cardium SchedeJianum Vienna (Partsch.)

17678-81 Ostrea caudata (Munster) Vienna 17682-4 Cardium Burdigalinum Bordeaux

17685-8 17689


(Gr.) Cytherea' incrassata(Sow. )Kleirikarben, Wetterau Tellina rostraJis (Lam.) Vienna Nucula lrevigata (Sow.) Jnonheim, Alzey,

Rheinhessen parvula Vienna 17694-9 Diplodonta

(~'Iunst.) 17700-18 Nucula emarginata ... Bordeaux 17719-30° Cyrena subarcta (semi-. Alzey, Rheinhessen

striata) (Bron.) 17731-8 Cardita aspera (Lam.)... Bordeaux

17739-44 Cardium scabriculum Flonheim, Alzey,

17745-8 17749 17750 17751 17752



17755-6 17757-66 17767-9 17770-2 17773-5 17776-9 17780-1

1i782 17783-4 17785-7

17788 17789-92 17793-4-17795-6

17797-802 17803-6

(Merion) Rheinhessen Nucula tenuis (Wood)... Orford, Suffolk Sciurus caniceps West Africa A Capromys pilorides (Say.) Cuba A Dicotyles labiatus Brazil A Troglodytes Gorilla (old Equatorial Western


male) Africa (old female) Equatorial Western

Africa " (young) ... Equatorial Western

" Africa Modiola prisca (Bronn) Flouheim, Alzey Mactra triangula (Duj.) Mantelan, Tours Ostl'ea fiabellula (Lam.) Vienna Venus casina (Lin.) ... Orford, Suffolk Ostrea ungulata (Nyst.) Grinzig, Vienna

cymbularis(Munst.)Enzesfeld, Vienna spathulata (Lam.) Provence

" dentata'(Lam.)... Bordeaux Solen tenuis (.Phil.) ... Vienna Lucina ambigua (Defr.) . Provence Cytherea obJiqua (Desh.) Bordeaux Mactra semisulcata(Lam.)Vienna

" ... Kichinen, Bessarabia TellinaBenedetti (Nyst.) Antwerp, Anvers Cyrena scmistriata(Nyst.) Antwerp, Anvers Cardium angustatum Orford, Suffolk

(Sow.) 17807-10 Pecten opercularis (Linn.)Vienna, Gandersdorf 17811-6 Cardium Palassianum Bordeaux

(Bast.) . 17817 Pholadomya' Purdhii Montigny sur Roi, Bel.

17818-23 17824-8

17829 17830-4 17835-8


(Gold.) gium Ostrea galloprovincialis Provence

" plicata(Defr.)... Mantelan, Tours Arca sinuata (Grat.) ... Bordeaux Astarte corbuloides (Laj.) Antwerp, Anvers Area Breislacki (Bast.) Mantelan Dreissena Basteroti Dax

(Desh.) 17847-78 Corbulamya trianguiata . Antwerp, Anvers

(Nyst.) 17879-84 Psammobia lrevis (Nyst.) Vienna 17885-91 Crassatella Bronni Flonheim

(Merion) 17892-8 Pecten ventrilabrum Antwerp, Anvers



17905-8 17909-12


17915 17916-9 17920--4



17929-30 17931-2



(Gold.) Congeria

(Parts.) spathulata Vienna

Pecten Hausmanni(Gold.) Doberg, Bunde, West.

Mactra podolica (Eich.) Corhulomya complanata

(Nyst.) .

phalia Vienna Antwerp, Anvers

Diplodonta rotundata Orford, Suffolk (Phil.)

]\!nctra triangula Pecten obsoletus (Sow.) Cardita chamreformis

(Gold.) Terebratula grandis

(Blum.) " grandis (variabilis)

(Sow.) " ampulla (Lam.) u. " ,,(Bron.) var.

sinuosa 'Leo barbarus (young, 10

days old) " " (young,7 days)

Weinheim Antwerp, Anvers Doberg, Bunde, West-

phalia Doberg, Bunde, West­

phalia Orford, Suffolk

Eisenstadt, Vienna Palazzo, Tuscany

North Africa

North Africa

Page 34: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

Museum No. Name. Locallty. 17935*' Model showing the morle

of saddling up the month of a shaft, and of lixing a windlass




179.'iO '17951 17952


17954 l.i955

17956-71 *' 17972


17979 17980




, 17984

17985 17986 17987 1799S 17989 17990

17991 17992-3

17994 17995-7 i799:>-9 ISOOO-5

18006 18007

IS00S-9 18010-3 18014-9 18Q20-5

18026-31 18032-7

18038-43 IS0.JA-9

I'S050-5 18056-61

18062-7 18068-73 IS074-80

at the top of .it. Set of Cornish blasting

and other mining tOllis. Bylobates leucisCllS Java

(Klll1l.) Cynocephalus hamadryas Aden

(male) " anubis (m!tic)

Genetta tigrina (female) Cephalophus pygmrea

(male) .

Afrimt, Cape of Goo(l Hope South Africa

Nototherium Mitchelli iHurchill Station (Ow.)

:M'urchill Station

Set of '~oai n;ining lools. Hyloba~es L:Lr ... Set ,of Euglish draining

tools Bathyergus ll1aritinms Geronticus spinicollis

(male) Geronticlls Spillicollis

(female) Serpentarius reptilivo-

rus .

Murchill Station

Cane of Good Hope I,ake Comngamite

Lake Corangamite'


Threskiornis strictipen- Lake Corangamite nis (adult male)

Threskiornis stricti pen- Lake Corangamite nis (female)

Anas lIrevosa (male) " " (female) ...

" (male) " ". (female), ..

Strix delicatulus (female) Phalangista vul pilla (fe­


Flemington Swamp F1emi:.gton S\\'alllp 1!'lemillgton Swamp Flemington Swamp Melbourne Victoria '

Strix'de I icatul us (female) Mol bourne Helix }j"1Ieonuri Brisbanc

"ptycomphaln Ipswich, Queensland " :Mastersi... Kiama, N.S.W.' "B1oomfieldi East Australia

J ervisensis East Australia Yulei... East Austrnlia-

" Forbcsii... Port Denison , paelJystyla Port Curtis

" Grayi !Sydney Marire (Cox) Grafton, N.:::'.W. GrdtOliensis (Cox) Grafton, N.S.W.

" marrnornta (Cox) . Grafton; N,S.W. " assiruilans (Cox) Grafton, N S.W. " Gmyii (Pf.) Grafton, N.S.W. " (n. sp. allied to GmftoD, N.S.W.

Dnnkerensis) "Strangeoides Grafton, N.S:W.

Stmngci ... ,Grafton, N.S.W. " umbraculum (Cox) Grafton, N.S.W.

brevipila (Pf.)... Grafton, N.8,W. " (new sp. near seri- Grafton, N,S,W'.

cMnla) ISOSI-8 cochlidinru (Cox)

18089-94 "Alexandra (Cox) Grafton, N.S:W. Grafton, N.S.W. Grafton, N,S.W. Graftoll,N.S:W.

18095-100 " l\\orti (Cox) 18101-6 iuloidea (liar.

1forbes) iS107-12 "" Grafton, N,S_\V. 18113-1S "Tuehri (Pi.) Graft,on, N.S.W. 18119-24 " Belli (Cox) ... Graftou, N.8.W.

1'8125-':6. " Porteri (Cox) ... Grafton, N.S.W. 1812i-!32 Vitrina Stmngei (Cox) Grafton, N.S.W.

18133-8 "planilabrul1! (Cox) Gr,IIton, N.S.W. 18139 Spondylu~ lJistrix ... Philippines

18140-1 " plurispinosus l'hilippines_ (Heeve)

18)42 oeellatus(Heeve) Philippines 18143 -pacificus(Heeve) South Pacific

18144-5 c.anditlus (Reeve) 'rilsrnani:t 18116-7 fragilis (Heeve) South Pacific IS148-9 aurnntins (var.) Seychelles 18150-) "gredar9pus Malta IS152-3 " (var.) Mnlta 1 8 J;'i 4-6 "aculeatus Madagascar


18160-1 ISl62 IS163

IRI6.! 18165

(Chern.) & var. "Nicoharicns Nicobar

(Chern.) " spectrum(Reeve) Philippines " set,iger (Hoeve) Bermudas " tennispinosus Philippines

(Sow.) " Gressoni(Coske) Naples " variegatus (Chern.) Moluccas





Museum No. 18166


18171-2 18173-~

ISli5 18176-7 18178-9 18180-1

18182-3 18184

18185 18186-7


18189 1819() 18191


18193 18194 18195

18196-201 18202-7

18208-13 18214-9 18220-7

1822R-33 18234-9

18240-5 18246-7

18248 18249-50

Itol251-2 1825:1-4 18255-6 18257-8

18259-60 18261-2 18263-4 18265-6

18267 18268-9 18270~1

18272-3 18274

18275-6 18277


18286-7 IS288-9 18290-1 18292-3

18294 18295

18296-7. 18298-301

18302 18303-4

1030.'; 18306-7' ,18308-9

18310 lS31I-2 18313-4

JS315 18316

18317-9 18320-1


18324-5 18326 18327 18328

18329-30 18:131-2 18333-4




Name. Looallty. Spondylus Lamarcki New.Caledonia,

(Chem.) " Ducalis (Lam.) Philippines

& var. " au ram ius (Sow.) Seychelles " fragnull (Ueeve) IJhilippines " asperrimus{tiow.) Philippines

ramosus (Ueeve) _ W ~st Iudies " Butleri (Hee,e) Singapore " plurispinosus Singapore


" Singapore Bermudas " ' longitudinalis

(Sow.) Helix (1ter.)

" magnifica (Fer.), .. Cercoleptes caudi \'01 vus


J\f all agascar Madagascar Tropical America

Mycctes'ursinus (male) South America _South America Borneo

" ," (feol/tie) 'Helnrctos Malayallus

(female) Spol1({ylus Delesseiti

(Chcll1.) ,.' ' SpolldylliS Delesserti .•. FusuE co;>lossus ... ... Port Essington

" "... .... Gulf of Carpentaria ;Planorbis olh'aceus (Cox) Grafton, N.H. W.

" cryslallillns(Cox) Grafloo, N.S,W. Pupa Strangei (Pi.) ... Grafton, N,S. W.

" pacifica (Cox) ... Graftou, N.S.,W. Buli,rnus Jacksonensis Grafton,.N.S.W.

(Cox) ... Bulimus'Tuckeri (Pf.) GraftolJ; N.S.W. Suceinea (p. sp. living Grafton, N.:::i.W.

on trees) . Pupina Wilcoxi (Cox)... GraftolJ, N.S.W. Mitra corrugata (Lam.) Australia

.. '" (Lam.) North Australia Bulimus vittatus (Spix.) Bahia, Brazil

" " . (var.) Brazil " ljtus (Fer.) Brazil

viminens (Mor.) 13mzil ooager·CRncK.) Bahia

" dnris (Spix.)... Brazil ' " a'uris-l11uris(Mor;) Bahia " biiasciatns IChern) Ceylon " bilhseiatus(Chem.) Ceylon

var.) Hocnackcri(l{ry.) Georgia

"illSeiol[LtIlS Creta and Rhodes lahrosus Asia ;\1 inor candelaris (Pi.) Asia Minor

" Tonrnfortianns Asia Nlinor (Fer.) , .

Sidonensis (Fer.) Syria and' Europe " detrit,us (Mull.) Centml Europe

qnioquedentatus Dalmatia (Pi.) .

" virgulatus (vaT.) Jan~aica' (:Fer.)

" ._ densus (Pr.) Bombay .. distans (Pf.) Bombay :Moussianus (Pet.) Bombay comeus (Pf.)_... Ecuador

" irroratus (Heevo) Ecuador " caliginosus(Heeve) Ecuador

caliginosus (vaT.) Ecuador Nystianus (Pf.), Ecuador



& var. , cl,lamcleon (var.) . Ecuador

" (Pf.) Ecuadpr agnatarius (Pf.) Ecnador ambustns (Heeve) Ecuador pessnlatus.(Reeve) Bolivia, sigillatus (pf.)... Bolivia poedlus(d'Orb.) Bolivia

" (var_d'Orb.) Bolivia ,~ abcissus (Pi.) ,.. Ecuador " ~orallyi·~d'Orb.) Bolivia ',; Tllp'rei (d'Orb.) . Bolivia





"Thnmnoiens E. side Bolivian Ande (d'Orb.) .

Cat/omre (Pi.)... Ecuador . Manrelli (MIlu.) Bahia, Brazil,

" Jllneirensis.(1igw.) Janeiro, Brazil " signatus (Wag.) Brazil

phlogerus (d'Urb.) Brazil " auris-Ieporis (var.) Brazil

" ,. . (Brug.) Brazil

" nigrofascintus(Pf.) Bra?il PUl1ctululissinllls Brazil

(I,eRs, ) Bahiacnsis (NlOI',) Bahia

" perlucidus (SpLx.) Brazil: ' '* Transferred to the Technological ~ruseum. ,

Page 35: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

3f? Museum No. Name. LocaUty. Museum No. Name. Locality.

18339 Bulimu8 pupoides (Spix.) Brazil 184R6-7 Bulimus turritus (Brad,) Peru 18340-1 " 'V!tgneri (Pi.) Brazil 18488-9 sc!tbiosus (Sow.) Peru Hl342-3 Helix viridis (Fer.) Madagascn,r 18490-1 phasianella (Val.) Peru 18344-5 . " scpulchralis (Fer.) M!tdagascar = i08toma (~o\v,)

18346 Bulimus fln,mmea (Lam.) W. Africlt 18492-3 "

rosaceus (King) Chili 18347-8 " spectralis (Hcev,) W, Africa 18494-5 rosaccus, vur. Chili

18349-50 "

Numidicus(Heev.) W, Africa minor 18351-2 Ruppellianus( Pf.) W. Afric!, 18496-7

" coturnix (Sow.) Huasco, Chili

18353-4 "

Adans,'ni (I'f.) W. Africa 18498-9 "

pachychcilus(Pf.) Chili 18355 '!

tenebricus(Recv.) W, Africa 18500-3 "

proteus (Brod.) Peru 18356

" turbinatus (Lea) 'W,Afl'ic!t =sordidus (Less,)

18357 " auri.pigmentum W, Africa 18504-5

" bidens (ICrg.) ... Syria

( lice.) 18506-7 "

Peruvianus Chili 18358-9 connivens (Ree.) E. Africa '(Lam.) 18360-1

" reticlllatus (Ree.) E. Africa 18508-9 "

Chi lensis (Less.) Chili 18362

" Niloticus Central Africn 18510-11 crenatnlus (Pi,) Chili'

'18363-4 bivarkosus Nmv Ireland 18512-3 "

Bridgesi (Pi.), .. Chili (Gask.) 18514-5 .. pustlliosus H uasco, Chili

18365-6 " albizonatlls(Ree.) Ceylon (Bro.!.)

18367-8 " Ceyloniclls (Pf.) Cey lou 18516-7 "

pupiniformis Huasco, Cnili 18369-iO pruincrens Western Islands (Brod.)

(Gould) 18018-9 "

tcrebralis (Pi.) Coquimbo, Chili 18371-2 "

melanncheilllS Andes, Peru 18520-1 albu~ (Sow.) H uagco, Ch iii (Nyst.) 185t2-3 "

erythrostoma .. , Huasco, Chili 18.~i3-4

" decollatus (Brug.) South Europe 185:14-5 Mijillovellsis (Pf.) Chili

18,,75-6 "

olivacens (pf.) Islnnd of Candia 18526-7 "

Coquimbensis Chili 18:)77-8

" Kraussi (Pt'.)... East Africa (Brbd,)

18:l79-80 cu pillaoea (Pf.) Andes; Peru 18528-9 "

variegata (Pf,) Chili 18381-3 " Farrisi (Pf.) ... Andes, Peru 18530-1 .. Brodl'ipi (Sow.), Chili 18384-5 "

rectilinearis (Pi.) Andes, Peril var, 18386-7

" Madre (Alb.)... Mexico 18532-3 Brodripi (Sow,) Copinpo, Chili

18388-9 Mexicanus (Lam.) Mexico 18534-5 "

elegans (Pf.) ... Chili 18390-1

" Dunkeri (Pf.) '" Mexico 18536-7

" reflcxus (Pf.) ... Chili

18392 expansus (Pf.) Mexico 18538--40 Helix East Australia 18.,93--4

" alteruan,S (Beck,) Mexico 185~1 . Gelade R~ppelli'('femai~) Abyss1nia A

18395-6 " Iilinceus (Fer.) Mexico 18542 Chrysochloris eapensis Capc of Good Hope 18397-8 Si11llhurel1s (Pf.) Mexico 18543-4 Uulinms sylvanus (vaT.) Philip pines

18399-400 " Boucardi (Pi.) Mexico 18545-6 Melo iudicus (Gm.) Singapore 18401

" " (vaT.) Mexico 18547-8 diadem a Moluccas 18402-3

" Jonasi (pr.) Guatemala 18549 :: umbi1icat~~·(Brod.) Moluccas

18404--5 "

Socotrensis (Pf.) Island of Socotra 18550 . Qymbil1In (Yetus), pro- Wcst Africa 18~06-7

" pallidlilus (Row.) Guatemala bos(lidulis (Lam.)

184.08-9 Sallinnus (Ree.) St. Domingo 18551 Tragulus Stanlcyanlls ... India 1841O-11 arenicola (Ban.) PorL Nntal 18552 Cast of fore-leg of Siva- Sivalik Hills, India

18412-3 spndiceus(Meuke) Port Natal therium giganteum 18414-5

" fln vicnns (Pf.) Andes, Peru 18553 Cast nf skull of E\ephas Si valik Hills, India

18416-7 piperata (Pt) ... Andes, Peru nomadieus 18418-9

" Meobambensis Andes, Perl!. 18554 Cast of skull of Blephns Sivalik Hills, India

(Pf,) hyslIdricus 18420-3

" Regina (Fer.) ... Andes, Peru 18555 Cast of skull of Elephas Sivalik Hills, India

18424-6 "

Yatesi (Pf.) ... Andes, Peru bombifrons 18427-8 ·albatus (Fer,) ' .• Island of Socotm 18556 Cast of skull of Masto- Sivalik Hills, India

18429-30 "

il1frafasciatus Liberia don Sivalensis (Gould) . 18,')57 Cervulus moschatus (Bl.) India

18431 "

Farami (Sow,) Madagnscar 18558 Cast of skull of Masto- Ohio, North America 18432 nuris-vul pina St, Helena don Ohioticus (BI.)

(Chem.) 18559 Cast of skull of Elephas SivaJik Hills 18433-4 Rammereri(Mor.) St. Croix, 'Vest Indies planifrons. 18435-6

" Guadaloupensis Guadalonpe ' 18561) Cast of skull of Siva- Sivalik Hills (Brug,) therium giganteum

18437-8 " Can tori (Phil.) Nankin, China 18561 Gena nigra (Quoy) ... New Zealand

18439 " sauguinea (Bens.) Mauritius 18562 Grus Montignesia (ske- China

18440 "

Lyol1etteusis Mauritius leton) (Lam,) 18563 Geronticns lEthiopiea Gambia

18441-2 "

Dussumieri Scychelles (skeleton) (Reeve) 18.'>64 Buteo jaclml (skeleton) South Africa

18443 meridionalis (Pf.) Caffmria 18565 Penelope purpuraeeus Central America 18444 platystomus (Pf.) Andes, Peru (skeleton) '.

18445-6 alto-peruvinuus Andes, Peru 18566 Conurus aureus (ske- South America (Reev.) leton)

18447-8 Lobbi (Reev.) ... An,les, Peru 18567 Picus minor (skeleton) England 18449-50

" P!ttasensis (Pi.) Andes, Peru 185E8 Crncticl1s gymnocepha- Borneo

18451-2 "

vespertinns (Pf.) Andes, Peru Ius (skeleton) 18453--4

" protractns and Andes, Peru 18569 Psophia crepitans (ske- Guiana

var, (Pf.) leton) 18455-8

" strigatus and vaT. Coxamaria, Peru 18570 Mimus therica (skeleton) North America . (Sow,) 18571 Agelaius phronicius (ske- England

18459 "

prrelextns (Ree.) Andes, Peru leton) 18460

" Humholdtianus Andes, Peru 18572 Tringacinclus (skeleton) England

(Reeve) , 18573 Tetraptery x parndisieus South Africa 18461-2

" stenaci ne (Pf.) Peru (skeleton)

18463-4 "

Williamsi (Pi.) Peru 18574 Gyps fulvus (skeleton) Africa 18465-6 scitulus (Reeve) Peru 18575 Helotarsus ecaudatus South Africa 1841i7-8 Voithianns (pr) Peru (skeleton)

18469-70 "

mutabilis (Brod) Peru 18576 Gall ophasis Horsfieldii India 18-171-2

" strintellus (Beck) Peru (skeleton) .

18473-4 "

derelictus (Brod.) Cobija, Peru 185i7 Stereorarius catharaclus Europe 18475-6

" versicolor (Brod.) Cam a MOlljon, Peru, (skeleton)

18477-8 "

affinis (Brod.).. Peru 18578 Ohlrophnga Sandwieh- Snnd wich Islands 18479-80 ero~us ... Peru ensis (skeleton)

18481 ". scutulatus(Brod,) PHU 18579 Ot,is tnrda (skeleton) ... Europe 18482

" Phillipi (PO... Perh 18:,80 Paux; mit.u (skeleton) ... Tropical America

18483 "

scalariformis PO.rtl 18581 Crax Alberti (skclet,on) Brazil (Brod.) 18582 Boihrops lanceolatus Mc>rtinique

18484-5 conspersus(Sow.) Peru' (skeleton)

Page 36: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

l\fuseum No~


18584 18585 18586 18587

18fi88 18589


18591 18592

18593 18594 IS595

18596 18597 18598


18600 18601 18602


18604 lS605 18606

18607 1860S


Name. Loc"Ut)" Dromaius Novre Hollandire Australia A

(skeleton) Pelamis bicoior (skeleton) Indian Seas Gulo luscus (skeleton),.. Lapland Hyrax capensis South Africll. Colobus vellerosus West AfriCt1

(skeleton) Castof skull of Gorilla .•• Presbytes entellus India

(skeleton) Plecotus communis England

(skeleto~) Melestaxus (skeleton)... Europe Cereoleptes caudivolvus Tropical America

(skeleton) Llama vicugna {skeleton) South America Pelea capreola (skeleton) Europe Myopotamus Coypus North America

(skeleton) Crelogenyspaca(skeleton) South America

, Cavia Spixii (skeleton) South America Rhizomys badius Pachelore

(skeleton) Dasyprocta Agouti South America

(skeleton) Mus musculus (skeleton) Madras Phoca vitulina(skeleton) Europe Dicotyles labiatus Brazils

(skeleton) Tragulus Stanley anus Ceylol!

(skeleton) Mustelafrenata (skeleton; Mexico Procyon 10\01' (skeleton) SOllth America Cercopithecus pygery- South Africa , thrus (skeleton)

Talpa leucura (skeleton) South Africa Manatus Senegalensis 'Vest AfriCa, Gaboon

(skeleton) Elephas .A:fdcanus Africa

(Loxodon) (skeleton)


){usenm No.



18612 18613


18615-19 18620



18623 18624


18626 18627 18628

18629-18630 18631

18632 '18633

18634 18635

18636-7 18638-9


18641 18642 18643

NalUe. l.ocatlty. Hippopotamus amphibius

(skull) Rhinoceros unicorn is

(skull) Bos tau rus (skull) Troglodytes Gorilla West Africa

(skeleton, adult, male) Troglodytes Gorilla West Afriea

(skeleton, adult, female) Casts of skulls of Monkeys Human skull ofthe Murray

tJ'ibe Human skull of the Ade­

laide tribe Human skull of the Port

I,incoln tribe Human skull (Black) ... Bison Amerieanus

(skeleton) Camelus Bactrianus

(skeleton) Bear (skeleton) ... Oryx Leucoryx (skeleton) Bos Indieus (skeleton, • female) Tapirus Indic'us(skeleton) Cervns aIres (skeleton) Portax tragocamelus India

(skeleton) Scalops aquaticus Canada Ardcola monticola Europe Galemyspyrenaica(Wag.) Europe Ortodon ClImingi (Ben.) Chili Otaria jubata (adult)... Australia

" jubata (young)... Australia StenorhYllchus leptonyx Australia

(adult) " Mitraglabra (Sow.) (!Jar.) Swan River I'hilander murinus (male) Brazils Sigmodon hispidum (Say) North America

Page 37: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



~etttonllI C!l:ommittee:


'1'he Committee of the National Gallery present the following Report for the yea: 1875 :-


The National Picture Gallery, referred to in the Report of 1874 as being nearly ready for the reception of the pictures, has been completed.

The pictures were removed from t4e old Gallery. and the new building was opened to the public on the 24th of May-the Queen's birthday. ,

, The walls not being sufficient.!y dry to be colored, the pictures have not been seen to the best advantage, but the Committee are engaged in selecting a suitable tint, which will be applied in the first instance in distemper, so that if any change should be found desh'able it may be made at a trifling expense, and the best color for the gallery eventually chosen for execution in oil. 'When this is effected the Gallery will be all that can be desired for the exhibition of the pictures, having been carefully designed and built to secure the best light, ventilation, and temperature. As a security against fire, an iron shutter has been erected at the entrance to the Gallery.


Mr. Bailliere, with the sanction of the Committee, has commenced a second series of photographs, of which six have been published.

No. 1. "Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers." By Charles West Cope, R.A. 2. "Jackson's Creek, Sunbury." By Henry Gritten. 3. "Depart du Fiance." By G. Koller. 4. "The Travelling Tinker." By E. Opie. 5. "A Mill Race." By C. J. Lewis. 6. " Bunyan in Prison." By G. F. Folingsby.


Four oil paintings have been purchased during the year:­(1.) "Flamborough Head." By Edwin Toovey. (2.) "Bay of Salerno." By F. R. Unterberger. (3.) "Jealous." By S. E. Waller. (4.) "·A Norwegian Fjord." By T. Duntze. (Appendix A, Schedule I.)

Two drawings have been purchased:-(1.) "View of King's College, Cambridge," a water-color drawing by G. R. Clarke. (2.) "Portrait of Napoleon I., in crayon. (Appendix A, Schedule II.)

In the Report of last year the Committee expressed a hope that the painting by John Rogers Herbert, R.A':', "The Descent of Moses from the Mount," would arrive soon after the opening of the new Gallel'y, In this they have been disappointed. Some delay has been caused by Mr. Herbert's desiring to know the wishes of the Committee in reference to a vacant space oocupied by a door-head in the original, in the House of Lords.

The Committee have communicated their wishes to Mr. Herbert, and expect to be advised of the shipment of the picture at an early date.

The Gallery of Portraits of Governors of the Australian Colonies has been enlarged by the addition of colored photographic portraits ofl:- . . .

(1.) His Excellency Sir George Bowen, Governor of Victoria. (2.) Colonel William Stewart, Governor of New South Wales. (3.) Sir Alfred Stephen, Acting Governor of New South Wales. (4.) Sir George Arney, Acting Govemor of New Zealand.

A colored portrait of Count Strzelecki has also been received. (Appendix A, Schedule III.) The collection of chromo-lithographs has been increased by the addition of seven plates of the

public~tion of the Arundel Society. (Appendix A, Schedule III.)


The Committee desire to acknowledge the receipt of a very handsome donation of four large photo-graph.s, pl'esented by Dr. Rowe:- •

1. View of St. Peter's, Rome. 2. View of the Colosseum. 3. View of the Forum. 4. Photograph of the Aurora, by Guido Reni, in the Rospigliosi Palace, Rome.

Page 38: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


Also two engravings, of Napoleon I. and the' Duke of Wellington, pres~nted by the exec!ltors of the late Dr. Greeves.

Lithographic portraits of Sir John Franklin and Admiml Sit· George Back, presented by J. J. ~hillillglaw, Esq. . . ',' '. . ."

And mallY dule IV.)

A sttttuette ,of Dr. Pdestley, from the statue by F. J. Williamson, erected at Birmingham, presented by Dr. Aubrey Bowen.

other miscellaneous donations, the' pal:ficulal's of which are annexed. (Appendix A,Sche-

One hundl'ed and eight oil and witter-color: ptLiritiugs and one engraving have been lent to Trnstees fOl'exhibition during tbe.y'ea,l; .18~5.,:'Pa.rt.icllla.r:s ~i1tb~..folll~~l,il:,4.PRy~dix A. Schedule V;



In the School of Painting there has beeu an att~lldance of fOl'ty-~ne 8t;lderits-seve~1 men and thirty-four women-showing 8:n increase, of fourteen durillg the year. i,'"

In the School of Design one hundred and fifty-two students have attended-forty-five men and boys, and one hundred and seven women. .' ,', ',t , '

The reports of the, masters of the Schools of POtinting and of Design are annexed. (Appendices A and B.), ' " ,

The attendance of visitors to the Pictnre and Sculpture Galleries during'1875 was 419,258, against 391,705 'for 1814, showing an' increase of 27i'553. ,I, ' , • : 1'1,,:

!: (~





To the Ci,dirman of the National Galle1'Y Committee. ' , I .. •• P,:',' . .,,: ~ ~ t'· :) • I •

SIR, In .Tannary 1875 the greater number. of students exliibited their copies of pictures in the Gallery, ana some original

works, together with the drawings' of' the 'School of DesjgD~ 'and judging from the general opinion,. to the satisfaction of the public, . , '.": , ,

One of the most advantageous changes that have been made in the Gall"ry was the removal of the oil paintings to the n€w Hall, commencing, in the beginning of May, '~hh "the' transport of the p!tinting~ ,to t,he new Gallery, and the reorganisation of the old one for water-colors, engravings; chromo.; 'Ioan jJictures, curiosWes, &c. The Trustees were enabled to open the new Gallery to the pultJic on the Queen's birthday. '

The walls of the new building-one of the largest halls of that kind in the world-not being dry enough to be colored, the effect of the paintings has not yet been so good as might be desired i but this defect will soon be r~medied ; and also, before many years, the number of pictures will have so much increased, that the present emptiness will be considerably lessened. , ' . ,',' , _ . ->

Owing to the new rule to keep the Gallery (with very rare exceptions) only for the,paintings belonging to the public, the pictnres and their frames will not continually be changed· and mo,'eel, with the risk or being injured; to make room for paintings lent to thc insLi~ution. O!,!c part o_t tile old G .... Uery is purposely reserved for loan pictures; this place gives also sufficient room for a classification. o~ the different stY)es of reproducing art, as in chromos, engravings, phutography, &c" &c. ' .' . '., .

Ol1e of the principal benefits derived from the new Gallery c0l18i_t8 in the brrcat difference of temperature between it and the old one-a difference of from ten to ,eleven degrees Fahrenheit-so that the works of art will no more he exposed loan injurious heat of from 96 to 98 degrees. '. .

A lluuib;er pf unframed chroll1os from the ArUllnel, Society's publieati011 ~p to the present year bave been framen, and will shortly be hun'g chronologiCnlly, affording instruction in'the history of' hr!., especially of the old Italian masters and their works in fresco painting. '. ..

:From the publication of photographs after the Gallery paintings, issued by Mr. Bailliere by permission of the Trustees. the C~mmitte!l: ollly ~u~seribed 'for copies;,of the· first s~ries, of twelv.e, the g~eater number of whieh were presented to il~fluelltial men in Great Britain, TI;t" secglld series of that useful work has been car.ried on by the publisher to'tl.esixth plate','so that cigbteenpictnres'h,we been pbotographed. ' ". • " .

,The number of'students·attimdirig the'School ,of Paitlting during the year 1875 was'larger than in previous yea'rs­in all forty-one. 'i'his increase is derived princip~lIy from the greater number of students who have passed from. the Se\1oolof Design.. ",', . ". ,,, J"

Respeetfu II y,

'., ',(Signed) . EUGENE VON GuERARD, Instructor in Painting and'Curator of the Gallery.

I '


Pictures painted in Oil colors Purchased dltrlng the Y~ar 1875. . "

N .;". 01 Picture . • , ,,:>'. '0

De.-5criptioi" Name of Artist. Size. Date received.

·d·, " ---~~'~~-~--,--

, Iuches. 1st Nove~lle~ '1;..

Toovey, Edwin ... Flamborough Head , .. ... Painted on canvas .:. 60 x 35 Unt,·ibcrger, F, R. ... Bay of Salerno ... .. . ... Painted on canvas .~'.' ' 4f1i x 45~ 1st No\'ember Waller, ~. E. ... Jealous . .. ... ... Painted Oil call\'us... 't9~ x . 2;,~ 1st No\'(:mber Duntze, '1', ... .. ' A Norwegian Fjord , .. ... Painte,l on,canvas .... 54!l- x 34~ 11th February IS,6

-' , :". 'J :' i.! ' ' .'" I·., , ".,

Page 39: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



Paintings in Water-colors and Crayon Drawings Purchased during the Yea1' 1875.

'I Nama of Artist. Name of Picture. - Description. Size. Date recetved~

Inches. Clarke, G. H. ... View of King's College, Cambridge ... Water-color ... 14~ x 23t 28th July Unknown ... . .. Portrait of Napoleon I. ... ... Crayon drawing ... 24 x 19 14th April


Paiuted PllOtograpltic Port1'aits, ~·c., Purchased during the Year 1875.



His Excellency Sir George "Bowen, Governor of Victoria Count Strzelecki Colonel William Stewart, Govcruor of New South ,"V,tles Sir Alfred Stephen, Acting Governor of New South Wales Sir George Arney, Acting Governor of New Zealand

.. ~,


Publicationjor 1874 oj the Arundel Society, Landon. No.1.. Virgin and Child with St. LOfl;llzo No.2. ·St. John the Baptist with St. Benedict No. '3. Adoration of the Magi No.4. St. Ursula and her Virgius No.5.' St. Gereon and his War'riors ... ,

First Publicationjor 1875. No.1. The Deposition from the Cross, by Pietro LorenzetH NO.2. Pope Sixtus IV. and his Courtiers, by Melozzo da Foili ...


Pair of Mexi~an Spurs, inlaid with gold


Donations Received during the Year 1875.



Four large Framed Photographs :-No. I. View of St. Peter's, Rome '" No.2. View of the Colosseum No.3. View of the Forum No.4. of the Aurora, by Guido Heni, in the Rospi-

gliosi Palace, Rome ... ... ... ... Nine Photographs of the interior of the Melbourne Exhibition, 1875


Two Framed 'Engravings:-No. 1. The Duke of Wellington No.2. Napoleon I. '


Portrait of Sir John Franklin ... ... Portrait of Admira.l Sir George Back _'"


A collection of objects used by Kaffirs :-One Assegai ... ... .. . One long-knobbed Kerrie or Walking-stick ... Two Snuff Boxes ... ... .. . Oue carved wooden Spoon ........ .

Bronze Arrow-point, found a.bout one foot below surfac(! of ground on a farm in Glengairn, !Iear BallaLer, .t\berdeenshire ... ...


Dat. received.

I \ 18th January

llth December ...

} llth January ...

} 21st January ...

f 16th January

20th November ...



16 ,x ll~ 16 x Il! 16 x llk 16 x ll! 16 x lli

Date received.

16th April 16th April 25th June 25th .Iune 21st December

26th February

6th December

••• 11th January

Namc of Donor.

Dr. Rowe

The Commissioners

Dr. Greeves

J. J. Shillinglaw, Esq.

W. Shuter and R. Gracie, EsqR.

J. Mackenzie, Esq.

Statuette of Dr. Priestley, from the s,tatue by F. J, Williamson, erected at'Birmiligbam - .... ' ... ' ... 24th December... Dr. Aubrey Bowen

Page 40: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,



List of Oil and Water-color Paintings, Engravings, and other Objects Lent to the Gallery during the' . Year 1875. -

Name of Artist.

Pille, H. Browne, J. L.

Bondig Delpy. H. C. Unknown

Unknown Sl1poriti, S.

Heaphy, T. Ansden, R., R.A. Morland

Lipriaui Cabiauci Lessore Taprio Laborne, Emile Vi bert, G. J.

Name of Painting.


Sancho Panza before the Duchess .... Frederick the Great and his Aide-

de-camp Bay de Kerbieon, Fillisterre I,andscape, Evening ... Portrait of a Lady ... .. . 73 Paintings (oil and water-color) .. . 12 Paintings (oil and water-color) .•• Two Sl1ints ... '" ... Landscape 7 Oil Pain tings •.• ... Portmit of William Howitt The Intruders Landscape with Sheep


Italian Peasants ... Venice. 17th century Figure Subjects ... Italian Girl Fishing Boats Figure in red costume




57l x 45

it x 10 28 x 14 24 x 14 36 x 28

various various 30 x: 21

31! x 16 various

28 x 37 72 x 37 34 x 28

10~ x 18 24 x 10 10 x 14

10~ x 16 ll~ x 8t IO~ x 10

Painted on


callvas Cl1nvas canvas canvas

canvas canVI1S

canvas canvas canvas

paper paper paper paper paper paper

Dute Received'.

7th Jan.

7th .Jan. 7th Jan. 7th ,Ja,n. 5th June 23rd Feb. 23rd ApI. 2nd July 15th July 28th Aug. 2nd Nov. 18th Dec. 18th Dec.

7th Jan. 7th Jan. 7th Jan. ith Jau. 7th Jan. 7th Jan.

Lent by Date Returned. -

J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March

J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March ,f. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March T. Morris, Esq .... R. n. Ronald, Esq. P.Lalor,Esq.,M.P. J Wood, Esq. Capt. Standish H. Wilson, Esq .. " A. Howitt. Esq. '" W. J. Clarke, Esq. S. J. Payne, Esq.

J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March J. L. Lyon. Esq.... 20th March J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th Ml1rch J. L. Lyon, Esq.... 20th March

The Triumph of Christianity over Paganism ... I 16th Nov.' W. H. Rocke, Esq. ,

A Malay Kriss

!\fiss Amy Bennett, Miss Margaret Black, Miss Daisy Butler, Miss H. Chambers, Miss Rosa, Miss Selenl1 Coates, Miss Clara Collins, Miss Alma Cutter, Miss Edith Cutter, Miss Mary Jane Fraser, Miss M. Hamilton, Miss Ceei Laing,

Mr. Robert Camm, - Mr. William Chlrke,

Mr. Charles Cook.




Miss Mary Lcwellin, Miss M. H. Livingston, Mrs. Laplace, Miss Malvina Manton, Mrs. McGowan, Miss M. Menzies, Miss Havelock Miller,

• Miss E. L. J. Mount, Miss Sara O'Brien, Miss Mary Parkes, Miss Charlotte Parsons,


Mr. Christopher Cutter, Mr. John Jeffrey,


J.C.l\ifaclaine, Esq.

Miss Emmeline Pritchard, Miss Maggie Quick, Miss Rosllmonde Scott, Miss Ella Simpson, Miss Clara Smyth, l\Iiss A. I,. Smy'th, Miss Henrietta Taylor, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Helen Thomson, Miss Alexa W'atsou, Miss .Jeannie Watson.

Mr. J. N. McArthur, Mr. George Sherriff'.


To the Chairman of the National Gallery Committee.

SIR, A taste and love of art has been so universally disseminated through the Schools of Design, or as they-are now more

correctly called Schools of Art, that it is needless to dwell upou their excellence, utility, or popularity. Their influence upon trade and manufacture is also well known; it is therefore desirable that we should do our u~most to establish and cultivate such ins~itutions among us, espeeially as a new colony will have the taste and education of the old world to contend witll. ..

I heg again to urge the desirability of annual prizes which will stimulate the students to greater elCertions, especially if the prizes are of some intrinsic mlue; but I do not recommend that money should be given as fonuerly in the schools of the United Kingdom, which system is now abandoned for models and certificates. I am still anxious that some of the silver pallets from my design should be given as prizes.

For the convenience of study it is desirable that we have proper desks and appliances, in order that the board and copies may be placed at the 'proper angles. I would also recommend that thc statues of which we have duplicates, such as the ., Fighting Gladiator," Howden's anatomical figure, and "Venus de Medici," be exchanged for the "SHenus," the " Infant Bacchus," and the" Hercules,'" geometrical models, and some good casts of hands anc] feet; also to paint the busts and statues that are not so.

I,have the honor to be, Sir, • Your wost obedient servant,

(Signed) THOMAS CLARK, Master of the School of Design.

II -

Page 41: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


Hobert Barnes ... Arthur Beard ... :Edward Blake ... William Bonney 'Villiam Burmeister Charles Byrne ... Henry Byrne .•• James Byrne Joan Campbell .•. • Tohn Clark John Earl • Toseph Edwards VV al tel' }'reeman 'fhomas Grant ... William Halligan Robert Hayes Arthur Hill Ebenezer Hill Harry Hill George Honeycomb William Horne .. . Nicholas Hunt .. . James Lambie .. .


Caroline Armour .Tulia Bakewell Amy Beard Charlotte Bevan Minnie Bevan lfellI:ietta Billing Mary Billing Margaret Black Helen Bowie Martha Brake Aliee Carpenter 1<~lizabeth Clark Clara Collins Emily Collis Jessie Corbett Florence Courtis Mary Crawford Alma CuLter :Mary Dangerfield • T,ulia De Mole Blizabeth Dickson Lsabel Dickson Amy lJight Alice Dillon ].;nen Dillon Margaret Dillon Fannie Duke Kate Duvall Marian Fischer Georgina Galbrecht Mary Gardyne Catherine Garton Annie Gibbes Bessie Giblin Antoinette Glennie Frances Grant



Occupation. NlttHo. Occupation.

Teacher. Clerk. Coachpainter. I~itbographer. Engraver.

Artist. Architect. Butcher. Clerk • Decorator. Clerk. Decorator. Architect.

Clerk. Coachpainter. Decorator.


William Lambie Amille Marks ... Jacob Marks William McArthur Frederick McCubbin David lfeikle ... Edward Minehen Jemerson Moore Thomas Passmore Hugh Paterson ... Frederick Pohlman Thomas Roberts James Sayer John Sayer

• George Seamark George Sherriff Thomas Sibly ... John Sloss Ronald Smith '" John Sommers .. . John Walpole .. . Donald Wilson ...


ElectroplateI'. .J oiner. ' Coachpainter.

ArList. Clerk. Decorator. Artist.


Decorator. Bnilder .

J~ngineer. Clerk. Engineer. Decorator. Coachtrimmer.



Teacher. Teacher.

'reacher. Teacher.



Teacher .


Na~~!~:.;:~: .. Georgina Harrison Abby Hart Bessie Hart .Tane Hastie I,ily Heales Charlotte Hearu Alice Hodgkinson Oeciiia Hordern Lucv Horsfall Mal:y Horsfall Alice Huggins Cecilia Hliggins Emily Jenkins Sarah Jenkins Alice J,eimillgs I.izza J enyns Edith .Judd Mary Ann Kirkus HaynahLevy Aunie Lewtas Ada Macfarlane Caroline Marks Christina Martin }'ina· Martin Florence Mathias Annie Mayes, G~rtrude McCarthy Luey McCheane Annie McCormaek Lonisa Meaclway Mary Ann Merrett Helene Michaelis cI'{ris'iihiC},{illar Irene C. Miller Mary Neely J nlia Nicbolson






.Teacher.' Teacher. Teacher. I . 'I).



Caroline O'Shea Lucy O'Shea Emma Pal'i~h :Edith Parker J cuny Pearce Agness Pohlmall Charlotte l{a!ston Minnie Russell Edith Sandford Elizabeth Seyler I,omsa Scy ler Aunie Sinipson Jessie Simpson Lizzie Smith Matilda Smith Nellie Smith Amy Speakman Emma Stone Grace Stone Harriet Stokes .Jane Sutherland Ethel Thomas bah Thomas ::\fal'Y Treacy Blanche Vasey mIen Vasey Charlotte Walker Mary Walter Edith Warnock Clara Weare Aliee Whitton 1\'+.t1ri~ Widgery :Lizetta Wright Alice Young Harriet Young





Teacher. Teacber. Teach~r.


Teacher. Teacher.

Page 42: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,

I •



~tltHonal <!tOmmittllf:

His Honor Mr. JUSTICE BARRY, Chairman;



The Building .and General Committee have the honor to report ;-

The new Picture Gallery is now completed; a temporary covered way has been erected to allow of approach from the old Gallery; an iron shutter has been fixed at the entrance door as a protection against fire.

The structure. erected for the Intercolonial Exhibition, at It cost of £2,000, has been handed over to the Trustees, and has been converted into a Lectnre Theatre and Laboratories, in connection with the Industrial and Technological Museum.

The gronnds fronting the Library have been laid out; new flagging and asphalte have been supplied.

The application for a sum of £600* for iron railings in the west front of the grounds,facing Swanston street, has. been favorably received by the Government, and the work will be commenced so soon as the money has been voted by Parliament.

>I< NOTE.-Tbis amount has since been, voted by Parliament.

--------~--------... -.................. ..........

Page 43: PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEU~IS, NATIONAL GALLERY · director of the national museu~l prok'essoh l}locoy. the master of sohool of painting and ourator of fine art gallery. eugene von guerard,


~ g

~I ~I Z/ ~I

JI ~I ,t; i

13' ',. I 'J:!

II ~i!i


f J:! !"


On account of the Financial Year 1874-5.

Date. Parliamentary Grant.

-----,--------------------, 1874-5.


Div. 13, Subdiv. I, 2.

To 1. Salaries 2. Contingencies , ..


Div. 13, Subdiv. 3; 4.

To 3. Salaries 4. Contingencies ...


Div. 13, Subdiv. 5, 6.

To 5, Salaries 6. Contingencies

Supplementary Estimates


Div. 13, Subdiv. 7, 8.

To 7. Salaries 8. Contingencies ...


, Div. 13, Subdiv. 9, 10.

I 'ro 9. Salaries 10. Contingencies

I (Signed) ROB]~RT CURTIS,

Clerk to the Trustees.

Amount. Amount. Total. Amount. II Date. I Expenditure. I Amonnt. I -11-· -1-------/ I d. 1874-5. I . PUBU.C LIBRARY. I. £ 8. d. I

II' I DIV. 13, SubdlV. 1,2. I I s. d. £ £ s. d. £ s. £ s. d.

2,295 0 0 3,350 0 0

840 0 0 1,350 0 0

1,335 0 0 650 0 0 200 0 0

850 0 0

690 0 0 1,500 0 0

5,645 0

2,190 0

2,185 0

2,190 0

II I By 1. Salaries ...... 'I i I 2. Contingencies 3,346 5 1 I Balance lapsed 3 14 11 I, ---.

O· II 'I

2,295 0 0

3,350 0 0

I )1






INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM. Div. la, Subdiv. 3, 4.

By 3. Salaries ... Balance lapsed

4. Contingencies Balance lapsed

NATIONAL MUSEUM. Div. 13, Subdiv. 5, 6.

By 5. Salarics ... 6. Contingcncies

Balance lapsed

NATIONAL GALLERY. Div. 13, Subdiv. 7, 8.

By 7. Salaries ... 8. Contingencies

Balance lapsed

GENERAL STAFF. Div. 13, Subdiv. 9, 10.

By 9. Salaries ...

838 15 9 143

840 0 0 1,191 17 1

158 2 11 1,350 0 0

1,335 0 0 841 17 3 829

1- 850 0 0

1,445" 4 4 690 0 0 54 15 8

1,500 0 0

575 0 0 50 0 0 o II

I~~ g g I II

Balance lapsed

10. Contingencies Balance lapsed

625 0 0 1,072 15 8 •

157 4 4 '- 1,230 0 0


£ $. d. i

5,645 0 0

2,190 0 0

2,185 0 0

2,190 0 0 '

1,855 0 0 ----I~~~

£ 14,065 0 0 £1 14,065 0 0

(Signed) EDWARD LANGTON, Acting Treasurer.

The above aceount of Receipts and Expenditure of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery, received by us on 19th February 1876, has been examined, and found correct

Audit Office, Melbourne, 26th February 1876. (Signed) C. H. SYMONDS.


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