Page 1: Public notices - Thermopolis Independent Record · Richert, Tobi Johansen, Robin Roling and Sonja Johansen. After three calls for further public com-ment, receiving none, Chairman




June 7, 2016

The Hot Springs Board of County Commission-ers met in regular session on Tuesday, June 21, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room at the Government Annex. Present were Com-missioners John Lumley, Brad Basse and Tom Ryan. Also present were County Attorney Jerry Williams, County Clerk Nina Webber and Admin-istrative Assistant to the Commissioners Penny Herdt. Chairman Lumley led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda Tom Ryan moved to approve the agenda with

the following additions:Other Business 7. Carryover of HSG

Entitlement Funds8. Red Lane Groundwater Study Grant Application Support Letter

Brad Basse seconded the motion. Motion car-ried.

Courthouse Security DiscussionThis item was placed on the agenda at Judge

Thomas Herrington’s request, but Judge Her-rington was ill and unable to attend. Judge Rob-ert Skar joined the meeting by phone to discuss the progress made by the Courthouse Security Committee, as well as the security recommenda-tions resulting from the visit from the State Fire Marshall and State Electrical Inspector. Chuck Carver reported that he has ordered the lighted EXIT signs and the panic bars for the District Courtroom. April Andreen reviewed the minutes of the last Security Committee meeting. The next meeting of the Courthouse Security Committee will be in August. April will notify the Commissioners when a specifi c date has been set. The National Center for State Courts will be coming to Ther-mopolis in October for a security assessment tour of the courthouse to identify security needs that might be eligible for funding from that agency.

Maternal & Child Health Memorandum of Understanding

Public Health Manager Marie McDougall pre-sented the Maternal & Child Health MOU with the State Dept. of Health for the Commissioners’ review. The County Attorney has reviewed this MOU and has no objections to it. Brad Basse moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the State Department of Health and Hot Springs County providing for Maternal & Child Health services in the amount of $23,631.00, for the term of July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

County Health Offi cer ResignationDr. Howard Willson submitted a letter of res-

ignation from his position as the County Health Offi cer, effective immediately. Brad Basse moved to accept Dr. Willson’s resignation with deep re-gret. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Discussion: a letter will sent to Dr. Willson thanking him for his many years of service to the County. Motion

carried. Clerk Webber will advertise the open-ing immediately, with appointment of the County Health Offi cer to be made at the July 5th meeting.

HSC 4-H Extension Educator Contract Agreement

Tom Ryan moved to approve the Salary Contri-bution Agreement between the University of Wy-oming and Hot Springs County for the services of the HSC 4-H Extension Educator Joey Johnson in the amount of $24,426.00 annually for the time period of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2107. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Golf Board Hangar Lease AgreementThe Commissioners reviewed a proposed lease

agreement from the Legion Town & Country Club for use of the green hangar at 158 Airport Road. Brad Basse moved to accept the lease proposal from the LTCC for the green hangar located at 158 Airport Road allowing the LTCC to use the hangar for $100.00/month, with the electricity costs to be borne by the LTCC. The hangar will be leased on a month-to-month basis until a master plan for disposition of the old airport is developed. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

WBI Energy Transmission Temporary Ap-proach Agreement

Tom Ryan moved to approve the application for a Temporary Approach Agreement from WBI Energy Transmission for work at Site #2, located on County Road 15-6 in Section 18, T43N-R94W. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Discussion: All required fees have been received. Road & Bridge Supervisor Dave Schlager has reviewed the appli-cation and has no objections to it. Motion carried.

SLIB Funds Reallocation ApplicationsSRE Building to Dispatch Upgrade – Tom Ryan

moved to approve the SLIB application to transfer $18,000.00 from the SRE Building project to the Dispatch Upgrade project. John Lumley seconded the motion. Brad Basse abstained from discussion and voting as he is a potential contractor for the Dispatch Upgrade project. Motion carried.

Fairbuilding Floor to Multi-Purpose Building Roof – Action on this application was tabled to the June 30th meeting to allow time for quotes to be received for heat tape for the gutters and tin for the interior walls.

Other BusinessT-Hangar Update – Commissioner Basse report-

ed that the Fire Marshall’s offi ce is now requiring masonry wall separation between the individual T-hangars. Brad Basse moved to approach GDA Engineers with a request to facilitate the resolu-tion of design and code compliance issues regard-ing the T-hangars at the new airport (HSG). Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Discussion: Funds to come from leftover airport grant match funds. Mo-tion carried. Tom Ryan moved to extend the dead-line for moving the T-hangars from HSC airport to HSG airport to September 1, 2016. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Airport Project Job Trailer Disposal – Brad Basse moved to begin the process of selling the airport job trailer at HSG, accepting GDA’s offer of assistance with the mechanics of selling said trailer. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New York Life Insurance Offering – NYL rep-resentatives Greg Willson, Ed Sapp and Dan Christensen were present to answer any further questions the Commissioners might have regard-ing their proposal to provide voluntary life insur-ance to County employees and their families. Tom Ryan moved to offer County employees and their families the opportunity to purchase life insur-ance via post-tax payroll deduction from New York Life Insurance Company. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Discussion: There will need to be at least fi ve policies signed up for to use the payroll deduction. New York Life employees will handle all the enrollment, customer service, etc. and will coordinate with the Clerk’s offi ce on implementa-tion and payroll deductions. Motion carried.

Inmate Housing Discussion – The State De-partment of Corrections has been investigating the possibility of delegating their sex offender inmate treatment program to the county level throughout the state. Sheriff Falgoust informed the Commissioners that he was not in favor of this idea for Hot Springs County due to lack of space, detention staff and program expertise. No action was required at this time.

FAA AIP-03-HSC-03-RFR-18/WYDOT-Aero-nautics Division THP-11D RFR #18 - Final – Clerk Webber presented FAA AIP-03 and WYDOT-Aero-nautics Division THP-11D RFR #17 - Final for the Commissioners’ approval. Tom Ryan moved ap-proval of FAA Project 3-56-0043-03 RFR #18-Fi-nal in the amount of $11,451.82. Brad Basse sec-onded the motion. Motion carried. Brad Basse moved approval of WYDOT-Aeronautics Division Project THP-11D RFR #18-Final in the amount of $1,017.56. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Mo-tion carried.

Museum Roof / Façade Repair SLIB Grant Draft Request #4 – Tom Ryan moved to approve SLIB Grant Draft Request #4 for the Museum Roof Re-placement & Historical Façade Repair project in the amount of $5,326.85. John Lumley seconded the motion. Discussion: Brad Basse abstained from the discussion and vote due to his status as a subcontractor on this project. Motion carried.

Carryover of HSG Entitlement Funds – As the FAA will not be issuing any grants to Hot Springs County this year, Jesse Lyman (FAA-Wyoming State Engineer) has asked for Commission ap-proval to carryover the remaining $150,000.00 in HSG entitlement funds to the next fi scal year so they might be used on a future project in Hot Springs County. Tom Ryan moved to concur with the carryover of the remaining entitlement funds to next year by action of the board. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Basse will notify Mr. Lyman of the Board’s con-currence via email with a copy to the Commis-sioners. Motion carried.

Red Lane Groundwater Study Grant Applica-tion – Support Letter – Tom Ryan moved to ap-prove the chairman’s signature on a letter of sup-port for the Hot Springs Conservation District’s application for funding for a groundwater study on Red Lane. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Motion carried.

CorrespondenceHSC Assessor – VanBuskirk Split Notifi cationFair Board Minutes – May, 2016Rep. Nathan Winters – Mead Approach LetterLibrary Board Minutes – May, 2016WYDOT – STIP Meeting Date Notifi cation

Public notices PAGE 10 June 30, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation – Snowmelt Run-off Forecast

Carol Pickett – Thank YouCatherine Holton – Thank YouThe Commissioners reviewed the foregoing cor-

respondence items. A letter will be written to Ms. Holton thanking her for her service to the Library Board. No additional action was required.

Public Hearing – Hospital Specifi c Pur-pose Tax Ballot Initiative

Chairman Lumley reviewed the ground rules for the public hearing on the specifi c tax initiative and declared the public hearing open at 7:00 p.m. Citizens speaking to the issue of placing the Hos-pital Specifi c Purpose Tax on the General Elec-tion ballot included Tobi Johansen, Joe Casciato, Carol Pickett, Stephanie Richert, Harry Hughes, Breez Daniels, Carl Dockery and Sharon Skiver. After three calls for further public comment, re-ceiving none, Chairman Lumley declared the pub-lic hearing closed at 7:18 p.m. Brad Basse moved approval of Resolution 2016-10 placing the ques-tion of imposition of a 1% specifi c purpose sales and use excise tax to raise $16,400,000.00 for the construction, expansion, remodeling, renova-tion, furnishing and equipping of the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital on the ballot for the General Election to be held on November 8, 2016. Tom Ryan seconded the motion. Discussion: Com-missioner Basse noted that a resolution must also be approved by two-thirds of the municipalities within the County supporting this issue before it can be placed on the ballot. Motion carried.

Public Hearing – Hospital District For-mation/Board of Directors Election Ballot Initiative

Chairman Lumley reviewed the ground rules for the public hearing on the hospital district for-mation/Board of Directors election initiative and declared the public hearing open at 7:20 p.m. Citi-zens speaking to the issue of placing the question of Hospital District Formation/Board of Directors Election on the General Election ballot included Joe Casciato, Roger Shanor, Sharon Skiver, Phil Scheel, Jerry Williams, Carol Pickett, Stephanie Richert, Tobi Johansen, Robin Roling and Sonja Johansen. After three calls for further public com-ment, receiving none, Chairman Lumley declared the public hearing closed at 7:42 p.m. Tom Ryan moved approval of Resolution 2016-11 placing the question of the formation of a hospital district in Hot Springs County and election of the initial District Board of Directors on the ballot for the General Election to be held on November 8, 2016. Brad Basse seconded the motion. Motion carried.

County Resolutions 2016-10 and 2016-11 are available for review in the County Clerk’s offi ce

AdjournThere being no further business to come before

the board, Tom Ryan moved to adjourn. John Lum-ley declared the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Attest:_________________ ________________John P. Lumley, Nina Webber, Chairman Clerk to the Board

Pub. June 30, 2016 No. 7816


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Page 2: Public notices - Thermopolis Independent Record · Richert, Tobi Johansen, Robin Roling and Sonja Johansen. After three calls for further public com-ment, receiving none, Chairman


Pursuant to Section 16-6-116 of the Wyoming Statutes, latest revision, Notice is hereby given that Town of Thermopolis, Wyoming has been advised that the work on Cedar Ridge Tank Painting has been completed according to the plans and specifi-cations and rules set forth in the Contract between the Town of Thermopolis, Wyoming, the Owner, and Carr Coatings, LLC, the Contractor, and said Con-tractor is entitled to final settlement therefore. All persons, firms or corporations who have any claims for work done or equipment/materials furnished on said work are hereby notified that final payment will be made to said Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Contract after the 41st day (July 27, 2016) following the first publication of this Notice. This Notice does not relieve the Contractor and the sureties on their bond from any claims for work or labor done or materials or supplies furnished in the execution of the Contract.

/s/ Town of Thermopolis, WY

Pub. June 16, 23 & 30, 2016 No. 7801





You are hereby notified that on the 14th day of June, 2016, the Last Will and Testament of decedent was admitted to probate by the above-named court, and that DEBORAH K. BRISTER was appointed Personal Representative thereof. Any action to set aside the Will shall be filed in the Court within three months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or thereafter be forever barred.

Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the decedent or to decedent's estate are requested to make immediate payment to the Estate of Eddie P. Brister, c/o Williams Law Office,339 Arapahoe Street, Thermopolis, Wyoming 82443, Thermopo-lis, Wyoming 82443.

Creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to file them in duplicate with the necessary vouchers, in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before three months after the date of the first publication of this notice, and if such claims are not so filed, unless otherwise allowed or paid, they will be forever barred.

DATED this 20th day of June, 2016.

___________________________ Deborah K. Brister Personal Representative

Pub. June 23, 30 & July 7, 2016 No. 7810

State of Wyoming ) ) ssCounty of Hot Springs.... ) County Treasurer's OfficeJuly 19th, 2016

Notice is hereby given that I, Julie Mortimore, the duly appointed, qualified and acting county trea-surer within and for the county and state aforesaid, will on the 19th day of July A.D. 2016, at the Court-house Annex, Thermopolis, WY in the county and state aforesaid, offer for sale the following described real estate for taxes due and unpaid. The real es-tate will be sold subject to any special assessments for local or public improvements. Said sale shall take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. of said day and will be continued from day to day, Saturdays and Sundays excepted, until all of said land has been sold. Personal Property listed below the real property will be advertised again and sold at a later date.

Sign up will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. the day of the sale, in the Treasurer's office at 415 Arapahoe St.

The real property to be offered at said sale, togeth-er with the taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the same is described as follows, to wit:

Owner's Name and Description of Property and

Total Amount for Which Property will be sold + $10.00 Certificate Fee+

District 100 ~ Rural000223-APLAND, JERE & DONNA-Site Ad-dress:1450 ARAPAHOE ST 43-95-35 SENESW FR TOTAL ACRES .96 -------------------------- $594.29000068-JONES, CYNTHIA MARIE-Site Ad-dress:1145 MISSOURI FLAT RD 8N-4E-15 FR 8N-4E-16 FR 1.73 ACRES WITHIN OWL CREEK IRRIGATION DISTRICT (MIDDLE & UPPER)-LEGAL IS AS FOLLOWS: TR IN NENW SEC 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ $703.10 000326-WIGHT ALBERT R & HERLI P-Site Address:HWY 20 N 44-94-6 LOT 10 (LESS 6 A) TOTAL ACRES 29.0 ------------------------------- $87.97

District 101~South Thermopolis Water District004030-WEAVER,STEVEN & KIMBERLY S-Site Address: 203 LANE 8 42-95-11 TR IN LOT 2 DESC BY METES & BOUNDS TOTAL ACRES 2.20 ----------------------------------------------------- $301.19

Public notices June 30, 2016 PAGE 11

District 102~Lucerne Water District003970-OWSLEY,R J-Site Address:743 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD 44-94-32 TR IN S/2NW, N/2SW (LESS FR IN THE NWSW 7.378 AC) TOTAL ACRES 14.793 14.793 ACRES WITHIN OWL CREEK IRRI-GATION DISTRICT (LOWER) PERSONAL PROP-ERTY - RJ OWSLEY --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- $599.18001743-OWSLEY,RJ-Site Address:761 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD 44 94 32 FR IN RAILROAD ROW TOTAL ACRES 6.89 ----------------------------- $969.01

District 106~Red Lane Water & Sewer District 000866-BOREN,BRANDON & TYLER SHILA-Site Address: 291 ROAD 5 ARTOIS SUBDIVI-SION BLK 2 LOT 1 AND N 116' OF LOTS 6,7,8 AND FRACTION 45' WIDE W OF LOT 8(.12 A) TOTAL ACRES 1.88 ----------------------------- $874.76

District 109~Owl Creek Water District 0 0 3 6 6 3 - S A G E V A L L E Y I N C C / O FRANKS,JULIUS A & REBECCA J-Site Ad-dress:337 GEORGIA ST SAGE VALLEY SUBD LOT 37 ------------------------------------------------ $322.49

District 151~Town of Kirby002840-BRUCKNER,WILLIAM J & BILLIE L C/O BULMAN, DALE & MABEL-Site Address:108 W 6TH ST KIRBY OT BLK 4 LOTS 13-19 AND LOTS 21-24 MOBILE HOME- 1972 CENTURY 14' X 62' DECAL #007 ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- $295.81002882-DIEU,PETER E C & JAMI J-Site Ad-dress:107 W MAIN ST KIRBY OT BLK 5 LOTS 7-12 ---------------------------------------------------- $519.18003174-PRICE,LAN L C/O PRICE,NORMAN-Site Address: 113 W MAIN ST KIRBY OT BLK 5 LOTS 5-6 --------------------------------------------- $132.36

District 152~Town of Thermopolis003877-ALCORN,JONDI-Site Address:700 FRE-MONT ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLOCK 12 LOTS 23-24 --------------------------------------------------- $475.76002049 -BELL,RUTH A ETAL C /O LAWSON,JUANITA-Site Address:429 CLARK ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 17 LOTS 8-9 -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- $538.77001398-BRIGHT,TERRY L & CHANDRA L-Site Address:628 RICHARDS ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 52 LOT 14 E 20' LOT 15 W 20' -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- $176.41001074-COGDILL,TERRY J & JESSICA J-Site Address:1028 AMORETTI ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 47 LOTS 16-18 ---------------------- $447.77001906-DINSMORE,SCOTT D & TWYLA J-Site Address: 1511 FREMONT ST CANDY HILLS SUBD LOT 20 -------------------------------------- $505.05002303-GRANGER,CHARLES-Site Address:224 CLARK ST MCMANIGALS 3RD BLK 11 LOT 18 $195.40002417-GRANGER,CHARLES-Site Address:230 CLARK ST MCMANIGALS 3RD BLK 11 LOT 17 $191.60002186-LARSON,TONY A & LISA G-Site Ad-dress:1327 ODELL AVE REALING ADDN BLK 2 LOT 3 ----------------------------------------------- $931.67001613-LEATHERS,ANNE ELIZABETH-Site Address:321 S 6TH ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 15 LOT 13 S 70' LOT 14 S 70' OF W ½ --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- $778.23001441-PRICE,LAN L C/O PRICE,NORMAN-Site Address: 227 FREMONT ST MCMANIGALS 3RD BLK 11 LOTS 7-12 MOBILE HOME- 1959 FRONTIER 20' X 50' DECAL #246 ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- $424.04002635-STEINFELD,JANET-Site Address:316 S 4TH ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 16 LOTS 23-24 N 1/2 MOBILE HOME 1995 MEDALLION 56' X 28'DECAL #303 --------------------------------- $791.72002062-WEBER,RAEAN ET AL-Site Address:117 FREMONT ST MCMANIGALS 3RD BLK 10 LOT 4 W/2 LOTS 5-7---------------------------------------------------------------------------$292.19001008-WILKINSON,JOHN & AMY-Site Ad-dress:518 ARAPAHOE ST THERMOPOLIS OT BLK 22 LOTS 19-21 COMMERCIAL {This property has CP’s for back Taxs -------------------------------- $689.75

Personal Property (without real property)-to be sold at a later date:006629-TERRYS CONSULTING INC-Site Ad-dress:1690 OWL CREEK RD Terrys Consulting Inc Personal Property------------------------------ $84.73003223-WALLINGFORD AMBER -Site Adddress:1157 COWBOY MINE RD MOBILE HOME-1995 CHAMPION 16'X 76' DECAL #02 $106.14006595-WHITE,JOSEPH-Site Address:945 MUD CREEK RD Personal Property - Joseph White ---$89.43003876-WEAVER,STEVEN G-Site Address:203 LANE 8 MOBILE HOME-1999 LIBERTY 30'X 76' DECAL #305 ----------------------------------- $587.90002931-RIDDLE,MONA LISA-Site Address:568 E SUNNYSIDE LN MOBILE HOME-1999 PALM HARBOR 28'X 40' VIN PH202871 DECAL #068 $380.12004466-YETTER,CONNIE LYNN C/O Y E T T E R , B R A N D O N M O R R I S & REINBOLD,VONNIE KAY-Site Address:770 ROAD 11 MOBILE HOME- 1980 MAGNOLIA 14' X 68' DECAL # 186 -------------------------------- $74.59003812-BRUCKNER,BILLIE LOU & WILLIAM J C/O BULMAN,DALE & MABEL-Site Ad-dress:100 W 6TH ST MOBILE HOME 1972 BILT-MORE 12X52 DECAL #547 --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $59.03004679,BULMAN,DALE & BULMAN,MABEL-Site Address: 108 W 6TH ST MOBILE HOME - 1976 SKYLINE 14' X 66' DECAL # 207 ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $39.29004789-KESSLER,BRADY & KRISTEN D-Site Address:120 E 5TH ST MOBILE HOME 1995 CHAMPION VIN 0598688668 16' X 80' DECAL # 108 ----------------------------------------------------- $225.42001505-ACTION COOLING & HEATING INC-PERSONAL PROPERTY - ACTION COOLING & HEATING INC -------------------------------------- $61.63006520-AHRENS PORCELAIN RESTORA-

TION-Site Address:441 MAIDEN ST P.P. - AHRENS PORCELAIN RESTORATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $36.08004266-ALCORN,JONDI DBA SAWDUST FAC-TORY (THE)-Site Address:700 FREMONT ST PERSONAL PROPERTY - SAWDUST FACTORY (THE ----------------------------------------------------- $33.93006605-BANGKOK THAI RESTAURANT C/O PETER JAROENCHISAKON-Site Address:512 BROADWAY ST Personal Property - Bangkok Thai Restaurant -------------------------------------------- $34.74001112-BLAKESLEY,ALVIN J & COLLEEN M-Site Address: 1225 CANYON HILLS RD #11 CYNHL #11 MOBILE HOME-1996 SCHULTZ 16'X 77' DECAL #268 ---------------------------- $272.41004993-BOND,TRACY-Site Address:217 CLARK ST MOBILE HOME-1974 GEER 14' X 67' DE-CAL #389 -------------------------------------------- $127.93006720-BOYD,KAY C C/O GRANGER,CHARLES-Site Address:230 CLARK ST MOBILE HOME-1976 BENDIX 14' X 65' DECAL #169 ---------- $62.90006721-BOYD,KAY C C/O GRANGER,CHARLES-Site Address:224 CLARK ST MOBILE HOME-1980 MEDALLION 16' X 80' DECAL #397 ------- $73.850 0 4 8 3 3 - B R I G H T , T E R R Y L & NETTLES,CHANDRA-Site Address:628 RICH-ARDS ST MOBILE HOME- 1978 WINDSOR 14' X 75' DECAL # 293 -------------------------------- $68.19001389-BYRD,RICHARD G & BARBARA C/O INGWERSON, LEONARD-Site Address 122 HWY 20 S #1 GRANDVIEW # 1 MOBILE HOME-2001 CHAMPION 16'X 56' DECAL #316 ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $76.31001958-HARRIS,CARRI V-Site Address:1225 CANYON HILLS RD #2 CYNHL #2 MOBILE HOME-1974 HAWTHORNE 14'X 60' DECAL #302 ------------------------------------------------------ $60.37004269-LARSON,TONY DBA TONYS TOTAL LAWN CARE-Site Address:1327 ODELL AVE PERSONAL PROPERTY - TONYS TOTAL LAWN CARE ---------------------------------------------------- $79.37001044-NADING,KENNETH & JODIE-Site Ad-dress:122 HWY 20 S #45 GRANDVIEW # 45 MO-BILE HOME-1977 BROUGHAM 14'X 68' DECAL #263 ------------------------------------------------------ $64.76006532-NADING,KENNETH & JODIE DBA J&K SPRINKLER-Site Address:122 HWY 20 S #45 PERSONAL PROPERTY NADING KENNETH & JODIE DBA J&K SPRIG ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- $64.24001381-OWSLEY,R J DBA RJ TRUCKING-Site Address:761 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD PERSONAL PROPERTY - RJ TRUCK --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $52.62006600-PALMER,KATHY DBA KATHY'S DOG GROOMING-Site Address:1004 SHOSHONI ST PERSONAL PROPERTY - KATHYS DOG GROOM-ING ------------------------------------------------------ $26.55004939-PASSAMONTE,TAMMY DBA COT-TAGE LIGHT CANDLES-Site Address:204 N 6TH ST PERSONAL PROPERTY - COTTAGE LIGHT CANDLES --------------------------------------------- $31.69004994-PAYSENO,KATHERINE A C/O PAYSE-NO KATIE-Site Address:1225 CANYON HILLS RD # 1 CYNHL # 1 MOBILE HOME - RITZ CRAFT 13' X 56' DECAL # 251 C/O FOR MAILING PUR-POSES ONLY ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $92.98006706-ROBINSON,BRUCE DBA ROBINSON CARES-Site Address:1212 CLARK ST Personal Property Robinson Cars --------------------------- $26.40003470-PRICE,LAN L C/O PRICE,NORMAN-Site Address: 218 E WARREN ST #3 HARVEYS E WARREN #3 MOBILE HOME-1979 WINDSOR 14'X 70' DECAL #506 ------------------------------ $40.56001499-PRICE,LAN L C/O PRICE,NORMAN-Site Address: 315 S 3RD ST MOBILE HOME-1979 CHICKASHA 16' X 76' DECAL #320----------------- $76.64001532-ROLLINGS,EDIE DBA CAKE HOUSE (THE)-Site Address:1509 FREMONT ST PER-SONAL PROPERTY - CAKE HOUSE (THE ------- ------------------------------------------------------------- $40.19004606-SIGMAN,GARY-Site Address:122 HWY 20 S 38 GRANDVIEW # 38 MOBILE HOME- 1973 GOVERNOR 14' X 45' DECAL #331 ----------------- $36.46003754-YETTER,GEORGE H-Site Address:825 SHOSHONI ST MOBILE HOME-1972 GENERAL 12'X 65' DECAL #451 ------------------------------ $56.80

Pub. June 23, 30 & July 7, 2016 No. 7811


Pursuant to Section 16-6-116 of the Wyoming Statutes, latest revision, Notice is hereby given that the South Thermopolis Water & Sewer Dis-trict has been advised that the work on the South Thermopolis Water System Rehabilitation and Ex-pansion Project has been completed according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Contract between the South Thermopolis Wa-ter & Sewer District and Mountain View Building, Inc., the Contractor, and said Contractor is entitled to final settlement therefore. All persons, firms or corporations who have any claims for work done or equipment/materials furnished on said work are hereby notified that final payment will be made to said Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Contract after the 41st day (August 3, 2016) follow-ing the first publication of this Notice. This Notice does not relieve the Contractor and the sureties on their bond from any claims for work or labor done or materials or supplies furnished in the execution of the Contract.

Neil Miller, Board Chairman /s/ South Thermopolis Water & Sewer District

Pub. June 23, 30 & July 7, 2016 No. 7812


Final Budget Hearing for the Hot Springs County Lodging Tax Board, Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 12:30 P.M. at 166 US-20, Thermopolis, WY.

Carl Leyba, Board President

Pub. June 30, July 7 & 14, 2016 No. 7813


The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners is asking Hot Springs County Residents to apply to serve on the following Hot Springs County Boards and Committee:

County Health Officer, One PositionFour (4) year term

**Shall have a degree of doctor of medicine and shall assist the state department of health in carrying out the provisions of all sanitary laws and regulations of the state.

Residents of Hot Springs County interested in ap-plying to serve on a Board or position should submit their County Board Questionnaire (available on the County website or at the Coun-ty Clerk’s Office) to the Hot Springs County Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. July 1, 2016. Appli-cations will be considered and appointments made at the Hot Springs County Commissioners Meeting July 5, 2016.

Nina Webber Hot Springs County Clerk

Pub. June 30, 2016 No. 7814


The Thermopolis Town Council met in regular ses-sion June 21, 2016 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Present were Mayor Pro-tem Dusty Lewis, Council members Tony Larson, John Dorman and Mark Nelson. Also, present were Mayor/Codes Administrative Assistant Fred Crosby, Clerk/Treasurer Tracey Van Heule, Police Chief Steven Shay, Town Engineer Anthony Barnett, Public Works Director Ernie Slagle and Town Attorney Mike Messenger. Mayor Mike Mor-timore was absent.

AGENDA: Following the pledge of allegiance, Nelson made a motion, seconded by Larson and car-ried to approve the agenda with the deletion of the Mac’s catering permit.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Nelson made a mo-tion, seconded by Dorman and carried to approve the financial statement for May 2016.

PUBLIC HEARING: 2016-2017 BUDGET: Lew-is opened the public hearing at 7:01 pm. No public comments were received. The public hearing closed at 7:03 pm.

THIRD READING OF THE 2016-17 BUDGET: RESOLUTION 524: Nelson made a motion, seconded by Larson and carried to approve the third reading of the budget - Resolution 524.

CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: OTHER: Hanes Hall voiced concerns about handicap parking during the Kiwanis Health Fair at the Middle School. The po-lice department is unable to write parking tickets on private property. More handicap signage and using golf carts are ideas for the Kiwanis Club to consider.

CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: SHORTY’S: CA-TERING PERMITS: Nelson made a motion and Dorman seconded to approve the following catering permits for Shorty’s Liquor: the 100th Anniversary of the Swinging Bridge on July 4, the Pig Wrestling Contest at the Fairgrounds on August 2 and the Arts in the Park on August 15, 2016. Motion carried.

TOWN ENGINEER: ANTHONY BARNETT: Barnett noted Barnum finished paving the street on the upper Fremont water line project. He antici-pates project completion by the end of June 2016. The Cemetery/Red Lane PRV vault invoice from Wilson Bros. was higher than anticipated due to time and material. Barnett noted he and Slagle would like to begin the bid process on the chip seal and water tank painting project. Nelson made a motion, Lewis seconded and carried to allow advertising the proj-ects in early July.

TOWN ATTORNEY: MIKE MESSENGER: Noth-ing at this time.

ADMINISTRATION: FRED CROSBY: SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Following discussion, Larson made a motion, seconded by Nelson and carried to schedule a special meeting on Thursday June 30, 2016 at 6:30 am for the approval of fiscal year end bills.

ADMINISTRATION: FIREWORKS: Crosby not-ed Derrick Burrows purchased a transient merchant license for fireworks and asked for permission to al-low fireworks detonation near the Armory. Per Bur-rows, Kevin Skates (State Park Superintendent) and Mark Collins (Fire Department) have given permis-sion for the event. Discussion ensued on designated parking, lighting, litter and safety. Larson made a motion, seconded by Lewis and carried to allow the detonation of fireworks on July 4th from 7 pm to 11 pm, in a designated, contained area (no traffic or parking in the detonation area). Voting aye were Larson, Dorman and Lewis. Nelson voted no. Mo-tion carried.

ADMINISTRATION: OTHER: Crosby noted SLIB did not fund the generator project. Due to a rainy, cool spring, the water fund is still losing money. Ad-ministration anticipates a full year of the rate in-crease to offset expenses next year. Dorman asked about the deteriorating building at 518 Arapahoe. Crosby received abatement information, which will be evaluated by legal counsel. Main Street involve-ment was also mentioned.

MAYOR & COUNCIL: The meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm. The next Council meeting is June 30, 2016 at 6:30 am.

ATTEST:__________________ ______________Tracey Van Heule, Dusty Lewis,Clerk/Treasurer Mayor Pro-tem

Pub. June 30, 2016 No. 7815

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