
Public service media in the digital age?

Public service media in the digital age are the media we use to construct alternative public services

Social Innovation Camp is only one of the projects catalysing digital solutions to social problems

We're tapping into the Dark Matter of invisible social activity that underpins all value creation

We need a Copernican Revolution of public services no institution should be at the centre

Inform, Educate and Entertain...

...what about Empower?

And academia? Time for some action research into social hacking

500 million in education cuts & 1 billion in bankers' bonuses?

System Error

the real social is social capital and the core economy (people and planet)

If you want to get past the Digital Inclusion plateau...

image: Oxford Internet Institute've got to go to the edges

So forget Tim Berners-Lee and Clay Shirky...

it's time to rediscover Paulo Friere, Ivan Illich, and Franz Fanon

Creative Commons photo credits:

yousayyeahniasBobbieNASAredversumjanedoanPsycho Alpaul_clarkeetech


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