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  • 1.++++++++++++++++++ In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful

2. Group mumbers are Umair Rehan Javed Saifullah 3. Public speaking 4. UMAIR ATTIQ Roll No :37 5. What is public speaking Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. 6. importance of public speaking Public speaking is both an art and a science In social occasions In professional life All these speeches require a lot of prepration and acquisition of public speaking skill 7. You must be prepared to make your mark as an effective speaker some point out that most people fear public speaking more than death itself 8. Activity 9. Effective Speaker Audience Clarity Impression Preparation Use of relevant facts Think before you speak 10. Audience You must try and find out about the audience . You should know there level ,and what they want to know from you . Think how much time you are allotted to talk to them 11. Impression The first impression created by you as a speaker is very important When you reach the podium , you must stand with confidence smile at the audience and wish them first . 12. example 13. Clarity Your words should give clear meaning of what you are speaking No double meaning words should be used 14. Sense of humour You must have a sense oif humour. You should not hurt anyone. Tell jokes in positive frame of mind. 15. Preparation You should have proper grip on what you are going to say to audiences. A deep homework should be done and main point should be memories properly . 16. Use of relevant facts Public speaker should make effective use of relevant facts . Allways try to speak in a positive terms about the visiting nation ,city,university. 17. Think before you speak You must be carefull while addressing in public . Must carefull not to hurt and take care of social and regilous or culture sentiments of the people . 18. Rehan Roll No :87 19. Body Language The conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated. 20. According to various researchers, body language is thought to account for between 50 to 70 percent of all communication. So understanding body language is also very important. 21. Different types of body language Nervous Defensive Body Language Power Body Language Positive Body Language Rapport Building Body Language 22. Nervous Defensive Body Language When people are nervous or defensive it often shows in their body. Here are a few things people do when they are nervous: 1. Wringing Hands 2. Take up as little physical space as possible 3. Cross their arms 4. Touch their forehead in shame 5. Purse their lips 23. Power Body Language When people are feeling dominant, powerful or confident there are a few different body language moves that come out. They are: 1. Shaking the fist 2. Forehead jabs 3. Battle Stance 4. Cowboy Cross 5. Taking up a lot of physical space to claim territory 24. Positive Body Language If you see the following body language signs it usually means: 1. Rubbing the Chin- The universal gesture for contemplation. 2. Licking the lips- Someone is excited to begin or start a project. 3. Rubbing the Hands Together- This is a gesture of excitement or getting ready to begin. 4. Open Palms- When someone shows you their palms it usually means they arent hiding anything. 5. Runners Stance- This is what people do when they are getting ready to make a moveboth mentally and physically. 25. Rapport Building Body Language When you want to build a connection with someone or show them that you are on the same page you can use nonverbal cues to help. Here are some ideas: 1. Mirroring their body language 2. Matching their cadence 3. Steepling 4. Using the thumbs up gesture 5. Keeping your palms open 26. How to communicate with body language 27. How to understand body language Think for a moment about how much a person is able to convey with just a facial expression. A smile can indicate approval or happiness, while a frown can signal disapproval or unhappiness. 28. Gestures Well time gestures can also drive home the speaker s points .it would therefore be useful if you could watch seasonal speakers and see how they use gestures effectively 29. facial Expression Use proper facial expression .biting the lips or frowning may leave a negative impression, where as a smiling face and bright eyes creates a positive impact . 30. Eye- contact Looking at the ceiling or looking out of the window while talking make the speech foal is good idea to first look at a person who nods hi s head approvingly ,and then gradually look at all other members of the audience . 31. Are You Keeping People Away with Your Body Language? Activity 32. So here are the 10 Tips to Improve Your Body Language 33. Saifullah imtiaz Roll No: 86 34. Voice 35. Importance of voice You most be aware if the fact that a person voice is important because the accent , stress, pitch and volume help the audience to judge a persons confidence level, education and socio- cultural background. This could also be one of the factor in determine the effectiveness of a person as a speaker. 36. Factor of voice Volume Quality Pitch Intonation Pronunciation 37. Volume Loudness or the softness of the voice . 38. Quality Characteristic that distinguishes one voice from another 39. Rate The number of words , a speaker speaks per minute (the normal rate is between 120 to 150 words ) 40. Pitch The number of vibrations per second (the rise and fall of the voice conveys different emotions ) 41. Intonation Refers to rising and falling pitch of the voice . We must know how to use pauses effectivity .a pause often adds to the impact of words. It often lets the listener reflect on the messge 42. Pronunciation If you wish to be effective in your delivery, you will need to be absolutely accurate in your pronunciation 43. Effect of voice There are two types of effect which we get Effective Ineffective 44. Effective Speaker deliver and audience drink every single word what you say and deliver 45. Example Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Tahir ul Qadri 46. Ineffective A speaking in which people are far away what you are delivering them 47. example Chaudhry Shujaat 48. How to improve your voice One of the most important components of public speaking is the sound of your voice. It influences the impact of your message, and might even make or break the success of your speech. Fortunately, for many people, good voice quality can be learned. 49. Step 1 50. Breathe from your diaphragm Practice long and controlled exhales. When you speak, use breath to punctuate your point. For example, take a breath at the end of each phrase whether you need to or not. Use that opportunity to pause and let the listeners absorb what you say 51. Step 2 52. Use pitch Lower pitches generally are more soothing to hear. However, modulating your pitch for emphasis will keep your listeners engaged. Develop your pitch by practicing humming 53. step3 54. Moderate your volume Find out if you speak too loudly or too softly. When you begin speaking, ask your audience how your volume is (each situation is different). Try to stay at the appropriate volume throughout your speech. 55. Step 4 56. Moderate your pace This one is also closely related to breath. If you speak too quickly, people cant keep up. If you speak too slowly, people will lose interest. Record your speech to determine if you need to change your pace. Get feedback from others. 57. Step 5 58. Articulate Try exaggerating your lip movement to reduce mumbling. Practice articulating tongue twisters and extending and exaggerating vowel sounds. Become an expert at articulating tongue twisters as quickly and crisply as possible. Focus on the ones you find difficult. 59. Step 6 60. Practice your speech in advance and determine where you want to pause for a breath. For more emphasis, pause for more than one breath. Mark your breathing points in your notes. 61. Step 7 62. Loosen up before you begin Look side to side. Roll your head in half-circles and roll your shoulders back. Shift your rib cage from side to side. Yawn. Stretch. Touch your toes while completely relaxing your upper body, then slowly stand up, one vertebra at a time, raising your head last. Repeat as needed. 63. Step 8 64. Record your voice repeatedly using different ways of speaking Determine which one is most pleasing. 65. Step 9 66. Practice breath control Take a deep breath, and while you exhale, count to 10 (or recite the months or days of the week). Try gradually increasing your volume as you count, using your abdominal musclesnot your throatfor volume. Dont let your larynx tense up. 67. JAVED IQBAL Roll No:58 68. Structure of a Good Speech Opening stage Body Conclusion 69. Opening Stage Just as the opening overs of a limited cricket match are crucial, for example ,when Virender Sehwag or Charis Gayle smash the ball all round or out of the stadium, raining four sixes and entertain the crowd 70. So too the opening lines of your speeches are very crucial. You can bring the audience to your side by your captivating words .you should grab the attention of the audience with a good introduction 71. You must state the purpose of your have to say, audience I m here to share with you my experience Make sure you give the outline of your speech 1 2 3 4 72. Main body Should be most organized and important Arguments and counter arguments should be there 73. Signpost and linker Illustration should be used to make your speech lively and persuasive . 74. Conclusion Just as the opening overs of a cricket match are crucial, the finala overs too are very crucial because you want to post an imposing score and challenge the opposition. In your speech too , try to finish with a flourish . Summarize the main points effectively 75. Key points or tips Stand straight and hold your head high Use the open palm gesture, which suggests openness. Keep eye-contact with the audience Try to sport a warm smile which will help suggest friendliness, and build a rapport with the audience . 76. Speak in a well-modulated voice, with the right tone and pitch . Adjust to the level of the volume required. Articulate the words with clarity ,precision and the correct rhythm. 77. THANK YOU

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