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Purpose: To evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, safety, and surgical applicabilityof the pulsed electron avalanche knife (PEAK-fc), a new electrosurgical knife for “cold” andtractionless cutting, in vitreoretinal surgery. PEAK-fc is equipped with an integrated fiber-optic that makes bimanual procedures in intraocular surgery possible.

Methods: A prospective consecutive trial of 18 eyes in 18 patients who underwentvitreoretinal surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, proliferative vitreoretinopathy,subretinal macular hemorrhage, or macular pucker was performed. The following specificmaneuvers were performed with PEAK-fc: transection of epiretinal membranes, retinoto-mies, retinal vessel coagulation, and posterior membranectomy.

Results: Detached and attached retina could be dissected successfully in eight cases.Intraoperatively, incision edges were sharply demarcated, showing no visible collateraldamage. Deeper layers than the neurosensory retina were not affected. With the bimanualapproach, epiretinal avascular and vascular membranes could be removed in 10 cases.Hemorrhages occurring during transection of vascularized membranes could be stoppedimmediately using the coagulation mode of PEAK-fc. Posterior capsule fibrosis wassuccessfully excised in one patient. No complications were observed.

Conclusion: PEAK-fc offers precise and tractionless tissue cutting during ocular surgery.Using different waveform parameters, the same device performs cold cutting and/or “hot”coagulation, thus improving the precision, safety, and ergonomics of vitreoretinal surgery.

RETINA 25:889–896, 2005

The pulsed electron avalanche knife (PEAK-fc;Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany), an electro-

surgical device, has recently been introduced as animproved precise cutting instrument for “cold” andtraction-free dissection of tissue in liquid medium.1–4

A thin layer of pulsed plasma is formed around an

elongated microelectrode in physiologic medium ortissue. PEAK-fc operates with voltages between 300V and 600 V and pulses of �100 microseconds induration, each of them consisting of a burst of severaltens of “minipulses” (Fig. 1). Pulsed plasma-mediateddischarges rapidly vaporize and ionize liquid and tis-sue in close proximity to the probe. Duration of thepulsed waveform is chosen to minimize both cavita-tion-related and heat diffusion–related damage.1–4 Aprotruding wire of 0.3 mm or 0.6 mm in length and 50�m in diameter offers convenient cutting and coagu-lation under visual control.

Applicability of the intraocular laser systems basedon CO2 and Ho:YAG lasers has been limited due tostrong variability in the ablation depth and low repro-ducibility5 as well as to deep collateral damage produced

From the *Department of Ophthalmology, Ludwig-Maximil-ians-University, Munich, Germany; and the †Department of Oph-thalmology and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stan-ford University, Stanford, California.

Presented in part at the AAO 2004; New Orleans, Louisiana;October 24–27, 2004.

D.P. has a patent-related financial interest in the pulsed electronavalanche knife.

Reprint requests: Anselm Kampik, MD, Department of Ophthal-mology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Mathilden-strasse 8, 80336 Munich, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]


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in the surrounding tissue.6,7 Although Er:YAG8–12 andArF excimer lasers13,14 are capable of precise dissectionof ocular tissue, they have failed to achieve widespreadacceptance in clinical practice due to their prohibitivelyhigh cost, large size, and relatively slow pace. In con-trast, the electrosurgical instrument PEAK-fc allows forreproducible and reliable retinal dissection with induc-tion of only minimal collateral damage at the edges ofthe cut.15 In vitro human and in vivo animal studies havedemonstrated that the penetration depth and the extent ofcollateral damage with PEAK-fc mainly depend on volt-age, probe length, and its distance from the retina.15

The purpose of the current study was to further eval-uate the safety and effectiveness of this new cuttingdevice in clinical settings. The efficacy of PEAK-fc invarious surgical maneuvers for patients undergoing vit-reoretinal surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy,proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and subretinal hemor-rhages in age-related macular degeneration was tested.

Materials and Methods

PEAK—2nd Version (PEAK-fc; Carl Zeiss Meditec,Jena, Germany)

In contrast to the first version of PEAK, whichoperated with submicrosecond pulses of 3 kV to 6

kV,1–3 advanced PEAK-fc operates at much lowervoltages (300–600 V) and much longer pulses (�100microseconds) consisting of a burst of several tens ofminipulses (Fig. 1B). The cutting part of the PEAK-fcprobe is a protruding tungsten wire with a diameter of50 �m (Fig. 1A). The wire used in this study extendsfrom the glass insulator 0.6 mm in length. The glassinsulator itself has an outer diameter of 0.6 mm and isenclosed in a 20-gauge stainless steel return electrode.The glass insulator in PEAK-fc also serves as a lightpipe providing integrated intraocular illumination(Fig. 1). This facilitates bimanual procedures in vit-reoretinal surgery with a lower risk of unintendedtissue damage due to improved ergonomics. In addi-tion, a coagulation mode has been integrated.

In the present study, PEAK-fc parameters varied asfollows: pulse repetition rate, 30–100 Hz; number ofminipulses per pulse, 25–60; and pulse duration, 100microseconds. Voltage ranged from 350 V to 600 V.The parameters selected for the particular maneuversare listed in Table 1.

Patients and Surgical Approach

Eighteen patients were consecutively enrolled inthis study. Patients were chosen with regard to thepreoperative situation potentially suitable for the sur-gical maneuvers that could be performed with PEAK-fc. Surgery was performed after obtaining writteninformed consent concerning the intraoperative use ofPEAK-fc, and follow-up visits occurred at 1 week and4 weeks and at 3-month intervals thereafter. An ex-ternal review board monitored the study. Exclusioncriteria were history of glaucoma, visual acuity of lessthan 20/800 in the fellow eye, or a medical historyrequiring systemic anticoagulation.

One eye of each patient (Table 2) was included inthe study. There were 10 men and 8 women (meanage, 64 years; range, 53–79 years). Preoperative diag-noses included tractional retinal detachment involvingthe fovea in eyes with diabetic retinopathy (6 eyes),proliferative vitreoretinopathy (5 eyes), age-relatedmacular degeneration with subretinal hemorrhage (5eyes), tractive epiretinal membrane (macular pucker)with a history of central retinal vein occlusion (1 eye),and posterior capsule fibrosis with prolonged prolif-erative diabetic retinopathy (1 eye). All patients un-derwent complete ophthalmologic examinations in-cluding visual acuity testing, slit-lamp examination,intraocular pressure determination, and fundus biomi-croscopy using a 78-diopter lens (Volk, Mentor, OH).

Surgery consisted of standard three port pars planavitrectomy using a commonly available vitrectomymachine (Megatron, Geuder, Germany). The study

Fig. 1. Diagram of pulsed electron avalanche knife (PEAK-fc) probeand pulse mode. The cutting part of the PEAK-fc probe is a protrudingtungsten wire with a diameter of 50 �m (A). The wire used in this studyextends from the glass insulator 0.6 mm in length. The glass insulatoralso serves as a light pipe providing integrated intraocular illumination.This facilitates bimanual procedures in vitreoretinal surgery. In addi-tion, a coagulation mode has been integrated. The PEAK-fc operates atvoltages from 300 V to 600 V and �100 �s, consisting of a burst ofseveral tens of minipulses (B). Rep., repetition.


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design provided the optional use of PEAK-fc within asurgical procedure for one or more maneuvers at thediscretion of the surgeon. The following specific ma-neuvers were tested during surgery (Table 1): drainageretinotomy for patients with subretinal hemorrhages;relaxing retinotomy for patients with prolonged retinaldetachment; transection and incision of epiretinalmembranes in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, pro-liferative vitreoretinopathy, or macular pucker; surgi-cal posterior membranectomy with posterior capsulefibrosis in prolonged proliferative diabetic retinopa-thy; and retinal vessel coagulation to stop intraopera-tive bleeding from vascularized epiretinal membranesin proliferative diabetic retinopathy. All maneuverswere recorded on videotape, permitting documenta-tion of the efficacy and possible complications.


A total of 18 consecutive patients were treated withPEAK-fc. In each maneuver, PEAK-fc parameterswere initially set at the values determined by animaland in vitro studies as safe and efficient for dissectionof neurosensory retinal layers without damaging theunderlying retinal pigment epithelium15: voltage, 350V; pulse repetition rate, 30 Hz; pulse duration, 100microseconds; and 30 minipulses per pulse. Parame-ters were increased until the desired tissue effect wasobserved. Typical effective settings for each maneu-ver performed are presented in Table 1.

Transection and incision of epiretinal membranes,both vascular (4 cases) and avascular (6 cases), wererapidly and consistently accomplished without com-plications in 10 patients (Fig. 2; Table 2). One to threemembranes were peeled in each of the 10 patients who

had traction retinal detachment with proliferative di-abetic retinopathy, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, ormacular pucker (Table 2). A bimanual approach (fix-ating the proliferative vitreoretinopathy membranewith an intraocular forceps or vitrector and simulta-neously illuminating the vitreous and cutting withPEAK-fc) obviously facilitated precise cutting withminimal or no traction and avoided potential compli-cations of inadvertent retinal tears, bleeding, or col-lateral injury (Fig. 2). Except for strong adherentmembranes and intraretinal proliferative vitreoreti-nopathy, membranes could be removed in all cases.

Removal of vascular membranes required higherenergy levels (up to 450 V) for successful vesseldissection. Intraoperative hemorrhages from perfusednonfibrotic vessels occurred in two maneuvers andwere easily stopped using the coagulation mode ofPEAK-fc (level 5).

Drainage and relaxing retinotomies on attached anddetached retina were easily performed without com-plications (Figs. 3 and 4). PEAK-fc cuts showed sharpedges with hardly visible whitening, indicating littlecollateral damage. Minor self-limited bleeding wasobserved at the margin of one retinotomy. Drainageretinotomy was performed on five patients who hadsubmacular bleeding associated with age-related mac-ular degeneration (Table 2). Although extensivebleeding in 3 of these patients required 180° retino-tomy after induction of an iatrogenic retinal detach-ment (Fig. 3), the other 2 retinotomies were performedextrafoveolarly on attached retina (Fig. 4). In the lattercases, PEAK-fc parameters previously determined assafe for dissection of the neurosensory retina15 wereused, and no damage of the retinal pigment epithelium

Table 1. Pulsed Electron Avalanche Knife Parameters for Each Performed Maneuver

ManeuverProbe Length

(�m)Energy Level

(V)Repetition Rate

(Hz)Minipulses per

PulsePulse Duration


Incision/transection of PVRmembrane (avascular) 600 350–400 30 25 100

Incision/transection of PVRmembrane (vascular) 600 450 40 30 100

Drainage retinotomy (retinaattached) 600 350 30 30 100

Drainage retinotomy (retinadetached) 600 350–450 40 30 100

Relaxingretinotomy/retinectomy 600 350–400 40 30 100

Dissection of retinal vessels(after coagulation) 600 450 35 35 100

Transection of retrolentalfibrovascular membrane 600 600 100 60 100

Coagulation of retinal vessel 600 coagulation mode, 5

PVR, proliferative vitreoretinopathy.


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Table 2. Clinical Characteristics of Patients


Sex/Age(y) Eye Diagnosis

VA,Preop Peak Procedure Tamponade

VA,4 wk

VA,3 mo


1 M/57 L Tractiondetachmentwith PDR,history ofCRVO

20/200 Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(avascular)

C2F6 HM HM 7 wk postop,vitreoushemorrhagetreated withvitrectomy

2 M/68 L Tractiondetachmentwith PDR

20/200 Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(avascular)

C2F6 20/200 20/200 Retina reattached

3 M/45 L Epiretinalmembranewith historyof CRVO

HM Incision/transectionof epiretinalmembrane(avascular)

Silicon-oil LP LP Recurrent vitreoushemorrhages andoptic atrophy

4 M/57 L Tractiondetachmentwith PDR

CF Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(vascular)

Silicon-oil 20/200 20/400 Retina reattached

5 F/79 L Subretinalhemorrhagewith AMD

HM 180° Retinotomyafter iatrogenicretinaldetachment

C2F6 20/400 20/300 Postop retinaldetachment,revitrectomy �C2F6

6 F/72 R Subretinalhemorrhagewith AMD

HM Extrafoveolarretinotomy

C2F6 20/800 20/700 Subretinalhemorrhage andchoroidalneovascularizationremoved

7 M/73 L Retinaldetachmentwith PDR

20/400 Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(vascular)

C2F6 20/200 20/100 Retina reattached,subretinalhemorrhageremoved

8 F/71 R Subretinalhemorrhagewith AMD

20/200 180° Retinotomyafter iatrogenicretinaldetachment

C2F6 20/200 20/125 Retina reattached,subretinalhemorrhageremoved

9 F/65 L Tractiondetachmentwith PDR,vitreoushemorrhage

CF Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(vascular)

C2F6 20/400 20/200 Retina reattached

10 M/54 R Tractiondetachmentwith PDR

20/200 Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(vascular)

C2F6 20/200 20/125 Retina reattached

11 F/67 L Retinaldetachmentwith PVRafter PPV

HM Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(avascular)

C2F6 20/400 20/200 Retina reattached

12 M/53 L Retrolentalfibrosis withprolongedPDR

HM Surgical posteriormembranectomy

Silicon-oil HM HM Posterior capsuleremoved,irreversible PVRretinaldetachment

13 M/70 R Retinaldetachmentwith PVRafter PPV

HM Incision/transectionof PVRmembrane(avascular)

C2F6 20/400 20/200 Retina reattached

(Table continues)

VA, visual acuity; PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy; CRVO, central retinal vein occlusion; PVR, proliferative vitreoretinopathy; HM,hand movement; LP, light perception; CF, counting fingers; AMD, age-related macular degeneration; PPV, pars plana vitrectomy.


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or choroid occurred. Subretinal bleeding and choroi-dal neovascularizations could be successfully re-moved. For retinotomies on attached retina, thePEAK-fc probe was slowly moved along the surfaceof the retina with a velocity of �1 mm/s. Retinoto-mies on detached retina allowed cutting laterally bydeeper tracking of the PEAK-fc probe, while velocityreached up to �2 mm/s.

Relaxing retinotomy was performed on three pa-tients who had prolonged retinal detachment withtense and contracted retina (Table 2). In comparison todissection of attached retina, we used slightly in-creased PEAK-fc parameters (Table 1). Before dissec-tion, retinal vessels were coagulated using thePEAK-fc coagulation mode (level 5) to avoid intra-operative bleeding (Fig. 5). These coagulated vesselsrequired increased PEAK-fc parameters for successfuldissection (Table 1).

For one patient who had massive capsule fibrosisafter vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade for treat-ment of proliferative retinopathy, we decided to per-form posterior membranectomy using PEAK-fc fortransection of the thickened and partially vascularizedmembrane (Table 2). Although maximal power ofPEAK-fc was used (voltage, 600 V; pulse repetitionrate, 100 Hz; pulse duration, 100 microseconds; and

60 minipulses per pulse), ablation of the posteriorcapsule membrane was difficult. However, it finallycould be removed, allowing inspection of the posteriorsegment.

Complications included minor bleeding during oneretinotomy, which stopped spontaneously, and bleed-ing from vascularized epiretinal membranes in prolif-erative diabetic retinopathy. Intraoperative bleedingfrom these vessels was successfully stopped using thecoagulation mode (level 5) of PEAK-fc. Formation ofgas bubbles similar to those seen during conventionaldiathermy has been observed. However, for thePEAK-fc parameters used, the amount of bubblescould be reduced to a minimum, and controlled cutscould be performed despite the generation of gasbubbles in all surgical procedures.


Along with improved understanding of vitreoretinaldiseases, ongoing development of microsurgical tech-niques in vitreoretinal surgery has occurred. Specialminiaturized instruments have been developed to per-form tissue transection, removal, and coagulationwithin the vitreous cavity. Although blades, scissors,forceps, cautery systems, and other devices have been

Table 2. Continued


Sex/Age(y) Eye Diagnosis

VA,Preop Peak Procedure Tamponade

VA,4 wk

VA,3 mo


14 F/62 R Retinaldetachmentwith PVRafter PPV �silicon-oil

HM 240° Relaxingretinotomy

C2F6 CF 20 /700 Retina reattached

15 M/55 L Retinaldetachmentwith PVRafterbucklingsurgery

CF Relaxingretinotomy,incision of PVRmembrane(avascular)

Silicon-oil 20/400 20 /400 Retina reattached

16 F/77 R Subretinalhemorrhagewith AMD

20/400 Extrafoveolarretinotomy

C2F6 20/200 20 /200 Subretinalhemorrhage andchoroidalneovascularizationremoved

17 M/56 R Peripheralretinaldetachmentafter PPV �silicon-oil

20/400 180° Relaxingretinotomy

Silicon-oil 20/400 20 /200 Retina reattached

18 F/75 R Subretinalhemorrhagewith AMD

HM 180° Retinotomyafter iatrogenicretinaldetachment

C2F6 20/800 20 /400 Subretinalhemorrhage andchoroidalneovascularizationremoved


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continually refined, difficulties and limitations are stillencountered, particularly as increasingly finer surgicalmaneuvers are attempted. We report our initial clinicalexperience with the new cold cutting device PEAK-fcfor maneuvers in vitreoretinal surgery.

Removal of contractile fibrocellular and fibrovas-cular epiretinal membranes (e.g., in proliferative vit-reoretinopathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy)requires surgical cutting in the most precise way andwith the least amount of traction. When removingepiretinal membranes, especially the less experiencedsurgeon might cause iatrogenic breaks or retinal injuryusing standard forceps or scissors.16 The delicacy ofthe retina, the sharpness of the instruments, and thechallenges of visualizing the posterior pole of the eyeall contribute to potentially harmful unintended re-sults. Although current procedures for the removal ofproliferative vitreoretinopathy membranes usually ex-ert a certain degree of traction on the tissue that canpotentially damage retinal structures and cause iatro-genic tears or hemorrhages, PEAK-fc dissects tissuewith minimal traction, thus preventing unintendedtears and hemorrhages. In addition, the integrated lightsource of PEAK-fc facilitates intraocular proceduresand makes vitreoretinal surgery safer. The PEAK-fc

Fig. 3. Drainage retinotomy on detached retina. Patient 5 had extensivesubretinal bleeding with age-related macular degeneration. After iatro-genic retinal detachment, 180° retinotomy was performed to removethe macular bleeding. A pulsed electron avalanche knife (PEAK-fc) cutshows sharp edges and little collateral damage. PEAK-fc parameters:voltage, 380 V; pulse repetition rate, 40 Hz; pulse duration, 100microseconds; and 30 minipulses per pulse.

Fig. 2. Transection of an epiretinal proliferative vitreoretinal mem-brane. Patient 2 presented with traction detachment with proliferativediabetic retinopathy. With the bimanual approach, the proliferativevitreoretinopathy membranes can be successfully removed by fixatingthem with the vitrector, simultaneously illuminating the vitreous andcutting with the pulsed electron avalanche knife (PEAK-fc). Precisecutting with minimal or no traction avoids potential complications.PEAK-fc parameters: voltage, 350 V; pulse repetition rate, 30 Hz;pulse duration, 100 microseconds; and 25 minipulses per pulse.

Fig. 4. Drainage retinotomy on attached retina. Patient 6 had minorsubretinal bleeding with age-related macular degeneration. Extrafoveo-lar retinotomy on attached retina was performed, and subretinal bleed-ing and choroidal neovascularizations were removed successfully.Pulsed electron avalanche knife parameters (determined for safe dis-section of the neurosensory retina15): voltage, 350 V; pulse repetitionrate, 30 Hz; pulse duration, 100 microseconds; and 30 minipulses perpulse.


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probe allows a bimanual approach for the surgeon byusing the free hand to prepare the region of interestwith maximum safety, simultaneously facilitating il-lumination and dissection of ocular tissue with theother hand.

In a safe and quick way, we demonstrated thatPEAK-fc allows the surgeon to perform large retino-tomies that are required for the removal of extensivesubretinal hemorrhages or for macular translocation.Retinal cuts with PEAK-fc showed almost no thermaldamage in the cutting zone, thus confirming observa-tions made in preclinical postmortem and animal stud-ies.15 One further advantage of PEAK-fc is the possi-bility of power adjustment for different tissuestructures, which allows cuts through soft tissue with-out affecting harder tissues such as vascular walls.Thus, when working adjacent to vessels, potentialdamage to these vessels can be minimized.15 How-ever, even in the case of intraoperative bleeding, it canbe immediately stopped using the coagulation mode ofPEAK-fc without having to remove the instrument, asrequired during conventional surgery. Maximal powerof PEAK-fc dissection of a thick fibrotic posteriorcapsule membrane turned out to be relatively difficult.Increasing the absolute voltage power available mightbe an option to solve similar problems in future ap-plications of PEAK-fc.

One side effect of PEAK-fc application is the for-mation of gas bubbles potentially impairing the sur-geon’s view on the retina or other operating site. Theamount of gas bubbles generated by PEAK-fc can becompared with the gas development in conventional

intraocular diathermy. However, in the present study,the development of gas did not reduce visibility to adegree that would have made surgery unsafe in any ofthe performed procedures.

In summary, PEAK-fc was successfully used for avariety of surgical maneuvers commonly encounteredin patients undergoing vitreoretinal and anterior seg-ment surgery. Advantages of this new technologyinclude sharply defined transection and incision ofepiretinal membranes, fine coagulation of vascular-ized epiretinal tissue during surgery for diabetic trac-tion detachment, and traction-free dissection of at-tached or elevated retina. PEAK-fc appears to be apromising cutting device for intraocular surgery, po-tentially allowing a higher level of microsurgical pre-cision in vitreoretinal surgery. However, due to thepreliminary nature of the present investigation, addi-tional studies incorporating larger patient series willbe required to accurately determine the role of thisnew instrument in vitreoretinal surgery.

Key words: pulsed electron avalanche knife(PEAK), retina, microsurgery, vitreoretinal surgery.


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