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    November 1995

    Topics: Blood of Jesus

    Volum e 23 The Mysteries of God

    by Ernest An gley

    I am the true vine, and m y Father is the husban dman.

    Every branch in me that be areth not fruit he taketh

    away: and ever y branch that beareth fruit, he pu rgeth it,that it may bring forth more fru it (John 15:1,2). If you don't

    bring forth fruit, if you don't have the life of Jesus flowing in you,

    you are a dead branch to be taken away. Without the fruit of the

    Spirit, you are spiritually dead. The blood of Jesus gives you life,

    divine life. When you are born again, you are a partaker of His

    divine nature.

    Now ye are clean through the word w hich I have spoken

    un to you . Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch

    cannot b ear fruit of itself, except it abide in the v ine; no

    more can ye, except ye abide in me (John 15:3,4). People who are not in Jesus don't bear

    fruit. Although they may belong to the Christian church, they are not profitable to the Lord, not

    right with God, and they are not bearing the fruit of a Child of God. If you have none of the fruit of

    the Spirit, you are not in the Lord. These verses are not talking about works, but about bearing

    fruit, the fruit of the Spirit. Don't confuse the fruit of the Spirit with works. I am the vine, ye are

    the branche s: He that abideth in me , and I in him, the same bringeth forth much

    fruit: for without m e ye can do n othing (John 15:5). You can do nothingyou are nothing

    without the Lord. If you don't have His blood in your soul, you don't have His love, peace, joy,

    wisdom, understanding or faith. Only through the blood can you be in Christ Jesus and have His


    If a man abide not in m e, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather

    them and cast them into the fire, and they are bu rned (verse 6). Without Jesus abiding in

    your heart, you face eternal torment in the fire of hell.

    If ye abide in m e, and my w ords abide in you, ye shall ask w hat ye will, and it shall be

    done u nto you (verse 7). Many have not seen their prayers answered because they have not

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    really been abiding in the Lord, they don't have the promises of God alive on the inside. The

    promises of God must be alive in your heart, for His promises are absolute life through the

    life-giving Spirit of God.

    Her ein is my Father glorified, that ye bear mu ch fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. As

    the Father hath loved m e, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love (John 15:8,9).

    Only by continuing in the love of the Lord can you bear fruit for God. Human love will not bear the

    fruit of the Holy Spirit. The life of Jesus through the Holy Spirit in one's life produces fruit.

    If ye keep my comman dmen ts, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept m y

    Father's comman dmen ts, and abide in his love (John 15:10). The only way you can abide in

    God's love is by keeping all His commandments. Keep what Jesus taught; live what He taught.

    Through the blood, Jesus places those who are born again equal with Himself, sons and daughters

    of God. He is showing the Children of God that their walk will be the same as His; it will be just

    they and their heavenly Father.

    These things have I spoken u nto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that you rjoy might be full (John 15:11). Notice, Jesus wants His joy to be full in His Children, yet many do

    not have the joy of the Lord bubbling on the inside.

    Let's look at the words "purge" and "pure." Purge means to cleanse of guilt and sin, to remove

    impurities by cleaning, to become pure, clean or clear. Think of three more words: "Away, off,

    out." To remove by cleaning means to clear away, to clear off or clear out. Study daily the meaning

    of these three words, words when put into action will keep you purged, keep the hindrancescleared off the road God wants you to travel. Is anything binding you? Clear it out, get rid of it.

    To purge also means to remove individuals who are undesirable, not faithful to God. In this hour,

    the Lord is purging His Church, purging the body of Christ in a great way, pushing people out of the

    way who won't serve Him in holiness and righteousness. He is clearing away the dead branches,

    those who are hindering His work. The Lord will not allow hindrances within the true Church in

    this final hour. The body of Christ is going to be all that God would have it to be.

    Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and eve ry branch that

    beareth fruit, he pu rgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit (John 15:2). While God ispurging out from His Church those who are not faithful to Him, He is also purging the faithful so

    they can bear more fruit. He is cutting off from you that which is a hindrance. It's an operation.

    All those spirits and disobediences that have caused you to stumble He is showing to you, making

    you aware of what has to go, taking them out of the way. If you cry over the impurities, hold on to

    them, He won't be able to remove them. The Lord can only purge from you that which you yield to


    Have you ever seen a vineyard that has just been pruned? It looks as though nothing is left. But

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    the pruners have cut away that which would hinder the prolific new growth. So it is with the Lord

    in your life: The dead is cut off so that the vine can furnish life to produce the fruit.

    How are you purged? Through the blood. The blood purges. If you don't have the blood of Jesus,

    there is no purging. The blood purges you of the guilt, the sin, the disobedience and everything else

    unlike God. Yield to the Spirit of God, yield to the Word and greatness of God so the Holy Spirit

    can clear out what needs to go.

    The word "pure" means to be purified, to be cleansed, to be free from defects. Some people don't

    think anyone can be spotless or live a holy life like Jesus. You can through the blood. To be pure

    means to be perfect, faultless, free from sin or guilt, blameless. Be d iligent that ye may be

    found of him in peace , without spot, and blameless (II Peter 3:14).

    The blood of Jesus is never found in the soul of a sinner. But almost every devil possessed person

    who comes to me claims to be saved, pretends to have the greatness of God, makes people think heis a righteous Child of God when in reality he has nothing of God in him at all. He is deceived, for

    without the blood of Jesus he doesn't have the Lord. People have tried to fool me when I could

    look right into their souls and see the devil that bound them. Demon possessed people are not

    pure; they are defiled. If a person wants to be helped, I can use the Word of God, the Spirit of God

    to give spiritual sight. However, if the person chooses to remain spiritually blind, wants to be that

    way, God's hands are tied. If people want to be delivered they can be, but if they won't accept the

    Word of God, I have nothing for them. The devil is a great actor, and those who yield to him

    become like him. Do you have the deliverance Jesus died for or not?

    That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebu ke, in the m idst

    of a crooked and pe rverse nation, amon g whom ye shine as lights in the w orld

    (Philippians 2:15). This is the time to shine out, to let nothing hinder you. Those who won't serve

    Goddon't let them bother you at all.

    Instead of being blameless and harmless, some people are troublemakers. When pressed, they

    assume great innocence. But the blood has voice; the blood cries out: Condemnation! Guilty!They do not meet the qualifications of Romans 8:1: There is therefore now n o condem nation

    to them w hich are in Christ Jesus, w ho walk not after the flesh, but after the S pirit.

    Accept the blood and the Word of God; accept it all so that you will be blameless and harmless, a

    son or daughter of God, pure, clean and holy. Was Jesus pure, clean and holy? The Bible says

    Jesus did no sin, neither was guile found in his mou th (I Peter 2:22).

    In the blood you have everything needed to deliver you, everything needed to keep you holy. You

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    received it when the blood came into your life to set you free. The blood purges the born again of

    all sin, but you must keep that blood working to stay purged; it will not work in a soul that has sin.

    If you sin willfully, the sacrifice of blood ceases to operate for you.

    Without the Word of God, you couldn't have found the Lord. Without the Word there is no Gospelmessage of deliverance for you. Without the Word of God in your heart, you don't have His purity.

    The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the comm andm ent of the Lord

    is pure, en lightening the eyes (Psalm 19:8). The heart rejoices in the statutes of the Lord, but

    when people don't have the joy of the Lord, so many times they seek the pleasures of the world.

    The commandment of the Lord gives light, wisdom, knowledge. The eyes are not in darkness. The

    light of God through the Word penetrates the darkest of the night, shows the Child of God that

    which is right, that which is wrong. The light of God is in each real Child of God's eyes; it comes

    through the blood. When the blood washed away all your sins, you were given that light. It began

    shining forth through your eyes to let you see the way you take, to let you see the footprints of

    Jesus, the paths that He walked.

    If you have good spiritual sight, you also have good spiritual hearing. You're listening to what the

    Spirit has to say. Check your life not once in a while but every day, every night you have left. Make

    sure you are right with God, right with the Word, right with the precious blood of Jesus.

    Nothing in the world can compare with the Word of God. Thy word is very pure: there fore

    thy servant loveth it (Psalm 119:140). The Psalmist loved the Word of God because it was pure.

    For the very same reason the devil hates the Word, despises the truth. God's truth is real, strong,great and wonderful. How tragic that people can twist the Word until no truth is leftyet they call

    it the truth. It isn't God's truth any longer.

    Every word of God is pure (Proverbs 30:5). Every word of God is pure; there is no deceit in one

    word of God. When you carry deceit, God separates from you. He has to move aside. But He will

    let you know deceit is in you if you want to know, if you will open your ears to the Word. He will

    warn you about it and if you refuse to look at the deceit on the inside, God will reject you.

    The words of the Lord are pu re w ords: as silver tried in a furnace o f earth, purified

    seven times (Psalm 12:6). His Word is pure, and He will flow it in you through the blood thatflows in your soul. Without the blood, you won't keep the Word; you won't abide by it. The Word

    is always in the blood of Jesus, divine blood in the divine nature of God. He is flowing His pure,

    pure words to you, pure, pure instructions. You can accept them or reject them.

    Many have tried to change the Word of God. Isaiah wrote through the Spirit of God:Truth is

    fallen in the street, and eq uity cannot enter (Isaiah 59:14). Truth is still being trampled

    underfoot today. False doctrine is in epidemic form. People may say they agree with the Word of

    God, but their lives do not measure up to it. God despises anything that comes against the truth:

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    sin, arrogance, deceit and everything else unholy.

    The thoughts of the wicked are an ab omination to the Lord: bu t the words of the pure

    are pleasant word s (Proverbs 15:26).

    Are you pure? Then you speak that which is pure. The holy speak that which is holy. Those who

    are clean speak words that are clean. The righteous have righteous conversations. If you are not in

    deceit, you speak the truth and live the truth. But when deceit is in you, you don't speak all the

    truth. Having thoughts that are an abomination to the Lord, you excuse your deceit, damning your

    own soul in the process.

    Take note of what manner of person you are in your conversation. Whatever is in your heart comes

    out in your voice. You can't hide it. You may be saying the right words, but the true spirit of you is

    in your voice. Do you hurt others? Do they dread to see you coming? Do you wonder why people

    shun you? They may have a good reason. Do you backbite and hurt people? If you are not pure,your words are not pleasant.

    Even a child is know n by his doings, whether his work b e pu re, and w hether it be right

    (Proverbs 20:11). God is letting you know that He even looks at children's works to see if they are

    pure. Children are known by their actions; they can't cover up, can't hide from God. Parents, don't

    cover up for them. Stand with the Word, with the Lord at all times.

    The way of man is froward and strange: bu t as for the pure , his work is right (Proverbs

    21:8). No falsehoods, no lies mar your works if you are really right with the Lord. Right is right;

    wrong is wrong: God will accept no compromise with His truth.

    And I w ill purge ou t from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me:

    I will bring them forth out of the cou ntry wher e they sojourn , and they shall not enter

    into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the Lord (Ezekiel 20:38). This was the

    purging of Israel as a nation. Those who rebel against God will be purged out today just as those

    who turned away from God were purged out of Israel. The way God dealt with Israel is the same

    way He is dealing with the Church today. We see God separating to the left and to the right all over

    again. Daily the Lord is purging. If you are not connected with Jesus, the great I-Am will purge

    you out completely. He will get rid of you.

    Take of the blood thereof, and pu t it on the fou r horns of it [the altar], and on the four

    corners of the settle [ledge], and u pon the bord er rou nd abou t: thus shalt thou

    cleanse and purge it (Ezekiel 43:20). Under the Law everything had to be purged by the blood

    of animals, everything. There was no purging without the blood, and without the blood of Jesus

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    there is no purging of sins for you. But when the blood is working for you, the Lord will keep you

    purged, keep you on the right road, and you will never go into darkness or travel the road of

    disobedience. Walking hand in hand with Jesus, you have His shed blood working in you, the

    divine nature of God. You are a son or daughter of God, a member of the family of God walking

    with the Lord, purged by the blood of everything that would hinder you or God. God is looking out

    for you as well as for Himself. You are to be a fit citizen for Heaven, ready to step right into

    Heaven. Seve n d ays shall they purge the altar and pu rify it; and they shall consecrate

    themselves (Ezekiel 43:26). The purging of the altar with blood was a type and shadow of the

    purging blood to come, the pure, divine blood of Jesus. To live for God, to be free of sin, to be holy

    before Him is so important that Jesus shed His blood to make it possible. Do you believe those

    who claim that people can't live holy? They can't without the blood. Without the blood you can't

    even go to Heaven. But with the blood of Jesus applied to your heart, you can live holy.

    Whe refore come ou t from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touchnot the u nclean thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17).

    The Lord separates, purges the chaff from the wheat. W hose fan is in his hand, and he w ill

    throughly purge his floor, and w ill gather the w heat into his garner; but the chaff he

    will bu rn with fire un qu enchab le (Luke 3:17). If He can't keep you purged, He will discard


    Purge ou t therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are un leavened.

    For even Christ ou r passover is sacrificed for u s (I Corinthians 5:7). In other words, purge

    out the old spirit so that you may be a new creaturea new lump in the eyes of God. Christ is ourpassover from death to life; He's our life; His blood is the very reason we can exist today as new

    creatures in Christ Jesus.

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed aw ay;

    behold, all things are b ecome new (II Corinthians 5:17). Be rid of the old so you can have the

    new; you can't have both. The new creature wears the cloak of God's righteousness, but without

    that cloak you are naked and undone in the eyes of God.

    There is much false doctrine going forth today concerning many different things. Through the

    Lord, Paul gave wonderful instructions to Timothy about some people who were preaching false

    doctrine. Hymenae us and Philetus: Who con cerning the truth have erre d, saying that

    the resu rrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless the

    found ation of God standeth su re, having this seal, The Lord kn owe th them that are

    his. And, Let every one that nameth the nam e of Christ depart from iniquity(II

    Timothy 2:17-19). Although all too often it is represented falsely, God's Word is pure; nothing is to

    be added to it and nothing taken away. The Word will not accept anything impure, cannot be

    contaminated in any way. The Word destroys that which is not pure, and it will destroy every

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    human being who holds to even a little sin when the hour of judgment comes. The Lord knows the

    ones who are His because they are sealed with the blood by the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible says to let everyone who nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity, yet some

    believe that no one can live free from sin. This is not according to the Word of God. If you claim to

    be of Christ, if you use that name at all, you are to depart from all iniquity, all sin.

    Study the Old Testament scriptures about the cleansing, the washing of the blood, the sacrifices

    that were necessary over and over in order for people to be accepted by God. Even the vessels used

    by the priests had to be purified and cleansed, pure, pure vessels uncontaminated by anything,

    signifying the importance of being pure before the Lord.

    Bu t in a great house there are not on ly vessels of gold and of silver, bu t also of wood

    and of earth; and some to honou r, and some to dishonou r (II Timothy 2:20). In the

    churches, some members are vessels of honor, some of dishonor. The Lord cannot use vessels ofdishonor.

    If a man therefore pu rge himself from these, he shall be a vessel un to honou r,

    sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and pr epared u nto every good wo rk(II

    Timothy 2:21). Because you have use of the blood that purges, there are some things you can purge

    yourself from. You can purge yourself from despair, oppression and depression by using the

    blood. You can purge yourself from any grudges and resentment with the love of God in the blood.

    You can purge yourself through the same blood God purges with. There is no excuse for grudges,

    for disobedience, for anything unlike Jesus because Jesus gave His blood and everything in it soyou could use it to overcome all. You have the sanctifying power in the blood. Jesus prayed,

    Sanctify them throu gh thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17).

    Flee also youthful lu sts: but follow righteousne ss, faith, charity, peace, with them that

    call on the Lord ou t of a pure heart (II Timothy 2:22). If you want an answer from God, if you

    expect answers to prayers, call out to God from a pure heart. He recognizes the pure heart; His

    eyes are upon His Children. Blessed are the pu re in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew


    Purify your spiritual house, keep it clean. Do some housekeeping, purging the corners, the attic,the basement. Clear away and clear off. My mother used to say, "It's time to clean up around

    here." She would put all of us to work cleaning. We never had neighbors come in saying they

    wanted to clean our house. We cleaned our own house.

    Some people are always trying to spiritually clean up someone else and not themselves. Their idea

    of cleaning up is to stack up. They don't clean up and clean out. They hold on to things against

    another. Remembering the bad, they don't forgive, never taking into account what God knows

    about them, how they have mistreated God. He said He would forgive you as you forgive others.

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    I don't endorse people, but I forgive what they do against me anyway, and leave them in the hands

    of God. No one can forgive sin except the Lord; however, I can forgive injustices against me and let

    the Lord take care of the rest. I put people under the blood; I clear things away. Keep your life in

    order with the Lord. Work on your own life and let others take care of theirs. How much do you

    talk to the Lord? How much do you fast? Do you ever throw away resentment and bitterness or do

    you just keep piling up? Do you get rid of things that take your attention away from God? The

    Bible tells us to purge, to lay aside every w eight, and the sin w hich doth so easily beset u s,

    and let us run with patience the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1). If you don't get

    rid of the weights, you won't be running fast enough in the Lord to avoid the devil and the sin

    which so easily besets. But without those weights you will go past the besetting sin so fast the devil

    won't know what happened.

    You think you are too strong to be trapped by the besetting sin? Eve thought she was too strong.

    She thought she was strong enough to go to the forbidden tree day after day and not partake of thefruit. She no doubt thought she would only look, that she had plenty of other fruit. The devil

    talked to her in such a sweet voice: Eve, you don't know what you're missing. Just touch it a little

    bit. You don't have to eat it. Remember, God said not to eat it. I don't want you to eat, oh no.

    Bless your dear little heart, you're just missing something wonderful by not touching. I told you to

    come every day to see it because it is so pleasant to the eyes. It will get prettier a ll the time.

    Doesn't it look prettier today than it did yesterday?

    The more you look at sin, the more enticing it will be if you want it, so pleasant to the eyes. The

    devil talked Eve into touching the fruit. Now, you didn't die, did you? You're all right. Come back

    tomorrow and touch it again. It's hard to tell how many times Eve went back and touched the fruit

    before the devil said,You've touched it so much you might just as well go ahead and take a bite. I

    see your fingerprints all over it. Don't you know God sees them, too? So really, this is your apple,

    Eve. You've claimed it. You might as well eat itbut don't eat it all. It might kill you for sure;

    just take a bite. The Lord said you would die in the day that you eat, but He meant the whole

    thing. Just one bite won't hurt. Some people think it takes a lot of sin before it counts, but one

    little sin will keep you out of Heaven. Even a little sin is death.

    Eve took the bite. She crossed the line into sin. Death shot through her like an arrow, going into

    every part of her, into the body, into the soul, into the spirit. Think of the change that came overEve as she stood there suddenly separated from that miraculous fellowship with God! That's what

    sin will do. If only people would realize how sin has destroyed others, see the contrast between

    lives before sin and lives deep in sin scarred with its terrible results! No longer fresh, beautiful, and

    holy, those in sin become hard, degraded, selfish, contaminated, wretched and undone without


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    How mu ch more shall the blood of Christ, who through the e ternal Spirit offered

    himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead w orks to serve the

    living Go d (Hebrews 9:14)? As the Lord reaches out for you, the Holy Spirit comes with the

    purging power of the blood to cleanse you, to deliver you from all sin. Even your conscience is

    purged of dead works so you can freely serve the living God. Anyone who comes to the Lord is

    cleansed in conscience, soul and spirit; that one is made completely free from sin, a new creation in

    Christ Jesus. How marvelous to know the power in the blood! Everything you need is in the blood.

    If you can't serve love to those you come in contact with, to the loved ones in your home on a daily

    basis, then you need to draw from the blood. How do you draw from the blood? By yielding to the

    Holy Spirit and letting the Holy Spirit shed abroad the love of God in your heart. As you yield to

    the Holy Spirit, He brings that which is in your soul into your mind. Daily let the Holy Spirit flow

    the greatness that He placed in your soul into your mind so that your mind will be in harmony with

    His Spirit, in agreement in that moment He wants to fulfill a promise for you. However, only when

    the blood is in your soul can the Lord flow His greatness into your mind daily as you yield to that


    Peace is in the blood; if you are not a keeper of His peace, then you will not have peace. Some

    people keep anything but the peace. Always stirring up strife, causing a commotion and trouble,

    they grieve the Lord with hurtful words. The love bridle is not part of their temperament. Yet they

    are going to Heavenso they think. What a terrible awakening ahead for them if they do not


    When you are saved, you don't walk around in a fog; you know where you are going. The power in

    the blood of Jesus, the power to purge out any hindrances and to keep them out is yours. How

    wonderful to have the purging, cleansing blood to flow daily! That blood is operating for you all the

    time when you are born again; there is no end to it. It's yours. It operates in every pure heart

    where the pure Word of God has found a nesting place. Having a purged conscience means you are

    serving God with all your heart. If you are not serving God with all your heart, not being obedient

    to God in all things, your conscience is not purged. Guilt, condemnation is there. You may blame

    your guilt feelings on the devil, say he is worrying you; but you know you have done wrong. You

    have wronged someone and won't make it right. To pretend you have made it right will not work;

    you would be deceiving your own heart. God uncovers people like that with His true Word, with

    His discerning power.

    By mercy and tru th iniquity is purged (Proverbs 16:6). Mercy and truth are in the blood. If

    you don't show mercy, the mercy in the blood isn't going to work for you until you repent of your

    sins before God. You need the mercy of God. In His mercy is help daily, in the Lord's tender,

    loving mercy that brings tender care, help and greatness.

    The pure Word of God is truth. Jesus said,And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall

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    make you free (John 8:32). Know the truth and be free. Before you can know the truth about

    yourself, you must know God's truth daily. Many do not know themselves. I've heard people talk

    about themselves and what they were saying wasn't true at all. It's time to clear out all the

    misconceptions, all the selfishness, all the despair and get down to God's truth. Take the hope and

    strength in the blood to clear out weakness. You can get the help you need; it's there for you.

    Let us draw near w ith a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts

    sprinkled from an evil conscience , and our bodies washed with pure w ater (Hebrews

    10:22). In full assurance of faith draw near to the Lord. Are you full of the assurance of faith or full

    of doubt? To have full assurance of faith, your heart must be true to God. Full assurance of faith is

    found in the blood. The Holy Ghost flows that full assurance to you daily if you are living in a

    justified statesaved, in other words. You are secure in God's faith. If you are not in a justified

    state, misgivings and doubts are a part of you.

    In this final hour the Bride of Christ will have full assurance of faith. The devil has worried God's

    people too long, making them think they might not be saved when they are. Others who are out in

    sin he has deceived into thinking they are saved. People who are not right with God have evilabiding in their consciences, leeches are attached. It's time to be purged. If you are really saved

    you can be purged of all your misgivings so you can walk in the full assurance of God. He is yours

    and you are His, washed with the pure water of the Word of God, sprinkled by the blood from an

    evil conscience. The Holy Ghost uses the blood to sprinkle an evil conscience, to cleanse it from all


    Pu re re ligion and un defiled b efore God an d the Father is this, To visit the fatherlessand w idows in their affliction, and to kee p himself unspotted from the wo rld (James

    1:27). Unspotted: You can't have a spot of the world on you, can't fellowship with it. If you

    fellowship with the world, the Bible declares that the love of God is not in you.

    For the law having a shadow of good things to come , and n ot the very image of the

    things, can neve r w ith those sacrifices w hich they offered year by year continu ally

    make the comers thereun to perfect (Hebrews 10:1). It's the blood of Jesus and the love of

    God that make us perfect, not animal sacrifices. Jesus came with the greatest message ever

    preached, the Sermon on the Mount, in which He said, Be ye therefore perfect, even as yourFather which is in he aven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

    Had the sacrifices under the Law brought man into perfectionwou ld they not have ceased to

    be offered? becau se that the worshippers once purged should have had no more

    conscience of sins (Hebrews 10:2). The Old Testament sacrifices didn't stop with one offering;

    the sacrifices went on and on, over and over again. The blood of animals wouldn't keep people

    purged of sin. Today, however, we don't have to keep having the same things purged from us. We

    are purged once and we can stay purged through the blood of Jesus as long as we commit no willful

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    Bu t in those sacrifices there is a reme mbran ce again made of sins eve ry year (Hebrews

    10:3). A remembrance every year called the Day of Atonement enabled the Old Testament

    Israelites to remember and be purged of their sins all over again. But when you are purged by theblood of Jesus, your sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness through the blood and you are free.

    For it is not possible that the blood of b ulls and of goats should take away sins

    (Hebrews 10:4). The Old Testament atonement was not permanent.

    Whe refore w hen he come th into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou

    wou ldest not, but a bod y hast thou pre pared m e: In bu rnt offerings and sacrifices for

    sin thou hast had no pleasure (Hebrews 10:5,6). The Lord did not rejoice in the blood sacrifice

    of animals. He knew it wasn't sufficient, that it couldn't make a new creation out of a person who

    needed to be made brand-new in order to be the way God intended man to be. The Lord was

    displeased with the sacrifices of animals, but what joy He has through the blood of the Son of God

    when a soul is made a partaker of His divine nature! All Heaven rejoices for each sinner made a

    new creation through the blood, the divine blood of Heaven. Such great power is in the blood!

    Then said I [this is Jesus speaking], Lo, I come ( in the volume of the book it is written of

    me,) to do thy will, O God. Above w hen he said, Sacrifice and offering and bu rnt

    offerings and offering for sin thou wou ldest not, neither hadst pleasure there in;

    which are offered by the law; Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh

    away the first, that he may establish the second . By the w hich will we are sanctified

    through the offering of the b ody of Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:7-10). Once andfor all Christ died to bring salvation to a lost and dying world. Through the blood you are made

    holy, you stay holy, talk holy, live holy, act holy, think holy. You are holy just like Jesus Himself.

    It's marvelous! He took on the flesh of a human being, the same flesh we have; and He gave you

    that which worked within Him, His divine blood. The divine blood makes the difference in any

    life. If you have that divine blood, you have divinity working on the inside of you, the righteousness

    and the holiness of God.

    You will not live holy until you have God's righteousness within. Outward righteousness alone is

    not sufficient. Some people would like you to think they are righteous; they have purged theoutside, but the cup inside is still dirty. The Pharisees of Jesus' time, for example, put up a holy

    front, but on the inside they were unclean.

    And every priest standeth daily ministering an d offering oftentimes the same

    sacrifices, which can neve r take aw ay sins: Bu t this man, after he had offered one

    sacrifice for sins for ever, sat dow n on the right hand of God; From hence forth

    expecting till his enemies be made his footstool (Hebrews 10:11-13). Jesus did away with

    the need for the priesthood when He became our High Priest. The priests had ministered day and

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    night, sacrificing one animal after another, sacrifices that could not do away with sins. What a

    stench went up before God! It was not pleasant. Now came the man Jesus, our Lord, Master and

    Savior to be our High Priest, offering Himself, one sacrifice that saves all from their sins for time

    and eternity, all who will yield to Him. Jesus is all we need, all we will ever need, Jesus Christ the

    Son of God. For by one offering he hath pe rfected for ever them that are sanctified.

    W her eof the H oly Ghost also is a witness to u s: for after that he had said be fore, This is

    the coven ant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my

    laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them ; And their sins and

    iniquities will I remem ber n o more. Now w here rem ission of these is, there is no

    more offering for sin (Hebrews 10:14-18). Where do you find a loophole that will justify sin?

    There is none. Thank God for the blood!

    Are you purged? Are you clean through the blood that stained the old rugged cross? All the power

    you need is in the blood. It's all there. The Lord will not accept excuses. If you make it to Heaven,you will have to give the grace in the blood of Jesus all the honor for getting you there. It won't be

    through your works: For by grace are ye saved throu gh faith; and that not of yourselves;

    it is the gift of God: Not of work s, lest any man shou ld boast (Ephesians 2:8,9). Works will

    not cleanse you. You find no cleansing power in works, only in the blood of Jesus. The purging is

    through the blood.

    Jesus said, If ye abide in m e, and my w ords abide in you, ye shall ask what ye w ill, and it

    shall be done u nto you (John 15:7). If His words, His promises abide in you, if His promises

    live on the inside of you, you can ask what you will.

    It's time to clear away everything you can, clear off, clear out, for the blood of Jesus is here to do

    anything you need done. Yield to the Holy Spirit, saying, "Holy Spirit, take over; use the blood.

    This particular thing I can't clear out, but you can. This I can't take care of, but you can. I rest my

    case in the blood of the Lamb."

    When you rest your case in the blood, you can be happy, free, drinking at the fountain of living

    water because of the blood of Jesus. If you have Jesus, He is living inside you. Why shouldn't you

    be happy, full of joy, bubbling when you have been delivered, purged and know the life of Jesus is

    dwelling on the inside of you? You have the power you need, the power to trample devils

    underfoot; you never need to fear man nor the devil. Believers in the name of Jesusshall cast

    out devils! You don't have to walk around the devil; you can walk right through him, trample him

    under. Don't excuse yourself to the devil; make no apologies. You are blood washed, blood bought

    and on your way to Heaven.

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    In this final hour, the Bride of Christ is like a mighty army with banners; the earth will tremble

    under her feet as she goes forth to bring in the harvest in this last and final hour. She is fair as the

    moon, clear as the sunthe Bride who will be caught away, the Bride coming up out of the

    wilderness. She is the Bride! Look at her beauty, look at her power! Look how gracious she is!

    We live in the hour of deliverance, the hour of greatness, the hour of love, of salvation and victory.

    We are on our way carrying the Gospel to the whole world. We have the blood of Jesus, the power

    that stained the old rugged cross; we have the victory of Heaven in our spirits and hearts. We will

    not be denied. It's victory through the blood of Jesus, and we're free. Thank God for the blood!

    If you are not free, turn everything over to the Lord. Sinner, Backslider, you need the blood.

    Without the blood is no forgiveness of sin. Without the blood of Jesus you have no chance ofHeaven. Without the blood the Lord will never forgive you. Jesus said,I am the w ay, the truth,

    and the life: no man com eth un to the Father, bu t by me (John 14:6).

    If you don't have Jesus in your heart, pray the sinners' prayer with me now:Oh God, I'm so sorry

    that I have sinned against you! I confess all of my sins. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of

    God. He died for me; I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins.

    Come on into my heart Jesus! Come on in!

    If you meant that prayer, He has come.

    You who are sick and afflicted, accept God's wonderful words of faith through Isaiah the prophet:

    With his stripes w e are healed (Isaiah 53:5). I'm God's believer; I'm not a healer; God is the

    healer, and healing is His will for you. Let me pray with you now, and let the power of God flow

    into your body or into your loved one. If you will believe and be obedient to God, that power will

    stay to get you or your loved one well. It's just that simple. Jesus made it simple for us. Lord, I

    bring them to you. I bring them by the tens, the hundreds, the thousands. Lay a healing hand on

    them just now. From your supernatural gift of miracles, from your gifts of healing it comes in the

    name of your Son Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost. Heal! in the mighty name of the

    Lord. Heal! in the holy name of Jesus.

    The healing power is flowing, flowing. Let that power linger within. You can do it by living in the

    Word, by yielding to the Holy Spirit, by accepting the promises of God. Get well.

    You who were saved today, start reading your Bible; fasting will help you. Pray, knowing that God

    hears you. The Lord is wonderful in all His ways. No power can defeat you when you are purged

    by the blood of Jesus and you use His blood. Jesus paid a great price to deliver His divine purging

    blood to humanity, and He rejoices when it is used. Yield to His Holy Spirit so He can use all the

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    greatness in the blood for you. Trust in His blood, His divine blood; use all that is in the blood, and

    victory daily will be yours through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God.

    PURGED THROUGH THE BLOOD, All rights reserved. Copyright 1995 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    d Through the Blood - Ernest Angley Ministries

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