

Implement policies regarding the management and use of public


MAKE THE CALLSchool Sponsored or Private

Making the Call

If it walks like a duck . . . and quacks like a duck. . .IT’S A DUCK!!

•Who is supervising?•Who is invited?•Where is it held?• Is rent being paid?•How is money collected and handled?

•Who receives payment for helping?•Who receives financial profit from the activity?

•How are supplies purchased?

Making the Call

School Sponsored• Supervision and control by


• Money though school accounts

• Purchases through District accounts

• Fee waivers apply

• No rental fees

• Employees paid through District payroll

• District liable for injury or loss

Private• Supervision and control by non-


• Money handled by private individual

• No purchases through District accounts

• Fee waivers do not apply

• Must pay rental for school facilities

• Employee not paid by District

• District not liable for injury or loss


School Sponsored Activities Check List

1Get approval of principal –

Request for Building Administrator Approval Form

Reserve School Facilities –

Having a key does not grant permission to use school facilities

School Sponsored Activities Check List


Check the School Fee Schedule

Total fees charged may not exceed amount approve by Board

School Sponsored Activities Check List


School Sponsored Activities Check List

4 Extended Travel

School Sponsored Activities Check List

5 Let your school secretaries know

School Sponsored Activities Check List

6 Advertise

School Sponsored Activities Check List

7 Conduct Fundraisers

School Sponsored Activities Check List

8Register Participants –

Activity Disclosure

School Sponsored Activities Check List

9Keep Student Roster

School Sponsored Activities Check List

0 Order Supplies & Equipment,Make Reservations


School Sponsored Activities Check List

11Manage Employees and/or Volunteers –

Personnel Management Form

School Sponsored Activities Check List

2 Supervise Activity1

School Sponsored Activities Check List

3 Submit Receipts and


School Sponsored Activities Check List

4 Conduct a Self Audit –

Financial Summary1



Strict requirements apply to avoid confusion about who is responsible and to prevent

conflicts of interest

Private-But Public Education RelatedDO NOT

• Use education records

• Use school time

• State or imply participation is a criteria for team membership

• Use school or District name

• Use District procurement methods

• Use school facilities

Private-But Public Education Related

Keep in the private realm

Discuss outside of school dayUse resources available to general public

Purchase advertisingUse personal contact information

Provide copy of Sponsor Agreement


Primary Intent of Purchasing Rules

•Ensure that public’s dollars are spent efficiently

•Create an environment where all qualified vendors have an opportunity to be considered

Purchasing Bid Requirements

•Less than $1,000 | No bidding requirement

•Between $1,000 and $4,999 | Two verbal quotes

•Between $5,000 and $9,999 | Three written quotes

•Over $10,000 | Must be bid by Purchasing

Specific Purchasing Guidance

Create open specificationsPlan in advanceSend invoices to Accounts Payable Use contracts in placePre-approve single/sole source purchases

Specific Purchasing Guidance

DO NOT•Place verbal orders without a purchase order•Reimbursements after-the-fact•Sent students to purchase item “on their own”

•Use pricing from a vendor’s website or printed catalog

•Split orders



Private Business Connected to Employee

May Not•Accept outside employment that would require disclosure of controlled information•Disclose controlled, protected, or private information•Accept outside employment that may impair independence of judgment1

Private Business Connected to Employee

1Disclosure Pursuant to the Public Officers and Employee Ethics Act –

Accepting Gifts from Parents or Students

It is a criminal offense for employee to accept, any gift if:• It would tend to influence

• It is a reward for doing employee’s job

• If employee is making decisions about donor or donor’s child2


School Sponsored Activities Check List

4Extended Student Travel• Conduct parent survey• Complete Extended Travel Request Form•WAIT for District approval• After approval, parent to complete Extended Travel Student Registration and Informed Consent Form

Out of State Travel Insurance

All students and adults traveling out of state for a school activity.

Covers traveling to, from, and during such activity.•$1.15 per person per day

• Jane Wilson (Moreton & Company)





Student Travel

•School buses or insured commercial transportation are preferred choices

•ANY transportation of students more than 100 miles from Farmington must be done by school bus or commercial carrier

•Rental and private vehicles with seating capacity of more than 8 passengers including drive may not be used to transport students

Students Providing Own Transportation

•Parents must be informed well in advance•Under no circumstances shall students be encouraged to drive other students

•Under no circumstances should employees attempt to organize or mandate car pools

Student Travel

Transporting students in a

private vehicle for a school activity is


•Pass defensive drive test

•Have automobile liability insurance coverage

•Have no conviction in past 10 years of alcohol/drug violation or more than 2 moving violations in last year

•Complete Automobile Transportation Record for Student Activities

Additionally, volunteers must pass criminal background check and be approved by school administrator


Travel outside the State

Parents may elect to purchase student accident insurance Not required for participation in student activities

Student Insurance


Student Injury

What is a reportable school injury• Causes student to miss half-day or more of school

• Requires treatment by health care professional

• Happens while going to or from school, during school-related activity, and anywhere on school property during normal school hours.


Fundraising & Donations

Policies in place to protect students,

parents, teachers, and school administrators


•Donations to a specific student are not allowed•Donations should be made through the District Foundation•Donors giving over $250 must be issued a receipt•Donations over $2,500 must be made through Foundation

•Title IX—Booster Clubs


•Written fund raising plan prepared and approved by school administration.

•Specific school project must be identified and funds raised must be spent for identified purpose.

•Contributions to and participation in fund raisers are voluntary.

•Funds must be receipted and expended through District or school accounts.


Group Fundraisers

• All funds raised shall be used for the mutual benefit of the program.

• All funds in excess of identified project remain in program account for the program’s benefit.

Individual Fundraisers• Funds raised by individual student will be held by the school under the student’s name.

• Funds that excess student’s identified school project costs will remain in the programs account for the program’s benefit.

Funds raised cannot be used to exceed School Board Fee limits

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