Page 1: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th


the activities that have happened during the past year. At our AGM held on December 7, 2018, it was great to see a good turnout of shareholders and descendants of the Trust. The AGM was very successful and in particular a bus tour of our whenua and newly acquired kiwifruit orchard, was much appreciated by all. The bus trip also included a tour of our industrial zone in Kawerau and since then most of the infrastructure for the dairy plant and roading has now been completed. In fact, Waiu Dairy had its official opening on the 17th May on a stunning sunny Kawerau day. It was an especially proud day for Putauaki Trust shareholders and descendants, being the landlord. shareholder and a supplier of Waiu Dairy. The dairy plant is almost fully operational and is employing several Putauaki Trust descendants. An update from the Waiu Dairy Board which includes Kiriwaitingi Rei as a director can be obtained by contacting our office. Our esteemed past Chairperson Mr Tamaoho Waaka Vercoe was instrumental in the naming of the Dairy Plant “Waiu”. It was only

From the General Manager



Putauaki te Maunga Rangitaiki te Awa Ngati Awa te Iwi Mataatua te Waka

Tihei Mauri Ora

Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. The 30th June 2019 marked the end of another financial year for Putauaki Trust and it is unreal how quickly the year has passed. As we enter a new financial year and at the same time celebrate Matariki, it is only appropriate that we reflect on the past celebrate the present and plan for the future. There has been a lot going on in the world of Putauaki Trust and included in my report is a brief update for our shareholders on


appropriate that the first road on our industrial zone was named after Waaka and it is officially known as “Tamaoho Drive” a fitting tribute to our past chairman. Tamaoho Drive. will be extended shortly to enable Lots opposite Waiu Dairy, to be accessed by long term tenants. Negotiations are currently underway with several interested parties for the Lots. Unfortunately finalizing a lease with Fenglin for 33ha of our land adjacent to our Putauaki Dairy Farm has been put on hold until a number of conditions have been agreed. On other matters the Trust’s dairy farms Himiona and Putauaki Dairy Farms’ are well set up for the 2019/2020 season with milk solids targets of 195,000kg MS and 280,000kg MS respectively. It is pleasing to report that PDF under the management of Junia Stowell produced very good results for the 2018/2019 season. Our 4.2 ha Gold Kiwifruit orchard “Te Waiwhero” also recorded great results for the 2018/2019 season with an Orchard Gate Return (“OGR”) of $167,000 per hectare compared to a Zespri industry average of $145,000 per hectare. The harvest of the 2019 fruit also yielded good results and the OGR for the 2019/2020 season should be above the industry average. Once again it has been a great financial year for the Trust, and we look forward to another successful 2019/2020-year end. In the meantime, best wishes to our Putauaki Trust whanau for the remainder of the calendar year.

Nga mihi ki a koutou ki a tatou katoa.

John O’Brien-General Manager

Vision Statement

Kia tipu nga rawa a Putauaki hei oranga mo nga Uri, otira, e aronuitia ana

hoki te oranga me te mauri a to tatau whenua

To grow the value of Putauaki assets for the benefit of all Shareholders

taking into account sustainability and the protection of our land

Newsletter Vol #11 July 2019

From the General Manager

Waiu Dairy Opening Day, Tour around Putauaki Dairy Farm for Japanese Shareholder-Imanaka

Exciting day for Putauaki Dairy Farm -First supply of milk was delivered to Waiu Dairy, 9th July 2019

Putauaki Charitable Trust-Grants Summary

Health Grants If you are 60 years of age and above, you are eligible to apply for a Health grant which can assist towards payment of new/repairs to prescription glasses, hearing aids and dental treatment. Health grants are also available for all Owners or Beneficiaries to assist them with travel and accommodation costs if they are required to travel out of the area to receive specialized treatment.

Discretionary and Community Grants Discretionary grants are available all year round to support individuals and Community organizations to pursue activities for their own benefit and for the benefit of the Communities. Consideration of all grants of this type will be at the Trustees discretion. The community grants are confined to organizations within Te Teko.

Tertiary Grants

Tertiary grants are available to assist those who are studying at tertiary level. These grants are available in April each year.

Boarding and Secondary Grants

Boarding and Secondary grants are available to assist those who are attending a recongised secondary school and are available in February each year.


- Putauaki Trust AGM Friday 6th December 2019 Kokohinau Marae, Te Teko

- Te Toki Kapa Haka Festival 24th – 27th October 2019 Rugby Park, Whakatane

- Te Teko Golf-Putauaki Trust Tournament Saturday 14th December 2019 Te Teko Golf Club, Te Teko

TRUST DETAILS TRUSTEES Kiriwaitingi Rei - Chair Waaka Vercoe Anaru Rangiheuea Charles Elliott Titi Eruera Marewa Burgess GENERAL MANAGER John O’Brien OPERATIONS MANAGER Titi Eruera EXTERNAL ADVISOR Peter Livingston-Agfirst SOLICITORS Sharp Tudhope Tauranga AUDITOR BDO Rotorua DAIRY FARM MANAGERS Himiona Dairy Farm Bryce Gulde Putauaki Dairy Farm Junia Stowell OFFICE STAFF Ashley Te Amo MIL House Waterhouse Street Extn PO Box 99 Kawerau [email protected]

From the General Manager


Putauaki te Maunga Rangitaiki te Awa Ngati Awa te Iwi

Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora

A warm welcome to this, our first Panui for 2018. We trust you have had a good start to the year and we hope the remainder of the year will be a successful one.

It has been a very busy 2018 so far for the Trust particularly in relation to the Trust’s Industrial zone. At the Trust’s AGM held at Kokohinau Marae 1 December 2017 Shareholders approved an application to be made to the Maori Land Court for the Hapu

partitioning and formation of Maori roadways on our Industrial land. I am pleased to report that at a MLC hearing held on 1 March 2018 the Judge was fully supportive of the Trust’s application and approved it subject to a final ML plan being submitted. This was a great outcome for the Trust and gives both certainty and flexibility in the development of our industrial land. (A preliminary plan for the Industrial land is enclosed for Shareholders information)

As was reported to Shareholders at our AGM the only negative of our Industrial development is the vesting of part of the Trust’s land back into the Crown’s hands (NZ Transport Agency) being the roundabout and right of way on the State Highway. We have however had productive discussions with Ministers Shane Jones and Nanaia Mahuta for possible funding from the Government to support the development of this roading infrastructure.

In the meantime, the Trust is in the process of finalizing leases with Fenglin Group and Kawerau Dairy Group which will together provide not only significant income for the Trust but also employment opportunities for up to 180 employees once the plants are completed. The Geothermal milk plant is expected to be completed in early 2019 and the Particle Board mill is expected to be operating by mid/late

2020. Indeed, some very exciting times ahead for the Trust, with these developments which will have a very positive impact on the Trust and local Community.

With regards to employment I am pleased to announce that Titi Eruera a current Trustee has been appointed Operations Manager for the Trust on a fixed term contract. One of his responsibilities will be ensuring the Trust’s Health and Safety policies and procedures comply with the onerous Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. Although Titi will remain a Trustee, he will not be paid a Trustee fee as he is a full time employee of the Trust.

In addition to Titi’s appointment, we are in the process of employing a new Office Administrator who will replace Pet who is retiring after 10 years loyal service to the Trust. I’m sure Shareholders will join me in wishing her all the very best in her retirement. Pet’s positive attitude and great rapport she has with many of our Shareholders will be sorely missed by us all, however she will not be totally lost from the Trust, as she was appointed as a Trustee by the Shareholders at the last AGM.

The Board has recently completed an appointment process for Associate Trustees to ensure the Trust’s succession planning is on track, and to develop governance and leadership skills in prospective future Trustees. The Board is pleased to announce that four new Associate Trustees were appointed with two to serve during 2018 and the other 2 during 2019. The calibre of the candidates was high, and we congratulate those appointed as follows:

Makarita Hunia-Mataio (2018) Aaron Elliott (2018) Dean Eruera (2019) Rex O’Brien (2019) A busy start to the year already and we wish shareholders all the best for the rest of the year. Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa

John O’Brien-General Manager

Vision Statement

Kia tipu nga rawa a Putauaki hei oranga mo nga Uri, otira, e

aronuitia ana hoki te oranga me te mauri a to tatau whenua

To grow the value of Putauaki assets for the benefit of all

Shareholders taking into account sustainability and the protection

of our land

Newsletter Vol #10

From the General Manager

Page 2: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th

2018 AGM Te Teko Rugby Club 7 December 2018

Page 3: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th

Waiu Dairy Opening Day Kawerau 17 May 2019

Page 4: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th

Waiu Dairy Opening Day Kawerau 17 May 2019

Page 5: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th

Waiu Dairy Opening Day, Tour around Putauaki Dairy Farm for Japanese Shareholder-Imanaka

Exciting day for Putauaki Dairy Farm -First supply of milk was delivered to Waiu Dairy, 9th July 2019

Page 6: PUTAUAKI TRUST NEWSLETTER · 2020. 5. 8. · Mataatua te Waka Tihei Mauri Ora Nga mihi mahana kia koutou nga kaiwhaipanga o Putauaki Trust. during 2019. The calibre of the The 30th

Putauaki Charitable Trust-Grants Summary

Health Grants If you are 60 years of age and above, you are eligible to apply for a Health grant which can assist towards payment of new/repairs to prescription glasses, hearing aids and dental treatment. Health grants are also available for all Owners or Beneficiaries to assist them with travel and accommodation costs if they are required to travel out of the area to receive specialized treatment.

Discretionary and Community Grants Discretionary grants are available all year round to support individuals and Community organizations to pursue activities for their own benefit and for the benefit of the Communities. Consideration of all grants of this type will be at the Trustees discretion. The community grants are confined to organizations within Te Teko.

Tertiary Grants

Tertiary grants are available to assist those who are studying at tertiary level. These grants are available in April each year.

Boarding and Secondary Grants

Boarding and Secondary grants are available to assist those who are attending a recongised secondary school and are available in February each year.


- Putauaki Trust AGM Friday 6th December 2019 Kokohinau Marae, Te Teko

- Te Toki Kapa Haka Festival 24th – 27th October 2019 Rugby Park, Whakatane

- Te Teko Golf-Putauaki Trust Tournament Saturday 14th December 2019 Te Teko Golf Club, Te Teko

TRUST DETAILS TRUSTEES Kiriwaitingi Rei - Chair Waaka Vercoe Anaru Rangiheuea Charles Elliott Titi Eruera Marewa Burgess GENERAL MANAGER John O’Brien OPERATIONS MANAGER Titi Eruera EXTERNAL ADVISOR Peter Livingston-Agfirst SOLICITORS Sharp Tudhope Tauranga AUDITOR BDO Rotorua DAIRY FARM MANAGERS Himiona Dairy Farm Bryce Gulde Putauaki Dairy Farm Junia Stowell OFFICE STAFF Ashley Te Amo MIL House Waterhouse Street Extn PO Box 99 Kawerau [email protected]

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