Page 1: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

White ceramic stars in honor of the victims of 9/11 adorn a rock wall surrounding a cross made of World Trade Center steel atop the hill at Graymoor, the home of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. On Friday, Sept. 11, there will be Memorial Masses at 8:46am (the time of the first terrorist attack) and at 11:30am in St. Pius X Chapel (6th floor) at Graymoor. That evening, at 8 o’clock, there will be a candlelight Service of Remembrance in the Memorial Garden. See page two for a story about Putnam County’s annual memorial service, including a list of those Putnam residents who died in the attacks.



and RECORDERWe are 143 years old but new every Wednesday

What’s InsIde

Expanded Sports

Coverage:Season Previews for

Haldane and Put Valley

page 15


Bill and Hillary Hit the Highlands

page 12

Karen Shea

Armistice Achieved

Haldane Teachers to Get Pay Raise

Guide to the 2009 Primary Election

See pages 10 and 11

by Michael Turton

McGuire’s on Main in Cold Spring has just become the world’s most recent addition to a global fraternity of pubs that serve up one of Ireland’s most beloved exports – Guin-ness stout.

“With a last name like Mc-Guire you have to serve Guin-ness” said Shaun McGuire, who along with his sisters Tanna and Mandy, own and operate the Main Street pub.

Last Saturday, McGuire’s was packed as Guinness lov-ers gathered for a special party to celebrate the draft brew’s arrival.

The Beer Lover’s Guide descr ibes Guinness S tou t as “”Mushy, mellow, soft , mildly bitter with an almost roasted chocolate elegance…classy and very satisfying.”

That “mushy, mellow” stout generates an intensely loyal following and McGuire feels that is about more than just the beer itself. “I think it’s really about tradition. Guinness is something that has remained consistent in a world where little else has. And you can

get i t a lmost anywhere in the world. It’s like coming home.”

Cold Spring resident Brian McElroy attended Saturday’s fest ivi t ies and his love of Guinness supports McGuire’s view. “My dad was one of eleven kids. My grandfather, Francis Xavier McElroy, al-ways had a keg of Guinness on ice.” McElroy has fond memories of sharing a pint with his grandfather and, not surprisingly, as he recalled those times he added, “Guin-ness is my favorite drink.”

John Maasik of Cold Spring says that he and his friends take some of the credit for Gu inness coming to Mc-Gui re ’ s . “Every t ime we came in here we’d tell Shaun, ‘You should have Guinness.’ Someone jokingly suggested that everyone should throw twenty bucks in the pot…” Maasik said.

The “pot” Maasik referred to was the money needed to install separate lines and taps to serve the popular Irish beer, a requirement that Guiness does not budge on.

McGuire picked up on the idea, and it proved to be a true win-win outcome. It would

(See McGuire’s on Page 12)

dInIng Out In PhIlIPstOWn

Michael TurTon

McGuire’s Taps into Old Irish Tradition

Part of a series on local eateries

Pouring what the Irish refer to as a ‘proper pint’ of Guinness is a time-honored process that requires skill, patience, and care. McGuire’s on Main is now equipped to do just that for its thirsty customers.

by Michael Mell

The September 2, 2009, board meeting of the Garrison Union Free School District began with an announcement that the board has reached agreement on a new contract with the Garrison Teachers Association and would vote to approve it immediately. The five-year contract includes salary increases, increases in teacher contributions to health care insurance, and profes-sional development programs.

“Garrison’s board of educa-tion, administration, teach-ers, and staff can now move forward,” said board presi-dent Anita Prentiss, “work-ing together on what matters most: student achievement and high-quality education.” The announcement earned an ovation from those in atten-dance and the board voted unanimously to approve the contract.

The agreement covers 2007 through 2012, providing sal-ary increases of 3 percent and 2.75 percent for the first two years; corresponding to amounts already budgeted. Annual percentage increases for the balance of the contract term are 2 percent, 2 percent

by Michael Turton

The Haldane Central School District has reached a new, two-year agreement with the Haldane Faculty Association (HFA) which represents Hal-dane’s teachers and teachers’ assistants for grades K-12.

Like most labor agreements, the new contract is multi-lay-ered, complex, and not likely to appear on any best seller lists. The bottom line is that the new contract will cost taxpayers an average of 3 percent more in each of the two years.

“One of the signs of a fair agreement is that both sides feel they wanted more. There were concessions on both sides,” commented Superin-tendent Mark Villanti at the start of the September 1, 2009, meeting of the Haldane School Board.

by Eric Gross

County Executive Robert Bondi has proposed closing the Senior Center on Cedar Street in Cold Spring and cutting other “quality of life discretionary programs.”

In a Tuesday evening ad-dress to the legislature, Bondi also announced a proposal to eliminate Friday trolley service

in Philipstown. Bondi said Philipstown se-

niors will be able to “receive services at the Putnam Valley Senior Center,” more than 11 miles away from the one in Cold Spring.

The county executive also announced a plan to cut 49 full-time positions in his 2009-2010 budget.

Bondi said the cuts were part

of a 15 percent reduction in “contributions to outside agen-cies that do much to improve the quality of life in Putnam County. We would like to con-tinue with these programs as well as funding organizations like libraries, Cooperative Ex-tension, and museums, but the county cannot spend money it does not have.”

Members of the Putnam

Legislature will now begin reviewing the executive budget line-by-line in the next two weeks in committee before formulating its budget during the Budget and Finance meet-ing on Sept. 23 and Sept.24.

A public hearing on the revised budget is scheduled for Sept. 29. The budget will then be forwarded to Bondi for his perusal.

by Eric Gross

The Putnam County Legisla-ture plans to fight the Metro-politan Transportation Author-ity’s recently enacted mobility tax through the courts.

In July, County Execu-tive Robert Bondi vetoed a resolution approved by the nine-member governing body calling for the county to re-frain from paying the MTA a “single penny” for the tax that will cost businesses in the commuter region millions of dollars.

Bondi agreed with the leg-islature that the mobility tax was an “onerous tax, adversely affecting the businesses and residents of our county,” but said he vetoed the resolution based on one specific clause that could not be enforced: “Putnam County government has no right to say ‘Putnam will not authorize any pay-ment of the unfair and unjust mobility tax.’” Bondi called it his “fiduciary duty as County Executive to uphold the laws of New York State, whether I agree with them or not. The

legislature also shares in this responsibility.”

Bondi urged Putnam to “pay this bill as required by law in a timely fashion to avoid interest and penalties and late filing fees that will adversely affect our taxpayers.”

At l a s t week’s r egu la r monthly meeting of the leg-islature there was no vote taken to override the execu-tive’s veto. Instead, Legisla-tor Vincent Tamagna of Cold Spring called for the county to initiate an Article 78 pro-ceeding against the state and the MTA relating to the tax. “A court of law must make a decision on whether Putnam County has an issue of taxa-tion without representation,” Tamagna said. “I want a judge to decide.”

Tamagna charged the state’s actions were “totally unac-ceptable because the MTA continues to loot the people of Putnam County, since the tax is retroactive to March 1, which will result in a $127,500 expenditure for county gov-

by Eric Gross

Cold Spring will get the financial help needed to pick up its trash. The Putnam Leg-islature voted 6-3 last week to expend $7,500 that will assist the village government with its increasing costs for garbage pick-up.

Legislator Vincent Tamag-na called it “terribly unfair” for the village’s 2,000 resi-dents to “pick up the entire tab for the removal of tons of trash, rubbish, and gar-bage generated by weekend visitors and tourists who fre-quent local merchants and generate substant ial sales tax revenue.”

Tamagna described Cold Spring as the “gateway to tourism. This is strictly a mat-

ter of fairness. Cash registers ring up sales and sales tax revenue for the entire county every Saturday and Sunday, while the residents are left with the mess on Monday morning.”

Last month Mayor Seth Gallagher reported that his vi l lage was “seeing more weekend visitors than in re-cent years.” He cited the June 7 visit of the Tall Ships, when “3,000 visitors packed the waterfront park to view the flotilla sailing and motoring up the Hudson.”

Mayor Gallagher also re-called the Independence Day weekend when, “Cold Spring welcomed 8,000 guests for a full day of entertainment throughout the commercial

by Michael Brendan Dougherty

As the Sheriff’s race has intensified in the weeks lead-ing up to the primary, the four candidates have made crime statist ics one of the top issues of the campaign.

Former NYPD Captain An-drew DeStefano asks in his ads, “How Safe Are You?” and lists a series of unnerv-ing statics about an increase in crime in Putnam County in 2008: Burglaries up 43.3 percent, aggravated assaults up 54.5 percent, 17 percent increase in violent cr ime, and a 34 percent increase in DWIs. In an interview with the PCN&R, Kevin McConville, the Democratic candidate for Sheriff and former chief of the MTA Police, said, “If you look at Putnam County in the last three years, crime is up 34 percent.”

Sheriff Smith says his op-ponents are trying to scare the public. “In 2006 we had 25 robberies. In 2007 there were 10 robberies in Putnam County. That means robberies went down 60 percent. The next year, 2008, we went from 10 to 13 robberies. Then

they say it is an increase of 40 percent. There has to be ‘truth in lending’ here.”

The candidates have also debated how safe Putnam County i s re la t ive to the area . In nearby Rockland County, cr ime in the past year has jumped 11 percent, making Putnam’s increase in crime look modest. Dutchess county’s overall crime index has seen a modest uptick in crime overall since a 2006 low. Meanwhile, Westches-ter County has seen steady, though modest, decreases in crime over each of the past four years. The contrast Smith’s critics draw between Putnam and surrounding counties is on the rate of violent crime. Westchester and Dutchess have seen a modest decrease in the rate of violent crime; Putnam stands out in the past year for a modest increase.

“We are the safest county in the Hudson Valley by far,” Sheriff Smith said, “and the second safest in New York, beh ind Hami l ton County, which has more deer than people.” To prove the case, Smith points out that over the past 18 years, the past three years are still among the saf-

est, even with an economic downturn. According to the Index Crimes statistics re-ported by the New York State Justice Services, the lowest absolute crime rate was in 2007, a rating of 952.8. The next safest year was 2006 954.6. And the third best year was 2008. “People are trying to make the public feel like there is a huge crime wave in Putnam County,” Smith said.

Smith attributes the recent increases in crime rate in part due to the economic downturn that leaves people out of work, along with other factors in surrounding counties.

Putnam Remembers September 11

Senior Center Could Close

Putnam Sheriff’s Race

Analyzing the Crime Stats

After years of dispute, Garrison teachers, district sign contract

County Will Help Pay for Cold Spring Trash Removal

Fate Still Unknown in County’s Battle with MTA

(See Crime on Page 13)

(See Trash on Page 13)

Karen Shea of Philipstown spotted this bear in her backyard on Tuesday. She writes that she was able to snap this picture from the safety of her home: “This bear has been to visit us twice this summer and has been seen in many of our neighbor’s yards as well ... He was determined to get to our bees and unfortunately they did not survive the assault.”

The Bear and the Bees

annie cheSnuT

(See Haldane on Page 8)

(See GUFS on Page 8 )

( S e e M TA o n P a g e 8 )

Re-Zoning Packs the Houseby Joe Lindsley Jr.

On September 3, 2009, there was quite a crowd at the Philip-stown Town Hall for the town board meeting. A good portion of the audience consisted of members of a group of business and property owners calling themselves Concerned Citi-zens of Philipstown. They were there to express their concern about the town’s proposed zon-ing changes as detailed in the Comprehensive Plan.

To prevent the meeting from running far into the night, Supervisor Bill Mazzuca an-nounced that a special work-shop would be held to discuss zoning changes. During the past years, Philipstown has

hosted a number of meetings about the re-drafting of the Comprehensive Plan, but in recent weeks a growing num-ber of residents have begun to express their concerns about the proposals to make much of Philipstown into a “rural conservation zone.” Mazzuca reassured the audience that the plan was not carved in stone, and that he had “some crazy sense that there might be some changes” coming to the zoning proposals.

Near the end of the meeting, in consultation with members of the audience, it was determined that there will be a zoning work-shop at 7:30pm on Tuesday, September 15, the same day as the primary elections. As

the North Highlands Fire Hall will not be a polling place this fall, it was selected as the site of the meeting. Mazzuca said the board would like to have Joel Russell, the land use at-torney and planning consultant who helped draft the proposed zoning changes, in attendance. An audience member requested that the workshop be video-taped, and the board agreed.

The business owners “have valid concerns, there’s no doubt” said Richard Shea, town board member and town super-visor candidate, in an interview Tuesday. “I guarantee you that there will be changes to this document.”

(See Re-Zoning on Page 14)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009CXLIII No. 36 Philipstown & Putnam Valley

Page 2: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Page 2 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mark Your Calendar – Meetings this WeekThursday 9/10 Friday 9/11 Monday 9/14 Tuesday 9/15 Wednesday 9/16

7 PM - Cold Spring

Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Special Board

6:30 PM - PV Zoning Bd of Appeals-Workshop

7 PM - Cold Spring Zoning Bd of Appeals

7 PM PVCSD Board of Ed Wk Sess.

9:30 AM - Philipstown Board at the Town Hall to discuss the Town Park

at Quarry Pond 7 PM - Haldane BOE Workshop

7:30 PM - Cold Spring Board Weekly Workshop

7 PM PV Town Board Regular Mtg7:30 PM - GUFS Board Special Mtg 7:30 PM -Philipstown Board Weekly

Wkshop - Presentation from the head of the NY State agency that oversees

property tax administration.


SATURDAY 9/12 9 AM - PV Final District Budget Hearing


11 AM - Philipstown North Highlands Fire District Workshop

Working in the PCN&R off ice on Labor Day gave us a del ight ful—and hear twarming—view of the Main St ree t s idewalks chock ful l of shoppers and s ightseers . The photo to the r ight shows some of the waves of cus tomers that inundated Cup-O-Ccino a l l day long.

There was some exci tement under the tent Saturday night at Boscobel: If you were there, you would have seen Hi l lary and Bi l l Cl in ton second row center enjoying the Shakespearean play Peric les (see the photo on page 12) .

Af terwards they ta lked wi th the cas t in the ac tors’ tent and complimented Cold Spr ing’s Char lot te Palmer-Lane on the cos tumes. They had seen a review in the NY Times and decided to ca l l for t ickets . And yes , Hi l lary was wear ing a pantsui t !

There i s lo t s go ing on th i s coming weekend , f rom Take-a-Hike, to the Summer Sunset Cruise to benef i t PARC, a Pop Warner fund ra iser, to a Black Tie Barn Dance a t The Barn a t Glynwood . Check the Coming Events on page 4 .

Remember to dr ive careful ly now that school i s open.Happy Bi r thday gree t ings to ; Penny Cra ig , Doreen

Derry, Joann Reinhardt , JoDana, Stephen Smith , Rina Desa i , Michae l Bade , Sudha Pa te l , Tr ix ie McCar thy, Bruce Campbel l , Tina Bar i le , Roger Blanchard , Par i -ma l Meh ta , Sang i t a Modi , Kasey Ba t t ag l i a , Pa t r i c i a Keegan, K.J .Conley, Diana Swinburne , Kathy Hamel , Pa t r i ck L i lbu rne , Deb Mor i t z , and Margare t Mor i t z . Best wishes to a l l .

6 PM - PV Planning Board Mtg7:30 PM - Philipstown

Zoning Board of Appeals

Annie Chesnut

by Eric Gross

Eight Putnam residents who died on September 11, 2001, will be remembered Friday evening at the 9-11 memorial service at Carmel’s Corner-stone Park.

Putnam’s eight heroes are: Chr i s topher Blackwel l o f Putnam Lake, Daniel Harlin of Kent, Robert Minera of Carmel , Thomas Kuveikis of Kent and George Cain of

Patterson, all FDNY members; Steven Driscoll of Lake Car-mel, a member of the NYPD Emergency Services Uni t ; David Fodor of Garrison, a tax accountant, and George Paris of Carmel, an employee of Cantor Fitzgerald.

Members of the Stephen Driscoll Chapter of the Fra-

ternal Order of Police will participate in the program.

The names of each hero will be recited with tolling bells to follow. The ceremony gets underway at 8pm and will be preceded by an ecumenical service of remembrance at St. James Church in Carmel.

by Eric Gross

Putnam County Elections Commissioners Robert Ben-nett and Anthony Scannapieco and their staffs didn’t have much of a vacation this summer now that 69 candidates have filed petitions to run for 34 positions in town and county government this fall.

The large number of candi-dates seeking office will result in a number of primaries next Tuesday.

“In some towns like Carmel, Kent, and Putnam Valley, vot-ers will need a scorecard due to the great interest in seeking

public office,” said Elections Commissioner Robert Bennett.

His counterpart, Commis-sioner Anthony Scannapieco, added, “This is part of the process. Residents have the right to seek election as long as they receive the necessary signatures on petitions.”

Putnam’s top race this year pi ts Sheriff Donald Smith against three chal lengers . Former Southeast Town Judge James Borkowski and retired NYPD Captain Andrew DeSte-fano are challenging the sheriff in a GOP Primary while Kevin McConville of Cold Spring, the retired head of the MTA Police, is the Democratic chal-lenger.

Running unopposed is Dr. Michael Nesheiwat for Put-nam Coroner, as is Putnam Legislator Vincent Tamagna

of Cold Spring.In Philipstown, two candi-

dates are running for super-visor—Republican Matthew Mastrantone and Democrat Richard Shea.

Four candidates are seeking two town board seats—Demo-crats Betty Budney and John VanTassel, and Republicans Joselle Cunane and Theresa Polhemus.

Philipstown Assessor Brian Kenney is running unopposed.

Putnam Valley Supervisor Robert Tendy is facing op-position from Democrat Dawn Powell. The two will be bat-tl ing for the Independence Party line in a primary next week as well.

Six candidates are vying for two seats on the Putnam Valley Town Board—Republi-cans Jacqueline Annabi, Esther

McHenry, and Patty Villanova, along with Democrats Samuel Davis, Christopher Lieber-man, and Wendy Whetsel. An Independence Party Primary is also scheduled.

Putnam Valley Justice Gina Capone is seeking reelection without opposi t ion, whi le Highway Superintendent Earl Smith is facing an Indepen-dence Party line challenge from Mark Pawera.

Next Tuesday’s pr imary contests will be a warm-up for Commissioners Bennett and Scannapieco and their dozens of election workers who prepare for November’s general election. This week the PCN&R is providing the public with snapshots of the candidates running in primary races. Check out our Primary Day special on pages 10-11.

Putnam to Remember 9-11 Friday Evening

Crowds at Cup-O-Ccino on Labor Day.

Polls Open at 6am Tuesday Countywide


Page 3: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 3

On September 11th, 2001, while we were being attacked by hijackers using commer-cia l a i r l iners as weapons , the passengers and crew of Uni ted Air l ines Fl ight 93 f rom Newark , NJ , to San Francisco, CA, took thei r plane back from the terror-ists, but lost their lives when the plane crashed into the ground near Shanksville PA. Their courage as impromptu ‘ci t izen-soldiers’ is said to have been the f irs t victory in the ‘War on Terror.’

This sad moment in our nation’s history will be com-memorated with a program enti t led “Going to Shanks-vil le ,” which includes pho-tographs, videos, and a talk by Jim Cypher, Jr. , a t the Howland Center in Beacon on Fr iday, Sep tember 11 , at 7pm.

A y e a r a f t e r w a r d s J i m Cypher Jr. drove out to the temporary memorial at the

crash si te and documented the experiences he witnessed there. In a twist of fate he me t wi th the r e l a t ives o f a pas senge r a f t e r an odd coincidence, and also met with Val McClatchey, who took the famous photograph o f t he smoke c loud f rom the crash t i t led, The End of Serenity . He then returned for the f ive-year memorial service and again met with t h e v i c t i m ’ s f a m i l y. H i s r eve ren t apprec i a t ion fo r what the heroes of Fl ight 93 did, and how their brave example resonates with each of us has compelled him to share this remarkable piece of recent history in words, pho tographs , and moving images.

T h e r e i s n o a d m i s s i o n f ee , bu t dona t ions to the F l igh t 93 Memor ia l Fund are encouraged. www.hon-orf l

The Heroes o f F l igh t 93 Honored in Words, Images

On Sunday, September 27, immediately fol lowing the 11am Mass outside Pilgrim Hall, Graymoor, the Francis-can Friars of the Atonement are welcoming Franciscan fr iar and popular wri ter Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM, who wil l sign copies of his new book, Will I See My Dog in Heaven?

Will we see our dogs and cats in the hereafter? Does God’s plan for eterni ty in-clude the created nonhuman world? Fr. Jack, brings a love for al l creat ion and infec-tious enthusiasm to the seri-ous task of exploring these l ong -a sked ques t i ons . I n Will I See My Dog in Heaven? he admits that no one really knows what God has in mind for us in the next l i fe . But in ten thoughtful chapters ,

he l ines up evidence from the Sc r ip tu re s , Chr i s t i an tradit ion, and l i turgy, and the l ife and teachings of St . Francis of Assisi , that God desires al l creatures (yes, including our beloved pets!) in the afterl i fe

For those unable to attend, individually inscribed and personally signed copies of the book wil l be available through September 26 from the Graymoor Book & Gift Center by calling 424-2100 or by visi t ing

Pilgrim Hall is located at Graymoor on Route 9. For information, call 424-2111.

Will I See My Dog in Heaven? Signing at Graymoor

On Saturday, September 19, from 10am to 3pm, the York-town Family History Library, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will host a Family History Fair, which will feature a lecture by Cold Spring resident Luisa Perkins.

There will be free classes, presentations, and informa-tion booths to help you get started building your family tree or to help you add to what

you already have. Information will be provided on Internet resources, recording oral his-tories, and much more. For complete schedule of events and details go to or phone 914-941-9150.

The Church is located at 801 Kitchawan Road, in Ossining, ¼ mile east of the Taconic.

Cold Spring’s Luisa Perkins Speaks at Geneology Fair


1 Chestnut Street, Cold Spring

Fr. Shane Scott-Hamblen, Rector, 265-

2539 Mr. Ron Greene, Senior

Warden, 265-3624 www.stmaryscoldspring. Sun. Masses: 8am (spoken); 1 0 : 3 0 a m ( s u n g ) ; S u n d a y school in Parish Hall dur-ing 10:30 massThurs. Fri. & Sun.: AA in parish hall , 8pm


Route 9, Garrison 424-3671


Sunday Eucharist - 11am, Pilgrim Hall. Daily Mass - Mon. - Sat . 11:30am. Mondays - Holy Hour, 8pm. Centering Prayer - 8pm. Monthly Prayer Meeting 2nd Sunday of every month at 2pm. Recovery Inc. every Wednesday, 7:30pm.Renewal Farmers’ Market: Every Friday, 10-3, during growing season.Fri . Sept . 11 - Memor ia l masses at 8:46am (the time of the first terrorist attack) and at 11:30am, at St. Pius X Chapel (6th floor).Fri . Sept . 11 - 9 /11 Can-dlelight Service of Remem-brance, at Memorial Garden, 8pmSun. Sept. 27 - Book sign-ing of Wil l I See My Dog in Heaven? following 11am Mass

ST. JOSEPH’S CHAPEL A mission Chapel of Our Lady of Loretto Church

Upper Station Rd., Garrison, 265-3718

Sunday Mass: 10:15am


CHURCH Fair Street, Cold Spring


Fr. Brian McSweeney, Pastor

Masses: Sat. 5:30pm, Sun. 7 : 3 0 a m , 9 , & 11 : 4 5 a m . , Weekdays: 8:15am, St. Jo-s e p h ’ s - G a r r i s o n , S u n . , 10:15am. Holy Days: 8:15am & 7:30pm Mass, Holy Day Vigil: 530pmConfessions: Sat., 4:30-5pmWed/Sun Sept 13/16 - “A Parish Mission” w/ Fr. An-gelus Shaughnesy, 7pm, dif-ferent topics each nightFri/Sat Oct 2/3 - Oktober-fes t , in celebrat ion of the Feas t o f the Holy Ange l . 5-10pm. German food, beer, Italian ices, more. Children’s games, dunk tank, live enter-tainment and gaming wheels. 265-3718Bingo - Thursdays , doors open 6pm, first game begins


Episcopal 1101 Route 9D, Garrison

Across from school Rev. Francis H. Geer, Rec.

424-3571 - e-mail: [email protected] - Holy Communion10:30am - Main ServiceChoir–Thu, 7:30pmJunior Choir–Sun at 9:15amSunday School–Sun 10:30am Acolytes – Sunday 9amAdult Class – Sunday at noonLife Support Group – Wednes-days at 7:30 PM St. Philip’s Nursery SchoolM-F–9am to Noon


37 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley

Pastor Tony Mecca 845-526-3788

Sunday Service & Sunday School : 10 am.Prayer Serv ice w/ Com-munion : Tues 7 pm. “Tues-days w/ Tony” - Discussion group, 9am.Tue. Sept. 22 - Fall luncheon & auction, 11:30-1:30pm.


65 Oscawana Lake Rd., Putnam Valley

845-528-8858 [email protected] Sunday Worship - Service: 9am, Coffee hour: 10:15am,


PHILIPSTOWN Academy & Cherry

Streets Cold Spring - 265-3220

Rev. Leslie Mott, Pastor

email: [email protected]

Worship Service: 10amChancel Choir Rehearsa l : Wednesdays 7pmOffice Hours: Tue, Wed & Thu, 8-12F o o d P a n t r y : S a t u r d a y s 9-10am



845-265-3365 South Highland UMC,

19 Snake Hill Rd. Garrison

Cold Spring UMC, 216 Main Street

Pastor Margaret (Peggy) Laemmel

South Highland in Garrison worship service at 9:30am. Cold Spring worship service at 11am. S o u t h H i g h l a n d S u n d a y school wil l begin on Sun-day, Sept. 13th during the 9:30 worship service.Sat. Sept. 12 - Bake Sale, Foodtown, 9:30am-noonSat . Oct . 10 - Bake Sale , Foodtown, 9:30am-noon


Churches, USA) Jay Camp

(Interim Pastor) 245 Main St. , Cold

Spring 265-2022

Sunday Services, 10:30amWednesdays : Prayer- Fel-lowship time, 7pm


Conservative Synagogue 331 Verplanck Ave.,

Beacon Rabbi Josh Wohl

Cantor Ellen Gersh 845-831-2012

www.beaconhebrewalliance.orgFri. night Shabbat services 7:30pm Sat . morning Shabbat ser-vices, 9:30amCheck website for religious school, services, events info.

TEMPLE ISRAEL 140 Lake Drive Lake Peekskill

Rabbi Jeff Cymet 845-528-2305

Shabbat Services : Fridays 8pm; Saturdays 9:15am.


P.O. Box 94 Cold Spring, NY 10516

THE HIGH HOLY DAYS S e r v i c e s l e d b y C a n -t o r S h o s h a n a L a s h , O r -g a n i s t D o u g l a s K e i l i t z A l l S e r v i c e s a t S t . M a r y ’ s P a r i s h H o u s e S a t . S e p t . 1 2 : S h a b b a t /S’lichot Services, 9:30am, Discussion, 10:30am Fri. Sept. 18: Rosh Hashanah Evening Services, 8pmSat. Sept. 19: Rosh Hashanah Morning Services, 10amSun. Sept. 27 : Kol Nidre Evening Services, 8pmMon. Sept. 28: Yom Kippur, morning services, 10am, dis-cussion, 1:30pm, afternoon services, 3:30pm, community break fast immediately fol-lowing Afternoon Services Sat. Oct. 3: Shabbat/Sukkot services a t Surpr ise Lake Camp,9:30am, Sukkah Build-ing by the Lake, 10:30am, servicesFor more information cal l 265-8011 and leave a mes-sage or e-mail philipstownre-formsynagogue


Quaker Meeting (845) 424-3525

Meeting for Worship – 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 10am, at 848 Old Albany Pos t Road (Whyat t S tone Cottage), Garrison. Call for directions. Children of al l ages welcome.


Putnam Valley Rabbi Allen Darnov


Shabbat Services: Fridays, 8pm; Young people’s ser-v i ce - t h i rd F r iday o f t he month, 7pm. Hebrew School, ages 3+


METHODIST CHURCH 729 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley

845-528-5076 www.tompkinschurchny.org1s t Sunday o f t he mon th worship: 2pm


PEEKSKILL 1821 Main Street,

Peekskill 914-739-0500 [email protected] Rabbi Lee Paskind

Services: Sat. 9:30am; Fri. 8pm; Monthly Fr i . family service, 6:30pmSat. Sept 13 -Sukkot Family Workshop, free, 12:30 p.mDaily minyan at downtown synagogue (call for info)

Page 4: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Page 4 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Putnam County News & Recorder is happy to announce your event. A complete list-ing of Coming Events are on our website at To send your listing: PCN&R, PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516; fax 265-2144; e-mail, [email protected].


Cold Spring Farmers’ Market, Saturdays through Thanks-g i v i n g , 8 : 3 0 a m - 1 : 3 0 p m , at The Nest , Chestnut St . Putnam Valley Farmers’ Mar-kets: Fridays, 3-7pm, Tomp-kins Cnrs Methodist Church, outdoors, 729 Peekskill Hol-low Rd. June 19-Oct. 9 ALSO Wednesdays, 3-7pm at Putnam Valley Grange, Adams Cnrs, 128 Mill St. Indoor/Outdoor, through Dec. 16.845-528-0066 Historic Walking Tours of Cold Spring conducted by volun-teers from Putnam County Historical Society, Sundays at 2pm, free, meet at foot of Main St.; through early Nov.


Wed. Sept. 9 - Annual Cold Spring Farmers Market Com-munity Dinner, 7pm, The Gar-rison.

Wed. Sept. 9 - Putnam County Seniors Picnic, spons. by Of-fice for the Aging, 10am-3pm, Veterans Memorial Park. 845-621-0600 for info and res.

Thu. Sept. 10 - HH Trust Take-a-Hike! Musical Tot Trek II w/ Stacy Labriola. Ltd. space, reg. req’d. 10am, 1 hr., easy/family-friendly., 424-3358

Fri. Sept. 11 - Jazz vocalist Michelle LeBlanc and quartet, “I Remember You,” 8pm, Arts on the Lake, 640 Route 52, Kent Lakes

Fri. Sept. 11 - Service of Re-membrance for 9/11, Graymoor Memorial Garden, 8pm

Sat. Sept. 12 - Summer Sun-set & Fireworks Cruise on the Hudson, in celebration of the 400th Anniversary Hudson sail, cruise on the River Rose. Din-ner buffet, open bar, music, dancing, silent & live auctions, Peekskill Celebration Fireworks Display. 8-11p.m., $100 per person, benefit for PARC. 845-278- PARC, ext. 287 or

Sat. Sept. 12 - Bake sale. spon-sored by South Highland UM Church, 9:30am-noon, in front of Foodtown

Sat. Sept. 12 - Army vs. Duke Football, Philipstown Pop War-ner fundraiser, 12 noon, $29p/p, arrive early for tailgating, Phil-ipstown Hawks take the field post-game. [email protected].

Sat. Sept. 12 - Boot-Stompin’ Black-Tie Barn-Dance Gala to benefit Glynwood. 7pm cock-tails & dinner at The Barn at Glynwood Farm. $250p/p. Anita, 265-3338.

Sat. Sept. 12 - Hudson Highlands Girl Scouts’ Community Tag Sage, 9am-2pm, at the Little League field at North Highland Fire House. Toys, clothes, books, games, more. Refreshments for sale. Raindate Sun. Sept. 13. Deirdre Knapp 265-9485

Sat. Sept. 12 - Handmade Cavalcade outdoor craft fair, 11am-7pm, free. 20+ booths of handcrafted items. Cnr of Main St and North Cedar, Beacon

Sat. Sept. 12: Lauren Hale Dance presents Drop-In Dances. Mod-ern dance improvs performed every quarter hour, 7-9pm. Free. Shambhala Yoga Ctr, 4 Sth Chestnut St., Beacon

Sun. Sept. 13 - Sunset Series: Readings at Chapel of Our Lady Restoration. Novelist Valerie Martin. 4pm, wine & cheese reception follows. Free, park at Metro-North station.

Sun. Sept. 13 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Night Sky Out-ing w/ astronomer Frank Suits. Bring blanket & binoculars. 8pm, Garrison Golf Club parking lot. 2 hrs, easy/family friendly., 424-3358

Sun. Sept. 13 - 15th Annual Hoot on the Hudson, 12-6pm, Little Stony Pt.

Sun. Sept. 13 - Strut Your Mutt fundraiser for Putnam Humane Soc. 11am-4pm, Veterans Me-morial Park, Carmel, register at

Sun/Wed Sept 13-16 - ‘A Parish Mission’ discussions w/ Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, 7-8pm, Our Lady of Loretto. Different topic each night; a l l w e l c o m e . 2 6 5 - 3 7 1 8 .


Fri/Sat Sept. 18/19 - Philip-stown Garden Club flower show, open to public for viewing from 2-4 on Fri and 10:30-5 on Sat, Desmond-Fish Library, Gar-rison.

Sat. Sept. 19: Tots Park Jam-boree: 4-6pm at McConville Park. Bring a picnic blanket and enjoy some live music while you help raise funds for the park. Suggested donation: $20/family.

Sat. Sept. 19 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! What Henry saw & more w/ historian Ray Phillips. Part of the Hudson River Valley Ramble.10am, Ft. Montgomery Visitors’ Center, 2 hrs., Moder-ate., 424-3358

Sat. Sept. 19 - Family History Fair, 10am-3pm, free classes, lectures, info booth re build-ing your family tree. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 801 Kitchawan Rd., Ossining., 914-736-1791

Sat. Sept. 19 - Jazz Vespers w/ renowned jazz musicians, 5:30pm, free, First Presbyterian Church, 10 Academy St. Cold Spring, 265-3220.

Sun. Sept. 20 - Concert: Jason Cutmore, piano, playing Al-beniz, de Severac and Schubert. 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, park at Metro-North station.

Sun. Sept. 20 - Walkabout at Tilly Foster Farm. Guided his-torical tours, 1pm. Reservations rec, space ltd. 845-279-4474,

Sun/Thu Sept. 20/24 - Philip-stown Seniors trip to Wildwood, NJ, 5 days/4 nights, visit At-lantic City, winery tour, Cape May boardwalk & boat cruises. $379 incl. 3 dinners/4bfasts. Eileen, 265-5098.

Sat. Sept. 19: Tots Park Jambo-ree: 4-6pm at McConville Park Bring a picnic blanket and enjoy some live music while you help raise funds for the park. Sug-gested donation: $20/family.

Mon. Sept. 21 - Flu Shot clinic spons. by Health Dept. 2-6:30pm, Garrison Fire House. Bring proof of age & Putnam Cty residency. $20; free for those over 60. 278-6130.

Tue. Sept. 22 - Plant One On Me: learn about frontage plantings with Keep Putnam Beautiful. 7-8:30pm, Cornerstone Park Bldg, Fair St/Rt 52, Carmel. 845-278-61030, x 43155.

Tue. Sept. 22 - Fall luncheon & auction, Grace Methodist Church, 337 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley. 11:30-1:30pm. Sandwiches, salad bar & desserts. $7/lunch; $3/auction bids. 845-526-3788.

Sat. Sept. 26 - Constitution Island Family Day, 10am-3pm. Exhibits, demos, birds of prey, horse & wagon rides, boat rides, Rev. War Trail walks. Shuttle runs from south end of Metro-North CS parking lot. 845-446-8676,

Sat. Sept. 26 - 32nd annual Cold Spring Harvest Festival. Starts at 10am, Main. Street.

Sat. Sept. 26 - Free concert by West Point Band at Putnam Val-ley HS, 7:30pm.

Fri/Sat Sept. 26/27 - Open Stu-dios, Beacon, for more details

Sun. Sept. 27 - Fall foliage cruise aboard The Commander w/ Jim Witt, raise funds for Hope for Youth Foundation. 12:30-3:30pm, dep.s from Peekskill. $35p/p, $10/children under 12. 845-265-2010 or [email protected]

Wed. Sept. 30 - Senior Roast Beef Dinner and Bingo, Phil-ipstown Community Center, Noon - 3pm. Free. Philipstown residents only.Res. required by Sept. 28. 424-4618.

Fri. Oct. 2 - HH Land Trust’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, The Garrison. For tickets call 424-3358.

Fri. Oct. 2 - Philipstown Rec pro-vides transportation to Golden Idol Senior Vocal Competition Event, Westchester County Ctr, White Plains, 2-5pm. Res. req’d. Info about participation, call Margaret, 424-4618.

Fri/Sat Oct 2/3 - Oktoberfest, in celebration of the Feast of the Holy Angel, Our Lady of Loretto, 5-10pm. German food, beer, Italian ices, more. Children’s games, dunk tank, live entertainment and gaming wheels. 265-3718

Sat. Oct. 3 - Haldane School Fdn. Benefit to Support En-vironmental Studies, 5-8pm. Gynwood Center, Tickets $50 before Sept. 30, $60 after. Tick-ets: Haldane School Foundation, PO Box 364, Cold Spring NY 10516 or [email protected].

Sun. Oct. 4 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Fire on the Moun-tain w/ Jordan Dale. Bring a bag lunch. Meet: 10am. Sur-prise Lake Camp Main Bldg. 4 hrs, difficult.:, 424-3358

Sun. Oct. 4 - Sunset Series: Readings at Chapel of Our Lady Restoration. Poet Edwin Torres. 4pm, wine & cheese reception follows. Free, park at Metro-North station.

Fri. Oct. 9 - VA Hudson Valley Health Care System Veterans Job Fair, 11am-3pm, Castle Point, Route 9D. Meet employ-ers, service orgs, etc. Bring several copies of resume and discharge papers.

The Putnam County De-partment of Health will be holding public seasonal flu* c l in ics fo r adu l t Pu tnam County residents (18 years of age and older) at Garrison Fire House, 1616 Route 9 on Monday, September 21, and again on Monday, October 19, from 2-6:30pm on both days.

The cost of the flu vacci-nation is $20. The vaccine is free for those age 60 and older or for anyone with a Medicare card. Persons will be asked to provide proof of age and Putnam County resi-dency (Driver’s License).

*Please note that this vac-cine covers seasonal flu only and NOT the H1N1 (swine) flu virus. Please call the Put-nam County Health Depart-ment’s Flu Vaccine Hotline at 845-278-6130 for updates including future clinics and H1N1 vaccine availabili ty.

For ch i ld ren 6 months

to 18 years o ld , the Put -nam Coun ty Depar tmen t of Health recommends flu vaccination to be adminis-tered by the child’s health-ca re p rov ide r. However, eligible children 6 months to 18 years old can receive seasonal flu vaccine through the depar tment ’ s ped ia t -r ic immuniza t ion c l in ics . P lease ca l l 845-278-6086 for more information.

Additional flu clinics may be scheduled as flu vaccine sh ipments a r r ive . P lease continue to check the Put-nam County Department of Health Flu Vaccine Hotline at 845-278-6130 for further updates or vis i t

Pneumonia vaccine wil l a l so be ava i lab le f ree to t hose r e s iden t s ove r 65 years of age. For residents under 65 years, a doctor’s prescription is required and a $45 fee will be charged.

Health Department to Host Seasonal Flu Vaccine Clinics

Page 5: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Words and Music: Two Afternoons at the Chapel

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 5

Enjoy a rare guided tour of the Mandevi l le House , the oldest house in Garri -son. Built in 1737 by Jacob Mandeville, a young man of Dutch origin, the house was a strategic point during the American Revolution, and was headquarters for General Israel Putnam. Many Revo-lutionary War heroes were quartered at the house-the most notable being General George Washington. Be sure to see the old road traveled by General Washington and other revolutionary war he-roes in front of the house.

The Mandeville House is opening i t s doors for the nex t two weekends , f rom 12 until 4pm, as part of the Tenth Annual Hudson River

Valley Ramble in September. Nearly 300 events will take place from Saratoga County and the Capital Region to New York City on the week-ends of September 12/13 and September 19/20.

The Ramble is sponsored annually by the Hudson Riv-er Valley National Heritage Area, Hudson River Valley Greenway and the New York State Department of Environ-mental Conservation's Hud-son River Estuary Program, in conjunction with National Estuaries Day.

The Mandeville House is loca ted on Lower S ta t ion Road (ac ross f rom Route 403), Garrison. For more information, call 424-3636.

Oldest House in Garrison Opens for Two Weekends

On Friday September 11, from 6-8pm, Garrison Art Center wil l host an open-ing reception for the art is ts fea tured in the upcoming exhib i t ion tha t runs f rom September 11 through Sep-tember 27.

Plast ic Waves is a collab-orat ive exhibit in the Gil-let te Gallery. Art is ts Susan English and Jaanika Peerna join forces to create an in-stal lat ion. English presents d rawings and he r pou red shapes and Peerna an instal-lat ion of mylar s tr ips, with s lowly puls ing l ights that create a wavel ike shadow across the work.

Susan English is an ab-stract painter who l ives and works in the Hudson Valley. She received an MFA from H u n t e r C o l l e g e . S h e h a s worked as a teaching art is t at DIA Beacon, an exhibition curator, and was a founding member o f Co l l abo ra t ive Concepts in Beacon.

J a a n i k a P e e r n a w o r k s at the crossroads of digi tal and t radi t ional media, of-ten dealing with the themes o f wa te r, s imp l i c i t y, and s i l ence . She has an MFA in Intermedia Design from SUNY New Paltz. She has worked as teaching art is t at DIA Beacon and the Visual Thinking Strategies project of the Soros Foundation.

In the Balter Gallery the Art Center proudly presents the world premiere of The Gretzinger Map— a large-

scale f ict i t ious map of an-other world that has been painted and col laged over the pas t 46 yea r s by a r t -i s t and c lo th ing des igner Jerry Gretzinger . In Au-gust, 1963, Gretzinger began drawing a map on an 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper. Since then he has been expanding the map one sheet of paper at a t ime. The instal lat ion on the walls and crawling up onto the cei l ing at the Art Center wil l be the f irs t t ime that even Gretzinger has seen a large port ion of the map assembled. There a r e t owns , pub l i c works , roads, and rivers, a census of populat ions and resources, and even football scores al l compiled in a public record. Gretzinger wil l explain the complexities of his creation at the opening on Sept . 11. The show wil l also include an entertaining video inter-view with the artist made by Greg Whitmore.

A l so , fou r new human-scale, stone and steel works by Tom Holmes will be fea-tured on The Sidewalk Gal-lery through Nov. 8. Holmes i s an a r t i s t , s cu lp to r and musician l iving and work-ing in the NEPA and Hudson Valleys. His work integrates and combines stone, metal , wood, l ight , ice, and water.

For more information on e x h i b i t i o n s , c l a s s e s , a n d events at Garrison Art Center visit or cal l 424-3960.

Four Prominent Local Artists Show Their Work at GAC

Charismatic Pianist Jason Cutmore Performs Schubert

Young pianist Jason Cut-more, described as “charis-mat ic ,” with “br i l l iant f i -nesse,” will perform in The Chapel of Our Lady Restora-tion on Sunday, September 20. Free to the public, the concert begins at 4pm.

I n a d d i t i o n t o F r a n z Schubert , he wil l perform selections from Spanish com-poser Isaac Albeniz (1860–1909), best known for piano works based on folk music, and from French composer Deodat de Severac (1872-1921), who was an assistant to Albeniz. De Severac was also noted for vocal and choral music, for settings of verse in Provençal and Cata lan and poems by Verlaine and Baudelaire in French, and his motet, Tantum Ergo, has long been part of church music.

Mr. Cutmore has performed in rec i t a l and in concer t throughout North America, Europe, and India. Upcom-ing engagements take him to Chicago’s Cultural Center, University of Calgary’s Ce-lebrity Series and Ontario’s Colours of Music Festival.

His debu t so lo CD of Manuel de Falla’s music was released by Centaur Records in 2008. He has collaborated on recording the music of George Crumb for Bridge Records.

Wi th conce r t o rgan i s t Daniel Sul l ivan, Mr. Cut-

more formed the New York Piano-Organ Duo, dedicated to exploring and performing the repertoire for this unique instrumental combinat ion. Upcoming concerts will take them to venues in Canada and the United States.

Af te r g radua t ing f rom Oberlin Conservatory of Mu-sic and SUNY Purchase Col-lege Conservatory of Music, Mr. Cutmore made his recital debut in 2005. He is a native of Edmonton, Canada.

The chapel is located at 45 Market Street, Cold Spring. Free parking is available on weekends a t the ad jacent Metro North Train Station.

The music series is made possible, in part, with public funds from New York State Council on the Arts Decen-tralization Program, admin-is tered in Putnam County by Putnam Arts Council. In-dividual contr ibut ions are welcome.

On September 13, the Sun-set Reading Series will pres-ent one of America’s best novel is ts , Valer ie Mart in . Martin, who lives in Dutchess County, is the author of three collections of short fiction and eight novels including Trespass, Italian Fever, Mary Reilly— the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story told from the view-point of a housemaid, which was filmed with Julia Roberts and John Malkovich—and the 2003 Orange Prize-winning Property . She is also the au-thor of the nonfiction work Salvation: Scenes From the Life of St. Francis.

Martin will be reading from her new novel, The Confes-

sions of Edward Day, which “explores the complex and fascinating lives of a group of young actors in their search for emotional truth in art.” Set in the theater world of 1970s New York City, this new novel, like many of her pre-vious works, shows Martin’s immense talent for bringing a specific, historical period to vibrant life. The New York Times book reviewer called it “one of the best novels I’ve ever read about the actor’s psyche.”

Valerie Martin will read at 4pm at Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St. Cold Spring. A free wine and cheese reception will follow.

Acclaimed Novelist Valerie Martin Reads from her Work

Putnam Arts Counci l i s pleased to announce their September film, Constitution Island: American Landmark, screened in honor of the Hud-son Quadricentennial. This brief documentary, written and presented by Richard de Koster, executive director of the Constitution Island As-sociation, includes wonderful material about Constitution Island and its history, and has recently been the recipient of a GHHN Award toward Excellence. The screening, scheduled for Sunday, Sept.

20, at noon, coordinates with the dates logged for Henry Hudson sailing up that area of the river (Sept. 15, 1609), and wil l be offered at the Arts Council’s headquarters at Tilly Foster Farm, Build-ing #8.

Reservations are request-ed as seating is limited and admission and parking are free. For directions or more information on the Indepen-dent Film Series and all Arts Council programs, classes, special events, and services, visit

Constitution Island Film Screened by Arts Council

VAN BRUNT GALLERY 137 Main St.. Beacon


Thu/Mon 11am-6pmExhibit: Peter Bynum, Sept. 5 - 2 4 , r e c e p t i o n S e p t . 1 2


17 Sybil’s Crossing Kent Lakes

(845) 225-8585

Mon, Wed 10-8Tue, Thu, Fri 10-5

Sat, 10-3Closed most major holidays



Tours on selected weekdays; every weekend at 11am and 1:30pm, res. a must. Grounds open for hiking all year.Sat . Sept . 12 - Mani toga Modern, par t of the inau-gura l New York Her i t age Weekend, 2-5pmS u n . S e p t . 1 3 - O r a n g e County Day: discount tour rates for residents; reg. req’d.


477 Main Street,Beacon 845-831-4988

Thursdays, 7-9pm - Medi-tation Classes, drop in, no pre-reg req’d, $8 classF r i . S e p t . 1 2 - G o l d e e Greene, 8pm


2681 West Main Street Wappingers Falls


Sept. 11/26 - The Importance of Being Earnest , Fr idays and Saturdays at 8, Matinee on Sun. 20th only, at 2pm.


100 Route 312, Brewster845-279-4474

www.tillyfosterfarm.orgSat/Sun Sept. 12/13 - An-tique Farm Equipment ex-hibit , 11am - 4pmSat/Sun Sept. 18/19 - Brew-ster Flower Garden Show, PAC Building 8


Rtes. 301 & 9D 845-265-3040

www.butterfieldlibrary.orgMon & Wed: 10am-8pmT, T, F and Sat: 10am-5pmSun. 12-3pmONGOING PROGRAMSTuesdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 9:30am Thursdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 1:30pm Fri. Sept. 11 - CPR for moms, and caregivers, 10am, $35,registration required.Mon. Sept. 14 - Writing Club for Tweens and Teens, grades 6 th ru 12 , 3pm, 8 weeks . Writing Club for Kids, grades 3 thru 5, 4pm, 8 weeks. Reg. reqd. M o n . S e p t . 1 4 & We d . Sept. 16 - Defensive Driv-ing Course, 6-9pm, $40 Tue. Sept. 15 - American Girl Dol l Workshop, “Kirs ten , 1854,” 3:30pm Sat. Sept. 19 - CPR for teens, 10am, $35


30 Oscawana Lake Rd., 845-528-3242

www.putnamvalleylibrary.orgHours: Sun. 1-5; Mon. 10-6; Tue/Wed 10-8; Thu/Fri 11-5; Sat - 10-5Book Club begins again in Sept . on 3rd Tues of each month. Sept. book is Moby Dick ; Oct. book is Ahab’s Wife .


Tilly Foster Farm 100 Route 312

Brewster 845-278-0230

www.putnamartscouncil.comArt Classes for All Agesbegin Sept . 22 – ongoing throughout FallSun. Sept . 9 - Indie f i lm series: Constitution Island d o c u m e n t a r y w / s p e a k e r Richard de Koster, 12noon atthe Lodge a t Ti l ly Fos te r Farm. Res. suggested.


Route 9D & 403, Garrison 845-424-3020

http://dfl.highlands.comClosed Sat /Sun/Mon Sept 6/7/8 for Labor DayHours: M/ W/F: 10am-5pmTue & Thu 2-9pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 1-5Fri/Sat Sept 18/19 - Philip-stown Garden Club Flower Show, open to pub l i c fo r viewing 2-5 on Fri, 10:30-5 on Sat.


MUSEUM 63 Chestnut St.,

Cold Spring 845-265-4010

www.pchs-fsm.orgMuseum hours : Wed-Sun, 11am-5pmOffice hours: Tues/Fri 10-5Sat . Sept . 12 - Lecture on Water Qual i ty in the 19th Century Hudson Valley, 5pm Sat. Sept. 26 - Benefit Gala, 6pm, Bird & Bottle Inn


West Point, NY 845-446-8676

www.constitutionisland.orgPublic tours through Sep-tember, Wed & Thu at 1 and 2pm, leaving fm South Dock at West Pt. Res. req’d.Sat. Sept. 26 - Family Day, 10am-3pm, exhibits, demos, boat rides, trail walks, house tours; depart fm CS Metro-North parking lot


Garrison’s Landing 845-424-3960 [email protected] Gallery Hours: Tue/Sun

12-5pmFri. Sept. 11 - Sun. Sept . 27 - Work by Susan Eng-lish, Jerry Gretzinger, Tom Holmes, and Jaanika Peerna. Art is ts’ recept ion on 9/11 from 6-8pm.

PARAMOUNT CENTER 1008 Brown Street,

Peekskill 914-739-2333

[email protected]: In The Loop, Sept . 11 ,12 a t 8pm, Sept . 13 a t 3pm, Sept. 17 at 8pmWed. Sept. 16 - Los Lobos, 8pmFILM: Food, Inc. , Sept. 18, 19 at 8pm, Sept. 20 at 3pm, Sept. 24 at 8pm


45 Market St., Cold Spring

845-265-5537 www.chapelofourlady.comSun. Sept. 13 - Sunset Read-ing Series: Valerie Martin, novelist , 4pm, freeSun. Sept . 20 - Concer t : Jason Cutmore, piano, play-ing Albeniz, de Severac and Schubert. 4pm, free.Sun. Oct 4 - Sunset Reading Series: Edwin Torres, poetSun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Ca-mille King, soprano, Regan Smith and Carol Leone, pia-no. 4pm, free. Haydn, Men-delssohn and RachmaninoffSun. Nov. 8 - Concert: Al-exander Fiterstein, clarinet, Rolf Schulte, violin, Aaron Wunsch, piano.4pm, free. A selection of classical music.


Depot Square, Garrison’s Landing 845-424-3900

Fri/Sun Sept. 11-13 - Aery Theatre Co. One Acts, Fri . & Sat. at 8pm, Sun. at 4pmFri. Sept. 25 - Depot Docs Sons of Cuba , 7:30pmSun. Sept. 27: Depot Dances, dance sampler by emerging and established New York choreographers, 8pmOct 23 - Nov 15 - Musical, Secret Garden, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm.Fri. Nov. 11 - Depot Docs, 7:30pm


Cold Spring 845-265-2000 Mon–Fri, plus 1st &

3rd Sat., 10am – 5pm; also open Fri. until

dusk through Oct 2; $5/ members - no charge

Sat. Sept. 19 - Tea in the Garden - self guided tours, e x h i b i t s , r e f r e s h m e n t s , 10am-5pm, $5, members freeSun. Sept. 20 - Garden Con-servancy Open Day, 10am-5pm, $5; free for members & GC ticket holders

BOSCOBEL Route 9D, Garrison


Opendaily except Tues., 9:30am-5pm, last tour 4pm

$16/adults, $12/seniors, $7/children, 6-14,

under 6/free Grounds only $12

(through 9/7)Sat . Sept . 12 - B ig Band Concert and Sunset Picnic, 6-8pmSun. Sept . 13 - Dutchess County Day. Free admission for all county residentsSun. Sept . 20 - Horse & Carriage Day, 12-4pm

A small component of The Gretzinger Map

The But te r f ie ld Library will be offering the American Girl Doll Workshop once a month throughout the fal l season beginning on Tues-day, September 15, at 3:30. The featured “gir l” wil l be “Kirsten, 1854.”

Instructor Beverly Barker uses the popular dolls and books to teach children in grades 1 and up about the various periods of American history with a discussion of the styles of dress, customs,

and culture from that par-ticular time. Each workshop features a popular needle-craft from the t ime period.

Upcoming dates and work-shops include: October 13, “Addy, 1864 ;” November 17, “Rebecca, 1914;” and December 15, “Ana, a Rus-sian immigrant , 1914.”

R e g i s t r a t i o n i s r e c o m -mended for th is program. Please visit or call 265-3040 ext. 4 for more information.

Butterfield Doll Workshops Mix History and Needlecraft


West Point 845-938-2617


FESTIVAL Performances at Boscobel

845-265-7858 Box Ofc: 845-265-9575

www.hvshakespeare.orgClosed for the season

Page 6: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Page 6 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Putnam County News & Recorder is published weekly

on Wednesdays (except for certain holiday conflicts)

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Elizabeth Ailes, Publisher

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Deadline for Copy & AdvertisingMonday at 12 noon

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The Putnam County News and Recorder

Covering Philipstown and Putnam Valley

in New York’s Hudson Highlands

founded in 1866 as the Cold Spring Recorder

a publication of the Putnam County

News & Recorder, LLC, a subsidiary of the

Hudson Valley Freedom Press, LLC

Zoning Input Welcomed

To the Editor: The readers of your Au-

gust 26th article headlined “Angst Spurs Action” may not be aware that the proposed new zoning law complete with maps is and has been available on the Town’s website for all to see (

The Zoning Advisory Com-mittee (whose members in-clude David Brower, Jordan Dale, Irvine Flinn, Barbara Scuccimara, and Glenn Wat-son) worked on the draft law over a period of more than two years, during which all of our meetings and delibera-tions were open to the public. Nothing was done in secret.

In July of last year, our task complete, the draft was pre-sented to the Town Board at a publicly attended Town Hall workshop. Further publicly attended workshops were held last fall and winter, which in-cluded members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Plan-ning Board. The interest and participation of town residents at future public hearings will be welcome. We all want the final product to be a zoning law that implements the Com-prehensive Plan and serves the needs of Philipstown as well as it possibly can.

David Brower, et al.

Light Pollution

To the Editor: In the August 26th issue of

the PCN&R, there was a front page article on the proposed lighting improvement project for the Cold Spring waterfront. Here’s the latest information:

This project grew out of a 2007 meeting with then-Mayor Anthony Phillips, who sought assistance in improv-ing lighting in the Village. At this meeting, Mayor Phillips asked Tim Culbert, a Philip-stown resident, licensed ar-chitect, and lighting expert, who has volunteered his own time and expertise, to pro-pose alternatives that would save the Village on energy and maintenance expenditures for waterfront dock lights, and improve both the lighting and visual experience of visi-tors to the waterfront, without sacrificing safety and security. Subsequent presentations and a lighting demonstration of the ERCO bollards took place in early 2008, all extensively covered by the PCN&R. As did his predecessor, Mayor Seth Gallagher fully supports the new lighting. Here is the latest update:

1) The $54,900 needed to acquire the 30 ERCO bollards has been fully raised at no expense to the Village or its taxpayers, with foundations (Hudson River Foundation, Hudson River Valley Green-way), corporations (Entergy, M&T), non-profits (HHLT, Cold Spring Lions, OSI), and private donors all contributing to a project they agree will achieve the Village’s goals;

2) the project has been unani-mously endorsed by Village Boards over 2+ years, includ-ing most recently on August 25th;

3) the Village Board agrees that, l ike other community projects completed in the past, the necessary Village resources and volunteers (including local electrical contractor Andrew Pidala, who has volunteered his services) can be marshaled for installation of the bollards;

4) the Philipstown Town

Board formally endorsed the project and offered Town re-sources to assist with the in-stallation;

5) the Village Historical Review Board will review the project and see one of the light fixtures at its next meeting on September 9th; and,

6) the ERCO bollards are designed to operate in tem-porary flood conditions and are constructed with materials designed to deter vandalism.

I would offer that light pol-lution is not just an “environ-mentalists’ issue.” Shielded, energy-efficient lighting tech-nology is now the industry standard for new construc-tion—just look at the new North Highlands Fire Depart-ment, EnergyStar lighting at the Glassbury Court develop-ment, and the recessed canopy lighting at the new Appalachian Market at Rt. 9/403.

Lighting improvement is as much a quality of life and energy issue, as an environ-mental issue. But, if the Vil-lage leadership and residents ultimately decide the existing lighting is preferred, then I’m sure the contributors listed above will offer their funds for community-supported projects elsewhere in the Hudson River Valley. I believe that would be an opportunity lost for the Village and for Philipstown.

Andy ChmarExecutive DirectorHudson Highlands Land Trust

Fly the Flag

To the Editor: Wouldn’t it be spectacular

to wake up Monday morning and see an American flag fly-ing in front of every house in America for the whole week? That would lead us to believe that just maybe, not everyone forgot what They did to us eight years ago. September 11, 2001: Never forget, never forgive!

Bill BurnsGarrison

Remember 9/11

To the Editor: Eight years ago this Friday,

I was the victim and witness to the single, most devastat-ing criminal act in the his-tory of our nation. Nineteen foreigners arose that day and participated in the murders of 2,974 residents of our country. Those 2,974 people awoke that morning, and went to work for their families. These families still suffer, and yet endure (as Faulkner might say, prevail). This Friday, if you can, take two minutes out of your morning to recognize this victimization and sacrifice. Then,.... turn,... and hug your family.

Kevin M. HarrisonCold sprinG

A Leader by Example

To the Editor: John Van Tassel was born

in November, 1965. His fa-ther, George Van Tassel, was a founding charter member of the Philipstown North High-lands Fire District in 1969; and retired after more than 25 years of active service.

John Van Tassel joined the North Highlands Fire Depart-ment in 1982 at age 17. He showed promise; and has con-tinued a proud family tradition of community service.

John Van Tassel is eminently qualified to serve on the Phil-ipstown Town Board!

Hans Moellernorth hiGhlands

Cell Tower Defeated

To the Editor: Two weeks after the pub-

lication of the July 29 news article “Cell Tower on Historic Hudson Horizon,” I received a note from Carol Ash, Com-missioner of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Properties, stating that there are no longer current plans to erect the proposed Bear Mountain tower.

That ill-conceived tower pro-posal was defeated by a coor-dinated letter writing campaign of local citizens and environ-mental organizations. I would like to especially acknowledge Andy Chmar, Hudson High-lands Land Trust Executive Director, for his advocacy on this issue, to the Putnam County News and Recorder for their detailed coverage, reported by Annie Chesnut, and to everyone in Garrison and Cold Spring who weighed in on the federal review man-dated for the proposed tower.

However, the state parks still maintain a policy of putting up cell towers on parklands (Policy Statement No. 36). The Appalachian Trail/Hessian Lake location was spared to-day, but what about tomorrow? As long as the policy stands, there could be a cell tower in Fahnestock State Park or some other pristine land you hike and enjoy nearby.

I urge anyone concerned with this issue to keep tabs on the State Parks and make sure you know what they are up to. But for someone’s mentioning a tiny legal notice in our paper, the Bear Mountain cell tower would have been a done deal.

If you have any questions about this issue, please email [email protected]

Deborah KopaldFort MontGoMery

Master of Calm

To the Editor: As soon as they started shout-

ing at John Hall’s health care forum at Fox Lane on Sept. 2, my stomach went into a knot. I had never attended any event that was so loud and passion-ately polarized.

The shouts continued all night but Congressman Hall was a master of calm and con-trol. He answered the real questions that were asked and moved on from the heated ac-cusatory statements that didn’t merit a response. He addressed the issues, and hopefully at future events he will expand upon his explanations of both the bill before the House, H.R. 3200, and his own position in support of it.

I never completely relaxed—I couldn’t—but I did feel that our Congressman conducted himself with dignity, intel-ligence, and compassion for the thousands of citizens he has the honor to represent.

T h e p e o p l e w h o w e r e whipped up to a froth by the spewing hatred of rabid right-wing radio and TV monsters to serve the insurance industry, kept attacking, though they did lose a bit of their initial steam as the evening wore on. Still that’s what they had come for — to act like kindergartners, shouting loud and out of turn. So I hope they’re happy now.

I admire Congressman Hall for his willingness to welcome all his constituents, especially the ones who disagree with him

on this hugely important issue.It’s great to have a grown-up

at the helm. I believe John Hall wants to help solve our biggest problems and I’m proud he’s our Congressman.

Judy AllenputnaM Valley

Rolling in the Right Direction

To the Editor: I have had the opportuni-

ty to attend three town hall meetings on health reform and was equally impressed and mortified. Assemblyman Greg Ball hosted two of these meetings, one in Fishkill and one in Somers, and did a ter-rific job. Collectively ideas for and against the health bill H.R. 3200 were heard and respected by the attendees. Assemblyman Ball challenged us when he asked us to propose some of our own ideas of reform. This was a valuable opportunity to listen to ideas such as tort reform, interstate competition among insurance companies, and tougher regulations that would not require a massive government overhaul of the health system. In Somers As-semblyman Ball even provided a panel of experts in the health and accounting field to answer any relevant questions. Overall these meetings were profes-sional and well run with the Assemblyman giving us over four hours of his time.

The negative experience that I had was when I attended a last minute public meeting hosted by Congressman John Hall and moderated by the NAACP. He took questions from constituents, but I can’t say the answers had any value. He often would change the topic and since no follow-up questions were allowed it was hard to keep the Congressman on track. In the end he gave us 45 minutes of his time and had to hide behind the NAACP. Congressman Hall will have a hard time being reelected in 2010 with a high quality candidate like Assemblyman Ball running against him.

James CarreraWappinGers Falls

Transparency Needed

To the Editor: The impasse in the State

Senate earlier this summer demonstrated that equity in the allocation of state rev-enues is imperative. In par-ticular, we must pay close attention to the distribution of taxpayer resources such as member items and ensure that all New Yorkers benefit from this public money regardless of who their representatives are or their legislators’ party affiliation.

For many years I have been concerned with the way mem-ber items, or pork-barrel spend-ing, is dealt with in New York. There is no transparency or oversight in a system that deals with approximately $200 mil-lion tax dollars a year. Member items are given out to programs and organizations with little government oversight. They are doled out solely at a leg-islator’s discretion, and are not distributed equally to all districts in the state.

I have proposed several pieces of legislation to re-form the member item system and to infuse some equity and oversight into the process. My bills, A.1271 and A.1272, call for a bi-partisan task force to establish standards for allo-

cation of member items, and also guarantee the equitable distribution of these funds to all members of the Assem-bly and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. Similarly, incumbent legislators often use member items to give them an advantage in elections. Right before an election a legislator can announce all of their leg-islative items and use public tax dollars to influence their own election results. I have introduced legislation that would prohibit representatives from publishing or distributing these discretionary funds up to 60 days before an election (A.6856).

If you agree that the member item process in New York State has to be improved, I would encourage you to contact your state elected officials to convey your concerns and express your support for some of my proposals.

Sandy GalefMember of Assembly90th distriCt

Let’s Not Be Divided

To the Editor: I am completely taken by

surprise that so many of our fellow citizens are so emotion-ally against a plan for health care reform that guarantees care for everyone, no matter how rich or poor. Have we forgotten the moral issue that we are our brother’s keepers, that no one should be denied medical care and famil ies should be protected against financial ruin based on health care needs?

We are the only nation that al-lows insurance corporations to manage our health care needs. In my view, it is the corporate greed of insurance companies that decides who lives and dies and when someone should get medical treatment.

I understand there is always a fear of change. I am also aware that there is little trust in a government that has al-lowed corruption and lies to take away people’s homes, their savings, and their hopes for a better life. They have watched as the rich have ex-ploited the poor and middle class for their own agenda with little regard for the well being of all Americans. It is my feeling that the truly justified anger is being misdirected for they are supporting the very insurance corporations that have gouged the pocketbooks of too many Americans.

I am angry and mystified how my fellow Americans can let themselves be so ma-nipulated to defend the very corporations that have through lack of regulation destroyed our health care system. How is it that they do not recognize that closing down the public option is completely against their best interests?

I urge all Americans to reex-amine the facts and myths and to take responsibility based on their knowledge not through the manipulation of the cor-porate powers that prey on ignorance and fear. I urge all Americans to think about the myths that fly around very suc-cessfully as a result of brilliant marketing by insurance giants who fear government regula-tion and diminished earnings. And yes, those congress people who are funded by big pharma and insurance corporation lob-bies, are a morally repugnant group who care only about their election results, fat pock-etbooks, and less about their constituents.

We are all Americans and should not be divided for we have the same goals to have excellent quality and afford-able health care for all and an option to use any insurance plans they wish but regulated against preexisting conditions, fraud and greed.

We are all one and we must care about one another.

Lillian RosengartenCold sprinG

Smith Serves the People

To the Editor: If you’re not angry, maybe

you haven’t been paying at-tention. Oh, I don’t mean that as a criticism really—we are all barraged by so much in-formation that it’s a survival skill to tune most of it out. But I’ve noticed, among the garbage that I had been tuning out this year, a disconcerting spike in fear-mongering and other “attacks” on the people of our community. Some of it comes in the guise of pa-triotism, denouncing “those illegals,” “those socialists,” or “homosexuals” as threats to our American way of life, as if we weren’t a republic made up of diverse peoples from diverse homelands and walks of life.

But I’m not writing about some liberal justice issue to-day. I’m writing about our own Sheriff Donald B. Smith (even if he is a Republican). Don Smith seems to me to be the kind of man we all hold up as an archetypal Good Guy and Community Servant. He’s not only served in the military, but he was a Brigadier General. He went to West Point, served in Vietnam, and remains on the board of the New York Military Academy. He’s involved in Boy Scouts—I’ve seen him at Eagle Scout Ceremonies, Me-morial Day services, and other events. Unlike some elected officials, Sheriff Smith often shows up in person, and not to do political posturing, but because he is a gentleman. He is and/or has been on the board of many community organizations. Surely I’m not the only person who has seen his name on all sorts of rosters over the years?! He’s a child of this area—there’s a building named after his father right in town. He’s a good man doing a good job and we are fortunate to have him.

So have you noticed all sorts of aggressive fear-mongering from people who seem to think that Putnam County (“Where the Country Begins”) needs a ham-handed approach to police management? Are we criminals, or maybe poor help-less bumpkins cowering in our shanties for fear of this wave of crime and criminal incom-petence? Or maybe we’re just incompetent ourselves, and need the strong hand of city-trained police action?

I think not! Putnam County is diverse and interconnected. We value individual skills and individual freedoms, and we have many responsible citi-zens among us. Please come out and support our sheriff, Donald Smith, on September 15 for the primary if you are a Republican, and November 3 for the general election. We don’t need no stinkin’ fear-mongers!

Elizabeth Apgar Trianopatterson

Letters to the editorUS Mail: PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516

email: [email protected]


Eight Years Later: Have We Forgotten?This Friday–September 11—marks

t he e igh th ann ive r s a ry s i nce t he United States was at tacked by ter-roris ts wielding airplanes as their weapons. In the days and weeks after the assault , most American renewed their patr iot ism and their desire to cooperate with each other to ensure our freedom and prosperi ty.

We must remember that America is a country worth defending, because of her principles that have made her a beacon of l iberty for the world.

Many see 9/11 as only a nat ional

issue, but i t is a local issue because mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters from many local communities in New York died on 9/11.

There is a tangible way to show our apprec ia t ion for our f reedom this September: by exercis ing our democratic duty to educate ourselves abou t the cand ida tes runn ing fo r off ice in Putnam County, and then, having studied the si tuation, by vot-ing. On Tuesday, September 15, those el igible should vote in the primary elections. Republicans in Philipstown

can choose a candidate for Sheriff and Putnam Valley Democrats and Republicans can select their parties’ nominees for town council .

Col lect ively, we should make i t clear that we are proud of this na-tion. Hoist up an American flag. Take some time on September 11 to reflect on what makes America great . Then fol low through with act ion: Make a commitment to get involved in your local democracy by at tending town, vi l lage, and school board meetings, voting, and running for off ice.

“Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion.”


Page 7: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

We will soon observe the 8th anniversary of the mass murders of 3,000 people in the September 11 terrorist at-tacks. As the event recedes

further into the past we hear more and more about the “9/10 mind-set” versus the “9/11 mind-set.” The former is the way we looked at the world the day before the attacks: smug, ignorant of the evil forces at loose in the world, and heedless of our vulner-ability to them. The latter, the 9/11 mind-set, means facing the reality of an era when we are no longer the safe, secure, and geographically-isolated fortress that this country had been for more than 200 years.

The 9/10 mind-set allowed us to squander the strength and security that was created for us by our predecessors.

Geographic isolation pro-vided less and less protec-tion with the development of military weapons such as supersonic jets and missiles. But it wasn’t the armed forces of our enemies that led us to September 11; it was the fail-ure to care about who we were allowing into our country, the failure to control our borders.

The September 11 mass murders resulted from the re-fusal of government officials to enforce the immigration laws already in existence, the primary purpose of which are supposed to be the protection of our country and its people.

The Independent 9/11 Com-mission, in very great detail, revealed how it was that three officials of the U.S. State De-partment, ignoring federal law and the regulations of their department, allowed 19 men to come to the United States.

The Commission described how these 19 were then able to hide in plain sight thanks to the presence of millions of illegal aliens. It detailed how they were able to obtain the authentic U.S. driver’s licenses, that enabled them to then obtain all the goods and services they needed in order to plan, rehearse, finance, and then carry out their attacks. How they were able to rent motel rooms and apartments; obtain credit cards and open bank accounts; transfer funds; rent cars; buy flying lessons; and on the morning of 9/11 use their authentic, U.S.-issued identity documents to board the planes they turned into missiles.

These killers (all readily identifiable as young, single

men from terrorist-sponsoring nations, men who perfectly fit the profile of a Muslim terrorist) were able to obtain the tools of mass murder and then live in the U.S. for up to two years while they made their preparations, thanks to the 9/10 mentality.

The 9/10 mentality caused President Bill Clinton to ig-nore the recommendations of a commission headed by his own vice president, which, in 1996, recommended that airport security be drastically improved. But Clinton did not take action, because the airline industry, unwilling to bear the greater costs, gave handsomely to his 1996 re-election campaign.

The 9/10 mentality caused Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno and her subordinate Jamie Gorelick to prevent counter-terrorist agents in the FBI from communicating with the FBI’s criminal investigators. They also prevented the CIA’s anti-terrorist agents from com-municating with the FBI.

The 9/10 mentality allowed tens of millions of people from all parts of the Earth, including nations actively hostile to our country and way of life, freely to cross our borders either illegally with no screening at all, or legally with equal failure to screen.

Certainly, this negligent at-titude, this head-in-the-sand mentality is not l imited to Democrats. Republicans such as George W. Bush and Sena-tors John McCain and Richard Lugar have been just as eager to expose us to some of the world’s worst human beings as anyone in the other party.

During his eight years in of-fice President George W. Bush was at least as negligent as his predecessor, and perhaps even more so because he refused to learn the lessons of 9/11. He refused to stop illegal im-migration, refused to expand the Border Patrol, ICE, and prison facilities for illegals to anywhere near the strength

authorized by Congress in 2005. Bush, in combination with Congressional Democrats and some Republicans, even increased the number of na-tions whose citizens can come to the USA without having to apply for a visa.

Certainly, the 9/10 mind-set is a learning disabili ty that afflicts both parties. But it’s not a disability that arises naturally in these politicians. It is planted in them by the wealthy and powerful forces that profit from open borders and uncontrolled immigration, both legal and illegal.

The 9/10 mentality results from a unique alliance based on the financial greed of those on the political right and the radical ideology and greed for power of those on the left.

The ACLU, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Communist parties, American Bankers Association, People for the American Way, homebuilders, George Soros, Ford Founda-tion, agribusiness, La Raza, American Bar Association, NAACP, American Immigra-t ion Lawyers Associat ion, United Church of Christ, the travel industry, and the AFL-CIO all lobby for open borders.

Consequently, despite much window dressing, and despite the erosion of the rights of American citizens, we are very much in a pre-9/11 situation.

Putnam County and our ne ighbor ing communi t i e s nearby sadly prove this. On September 11, 2001, eight Put-nam County residents paid the price of our government’s fail-ure to protect its citizenry with their lives. Let us never forget the sacrifice made by Thomas Kuveikis, Robert Minara, Dan-iel Harlin, Christopher Black-well, George Cain, Stephen Driscoll, David Fodor, and George Paris. Let us also never forget that in 2005, Elizabeth Butler was savagely murdered by a multiply-convicted illegal alien and, more recently, the deaths of Mrs. Donohue and her daughter in Brewster at

the hands of someone who should never have been in our country in the first place. These tragic deaths are no less the result of the pre-9/11 mentality than were the 9/11 attacks themselves. And what these murders and thousands of others around the country share in common with the murders

of September 11 is this: all of them could have been avoided had politicians stood up to the ACLU, La Raza, and the Chamber of Commerce. None of these thousands would be dead had elected officials re-fused to allow our country to be overwhelmed by a tidal wave of uncontrolled immigration.

Mr. Gadiel is president and a co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Secure America. His 23-year-old son, James, an assistant trader for Cantor Fitzgerald, worked on the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center, North Tower, and died in the September 11 attacks.

Labor Day, that weekend set aside for barbeques, trips, and a couple of extra days off, has come and gone and I am here to report that business in the village was brisk.

The true purpose of Labor

Day is to honor the workers of America and I would like to honor one special group of these laborers: the group that proliferates in Putnam County. The group which is respon-sible for employing a majority of the rest of America. That group is the Small Business Operators of America.

The US government defines a small business as one with less than 250 employees. That sounds like a big business to me. My definition would be more like the businesses we have here with less than 50 employees.

These sometimes mom-and-pop operations are responsible for opening up their busi -nesses in the morning and closing them down at night. They somehow always come

up with the payroll and taxes when there is no money in the bank. They overpay for insur-ance to protect themselves from losing their investment to tort lawyers. They assist their employees to pay health insurance for those employees who want it, and if the gov-ernment demands of them to raise the minimum wage they meagerly comply, wondering where the money will come from.

Small Business Operators of America are under-repre-sented in Congress and over-represented at IRS audits.

When the MTA budget gap looms and it would be un-heard of to charge more than $2.25 for a subway ride that should cost $5, does Governor Paterson tax the riders? No he taxes the employers—the Small Business Operators.

Taxing the r iders would cause insurrec t ion by the public. The Small Business Operators just pay the bill.

IBM and Pepsi Cola can well afford to pay this tax and write it off to cost to do business. After all, many of their employees take public transportation to get to work and paying the tax is cheaper

than buying buses.The small print shop in Put-

nam County which employs less than 10 people who drive their cars to work instead of taking the MTA probably cannot.

Mr. Obama proposes to im-pose a “cap and trade” on the energy used by everyone in America. Restaurants are one small business which uses a lot of energy for refrigeration, heat ing, and cool ing. Can a small restaurant afford to change all of the refrigeration in its restaurant in order to comply with governmental demands—probably not. Will they be forced to pay the extraordinar i ly high taxes imposed by the government in order to stay in business—probably they will.

Mr. Bondi is faced with a Putnam County tax deficit. He fails to raise property taxes significantly for many years and then when the rubber band is about to break, does he raise property taxes to meet the deficit? No, he forces a sales tax hike on the county, stick-ing it to the Small Business Operators. Shop Putnam, Bob.

Perhaps Mr. Bondi’s higher sales taxes were one of the

factors contributing to Putnam County leading the entire state in declining sales tax revenue.

Phi l ips town government wants all of Philipstown to remain “green” so we will never see those ugly gravel mines and cement factories. They hire an over-paid con-sultant with a “green” agenda to write the re-zoning of the entire Route 9 corridor to be “rural pristine” or whatever

the fancy term was that the euphoric consultant dreamed up.

I f t h i s r e - z o n i n g g o e s through, the Small Business Operators of Route 9 will be hemmed into a corner. Their business will not be able to be expanded, sold, traded, or bartered without a “battle royale” in the zoning and plan-ning courts. In other words this “green” consultant wants

the businesses on Route 9 to go out of business, leaving lovely green pastures with horses, cows, and goats.

Where will we buy stuff? How will the county make up the loss in sales tax revenue? Will our property tax base go through the roof because we have fewer and fewer businesses in Phi l ips town to provide the tax ratable? Will YOU be able to afford to live in this “rural pristine” environment? Shop Putnam, Mr. Shea.

Speaking of gravel mines, the “green” folks fight pav-ing our dirt roads with gusto. Unpaved roads require gravel so they don’t wash out like Old Albany Post Road washed out this year. Gravel requires gravel mines. Get my point?

The small business entre-preneurs of America usually get screwed to the wall by government. They have lit-tle if no representation; yet statistics show that they are America’s largest employer of our workers.

These entrepreneurs do not vote as a block because their businesses are so diverse. They get no “bailout” loans; they go out of business. They

usually don’t receive govern-mental subsidies; they use their cunning in the market-place to be competitive.

They pay higher percentages of taxes because they do not have high priced accountants to figure out how to skirt the tax laws.

So I raise a glass to the true workers in the labor move-ment. Men and women with no unions to protect their butts, they keep their noses to the grindstone and out of other people’s business, and they just keep plodding along, with little incentive to build on what they have and no stimulus money to hire more of America. Those laborers of whom I speak would be the Small Business Operators of America.

Curiously, I wonder when President Obama, Governor Paterson, County Executive Bondi, and candidate for su-pervisor Shea will someday realize, like each of us now rea l izes , tha t wi thout the Smal l Business Opera tors of America, this country is Russia.Mr. Rolston, a Cold Spring resident, is proprietor of Cold Spring Depot restaurant.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 7


Candidate PlatformEsthEr

MchEnry Candidate,

Putnam Valley Town Board

I am Esther McHenry, a candidate for Putnam Valley Town board.

A few years ago I retired from a corporate job as a supervisor in insurance li-ability claims. Since I like to keep busy, I became involved with town activities such as Putnam Valley Arts, Sunset Series, and the food pantry benefit. I’ve served on the town ethics board, and I also became a spokesman for my neighbors in defending our deeded beach rights being denied after 40 years for being too small. I filed an article 78 to resolve that issue on behalf of our community.

I have become a candidate for Putnam Valley’s town board, because I care deeply about my town and want to do more to preserve it’s charm and make it affordable. As a retiree, I appreciate the daily financial struggles of my neighbors. As a taxpayer I know that we can make changes to keep expenses down while preserving our rural charm. My involve-ment in town activities has motivated me to do more for Putnam Valley, and I know I can make a contribution as a town board member. My life experience working with at-torneys in liability insurance defense, as well as managing employees in an office, has given me a wealth of expe-rience that I can use for the benefit of the town. As a retired person I have more time to devote to issues and communication.

I feel strongly that a town board member is the voice and will of the people. Getting out to talk to my neighbors and citizens is essential to find our priorities. Continu-ing personal interaction with residents will tel l me our most pressing issues. Nega-tive attitudes and feuds are

a waste of time and energy, so fortunately my objectivity will be channeled into posi-tive solutions.

I’d like to to bring down taxes are partnering with neighboring towns for bulk purchasing and shared ser-vices. We can encourage sen-sible economic development in commercially zoned areas to offset taxes, while keeping our country charm. Oregon corners can be beautif ied without destroying parking for our valued businesses. The area should be planned as an attractive country village that would attract more busi-nesses to Oregon Corners and improve our tax base. A few simple improvements could make a difference, and the cost may come from grants.

Some of our lakes are in danger and sensible steps to rescue these assets include outlawing phosphate fertil-izers and ensuring sept ic systems are cleaned every three years in the those lake areas. Drinking water must be made safe, and if an area is in need of septic repairs a way must be found to make that happen, without a major taxpayer burden.

I care deeply about this wonder fu l town and i t ’ s people. I know that I can be an objective voice of our townspeople, using my life experience and devoting time to get out to listen.

Together with the Repub-lican team of Jackie Annabi and Bob Tendy, we will work to make Putnam Valley the town you love and can still afford.

Let’s Honor Small Business Operators

Without the Small Business

Operators of America, this

country is Russia.

9/10 Mentality Squanders Our Future


Disagree? The PCN&R encourages robust but civil dialogue. Submit letters to the editor and op-ed suggestions to [email protected].

Page 8: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Page 8 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

and 2.5 percent. Over the life of the contract, the GTA agrees to increase their contribution for health insurance from 9 percent to 11.25 percent, rep-resenting a 25 percent increase in overall contributions. The district also achieved a measure of protection from steadily ris-ing retiree health care costs by securing a change from a flat dollar amount to a percentage-based contribution for future retirees. The new professional development program calls for establishment of a committee of teachers and administrators to develop workshop and semi-nar opportunities for teachers, enabling them to continuously improve educational offerings.

Indulging in somewhat of an understatement, and continuing the board’s disinclination to include Garrison parents in the process, Superintendent Gloria Colucci said that “Achieving this agreement took longer than either side wanted.” Colucci continued, saying, “The pro-cess was further complicated by a mediation effort that fell short of expectations and by the dramatic downturn in the economy.”

With the weight of contract negotiations off their shoul-ders, the board looked to a fresh start. Superintendent Colucci’s report described this year’s theme as “Picturing America.” A continuation of the Hud-son River Quadricentennial celebration, local history of the Hudson Valley will be in-corporated at all levels of the curriculum. To support this and other aspects of the education program at the school, Colucci described over $148,000 in grants that have been applied for. While grant approvals are staggered throughout the year, she expects to know the full status by the end of this fall.

A discussion of school en-

rollment concluded Ms. Co-lucci’s report. While overall attendance is down slightly, high school enrollment has increased by eleven students. This is in excess of the allow-ance typically made during budget discussions and repre-sents an increased direct cost to the district. Board Presi-dent Prentice described it as “about a $100,000 increase.” Contributing to the increase is migration of families from New York City, and the economy in general, which is forcing many students from private schools. Trustee James Cannon remarked that the district will have to take these factors into consideration for “at least the next two years.”

Describing board goals for the upcoming year, Board Vice President Eric Jacoby expressed his desire to seek out “new alternatives to creating board goals.” Jacoby said he “does not want to be locked into past goals.” Seeking to identify specific actions with specific goals, Jacoby asked, “What is a stellar educational environment and how do we achieve it?” He described a process that will occur not only during board meetings but also

at other times to encourage community engagement. Jim Cannon added that board goals should be thought about on a district-wide basis, including high school students, and not solely based upon the school building.

The board also approved a revised tax warrant, consistent with recently revised tax levy. A second reading of the board member insurance policy was also made. This policy would allow board members to partici-pate in the district’s employee insurance policy but board members would be responsible for payment of all premiums. Bus routes, which have not changed, were approved, as was the 2008-09 Putnam-Northern Westchester BOCES contract for $363,000. This does not represent a delayed approval, but meets a BOCES require-ment for identification of ac-tual costs.

Parent and meeting-regular Gordon Stewart expressed the feelings of many when he de-scribed his expectations of “lots of community enthusiasm and contributions” toward working on the “goals and aspirations of the school district.”

“The best thing is that it is done today—and with no dis-ruptions” said board president Dave Merandy, who, with VP Mike Junjulas, represented the Haldane in contract negotia-tions. Highlights of the new agreement include: *Salaries will increase by an average of 3 percent in each of the con-tract’s two years, compared to an average 6.1 percent increase in the previous contract. *The total cost of year one of the new agreement is $7,333,079, an increase of $168,037, or 2.35 percent, over the previ-ous year. It includes all wages and benefits for teachers and teachers’ assistants. *The total cost of year two of the contract is $7,653,412—a 4.3 percent increase over year one. *Step Increases, normally paid to teachers in July in addition to salary increases, will not be awarded until February in both years of the contract, re-sulting in substantial savings to the district. *Stipends paid to teachers for extracurricular activities such as coaching will increase by 2 percent compared to a 3.6 percent increase in the

last contract. *Teachers will pay a larger share of the cost of health coverage; 11.25 percent of premium costs in year one, compared to 8 percent in the old contract. In year two they will pay 12.5 percent, a 3.5 percent increase over the pre-vious agreement. *The district will no longer pay 100 percent of the cost of health coverage for retirees. For teachers hired after July, 2009, the district will pay 75 to 90 percent of the cost of premiums, based on length of service. *The district will pay out less in “shared savings,” the amount paid to teachers who opt out of Hal-dane’s health coverage to be in another program.

The district had already set-tled with the Civil Service Em-ployees Association (CSEA), represents support staff. That contract called for a 2.75 per-cent increasing to base salaries in year one and a 2.85 percent increase to base salaries in year two, along with a freeze in step increases.

HFA president Mark Patinella teaches HS biology and was the teachers’ chief negotiator

for the past three contracts. “We went into the negotiations wanting a contract. There’s no question that this was a year…reflective of the eco-nomic times,” Patinella com-mented. “A large number of faculty live in the community. We know things are difficult.” Patinella added, “No one wants to break the step cycle,” refer-ring to the increases moved from July to February as part of the agreement. “We were willing to be flexible. It’s a two-year contract. Hopefully things will be brighter then. I have to pay taxes, too.”

Merandy said he felt that both the HFA and the CSEA, “took the economic situation into consideration. If they had gone all the way to the mat, they may have gotten more.”

Merandy and Junjulas both lauded Business Manager Anne Dinio for her work during the negotiations. “With her there…it was great” Merandy said. Both Dinio and Superintendent Villanti took a voluntary wage freeze for the coming year.

The district’s team met in-formally with their HFA coun-

terparts in late June. With no lawyers present, both sides agreed they were close to an agreement. An unofficial, ver-bal agreement was reached at a marathon meeting July 17, although not without drama. Merandy said that for a while it looked like negotiations might have reached an impasse. “We were only about $40,000 apart,” he said, with the difference not in favor of the district. In the end, the HFA agreed to revi-sions in “shared savings” and the deal was done.

Junjulas was happy that the step increase was delayed until February since it would result in savings to the district, although the exact amount had not yet been calculated. If Junjulas had had his way, the savings would have been considerably greater. “I wanted to freeze the steps for two years,” he commented.

But Junjulas’s greatest sat-isfaction came from the sav-ings the district will realize by reducing its portion of the premiums paid for retirees’ health care coverage. “With what is happening in health care that is huge!”

Garrison teachers , adminis trators , and school board members are all smiles after the contract agreement.

ernment alone. What about institutions like hospitals and schools? Let’s not forget small businessman trying to make a living at a restaurant on Main Street in Cold Spring or a deli in Carmel.”

Tamagna described the tax as “unconscionable. I hope that every one of the 12 coun-ties in the MTA region follows our lead.”

The original resolution to participate in what Legislator Mary Ellen Odell of Carmel described as “an act of civil disobedience” passed by a vote of 8 to 1, with Tony Fusco of Mahopac Falls dissenting. Fusco agreed with his col-leagues last week in support of the new initiative, making it unanimous. Under the state’s plan 34 cents of every $100 earned by residents of the counties surrounding NYC will be paid to the MTA.

Senator Vinnie Leibell said he understood the lawmakers’ frustrations. Assemblyman Greg Ball, meanwhile, has demanded the a fiscal over-sight board to increase MTA accountability and efficiency.

GUFS (Cont’d from front pg.) HALDANE (Cont’d from front pg.) MTA (Cont’d from front pg.)

Page 9: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 9

Page 10: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Page 10 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER ElEction SpEcial Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Donald B. Smith (Incumbent)AGE: 61FAMILY INFO: Married to Jane Powell Smith for more than 37 years; Father of two children: Christopher and Cherilynne; Grandfather of five beautiful grandchildrenPARTY AFFILIATION: lifelong Republican endorsed by the Republican, Conservative, and Independence partiesEDUCATION: 1969 - B.S., United States Military Academy at West Point; 1974 – Master of Science Degree in Systems Management, University of Southern California; 1979 -Graduate of the U.S. Army and Command General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS; 1986- Graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and Fellow at the National Defense University at Fort McNair, Washington, DC.CAREER: Served as a career military officer in the United States Army, culminating as the Assistant Division Commander at the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, TX; Achieved rank of Brigadier General; Major staff assignments - Chief of Armor Branch and Chief of Combat Arms Division at the Army’s Personnel Command in Alexandria, VA. Served as the Deputy Director of Personnel Support Policy and Services in the Office of Secretary of Defense from 1991–93; Overseas tours-combat tour of Vietnam and a six-year tour in the 8th Infantry Division (Mechanized) during the Cold War in the Federal Republic of Germany; Awards and decorations - Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, and Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster; Deputy County Executive of Putnam County from 1999-01; Elected Sheriff of Putnam County in 2001 and 2005. Serving as Sheriff of Putnam County from 2002 through the present.

To what extent are you op-timistic about the future of Putnam County and to what extent are you pessimistic? Putnam County has tre-mendous potential. The real strength in Putnam is with the residents and everyday folks who want to see our quality of life improve. I am deeply concerned about the stagnant and reactive law enforcement philosophy which has really left this county far behind where we should be. Putnam County is one of only two counties in the entire State of New York that has a non-cop as Sheriff. That fact says it all. What is the most impor-tant quality a Sheriff must possess to manage a police

force? In law enforcement, expe-

rience is a must. There is no substitute and no equivalent. A Sheriff simply cannot super-vise deputies if he hasn’t done the job. I am the only Republi-can candidate in this race with law enforcement experience, and that’s a fact. I am also the overwhelming choice of rank and file law enforcement. Why shou ld you be re - elected Sheriff?

I clearly have the right ex-perience for this job and I will be able to put together crime strategies and traffic accident s t ra tegies that the County doesn’t presently have. In 1997 I was recognized as the NYPD Cop of the Year, a rec-

ognition out of 41,000 cops. Putnam County deserves to have that type of key experi-ence in the top law enforce-ment position. In addition, law enforcement is my career, not a stepping stone to County Ex-ecutive or District Attorney. How have you served the public in the past?

I am a retired Captain from the New York City Pol ice Department. In addit ion, I am also a proud U.S. Army veteran. I am the only male Girl Scout leader in Putnam County, and I coach girls’ soc-cer and Little League baseball in Patterson. I volunteer my time and money as a foster owner at the Putnam Human Society. I am very proud of

my long-term associat ions with many fine organizations which can be found on my resume. KEY PRINCIPLES: Com-plete transparency and hon-esty, which means no smoke and mirrors. My police re-sume has been public since my opening announcement. The way a candidate runs a campaign is the same way he will be the Sheriff. Offer solutions, not excuses. I’m the only candidate offering actual solut ions . Loyal ty. To the Sheriff’s Department and to the public. Take responsibility for shortcomings. Prepare for the future. Act like a police commander, not a politician.

Andrew DeStefano

AGE: 45FAMILY INFO: Wife of 12 wonderful years Julisa, 7-year-old daughter PatriciaPARTY AFFILIATION: lifelong RepublicanEDUCATION: Manhattan College, Class of 1989, B.S. Economics/Finance; Lehman College, M.A. History (expected September 2009)CAREER: Career law enforcement officer and commander.

Tuesday, September 15 Primary — GOP Candidates for County Sheriff

To what ex tent are you opt imist ic about the fu -ture o f Putnam County and to what extent are you pessimistic?:

Putnam County has many dedicated communi ty ser-vants, volunteers, and just regular folks who work hard, pay their taxes, and want to raise their families in a safe community. As a father, a husband, a former judge with overwhelming law enforce-ment support, I can provide the leadership to make Putnam County more safe and more secure.

I am not pess imis t ic . I believe so strongly that we need a change of leadership at the Sheriff’s Office that I stepped down as judge so that I could run for Sheriff. I am concerned that Putnam County is at a tipping point with crimi-nal illegal aliens, especially in Brewster and Mahopac.

W h a t i s t h e m o s t important quality a Sheriff must possess to manage a police force?

Leadership . The Sher i ff must be a strong leader who

knows the law, because you must know the law to enforce the law. The Sheriff must be willing to roll up his or her sleeves and work to get the job done; to improve mo-rale and keep the people of Putnam safe and secure. Un-fortunately, these past eight years have shown us what detached leadership can do to a department and how it can affect public safety. I will not be a detached, absentee Sheriff. I will be an engaged, full-time Sheriff and a strong leader. After two terms of the incumbent Sheriff, it is time for a change.

Why should you be elected Sheriff?

As a prosecutor, assistant district attorney, and criminal court judge for the past 17 years I have the experience, integrity and leadership skills necessary to be Sheriff. I have 360 degree experience in law enforcement; from arrest to putting criminals in jail. I earned a Juris Doctorate in law at Boston University, study-ing criminal law, criminal procedure, and trial work. I

know what it takes to build a criminal case, and make an arrest stick. Being Sheriff is more than street cop work. Today, an effective Sheriff needs more skil ls . That’s why the police overwhelm-ingly support me. I have been endorsed by more than 58 law enforcement organizations, including the New York State Troopers PBA. Every law en-forcement organization within 40 miles which has given an endorsement has endorsed me. I was the first elected official in Putnam County to call for partnering with the Federal government to deport criminal illegal aliens, and I have a plan to greatly reduce drunk driving in Putnam County. How have you served the public in the past?

My entire career has been focused on public service and law enforcement. Even before graduating law school, my first two legal jobs in college were internships at the Albany County Probat ion Depar t -ment, and at the Richmond County District Attorney’s Office. My first job after

law school was as an Assis-tant District Attorney. I also served as a Special Prosecu-tor in Putnam County. These experiences fueled my desire to later serve as a criminal court judge for 10 years here in Putnam, where I worked closely with Putnam County law enforcement. KEY PRINCIPLES:

Independence, in tegr i ty, and hard work. I am a fiercely independent person who will not be swayed by politics or any other special interest . Serving as a judge for the past ten years provided me the opportunity to demonstrate my integrity; founded on a deep respect for the law. That means I will always keep an open mind, constantly seeking the advice of others, before reaching a conclusion. As a lawyer and judge, I worked two jobs, and typically work 60-70 hours per week. I take minimal vacat ion t ime. I believe my principles will provide the people of Putnam with an ethical, thoughtful and strong leader as their sheriff.

Jim Borkowski

AGE: 47FAMILY INFO: Married (Linda) for 21 years; two children (Lauren, age 19 and Matthew, age 15) PARTY AFFILIATION (as reflected on ballot lines): RepublicanEDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts degree, SUNY Albany, 1984; Juris Doctorate, Boston University, 1987CAREER: Assistant District Attorney; Attorney; Criminal Court Judge, Town of Southeast (1998-2009).

Kevin McConville, of Cold Spring, is the presump-tive Democratic candidate for Putnam County Sher-iff. Before the general election on November 3, the PCN&R will print profiles of all the remaining can-didates vying for office.

To what extent are you op-timistic about the future of Putnam County and to what extent are you pessimistic?

I am highly optimistic about the future of Putnam. The past eleven years it has been my honor and privilege to serve our citizens. I have worked closely with all of our res idents with special emphasis on our most vulner-able populations— our youth, our seniors and people with disabilities. I believe that Putnam County is not only a special place because of our beaut i ful countryside, our environment, and our geog-raphy but most important of all, are the citizens of Putnam County. As long as people continue to participate in our government, I have no cause for pessimism as I believe that in a democracy good ultimately triumphs over evil.

What is the most impor-tant quality a Sheriff must possess to manage a police force? The Sher i ff of Putnam County leads a very complex organization which includes

a uniform police force, an investigative unit, an iden-tification and forensics unit, an operations and communi-cations unit, a civil unit, a narcotics enforcement unit, a youth services unit, and a jail which includes medical and mental health services. It is important for the Sheriff to be highly educated, well trained and have knowledge in all aspects of law enforce-ment and, most important of all, have a strong foundation of character, integrity, values and empathy. Why shou ld you be re - elected Sheriff?

Before I became Sheriff in 2002, there was a great deal of tension between law enforce-ment and our emergency ser-vice partners. Putnam County now has a new 911 Call Center and an Emergency Response Team consisting of specially trained deputies and police officers who can respond to any crisis.

Putnam County has the low-est crime rate of any county in New York second only to Hamilton County with a

population of 5,000. Crime has been reduced in Put -nam County by nearly 19%, an overal l decrease in the cr ime ra te of 21.5% from 2002 through 2008. We have cracked down on drunken driving, almost tripling the number of DWI arrests.

In conc lus ion , we have changed the culture of the Sheriff’s Off ice to one of serving the people with dig-nity and respect and being accountable to our citizens..

How have you served the public in the past?

I have used my West Point education to provide a lifetime of service to the nation and to my country. In the military, I served in combat in Vietnam and served for six years in the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War.

I have always been involved in giving back to my com-munity by serving in numer-ous service and philanthropic causes to include: Carmel Rotary Club, the American Heart Association, the March of Dimes, the Mental Health Association, the American

Secur i ty Counci l Founda-tion, the Westchester/Putnam Council for Boy Scouts of America, the AMBER Alert Partnership, New York Mili-tary Academy, and as an of-ficer in the New York State Sheriffs’ Association.

KEY PRINCIPLES:My principles are based on the West Point motto: Duty, Honor, and Country. In liv-ing up to those principles, I to serve my God, my country, my family, and my commu-nity. I believe in “servant leadership.” The principles we have developed for the Sheriff’s Office and Correc-tional Facility are:• Do the right thing in en-forcing the laws to keep Put-nam safe • Do the right thing for the citizens of Putnam County• Do the right thing for the men and women of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and Correctional Facility.• Mission accomplishment• Training• Equipping• Families• Morale and Esprit de Corps

The primary election will be held on Tuesday, September 15.

The PCN&R invited candidates participating in the September 15 primary elections to provide personal information and respond to a series of questions. There was a 100-word limit on responses to our questions and no word limit on personal profile data.

Page 11: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 ElEction SpEcial THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 11

AGE: 68FAMILY: My son Scott has a bookstore in Peekskill. I live with my terrier in a cottage in Putnam Valley.PARTY: RepublicanEDUCATION : BS in Art teacher education from Pratt Institute BrooklynCAREER: I taught art in the NY public schools for a cou-ple of years, then worked as an insurance liability claims adjuster & supervisor until retirement a few years ago. This business experience en-ables me to easily understand legal issues, and to achieve an efficient organization.What is the most important issue facing Putnam Valley and how will you address it?

Taxes are the number one concern of the PV people I meet, and how to keep our taxes under control without compromising the rural qual-ity of Putnam Valley. School taxes are the biggest concern. We need some commercial taxables to offset school taxes. We can do better in maintaining clean lakes, and drinking water by researching practical solu-tions while keeping healthy standards. Non-phosphate lawn chemicals should be mandated, and there must be a way to ensure that all septic systems are functional. How will you be a steward of the taxpayer dollar?

The majority of taxpayers recognize the need for sen-sible economic development in Putnam Valley to offset taxes, while keeping our coun-try charm. Small businesses should be encouraged in com-mercially zoned areas. I intend to partner with neighboring towns in purchasing goods and services, eliminating duplica-tion within areas and depart-ments to bring down expenses. As a retiree I appreciate the daily financial struggles of my

neighbors and as a taxpayer I will not tolerate waste. To what extent are you opti-mistic about Putnam Valley, and to what extent are you pessimistic? Describe each.

I am very optimistic for the future of Putnam Valley. Most of the citizens of this community are sensible and willing to work together. The danger lies in getting bogged down in non-productive quar-rels between factions. This is a wonderful town of friendly people.How have you served the town?

I have been active in Putnam Valley Arts, served on the town ethics committee, volunteered for the food pantry benefit and sunset series. I have fought for my neighbors with an article 78 to keep our improvement district pool open when the county wanted to close it due to its small size. I believe in action.KEY PRINCIPLES:

I believe in open accessible government, where a town board member is truly the voice and will of the people she serves. I believe that all citizens’ concerns should be heard, and long-term solu-tions planned through civilized discussion. My life experi-ence has given me a wealth of insight to get to the heart of a problem. As a retiree I have time to devote to town issues, and my experience in business has readied me to find practical solutions.

Esther McHenry Jacqueline Annabi2009 Primary Elections — Republican Candidates for Putnam Valley Town Board

AGE : 65FAMILY : Married to Bill , son Jofre, Daughter-in-law Stacy, Grandson, Jofre Jr.PARTY : DemocratEDUCATION : MAT Man-hat tanvi l le Col lege, BFA Syracuse UniversityCAREER: Commercial Art-ist, President of Chelsea Di-rect Marketing, Inc.What is the most important issue facing Putnam Valley and how will you address it?

I t i s d i ff i cu l t to def ine one most important issue. The lake communit ies are concerned with the heal th o f t he i r l akes , and wha t measures our town board will need to take to maintain or restore their health. I’m working on implementing an ordinance prohibiting the use of phosphates in fertil izers near water bodies. Septic remediation is another key to keep ing wa te r s c l ean . Protecting rural roads from becoming major highways is vital to maintaining the rural and historic character of our town. I am working with the County Legislators to insure that our County Roads will be protected.How will you be a steward of the taxpayer dollar?

I am a fiscal conservative, working to cut costs wherever possible while our economy is struggling. The backs of the taxpayers are too bur-dened already. Holding the line during this recession is important. Finding new ways to generate income such as energy production will pro-vide the town needed income. As oil pricing continues to increase I will again try to inst i tute a town oi l co-op to hold down oil costs for our residents pending town board support.

To what extent are you optimistic about the future of Putnam Valley, and to what extent are you pes-simistic? Describe each.

I am optimistic about the f u t u r e o f P u t n a m Va l l e y because of its rural beauty and proximity to mult iple r e s o u r c e s . O u r d i v e r s e group of people ta len ted , hard working , and h ighly educated—regularly partici-pate in community affairs and bring creative solutions to community problems, and I believe that the years ahead we wi l l r emain a v ib ran t and diverse community. As our smal l bus inesses and residents struggle with di-minished incomes and job insecur i ty, re th inking our approach to solving problems is mandatory, and will take time, and can be done.KEY PRINCIPLES:

I am a s t rong advoca te for the environment, for the health of our water supply, and for keeping Putnam Val-ley affordable for ALL. I am an avid supporter of identify-ing opportunities for viable, affordable, renewable energy that will increase the town coffers. I love the historic and rural character of our town and work hard to make sure that it stays protected. I work hard to find common ground when opinions dif-fer, f inding solut ions that benefit all .

Democratic Candidate for Putnam Valley Town Board

Wendy WhetselAGE: 39FAMILY: a lifelong Putnam resident. I am married for 13 years and we have 4 children 11, 9, and twin 7-year-olds.PARTY: Republican EDUCATION : Graduated from Western Connecticut State University with a ma-jor in political science and a minor in business management.CAREER: After running a very successful family owned business I married and had four children. I now work at The Law Firm of William G. Sayegh, P.C., in Carmel as an Administrative Assistant.What is the most important issue facing Putnam Valley and how will you address it?

The main issues that have affected us all are our taxes and our lakes. As a tax payer common sense tells us the only way to lower our tax base is by opening up our town to small business that fit into our com-munity. Our lakes are affected by the chemicals in our lawns and overflow of septic. As Councilwoman I would look into finding a way to lower our tax base as well as including county and local agencies in insuring our homeowners have their septic systems maintained and that only non-phosphate fertilizer is used.How will you be a steward of the taxpayer dollar?

By working wi th those accountable for every dol-lar spent. It seems to us tax payers that those surrounding the budget feel the numbers are only on paper and not real money being spent. That’s when common sense comes into play. As a town board member I would look into the budgets and see where we can save, including using services our County offers us to work along with our town. A wise man once said “a penny saved is a penny earned.”To what extent are you opti-mistic about Putnam Valley,

and to what extent are you pessimistic? I am very opti-mistic about Putnam Valley. There is no better place to raise a family. Every town has issues. But we have what the other towns’ lack. We have citizens that care about the issues and really want to do something about it instead of sit back and complain. I am not pessimistic about our town because our town is very proac-tive; we look for the cause of the problems and find a way to solve them, not just band aid them. I am proud to live here and I’ll work hard to keep it a great town.How have you served the town?

Our family has run a very successful business in Putnam County. Since living in Putnam Valley I have been involved in many local charities such as The Southern District of the MS Society, which helps coordinate our local MS Walks, and Community Cares, which helps parents with debilitating diseases like cancer or MS with their daily chores. I am also very involved with my children’s sports programs, I have taught CCD at Elizabeth Ann Seton Church and I am also a proud member of the Putnam Valley Republican Committee.KEY PRINCIPLES:

Honesty. Integrity. Common sense. It’s important to stand up for what is right and listen to all sides then make an intel-ligent decision based on facts not opinion. I will be honest to the tax payers, I will have the integrity to say yes or no and mean it. I have the common sense to know when to do so.

AGE: 59FAMILY: Married to Louis; 3 children and 4 grandchildren.PARTY: RepublicanE D U C AT I O N / C A R E E R : I went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through high school. I took certificate courses in paralegal studies and worked as a legal assistant in litigation support. I am a fabric artist and for the past five years I’ve owned a busi-ness in Peekskill called Side Effects/NY. What is the most important issue facing Putnam Valley and how will you address it?

Taxation without represen-tation. There is no one on the Town Board who represents the people and who is willing to stand up to the special interest groups that are causing taxes to skyrocket. The size and scope of town government keeps grow-ing and outpacing our ability to pay for it. I would address this issue by scrutinizing every expenditure, looking at every contract to determine where we can cut the budget. If I’m elected, there will be nothing “sacred” when it comes to taxes.How will you be a steward of the taxpayer dollar?I would provide disclosure and economic impact for all projects coming before the Board. The Fire Department is proposing to build a multi-million dollar firehouse, claim-ing they will be able to get over 4 million dollars in grants. For months I’ve asked the current town board to put this up for a referendum, only to be told there’s not enough information. Meanwhile, we have detailed plans and some approvals have already been given. I would make sure all the costs are fully revealed and then let the people vote in a referendum.To what extent are you opti-mistic about Putnam Valley, and to what extent are you pessimistic?

I am guardedly optimistic. The state is turning into a two class society: those who work

for the government and have guaranteed salaries, pensions, and benefits; and those in the private sector who have none of these things and who pay some of the highest taxes in the US to support those benefits most of us can only dream of. I hope the residents realize how little control they actually have over even local government and become willing to take back that control by electing people who will work for them.How have you served the town?

I have served as an unpaid volunteer and activist. I was a founding member of SWAT (Sewage Waste Action Team), a group of residents who fought against the Westchester Sludge Plant that was supposed to be built on Route 301. I worked against construct ion of a new town hall, out of control school spending and a police department we couldn’t af-ford. I helped establish the Lake Oscawana improvement district to preserve the lake and protect property values. I was active in Concerned Tax-payers of Putnam Valley and BEST - Better Education & Supportable Taxes.KEY PRINCIPLES:

I hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalien-able Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are insti-tuted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government.

Patty Villanova

The PCN&R invited candidates participating in the September 15 primary elections to provide personal information and respond to a series of questions. In Putnam Valley, Republicans and Democrats should vote for two candidates in their respective primaries. Christopher Lieberman and Samuel E. Davis, candidates in the Democratic primary, could not be reached after repeated attempts and so their profiles do not appear.

Page 12: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

McGUIRE’S (Cont’d from front pg.)

cost about $1200 to install the new Guinness system. As the weeks went by, word spread, and the twenty -dollar contributions started to add up. The money was raised, the equipment installed and the first keg was delivered about three weeks ago.

Last Saturday, McGuire’s said a most fitting “thank you” to those who had contributed to the fund by throwing a par-ty, free of charge, and in true Irish tradition—pints of the celebrated stout, a menu that included bangers and mash, corned beef and cabbage, and of course—Guinness stew. The juke box belted out a steady stream of Irish tunes. Conversation was loud and boisterous. Mandy McGuire, adeptly, single-handedly, ran the bar for the capacity crowd. The mood was ro l l icking. “It’s like St. Patrick’s Day in August!” commented Chris Filangeri, who had driven in from Patterson, NY, to take part. Guinness fans who had not contributed to the fund were also on hand—although they paid a fee for the party.

Hand ing ou t f r ee p in t s and giving away prizes to a packed house, Shaun Mc-Guire couldn’ t have been happier—or more grateful —to the many customers who had contributed to the rather creative fund. “This is great. It’s a real testament to the relat ionship we have with our customers,” he said.

Guinness, with its slightly bitter taste is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is so dark in color that it is often described as black, although connois-seurs are quick to state that it is actually a deep ruby red when held up to the l ight. Guinness is often taken to be a heavy, calorie-laden brew, but McGuire pointed out that a pint has about 170 calories compared to some 190 calo-ries for a similar amount of Budweiser.

McGuire was right when he said that Guinness is about t rad i t ion . In 1759 Ar thur Guinness made what has to

be one of the best deals of all time. He signed a lease for the use of an empty brewery at St. James Gate in Dublin, Ireland. He paid a whopping one hundred pounds up-front, about $147 US, plus $66 US in annual rent for four acres of proper ty, water r ights , and an entire brewing facil-ity. Quite a bit of money in that era perhaps, but for one thing - the lease was for nine thousand years.

Guinness began brewing his own ale and porter and apparently he was onto some-thing. Today, the company that Guinness founded stands as the world’s largest pro-ducer of beer, pouring out 1.2 million barrels a year to customers in more than one hundred countries. According to the Guinness website, ten million glasses of its famous stout are poured every day.

Guinness i s a brew that prompts a lot of good-natured debate—especially over the proper pouring method. Mc-Guire says that customers have offered seven or eight different theories as to the proper pour. He feels he is playing it by the book. “You

tilt the glass at a forty-five -degree angle and pull the tap” he explained. “When it’s about three-quarters full, you stop and let it settle for about eighty seconds. Then you push the tap forward to finish. That adds more air and increases the cascade (of bubbles.)”

Guinness is known for its smooth, thick head, which in an official Guinness glass, McGuire says should go from the top of the iconic harp graphic right to the rim. Un-like other draft beers which use carbon dioxide for car-bonation, Guinness employs a mix of seventy-five per-cent nitrogen and twenty five percent carbon dioxide. The nitrogen produces finer, more numerous bubbles, which help give the brew its distinctive head.

Accord ing to McGui re , Guinness is served at “cellar temperature” in Europe, or about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. In the US, the recommended temperature is 43.8 degrees and he says that their walk-in cooler has been running at a steady 44 degrees.

McGuire’s on Main fits the

“friendly neighborhood pub” mold to a tee. You’re apt to find a mix of locals and out -of - towners, quaff ing a drink and enjoying what is bi l led as, “inexpensive, good quality comfort food.” It’s hard to argue with that description. The burger is a full meal and comes in at just under eight dollars. “If any-one can find a better burger for that pr ice they should grab it—but ours is the best deal around,” McGuire said. Chile-cheese-fries, chicken w ings , nachos , quesad i l -las, a range of sandwiches, soups, and salads round out a menu that satisfies without breaking the bank. A recent five-star rating on verifies that customers find McGuire’s food pretty com-forting.

September 29 will mark 250 years of Guinness production. If you’re thinking of heading down to McGuire’s to try a pint of Ireland’s best known stout you may not want to waste any time. The Guin-ness lease at St. James Gate expires in the year 10,759.

Most folks are just a little wistful on Labor Day weekend, wondering why the summer of ’09 was so fleeting…(l-r) Marshall Mermell, Debbie Darman, Maureen McGrath and Kendall Ingenito, all affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, said goodbye to summer at their usual spot: table-side at the last Sunset Series concert of the summer on a beautiful late Sunday afternoon.

Catherine Garnsey

The celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hud-son’s legendary voyage from Amsterdam to New York and the establishment of the New Netherland colony continues with the arrival on these shores of a fleet of 20 historic boats which left the Dutch port of Harlingen to cross the Atlantic aboard a Dutch freighter. Early on September 1, the fleet sailed into New York harbor to honor Captain Hudson.

The historical vessels—low-slung skutsjes, fishing boats, barges—are direct descendents of the sailing ships that plied Dutch coastlines in the 17th century, immortalized by the country’s painters, and are closely related to the first ships built in New York.

The fleet will remain in New York for three weeks, taking part in sailing races on the city’s waterways and offer-ing educational information to visitors.

On September 14, the fleet will commence sailing up-stream to visit several historic ports. It is anticipated that the fleet will depart Peekskill on Wednesday, September 16, at 8:30am, arriving at Constitu-tion Island at approximately 10am. After overnighting, they are scheduled to depart from Cold Spring on Thursday, the 17th, at around 7am, heading for Kingston. For updates on the times of arrival and de-parture, visit and click on the “language” tab to access the site in English.

H i s t o r i c D u t c h S a i l i n g Vessels To Visit Cold Spring

rozemyn afman

President and Secretary Clinton Attend HV Shakespeare

The star power was even greater in the audience than on the stage on Saturday night, as President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended a performance of the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival’s Pericles at Boscobel. HVSF Artistic Director Terry O’Brien, pictured at left, along with the cast, welcomed the Clintons to the actors’ tent at the conclusion of the show.

William marsh

Where Does the Time Go?

Tractors, turn-of-the-century farm implements, antique water pumps—characterizing this display as “old equipment” hardly paints the correct pic-ture. Imagine a 25 foot tall 1890s water well rig. Then picture the muscle needed to drive this mechanical equip-ment hundreds of feet into

the ground in search of water. The Putnam County Antique Machinery Association (PCA-MA) shares its appreciation and understanding of historical farming and other equipment at its show this weekend, now in its second year at Tilly Foster Farm. The event is free and open to the public from 11am–4pm.

Antique Farm Equipment Impresses at Ti l ly Foster

Page 12 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

miChael turton

Shaun McGuire is pictured here pouring the first “official” pint of Guinness stout at McGuire’s on Main at the weekend party held to thank customers who helped make installation of the special lines and taps possible.

Page 13: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 13

The Co ld S p r ing L ions Club, 70 years young, has been consistent ly working towards the improvement of the Philipstown community. Annually, the Lions make i t happen by financially assist-ing local organizations, col-lect ing eye glasses, provid-ing eye exams for the needy, making Chris tmas baskets and delivering toys and food during the holiday season, providing scholarships for Phil ipstown graduates plus

sponsoring many community events, and engaging in many other act ivi t ies .

The Co ld S p r ing L ions Club recently presented the Lion of the Year award to Betty Budney for her out-standing service to the club. Betty is the chair of the Lions Club Children’s Christmas Wish List and Food Basket annual project . Along with her many community projects Bet ty works t i re less ly for the community. Well done

Betty!An instal lat ion ceremony

was held a t the Plumbush Inn for incoming off icers of the Club. The ceremony was administered by Lions International District 20-R1 Governor, Cary Smollen,

Ti m G r e c o o f G a r r i s o n was re-elected as the club p r e s iden t f o r 2009 -2010 . Greco has been an ac t ive member of the Cold Spring Lions Club since 2006.

The 2009-2010 s l a t e o f

off icers i s Pres ident : Tim Greco; 1st Vice President: Chuck Hustis; 2nd Vice Pres-iden t : Al S i rak ; 3 rd Vice P re s iden t : John Meran te ; Secretary: Chuck Hustis/Da-vid Lilburne; Treasurer: Beth Greco; Lion Tamer: Suzanne Wil l i s ; Tai l Twis ter : Fred Clarke; Membership Chair-pe r sons : Bruce Campbe l l and Frank Milkovich; Leo Club Chairpersons: Donna Tiffany and Rich Ferguson.

Budney is Lion of The Year; New Officers are Installed

President Tim Greco Presents Betty Budney with her award

Pictured at the gathering are, from left: Bruce Campbell, Richard Ferguson,Chuck Hustis, President Tim Greco, Beth Greco, Donna Tiffany, David Lilburne, District Governor Cary Smollen, Fred Clarke, Al Sirak, Suzanne Wills, and Frank Milkovitch.

Recently The Fire Within, a feature length documen-tary explor ing the cul ture of members of the Fire De-partment in Putnam Valley and surrounding towns began airing on local Public Ac-cess Channels in Putnam. It is a 74-minute documentary directed by Maryann Arrien of Brain Trust Productions, gleaned from 17+ hours of interview footage with 12 members of the Putnam Valley Fire Department, describing what got them involved, their local history, how they train, and how they interact with the fire companies of neighbor-ing towns. It includes train-ing sessions in a 130+degree room, and a real fire call at a burning automotive shop in Putnam Valley.

The f i lm explores what qualities are sought in po-tential volunteers. Issues of physical f i tness, ‘f ire tax’ implications, and general fire safety for children are cov-

ered, as well as a fascinating portrait of the fellowship phe-nomenon in the fire service in the form of the ‘Mutual Aid’ they practice between neigh-boring municipalities. Also covered are fire department events, demonstrations, and parades, including a major one shot in Ossining.

For those who have never had an inside look at what fire department volunteers actu-ally do, including the physical and emotional difficulties, it is a revealing testimony of how this fel lowship-based dedication between volun-teers of different towns helps to serve the public good.

The director/camerawom-an, also the community media coordinator for the Town of Putnam Valley’s Community Televis ion, added footage from town archives to show how depar tment members drop whatever they are doing to respond to a call. Arrien essentially shot the film as

a one-person band, with a 3-chip mini DV digital cam-era, wireless microphones and tungsten lighting kits, and edit ing in Adobe Pre-miere Pro.

The Fire Within is currently airing on Comcast Channel 8, the Putnam Valley chan-nels, and also soon in some neighboring counties in the hopes o f insp i r ing fu ture firefighters and volunteers to consider joining their lo-ca l depar tments . I t ’ s a lso ava i l ab l e fo r v i ewing o r f ree download f rom www.braintrustproduct or and on DVD from the Mid-Hudson Library System. Those need-ing a copy for airing on a public, educational or gov-ernment access station should contact filmmaker Arrien at 845-528-7420 or [email protected].

Documentary Honors Putnam Firefighters

The Phil ipstown Garden Club is offering up a special t reat to the community. The club is staging a small flower show in the program room of the Desmond Fish Library on Sep tember 18 and 19 , Friday and Saturday. This is an event held only every three to four years. The show i s ap t ly ca l led “Highland Fling,” which incorporates the Scott ish Highlands into the Hudson Highlands. Small may connote simple but there is nothing simple about the f lower a r r angemen t s , t he hort icultural exhibits , and the photographic display, all of which are “tied together” with Scottish tartan ribbons.

I t is a juried show, which means judges from the Gar-den C lub o f Amer i ca , o f which the PGC is a member, come from far and wide to judge the entr ies. Members

are given GCA awards and the overa l l show i t se l f i s judged for s taging, content and art is t ic talent .

All of the classes reflect Sco t t i sh t hemes ; “Br iga -doon,” “My Love is Like a Red Red Rose” and “Auld Lang Syne,” are only three of the many entry classes.

If you decide to visi t the show, i t is open to the pub-l ic from 2pm unti l 4pm on Fr iday, September 18 and 10:30am to 4pm on Saturday, September 19. Even if you are headed elsewhere stop in for 10 minutes, there is no charge, there is nothing to buy, and you’re certain to ooh and aah and become inspired.

The Desmond-Fish Library is located in Garrison on the corner of Route 9D and Route 403. For more information cal l 424-3020.

Garden Club’s Show Summons Up the Scottish Highlands

Celebrating 30 years of help-ing residents change their lives for the better here in Putnam, United Way is holding an an-niversary event to showcase signature dishes from 14 of Putnam’s finest restaurants, along with more than 30 fine wines and micro-brewed beers.

To be held at The Garri-son on September 21, from 6–9pm, this three-hour epi-curean event will also feature Grammy Award-winning pia-nist Art Labriola, performing jazz interpretations from the Great American Songbook with Stew Cutler and Al Hem-berger.

Under one roof at The Gar-rison, guests can experience culinary delights created by talented chefs from Bird & Bottle Inn, Cathryn’s Tus-can Grill, Riverview, Tavern at Highlands, Fresh Compa-ny, Hanlon’s Neighborhood Steakhouse, Cutillo’s, The

Terrace Club, Dish, and Fil-ia’s, and many more superior dining establishments.

Samplings of f ine wines will be provided by Sterling Cellars of Mahopac. Crafted beers will be offered for tasting by Manhattan Beer Distribu-tors and Gasko-Meyer. Johnny Gelato of Kent will refresh your taste buds with unique gelato flavors.

Tickets are $60 at the door, $50 in advance. Reservations highly recommended. To buy t ickets , regis ter onl ine a t or call 621-2203.

United Way of Putnam has invested nearly $3 million in more than 50 health and h u m a n - s e r v i c e p r o g r a m s throughout the county dur-ing its 30 years as an affili-ated partner of United Way of Westchester, resulting in lasting and positive change for those who live and work here.

Eat, Drink, Be Merry – and Help United Way Help Others

Smith says that these num-bers should be read in the context of Putnam’s position in the region. Fully 79 percent of the crime reported in the State of New York outside of New York City occurs in 17 “high impact” counties. Four of those counties—Westches-ter, Dutchess, Rockland, and Orange—surround Putnam.

“These statistics are slip-pery things,” Republican can-didate Jim Borkowski said. “Don Smith hides behind his statistics. But he is never seen on Main Street in Brewster, he is never seen in downtown Mahopac, where he ignores the issue of criminal illegal

aliens.” Borkowski has said in debates that he is afraid to let his own wife or daughter be a lone in the vi l lage of Brewster, “The big issue is if people feel safer,” Borkowski said in an interview with the PCN&R; “overwhelmingly they do not. That’s directly attributable to the fact Don Smith is an absentee leader.”

DeStefano says that the perceived upt ick in cr ime reveals that the Sheriff is “following policing models that are outdated.” The former NYPD Captain says that “you can fight crime by tracking crime stats. Police depart-ments watch each other. If

crime was really down almost 20 percent, as the Sheriff says, people would be coming from all over the world to see how he did it. They’re not.”

Smith attributes the criti-cism of his terms as Sheriff to the demands of campaign-ing for a job. During his two terms in office, he says, the overall number of crimes has been reduced 18.9 percent, even as the populat ion of Putnam County increased. The crime rate has dropped 21.5 percent. “The question is which county is the safest in the Hudson Valley, and we’re still number one,” said Smith.

CRIME (Cont’d from front pg.)center of our village.”

The mayor called garbage removal a “critical compo-nent to maintaining a robust weekend-oriented economy,” and asked the county to assist the village in subsidizing the trash abatement.

While Legislators Dan Bir-mingham, Tony Fusco, Dini LoBue, Mary Ellen Odell, and Sam Oliverio joined Tamagna in voting for the measure, Legislators Mary Conklin, Richard Othmer, and Chair-man Tony Hay cast dissent-ing votes.

Hay to ld his col leagues and an audience of some 75 attending the meeting at the historic Putnam Courthouse in Carmel that he had “noth-ing against” Cold Spring: “To single out one village poses a concern since others will now be holding out their hands, as well, and in this difficult economy the money is not there.”

Legis la tors Othmer and

Conklin both indicated that assisting Cold Spring with financial aid for garbage pick-up was “not fair to the rest of the county.”

C o n k l i n , w h o o p e r a t e s Thunder Ridge in Patterson, said her business must pay for trash removal: “That’s part of a business expense. I don’t ask to be subsidized.”

Othmer agreed. He to ld the legislature that he is a member of the Garrison Yacht Club: “People from all points north, south, eas,t and wes,t who visi ted the r iverfront for the holiday weekend left tons of trash in our dumpster. The club’s membership paid for the trash pick-up. This is business!”

But Legislator Birmingham noted that the county partners with other municipalities on a variety of initiatives, and Legislator Oliverio cal led Cold Spring a “great cash cow for every res ident of Putnam County because sales tax generated there is second to none.”

Tamagna promised to “hand del iver” the check to the mayor once it is issued by the county’s Department of Finance.

TRASH (Cont’d from front pg.)

Advertise in the PCN&R.It works!

Page 14: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

LEGAL NOTICENotice of Qualification of

SPI Litigation Direct, LLC. Au thor i ty f i l ed wi th NY Dept. of State on 7/27/09. O ff i c e l oca t i on : Pu tnam County. Principal business address: 2960 Professional Dr., Springfield, IL 62703. L L C f o r m e d i n D E o n 11/6/01. NY Sec. of State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall ma i l p r o ce s s t o : c / o C T Corpora t ion Sys tem, 111 8th Ave. , NY, NY 10011, registered agent upon whom p r o c e s s m a y b e s e r v e d . DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange S t . , Wi lming ton , DE 19801. Arts . of Org. filed with DE Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes.

Send Legal Notices to [email protected]

Page 14 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009


OF LIMITED LIABILITY C O M P A N Y . N A M E : M O N A C O R E A L T Y M A N A G E M E N T, L L C . Ar t i c l e s o f Organ iza t ion were filed with the Secretary o f S t a t e o f N e w Yo r k (SSNY) on 07/27/09. Office locat ion: Putnam County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process aga ins t i t may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, c/o George Monaco, 2 7 6 B u c k s h o l l o w R o a d , Mahopac, New York 10541. Purpose : For any l awfu l purpose.

LEGAL NOTICENOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: KNH CONSTRUCTION LLC.Ar t i c l e s o f Organ iza t ion were filed with the Secretary of State of New YorkSSNY) on 07/16/09 . The latest date of dissolution is 12/31/2060. Officelocat ion: Putnam County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC uponwhom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process tothe LLC, 105 Palmer Trail, Carmel, New York 10512. Purpose: For any lawfulpurpose.

LEGAL NOTICEVillage of Cold Spring

Zoning Board of AppealsVillage Offices, 85 Main

StreetCold Spring, NY

NOTICEThe Boa rd w i l l ho ld a

public hearing on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM for the purpose of hearing p u b l i c c o m m e n t o n t h e application of Constantine S e r r o u k a s , 2 1 M a r y l a n d Ave . , Poughkeeps i e , NY to cons t ruc t a one s to ry addition to the FoodTown shopping center building at 49 Chestnut Street (in the B-2 Designated Shopping Center zoning distr ict) to house the re located Cold Sp r ing Pos t Off i c e . The proposal wi l l requi re the fol lowing Area var iances f r o m t h e Vi l l a g e C o d e : s ide , rear yard var iances from Sect ion 134-10 (D), lot coverage variance from 134-10 (E), corner lot sight distance variance from 134-17 (B). This application is paired with a Use variance application to construct a 27 space parking lot at the corner of Marion Ave. and Benedict Road (in the R-1 zone) to serve as required parking for the Shopping Center.

LEGAL NOTICEVillage of Cold Spring

Zoning Board of AppealsVillage Offices, 85 Main Street

Cold Spring, NYNOTICE

The Boa rd w i l l ho ld a public hearing on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM for the purpose of hearing p u b l i c c o m m e n t o n t h e application of Constantine S e r r o u k a s , 2 1 M a r y l a n d Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY to construct a 27 space parking lot at the corner of Marion Ave . and Bened ic t Road (in the R-1 Single Family Residential zoning district). The proposal will require a Use variance from Section 134-7A of the Village Code. This application is paired w i t h a n A r e a v a r i a n c e application to construct a one s tory addi t ion to the FoodTown shopping center a t 49 Ches tnut S t ree t ( in the B-2 zone) to house the relocated Cold Spring Post Office.

LEGAL NOTICENotice is hereby given that

a license, number 2154386 for summer restaurant wine and beer has been applied for by the undersigned* to sell beer and/or wine at retai l in a res taurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control law at 2741 Route 9, Cold Spr ing New York 10516, Putnam County. RoundUp Texas BBQ TumbleWeed Saloon, Corp.

L i n d a P V a u g h a n , President

LEGAL NOTICENotice of Qual i f ica t ion

o f S A H N E A G L E L L C . A u t h o r i t y f i l e d w i t h Secre tary of S ta te of NY (SSNY) on 8/13/09. Office location: Putnam County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 5 /26 /09 . SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 31 Pr ivate Way, Garr ison NY 10524. Address to be m a i n t a i n e d i n D E : 1 6 0 Green t r ee Dr. , S t e . 101 , Dover DE 19904. Arts. of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activities.

LEGAL NOTICEPursuant to the provisions

of section 4-118 of the state of New York Election Law, official notice of the Primary

Election publication byPutnam County Board of

Elections is hereby given:

Primary Election, Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Polls are open from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.

A l l p o l l i n g p l a c e s i n Pu tnam County a re open

for voting.

Democratic PartyTown of Kent

Justice(Vote for two)

Highway Superintendent(Vote for one)

Town of Putnam Valley Councilman

(Vote for two)

Republican PartySheriff

(Vote for one)

Town of CarmelCouncilman

(Vote for two)

Town of KentJustice

(Vote for two)

Councilman(Vote for two)

Town of Putnam ValleyCouncilman

(Vote for two)

Town of SoutheastCouncilman

(Vote for two)

Independence PartyOpportunity to BallotLegislator District #4

(Vote for one)P a t t e r s o n D i s t r i c t s

1,2,4,5,7 & 8Southeast 11 & 13

Town of CarmelOpportunity to Ballot

Supervisor(Vote for one)

Opportunity to BallotCouncilman

(Vote for two)

Town of KentOpportunity to Ballot

Supervisor(Vote for one)

Opportunity to BallotTown Clerk

(Vote for one)

Justice(Vote for two)

Opportunity to BallotCouncilman

(Vote for two)

Opportunity to BallotReceiver of Taxes

(Vote for one)

Opportunity to BallotHighway Superintendent

(Vote for one)

Town of PattersonOpportunity to Ballot

Councilman (Vote for two)

Opportunity to BallotReceiver of Taxes

(Vote for one)

Town of SoutheastOpportunity to Ballot

Councilman(Vote for two)

Working Families PartyTown of Kent

Justice(Vote for two)

LEGAL NOTICE The Town Boa rd w i l l

conduct a Special Meeting o n S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 9 a t 9 :30 a .m. a t the Town Hall, 238 Main Street, Cold Spring, New York to discuss the Town Park a t Quarry Pond.

LEGAL NOTICENot ice i s hereby g iven

that a public hearing wil l be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Nelsonville at the Village office, 260 Main Street, on:

Thursday, September 14, 2009, a t 8pm to hear the appeal of Frank Ricevuto, Jr. from the denial of a request for a bu i ld ing permi t , to construct two carports on his property, known as tax map #38.17-2-42, located at 262 Main Street, Nelsonville, New York in an VB District.

Denial is based on failure to comply with Section 188-2 9 D , S c h e d u l e B o f t h e Nelsonvi l le Code, fa i lure to meet setbacks.

All interested persons will be heard at the above time and place.

William RiceChairman

Nelsonville Zoning Board of Appeals

LEGAL NOTICETown of Putnam Valley

Planning BoardNOTICE 9/2009

September 1, 2009Please be advised that the

next meeting of the Planning Board will be held at Town Hall , 265 Oscawana Lake Road on Monday, September 14, 2009, for the purpose of considering the following applications:Communications: 5:30pmRegular Meeting Start Time: 6:00pm


T h e f o l l o w i n g p u b l i c hearing have been scheduled for September 14, 2009 at 6:00PM (or as soon thereafter as agenda conditions permit) at the Putnam Valley Town Hall , 265 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, New York, 10579. All interested parties are invited to attend and will be heard. A copy of the application materials


FOR BIDSS e a l e d b i d s w i l l b e

a c c e p t e d b y t h e Vi l l a g e o f C o l d S p r i n g u p u n t i l 2:00 P.M. on the 2nd day of October, 2009 for labor and materials required for the "Energy Conservation P r o j e c t " p r o p o s e d f o r Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, New York and for the Cold Spr ing F i re House , 154 Main S t ree t , Cold Spring, New York.

The labor and materials r e q u i r e d f o r t h e E n e rg y C o n s e r v a t i o n P r o j e c t i n c l u d e : i n s t a l l a t i o n o r replacement of insulat ion in port ions of the cei l ing or roof of both buildings, insulation of the boiler hot water piping, insulation of the west wall of the North West room (i.e., the meeting r o o m ) a t t h e F i r e h o u s e , replacement of all existing f l u o r e s c e n t T- 1 2 l a m p s and magnetic ballasts with T-8 lamps and e lec t ronic ballasts, replacement of all incandescen t l amps wi th compact fluorescent lamps, and installation of motion detecting light switches at the Cold Spring Fire House.

A written statement of the work involved in the Energy Conservat ion Project and of bid requirements is on file with Village Clerk. All bidders must schedule and a t t end a manda to ry p re -p r o p o s a l " w a l k t h r o u g h meeting" to be held at the Village Hall and the Cold Spring Fire House prior to submitting bids.

C o p i e s o f t h e w r i t t e n s t a t emen t o f t he Ene rgy C o n s e r v a t i o n P r o j e c t and b id requirements are available from the Village Clerk on request. Bidders should contact the Village Clerk to schedule a date and t ime for the i r mandatory pre-proposal walk through meeting. Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those persons whose names and addresses are on record as having reques ted wr i t ten s t a t emen t o f t he Ene rgy Conservation Project.

Bids wil l be publicly opened and read at 2:00 P.M. on the 2nd day of October, 2009 at the offices of the Vi l l a g e o f C o l d S p r i n g , Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, New York.



VILLAGE CLERKDated: September 3, 2009



the Pu tnam Val ley Town Board will conduct a public h e a r i n g o n We d n e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 9 , 2 0 0 9 @ 6 : 0 0 p . m t o h e a r p u b l i c comments , on a proposed local law to regulate and control the emissions from outdoor wood boilers in the Town of Putnam Valley.

HEARING TO BE HELD, at the Putnam Valley Town Hall , 265 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, New York.

Eileen RoyaelTown Clerk

LEGAL NOTICETown of Putnam ValleyNOTICE WT 9/2009

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Putnam Valley ha s r e ce ived a we t l ands a p p l i c a t i o n f r o m t h e following applicant:WT 20/09 Chris Beliveau 1 1 L y o n C o u r t TM: 41.6-2-64

LEGAL NOTICENotice of Format ion of

K & G R e a l t y P a r t n e r s , LLC. Arts . of Org. f i led with NY Dept. of State on 6/29/09. Office location: Pu tnam County. Sec . o f State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: #201 The Barnes Off ice Bldg. , Stonele igh Ave. , Carmel , NY 10512. Purpose: any lawful purpose.

LEGAL NOTICEWorkshop Agenda

T h e Vi l l a g e o f C o l d Spring Board of Trustees will hold public discussion on the Specia l Board for the Comprehens ive Plan/LWRP report regarding the development of the former Marathon parcel and Foundry Ridge parcel. Copies of the report are available at the Village Clerk’s Office, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY. Dated: September 4, 2009Mary Saari, Village Clerk

WORKSHOP AGENDAR e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f r o m

the Putnam County Board o f E l e c t i o n s w i l l b e avai lable at Vil lage Hall , 85 Main Street on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 7:00 pm to demonstrate the use of optical scanning voting machines. Dated: September 4, 2009

Mary Saari, Village Clerk

LEGAL NOTICERequest for Proposals for

Planning Services The Village of Cold Spring

is requesting proposals from q u a l i f i e d c o n s u l t a n t s t o assis t in the development of a Local Waterfront Plan and S t ra tegy. A de ta i l ed description of the consultant de l ive rab les i s ava i l ab le from the Vil lage Clerk at Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY.

The Village is accepting sealed proposals until 3:00 PM October 15, 2009.

The Village reserves the right to right to reject any or all proposals.



CLERKDated: September 4, 2009

LEGAL NOTICERequest for Proposals for

Engineering ServicesThe Village of Cold Spring

is seeking proposals from engineering firms to perform se rv ices a s soc ia t ed wi th D a m S a f e t y C o m p l i a n c e and Capi ta l P lanning for Drinking Water Reservoir Facilities. Three Dams make up the Reservoir system for the Vil lage water system. Two Dams a re c lass i f ied as Class “C.” A detai led description of the services required is available from the Vi l l age C le rk a t t he Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY.

The Village is accepting sealed proposals until 3:00 P M O c t o b e r 1 6 , 2 0 0 9 . The Vi l lage wi l l ho ld an informational meet ing on September 24th at 10:00AM at the Foundry Brook Water T r e a t m e n t P l a n t . T h e informational meeting is not mandatory but it is strongly encouraged.

The Village reserves the right to right to reject any or all proposals.



VILLAGE CLERKDated: September 4, 2009

PUBLIC NOTICE:Vil lage of Cold Spr ing

P l a n n i n g B o a r d w i l l b e meeting at the Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring on Tuesday, September 22 at 7:30 pm to discuss the development of a Planning Board application that would assist community members in navigating the planning process.

PUBLIC NOTICE:Vil lage of Cold Spr ing

P l a n n i n g B o a r d w i l l b e meeting at the Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring on Tuesday, September 29 at 7:30 pm to discuss and submit an opinion for the Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals concerning the variances requested by the o w n e r o f t h e F o o d t o w n Plaza, which are necessary to proceed with an expansion of the building footprint and the creation of an additional parking lot on Marion Ave.



GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchas ing of Putnam County for the fo l lowing c o m m o d i t i e s a n d / o r service: RFB #42-09 DREW LAKE ("KENT") SENIOR CENTER SITEWORK AND SEPTIC SYSTEM

Deta i led spec i f ica t ions m a y b e s e c u r e d a t t h e off ice of the Di rec tor o f P u r c h a s i n g , C o u n t y o f Putnam Off ice Faci l i t ies , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at www, Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, September 30, 2009.dated: Carmel, New York.

September 2, 2009Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Director, Putnam County Purchasing Department



GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchas ing of Putnam County for the fo l lowing commodities and/or service:


Deta i led spec i f ica t ions m a y b e s e c u r e d a t t h e off ice of the Di rec tor o f P u r c h a s i n g , C o u n t y o f Putnam Off ice Faci l i t ies , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2009.dated: Carmel, New York

August 31, 2009Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta,

Purchasing DirectorPutnam County

Purchasing Department

LEGAL NOTICEThe resolution, a summary

o f w h i c h i s p u b l i s h e d herewith, has been adopted on the 1st day of September, 2009, and the val id i ty of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be he rea f t e r con te s t ed on ly i f such ob l iga t ions were au thor i zed fo r an ob jec t or purpose for which the COUNTY OF PUTNAM, New York, is not authorized to expend money or if the p rov i s ions o f l aw which should have been complied w i t h a s o f t h e d a t e o f publication of this Notice w e r e n o t s u b s t a n t i a l l y c o m p l i e d w i t h , a n d a n action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the publication o f t h i s N o t i c e , o r s u c h obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution.

M. CHRIS MARRONEClerk to the County

LegislatureB O N D R E S O L U T I O N


C l a s s o f o b j e c t s o r purposes: Construction o f a r e p l a c e m e n t F i r e Training Building on s i te of existing facility in Kent, New York.

P e r i o d o f p r o b a b l e usefulness: Fifteen (15) years

Amount of obligations to be issued: $450,000 Bonds

SEQRA Status: Type II Action

A complete copy of the bond resolution summarized above shall be available for pub l ic Inspec t ion dur ing normal business hours at the off ice of the Clerk to the Legislature, at the County Office Building, 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York.Dated: September 2, 2009

and plans may be inspected d u r i n g n o r m a l b u s i n e s s hours a t the off ice of the Planning Board Clerk, Town of Putnam Valley Town Hall.

1. Feldman, Martin-Lee Avenue (TM: 62.18-1-49) WT5-05

The applicant wishes to construct a shed, deck and wa lkway on a 0 . 19 ac r e p a r c e l o n L e e Av e n u e . T h e p a r c e l h a s f r o n t a g e on Lake Oscawana and the Town Wetland Inspector has referred the wetland permit application to the Planning Board.

REVIEW2. Kisslinger Robert- West

Shore Drive (TM: 62.6-1-3, 4&5/File: 2008-0026)

The applicant is proposing t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a single-family residence on approximately 1.5 acres of land located at the terminus of West Shore Drive in the R-3 Zoning Dis t r ic t . The Planning Board will review the mitigation plans.

3 . H Y H S u b d i v i s i o n – Brooks ide Avenue and Pudding Street (TM: 41.-2 - 1 3 & 4 1 . 1 5 - 1 - 3 / F i l e : 41./206/1040&1041)

An application has been f i l ed fo r a p roposed 15-l o t s u b d i v i s i o n w i t h a proposed pr ivate road on a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 3 6 . 5 1 ac re s o f l and l oca t ed i n the R-3 Zoning Dis t r i c t . The P lanning Board wi l l continue its review of the Subdivision, Major Grading Permit and Wetlands Permit. The P lanning Board wi l l consider an outline for the preparation of a Part 3 EAF.

DISCUSSION4. Fiorentino, Annette

( T M : 4 1 . - 2 - 1 4 / F i l e : 41./104/861

The applicant is proposing a 7 - l o t s u b d i v i s i o n o n ±57.4 acres of land located on Wiccopee Road in the CD Zoning Dis t r ic t . The a p p l i c a n t h a s r e q u e s t e d an informal discussion to introduce the project to the Board.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES5. Approve Minutes of

August 24, 2009

Children’s Programs Begin Again at Desmond-Fish

The Desmond-Fish Library wi l l have ch i ld ren’s p ro -grams wi th craf ts , music , and Legos this fall beginning September 9.

The Preschool Story Hour is held each Wednesday at 1:30pm beginning September 9 and continuing throughout the year except on school ho l idays . The s to ry hour is for children from 3 to 5 years old.

The Paren t -ch i ld Work-shop is held each Monday and Wednesday from 10:30 unti l 11:45am and resumes Sept . 14, cont inuing unt i l Nov. 11. The workshop is for children from 6 months to 3 years old and consists of free play followed by circle t ime, songs, and a story. On Wednesdays, Karin Pollock of Music Together comes to the workshop at 11am.

The Cra f t Hour i s he ld every Tuesday at 4pm, begin-ning Sept. 15 and continuing until Nov. 10. The craft hour is designed for school age

children. This fal l’s crafts wi l l inc lude making corn husk people, pine cone bird feeders, autumn leaf prints, caramel apples, and alphabet bingo.

The Children’s Room at the Library is set up with enter tainment for al l ages There is a puppet theater, a large collect ion of Legos, Brio trains, an assortment of puzzles, and a computer with educational children’s games. There is also a com-puter with internet access f o r p a r e n t s t o u s e w h i l e their chi ldren are playing or choosing books.

Children do not need to register for these programs. To contact the l ibrary about these or other programs, call 424-3020 . The Library i s open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 to 5pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 9pm, Saturday from 10 to 4pm, and Sunday from 1 to 5pm.

John Swartzwelder Wins National Essay Competition

Last spr ing , s tudents a t the Garrison School had the oppor tuni ty to par t ic ipate i n an e s say wr i t i ng con -test sponsored by I Won’t Cheat , a nat ional organiza-tion dedicated to promoting honesty. Founded by Dale Murphy, a two- t ime MLB MVP who p l ayed fo r t he Atlanta Braves, Philadelphia Phillies, and Colorado Rock-ies, this character education p rog ram encourages k id s of al l ages to not cheat in a thle t ics , in school , or in l i fe . I t encourages kids to remain true to their character in an effort to “change the culture of cheating.”

Students across the coun-try in grades 4 through 12 a n s w e r e d t h e q u e s t i o n , “ W h a t w o u l d y o u s a y t o your favori te athlete i f he o r s h e w a s c a u g h t u s i n g s t e ro ids?” I Won’ t Chea t received near ly 3 ,000 en-tr ies . Garrison School 7th grader, John Swartzwelder, was chosen as one of the 29 second place winners.

John received a $50 gif t c e r t i f i c a t e f o r Z A P P I n -visible Shields from the I

Won’t Cheat Organizat ion. He shared, “I t was late at night when my mom got the message that I was one of the second place winners. I was overwhelmed but thril led at such an accompl i shmen t . I hope tha t my essay can inspire others to not cheat or use steroids.”

The school community is extremely proud of John and this achievement. Here is an excerpt from John’s essay:

“Steroids are short term material . I t won’t make you better inside. You shouldn’t do anything to hurt yourself or your body. It would be best i f you walk away knowing you gave i t your best shot .”

The Hoot is a-Hollerin’ Again at Little Stony Point

On Sunday, September 13, the Little Stony Point Citizens’ Association is once again host-ing its end of the season music festival, now known simply as “the Hoot.” The Hoot on the Hudson started 15 years ago with some acoustic guitars, banjos, and mandolins on the beach at Little Stony Point, just north of the Village of Cold Spring on Route 9D. A potluck with a few local musi-cians involved in the citizens’ association has morphed over the years to become a must-see afternoon featuring a wide representation of the immense

pool of talented musicians in the area.

The festival runs from noon until 6pm, and admission is free for the whole family. Refreshments will be avail-able or bring a picnic. Lawn chairs and umbrellas are rec-ommended items to bring along for those making a day of it and the beach and hiking trails are often mixed in for a full day’s fun. Kid-centric acts kick things off at noon. For more information or to become involved, contact [email protected]

Defending Champs Batt le it Out by Hitting the Books

This Saturday, almost 200 young people from twenty-one public libraries will duke it out in the l Mid-Hudson Library System Battle of the Books.

Once again, a team of readers from the Butterfield Library in Cold Spring will be entering the fray, attempting to defend the title they have twice earned, in 2008 and 2007. ” This year’s team members are returnees Kieran Austin, Claire Carroll, Sonya Kuzminski, and Alec Lane and newcomers Lucy

Austin, Weronika Bajsicka, and James Perkins. They are coached by Butterfield staff members Luanne Morse and Maureen McGrath.

Last spring participating li-braries recruited 5th-8th grad-ers to read 10 titles chosen by the librarian coaches.

To prepare for the regional battle, teams gathered over the summer to master the details of each story and engage in local battles with neighboring libraries.


(Please Take Notice)T h a t i n a c c o r d a n c e

w i t h S e c . 6 - 1 0 8 o f t h e election laws of the State of New York, the Town of Phil ipstown Conservat ive Committee will hold a caucus on Wednesday, September 16, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following town offices:


ASSESSOR (1)( P l e a s e t a k e f u r t h e r

Notice)The Conservative caucus

will be held at VFW Hall, K e m b l e Av e n u e , C o l d Spring, New York 10516, All registered Conservatives in the Town of Philipstown are invited to attend.

James Maxwell, Chairman

Putnam County Conservative Committee

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint In September and October

Jackie Grant, Executive Direc-tor of the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, in partnership with the Hudson Highlands Land Trust, will be facilitating a 4-session workshop where participants will learn how to significantly reduce house-hold energy consumption. The workshop will follow the Low Carbon Diet by David Gershon, a workbook that outlines how to reduce the “carbon footprint” of

your household. Each member will calculate his carbon foot-print at the first meeting and in the following three evening sessions will discuss aspects of household systems and lifestyle practices where small changes can make a big difference. The meetings will begin on Thurs-day, September 17, at 7pm at the Hudson Highlands Land Trust, 1180 Route 9D, Garrison. The sessions are free. Register by calling 845-534-5506 x 204.

Shea said he was pleased with the increased interest in the proposed zoning changes and that he hopes the property owners’ involvement will not be limited to just the re-zoning issue. He said he hoped that the concerned citizens would appoint a liaison to the town.

“I applaud the town for having these workshops,” said Andy Chmar, executive director of the Hudson Highlands Land Trust in an interview Tues-day afternoon. The land trust helped the town prepare maps as part of the drafting of the comprehensive plan. “The more input there is, the better the

document will be.”Glenn Watson, a member

of the Zoning Advisory Com-mittee of Philipstown, said on Tuesday that he expects there will be changes to the zon-ing proposal. “It was crafted by a half a dozen people,” he said, so that when the public becomes more involved, there will certainly be changes.

The board also authorized Mazzuca to sign an agreement accepting the Open Space In-stitute’s gift of the Philipse Brook Gorge to the town. The gorge area borders Philipstown Park. OSI will put a conserva-tion easement on the property.

RE-ZONING (Cont’d from front pg.)

Page 15: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

Sharon DiPalo


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Page 15

C o l d S p r i n g ’ s M e g a n Ly o n s , a s o p h o m o r e a t Southern Connecticut State Univers i ty, was named to the weekly honor roll of the Northeast-10 Conference for her play with the Southern Connec t icu t Owls , as the Owls opened thei r season with a 3-0 winning stretch.

After the team’s first three matches, Lyons leads all Owls with 20 kills. She is averag-

ing 2.86 per game and had a game-high 13 in the win over Dominican.

The Owls returned to action on Wednesday, September 2 as they traveled to Vermont for the team’s first North-east-10 Conference match against Saint Michael’s.

Lyons played for the Hal-dane Vol leybal l team that won the New York S ta t e Championship.

After a month of nightly August p r a c t i c e s , P h i l i p s t o w n ’ s two youth footbal l teams are ready to start playing their fall games. The Mighty Mite (pictured at left) and Tiney Mite teams have begun scrimmaging this week and are excited for their f irst games. The Mighty Mites start on Sunday, September 13 at Mayor’s Park at 2pm. Check out for the two teams’ schedules.

Lyons Named to NE-10 Conference Honor Roll

by B.J. O’Brien

With Haldane football be-ginning i ts season against Chester this Friday, fall will have officially started in the Hudson Valley.

The Blue Devils ' season opens with a road game against Chester High School at 7pm on Friday night.

The team looks to build on last season’s 5-4 record. Head Coach Tony Percacciolo’s roster consists of 24 players. There are six seniors, three juniors, 14 sophomores, and one freshman.

Despite having a smaller roster, Coach Percacciolo be-lieves that his team can do well if it stays healthy and plays to the best of its ability.

"I think we can take some teams into the fourth quarter," he said.

The h igh percen tage of

sophomores on the team en-sures that many of the younger players will have the oppor-tunity to accumulate a lot of playing time. Some of them are already starters.

“They're getting tested right away,” said Coach Percac-ciolo, who has coached the team for four years and also works as a heavy equipment mechanic in New York City.

On the offensive side of the ball, the Blue Devils run the Delaware Wing-T. This type of offense features the run. That's where Derek O'Dell, the team's top player, comes in. The senior running back rushed for about 1,400 yards last season and serves as one of the Blue Devils' captains.

The defense runs a 50 Read. Coach Percacciolo pointed out that last season their defense was based on reacting to what the other team’s offense was

doing. This season he plans to feature more of an attack-ing style. This is because the Blue Devils lack size up front on defense. Because of this, they will rely more on speed.

Some of the team's key new-comers are offensive linemen Christian Callaghan, James Moss, and Matt Hughes.

The Blue Devils' key re-turning players are O'Dell, quar te rback Frank Fusco , wide receiver /safety El ias Lopez, tight end Rich Fergu-son, runningback/linebacker Rafael Famighetti, and line-men Cameron Zampino and John McGuire.

In add i t ion to O 'De l l , Zampino and Famighetti also serve as captains.

Discuss ing th is week ' s game against Chester, Coach Percacciolo said that O'Dell will miss the game due to an ankle injury. That means that

other players wil l have to shoulder more responsibility against a team that has been highly successful in the past.

"Those guys have to step up now," he said.

In order to be successful against Chester, Coach Per-cacciolo believes that his team must move the ball on offense in order to eat up time. This will keep Chester's explosive offense off the field.

"They have a veteran team and they are pretty quick," said Coach Percacciolo.

Af t e r open ing aga ins t Chester, the Blue Devils face Putnam Valley at home on Sept. 17. That is followed by another home game against Lincoln Hall on Sept. 26. Hal-dane then travels to Tuckahoe on Oct. 3. They return home to play Croton-Harmon on Oct. 10 and then go to Hast-ings on Oct. 17.

A young Haldane team looks to build on last year’s 5-4 season

Blue Devils Prepare to Face Chester

by Mike Horton

Putnam Valley’s field hockey team has been one of the big-gest bright spots in the school’s brief history. Since snatching the school’s first state title in any sport in 2005 under coach Tracy Parchen, the Tigers have maintained their aggressive play.

Toniann Cortina stepped in as head coach in 2007, and the Tigers reclaimed their title as section champs in Class B last season. Despite their loss in the regionals, it was a stellar season for the Tigers.

This year they have some challenges as they are dropping to Class C and replacing some key players. Cortina knows the team has holes to fill, but she is confident that they can stay strong.

Here’s a look at this year’s Tigers team:

TEAM- Putnam Valley Tigers field hockeyCOACH-Toniann Cortina, third seasonLAST YEAR’S RECORD/FINISH- 19-3, Section 1 Class B champs, lost in regionals to Garden CityW H AT ’ S E X C I T I N G ABOUT THIS TEAM? - Cor-tina is excited about how this year’s group will respond to

new challenges. “These girls are young, but we have an op-portunity to grow,” she said. RETURNING STARTERS-Hannah Tavella (12, M, cap-tain, All-League), Amanda DeChent (12,Off, All-League)RETURNING PLAYERS- Demetria Andritsopoulos (12, Off), Ashley Browne (12, Off), Tianna Daley (12, G), Alissa-beth Minnich (11, Off), Vic-toria Stanishia (11, D), Dana Tatnell (10, M)NEW PLAYERS - Sayaka Abe (9, Off), Lauren Landi (10, M), Erin McCrudden (9, M), Maria Rao (11, Off), Alissa Schut (11, Off), Melissa Wag-ner (9, Def), Kristen Weeks (11, Def), Erica Wharton (11, Def), Diane Rush (10, Def)LEAGUE - The league consists of Pleasantville, Briarcliff, Edgemont, JFK, Walter Panas, Croton, and Hen Hud. Cortina said “We expect to do well in Class C. We have pretty high expectations, and we would like to make the finals.”OUTLOOK - Cortina is look-ing to be strong this year, despite inexperience. “If we do it, that would be great, but it’s going to be because we worked hard for it.”

The Tigers open their season at home against Pawling on Thursday at 4:15pm.

by Mike Horton

After a losing season in ’08, the Tigers are excited about the upcoming season. They‘re returning some key players they missed due to injury last year and are enter-ing a new league.

The football program is rela-tively young, and since its start in 2001 PV has managed to appear in two bowl games and grab a league champion-ship in Class B two seasons ago. This year the Tigers hope for a return to that success, as they drop to Class C.

Here’s a look at this year’s Tigers squad:

TEAM- Putnam Valley Tigers footballCOACH- Frank Heitman, fifth seasonLAST YEAR’S RECORD/FINISH- 3-5, missed the playoffsWHAT’S EXCITING ABOUT THIS TEAM? - “Very athletic” were the first two words to come out of Heitman’s mouth when asked this question. He went on to say, “we should get better every week as we play games and start to come together.” Heitman expressed confidence in his team, but added that they have yet to show what kind of team they’ll really be come game time.

RETURNING STARTERS- Gerry Zimbaldi (12, OL/DL, captain, All-League), Mike Nolan (12, QB/S, captain), Travis Gembecki (12, C/LB), Chris Castro (12, OL/DL), Ryan Fitzgerald (12, WR/S), Kevin Christopher (11, WR/LB), Jim Ready (12, OL/DL), John Warden (11, RB/LB), Brian Minnerly (11, WR/DB).NOTABLE RETURNING PLAYERS-Jason Kolb (11, OL/DL), Anthony Tyndal (12, QB/DB), Jetmir Berisha (12, OL/DL), Gerardo Alvarez (12, OL/DL)NOTABLE NEW PLAY-ERS- AJ Martinez (10, RB/S), Marcus Givan (12, WR/DB), Will Mauro (10, OL/DL), Connor Gembecki (10, QB/DB), Steve Pino (12, WR/DB)LEAGUE-The new League C-D North consists of Lincoln Hall, Haldane, Hastings, Cro-ton, and Putnam Valley. OUTLOOK-Heitman is ex-cited about the change in class. “After dropping in class, I think we could compete for the section,” he said. Heit-man added that he feels like his team has the talent. “If we can focus and be intense, we could do some things.”

The Tigers open their sea-son on Friday September 11 at home against new league opponent Lincoln Hall at 7pm.

Putnam Valley Football Plans to Improve

Tigers Field Hockey Faces Some Challenges

Philipstown Pop Warner Ready for Fall Season School, Rec League, and Travel Team Coaches:

The PCN&R is expanding its sports


Please send game wrap-ups and photos to [email protected]. Put “sports” in the

subject line.

If you are interested in working as a stringer for the Sports section,

please email [email protected]

Page 16: Putnam County News and Recorder, Sept 9

SERVICESPHILIPSTOWN TREE SER-VICE: Land clearing, takedowns, trimmings. Stump Re-moval. Fully insured. Reg. No.PC 607. (845) 265-2187.

NR MASONRY LLC: Newhomes, additions, all typesstonework - patios, entrancepillars, fireplaces, walls, curb-ing, Unilock. Brickwork,stucco, repairs. PC Lic #373,cell 914-527-1287 or H 845-424-3795

BEST DEAL IN TOWN - Geta Classified Ad in the PutnamCounty News for as little as$6.25. Our classifieds get re-sults! 265-2468.

TREE SERVICE: Pruning,cabling, removal, stump grind-ing, shearing. Consultation.Certified Arborist. Fully in-sured. Call Henry L. Kingsley,265-3721. PC#1566.

MASSAGE:Feel Good Again!Georgia Christy,Licensed Massage Therapist.424-4224.

YOUR DISPLAY ADS cango on the PCN&R web site foran additional $10. Call Marga-ret @ 265-2468 for more info.

SWEDISH MASSAGE:Back pain, neck pain, stress?Sleep better, heal better,think better, feel better. DanAnderson LMT 527-7533

YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOMEby Toland Construction. Reno-vation, restoration, remodelingand new construction. All sizejobs. PC#1244 and insured.845-265-2253

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GARRISON TREE, INC.Tree takedowns, pruning,landclearing, cabling, chipping,firewood. Landscape design,planting, plant health care,stump grinding, mulch. Con-sultations available. Joshua R.Maddocks, certified arboristcert. # NY 5332A. Fully In-sured. Reg. No. PC2213-APlease Call: 845-265-3434

CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOWCleaning Service. Specializingon all shapes and sizes, store,office, & home. Free Estimates,fully insured."Got Windows"?Year round service. Call 845-431-6967.

Page 16 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WANTEDHUD VALLEY AUCTIONEERSAntique and Estate buyerscommission sales, auctionsheld monthly, 432 Main St.Beacon 845-838-3049, NeilVaughn. For info visit

REAL ESTATEREAL ESTATE NEEDSLimited Editions Realty 21Main Street, Cold Spring. Call845-265-3111 or go

COLD SPRING VILLAGEHome: 3BR, 1+1/2 BTH, FPL,Hd Wd Flrs, Garden, Off St.pkng, + detached 2 story ga-rage w/500 Sq Ft. office/artiststudio. Great location, walk totrain and shopping. $385, appt only 845-265-2944

KC PAINTING - Interior &Exterior painting - sheet-rock-ing - taping - plaster repair.References, insured. PC #260.265-3291.

WEST SIDE CYCLEfor all your motor cycle needslocated at 120 Old Rte 9,Fishkill. 845-897-2444

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HOMETOWN HANDYMANpainting, dry wall, all yourmaintenance, repair & improve-ment needs. No job too small.Courteous dependable, afford-able service. Refs available. PClic #2807-A. Call George 845-265-4710

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FINE ART PRINTMAKERSHi res scans of originalsup to 6 X 8ft. Color and B&WArchival inks, papers, andcanvas. Any length X 64"W.State of the art digitalsince 1997.

HOME IMPROVEMENTSKitchens, bathrooms, play-rooms & tile work. Licensed &insured. Call 845-849-2299 forfree estimates by NickMastrantuono.

MUSIC LESSONSs a x o p h o n e / f l u t e / c l a r i n e tJazz Improv - all instrumentswith Rob Scheps. CS Villagefun, patient, creative. Call 503-381-5983, cell.

CHEFALOCONSTRUCTION.COM28 years of remodeling, reno-vation, new construction andrestoration in the Philipstownarea. Call Jim at 914-456-4131 or 845-896-7472 for freeestimates or consultation.PC#2360-A

CLEANING SERVICEExperienced, dependable, anddetail oriented. Satisfactionguaranteed. Refs avail 845-337-1403

TUTORAll ages. Seventeen yearsteaching all subjects, includingSpanish, Writing, Math, SATplus College Essay prep.Weekly Art + Spanish ClassesFrank Ortega 845-265-4236

STORE OPENING: COM-PUTER store now open inPhilipstown Square (old PerksPlaza) providing all types ofPC support & repairs. SPE-CIAL: disinfect, speed-up, up-date & clean-up $100. 845-809-5411 [email protected] Route 9, Cold Spring (1.5miles North of Rte 301)

HANDYMAN. HIGH QUAL-ITY work, reasonable rates,Refs. Call 914-879-7904 leavemessage.

DOWNEY OIL 90 YEARSof Warm Service. Visit ourWeb Site. DowneyOilNY.com856-365-3663

PETSLOST OR FOUND PET? CallDog Control Officer, 265-4732.Call Sheriff's Dept., 225-4300only in an emergency.

PUTNAM VALLEY Dog con-trol office operates small im-pound. Please contact them ifyour dog is missing and mighthave travelled into Putnam Val-ley. They maintain list of lostdogs and sightings. Adoptionsare also available. 526-3293

DOGGIE DAY CARE &RESTFULL SLEEPOVERS. Iwelcome your furry friend as atrue guest in my home. Theyhave total access to my homeand my one acre fenced yard inthe woods. Bow Wow Hausjohnfunck@opton l ine .ne t845-424-6017 John Funck 43Cutler Lane, Garrison

AIDEN IS A YELLOW LABMix, male, approx 9 mos old asof 8/28/09. Neutered, Rabiesvaccinated. He's friendly withthe female Annabelle, who isalso at our shelter. Plays wellwith her so he likely would befriendly to other dogs. Likelyto submit to another "in charge"dog easily enough. Aiden'sadoption fee is $120. PutnamHumane Socity, Old Rte 6,Carmel 845-225-7777 Mon-Fri: 10-6pm Sat-Sun 10-4pm.

LOCAL HORSE BOARDINGAvailable. Only 2 stalls left inour newly built, semi-privatefacility with arena. Call forquotes. Lessons & leasing alsoavailable. Ask for Amber 845-206-1906

FOR SALEANTIQUE RUSSIAN SILVERCollection, pre-1917 very rare:spoons, milk pitchers, tray, etc.,vintage Tiffany CrystalCandelholders, ca 1850. cop-per Bedwarmer (England) Call917-488-5232

RENTALSCOLD SPRING MAIN STstore for rent 1000 sq ft. Greatlocation 1 block RR $1600/mo.Incl heat 845-528-1975

COMMERCIAL SPACEavail at 3021 Rte 9, Cold Spring.Warehouse 1,600 sq. ft. withoffice 300 sq ft. $2,000 a month.Great for any type of contrac-tor. Utilities not incld. Pls call845-265-3434

OFFICE SPACE 11' x 13'convenient location, close toall, Garrison. $525.00 incl allutilities except phone. call 914-720-4835 ask for Ann

COLD SPRING 2BDRM APT1 bath, EIK, lvng rm, lrg yard,4 blks to train. W/D , pkng &water incld. $1350/mo. Newlypainted. One mo sec, 845-661-6632

GARRISON 3BDRM 2BATHhouse renovated 1860 farmhouse, beamed ceilings,skylites, sub zero. Unique in-holding in Fahnestock StatePark amid 3500 acres of forest,lakes, water falls, meadows.Garrison school, lawn care,lake & beach permits incld.$2400/mo 845-265-2519

COLD SPRING/BEACON 9DMins, DIA, I84, RR, 70 NYC,Hudson Views, Boats, 3bdrm,den, 2 bth, $1600 914-584-7137 or 914-960-0069

GARRISON PROFESSIONALCommercial office rental at TheStone House. Excellent loca-tion. Rte 9 at Putnam/Westchester border. $475/mo.Includes heat, electric, park-ing. Refs, Sec. Indian BrookProperties 845-788-4191

2 BDRM APT COLD SPRINGwalk to everything, walk inclosets, hrdwd flrs, off st. pkng,heat. Laundry on premises.$1300/mo. 845-265-3030

COLD SPRING VILLAGE1 br Apt - 4 minute walk totrain. All utilities and off streetparking included. No pets, nosmoking. $975/mo 845-380-1108

GARRISON 1 BDRM APTHeat/hot water cen air, fur-nished or unfurnished, pkng.Call 845-424-6149 $850/mo

COZY COTTAGE IN WOODSOld Albany Post Rd, Garrison.Avail 11/1. perfect writer's re-treat. Fully furnished. All utili-ties included. $1650 + dep 845-612-9481

MISCBIJOU GALLERIES LTDCelebrating 14 years in busi-ness at 50 Main StreetCold Spring Daily


CHILDCAREPHILIPSTOWN STAY ATHOME MOMavailable to babysit your childin my home! Reasonable rates,Call 845-424-5344

BABYSITTER TO WATCHthree spirited kids (G3, B5, B7),intermittent after school andweekend hours. Cold SpringVillage. Refs required, Bonny845-809-5317

TAG SALEHUGE GIRL SCOUT FUNDRaiser Sat 9/12 from 9am-2pm(rain date 9/13) Little LeagueField at North Highlands FireDept. Fishkill Rd. Cold Spring.Clothes, toys, books, furnitureand more.

YARD SALEAPALOOZACold Spring. A multi-familytag sale that you won't want tomiss! 333-337 Main Street,Cold Spring, NY Sat Sept 19th10-5pm.

MULTI FAMILY YARDSale. Sat Sept 12 9-4pm. 265Main St. Cold Spring. Incldsfurniture, tools, householditems.

COLD SPRING 3BDRM2Bth house on 1 acre. All utilsincld, newly finished full bsmt,large mahogany deck. 914-409-6236 $2500/mo

RELAXING FARM PROPERTYHome w/ 2bdrm 1.5 bths, 5acre backyard w/pond. Privatesetting. Mins fromPoughkeepsie train station andall major roads. $1500/mo +utils. 914-456-4974

OFFICE SPACE AVAILfor Healthcare Professional inCold Spring. 845-265-2275

GARRISON CHARMING3 bdrmm 1bth apt on horse farm.Hiking & trails. $1800/moinclds utils 845-424-3324

TRANQUIL OFFICE SPACEfor rent overlooking pond. Per-fect for consultants or writers.2 offices, $450 and $600/mo.Rent one or both. Furniture ifneeded. Full kitchen, medita-tive walk to pond. Bedroomfor rent also on per night basisif needed. Call 845-661-0350


THE PUTNAM COUNTYHistorical Society seeks vol-unteer docents. Young adultswill gain museum work experi-ence. Older adults will learnlocal history and share passionwith community. Museumopen Wed-Sun, 11-5. Pleasecall 845-265-4010

DO YOU LOVE SPORTS???Need work? The PCN&R isexpanding its sports coverageand seeks freelance reportersto start immediately. ContactJoe Lindsley at [email protected] 845-265-2468


OFFICE SPACE WANTEDLocal grant writer seeks PToffice for computer work, etc.Will trade services, such asmanual labor, companionship,writing, editing, etc. for space.Exc refs, friendly. 845-661-1552 Pete.

PATTERSON FLEA MARKET Rte 22, Patterson, NY. EverySunday, 8-4. Dealer spaceavailable $35. New and Olditems. 845-265-4414

SCHOOL SUCCESS demandswriting excellence. Get helpfrom expert writing/researchcoach: educator experiencedfor all levels; well-publishedwriter, professional editor.s a r a d g i l b e r t @ g m a i l . c o m845-265-5295

THREE TO FOUR BDRMhouse on large estate. Accessto trails, boat dock, peaceful,private setting. $2000/mo +utils. One mo Sec + last mo.914-621-8599

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