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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The social class I have aimed my product at are around C1/C2 as my audiences parents may be buying the magazine as majority of them are still students and usually only people brought up in a household of this class and above will be in further educations like college and university .This is why I made the price of my product £3.99 when it comes out once a fortnight and it is good quality paper. This price is affordable for the social group but not too cheap. I made sure I did not include advertisements of really expensive products as this would be unaffordable for their class. Also I used a lot of photographs and less writing than if the social group my product was aimed at was upper class.

Social Class and Demographics

My Artist

The person I used as the artist in my main feature story is Jude. She is a 17 year old so she represents the age of my social group very well. Because of this my readers may feel more included as they can relate to the artist. My artist is wearing clothes that I feel represents the popular style that my readers like. I decided on patterned crop tops, fitted pants/skirt and chunky heels. I chose these clothes because a lot od people this age like to wear crop tops and will wear heels to a special occasion. The heels are from Topshop and the tops are from H&M. Both of these stores are where a lot of the social group that I’m targeting will buy there clothes from. The colours of these clothes are important in representing my targeted social class. One of the tops is pink and white and the other is black and white. These colours are what people that would buy a mainstream music magazine may like to wear. The social group I am aiming my product at would not wear all dark colours. One of the tops is black but it has lots of little white flowers on it so it looks lighter.

Comparison with another artist When comparing my model to Ariana Grande who is a current popular artist, there are lots of similarities. They both have makeup on which is natural looking and both have long hair which is long. Ariana Grande is in her early 20s so is still a very young artist like the model I used to be my artist. In the picture to the right Ariana is wearing a similar outfit to the one my model is wearing on my front cover. They are both wearing a crop top of the same style. My model also poses in the same way Ariana does. All these things show how my artist represents this particular social group that artist such as Ariana Grande do.

The internetTo represent my social group I included a website and social media pages in my product. People who are part of the social group that would buy my product are part of the generation that uses the internet on a daily basis especially social media. They can access these sites on their mobiles, tablets, laptops and computers.A lot of people this age are attracted to twitter and instagram because they can follow their favourite famous singers and bands to see what they are getting up to.

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