
Q38.What external factor brought about the final fall of the Roman Empire?

A38. A weak economy, civil war, and Germanic and Turkish invasions.



Q40. What led to the split of Christianity into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches?

A38. A weak economy, civil war, and Germanic and Turkish invasions.

Q39. What is the title of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church?

A39. the Pope

A40. distance and lack of contact between the two churches

Q41. Which Empire conquered Constantinople near the end of the Middle Ages?

A41. Germanic Tribes in the West & Turks in the East

Q43. Define feudalism and how does it compare to Japanese feudalism?

A42. the Magna Carta

A43. political system that enabled Kings (Emperors in Japan) to use land for protection and service by Knights (Samurais) and Peasants

Q44. What were Crusades and what effects did it have on trade, religion and feudalism?

A41. Germanic Tribes in the West and Turks in the East

Q42. What document was signed by King John of England in 1225 and limited the power of the monarchy and guaranteed citizens basic rights?

A44. “Holy War”, increased trade, decreased the power of the Pope and increased the power of the King.

Q46. What is the Bubonic Plague and what impact did it have on the Byzantine Empire?

A45. A church that was rebuilt by Justinian in Constantinople and brought focus and attention to religion

A46. a deadly disease, AKA, the Black Death, devastated Asia and Europe…refer to map on page 400.


Q45. What is the Hagia Sophia and what impact did it have on the Byzantine Empire?

A44. “Holy War”, increased trade, decreased the power of the Pope and increased the power of the King.

Q47. What are Patrons?

A47. those that financially supported the arts and artist

Q48. What famous art work was created during the Renaissance ad who created said art?

A47. those that financially supported the arts and artist

A48. Michelangelo…

Sistine Chapel



A48. Leonardo da Vinci

Mona Lisa

the Last Super

A48. Raphael

School of Athens

Q50. What does the term Renaissance mean and how does it compare to the Dark Ages, what are the Dark ages?

A49. Greece and Rome, AKA: Greco-Roman

A50. rebirth, enjoyed life and did not want to wait for the rewards of heaven, questioned religion and enjoyed art & learning

Q49. During the Renaissance, what two past civilizations does the term, “classical” refer to?

A48. Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael

Q51. Who developed many scientific innovations and also painted the Mona Lisa?

A51. Leonardo da Vinci

53. Name the city that claims to be the “birthplace of the Renaissance” in Italy.

A52. Machiavelli, The Prince

A53. Florence

52. What was the title of the author of the book which discussed how to gain and keep power that was written during the Renaissance?

Q54. Define perspective in terms of art.

A51. Leonardo da Vinci

A54. creates the appearance of three-dimensions, an optical illusion created by a vanishing point in the art

56. What is the printing press and explain its significance to the reformation?

A55. an intellectual (thoughtful) movement that focused on human potential and achievements

A56. Gutenberg introduced it and it helped print and spread ideas faster than ever before throughout Europe

Q55. Define humanism

Qa. What denominations/sects did the following people begin: Henry VIII, John Calvin & Martin Luther?

A54. creates the appearance of three-dimensions, an optical illusion created by a vanishing point in the art

Aa. ALL Protestant: a. Church of England…Anglican, b. Calvinism or Presbyterians, c. Lutherans

Q59. What European leader wanted to divorce his wife in order to have a son and founded the Anglican Church as a result?

A57. ones native language or common language

A59. King Henry VIII

Q57. Define vernacular

Aa. ALL Protestant: a. Church of England…Anglican, b. Calvinism or Presbyterians, c. Lutherans

Q58. What put heretics on trial for speaking out against the Catholic Church?

A58. Inquisition (Catholic)

Q63. Define predestination and name the man who began a denomination in which this idea was a fundamental part.

A60. Marin Luther

A59. King Henry VIII

Q61. What are indulgences?

Q62. During the Reformation, what does the term “Protestant” mean?

A62. any denomination of Christianity not Catholic

A63. God knows the future or fate of everyone, Calvin

Q60. Who wrote the 95 Theses, that started Reformation and criticized the sale of indulgences?

A61. pardons for sins (bribes)

A64. started its own reform, Counter Reformation

64. What did the Catholic Church do in response to the Protestant Reformation and what was this movement known as?


A63. God knows the future or fate of everyone, Calvin

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