Page 1: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really


Q.C.! Q.C.! Q.C.! Q.C.! Q.C.!

In that cry what a magic is found.

Let us roll out the glorious sound. Q.C.! Q.C.!


Page 2: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really

It is our mission to provide students with an all-round education aimed at excellence in moral, intellectual, physical, inter-personal and aesthetic development, whereby they can achieve self-fulfillment in all aspects throughout their lives and become leaders of tomorrow.

School Mission

Page 3: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really


1. Coloured postcard showing the front view of Queen’s College, c. 1900s

2. Students with Mr Ralphs, Acting Normal Master (Left), and KO Po-sham ( J.F. Grose), Normal Student (Right) in front of the Hollywood Road Campus, c. 1900s

3. Students having examination at the Hollywood Road Campus College Hall, 1903

4. Students attending Physical Education lessons at Hollywood Road Campus, c. 1930s

5. Governor Sir Alexander Grantham arriving at the Queen’s College Causeway Road Campus Opening, September 1950

6. School premises, c1960s

7. The f irst Foundation Day Ceremony held at school year 1967-68

8. The present school premises

Queen’s College, originally named the Central School, was the first government school set up in Hong Kong in 1862. First located in Gough Street, Central, it provided western education to both Chinese and foreign students. In 1889, the new school building, at the junction of Aberdeen Street and Hollywood Road opened and the school was known as Victoria College. It was renamed Queen’s College in 1894 and moved to the present site in

Causeway Bay in 1950.



4 5

7 8



School History

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1.Inauguration Ceremony of School Leaders on 19-9-2018

2. S2 Water Rocket Experiment

3. Lesson Observation – Use of VR in a lesson of Geography

4. Talk by former Principal, Mr. Lee Ka Hung, on history of Queen’s College – a kickoff of the Values Education Curriculum in S.1

5. Keynote Speech to our School Leaders by Old Boys : Empathy, Respect and Commitment – The Keys to Successful Leadership

6. Report of Performance Pledges by Discipline Prefects

7. Group photos of School Leaders and Old Boys in the Leadership Training Session on 8-9-2018


2 3


5 6

Areas of Major Concerns of School Development Plan 2018-2021 Promote Deep Learning through Experiential Learning

Empowerment of students with good qualities of empathy, respect and commitment so as to face the challenges in the future



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Statue ofDr Sun Yat-sen

5 Language Room6Scout Den4

Lawn3The Morning Sun Court

2Main Entrance1

School Campus and Facilities.The school provides an ideal learning environment for students. There are 29 classrooms, f ive laboratories and various special rooms such as two Computer Rooms, three E-learning Centres, one Lecture Room and one Language Room. Apart from the computerized library, there are facilities for sports and leisure including a gymnasium, an observatory, two playgrounds, Student Activity Centre, Scout Den and Morning Sun Court.

Additionally, Queen’s College History Museum was opened in March 2017 to celebrate the 155th anniversary of our school.


E-learning Centre10 History Museum11









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Key Learning Area S1, S2 S3

Key Learning Area 1

Chinese Language


Chinese Language


Key Learning Area 2

English Language


English Language

Key Learning Area 3




Key Learning Area 4

Personal, Social & Humanities




Chinese History

Economics & Public Affairs

Key Learning Area 5

Science Education Integrated Science




Key Learning Area 6

Technology EducationComputer Literacy

Key Learning Area 7

Arts Education

Visual Arts

MusicKey Learning Area 8

Physical EducationPhysical Education

Junior Curriculum (S1 to S3)

Senior Curriculum (S4 to S6)

Core Subjects

1Key Learning Area 1

Chinese Language EducationChinese Language

2Key Learning Area 2

English Language EducationEnglish Language

3Key Learning Area 3

Mathematics Education

Mathematics : Compulsory Part

Mathematics : Extended Part (Optional,

choose either one)

Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics)

Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)4 Cross-KLAs Liberal Studies

Electives (Choose any 3)


Key Learning Area 4

Personal, Social & Humanities


Chinese History




2Key Learning Area 5

Science Education




3Key Learning Area 6

Technology Education

Business, Accounting & Financial Studies

Information & Communication Technology

4Key Learning Area 7

Arts Education*

Visual Arts


Compulsory Subjects

1Key Learning Area 8 Physical Education

Physical Education

2Other Learning Experiences


Aesthetic Development, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Moral and Civic Education,

Physical Development, Leadership Training

*the 4th elective

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Leadership Development TeamTo nur ture leaders of tomorrow, the Leadership Development Team runs a series of programmes to nurture students’ understanding of the role and responsibility of a leader.

Careers & Life Planning TeamThe Careers & Life Planning Team is dedicated to fostering students’ self-understanding, personal planning, goal setting, reflective habits of mind and articulation to progression pathways through life planning education.

Discipline TeamThe Discipline Team aims at nourishing students’ self-confidence and leadership qualities by providing them ample opportunities to participate in training programmes and school functions.

Student Development

1. S4 Leadership Training Camp

2. Professional and senior old boys organized talk on interviewing skills for S6 students

3. S1 Orientation Activities

1. Hong Kong GreenMech Contest 2017-2018 organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups on 5 May 2017. Senior school team won the Champion, Creativity Award and Best Run Award Junior school team won the Second runner-up award.

2. The Gifted STEM Project - The Junior Inventors Programme organized by the Queen's College Gifted Education Team launched its kick-off ceremony on 27th Jan, 2017. Twenty-eight Queen's College students and 56 students gifted in science from 10 primary schools participated in the workshop. Sponsored by Queen's College's old boys of the 63-70 and 64-71 cohorts and co-organized with the school's Community Youth Club (CYC), the workshop was a great success in stimulating participants' creativity in science as well as raising their awareness of the importance of contributing to our community.




E-LearningE-learning is one of the our Major Concerns. The school has received full support from the EDB and Old Boys to implement e-Learning which makes learning and teachingmore effective. With the help of various e-Learning tools such as iPads and e-Platforms, students’ learning interest is aroused and the learning process can be extended outside the traditional classrooms.


STEM Education and Gifted EducationFollowing the current trend of STEM Education, our school actively explores opportunities for students by adhering STEM Education to the 3-tiered model of gifted education. For Tier 1, school-based curricula in Creative Science, Coding, and Mathematics have been developed for fostering creativity, problem solving and collaboration of students. For Tier 2 and 3, students take part in local and international competitions and various programmes offered by local universities every year, including the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Thanks to the keen and enthusiastic support from our Old Boys, our school’s development in STEM Education has received positive responses and unleashed a lot of potential among our students.

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31. ABC Training for Peer


2. Students helping sorting the vegetables and cooked for the needy living in Sham Shui Po

3. The Former Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung’s Visit

4. Board displaying cards showing gratitude to the society

5 Talent Contest(S1)



Counselling TeamThe Counselling Team adopts both developmental and remedial measures to equip the students with knowledge and skills and help them cultivate a positive belief and attitude towards life. As a result, they are capable of facing challenges, adversities and handling different issues in life.

Student Support TeamTo create an inclusive school environment, the Student Support Team promotes mutual respect among students and provides individual assistance to students with special education needs.

Civic Education TeamThe Civic Education Team equips students with the essential basic knowledge, attitudes and skills to become rational and responsible citizens of our community and country.

Moral Education Team The goal of the Moral Education Team is to cultivate students’ ethical values to make them aware of their roles and responsibilities within the family, school and community at large.

Environmental Protection TeamThe Environmental Protection Team is committed to developing students’ sense of respect and responsibility for the environment.

Health & Sex Education Team The Health & Sex Education Team launches plenty of activities conducive to the healthy development of students so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle and have a proper attitude towards interpersonal relationship.

Student Ambassadors Set up in 2015, the Team aims at familiarizing students with the School’s long history and promoting among them a greater sense of belonging towards their alma mater.




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Extra-curricular ActivitiesOur school aims to help students achieve an all-round education by offering a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, enabling them to lead a broad array of cultural, academic, social and sport clubs and organizations, so that they both develop their recreational interests and passion for social science, arts and sports, and commit themselves to performing social services and enhance their sense of leadership skills

and responsibility.

Page 10: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really
Page 11: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really

Exchange Programmes Study Tour to Shanghai, China ( 11-15 April, 2018 ) Shanghai, a city that experienced many historical events, is a heaven for Chinese history lovers. Last school year, our students had the privilege of going on a 5-day trip to Shanghai led by our Chinese History teacher Mr. Ho and Mr. Chung from 11th to 15th of April, 2018.

As an education-based outing, our trip focused on visiting different historical museums and tourist spots, including Mr. Sun Yat-sen Cultural Relics Museum, the former home of Zhou Enlai, Jing’an Temple, the Fudan University, just to name a few. We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really stepped into those places.

It was a very rewarding trip for our students. They learnt a lot more about the history of their motherland, as well as strengthened the friendship between them. They hope to join a meaningful trip like this again.

A tour to Beijing 101 Middle School ( 12-16 April, 2018 ) Our students visit the Beijing 101 High School every year. In April 2018, 26 students from Secondary 3 to Secondary 5 visited the Beijing 101 Middle School with Assistant Principal Ms Ling Yuen-ting, Ms Ngai Pui-wah and Ms Chan Lai-han. Our students communicated with the local ones to learn about their culture. They were also given a valuable opportunity to explore around in Beijing. After the trip, not only have they broadened their horizons, but they have also understood the culture in mainland China better.

Interact Club Service Tour to Chiang Mai, Thailand ( 19-23 April, 2018 )A total of 18 S3 and S4 students, led by Ms Lee Wing-chi and Ms Lau Kiu-yung, went on a service tour to Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 19th April to 23rd April, which was the Interact Club’s most important activity this year.

The highlight of the tour was of course participating in the voluntary service program known as “Grandma Cares Partnership Program,” which aims to help orphans infected with HIV and the underprivileged in Thailand. Thanks to the coordination efforts of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northeast, the student participants had the precious chance to not only collaborate with the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Thin Thai Ngam (RCCT) and the Interactors from Thailand but also share their social service experiences with them. During the service session, they played some games with the orphaned children living in rural areas in Chiang Mai and gave the latter some Chinese traditional snacks as gifts. Despite their language barrier, as the Thai kids understood little English, our Interactors managed to get their ideas across using their body language and together they had a lot of fun. After playing a series of games, the staff from Grandma Cares taught the student participants how to make their own photo frames using recyclable materials, and they brought them home as souvenirs.

1. Study Tour to Shanghai

2. Visit to Beijing 101 Middle School

3. Interact Club Service Tour to Chiang Mai, Thailand




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Apart from doing service, the Interactors visited many different attractions during the trip, such as Mae Malai Elephant Training Camp, Doi Suthep Temple, a famous night market, a 3D art museum, etc. Through these eye-opening experiences, they learned a lot about the culture and heritage of Chiang Mai.

To conclude, the Interactors broadened their horizons and learned a lot about Thailand’s customs and traditions during this five-day trip. On top of that, they were given a valuable opportunity to serve the underprivileged kids from Chiang Mai and engage in cultural exchange with their counterparts from Thailand. They enjoyed every bit of this meaningful trip, and they are looking forward to going on an overseas service tour again next year.

Canada Study Tour ( 1-16 July, 2018 )Twenty-six S1 and S2 students, led by Ms LAI Kan-chi, Mrs LI WAN Kwan-ho and Mr Donald WHITE, went on a study tour to Vancouver, Canada from 1 July 2018 to 16 July 2018.

Students took an English course at the University of British Columbia in the morning on weekdays. They were divided into different classes with students from various places such as Colombia, Brazil and Mexico.

Students went on half-day excursions in the afternoon on weekdays. They visited places like the UBC Botanical Garden, Beaty Biodiversity Museum, FlyOver Canada, Vancouver Aquarium, Stanley Park, Granville Island and Chinatown. At weekends, they went on full-day excursions to the Science World, Gastown, Whistler, Grouse Mountain and Capilano Suspension Bridge.

Overall, students not only improved their English and met new friends, but they also visited famous tourist attractions and learnt a lot more about Canada.




1.Canada Study Tour

2 Sports Training Tour in Taipei

3 Sports Training Tour in Taipei

Sports Training Tour in Taipei ( 3-6 July, 2018 )Our school basketball and volleyball teams have participated in this training and exchange programme to Taipei. Students were trained intensively by local professional coaches and former national players, mainly focusing on their execution of skill and application of tactics. Both our teams had valuable chances to compete with two local schools to gain match experiences. Besides, students also experienced the special culture in Taiwan through visiting Shida Night Market, Ximending and the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. All these experiences have widened the students’ horizons, and helped them imrpove their technical weaknesses in their respective sports. Last but not the least, they learnt to respect the culture in Taiwan and the importance of sportsmanship as well.

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1.Study Tour to Zhongshan

2 Career and Cultural S t ud y Tou r t o Los Angeles, USA

3 Music Tour to Italy




Study Tour to Zhongshan, China ( 4-5 July, 2018 )During the trip to Zhongshan on 4th and 5th of July, 2018, we visited the seventy-two martyrs of the Huanghuagang of twenty-third of April 1991. When they arrived there, they were shocked by the beautiful view at the first sight. However, when they learnt the history of the seventy-two martyrs, they felt sad as the martyrs died in the revolution led by Sun Yat-sen, but were grateful for the peace and equality they had fought to secure in China. Their selflessness is truly inspiring. Our students learnt that when a group of people share the same goal, they will be able to achieve success at last no matter what challenges or difficulties they are facing.

Career and Cultural Study Tour to Los Angeles, USA ( 3-10 July, 2018 )In order to familiarize students with the tertiary education system in the United States, students participated in the enrollment talk offered by the University of California, Los Angeles and University of Southern California. The staff members provided detailed explanation of their programs and offered a school tour to help the students experience the learning environment in the University. Other than visiting the universities, students visited various cultural spots, including Chinatown, Griffith Observatory, Museum of the Holocaust and the Natural History Museum. These experiences led the students to reflect on the impact of economic development on cultural conservation. Last but not least, they detained a better understanding of the latest development in science and technology as well.

Music Tour to Italy ( 18-27 July, 2018 )In the last summer, a joint-school music tour was organized by our music department with St. Stephen’s Girls College. Our destination, Cremona, is a city of Italy which has a rich musical history. During this tour, the joint-school orchestra performed in two concerts. Moreover, most of us were given precious chances to learn in various masterclasses organized by a local music institute. During these events, our students were able to widen their horizons and enhance their musical abilities. Besides, our members were also glad to cooperate and make new friends with our partner school. To summarize, this fruitful tour has created wonderful memories for our boys, which we will surely cherish and remember.

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2018 HKDSE Results

YUEN Wai-him achieved 5** in 7 subjects in 2018 HKDSE

2018 HKDSE Results

Number of students sat 129

Number of Level 5** attained 55

Number of Level 5* attained 130

Number of Level 5 attained 173

The University of Hong Kong 30

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 23

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 15

Othe UGC-funded Degree Programmes 20

Publicly-funded & Self financing Sub-degree Programmes 18Self-financing Bachelor's Degree Programes 1

Further Studies outside Hong Kong 17Others 5

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Scholarships offered by Local Organisations

Scholarships offered by Overseas Organisations

Music CompetitionsHong Kong Schools Music Festival

GROUPSenior Choir - Boys - D1 - Foreign Language Second (Honour)Intermediate Choir - Mixed - D1 - Foreign Language Merit

Junior Choir - Boys - D1 - Foreign Language- Junior Choir Merit

Junior Choir - Mixed - D1 - Foreign Language- Mixed Choir (w/ YWGS) MeritOratorio - Secondary School Choir Second (Honour)Madrigal - Mixed Voice - Secondary School- Madrigal Group A (w/ SSGC) ProficiencyMadrigal - Mixed Voice - Secondary School- Madrigal Group B (w/ TLGC) MeritString Ensemble - Secondary School - Junior MeritTom Lee Music Prize for Piano Ensemble - Secondary School MeritString Orchestra - Secondary School - Senior MeritSymphony Orchestra - Secondary School - Intermediate MeritHarmonica Ensemble - Secondary School- Harmonica Ensemble A Third (Honour)Harmonica Ensemble - Secondary School- Harmonica Ensemble B MeritMelodica Ensemble - Secondary School First (Honour)Recorder Band - Secondary School First (Honour)Recorder Ensemble - Secondary School- Recorder Ensemble A Second (Honour)Recorder Ensemble - Secondary School- Recorder Ensemble B MeritRecorder Ensemble - Secondary School- Recorder Ensemble C MeritRecorder Ensemble - Secondary School- Recorder Ensemble D ProficiencyRecorder Ensemble - Secondary School- Recorder Ensemble E ProficiencyWoodwind Ensemble - Senior (Same Instrument) - Recorder Quartet A Second (Honour)Woodwind Ensemble - Senior (Same Instrument) - Clarinet Quartet MeritWoodwind Ensemble - Junior (Same Instrument) - Recorder Quartet B MeritConcert Band - Secondary School - Intermediate Merit

SOLOTrumpet Solo - Secondary School - Junior ChampionPiano Solo - Composer of the Year Champion (Honour)Piano Solo - Composer of the Year Champion (Merit)Harmonica Solo - Intermediate Champion (Honour)Treble Recorder Solo - Secondary School - Age 19 or under Champion (Honour)Violin Solo - Grade Eight 1st Runner-upViolin Solo - Grade Five 1st Runner-upZheng Solo - Advanced 1st Runner-upVocal Solo - Foreign Language - Male Voice - Age 16 or under 1st Runner-upDi Solo - Secondary School - Senior 1st Runner-upRecorder Duet - Secondary School - Age 14 or under 1st Runner-up

Trumpet Solo - Secondary School - Senior1st Runner-up1st Runner-up

Harmonica Solo - Junior 1st Runner-upViolin Concerto - Age 19 or under 2nd Runner-upDescant Recorder Solo - Secondary School - Age 14 or under 2nd Runner-upDescant Recorder Solo - Age 19 or under 2nd Runner-up

No. of Recipients (since 1995)


78 Government Scholarships16 Sir Edward Youde Scholarships for Overseas Studies14 Grantham Scholars of the Year8 Young Leaders of Tomorrow8 Charles Franklin Moore Scholarships7 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Medal6 Prince Philip Scholarship2 Chinese University of Hong Kong Scholarships for Secondary Students5 Scholarship for Excellence (for overseas studies)1 Sir Edward Youde Scholarships for Undergraduate Studies3 Springboard Scholarship (HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine)4 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes

No. of Recipients (since 1995)


21 Yale Book Award26 Harvard Book Prize13 Rensselaer Medal for Junior Student9 Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation of Southern California Scholarships 9 Princeton Club of Hong Kong Book Award7 Brown University Book Award1 Hong Kong Secondary One Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Singapore1 Imperial College London Alumni Association Scholarship1 Rensselaer Medal Award

Students’ Outstanding AchievementsOver the years, our students have been awarded numerous local and overseas scholarships in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

Winners of Morrison Scholarship 2017-18

Page 16: Q.C.! Q.C.! - Prospectus 2018_1129.pdf · We have all read the story of the aforementioned great people in books. Nevertheless, they were still impressed when they really

Sports CompetitionsInter-School Badminton Competition – Division One (Hong Kong Island)

Boys A Grade ChampionBoys B Grade ChampionBoys C Grade 1st Runner-upOverall Champion

All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Badminton Team Tournament Team Tourament 3rd Runner-up

Samsung 61st Festival of Sport - Hong Kong Secondary School Baseball Elite Championship 2018Individual 1st Runner-up

All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Softball Competition 2017-2018 Team Tourament 2nd runner up

Inter-Secondary Schools Competition - BOCHK Rugby Sevens Cup Boy B 3rd Runner-up

Inter-School Table Tennis CompetitionDiv 1 Boys C 2nd runner upOverall 3rd Runner-up

Inter-School Volleyball Competition

Div 2 Boys B Champion

Inter-School Athletics Competition

Boys A

100M Champion200M ChampionJavelin Champion

4X100M 1st Runner-up

Boys B

Long Jump ChampionTriple Jump Champion

4X100M 3rd Runner-up4X400M 2nd Runner-up

Boys C

800M Champion400M 1st Runner-upShot Put Champion

4X400M 2nd Runner-up

Academic CompetitionsChemistry Competition

Chemistsonline Self-study Award Scheme DiamondAustralian National Chemistry Quiz 2017

Individual Section(9/10)

Certificate of Class Excellence - 100%: 12Certificate of Credit: 2

Certificate of Distinction: 14Certificate of High Distinction: 5

Certificate of Participation: 2

Individual Section(11)

Certificate of Class Excellence - 100%: 2Certificate of Credit: 7

Certificate of Distinction: 9Certificate of High Distinction: 5Certificate of Participation: 10

Individual Section(12) Certificate of Distinction: 2Biology Competition

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2017/2018) –

Written test

Individual competitions:First Class Honour: 18

Second Class Honour: 10Third Class Honour: 6

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2017/2018) –

3-minute presentation contest

Second runner-up

and Third runner-upMathematics Competitions

Thirty-fifth Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad

Team:Winner of Hong Kong Island Region (in the

Heat event)Winner of Group Event (in the Heat Event)

Good Performance in Geometric Construction Section+ (in the Heat Event)

Individual Competitions:First Class Honour: 1

Second Class Honour: 1

International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary

Selection Contest - Hong Kong 2018

Individual Competitions:Bronze: 2

Honorable Mention: 1

Hua Luogeng Golden Cup Mathematics Invitational

Competition 2018

Individual Competitions:First Class honour:1

Second Class honour:1Second runner-up: 1

The 17th Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics

Competition 2018First Runner-up

The 20th Hong Kong Youth Mathematical High

Achievers Selection Contest

Team: ChampionIndividual:

First Class Honour: 3Champion: 1

2nd Runner-up: 1

International Junior Science Olympiad 2018 - Hong Kong


Individual Competitions:2nd Honour: 53rd Honour: 1

2017 Hong Kong International A Cappella Contest Silver Certificate

Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup String Competition 2017 Silver Award

Winter Choral Festival 2017 Silver Award2018 Belt and Road Choir Festival Gold Award

Music Competitions

Visual ArtsInternational Competition of International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

Art and Design CompetitionIndividual 2nd

Individual 3rd

2018 Graceful Envelope ContestIndividual Winner

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ECA Competitions

Speech Festival

Headstart Cup Hong Kong Inter-Secondary School Scrabble

Championship 2018

Team:1st Runner-up

Individual:1st Runner-up and Most Valuable Player

Ho Lap College Invitational Scrabble Championship 2018 Second runner-up

Odyssey of the mind Hong Kong Regional Tournament 2018 1st Runner up and 2nd Runner up

Odyssey of the Mind World Finals 2018 The Seventh place in the World finals

Creative Coder Competition

ChampionBest Design Installation Award

AndCoding Challenger Award

Hong Kong GreenMech Contest 2018Champion, Best Run Award and

Creativity Award and 2nd Runner-up

Mini Robocon 2018 2nd runner up

Hong Kong Volunteer Service Award Scheme 2017

Team Award:Gold AwardIndividual:Gold: 6

Silver: 48Bronze: 65

Red Cross2017-2018 The Best Progress Award of the Youth Red Cross Unit in Wan Chai


Queen's College Parents-Teachers' AssociationThe PTA organizes a wide variety of activities to strengthen the communication between parents and teachers. Apart from being an enthusiastic sponsor of school activities, the Association offers scholarships to students and supports many School Improvement Projects.

Liaison with Parents, Alumni & Community

1. PTA Talk for parents on ‘Mental Health of Our Students’

2. PTA Terrarium Workshop and Café for Open Days

3. PTA Hiking and BBQ

4. PTA Certificate Presentation Ceremony cum Sharing Session for Parent-Volunteers

5. PTA Tour to Shenzhen and Huizhou

1 2





冠軍: 2亞軍: 1優良: 3良好:1

The 69th Schools Speech Festival (English Speech)Solo verse speaking GP 1 Merit: 2

Solo verse speaking GP 2Merit--first: 1

Merit: 2Solo verse speaking GP 3 Merit: 2

Solo verse speaking GP 4Merit: 1

Merit--second: 1Solo verse speaking GP 7 Merit: 1

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Queen's College Old Boys' AssociationOld Boys have been extensively suppor ting their juniors in maintaining a sustainable learning and teaching environment, enlightening their leadership and careers as well as preserving school history and heritage through academic and mentorship programmes to prepare them for increasing challenges. Serving the alma mater and community for almost a century, the Association is committed to uniting all thy collegians bound in close brotherhood in a caring campus where students dream and where dreams come true.

1. 10km Race of Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2018

2. Opening of QC Stall in Lunar New Year Fair

3. Career Expo

4. Heritage Tour to Tai Kwun





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Queen's College120 Causeway Road, Hong KongTel: 2576 1992 Fax: 2882 4546Email: [email protected]:

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