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What’s the business need?

QM in EWM uses QIE to map inspection process

The introduction of the Quality Inspection Engine into the SCM environment represents a departure

from the quality management (QM) function in SA E!

The illustration "elo# contains the rational "ehind the development of a ne# quality management


The e$pected "enefits of QIE are as follo#s%

• To ena"le common "usiness practices and process innovation& This #ill allo# support of ne#

 "usiness processes such as E'M quality management

• Increase "usiness automation and process efficiency "y providing more fle$i"ility in quality

management processes& sers can choose "et#een full*"lo#n+ or lean+ implementations of

QM& Inspection rules can "e configured for different "usiness processes and organi,ational


• rovide deployment fle$i"ility #ith the a"ility to adapt to a heterogeneous system landscape&

This gives the a"ility to trigger quality inspections from a -rd party system& In addition. for

E'M the a"ility to have QM inspections in decentrali,ed #arehouses independent of E!


• Improve user productivity& QIE provides an application program interface (AI) as a "asis for

state*of*the*art front ends (user interfaces)&

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'ith the introduction of QIE into the SCM system environment. support of quality management no#

e$ists #ithin supply chain e$ecution& It also insures the QM integration of the handling unit in a

decentrali,ed #arehouse management system such as E'M& And. #ith QIE quality management

 processes are possi"le if a process does not start in the E! system&

Architecture of QIE

Illustrated "elo# is the architecture of the QIE in an E'M environment&

In the QIE architecture. the term QIE consumer is used to refer to an application that ma/es use of

the QIE functionality&

The QIE consumer is generally an independent system that is lin/ed to the QIE via a q!0C and1or 2I


3ut it can "e a part of the consumer system. such as SCM 4&5 (E'M)& QIE is independent. ho#ever.

from the E! system& It can "e connected to an e$ternal E! system for a complete QM process&

The development platform for the QIE is the 'e" Application Server ('AS)&

QIE is an engine technically designed as an Add*6n& E'M is the first consumer system and uses QIE

as a required Add*6n&

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Inspection Data Model

In the diagram of the QIE inspection data model "elo# are sho#n the relationships "et#een the

master data and the "usiness data o"7ect that ma/e up the model

Inspection object types define the soft#are component. process. and o"7ect in #hich you can create

inspection documents in the Quality Inspection Engine (QIE)&

The Inspection o"7ect types for E'M have "een pre*created "y SA& In Customi,ing they are

activated for use&

The follo#ing is the inspection o"7ect types (I6T8s) supported for E'M%

Preliminary Inspection Inbound Delivery. 

se of this I6T causes the system to automatically create an inspection document for chec/ingcomplete deliveries&

Preliminary Inspection Handling Unit.

0or each delivery of a complete commercial truc/ (#ith multiple deliveries). you can classify all 98s

as good+ or incorrect+&

'hen you have classified all the 98s. the system automatically creates the 9 inspection document&

In doing this. it generates one inspection document for each delivery and one item for each 9 in this

inspection document&

:ou can also decide this directly for the &good& 9s& :ou then manually process the &"ad& 9s in an

additional process in the inspection document&

Counting Inbound Delivery. 

The system creates this inspection document automatically. depending on Customi,ing for theinspection document creation #ithin in"ound delivery processing&

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The system releases it #hen it creates it& Counting is al#ays a ;55< inspection. since counting

samples is irrational&

Q-Inspection Returns Delivery. 

This I6T is used to direct the inspection of customer returns&

Q-Inspection Product!atc" Inbound Delivery.

This I6T drives the inspection of individual products1"atches "eing received into E'M&

Q-Inspection Product!atc" #are"ouse-Internal. 

This I6T is used to generate the inspection of products1"atches that are already present in the





Inspection rules are created and assigned to the inspection o"7ect types&

They contain the guidelines for creating the inspection o"7ects&

0undamentally. they contain the parameters that determine if an o"7ect (In"ound delivery. product.

 "atch. 9. etc&) #ill "e su"7ect to a quality inspection and the scope of the chec/&

roperties of the inspection rule are as follo#s%

• Sampling procedure to "e used&

• >ynamic modification (e&g& s/ip lot according to IS6 ?@B*;)

• valuation mode (e&g& attri"utive inspection using non*conforming units)

• >ocument types (e&g& assignment of an inspection instruction)

• !equired samples (type and num"er)

'hen an o"7ect is selected for inspection an Inspection Document is created&

The purpose of the inspection document is to collect the data related to the inspection. such as

specifications. results and decision&

The inspection document also contains a list of the items inspected. data related to the sample such as

sample quantity& The $inding data descri"es the deviation from the requirements&

%ollo&-Up actions are used to trigger follo#*up processes such as puta#ay. scrapping. stoc/ transfer

or return delivery&

0ollo#*up actions are only availa"le for the quality inspection of products&

'ithin an E'M goods receipt process. it is possi"le to conduct more than one quality inspection&

The diagram "elo# sho#s a goods receipt process in #hich t#o inspections are performed&

The first is a &pre*chec/& #hen the truc/ arrives& This is an overall chec/ of the goods as received on

the truc/&

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The second quality inspection occurs at the 9 level during the unloading process&


In this section #e #ill e$plore a common quality management process used in many #arehouses&

Counting is a quality assurance measure in the goods receipt process used to insure consistency

 "et#een the quantities entered in the system and the actual quantities&

It is one of the inspection o"7ect types supported "y QIE&

There are t#o forms of counting% E$plicit Counting and Implicit Counting&

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E'plicit counting is a formal method of counting that requires the use of a #or/ center commonly

called the &counting station&&

The system determines the location (St&Type. Section. 3in) for the counting station on the "asis of the

storage control settings&

The illustration "elo# is an e$ample of ho# a #or/ center is used for e$plicit counting in the puta#ay


E$plicit counting can only "e used for handling units&

The follo#ing graphic illustrates the data and process flo# of e$plicit counting&

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Implicit counting is accomplished as part of the #arehouse tas/ processing&

It does not use a counting station&

If a difference is determined. the #arehouse tas/ is confirmed #ith differences and an e$ception code

is entered&

Implicit counting is only used for non*9 product quantities& 0rom the illustration "elo# rod? is not

in an 9 "ut has "een determined "y the inspection rule to "e su"7ect to counting&

rod? #ill "e counted and any quantity differences #ill "e recorded in the #arehouse tas/ document

#hen it is confirmed&

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Business Example

It is important to ensure the quality of the goods you receive from your vendors.For that you create inspection rules !hich describe ho! and !hen materialsshould be inspected.

Quality Management

 "ou use quality management to chec# !hether delivered products satisfy yourquality criteria. QM uses the Quality Inspection Engine (QIE) to map these

inspection processes in $%& E'tended Warehouse Management.

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If you !ant to chec# products pac#aging or transports you can perform thefollo!ing inspections(

• % preliminary inspection of an inbound delivery

• % preliminary inspection of a handling unit

•% counting of inbound delivery items

• % quality inspection of products from an inbound delivery

• % quality inspection of products from a returns delivery

• % quality inspection of products that are in the !arehouse

)i*erent inspections are controlled by inspection object types +I,-.

Inspection documents !hich describe the inspection ob/ect can be createdautomatically or manually. If the inspection ob/ect type is active the systemloo#s for an inspection rule.

It can only generate inspection documents if you have created an inspectionrule. If the system 0nds an inspection rule it creates the inspection document.

Quality Inspection Engine

With the Quality Inspection Engine +QIE you can integrate quality inspections invarious $%& solutions in the $%& 1usiness $uite as !ell as in non2$%&applications.

 -he QIE supplements the comprehensive e'isting quality management solutionsupplied by $%& &roduct 3ifecycle Management +$%& &3M and !as designed foruse in a heterogeneous system landscape.

 -he QIE is service2oriented and thereby supports ne! processes such as thee'ecution of inspections using a decentrali4ed Warehouse Management system in $%& $upply5hain Management +$%& $5M.

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 -he QIE is called by a consumer system for e'ample the $%& E'tendedWarehouse Management system and carries out the inspection process that !as

triggered in this consumer system for e'ample an inspection for a goods receiptfor a delivery.

 -he consumer system uses the QIE services. -his process describes an e'ampleinspection process.

Inspection Object Types

Inspection ob/ect types +I,- de0ne the soft!are component process and ob/ectin !hich you can create inspection documents in the Quality Inspection Engine.

In the case of an active I,- the system loo#s for an inspection rule.

IOT Preliminary Inspection Inbound Delivery 

If you activate an inbound delivery noti0cation the system automaticallygenerates an inspection document for chec#ing complete deliveries.

 -he system requires an inspection rule for the current version of the inspectionob/ect type and !arehouse number.

 -he inspection document is automatically released !hen being created so that it

is already available !hen the goods physically arrive.

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 -he document cannot contain samples or items and is stored as a referencedocument forthe delivery header in the delivery.

IOT Preliminary Inspection Handling Unit 

Inspection documents for 67s cannot be scheduled in advance.

 "ou can only create them manually for the 67 inspection using 8F.

For each delivery of a complete commercial truc# +!ith multiple deliveries youcan classify all 67s as 9good: or 9bad.:

When you have classi0ed all the 67s the system automatically creates the 67inspection document.

In doing this it generates one inspection document for each delivery and oneitem for each 67 in this inspection document.

 "ou can also decide this directly for the 9good: 67s. "ou then manually processthe 9bad: 67s in an additional process in the inspection document.

$ince you al!ays create this inspection document manually it ma#es sense tocreate only one inspection rule for the !arehouse number and version of theinspection ob/ect.

IOT Counting Inbound Delivery 

 -he system creates this inspection document automatically depending on5ustomi4ing for the inspection document creation !ithin inbound deliveryprocessing.

 -he system releases it !hen it creates it. 5ounting is al!ays a ;<<= inspectionsince counting samples is irrational.

IOT Q-Inspection Returns Delivery 

&roviding you have not already de0ned the usage of returns in $%& 5ustomer8elationship Management +$%& 58M the system calls the inspection at the

de0ned point in time determines an inspection rule and chec#s the dynamicmodi0cation rules.

 -he inspection document is automatically generated but released !ith the 0rstgoods receipt posting. -he inspection quantity is determined from the deliverquantity. If the inspection rule contains a sample2dra!ing instruction the systemgenerates corresponding samples for the inspection document.

IOT Q-Inspection Product/atc! Inbound Delivery 

%lso here the inspection document is automatically generated but released !iththe 0rst goods receipt posting.

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 -he inspection quantity is determined from the deliver quantity and if theinspection rule contains a sample2dra!ing instruction the system generatescorresponding samples for the inspection document.

IOT Q-Inspection Product/atc! "are!ouse-Internal 

Warehouse2internal inspection documents can only be created manually usingeither the 8F environment or des#top transactions.

 "ou can create inspection documents for all products in a !or# center or 67 orrestrict theinspection to a particular product.

QIE Data Model

Inspection RulesInspection rules are dependent on the inspection ob/ect type !arehousenumber and version of the inspection ob/ect type.

Inspection rules contain the follo!ing parameters(

• 5hec# criteria such as material being chec#ed quality inspection group

being chec#ed and supplier +in the properties section

•  -ype of inspection +sample inspection ;<<= inspection or no inspection

• &ossible decisions 0ndings and follo!2up actions

Decision codes

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With decision codes you describe if a sample is being accepted !hat qualityscore is given and !hat follo!2up action is to be ta#en.

 -he decision codes are arranged in code groups !hich are then assigned to theinspection rules.


When you process an inspection document you can record the results of theinspection as characteristic values or 0ndings.

% defect is any property of an ob/ect or process that does not ful0ll thespeci0cations of an inspection characteristic.

 "ou record the defects using prede0ned defect codes that you have de0ned in5ustomi4ing.

Whether 0ndings are necessary depends on the ob/ect being chec#ed and theinspection process

ollo!"up actions

 "ou can use logistical follo!2up actions to trigger follo!2up processes such asputa!ay scrapping stoc# transfer or return delivery.

3ogistical follo!2up actions are only available for the quality inspection ofproducts.

3ogistical follo!2up actions generate !arehouse documents and !arehousetas#s.

Inspection Decision

In the end you have to ma#e a decision to accept or re/ect the ob/ect beinginspected. -he inspection decision contains the results recording and follo!2upaction recording and the inspection completion.

• For inspection documents of the inspection ob/ect type &reliminary

Inspection Inbound )elivery the result is the acceptance or re/ection of

the delivery.• For inspection documents for 67s you decide !hether the contents of the

67 are no! to go through a standard goods receipt process or !hetheryou post them to bloc#ed stoc#.

• For product inspection documents the result can be acceptance return

delivery stoc# transfer or scrapping.

 "ou complete the inspection by ma#ing the usage decision.

Dynamic Modi#cation

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 -here are several !ays to determine the inspection $re%uency for a process inthe Quality Inspection Engine.

For e'ample you can use the data from past inspection valuations to calculatethe current inspection scope.

 -o be able to react >e'ibly to this data you can dynamically modify theinspection scope.

 -his can be achieved using sampling procedures and dynamic modi0cation rules.

With respect to sample si4es and inspection probability dynamic modi0cationallo!s you to control the inspection scope for a series of inspection documentsso that you !ill be able to achieve a prede0ned quality goal !ith a high degree of certainty.

In the QIE you can perform dynamic modi0cation at inspection document level.

 #ctivities $or dynamic modi%cation are&

;. -he user maintains dynamic modi#cation criteria and dynamicmodi#cation rules in an inspection rule.

 -he dynamic modi#cation criteria de0ne the properties that are thebasis for combining inspections for dynamic modi0cation.

 -he dynamic modi#cation rule contains the de0nition of theinspection stages the dynamic modi0cation time and the conditions forthe inspection stage changes.

%n inspection stage speci0es inspection parameters such as theinspection severity as !ell as the probability that an inspection is to beperformed.

. -hen the user creates a %uality le&el according to the dynamicmodi0cation criteria of the inspection rule.

 -he information in the %uality le&el determines !hich inspection stage!ill be used for the sample determination of the ne't inspectiondocument.

@. -he system calculates the inspection scope dependent on the currentinspection stage based on the quality level.

A. % user performs a quality inspection.

B. -he system saves the inspection decision that has been made in thequality level.

C. -he system determines the inspection stage for the ne't inspectiondocument based on the speci0ed dynamic modi0cation criteria and thedynamic modi0cation rule and updates the quality level accordingly.

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Quality Inspections in E'M sing an External QMystem * ER+

If you require a more comple' or full2blo!n quality management process the QIEcan be connected to an e'ternal QM system such as $%& E8& QM. -his !ay youcan cover detailed analytical inspections !ith characteristics.

 -he inspection process !hen the QIE is connected to E8& QM is as follo!ing(

Within the activation of an inspection document in EWM the QIE triggers thecreation of an inspection lot in E8& QM. -he inspection process is e'ecuted in thee'ternal system that is the E8& QM system. E8& QM sends bac# the usagedecision to the QIE after the inspection is done.

$pecial settings and requirements for using E8& QM as e'ternal QM system forthe QIE are(

For chec#s that are triggered by an e'ternal system $%& delivers the inspectionlot origin ,-. $elect this inspection lot origin.

For samples that are created e'ternally $%& delivers sample type ,..

 -he 1%)Is Q+/E0T12OMM1TE2 on E8& side and QIE1E012OMM3I24TIO3 inthe QIE have to be implemented according your requirements.

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$ome materials need to be counted and some materials need a qualityinspection before they can be stored

$et up inspection document for counting and inspection$et up process oriented storage control for counting and Quality inspection

)et up t!e process $or Counting and QI

;. %ctivate the I,- for counting and QI of products in an inbound delivery inyour !arehouse.

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. Maintain the follo! up actions for your !arehouse

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@. 5reate the inspection rules for counting and quality inspection

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A. 5reate a ne! process oriented storage control including counting


B. 5reate t!o ne! W&-’s one for counting and one for QI

7se the process type ,.,, as template for the ne! process types ,.QM "+uta!ay !it5 QIE 2ounting and ,,QM " +uta!ay !it5 QIE Inspection.5hange the Storage Process in the ne! process types to ,3Q, and ,3Q6respectively

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C. 5reate t!o ne! puta!ay control indicators

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D. $et up the determination of W&-

. $et up determination of storage type search sequence.

. 5reate t!o products and assign &5I to them

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;<.5reate t!o !or# centers one for counting and one for QI

;;.5reate storage bins in << and connect them to W5

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;.Maintain the destination data for process steps

Testing t!e Q* Process

;. 5reate a purchase order. 5reate inbound delivery and pac# products

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@. 5on0rm that inspection documents are created for the inbound delivery

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)isplay inspection documents for both items

5reate !arehouse tas# for the inbound delivery

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)isplay !arehouse Monitor for 0rst 67 @CB@

5on0rm the tas#

Gote that a ne! tas# created !ith process step 5G-

5on0rm the tas#

Go! log into 5G- Wor# centre to do counting

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Go! do complete process step for the 67

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5hec# !arehouse monitor

 "ou can see that there is an open !arehouse tas# to destination bin

5on0rm the tas#

Go! !or#ing !ith the part that should go to Quality Inspection...

)isplay Warehouse Monitor

5on0rm the active tas#

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 "ou can note that there is an open tas# created by the system !ith process stepQI$

Go! you need to log in to QIG$ !or# centre to carry out quality inspection

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Enter the decision and follo! up action

$ave the decision

Go! complete the process step for the 67

5hec# !arehouse monitor

 "ou can note that the inactive tas# is no! open

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