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    Phanographe. Tuffree Muaic Houae. 4I • m i. i < iw < i ii.

    Dr. OwlMun. omtntt. II—onto fnpii A. B. McCartney cleans wall paper.

    Phone SIB. . . , , Brerythlng new In mualo and player

    'alia. Tuffrea Mn • irn J — m !• I— • Member* of the Sunshine Circle en-

    : » joyed their .regular meeting Wednes-t* day afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.

    EB. Tret*, 1009 South Second street. The hours were passed socially and with gueasing contests in which the

    > ^5£lT?i»We Mns. I. E. Hubler and Mrs. J. Culbertson. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshments

    iL fry Mrs. I* A. Mitchell. Mrs. D. E. ix f Morgan, of Waterloo, and Mrs. A. H. ? Ham, of Rochester, JT. Y- were guests

    fr»i6 out of the city.

    The funeral of George 8. Summers. ; who died Monday at Des Moines, fol

    lowing an automobile aocident, was \ held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon

    •'at Riverside, Rev. W. M. Baker conducting the services. The pallbearers were S. E. Peek, J. M. Bales, and A. D. Summers, of this city; J. L. Burns,

    ^>of Des Moines, and J. O. and J. W. ^^Bridgman. of Albion. Those present

    at the services from out of the city r^were Bli Summers, a brother, from

    % AJnlstad. N. M.; Dr. M. P. Summers, i^-a eon, from Sioux City; Dr. and Mrs.

    E. Myers, of Waterloo, the latter a 4 daughter; Mr. and ilra. J. O. Bridg-' man, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brldgman and Mrs. S. K. Bentley, of Albion, and J. L.

    ';r Burns, of Des Molnea.

    To Rant—Modern office and living] room a Over Strand theater. P. l»i Meeker. j

    The meeting of the IJabtlst Ladles' j Aid and Mission Clhcle has been postponed from Friday until Friday, Sept. y

    The Danish Ladles* Slek Benefit Society will meet Friday afternoon with Mra J. C. Anderson, T South Sixth' avenue. j

    Saturday momlng at 10 o'clock, free • Peter Rabbit plna, and Bubble Books to boys and girla— only. Smith Music Company.

    Have you tried the Cut Rate Cleaners and preasera? Save money by leaving your order. Phone 106$. We call and deliver. H. C. gparka.

    The fall t^rm nt the Central Iowa Buslneaa College opena Tueaday, Sept. 2. The office will be open on Saturday and Monday for enrollment. Lena A. Vogt, principal.

    Twenty-flve young people of thei Friends' church enjoyed a lawn social j Wednesday- evening at the Jamea M. Brown home, four miles aouthwest of the city. Games occupied the time and refreshments were served.

    Saturday morning at Vo o'clock, we are going to give away 2,000 Peter Rabbit Pins, to boys and girls up to 12 years of age. We are going to give three Bubble Books to some lucky boy or girl—see our window. Smith Music Company. '

    For Sal»—Fifty head of good white faced Hereford steers, all pood ones. Also 800 head of good spring lambs. It you h^ve not the money on handrf, wt cab carry you for all the live stock you want. See Plumb U llunio, Marshall-towH.

    Just received a shipment of 2,000 rolls of fine crepe toilet paper. This is not a cheap paper, but It is cheaper than wholesale prices, 4 cents per roll. Burgess Plumbing and Heating Company, S East State street.

    Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dougherty, who were married ten days ago at Water-ville, Minn.,and who have been spending a few days in the city, left this morning for Kansas City and other points in Missouri where they will visit for a month. They will return here to make their home.

    Ifrs. Walter Fisher was hostees Wednesday afternoon to the Willing Workers of Vienna township, who en-Joyed the time socially and with a business meeting. In serving refreshments the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Lisle Cole, Mrs. Dick Corwin and Mrs. Ed Cobb. Thirty-five members were in attendance.

    Mrs. S. R. Johnson, 311 North Third avenue, was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the members of the Prlscilla Club who enjoyed the hours with their fancy work, socclally and with a guessing contest. The prizes In the latter were won by Mrs. H. Peterson and Mrs. bavid Friend. Jr. -Mrs. Johnson served refreshments, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Margaret Haymond. tnond.

    Dr. Bullard, osteopath, l> Waat Mala, t'se Multtkopy, the carbon paper that

    gives sat lafaction. Marshall Printing Company.

    Misses Rlla Phillips and Oladya Shaffer went to Des Molnea Wednea* day night to attend the atato fair.

    We »«II and guarantee Wtngold flour. None better at any price. Cook Brothers Ornln Company. Phone (IS.

    The Oolden Rod Club will meet Friday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. H. C. Wright, *12 Soutth Third avenut.

    We want a hoy, about 1ft years old. to loom print la* triule, good puy ftt>m the start. See "At Richards, at Tlntaa-UepubUean office.

    The young married people'a claaa of the M. K. Church will hold an all day picnic Labor Day east of Rlvervlew park on Iowa rlvar. One big time. Plan to be there. Committee.

    Saturday morning at 10 o'clock we are going to give away 2.000 Peter Rabbit Pins, to boys and girls up to 12 years of age. We are Kolng to give three Bubble Books to some lucky boy or girl—boo our window. Smith Music Company.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bowen, of Mason City, who spent Wednesday in the city with Mrs. Bowen's parents. Mr. ami Mrs. W. Q. McAfee,, left this morninx for home. They are returning from a visit In Chicago and Ottumwa, at the latter place with Mr. Bowen's parents.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith.'!of Hill City, Minn.., former well-known residents of Liscomb. who have been visiting with their daughter, Mra. Floyd W. Hickman, near Liscomb, and with friends at that place, are In the city visiting Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Julia Tuttle.

    n —i i »w> i '« *»• 11

    Player rolls. Tuffrea Mualo

    Upright and grand ptanea. Mualo Hou*a.



    Unuaed Highway In Taylor Township Likely to Se Abandoned.

    A petition algned by five property ownera of Taylor townghlp. asking the abandonment of a at retch of highway, one and one-half miles In length, which no longer la used, and which waa referred by the county board of supervisors to a special oommlsalon, probably will be vacated. The commission htia reported favorably on the petition.

    The aectlon of road In question begins at the south line of section IS and runs north one and one-half miles to the center of section 11 The petitioners were Fred G. Schlebel, P. L. Collins, Sarah O. Hoblnaoo. J. C. Lloyd and Mary J. Fogg.


    First Event at the New Klmweed Country Club Qrounds.

    The members and their friends ahould plan to spend the afternoon and evening on their new grounda at filmwood. The committee in charge has planned various entertainments for both old ii nd young, baseball, volley ball, etc. Bring your own lunch. Coffee, lemonade, ice cream will be furnished by the club. If you have a friend who his not been Inrlted. see thst he gets an invitation. R E.

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