
Translation “Quality” & non-conventional content

Mike DillingerStaff Program Manager, Machine TranslationLinkedIn


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One notion of “ translation quality”?!

Conventional ContentOn-line support documentsMarketing documentsInterface stringsEmail campaignsTraining materialsLegal materialsClient company descriptions

Non-conventional ContentSearch queriesSupport chat sessionsUser-to-user commentsUser-to-Company feedback, complaints, requestsSocial mediaUser generated headlines, résumés, job descriptionsRelevance rankingsClassifications, clusteringEtc.

Translation quality= “correctness” or

= adequacy + fluency≈

Gourmet meal quality = salt + pepper

ISO/TS-11669Translation is the process of creating target-language content that corresponds to source content …

…according to agreed-upon specifications. (see Melby, 2012, p. 6)

TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework Utility Time Sentiment

Quality = meet specifications

Translation Task Specifications (ISO/TS-11669) Product parameters

Source characteristics, target characteristics (language, locale, audience),

Process parameters Tasks (preparation, translation, review, QA, etc.)

Project parameters Technology (tools, data, security, etc.) Stakeholders (copyrights, recognition, restrictions, deliverables,

compensation, deadlines, etc.)

Desired outcomes ~ Better User Experience Increased traffic, engagement, revenue, … Decreased delivery time, cost, headaches, effort,

support, …

MT? MT!Conventional ContentOn-line support documentsMarketing documentsInterface stringsEmail campaignsTraining materialsLegal materialsClient company descriptions

Non-conventional ContentSearch queriesSupport chat sessionsUser-to-user commentsUser-to-Company feedback, complaints, requestsSocial mediaUser generated headlines, résumés, job descriptionsRelevance rankingsClassifications, clustering

Desired outcomes ~ Better User ExperienceIncreased traffic, engagement, revenue, …Decreased delivery time, cost, headaches, effort, support, …

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