
Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEcologicalIndicatorsj our nal homepage: www. el sevi er . com/ l ocat e/ ecol i ndQuanticationofthewater,energyandcarbonfootprintsofwastewatertreatmentplantsinChinaconsideringawaterenergynexusperspectiveYifanGua,1,Ya-nanDongb,1,HongtaoWanga,ArturoKellerc,JinXub,ThomasChirambad,FengtingLia,aState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, ChinabCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, ChinacBren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, United StatesdUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenyaarticl einfoArticle history:Received 12 January 2015Received in revised form9 July 2015Accepted 11 July 2015Keywords:Wastewater treatment plantsWater footprint compensationEnergy intensityCarbon emissionEnvironment impactsabstractWaterandenergyarecloselyconnectedandbothareveryimportantforhumandevelopment.Waste-watertreatmentplants(WWTPs)arecentraltowaterenergyinteractionsas theyconsumeenergytoremovepollutantsand thusreducethehumangraywaterfootprintonthenaturalwaterenvironment.Inthiswork,wequantiedenergyconsumptionin9differentWWTPsinsouthChina,withdifferenttreatmentprocesses,objects,andcapacities.TheenergyintensityinmostoftheseWWTPsis intherangeof0.40.5kWh/m3in2014.FootprintmethodologieswereusedinthispapertoprovideinsightintotheenvironmentalchangesthatresultfromWWTPs.Anewindicatorgray waterfootprintreductionispro-posedbasedon thenotionofgraywaterfootprinttobetterassesstheroleofWWTPsinreducinghumanimpactson waterresources.WendthathighercapacityandappropriatetechnologyoftheWWTPswillresultinhighergraywaterfootprintreduction.Onaverage,6.78m3graywaterfootprintis reducedwhen1m3domesticsewageistreatedinWWTPsinChina.13.38Lfreshwaterarerequiredtoproducethe0.4kWhelectricalinputneededfortreating1m3domesticwastewater,and0.23kgCO2 isemittedduringthisprocess.Thewastewatercharacteristics,treatmenttechnologiesas wellasmanagementsys-temshaveamajorimpactontheefciencyofenergyutilizationinreducinggray waterfootprintviatheseWWTPs.Theadditionalclimateimpactassociatedwithwastewatertreatmentshouldbeconsid-ered inChinaduetotheenormousannualwastewaterdischarge.Policysuggestionsareprovidedbasedon resultsinthisworkandthefeaturesofChinasenergyandwaterdistribution. 2015ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved.1. IntroductionAs driving forces and limiting factors for sustainable develop-ment, water and energy are key resources for global productionand life (Dincer, 2002; Gleick, 1994; Walker et al., 2013). The nexusbetween water and energy pervades modern economies. Thesetwo inextricably intertwined fundamental resources have becomea fascinating topic (Hellegers et al., 2008; Jgerskog et al., 2014;Kenway et al., 2011; Perrone et al., 2011; Scott et al., 2011; U.S.Department of Energy, 2014; Water in the west, 2013). WaterCorresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 65980567.E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Li).1These authors contributed equally to this, consumption, transportation and wastewater treatmentrequire various forms of energy (Lazarova et al., 2012; Stokes andHorvath, 2006, 2009), whilealmost everystageintheenergysupplychain needs water (Blackhurst et al., 2010; Dominguez-Faus et al.,2009; Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2009; International Energy Agency,2012; Rio Carrillo and Frei, 2009). The energy sector is the secondlargest water user in the world in terms of withdrawals, follow-ing irrigation (Hightower and Pierce, 2008). For example, waterused in thermoelectric power generation accounted for nearly49% of total fresh water withdrawals in the United States (Scownet al., 2011). In addition, some large water transfer projects, suchas Chinas South-to-North water diversion project, need enor-mous energy supply. The waterenergy nexus has increasinglybecome prominent in domestic and international policy discourseand prompted a number of studies to explore managing the 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Y. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409 403links between energy and water for a sustainable future (Hardyet al., 2012; Kahrl and Roland-Holst, 2008; Kenney and Wilkinson,2011; Lofman et al., 2002; Malik, 2002; Siddiqi and Anadon,2011).Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are a typical case ofwaterenergyinteractions. IntheWWTP, water qualityis improvedat the cost of energy consumption. The emission of greenhousegases from respiration and power consumption in WWTPhascaused wide concern (Gori et al., 2011; Stokes and Horvath, 2009).Schnoor pointed out that probably the greatest water story ofthe 21st century is to treat wastewater through membranes andreverse osmosis for drinking water supplies withsignicant energyconsumption (Schnoor, 2011). In developed countries, wastewa-ter treatment accounts for about 3% of the electrical energy load(Curtis, 2010). It was reported that the high energy costs for waste-water treatment due to aeration requirement in the U.S. cannotbe borne by developing countries (Liu et al., 2004). Therefore,the waterenergy nexus in wastewater treatment needs furtherstudy.Assessing humanitys environmental footprint is one wayofreecting the total human pressure on the planet (Hoekstra andWiedmann, 2014). Water footprint (WF) (Hoekstra et al., 2011)and energy footprint (EnF) (Wiedmann, 2009) refer to the totalfreshwater and energy directly and indirectly required to producea commodity or service. The Water Footprint Network uses energywater footprint to link energy with water, which makes it pos-sible to assess the virtual water consumption through the usageof energy (Hoekstra et al., 2011; Gu et al., 2014b). As a reec-tion of growing concerns about the increasing pressures of energyand water consumption, there have been an increasing num-ber of studies aimed to systematically quantify the energywaternexus by using water footprint tool, such as water footprintof biofuels (Dominguez-Faus et al., 2009); bioenergy (Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2009); bio-ethanol (Gerbens-Leenes and Hoekstra,2012); nonfood biomass fuel (Zhang et al., 2014); and electricityfrom hydropower (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012). These stud-ies are meaningful and helpful to understand the waterenergynexus and guide policy making. However, there are few studieson the waterenergy nexus in WWTPs from the water foot-print point of view. The energy used in wastewater treatmentalso consumes some direct and indirect water withdrawals andresults in wastewater discharge. Research by Shao and Chen, 2013shows that the water footprint of electricity accounts for 57% ofthe total water footprint for a medium scale WWTPin Beijing,China. These links between water embodied in energy use areconsiderable but usually not included to assess the efciency ofWWTPs.In this study, we evaluate the waterenergy nexus in WWTPsin south China considering their water and energy footprintsto reduce their environmental impacts. Weinvestigate 9 differ-ent WWTPs in south China with different treatment techniques,sources (domestic/industrial wastewater) andtreatment capacitiesin 2014. Wequantify energy consumption and the virtual waterembodied in energy consumed by these WWTPs. A new indicatorgray water footprint reduction is proposed based on the notion ofgray water footprint (GWF) (Hoekstra et al., 2011) to better assessthe role of WWTPs in reducing human impacts on water resources.Thus, this study also contributes to the development of footprintmethodologies. Our aims are (1) to quantify the waterenergynexus in WWTPs by accounting for the freshwater, energy andcarbon footprints as they seek to reduce the GWF; (2) to assess theefciency of the energy utilization of WWTPs in reducing the GWF;(3) to understand how WWTPs interact with the hydrologic cycle,energy resources and climate; and (4) to make policy suggestionsfor futureWWTPconstructioninconsiderationof theenergywaterimplications.Fig. 1. Input and output footprints of a WWTP.2. Materials and methods2.1. Water footprint compensation and energy efciencyassessment modelFig. 1 shows the connections between various footprints of aWWTPbased onthe waterenergy nexus. Every stage inthe WWTPneeds energy input, such as wastewater collection, physical treat-ment, chemical treatment, sludgetreatment, anddischarge. InmostWWTPs, electricity is used as the only energy source for pumpingand carrying wastewater through pipes, as well as operating mostof the equipment. Electricity production needs water withdrawalsandcauses CO2emissions. Thus, there are bothWFandcarbonfoot-print (CF) (Wiedmann and Minx, 2008) behind the EnF input, basedon a life cycle analysis. GWFrefers to pollution and is dened as thevolume of freshwater that would be required to dilute the pollut-ants to meet given natural background concentrations and existingwater quality standards (Hoekstra et al., 2011). It assumes that dilu-tionis the only treatment, althoughinalmost all cases this is not thecase. The GWFof the regioncanbe reducedvia the WWTP, reducingthe impact on the environment. Treated WWTPefuent can also bereused for irrigation, industrial purposes, drinking and many otheractivities, reducing blue water footprint (i.e. groundwater and sur-face water consumption) to realize water footprint compensation.However, there are trade-offs in water footprint reduction since itcan increase EnF and CF.GWFis a useful metric for comparing efuent water qualitywhen there are multiple pollutants at different concentrationsand perhaps different water quality standards due to the sensi-tive nature of some water bodies in water footprint assessment.Although it refers to a hypothetical dilution volume, GWFis impor-tant intheassessment of environmental effects onawater resource.In the existing water footprint methodologies, wastewater treat-ment can reduce the GWFdown to zero when the concentrationsof pollutants in the treated efuent are equal to or lower thanthe water quality standards or the concentrations from the watersource (Hoekstra et al., 2011). However, to better reect the roleof WWTPs in reducing the impact on human activities on waterresources, a new indicator water footprint reduction (GWF) isproposed here. The GWF(in m3of freshwater) of a WWTPfor aspecic period of time is dened as follows:GWF= MIN


Vwhere Qi are the concentrations of main pollutants in the WWTPinuent (in mass/volume); Bi are the concentrations of main pol-lutants i after treatment (in mass/volume) and V is the wastewater404 Y. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409Fig. 2. Geographical locations of the WWTPs investigated.volume treated by the WWTPin the specic time period. In thisstudy, we mainly consider Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Total Nitrogen (TN), whichare common water quality criteria for a WWTP. The Bivalue ofthese indicators should be greater than zero. GWFreects thereduction in freshwater volume required to assimilate the pollut-ants due to the WWTP. Thus, a greater GWFvalue corresponds tomore contribution to water footprint compensation by the WWTP.The gray water footprint reduction efciency (GWFRE) of aWWTPis determined as follows:GWFRE = MIN


GWFRE is dimensionless. It quanties the efciency with whichthe WWTPreduces the gray water footprint of the surroundingcommunity (i.e. the sources of wastewater). A higher GWFRE cor-responds to higher GWFreduction efciency for a WWTP.The energy utilized to reduce the GWF(eGWFR, in m3/kWh) viathe WWTPis:eGWFR =GWFEI=MIN


VEIwhere EI is the total energy input during the wastewater treatmentprocess (EI, in kWh). A greater eGWFR corresponds to increasedgray water footprint reduction for a unit energy input into thewastewater treatment process.With the progression of water footprint methodology, car-bon footprint methodology and energy footprint methodologyresearch, the footprint methods are widely accepted to be imple-mented for the analysis of human activities processes and services(Hoekstra and Wiedmann, 2014). The methods proposed in thisresearch are a simple improvement on existing methodologies offootprints assessment, which are easy to understand and apply. Inaddition, the original dates needed for this research are not com-plex. Therefore, our researchcouldbe repeatedandappliedtoothercases.2.2. Description of case study WWTPs and data sourcesHerein, weinvestigate 9 different WWTPs in the south China.The basic information and geographical location of these WWTPsareshowninTable1andFig. 2. TheseareWWTPs treatingindustrialor domestic wastewater with different treatment techniques likeCyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS), AnaerobicAnoxicOxictechnique (A2/O), humic packing lter technology, and others.For this study, the primary data on wastewater intake (ow andquality), wastewater discharge (owand quality), and energy con-sumption of the selected WWTPs were accurately obtained fromthe engineers of the facilities with an estimated error of 5% or lessin 2014. Detailed calculation information of the carbon footprintand the virtual water embodied in energy input in the WWTPsinvestigated can be found in Appendix A.3. Results and discussion3.1. Waterenergy nexus in case study WWTPsEnergy use in the water sector is associated with abstrac-tion, conveyance and treatment of fresh water and wastewater,together with end-use processes (particularly heating of water).The direct energy input per unit wastewater treated for the casestudy WWTPs is shown in Fig. 3, considering only operationalelectricity. The wastewater treatment technologies chosen havea signicant impact on the energy requirements, more than theoverall plant throughput. The WWTP#3, WWTP#6 and WWTP#7 use AnaerobicAnoxicOxic (A2/O) treatment technology totreat domestic wastewater. A2/O is one of the most mature andpopular wastewater treatment technologies in the world. Theelectrical energy intensities in these three plants are similar andaround 0.45kWh/m3. The slight distinction between them maydue to differences in wastewater inow, quality and managementin these plants. Electric energy intensity in the WWTP#2 with ahumic lter treatment technology is lowest at 0.25kWh/m3. At0.6kWh/m3, the electric energy intensity of the MBRprocess in theWWTP#8 is the highest. Other treatment technologies like oxida-tion ditches, Anoxic/Oxic (A/O), and Constructed Rapid InltrationY. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409 405Table1Basic information of the WWTPs investigated.Number Wastewater type Treatment technology Capacity (m3per day) Location#1 Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater Oxidation Ditch 3105Zhejiang Province#2Domestic sewage Humus Filter 40 Jiangsu Province#3Domestic sewage AnaerobicAnoxicOxic 4104Jiangsu Province#4Domestic sewage Constructed Rapid Inltration Technology (CRI) 2.2104Guangxi Province#5Domestic sewage 4S-MBR 200 Jiangxi Province#6Domestic sewage AnaerobicAnoxicOxic 5000 Jiangsu Province#7Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater AnaerobicAnoxicOxic 2.25104Jiangsu Province#8Electroplating wastewater Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) 300 Guangdong Province#9Dyeing wastewater Anoxic/Oxic 2000 Guangdong ProvinceTechnology (CRI) have a medium energy intensity, in the range of0.40.5kWh/m3.The virtual water embodiedinthe electricity indifferent regionsin China is presented in Table A.1 (in Appendix A). Regional dif-ferences of water withdrawal intensity for energy production aresignicant (Zhang and Anadon, 2013), with Shanghai the highestat >60m3/MWh,and Guangxi the lowest at just over 20m3/MWh.WWTP#8 and WWTP#9 have a higher amount virtual waterembodied, because they are located in Guangdong province whichhas higher water intensity for electricity than the WWTPs in theother regions. Thus, virtual water needed for wastewater treat-ment needs to be considered in the overall water footprint of thesefacilities.3.2. Water footprint compensation by WWTPsGWFper day for the case study WWTPs (Fig. A.1), is a func-tion of the WWTPthroughput (m3/day) and the effectiveness ofthe treatment technologies, converted to the reduction in the the-oretical amount (m3) of water needed to dilute the efuent to thewater quality objective (based on the common denition of GWF).The WWTP#1 has by far the largest GWF(1116103m3/day)with the largest throughput (300103m3/day). The WWTP#3and #4 have similar GWF(119103and 125103m3/day)although they have signicantly different throughputs (40103and 22103m3/day, respectively). The reason for this discrepancyis that WWTP#4 uses CRI, which results in higher treatment ef-ciency (85%) than WWTP#3s A2/O process (75% removal). Thus,wastewater treatment can signicantly reduce the regional graywater footprint, but treatment technology matters to achieve thisobjective.The GWFRE for the case study WWTPs are showing in Fig. 4.The WWTP#9 has the largest GWFRE (39). Note that this is dif-ferent from the traditional treatment efciency, and reects thereduction in theoretical freshwater needed to dilute the originalwastewater to the water quality objectives in the absence of theFig. 3. Energy input per unit wastewater treated for the case study WWTPs.WWTP. This high GWFRE reects the high inlet concentration ofthe specic industrial wastewater for this WWTP, with a very highCODcr(2000mg/L). Thus, a relatively high gray water footprintis reduced by treating dyeing wastewater. The average GWFRE ofdomestic sewage treatment plants (WWTPs #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6)is 6.8, but there is signicant variability. The WWTP#5 has a rel-atively high GWFRE (15), since it uses 4S-MBR technology to treatsewage witha highCODremoval rate (90%). GWFRE is thus a strongfunction of both inlet concentrations and treatment technology.The common denition of GWFis based on the volume of fresh-water that is requiredtoassimilatepollutants onthebasis of naturalbackground concentrations and existing water quality standards.Therefore, the amount of GWFdepends on the water quality stan-dards, which reect national policies and even regional differences(Gu et al., 2014a,b). The proposed indicators (GWFand GWFRE)are independent on the water quality standards, yet provide a use-ful metric for comparing WWTPs across large regions. Thus, this isan important contribution to water footprint methodologies.3.3. Energy utilized to reduce gray water footprint for the casestudy WWTPsThough the energy intensity is similar in the case study WWTPs(generally 0.40.6kWh/t), there are large differences in eGWFR(Fig. 5). The WWTP#9 has the largest eGWFR (78m3/kWh),indicating very high energy utilization efciency for wastewatertreatment, drivenbythehighinput concentrationandhighremovalefciency without requiring a much higher energy input. This isfollowed by the WWTP#5 with an eGWFR of 33m3/kWh, reect-ing the high energy efciency of the 4S-MBR process as well as thehigher waste loadremoval. The CRI andA2/Owastewater treatmentprocesses for domestic wastewater are markedly lower in eGWFR,although in general they outperform the humic lter used in thesmall WWTP#2. The result shows that wastewater characteristics,treatment technology as well as WWTPoperation can signicantlyaffect the efciency of energy utilization in reducing gray waterFig. 4. GWFRE for the case study WWTPs.406 Y. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409Fig. 5. eGWFR of cases WWTPs.footprint. It is also notable that a higher input pollutant load, asis the case for some industrial wastewaters, can be removed withrelatively lower energy input per unit of GWFreduction.3.4. Water, energy and carbon footprints and impact assessmentFig. 6 shows the average water, energy and carbon footprintsfor 1m3of domestic sewage treated, considering WWTPs #2, #3,#4, #5, and 6. On average, 6.78m3(with a standard deviation of5.3) GWFis reduced when 1m3of domestic wastewater is treatedin these WWTPs. 13.4L (0.0134m3) (with a standard deviationof 4.2) of freshwater are required to produce the 0.4kWh(witha standard deviation of 0.1) input for treating 1m3wastewater.Since the treatment technologies and capacities in these WWTPsare typical of China, the average result can be used to roughly esti-mate the footprints attributable to domestic wastewater treatmentin China. It is estimated that 4.31010m3domestic wastewaterwas treated in 2011 (Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2011).This would require an energy input of 1.31072.2107MWh,with 4.01087.6108m3freshwater embodied. The estimatedenergy input accounts for 0.210.49% of the total 4.7109MWhelectricity consumption in 2011 (National Bureau of Statistics ofChina, 2013). Although it is less than 1% of total electricity use, itis a very signicant amount, growing with increasing wastewatertreatment and population. Therefore, energy efcient technologiessuch as 4S-MBR should be considered for new facilities as well asupgrades and capacity increases.The estimated gray water footprint reduction would be0.65.21011m3. Compared with the amount of gray water foot-print reduced, the freshwater consumed to generate the electricityis negligible. However, it is important to understand how WWTPsimpact the hydrologic cycle. According to ofcial statistics, in 2010about 768 million people in China had rural status, about 57% of thepopulation. However, the domestic wastewater treated was onlyabout 11% in provincial towns and less than 1% for rural villages(Wu et al., 2011). Until 2013, there were 4316 WWTPs installed,with a total capacity of 0.126 billion m3wastewater treated perday (Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2013). Thus there is amajor needtoconsider energyefcient WWTPs at all levels inChinaand other developing countries.The energy footprint of WWTPs connects the water and car-bon footprints. One impact of wastewater treatment is an increasein greenhouse-gas emissions that results from energy use forwastewater treatment. However, few studies have consider thetrade-offs between water and energy in assessing the CF of thewater sector (Rothausen and Conway, 2011). Fig. 6 shows thaton average, 0.28kg CO2are produced when electricity is used totreat 1m3domestic wastewater. At a national level this wouldTable 2Comparison of carbon footprint in the wastewater treatment system.Name Reference Estimated carbonfootprint (kg/m3)WWTP#2 This work 0.20WWTP#3 This work 0.36WWTP#4 This work 0.37WWTP#5 This work 0.45WWTP#6 This work 0.36Southern wastewatertreatment works in eThekwiniMunicipality, South AfricaFriedrich et al. (2009) 0.11Cityof Toronto municipalwater treatment systemRacoviceanu et al. (2007) 0.12represent about 1.21010kg CO2 produced if all domestic waste-water discharged in 2011 wastreated. The additional climateimpact associated with wastewater treatment should be seri-ously considered in China due to enormous wastewater dischargedannually. Our calculations indicate that the CF of the domesticsewage WWTPs in this study are two to three times greater thanWWTPs in other countries (Table 2). This is maybe because thermalpower accounts for 83.2% of electricity power generation in China(Electricity Regulatory Commission of China, 2007). The extensiveuse of coal will result inmajor carbonemissions. Thus, there is roomfor improving the CFs of WWTPs in China, which can have majorglobal climate implications.3.5. Data limitation and uncertainty analysisThe primary data on the wastewater intake, wastewater dis-charge, and energy consumption of the selected WWTPs wereaccurately obtained from the plant engineers, resulting in a lowuncertainty (5%).Uncertainties also result fromthe assumptions to establish theresearch scope. Energy use in the wastewater sector includes facil-ity construction and operation. In this study, we focus on thewastewater treatment operation processes and do not consider theconstruction of the WWTPs. There are no studies that have con-ducted a systematic accounting of the energy and water needed tobuild WWTPs, and it wasbeyond the scope of the current studyto do so. There is also no information on the decommissioning ofWWTPs, with regards to energy or water requirements. However,given the long life of most WWTPs (3050 years), it is likely thatmost of the energy and water requirements occur in the opera-tional phase. There are some uncertainties in the calculation ofthe energy water footprint and carbon footprint. In the calcula-tion of the water footprint of electricity in China, the conversioncoefcients are fromZhang and Anadon (2013). The authors do notprovide an estimate of their uncertainties, but it is likely that thereis variability evenwithineachregion, andthere maybe some underor over prediction.3.6. Policy suggestionsHistorically, wastewater treatment has been regulated throughthe pollutants removal rate. The new indicator gray water foot-print reduction proposed here can assess WWTPs effectivenessfromwater footprint sustainable perspective in a specic region. Inaddition, it is clear that water/wastewater treatment encompasseshighly energy-intensive processes. The water sector faces greatchallenges in the coming decades. Greater focus on its energyrequirements will be a crucial part of the policy response to thesechallenges (Rothausen and Conway, 2011). The water footprintcompensation and energy efciency assessment model proposedin this paper provide tools for understanding howWWTPs interactwith the hydrologic cycle, energy resources and climate based onY. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409 407Fig. 6. Average footprints accounting of 1m3wastewater treated in cases WWTPs.the waterenergy nexus, as such, more comprehensive informa-tion is obtained. Thus, it can improve strategies for future WWTPsconstruction and assessment in consideration of energywaterimplications.Waterenergy portfolios ultimately must be studied at the localscale (Pandyaswargo and Abe, 2014). China faces greater naturalresources (both water and energy) challenges than other majorcountries. China is the second largest energy consumer follow-ing the United States. However, Chinas per capita use of energyin 2001 was only a ninth of that in the United States, and half of theworld average (Liu and Diamond, 2005). In addition, both waterand energy resources are distributed unevenly. Southern China hasmore water resources than northern China, and the east more thanthe west. Three provinces (Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia, alllocated in northwest of China) contain the largest coal (the dom-inant primary energy source in China) deposits and production inChina, contributing more than half of the total national coal outputand 16% thermal power generation (Zhang and Anadon, 2013). Tomeet the higher efuent water quality standard and larger cover-ing range, further improvements of planning and management areneeded for wastewater treatment in rural and urban China. Underthese circumstances and based on the ndings in this work, it issuggested that low energy footprint technologies (e.g. humus l-ter) be considered in southern China where the water resourcesare abundant but the energy resources are limited. For wastewaterin which the concentration of pollutants is not high, low energyconsumption treatment technology is also suitable. Articial wet-land is specially suggested as it can reduce gray water footprintand carbon footprint with very lowenergy consumption. In north-ern China where the water resources are scarce but the energyresources are relatively abundant, higheGWFRtreatment technolo-gies arerecommendtoachievemoregraywater footprint reductionand more gray water reused. These suggestions also can spread toother countries. The decision-makers canadopt different treatmenttechnologies with lowenergy footprint or high eGWFR froma top-down perspective according to overviewof the scarcity/abundancedegree of water and energy resources in different regions. Virtualwater embodied inenergy consumptioninWWTPs should be givenmore consideration particularly in water-limited regions. Fromthebottom-up approach, the decision-makers can obtain informationof the WWTPs already built in specic regions through the waterfootprint compensation and energy efciency assessment model.Thus, the sustainability of these WWTPs can be evaluated fromwater and energy perspective, as such, adjustment strategies couldbe founded.4. ConclusionWhile the full extent of the waterenergy nexus in waste-water treatment system is difcult to assess, in this paper, weconsiders a footprints methodology to provide a path for under-standing how WWTPs interact with the hydrologic cycle, energyresources and climate based on the waterenergy nexus as such,more comprehensive information is obtained. A new indicatorgray water footprint reduction wasproposed based on the notionof gray water footprint to better assess the role of WWTPs in reduc-ing human impacts on water resources. Nine real WWTPs in thesouth of China with different treatment processes, objectives, andcapacities were modeled with this procedure.Our results show that higher capacity and appropriate tech-nology of the WWTPs will result in higher gray water footprintreduction. On average, 6.78m3gray water footprint is reducedwhen 1m3domestic sewage is treated in WWTPs in China in 2014.It requires 13.38L freshwater to produce the 0.4kWhelectricityneeded for treating 1m3domestic wastewater, and 0.23kg CO2is emitted during this process. Therefore, the waterenergy nexusin wastewater could be quantied based on our methods to howWWTPs interact with the hydrologic cycle, energy resources andclimate. A set of indices are devised to reveal the purication ef-ciency and renewability of a wastewater treatment system at theexpense of energy consumption. Based on that, we assessed theefciency of the energy utilization of the nine real cases WWTPsin China. Wefound that the wastewater characteristics, treatmenttechnologies as well as management systems have a major impacton the efciency of energy utilization in reducing gray water foot-print via these WWTPs. Policy suggestions are provided based onresults in this work and the features of Chinas energy and waterdistribution, whichalso canbe appliedother countries. This work isexpected to contribute to better planning and operation of WWTPsby considering the waterenergy nexus.AcknowledgementsThe research was partially supported by the FundamentalResearch Funds for the Central Universities (0400219276 and0400219184).Appendix A.The virtual water embodied in energy production in China in2007 (Table A.1) is based on Zhang et al.s work (Zhang and Anadon,2013). They studied the life cycle water withdrawals, consumptivewater use, and wastewater discharge of Chinas energy sectors byusingamixed-unit multiregional input-output (MRIO) model at theprovincial level.Carbon emission model developed by Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC) is chosen to assess the carbonemission situations of every wastewater treatment plant. Accord-ing to the 1996 Guidelines and IPCC Good Practice Guidance408 Y. Gu et al. / Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) 402409Table A.1Water withdrawal coefcients of electricity in China.Region Water withdrawal coefcientsof electricity (m3/MWh)Shanghai 60.1Jiangsu 37.4Zhejiang 32.8Jiangxi 37.8Guangdong 41.8Guangxi 21.4Table A.2National EF of electricity for carbon emission calculation.Region EFgrid,OM,y (tCO2/MWh)North China 1.0303Northeast China 1.1120East China 0.8100Central China 0.9779Northwest China 0.9720South China 0.9223Fig. A.1. GWFper day for the case study WWTPs.(Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change, 2006), the most com-monsimple methodological approach is to combine informationon the extent to which a human activity takes place (called activ-ity data or AD) with coefcients which quantify the emissions orremovals per unit activity. 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