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  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx



    The following are the findings from the analysis and interpretation of the data collected

    through the questionnaire. They provide much clear vision of the data analysed interpreted.

    From the data analysis & interpretation , these are f findings.

    It is inferred that the 93% of employees are Knowing their job responsibilitiesassigned by superiors.

    It is found that 48% Relationship with superiors and subordinates 47% are preparing to talk more responsibility, more time for a new position with


    It is found that 79% of employees Awareness about the companys mission statementframed by top management

    It is found that 58% of employees are to involve decision making situations withsuperiors.

    It is found that 33% are Support and authority to make the decision necessary foraccomplishing assigned task.

    48% of employees in Department uses employee feedback to make improvements tomaintain relationship make improvement.

    55% of employees are more satisfied with present job & to feel a sense ofaccomplishment with help of others.

    60% of Employee relation contributes to the companys overall goals and strategy 49 % of employees are very satisfied Feel valued as a team member and maintaining

    relationship with others It is found that the 47% of employees are very satisfied vy receiveing encouragement

    by superiors and management to come up with new and better ways of doing things.

    64% of employees are very motivated by supriors to see the company success. 56% employees are very strongly agreeing job requirements are clear to give my

    report to superiors

    It is found that 55% of employees are strongly agree with organisation organize theseveral programmes for continues learning and development of all the people.

    42% of employees are strongly with our management has created an open andcomfortable work environment.

    32 % of employees are strongly agreed with his/her job offers scope for creativity,innovation.

    It is found that the 42% of employees are strongly agreed with her/his mangers in thecompany are committed to spending time with people to listen to their views and


    42% of employees are strongly agree with our company both female and maleemployees are treated equally.

    It is found that 71% of employees agree with the last six months, has some one atwork talked to you about your progress.

    From the chi-square test It is found that employee relationship contributes to thecompanys goals and strategies.

  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx



    It is found that 48% work grade employees are maintaining relationship with their

    organisation & 36 % employees are passively maintaining relationship

    The study was conducted and bring into limelight factors which would help the

    employee to build up the gap between a employer and the mployee and it create an

    environment where everyone feel that its my company and work with passion so that the

    productivity goes up and the attrition level comes down which is the need of the day. The

    study found that the more level of committed employee the better and profitable for the


    Fully relationship





    Dis - relationship7%




    Employee relationship survey in S.V. Co-

    operative sugar factory limitted

  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx



    It would be better if conducting sports and recreational activities will helps to redusethe stress and helps to communicate with other employees in building the positive


    Some group decision making technique like brain storming and nominal grouptechnique can be implemented in the organisation as it would encourage the

    employees to bring out best in them and would also feel that the organisation value


    The management of Human Resource as guide to enhance employee relation andimprovement meaning at work.

    Regular meetings and gatherings should be their to build the relationship with otherdepartments.

    All the employees should be treated equally and have to involve all the people indecision making.

  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx



    Employee relationship is the buzz word term word for employee communication. It is a

    positive attitude held by the employee towards the organisation and its values. It is rapidlygaining popularity, use and importance in the work place and impacts organisation in many

    ways. Employee relationship emphasizes the importance of employee communication on the

    success of a business. An organisation should be recognize employees, more than any other

    variable, as powerful contribution process of learning improvement, measurement and action.

    We would hence conclude that raising and maintaining employee relationship lies in the

    hands of an organisation and requires a perfect blend of time, effort, commitment and

    investment to craft a successful endeavour.

  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx




    k. Aswathappa, Human resource management.

    L.M. Prasad, human resource management.

    C.K. Kothari, Research methodology.

    P. Subba Rao, Personnel and human resource management.

    Web Site:
  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx



    Age :

    Experience :

    Department :

    Sex :

    1. Are you clear about your job responsibility assigned by superiors?A. YesB.No

    2. How do you rate your relationship with boss, peers and subordinates?A. Very GoodB. GoodC. BadD. Very Bad

    3. I am preparing to talk about more responsibility, more time for a new position withsuperiors?

    A. Strongly AgreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly Disagree

    4. Do you know whether your company has a mission statement framed by topmanagement?

    A. YesB.No

    5. Are you willing to involve in decision making with superiors?A. YesB.No

    6. I have the support and authority from superior and management to make the decisionnecessary for accomplishing assigned task.

    A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedC. DissatisfiedD.

    Very Dissatisfied

  • 7/28/2019 Quationnaire.docx


    7. My department uses employee feedback to make improvement in communication.A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedC. DissatisfiedD.

    Very Dissatisfied

    8. This is the type of job in which I can feel a sense of accomplishment with the others.A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedC. DissatisfiedD. Very Dissatisfied

    9. Employee relation with company overall goals and strategy.A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedC. DissatisfiedD. Very Dissatisfied

    10.I feel valued as a team member and maintaining relationship with others.A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedE. Dis SatisfiedF. Very Dissatisfied

    11.I received encouragement from superiors and management to come up with new andbetter ways of doing things.

    A. Very SatisfiedB. SatisfiedC. DissatisfiedD. Very Dissatisfied

    12.Motivation by superiors to see the company succeed?A. Very MotivatedB. Some What MotivatedC.Not Very motivatedD.Not at all Motivated

    13.My job requirements are clear to give my report to superiors.A. Strongly AgreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly

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    14.This organisation organises several programs for continuous learning anddevelopment of all the people.

    A. Strongly AgreeB. AgreeC.

    DisagreeD. Strongly Disagree

    15.Management has created an open and comfortable work environment.A. Strongly agreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly disagree

    16.Management offered scope for creativity, innovation and continuous improvement.A. Strongly agreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly Disagree

    17.Mangers in the company are maintaining relationships in spending time with peopleto listen to their views and suggestions.

    A. Strongly agreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly disagree

    18.In our company both female and male employees are treated equally.A. Strongly agreeB. AgreeC. DisagreeD. Strongly Disagree

    19.In the last six months, has some one at work talked to you about your progress?A. YesB.No

    20.Give your suggestions and opinions about your company?

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