Page 1: Queen of the Great Britain Методическая разработка по английскому языку и страноведению выполненная учителем

Queen of the Great Britain

Методическая разработка по английскому языку и

страноведению выполненная учителем английского языка

МБОУ СОШ с.Сизим Пироговой Т.Ю.

Page 2: Queen of the Great Britain Методическая разработка по английскому языку и страноведению выполненная учителем

The Lion and the Unicorn

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British Empire

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Full English Breakfast

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Tea five-o-clock.

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English Heritage?

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The royal crown does not cure the headache.

Королевская корона от

головной боли не вылечит 


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Victoria (1819-1901) – Queen of the Great Britain

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The Hanovers

1714–1727 George I

1727–1760 George II

1760–1820 George III

1820–1830 George IV

1830–1837 William IV

1837–1901 Victoria

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Purpose: To understand, why the whole epoch in history of the Great Britain has received the name « Victorian».Problems:To expand representations about members of the British Royal family, about dynasty the Hanover;To find out participation of monarch Victoria in a life of the country.

Theme:Life and years of reign of Queen Victoria

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dynasty [‘dɪnəstɪ] династия

reign [reɪn] царствование

vast [vɑːst] обширный

Victorian Age [vɪk'tɔrɪən eɪdʒ] Викторианская Эпоха

governess ['gʌvənis] гувернантка

legitimate [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmɪt] законный

cheer [tʃɪə] приветствовать

create [kriː'eɪt] творить, создавать

gap [gæp] промежуток

establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ] основывать

diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ] уменьшаться

succeed [sək'siːd] быть преемником

splendour ['splendə] великолепие

responsibility [rɪˌspɔnsə'bɪlɪtɪ] ответственность

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Victoria (1819-1901) — queen of the Great Britain from the Hanover dynasty, reigned in 1837-1901.

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Queen for an age

People all over the world know the name of Queen Victoria. She is probably the most famous queen in history. She was Queen of a vast empire, as well as of Britain. A long period of history is named after her - the Victorian Age.

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Victoria was born on 24 May 1819 at Kensington Palace in London. Her full name was Alexandrina Victoria. Her mother called her 'Drina'.

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Her father was Edward, Duke of Kent. He was a son of King George III.

Victoria's mother was German. She was Princess Maria Louisa Victoria of Saxe-Coburg.

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George I ascended the British throne as the first monarch from the Hanover dynasty. During George's reign the powers of the monarchy diminished and Britain began a transition to the modern system of cabinet government led by a prime minister.

George II set about changing his father’s policies. It was a period in which British dominance overseas grew. He was succeeded by his grandson also called George.

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Victoria's father died when she was a baby, on 23 January 1820. A few days later (29 January), King George III died. Victoria's uncle became King George IV, and from 1830his brother became King William IV.

George III

George IV. William IV

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Princess Victoria

Neither King George nor his brother King William IV (king from 1830) had any legitimate children. Victoria was next in line. She knew one day she would be Queen.

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Victoria did not go to school. Her German governess gave her lessons. Victoria grew up speaking German as well as English.

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Victoria was never left alone. But with no friends of her own age, the little princess was lonely. She played with dolls. She was good at maths, music and drawing. She had a pony called Rosa and a spaniel dog called Dash.

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On her 17th birthday, Victoria was pleased to meet visitors from Germany. They were her cousins Ernest and Albert.She liked Albert very much.

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In June 1837, King William IV died. Victoria was told early in the morning. She was now Queen. She met the prime minister, and lots of other important people. ' There is much splendour, but there is more responsibility. I will be good' she promised.

The Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Conynghamannouncing to the Queen the Death of William IV.

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28 June 1838 was coronation day. Victoria was crowned in Westminster Abbey. People cheered and shouted 'Long live the Queen!'

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In October 1839 cousin Albert came to visit again. Victoria asked him to marry her. He could not ask her - she was the Queen!

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Victoria and Albert were married in February 1840.

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Victoria and Albert worked together each day. They had desks next to each other. The Queen had to read lots of government letters and papers.

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The Queen had nine children.

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The British Empire included Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and India. Islands such as Jamaica and Barbados in the West Indies were in the British Empire too.Victoria was Queen of the biggest empire in history. In 1877 she became “Empress of India”.

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Anna Russellwas a lifelong friend of Queen Victoria, whom she served as a Lady of the Bedchamber .She was also the originator of the British meal "afternoon tea”.A lunch was very light and people felt hungry during the long afternoon. She found a light meal of tea and cakes or sandwiches was the perfect balance. The Duchess found taking an afternoon snack to be such perfect refreshment that she soon began inviting her friends to join her. Afternoon tea quickly became an established and convivial repast in many middle and upper class households.

Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford

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The Great Exhibition of 1851 was held in Hyde Park, in London. Queen Victoria went lots of times with Prince Albert. The Exhibition was full of inventions and machines. There were wonderful things from all over the world.

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In 1854 Britain went to war with Russia, in the Crimean War. She gave medals to soldiers. The first Victoria Cross was given in 1856.

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Albert was never king. His title was Prince Consort. He was serious, and worked hard. Though Victoria loved him, Prince Albert was never very popular in Britain. Albert was often unwell. In 1861 he became very ill. He died in December 1861, aged 42.

The Queen was so miserable she refused to go out or see people. The Queen wore black for the rest of her life. She kept Albert's room and clothes as when he was alive.

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Victoria had four sons and five daughters. Her 9th and last child was Princess Beatrice, born in 1857.In 1858, the Queen's eldest daughter Princess 'Vicky' married the Crown Prince of Prussia (Germany). In 1859, the Queen became a grandmother. Vicky's son William later became German Emperor.

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The Queen's children married other royal princes and princesses. In a few years, Queen Victoria had grandchildren and great-grandchildren in almost every royal family in Europe.

Victoria's links with Europe's royal families earned her the nickname "the grandmother of Europe".

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There were many great events in Victoria's lifetime. Britain had the world's first steam railway. People had their photos taken for the first time, had electric lights in their homes, made the first phone calls, and went for their first car rides. Britain had become an industrial nation. Victoria's reign saw the growth of industrialism in Great Britain, along with an increasing emphasis on idealized family.

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Victoria died at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight 22 January 1901 at the age of 81.

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The Victoria Memorial is a sculpture dedicated to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, sculpted by Sir Thomas Brock in London placed at the centre of Queen's Gardens in front of Buckingham Palace

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How Many Years Did Queen Victoria Reign?

When Did Queen Victoria Reign?

What events were in Victoria's reign?

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