
How did you attract your target audience to your final product?

My target audience...

16-19 year old, who are in full time education

majority of audience will be white middle class (other ethnicities and older ages may be interested, depending on their interests)

enjoy listening to indie and alternative music

attends concerts and gigs

clever and well educated

rebel against mainstream trends and want to be unique

Play instruments as a hobby

Front Cover

I attracted my target audience to my product by using subjects of a similar age for the pictures. This means that the target audience is more likely to relate to the person(s) featuring on the front cover. The bold and striking fonts would be attractive to the audience. My magazine is named after the genre of music that my product focuses on, so a target audience who enjoy that music will be attracted to the magazine. I have used the words exclusive which would stand out to the target audience because they will see it as a one time opportunity to read about it.

Contents Page

Here, I have made my product appeal to the target audience because of the pictures. My target audience are interested in playing instruments and listening to indie rock music, so this would appeal to them. To add to this, the two subjects that I have used are of a similar age as my target audience, so they will be able to relate with them. I have advertised the subscription price to the audience, which is cheap. This means that my target audience will be able to afford it as many of them may be on a small income. I have repeated my masthead, which means the target audience are more likely to remember it. The fact that this copy is a tour special makes the magazine seem as a one-time opportunity to the target audience. By listing bands down the side of the contents page, the target audience can see the large variety. This will attract them to my magazine as they enjoy discovering new bands.

Double-paged Spread

My article revolves around the music genre that my product focuses on so the audience stay interested. The dark blue colours would attract my target audience because this is the kind of environment they would be used to 'hanging around' in. The main image is of a male and female, which would attract a both gender audience, therefore appealing to a wider majority of people. Young people in my target audience will also be able to aspire to the people in the article, because most of them play instruments themselves. I have used the pronoun you which directly addresses the audience. In the article, there is a review of their gig, which would appeal to the target audience as they enjoy going to concerts with friends.


In conclusion, I feel that my magazine is successfully aimed at a mixed gender audience of a young age range. The magazine is more mature than some music magazines, so would appeal to 16-19 year old The contents and images that my final product focus on represent my target audience. The main topic of the magazine is indie rock music, so I have achieved the aim of the task.

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