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Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product?

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•I found Blogger an easy software to use as all the tools I needed were in front of me on the screen. When wanting to edit my Blog there were simple tools which I knew how to use, I also found the overall layout off blogger clear to use.

•I found Blogger useful to use though out creating my work as it helped me keep my work in order and together.

•Overall I think Blogger has been a good software to use as it has helped me though out as it is easy to use and when reading over work it is clear to understand.

Without blogger I think the overall work would have been harder as I would not have had all the work together and would not have been able to load images elsewhere.

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• I found Photoshop hard to use, this is because I had never come across some of the tools. Once I had some practise with it I found it much easier to use.

• I think Photoshop was very useful throughout my project, this is because it helped me create my finished magazine front cover. It also helped me create other items to go on my contents page and double page spread.

• Photoshop was a good software to use when creating my front cover as it gave my magazine a professional look. This is because there are so many different tool that create different effects. I also created my unique ‘Pulse’ title which is shown on my contents page and double page spread.

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• When I first started using prezi I found it hard to use and didn't understand the tools, After practising I found prezi easy to use.

• I found Prezi useful when presenting my work as it was a different way and more interesting.

• Overall using prezi throughout my project has helped me, this is because I have been able to present my work using different media techniques such as blogger, prezi and slide share.

• If I hadn't used prezi when presenting some of my work I think it would be boring and plain, I like the way you can section your work.

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• I found Quark very difficult to use as I had never came across it and its complex tools. After practise I got used to some of the main tools I had to use throughout my project.

• Quark was useful when I was creating my Contents page and double page spread, It gave my work a professional look about it. The tools such as guide lines where help full as it helped me keep my working in the correct layout.

•If I wouldn't have used quark for my contents page and double page spread I think I would have got the overall look I have now, this is because there are more advanced tools on quark such as the guide lines that help you keep the text in columns.

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• I used the Nikon D3000 to take the images I needed throughout my project, I found the camera easy to use as I have used it before.

• I found this camera useful to use as all the images where coming out clear and there focus of the camera is good. I also found the zoom useful when taking my images as I could create different effects

• Overall when using the Nikon D3000 I think it worked out well, this is because the pictures where in focus and looked better. When taking the pictures for my magazine I also tried different techniques such as different camera angles and different ways to present the artists.

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• I used this voice recorder when under going my evaluation, I found it easy to use as I have previously used it and there are minimum buttons.

• I found the Voice recorder useful as It presented my work in a different way, showing I can use different media techniques. I also found it useful as It could record information I could not write down such as questionnaire results.

• Overall I think the Voice recorder has helped me with my evaluation as it has shown a different way to present work, It also has helped me though my questionnaire analysis as It helped to identify the results.

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• I found Premier pro Hard to use as I had never used it, nor had I came across and of the tools used on it. At first I was very slow when using it, but after a while I got used to the tools and software.

• I found this software useful to use as it was another way to present my work, I also found it useful as it could show how I have improved from the start of the year to now.

• on the whole I think Premier pro was a useful software to use as it was a different way to present my work. When creating work in premier pro it think it was difficult but things such as the time line was helpful as you got an idea on how long each image lasted for.

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