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Question 3


When looking to distribute my magazine, I would look to have Bauer Media distribute my magazine. I have previously researched Bauer Media and believe these to be the best media corporation to distribute my magazine to the correct audience. Bauer media foundered in 1875, started by and owned by the Bauer family. Bauer media owns over 80 media brands including TV music stations, Radio stations and of course magazines. Bauer operates in 15 countries worldwide, selling 38 million magazines a week. As mentionedthroughout my research, planning and construction, I was aiming my magazine to be similar of Q magazine, and Bauer Media being the publisher of this magazine, I believe this to be the correct media distributor to use due to them having the expertise, and prebuiltrelationships with shops such as WHSmith and other stores with magazine stands.


They also will know where my target audience are situated most densely,

therefore being able to distribute more copies, generating more sales. From early

stages I have researched distributors, such as IPC and of course Bauer. Although I am

closely relating my magazine to Q, which Bauer distribute, my magazine does have a

slight edge on the target audience, therefore not being to much of a similar magazine. As

to how I get my magazine to my audience there are several possibilities, but some

methods I believe to suit my magazine and demographic more than others.

QUESTION 3The main sales generator, I believe, to be in shops such as WHSmith’s as these stores have extensive magazine stands, stocking all types of magazines. Stores are throughout the country including stores in town centres, shopping centres, train stations and airports. I would also be looking to stock in stores such as Tesco and Sainsbury's, which havemagazine stands, although these are not as extensive as WHSmith. We also have the ‘paid subscription’ method. This usually works by paying a one off fee which is usually cheaper than buying all 12 issues through the year, and being deliveredto the readers house, sometimes before that issue has started sale in stores. This gives the customer a feeling of exclusivity.


There are also the options of e-magazines which are becoming more and more popular. As the environment is becoming more and more of a real issue, people are deciding to order e copies of their chosen magazines to be read on a device such as an iPad, a Amazon Kindle or other e reader, or a laptop. There is also the iPhone market which is huge. This is beneficial to the environment, and also comes with a cheaper price, due to no print cost being run up.

These are the main three options to start with, but in future, there are other options suchas festivals, mini-magazine hand outs, podcasts or audio magazines.

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