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Music Magazine

Questionnaire Results

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Question 1: Which gender are you?




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• 70% of people questioned are male, this is because my target audience for my magazine is mainly men although 30% of people interviewed because if it can appeal to some females as well then we would be able to sell more copies.

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Question 2: How old are you?


11 to 20

21 to 30

31 to 40

41 - 50


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• The biggest age groups for my magazine are 11-20 and 21-30 who both have 40% each, most between the ages of 16-24. this is because my target audience is young more proof is that nobody was older than 50 and 31-50 only have 20% between them.

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Question 3: How often do you buy music magazines?

How Often


once or twice a year

once a month

once a week

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• Never and once a week where the biggest responses, both having 30% each. With weekly being popular it is the direction that I wanted to go. I also hope that it would appeal to people that don’t buy magazines because there are a lot that don’t. 20% said they buy a music magazine once or twice a year, this is probably a spur of the moment thing so it is good to have an eye catching front cover to get peoples attention.

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Question 4: if you buy magazines, which one do you buy?




Rolling stone




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• Q is the overwhelming favorite of the people I asked with 60% this is good because it is also my favorite and what I was going to base my magazine on. Q is followed by Mojo with 20%, Mojo is similar to Q in that it is not genre specific.

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Question 5: what are your music tastes?


rock and roll







none specific

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• Music tastes were evenly spread with five genres getting 10% and and the most being 30% which was none specific. With there being such an even spread it would be a good idea to not tailor the magazine to one genre but instead be a round up of all forms of music.

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Question 6: Which of the following mastheads do you prefere?






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• The most popular masthead I produced was stereo-nation which had 40% of the votes with all the rest being equal at 20% each. Using this information it will be the masthead I use for my magazine.

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Question 7: which main image would appeal to you the most?

Main Image

Male artist

male group

mixed group

female artist

female group

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• The most popular main image is the male artist with 40% of the votes. This is not surprising as most of the readers will be male. The female artist option only got 10% of votes meaning that I should put a male artist on my front cover.

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Question 8: How many pages would you like the magazine to have?


50 to 70

71 to 100

101 to 120


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• The most popular answer was 71-100 pages which had half the votes. To me that sounds like a good amount of pages for a weekly magazine because 50 pages wouldn't be enough where as 120 would be too many to fill in a week.

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Question 9: What Features would you like to read?




tour information


up and coming artists

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• Everybody voted to have news, interviews and reviews. But tour information and up and coming artists also had a lot of votes both receiving 90% as people where aloud to vote for more than one feature. Due to the popularity of all of them they will all be included.

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Question 10: How much would you pay for the magazine?


50p to £1

£1.01 to £1.50

£1.51 to £2


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• The most popular choices where the cheaper choices. Being a weekly magazine, to keep people buying the magazine it would have to be relatively cheap for people on lower income or without a job to be able to keep buying.

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