Download - Quick response 2

  • 1. The rule Each group as a team answer questions. Two part of questions in total. First part is compulsory, 3 questions for each team; Second part is quick respond

2. Q1 Please state at least 2 locations (country) of thefollowing 4 pictures. 3. 1 Cape of Good Hope (Republic of South Africa) 2 Mount Fuji (Japan) 3 Niagara Falls (America or Canada) 4 Rhossili (U.K) 4. Q2 Countries spans more than one continent are called astranscontinental countries, and among them, only 6countries have territory spanning an overlandcontinental boundary. Please state 3 of those countries. 5. Answer: Asian-European boundary: Azerbaijan, Georgia,Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey; African-Asian boundary: Egypt. Picture.. 6. Q3: Usually, the name of each U.S. state has a specialmeaning, for example, the name of South/NorthCarolina means that "In honor of Charles I of England,New York means that "In honor of the English Duke ofYork, and Washington D.C means "In honor of GeorgeWashington". Do you know what the meaning of Lousiana is? 7. "In honor of Louis XIV of France". 8. In 1682, the French, Ren-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, claimed this territory for France, and he named it La Louisiane, meaning "Land of Louis. (Louis XIV, King of France from 16431715. ) In 1803, this land became a part of U.S.A. 9. Q4: 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatologicalbeliefs according to which cataclysmic ortransformative events will occur on December 21, 2012,and this belief came from the Mayan Long Countcalendar, which marks the date 2012 is the end of theworld. Please state 1 country where the Maya civilizationexisted. 10. southern Mexican states, Guatemala, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize 11. Q5: The Nile, as a major north-flowing river innortheastern Africa, is generally regarded as thelongest river in the world (6,650 km long), and thisriver runs through many African countries. Please name 5 of that counties. 12. Ten countries. Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt. In addition, Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, as the follow map shows. 13. (This is an old map) 14. Q6 Some countries have their famous landmark architectures, Please state all the locations (country) and names of the following 6 landmark architectures. 15. Eiffel Tower (France) Statue of Liberty (U.S.A) Giza Necropolis (Egypt) Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy) Christ the Redeemer statue (Brazil) Taj Mahal (India) 16. Q7: As we all know, Russia, Canada, China and USA are the top 4 countries occupying largest territory in the world. Please name the country occupying the fifth largest territory. 17. It is Brazil 1 Russia 17,098,242 2 Canada 9,984,670 3 China9,596,961 4 United States 9,522,055 5 Brazil 8,514,877 (from wiki) 18. Q8 Name 3 countries owing tricolour flags. Tips: A tricolour (three colours) is a flag or banner more or less equally divided (horizontally, vertically, or, less frequently, diagonally) into three bands of differing colors. 19. Q9: Please name at least 7 countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea. 20. Twenty-one modern states have a coastlineon the Mediterranean Sea. They are: 21. Q10 Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late Middle Ages. It evolved from Romanesque architecture(6th to the 10th century) and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture(early 15th and early 17th centuries). 22. Please name the country where this style of architecture originated. 23. France. Gothic architecture originated in 12th century France andlasting into the 16th century, and during that period, thisstyle of architecture was called as Frankish work (French:Opus Francigenum). Until the latter part of theRenaissance, the name of Gothic architecture appearedand replaced its old name. Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture ofmany of the great cathedrals, abbeys and churches ofEurope 24. Q11: In the newly released film Mission Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol, Tom Cruise acted as a role named Ethan Hunt who had been chasing a top-secret file around the world. See following four pictures are the places showed up in the scene, please tell the countries they belong to. 25. Mumbai (India) Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Washington D.C. (U.S.A) Moscow (Russia) 26. Q12 Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are the worlds three major religions. Please tell where the BIGGEST is located The BIGGEST mosque The BIGGEST church The BIGGEST Buddha 27. Papal Basilica of Saint Peter Vatican City State 28. Al-Masjid al-arm ("The Sacred Mosque) Mecca , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 29. The Leshan Giant Buddha Sichuan province, China 30. Q13: We all know the beautiful love story of Romeo and Juliet, but do you know where the story took place? 31. Q14: Do you know in which historical period did the story of Gone With the Wind took place? 32. Q15 Please name four Nobel Literature Prize winners who come from different continents. 33. Q16 Do you know in which continents do these animals mainly inhabit? 34. Aye-Aye 35. Q17 Please tell the origin countries of following sports pictures Taekwondo Hockey Marathon 36. Q18 Every country has one or two symbolic flower that would represent the spirit of its unique culture. Please choose two of the following flowers and tell us the country they represent. 37. Viola tricolorTulipCherryblossom 38. Tulip- Netherlands Viola tricolor- Poland Cherry blossom- Japan 39. Q19 As flowers, every country has one or two symbolic animals. Please choose three of the following animals and tell us the country they represent 40. pictures 41. Britain: lion France: the cock Russia : brown bear India: peacock 42. Q20: Who is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey? Where does he come from? 43. Thank you THE END

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