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Aspects of Genre in R U Mine

The video to 'R U Mine' conforms a lot to Goodwin's theory of genre. Goodwin theorises that in a typical rock video there would be a live performance, which there is of the Arctic monkeys. Also, that there are multiple close ups of the artist(s), which there is a lot of during the video. The reference to looking is when the band members are singing to the camera as if to be looking at the audience and directly singing to them. The intertextual reference is that Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols introduces the band. This is significant because the Arctic Monkeys and the new rock genre is heavily influences by bands like the Sex Pistols. The fact that they are introduced over radio is also an intertextual link because it is an aspect of cross media convergence.

The aspects of Goodwin's theory that don't conform completely are the voyeuristic treatment of the female body and the visual and lyrical link. The lyrics indicate the song is about a woman however the video is of the band members recording themselves perform in a non-serious manner. The voyeuristic treatment of the female body is only present in a small portion of the video when there is a track of a woman walking towards the band. This is the done through the mise-en-scene of the character having dark lipstick and provocative cowgirl clothing.

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Production choices

The black and white colour scheme used in 'R U Mine' is influenced by older rock artists such as Elvis Presley and Oasis. This is also a convention of the rock genre. The black and white is also present throughout many other Arctic monkeys music videos such as 'One for the road' and 'Arabella'. The filter of the shots are edited or filmed in older, lower quality camera's to create a more edgy effect which is another convention of the genre which is present throughout a lot of rock bands from the past and present such as Oasis and Kings of Leon. Elements of mise-en-scene such as the costume of the band and the location and props used all are conventions of the rock genre - such as the leather jacket, more 50's influenced costume, the isolated street and expensive flashy car to enhance to 'rock and roll lifestyle'. Shots of the singer, Alex Turner, admiring himself in the mirror is a convention specifically linked to Arctiv monkeys brand because the fan's idea of Alex Turner is him being arrogant and highly confident. The producers chose to use a live performance at the end of the video and emphasisedthis performance through the fog and lighting effects to excite the audience. A lot of the editing throughout the video are fast paced and jerky which adds to the effect of the it seemingly filmed on an old camera and seem more like it was filmed in the 50's. The dialogue at the beginning of the music video was added as an introduction of the band. This adds to the performance aspect of the video.

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Audience expectations and

Reflection of society

The audience expect a lot of these common conventions from the particular genre because of

older bands such as Oasis and the Stone Roses which heavily influence the band and producers

choices. Also, the audience expect a certain type of video due to the specific 'look' the band have themselves. Common occurrences in the videos

are the black and white theme, the leather jacket, gelled back hair, the sunglasses and very laid back, arrogant persona Alex Turner gives off.

The reflection of society follows the plot a lot. Because the genre of rock and roll focuses a lot on teen culture and rebellion, the plot line of the video

is of a group of friends having fun, dancing and singing in a car. This reflects the way teenagers

stereotypically are with their friends and how they thrive off music.

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Aspects of Narrative in R U Mine

The basic plot line is that the band, a group of friends, are filming themselves singing and dancing to their song in their car and then get out to do a live performance. This narrative plot is hard to fit into Todorov's theory of narrative because the video doesn't have an disruption of equilibrium. It could be argued however that the equilibrium is when they are performing to each other in the car and the resolution/new equilibrium is when they do a live performance.

Propp's theory that each narrative contains different characters is hard to apply to 'R U Mine' because there isn't a portrayal on any particular characters. However, some characters could be argued to fit into certain character roles such at Steve Jones is the 'dispatcher', because he introduces the band. The 'dispatcher' is the character who sends the 'hero' on a quest this is why Steve Jones can be considered to send the Arctic Monkeys on a quest to perform. The 'hero' characters would be the Arctic Monkeys however in the video there is no characters that would fit the 'villain' roles.

Barthes' theory about narrative codes is difficult to place to 'R U Mine' due to the very vague plot line however certain aspects of the theory can be fitted. The action code would be the band in the car driving to where they perform at the end, in this stage they perform to each other and the camera rather than an audience. The semic code would be all the elements that link the narrative to the genre and the bands particular ethos that they portray to the audience such as the arrogant looks in the mirror, the leather jacket, the air guitar and live performance. The symbolic code can be argued that the binary oppositions are the band performing in the car (air guitar and drumming on the steering wheel) to the live performance at the end. The cultural code is very similar to the semic code in that it links closely to the elements of audience expectations. The cultural code focuses more on the rock influences and so on.

Levi-Strauss' theory on binary oppositions doesn't apply directly to this video because their isn't any opposite pairs to fuel the narrative. However, similar to Barthes' theory into the symbolic code, the binary opposition could be argued to be the development in the characters from performing in the car to each other opposed to the live performance at the end of the video.

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Representation Theory applied to R U


Saussure - This is theory can be applied to 'R U Mine' in the sense that the signs all signify the band's own identity such as the arrogant and 'cocky' character type, the leather jackets and expensive cars etc. Also, the theory can be applied to

sign's creating meaning and representations of the rock genre, such as the black and white theme to create a representation of being rebellious and mysterious.

Mulvey – This theory is hard to apply to 'R U Mine' because of the lack of female characters within the video to show any evidence of the female characters being treated at objects to be looked at by males. The only evidence we are offered is of a female walking towards the live performance by the band and the camera tracks her however the shot's are not particularly provocative and therefore show

that the video doesn't really conform to Mulvey's theory.

Dyer - The stereotypes we are presented are of the band being portrayed at arrogant and conforming to the rock and roll lifestyle. This is the built through

elements of mise-en-scene such as the costume being very 50's and rock and roll and the over the shoulder shot of Alex Turner combing his hair in the mirror. 'R U Mine' is a video that is built on stereotypes of the band however doesn't rely on

any other stereotypes for the audience to understand.

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