  • Slide 1

Race Class Gender and Slide 2 Syllabus Review Slide 3 Does this class Have a wikipage? Slide 4 Slide 5 Homework is worth? Slide 6 When the teacher is going too fast you should Slide 7 There are assigned seats Racially sensitive Slide 8 If you are lost or confused you should Slide 9 Attacking someone verbally by calling them an idiot for their view in class should be allowed Slide 10 What concerns do you have about this class so far? Slide 11 Ice Breaker Slide 12 In a timed conversation both students will introduce themselves and engage in a conversation to learn more about the other individual. A card will direct students to speak about certain topics such as movies, music and other information. Slide 13 Groups Test Group 1 2 3 4 5 Slide 14 Groups Test Group 1 2 3 4 5 Action/Task Identify a new term Slide 15 Groups Test Group 1 2 3 4 5 Action/Task Identify a new term How did you feel? How could this simulation be connected to this class? What was the reason for completing this task? Tolerance of such behavior if born with or cultural? How did you feel? How could this simulation be connected to this class? What was the reason for completing this task? Tolerance of such behavior if born with or cultural? Slide 16 Define tolerance Slide 17 Does race, class, gender and/or sexual identity impact ones environment? Or does environment impact race, class, gender and/or sexual identity? Slide 18 What paths or choices do women in America have to take or make? Slide 19 Every American citizen has the same economic opportunity Slide 20 How has television and entertainment molded your perception and understanding of different groups of people? Slide 21 Theme Quiz 1-Learned Helpless-A psychological condition in which a human being or an animal has learned to believe that it is helpless in a particular situation. The cause is experience. 2-Class Consciousness-Realization by the masses about their common experience of being exploited by the upper class. 3-Vicious Cycle-Feeling of inferiority that exists in oppressed groups because of the environment created by controlling forces. The high school environment creates conditions (harrassment) that homosexual students encounter. Homosexual students hear the term gay (environment) and eventually feel that they are inferior. 4-Left vs. Right-Left wants new and the right wants things to stay the same. Mr. Roper from Threes Company wants to keep boys from girls living together to maintain or preserve a way of life. 5-Covering-Groups hide aspects of their identity and do not express aspects of their culture in a loud way. 6-Stratification-Any society that has a have and have-not group. 7-Boeurgeoisie and the Proletariat-The two groups outlined in Karl Marxs dialectic. According to Marx, the B was the have group in control of resources while the P was have-not group consisting of workers. Because of exploitation, Marx felt the P would achieve class consciousness and revolt creating a communist state absent of government. 8-Communism-State controls resources and eliminates stratification to achieve equality. 9-Race Class and Genser Defined by Society-These terms are defined by society and change over time. Remember all blacks and whites are __________. 10-Social Construct-mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society. Could be and leads to a perception of an individual or group. 11-Norm-Rule or perception that society reinforces. 12-Assimilation-Accepting the majority culture while sacrificing ones own. 13-Culture-Shared patterns of behavior accepted by a group. Wearing gold and black or dancing to hip hop music when one hears it. 14-Nature or Nurture-The debate that seeks to understand the outcome of individuals. Does nature (born with ability) or nurture (environment) make the individual? 15-Rape and Coercion-Think of rape as aggressive and by force. Coercion is more indirect and involves the use of power. Someone could be coerced into sex out of fear of losing something. 16-Economic Freedom vs. Human Equality-Both cannot exist at the same time. Think about a boss forcing his worker to take on a very dangerous job (human equality). The worker is forced to perform the task because s/he fears losing the job (economic freedom). Slide 22 Quotes and/or Survey

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