Download - Race Dwergi

  • 7/27/2019 Race Dwergi


    Races: Dwergi

    lso known as Dweorg, Dvegr, Zwerc, Dvergar, the

    Dwergi are a dying race. Once the most powerful people

    on the planet, their decline has left them a spiritually shatteredpeople. Once they took great pride in their grand architecture,

    their technological supremacy, and loved each other just ashard as they worked. But they did not change with the world,

    and as the rest of the worlds inhabitants came into their own,the Dwergi retreated into their subterranean fortresses.


    War and impotence stripped the Dwergi of their pride,and all that was left was to work. And work is the life of the

    average Dwergi. There is no love, no joy. Just never endingwork meant to numb the brain and appease the spirit through

    the acquisition of gems and precious metals. Dwergi really

    dont even breed any more, such is their disregard for the basicpleasures of existence.

    But not all are like that. Some strike out into the

    world, wanting to live. These types often have just as much

    trouble settling down in human society as their own, andbecome wandering adventurers.

    Requirements: CON 9AttributeModifiers: CON +1, CHA -1

    Available Classes and Level Limits: Fighter (9), Rogue (12),Augerer (8)

    Dwergi are hardy beings, resistant to magic and poison, and as

    such they receive bonuses to defend against these effects. Inaddition, their small size grants them a bonus to finding cover

    and avoiding breath attacks. Dwergi receive the followingsaving throw bonuses:

    +2 save versus breath attacks+4 save versus poison

    +4 save versus petrify or paralyze+3 save versus wands

    +4 save versus spells or spell-like devices

    Dwergi receive the following bonuses and penalties to Rogue

    abilities: Fiddle +1, Stealth & Climb -1. Due to their habit of

    living underground in great mines, Dwergi have the ability tosee in the dark with infravision up to 60 feet. From their

    experience underground, Dwergi have a 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6)chance of detecting traps, false walls, hidden construction, or

    noticing if passages are sloped. Dwergi must be actively

    searching for these abilities to function. In addition to theseabilities, Dwergi are particularly hardy people, and have astrong resistance to magic, as reflected in their saving throws.

    As a Dwergi... (Roll twice)

    01-04 You are a consummate, if utterly depressing, musician.

    05-08 You can kindle a light anywhere, by cantrip.

    09-12 You have an awful secret.

    13-16 You take great delight in anything that has been finely

    crafted, including paperwork, games, or even arguments.

    17-20 You are morbidly embarrassed by your deformed feet,wearing large shoes to hide them.

    21-24 You have a personal sworn enemy.

    25-28 You never reveal secrets.

    29-32 You eat only meat and stones.

    33-36 You wear stone jewellery denoting your status.

    37-40 You worship the Great Old Ones.

    41-44 You will keep your word unto death.

    45-48 You find ritual and ceremony deeply calming.

    49-52 You abhor spontaneous displays of emotion.

    53-56 You have a noteworthy mentor or patron

    57-60 You claim that the Dwergi invented books and writing.

    61-64 You fervently want the Dwergi to regain their glory.

    65-68 You despise and shun the sun.

    69-72 You find Humans to be at times frustrating, but mostly


    73-76 You find Haflins to be extremely irritating and

    unreliable, but admit their pipeweed is unsurpassed.

    77-80 You are bemused by Huldefolk and therefore keep

    your distance.

    81-84 You cannot bear to lie.

    85-88 You search for dark secrets in silent, lost places.

    89-92 You find solace in battle.

    93-96 You long to explore the sea.

    97-00 Sometimes you become obsessed and dangerous.

    Regarding Appearance, You Have... (Roll d20)

  • 7/27/2019 Race Dwergi


    1 A lazy eye 11 A gold tooth

    2 Pockmarks 12 Rough, fissured skin

    3 Scars 13 Piercing eyes

    4 A broken nose 14 Prominent eyebrows

    5 Bad teeth 15 A suspicious birthmark

    6 A missing finger 16 An unusually wild beard

    7 A curious smell 17 A hunched back

    8 A large mole 18 Large, chunky hands

    9 A speech impediment 19 A limp

    10 Broad shoulders 20 Many tattoos

    What's in the Dwergi's Pocketses? (Roll d20)

    1 A grotesque Dwergi fighting mask.

    2 A treasured figurine of an honoured ancestor.

    3 A compact or collapsible musical instrument.

    4 A 500' ball of string.

    5 A long-stemmed pipe and a pouch of pipeweed.

    6 A three-inch glass lens.

    7 A finely detailed beard clasp with a tiny hidden knife.

    8 A carved wooden box containing essential tools.

    9 A favourite book of morbid poems or philosophy.

    10 A broad belt with an intricate family buckle.

    11 An exquisite lamp, some oil, and a tinderbox.

    12 A pen case and sheaf of parchment.

    13 A coil of sturdy rope with a grappling hook.

    14 A broad-bladed silver dagger.

    15 A well-used beard-grooming kit with wax and perfume.

    16 A pot of grease.

    17 A pouch of unusual pebbles and semiprecious stones.

    18 A notebook of grudges.

    19 A lazy pony equally at home beneath or above ground.

    20 A collapsible spade.

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