

    Dan RadezSr. Software Engineer, Red HatJune 14, 2013

  • What is OpenStack?

    Cloud/Visualization Platform Designed for standard hardware OpenSource

  • Overview

  • Lab Workstation

    User: lab12

    Password: lab12

    Applications -> System Tools -> Virt Manager

    - RHOS-control-node:

    - RHOS-compute-node:

  • PackStack: Installation

    Red Hat developed OpenStack installer

    Deployment options Interactively Answer file Quick Start All-in-one

    Features Single-host install Multi-host install RHOS, RDO, EPEL

  • PackStack: Installation

    [root@rhos ~]# ssh

    [root@control ~]# yum install -y openstack-packstack

    [root@control ~]# packstack --use-epel=n --install-hosts,

    Install Defaults MySQL Qpid Swift Not Installed Quantum

  • Packstack: Installation

    Exercise: Install OpenStack


  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Killing time while PackStack works magic

    Relationship between OpenStack services

  • Help!

    $ keystone help$ keystone help user-create$ glance help$ glance help image-create$ nova help$ nova help boot

  • Keystone: Identity Management

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    centralized identity service central catalog of services

    Multiple forms of authentication User name and password Token-based systems Amazon Web Services style logins

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    Login as admin[root@control ~]$ cat keystonerc_adminexport OS_USERNAME=adminexport OS_TENANT_NAME=adminexport OS_PASSWORD=5ffbe9d2a38d4a48export OS_AUTH_URL= export PS1="[\u@\h \W(keystone_admin)]$ "

    [root@control ~]$ source keystonerc_admin

    [root@control ~(keystone_admin)]$

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    Add a User[root@control ~]$ keystone user-create --name radez --pass supersecretpass

    id: 849616035d654b9b9a8cc38b10284a52

    [root@control ~]$ keystone role-create --name role1

    id: 8ab4a27031084100afbafc0f95a47170

    [root@control ~]$ keystone tenant-create --name tenant1

    Id: 427c01f33fcf4feb930f26dd550a14e0

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    Add a User[root@control ~]$ keystone user-role-add --user-id radez --role-id role1 --tenant-id tenant1

    [root@control ~]$ keystone user-list

    [root@control ~]$ keystone role-list

    [root@control ~]$ keystone tenant-list

    [root@control ~]$ keystone user-role-list

    [root@control ~]$ keystone endpoint-list

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    Login as radez[root@control ~]$ cp keystonerc_admin user_radezexport OS_USERNAME=radezexport OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant1export OS_PASSWORD=supersecretpassexport OS_AUTH_URL= export PS1="[\u@\h \W(user_radez)]$ "

    [root@control ~]$ source user_radez

    [root@control ~(user_radez)]$

    [root@control ~]$ source keystonerc_admin

    [root@control ~(keystonerc_admin)]$

  • Keystone: Identity Management

    Exercise: Add a user

  • Glance: Image Management

  • Glance: Image Management

    registry for virtual machine images images used as templates for new servers

    [root@control ~]$ glance image-create --name cirros --is-public 1 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file /mnt/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img

    id: d3d1f38e-3f2c-4f45-91e1-cb4535f62d10

    [root@rhos ~]$ glance image-list

  • Glance: Image Management

    Image Building Oz appliance-creator Native glance builder in the works Manually (launch installer, import before first boot)

    Build Notes: Include cloudinit for post boot configuration

  • Glance: Image Management

    Exercise: Add an image

  • Quantum: Networking

  • Quantum: Networking

    networking as a service built in modular architecture

    Features Single or Multiple host deployment virtual network, subnet, and port abstractions Plugin architecture supports many network technologies

  • Quantum: Networking

  • Quantum: Networking

    Extra Configuration (control node)/etc/quantum/dhcp_agent.ini use_namespaces=True

    /etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini tenant_network_type=vlan network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999 bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1

    /etc/quantum/quantum.conf ovs_use_veth = True -log_file

  • Quantum: Networking

    Extra Configuration (control node)/etc/quantum/l3_agent.ini -root_helper? use_namespaces=True

    [root@control ~]$ yum install -y nc

    [root@control ~]$ chkconfig quantum-ovs-cleanup on

    [root@control ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth1

    [root@control ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth1 eth1

    [root@control ~]$ sed -i "s|--config-file /usr/share/\$proj/\$proj-dist.conf ||" `grep -l proj-dist /etc/init.d/quantum*`

  • Quantum: Networking

    External Bridge (control node)/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 -IPADDR= BRIDGE=br-ex

    /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ex ONBOOT=yes

    [root@control ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex

    [root@control ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth0; reboot

  • Quantum: Networking

    Extra Configuration (compute node)/etc/nova/nova.conf libvirt_vif_driver =


    /etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1 -tenant_network_type=local

    [root@compute ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth1

    [root@compute ~]$ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth1 eth1

  • Quantum: Networking

    Restart Services (compute node)[root@compute ~]$ sed -i "s|--config-file /usr/share/\$proj/\$proj-dist.conf ||" `grep -l proj-dist /etc/init.d/quantum*`

    [root@compute ~]$ service openstack-nova-compute restart

    [root@compute ~]$ service quantum-openvswitch-agent restart

  • Quantum: Networking

    Create networks, subnets and routers[root@control ~]$ quantum net-create int

    id: cc6052d8-2a6d-40e7-85ab-b7c8bb5b3a8c

    [root@control ~]$ quantum subnet-create int

    id: c6c4ded5-ac0a-4f7c-8f54-9218f2cf8ecc

    [root@control ~]$ quantum router-create router1

    id: 30f385f0-8f1d-453e-b4ab-26ee6f8e80fe

    [root@control ~]$ quantum router-interface-add router1 c6c4ded5-ac0a-4f7c-8f54-9218f2cf8ecc

  • Quantum: Networking

    Create networks, subnets and routers[root@control ~]# keystone tenant-list

    4ee4f1d7d5ba46318885dd82520d748f | services

    [root@control ~]$ quantum net-create --tenant-id services ext -- --router:external=True

    id: 4cbcc3c7-4a40-4101-afca-ca9782ff7f04

    [root@control ~]$ quantum subnet-create --tenant-id services ext -- --enable_dhcp=False

    id: a4ba8c13-2a67-4402-bb0d-7e55f253de44

    [root@rhos ~]$ quantum router-gateway-set router1 ext

  • Quantum: Networking

    Find your tenant's security group[root@control ~]$ keystone tenant-list

    70784578887b4468adacd92f2f376bc9 | admin

    [root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-list

    | 049ca2a9-7dc0-417c-9092-640e8a47a585 | default | default |

    | adfca10c-e1a3-418a-8f97-224cc92e1626 | default | default |

    [root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-show 049ca2a9-7dc0-417c-9092-640e8a47a585

    id | 049ca2a9-7dc0-417c-9092-640e8a47a585 tenant_id | 70784578887b4468adacd92f2f376bc9

  • Quantum: Networking

    Clean the security groupsecurity_group_rules | "direction": "ingress"

    "id": "74dd70eb-f1c5-4797-978b-3238035b3aef"

    "id": "f7087e8b-5f15-494c-997b-c86d258efc62"

    [root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-rule-delete 74dd70eb-f1c5-4797-978b-3238035b3aef

    [root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-rule-delete f7087e8b-5f15-494c-997b-c86d258efc62

  • Quantum: Networking

    Add new security group rules[root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix 049ca2a9-7dc0-417c-9092-640e8a47a585

    [root@control ~]$ quantum security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix 049ca2a9-7dc0-417c-9092-640e8a47a585

  • Quantum: Networking

    Exercise: Network your stack

  • Nova: Instance Management

  • Nova: Instance Management

    manages virtual machines on nodes provides virtual servers on demand interacts with Keystone, Glance and Horizon

    Design Features Designed to scale horizontally Designed for standard hardware

  • Nova: Instance Management

    Boot an instance[root@control ~]$ nova flavor-list

    [root@control ~]$ nova keypair-add --pub-key .ssh/ mykey

    [root@control ~]$ nova keypair-list

    mykey | 84:6e:28:d3:75:17:ab:25:4d:f3:0d:61:93:55:ee:e2

    [root@control ~]$ nova image-list

    [root@control ~]$ nova boot --flavor 1 --key_name mykey --image cirros my_instance

    [root@control ~]$ nova list

  • Nova: Instance Management

    Associate a floating to an instance[root@control ~]$ quantum floatingip-create ext

    id: 2b815236-f5f6-4d48-9860-4abbaec15990

    [root@control ~]$ quantum port-list

    Id: 1abd07c4-8c7b-4701-92a3-482f69e5a4eeip_address:

    [root@control ~]$ quantum floatingip-associate 2b815236-f5f6-4d48-9860-4abbaec15990 1abd07c4-8c7b-4701-92a3-482f69e5a4ee

    Associated floatingip 2b815236-f5f6-4d48-9860-4abbaec15990

  • Nova: Instance Management

    Communicate with instance[root@control ~]$ ping

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.668 ms

    [root@control ~]$ ssh [email protected]

    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is 38:49:f2:67:80:11:31:84:1f:b1:79:df:5f:e4:e5:f7.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? YesWarning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.


  • Nova: Instance Management

    Exercise: Boot an Instance

  • Cinder: Block Storage

  • Cinder: Block Storage

    manages persistent block storage volumes snapshots can be taken

    Create and attach a volume[root@control ~]$ cinder create 1

    id: 4d6cbb1f-5873-4357-99c7-8ae0502e6de5

    [root@control ~]$ nova volume-attach my_instance \4d6cbb1f-5873-4357-99c7-8ae0502e6de5 auto

  • Cinder: Block Storage

    Mount a volume[root@control ~]$ ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa [email protected]

    my_instance$ sudo -i

    my_instance# mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb

    my_instance# mkdir -p /mnt/volume

    my_instance# mount /dev/vdb /mnt/volume

    my_instance# touch /mnt/volume/test.txt

    my_instance# umount /mnt/volume

    [root@control ~]$ nova volume-detach my_instance \4d6cbb1f-5873-4357-99c7-8ae0502e6de5

  • Cinder: Block Storage

    Exercise: Create, attach and mount a volume

  • Swift: Object Storage

  • Swift: Object Storage

    Install Swift/root/packstack-answers-20130614-091000.txt


    [root@control ~]$ packstack --answer-file packstack-answers-20130614-091000.txt

  • Swift: Object Storage

    allows users to store and retrieve files distributed architecture to allow for horizontal scaling provides redundancy as failure-proofing data replication is managed by software

  • Swift: Object Storage

    Upload an object[root@control ~]$ swift stat

    [root@control ~]$ swift list

    [root@control ~]$ swift upload test packstack-answers.txt

    [root@control ~]$ swift list

    [root@control ~]$ swift list test

    [root@control ~]$ swift upload test /etc/motd

    [root@control ~]$ swift list test

  • Swift: Object Storage

    Exercise: Create a container & upload an object

  • Dashboard: Web Interface

  • Dashboard: Web Interface

    web-based interface for managing OpenStack services modular design for interfacing with other projects includes interface for all core components

  • Dashboard: Web Interface

  • Dashboard: Web Interface

  • Dashboard: Web Interface

    Exercise: Explore the Dashboard

  • Review

    PackStack: Installed OpenStack Keystone: Added a user Glance: Imported an image Quantum: Routed int & ext networks Nova: Launched an instance Cinder: Created and attached a volume Swift: Created a container & uploaded an object Dashboard: Graphical interaction

  • Review

  • Resources


    US/Red_Hat_OpenStack_Preview/2/html-single/Getting_Started_Guide/index.html Oz:

    Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7Slide 8Slide 9Slide 10Slide 11Slide 12Slide 13Slide 14Slide 15Slide 16Slide 17Slide 18Slide 19Slide 20Slide 21Slide 22Slide 23Slide 24Slide 25Slide 26Slide 27Slide 28Slide 29Slide 30Slide 31Slide 32Slide 33Slide 34Slide 35Slide 36Slide 37Slide 38Slide 39Slide 40Slide 41Slide 42Slide 43Slide 44Slide 45Slide 46Slide 47Slide 48Slide 49Slide 50Slide 51Slide 52Slide 53Slide 54Slide 55Slide 56Slide 57Slide 58Slide 59Slide 60Slide 61Slide 62Slide 63Slide 64Slide 65

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