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Radiol Clin N Am 45 (2007) 149–166


Ovarian CancerSvetlana Mironov, MD*, Oguz Akin, MD, Neeta Pandit-Taskar, MD,Lucy E. Hann, MD

- Epidemiology- Relevant histopathology- Ovarian cancer screening- Lesion characterization- Staging

- Posttreatment follow-up- Recurrent ovarian tumor resectability- Summary- References


Ovarian cancer is a leading cause of death from gy-necologic malignancy and the fifth most commoncause of cancer death in women. It is estimatedthat in 2006, 20,180 new cases of ovarian cancerwill be diagnosed, and 15,310 women will die ofthis disease in the United States [1]. Detection ofstage I disease can have a significant impact on5-year survival, which approaches 80% to 90% inpatients with stage I disease, but ranges from 5% to50% in women with stage III–IV disease. Currently,almost 60% to 65% of patients present with stageIII at the time of diagnosis, making ovarian cancerone of the most lethal malignancies.

Relevant histopathology

Primary ovarian neoplasms are differentiated by thecell origin, such as surface epithelium, germ cell,and stromal cells. Approximately 90% of primaryovarian cancers are epithelial tumors, arising fromthe surface epithelium. Based on the degree of dif-ferentiation, epithelial tumors are divided intothree major categories: well differentiated (10%),moderately differentiated (25%), and poorly differ-entiated (65%). Less differentiated tumors are asso-ciated with worse prognosis. Epithelial neoplasms

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are separated into two major categories: invasive(80%) and noninvasive (borderline) tumors(20%), which are associated with different prognos-tic characteristics. Epithelial invasive tumors aresubdivided further into five histopathologic groups:serous tumor (50%), mucinous neoplasm (20%),endometrioid carcinoma (20%), clear cell carci-noma (10%), and undifferentiated tumor (<5%).Another subtype of epithelial tumor is Brennertumor, which is almost invariably benign.

The primary goal of radiologic assessment is dif-ferentiation of malignant tumors from benigntumors, rather than determination of histologicsubtype. Sometimes it is possible, however, to sug-gest the histologic subtype of an epithelial neo-plasm based on particular imaging features [2].

For the most common epithelial neoplasms, se-rous cystadenocarcinomas are bilateral in morethan 50% of cases, with peak age of presentation70 to 75 years old. The typical imaging finding isa large-volume ascites out of proportion to thesize of bilateral complex adnexal masses of irregularshape with polypoid excrescences on the surface.Widespread peritoneal carcinomatosis with omen-tal infiltration by the tumor (so-called omental cak-ing) is invariably present in cases of serous papillarycarcinoma.

Department of Radiology, Cornell University Weill Medical College, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,1275 York Avenue, C278, New York, NY 10021, USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Mironov).

hts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.012

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Mucinous neoplasms are seen in older patientswith a later peak age of 75 to 80 years. These tumorsmanifest as large, unilateral, multiseptated masseswith a variable ratio of solid to cystic components.The presence of an enhancing solid componentwithin a multicystic mass is a strong indicator ofmalignant etiology. A benign counterpart of mucin-ous cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous cystadenoma,typically has the appearance of a multiloculatedcystic mass with thin septations (Fig. 1). Differentcompartments or locules within the mass have dif-ferent densities of mucin on CT and different signalintensities on MR imaging.

Endometrioid cancers are usually bilateral mixedsolid and cystic masses, which can be associatedwith endometrial hyperplasia and even concomi-tant endometrial carcinoma. Clear cell tumor

Fig. 1. Two different patients with mucinous ovarianneoplasms. (A) Mucinous borderline tumor of theovary. Contrast-enhanced axial section through thepelvis shows a large multiloculated cystic mass (ar-row) with thin internal septations, suggesting a rela-tively benign process. No ancillary findings, such asascites or peritoneal carcinomatosis, are evident.(B) Malignant counterpart of mucinous ovariantumor—mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (arrow). Themass is more complex than cystadenoma and containsa considerable enhancing heterogeneous solid com-ponent (asterisk), characteristic of malignantneoplasms.

manifests at the younger age of 55 to 59 years andhas the typical appearance of a solitary complex cys-tic mass with a vascular solid mural nodule. It is as-sociated with endometriosis and occasionally mayarise within endometriomas [3]. Finally, undiffer-entiated tumors are solid, usually bilateral masseswith varying degrees of necrosis. They are generallyassociated with poor prognosis.

Approximately 20% of all epithelial neoplasmsare borderline tumors, also referred to as ‘‘tumorsof low malignant potential.’’ These neoplasms areassociated with better prognosis. The patients(>90% of whom present with stage I disease) are10 to 15 years younger than women with invasiveepithelial carcinoma. Borderline tumors can be se-rous or mucinous. The risk of contralateral involve-ment in serous borderline tumor is 25% to 60%.Patients with serous borderline tumors, which ex-press micropapillary features, have increased riskof relapse compared with patients without micro-papillary features. The tumor can recur as a low-grade serous carcinoma years after initial treatment.Mucinous borderline tumors often manifest as largeunilateral cystic masses with thin septations. Therisk of bilateral involvement is low, and peritonealinvolvement and ascites are rare. A woman witha borderline mucinous neoplasm should undergoappendectomy along with thorough gastrointesti-nal investigation to rule out a primary gastrointesti-nal neoplasm. Imaging features of borderlinetumors are similar to those of malignant masses,and there are no specific features that allow confi-dent differentiation of borderline neoplasms fromstage I disease [4,5]. Borderline tumors are treatedwith surgical excision and staging. Patients withborderline tumors treated with conservative unilat-eral oophorectomy or cystectomy to preserve fertil-ity require close monitoring and prolongedimaging follow-up because they have an increasedrecurrence rate compared with women treatedwith complete total abdominal hysterectomy andbilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Nonepithelial ovarian neoplasms include malig-nant germ cell tumors and malignant sex cord tu-mors. Malignant germ cell and sex cord tumorsaccount for approximately 10% of primary ovariancancers.

Malignant germ cell tumors are more frequent inyoung patients. The most common subtypes aredysgerminoma, immature teratoma, and endoder-mal sinus tumor. Dysgerminoma is an equivalentof seminoma in male patients. Patients presentwith a unilateral, predominantly solid mass withvarying degrees of necrosis and hemorrhage. Nodalmetastases are more frequent than peritoneal dis-ease. The patients are treated with unilateral salpin-go-oophorectomy and chemotherapy. Immature

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ovarian teratoma is usually a unilateral solid masswith coarse calcifications and occasionally a smallamount of fat within the mass. Mature elementsmay coexist within the same ovary and within thecontralateral ovary in 10% of cases. Immature tera-toma metastasizes via peritoneal surfaces.

Sex cord tumors derive from ovarian stroma andaccount for only 1% to 2% of all ovarian malignan-cies. Of the different subtypes of sex cord tumors,only granulosa cell tumors are seen with consider-able frequency. These tumors are predominantlysolid and are hormonally active, contributing toearly detection. Granulosa cell tumors are dividedinto juvenile and adult types. Adult granulosa celltumors present in perimenopausal women withuterine bleeding secondary to estrogen-induced en-dometrial hyperplasia. Untreated endometrial hy-perplasia can progress to endometrial carcinomain 5% to 25% of patients. Granulosa cell tumorscan be androgenic and present with virilization.The typical imaging findings are solid, usually uni-lateral masses. They can have a typical spongelikeappearance on MR imaging owing to multiple cysticcomponents. Granulosa cell tumors have a predis-position to hemorrhage; 15% patients can presentwith hemoperitoneum resulting from occasionaltumor rupture. These tumors are treated with surgi-cal resection and generally have a good prognosis.They can recur as peritoneal implants many yearsafter surgery, however, and prolonged follow-up isrequired. Care should be exercised in evaluationof patients treated for granulosa cell cancer. Recur-rent peritoneal implants may appear as well-circumscribed, round and oval homogeneousintraperitoneal masses, which are difficult to differ-entiate from unopacified bowel loops on CT [6,7].

Secondary neoplasms of the ovary (metastases)are relatively rare, accounting for only 5% of cases.The most frequent offenders are gastric carcinoma(particularly adenocarcinoma with signet features,so-called Krukenberg’s tumors), colon cancer, pan-creatic cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma. Metas-tases are frequently bilateral and at imaging rangefrom solid enhancing lesions with different degreesof necrosis to complex cystic masses of varioussizes. Although multilocularity at ultrasound orMR imaging favors the diagnosis of primary ratherthan secondary neoplasm, accurate distinctionbetween primary and secondary ovarian tumor isdifficult [8].

Lymphoma of the ovaries is extremely rare andusually is a manifestation of non-Hodgkin disease.Lymphoma should be suspected in the presence ofbilateral solid homogeneous ovarian masses withlittle contrast enhancement [9].

Primary peritoneal carcinoma may arise years af-ter oophorectomy and may resemble the pattern of

spread of ovarian carcinoma with ascites and peri-toneal tumor implants. Relevant clinical and surgi-cal history is essential for differential diagnosis.

Ovarian cancer screening

The goal of ovarian cancer screening is to reducemortality by detection of potentially curable stageI invasive epithelial ovarian cancers. Serum CA-125 measurements and ultrasound are used eithersingly or in combination [10–18]. Criteria for anabnormal ultrasound screening are ovary enlargedfor age, persistent ovarian mass, or cyst with nodu-larity and septations. Because physiologic changessuch as hemorrhagic cysts may give false-positive re-sults, it is important that only persistent abnormal-ities be considered abnormal. The glycoproteinserum CA-125 marker is elevated in 80% of ovariancancers, most of which are advanced at presenta-tion, but CA-125 is elevated in only 50% of stageI ovarian tumors. CA-125 also is insensitive for mu-cinous and germ cell tumors, but these tumors withgood prognosis are less significant for screening.

Radiologists should be aware of the current liter-ature regarding ovarian cancer screening to respondappropriately to patients’ concerns about diseaseprevention and screening strategies. Results of largescreening trials vary according to the screeningmethods and study design [10–18]. Studies thatuse CA-125 alone report a higher percentage of ad-vanced tumors with fewer stage I tumors; however,more recent studies that use serial CA-125 measure-ments have shown improved results [19]. When ul-trasound is used primarily, more stage I tumors aredetected, but because ultrasound lacks specificity,many women with abnormal screening resultsmay undergo unnecessary surgery for benigndisease.

Another issue is that screening, particularly theinitial prevalent screen, may identify borderline,germ cell tumors or granulosa cell tumors that arebiologically less aggressive. Alternatively, high-grade serous tumors may develop and reach an ad-vanced stage in the interval between screens (Fig. 2)[20], and primary peritoneal cancers may developwithout any evident ovarian mass.

Results for any screening test are improved if theprevalence of disease is high in the screened popu-lation. Lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is only 1.3%in the general population, but it is increased to 12%in women with genetic predisposition. Womenwith Lynch II hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancersyndrome have an approximately 10% lifetime riskof developing ovarian cancer [21,22]. Lifetime riskof invasive epithelial cancer is even higher (15–65%) for women with BRCA mutations. BRCA mu-tations often are associated with high-grade serous

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Fig. 2. A 53-year-old woman with family history of ovarian and breast cancer developed bilateral stage III high-grade papillary serous ovarian cancer within a 6-month interval between screening ultrasounds. (A and B)Ultrasound revealed bilateral simple follicles, normal-sized ovaries with volume of 6 mL bilaterally; CA-125was normal at 16 U/mL. (C–G) Ultrasound 6 months later; right ovarian volume increased to 19 mL, and left ovar-ian volume was 16 mL. The ovaries contained solid hypervascular masses and had lobulated contours. CA-125was elevated to 67 U/mL. (H and I) CT scan revealed bilateral ovarian enlargement (black arrow) and leiomyom-atous uterus. Left para-aortic adenopathy (white arrows) and small pelvic ascites also were present.

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ovarian cancers or peritoneal cancers that are lessfrequently detected at an early stage by screening[20,23–26]. A report of 1100 women at moderateor high risk found 13 ovarian cancers; 10 werefound at screening, but only 2 of these were stageI tumors [16]. Three ovarian tumors, all of an ad-vanced stage, were undetected by screening. In addi-tion, 29 women with benign disease underwentdiagnostic surgery [16]. These results illustrate thedifficulties of ovarian cancer screening even inwomen at high risk.

To date, there is no evidence that screening re-duces mortality from ovarian cancer. Current guide-lines state that screening is not recommended inpremenopausal or postmenopausal women withor without a family history of ovarian cancer [16].For women at high risk because of BRCA mutationsor other hereditary factors suggesting genetic pre-disposition, screening may be performed until pro-phylactic oophorectomy after childbearing years[20,27,28].

Lesion characterization

In patients with a known or suspected adnexalmass, ultrasound is highly accurate in the assess-ment of tumor location (eg, differentiation of uter-ine from adnexal masses) and in distinguishingbetween a benign and malignant adnexal lesion.The optimal use of ultrasound requires the analysisof morphologic features and Doppler findings[29–32].

Ovarian masses with septations greater than 3mm, mural nodularity, and papillary projectionssuggest the diagnosis of malignant ovarian neo-plasm [33–35]. The most significant feature is thepresence of solid components within an ovarianmass [36]. Some benign lesions, most commonlyendometriomas and hemorrhagic cysts, may havesimilar appearance to malignant ovarian tumors.For premenopausal women, it is important thatovarian lesions have follow-up to exclude transientphysiologic changes that may mimic ovarian carci-noma. Morphologic scoring systems are used tostandardize diagnosis of ovarian cancer by assign-ing numerical scores for various ultrasoundfeatures, such as size, wall thickness, solid compo-nents, and number and thickness of septations[37–40], but similar excellent interobserver vari-ability is reported when subjective criteria areused [41].

Color and pulsed Doppler techniques may aid di-agnosis of ovarian cancer. Central color Dopplerflow within solid components of an ovarian masshas been shown to be an accurate predictor of ma-lignancy [36,42,43]. Brown and colleagues [36]

studied 211 adnexal masses including 28 malignan-cies to determine the best discrimination betweenbenignity and malignancy by gray-scale and Dopp-ler. A nonhyperechoic solid component withina mass, central blood flow on color Doppler imag-ing, free intraperitoneal fluid, and septations withina mass had 93% sensitivity and 93% specificity fordiagnosis of malignancy.

On spectral Doppler, ovarian cancers generallyhave low-resistance waveforms because tumor neo-vasculature lacks smooth muscle, and arteriovenousshunting may occur [35]. Although initial reportssuggested high sensitivity and specificity for resis-tance index cutoff value of 0.4 and pulsatility indexof 1, subsequent studies found specific values lessreliable because many benign lesions, includingcorpora lutea, may have similar waveforms[35,40,44–48]. These benign lesions are more com-mon in premenopausal women; when low-resis-tance ovarian flow is seen in a postmenopausalwoman, the finding should be considered highlysuspicious for malignant ovarian neoplasm.

Current evidence is that the combination of ovar-ian morphology and Doppler perform best forcharacterization of adnexal masses. Buy and co-workers [49] used gray-scale ultrasound and duplexand color Doppler to evaluate 132 adnexal masses,including 98 benign, 3 borderline, and 31 malig-nant masses. Adding color Doppler to gray-scalemorphologic information increased specificityfrom 82% to 97% and increased positive predictivevalue from 63% to 97%, but there was no added in-formation from duplex Doppler indices. A largemeta-analysis comparing morphologic assessment,Doppler ultrasound, color Doppler flow imaging,and combined techniques for characterization ofadnexal masses using summary receiver operatorcurves found the best diagnostic performance forcombined techniques (0.92), followed in decreas-ing order by morphologic assessment alone(0.85), Doppler indices (0.82), and color Dopplerflow (0.73) [30].

It is impossible to differentiate histologic sub-types of primary ovarian tumors by ultrasound ap-pearance, but there are some features that should beconsidered. Epithelial ovarian tumors are typicallycystic, but endometrioid tumors may be solid. Mu-cinous cystadenocarcinomas are more septatedthan serous cystadenocarcinomas and may havefluid with low-level echoes. Malignant germ cell tu-mors are predominately solid, as are stromal tu-mors. Primary ovarian carcinomas are frequentlybilateral, varying with subtype; approximately50% of serous cystadenocarcinomas and 30% ofendometrioid cancers are bilateral, whereas clearcell and mucinous tumors are bilateral in 20% ofcases [8,35,50].

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Despite advances in ultrasound technology,many adnexal lesions are still classified as indeter-minate, particularly in cases of endometriomasand cystic teratomas. In a setting of sonographicallyindeterminate adnexal masses, MR imaging is usedas a problem-solving tool. The main advantage ofMR imaging is that it can provide tissue character-ization based on signal properties [51].

For adequate evaluation of adnexal masses onMR imaging, T1-weighted and T2-weighted imagesare fundamental in the delineation of pelvic anat-omy and tumor. Fat-saturated T1-weighted imageshelp distinguish between fat and hemorrhage. Ga-dolinium-enhanced T1-weighted images help char-acterize the internal architecture of cystic lesionsand improve detection of solid components[52,53].

Although signal intensity characteristics can beused to narrow the differential diagnosis of an ad-nexal mass, no MR signal characteristics specificfor ovarian cancer are recognized. Distinction ofmalignant from benign lesions is based mainly onmorphologic criteria. The presence of papillary pro-jections in a cystic mass is highly suggestive of ovar-ian cancer. Sonographically, fibrinous debris andoccasionally a clot adherent to the cyst wall maymimic the papillary projections. The neoplasticpapillary projections enhance with gadolinium ad-ministration, however, and clot and debris do not.Other features suggesting malignant etiology in-clude vascular septations thicker than 3 mm, septalnodularity, and single or multiple enhancing solidcomponents within a cystic mass [33,54,55]. Ne-crosis within a solid lesion is also a strong indicatorof malignancy.

A study showed that the presence of enhancingsolid tissue was 91% sensitive and 88% specificfor malignancy (Fig. 3) [53]. Another study showedthat necrosis within a solid lesion and vegetationswithin a cystic lesion were the features most predic-tive for malignancy, with an accuracy of 93% on ga-dolinium-enhanced MR imaging [56]. In patientswith clinically or sonographically detected complexadnexal masses, MR imaging was shown to have91% accuracy for the diagnosis of malignancy. Inthis study, the imaging features associated with ma-lignancy were solid-cystic complex mass, wall irreg-ularity, vegetations on the wall and septations ina cystic lesion, large size of the lesion, and early en-hancement on dynamic contrast-enhanced MR im-ages. On multiple logistic regression analysis,ancillary findings, such as ascites, peritoneal dis-ease, or adenopathy, were the factors most signifi-cantly indicative of malignancy [57]. MR imaginghas been shown to be superior to Doppler ultra-sound and conventional CT in diagnosis of malig-nant ovarian masses (the estimated area under

receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] was0.78 for ultrasound, 0.87 for CT, and 0.91 for MRimaging) [58].

A study using meta-analysis and bayesian analy-sis showed that in women with an indeterminateovarian mass detected by gray-scale ultrasound,MR imaging contributed to change in probabilityof ovarian cancer in premenopausal and postmen-opausal women more than did CT or combinedgray-scale and Doppler ultrasound [59]. In thecharacterization of an ovarian lesion, the cost-ben-efit study and the net cost analysis have shown thatthe use of MR imaging in the evaluation of sono-graphically indeterminate adnexal lesions resultedin fewer surgical procedures, better patient triage,and net cost savings [60].

Although CT has not traditionally been used inthe characterization of an adnexal mass, studieshave shown that the utility of thin-section multi-slice CT is equivalent to that of ultrasound. CT char-acterization of an adnexal mass relies on thedepiction of morphologic features of enhancingmural nodularity or heterogeneity and necrosiswithin a solid lesion (Fig. 4). Ancillary findings,such as ascites and peritoneal carcinomatosis, onultrasound, CT, or MR imaging are strong indicatorsof a malignant etiology for an adnexal mass.

The use of positron emission tomography (PET)has been investigated for the detection and charac-terization of primary ovarian masses. PET scanningwith fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is based on uptakein functionally active tissue that uses glucose. Phys-iologic uptake of FDG in ovaries during differentphases of the menstrual cycle [61] may prove tobe a limitation for detection of primary ovariancancer. In addition, a variety of benign lesions,such as serous and mucinous cystadenomas, corpusluteum cysts, and dermoid cysts, are known to accu-mulate FDG and may contribute to false-positive re-sults [62,63]. Differentiation of benign frommalignant lesions using PET scans alone is impossi-ble. The distinction generally requires correlationwith a detailed clinical history and morphologicimaging such as ultrasound, CT, or MR imaging.PET imaging with current FDG radiotracers can beapplied to the characterization of adnexal masses,but its efficacy is not contributory after ultrasoundand MR imaging findings are evaluated [62].


Traditionally, ovarian cancer was staged surgicallywith pathologic confirmation. Surgical staging isbased on the International Federation of Obstetricsand Gynecology (FIGO) classification system, firstintroduced in 1964 and revised in 1985. FIGO/TNM staging is summarized in Table 1 [64]. Stage

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Fig. 3. A 46-year-old woman with endometriosis and poorly differentiated papillary serous carcinoma of theright ovary. (A and B) T2-weighted axial and sagittal images show a complex, predominantly solid right adnexalmass (arrows); the small cystic component is marked by an asterisk. (C) The left ovary contains a small endome-trioma (curved arrow on axial image), bright on T1-weighted image and ‘‘shaded’’ on T2-weighted image.(D) Postgadolinium T1-weighted image shows heterogeneous enhancement of a solid component of the rightovarian mass (arrows), characteristic of malignancy.

FIGO I/T1 ovarian cancer refers to tumor confinedto the ovaries. Stage FIGO II/T2 corresponds toovarian cancer with metastases confined to thetrue pelvis. Stage FIGO III/T3 indicates ovarian can-cer with extrapelvic peritoneal metastases and re-gional nodal disease. The size of peritonealmetastases (whether they are <2 cm or >2 cm) deter-mines differentiation between stage T3B and stageT3C disease. Stage FIGO IV/TNM any T1, any N,M1 consists of ovarian cancer with pleural, distantnodal disease, or hematogenous spread. The man-agement of ovarian cancer depends on staging.Comprehensive staging laparotomy includes totalabdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oopho-rectomy, omentectomy, peritoneal washings, ran-dom sampling of multiple peritoneal sites(including pelvic sidewall, paracolic gutters, cul-de-sac, surface of bladder, rectum, and diaphragm),and pelvic and retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy.

Understanding of the typical pattern of ovariancancer spread assists in tumor detection and locali-zation, making preoperative cross-sectional imag-ing a road map for a surgeon. Ovarian cancer

primarily spreads locally in the pelvis to the oppo-site ovary (6–13%) and to the uterus (5–25%). In-traperitoneal dissemination is the most commonroute of ovarian cancer spread, which can be

Fig. 4. Axial CT contrast-enhanced image of the pelvisin a 50-year-old woman with ovarian clear cell carci-noma. An enhancing mural nodule (arrowhead)within a complex cystic mass (arrow) is a characteristicfeature of cystic malignant lesions.

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Table 1: FIGO and TNM staging systems for ovarian cancer

TNM categories FIGO stages

Primary tumor (T)TX Primary tumor cannot be assessedT0 No evidence of primary tumorT1 I Tumor limited to ovaries (one or both)T1a IA Tumor limited to one ovary; capsule intact, no tumor

on ovarian surface. No malignant cells in ascites orperitoneal washing*

T1b IB Tumor limited to both ovaries; capsules intact, notumor on ovarian surface. No malignant cells inascites or peritoneal washings*

T1c IC Tumor limited to one or both ovaries with any ofthe following: capsule ruptured, tumor on ovariansurface, malignant cells in ascites or peritonealwashings

T2 II Tumor involves one or both ovaries with pelvicextension and/or implants

T2a IIA Extension and/or implants on uterus and/or tube(s).No malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings

T2b IIB Extension to and/or implants on other pelvic tissues.No malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings

T2c IIC Pelvic extension and/or implants (T2a or T2b) withmalignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings

T3 III Tumor involves one or both ovaries withmicroscopically confirmed peritoneal metastasisoutside the pelvis

T3a IIIA Microscopic peritoneal metastasis beyond pelvis(no macroscopic tumor)

T3b IIIB Macroscopic peritoneal metastasis beyond pelvis%2 cm in greatest dimension

T3c IIIC Peritoneal metastasis beyond pelvis >2 cm in greatestdimension and/or regional lymph node metastasis

Regional lymph nodes (N)NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessedN0 No regional lymph node metastasisN1 IIIC Regional lymph node metastasisDistant metastasis (M)MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessedM0 No distant metastasisM1 IV Distant metastasis (excludes peritoneal metastasis)Stage groupingI T1 N0 M0IA T1a N0 M0IB T1b N0 M0IC T1c N0 M0II T2 N0 M0IIA T2a N0 M0IIB T2b N0 M0IIC T2c N0 M0III T3 N0 M0IIIA T3a N0 M0IIIB T3b N0 M0IIIC T3c N0 M0

Any T N1 M0Stage IV Any T Any N M1

* The presence of nonmalignant ascites is not classified. The presence of ascites does not affect staging unless malignantcells are present.

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explained by ovarian anatomy. The ovary is coveredby a single layer of surface epithelium. The tumorcells exfoliate from the affected epithelium, whichfrequently has macroscopic and microscopic polyp-oid excrescences and spread with peritoneal fluid.Peritoneal metastases follow the direction of clock-wise flow of peritoneal fluid throughout the perito-neal cavity, facilitated by the normal bowelperistasis. The normal peritoneal fluid circulatespreferentially upward from the right paracolic gut-ter to the right subdiaphragmatic space and crossesthe midline and circulates downward to the left par-acolic gutter and pelvis. Peritoneal metastases ap-pear as nodular or plaquelike enhancing softtissue masses of varying sizes. The most commonlocations are the peritoneal reflections, where theperitoneal fluid tends to stay longer. Peritonealnodules are frequently present in the cul-de-sac,paracolic gutters, subdiaphragmatic space, splenichilum, porta hepatis, and along the falciform liga-ment. Other common locations are the ileocecalvalve and rectosigmoid junction, where the sigmoidcolon makes a turn (Fig. 5). Diffuse infiltration ofthe omentum by the tumor is called omentalcaking.

The presence of lymph node metastases in ovar-ian cancer is an important prognostic feature.Knowledge of the anatomy of the ovarian lym-phatic drainage is crucial in understanding thepathways of ovarian cancer nodal dissemination.Most commonly, nodal metastasis ascends alongthe gonadal vessels to the retroperitoneum. Dissem-ination along the broad ligament can result in inter-nal iliac, obturator, and external iliac adenopathy.Lymphadenopathy can reach the superficial anddeep inguinal nodes via the round ligaments. Thismechanism explains the occasional presence ofovarian cancer nodal metastases in the groin(Fig. 6). The frequency of nodal metastases in a pa-tient with T1 or T2 disease is close to 15% and in-creases to 65% in M1 disease. In ovarian cancerpatients, a threshold of short-axis measurementsof 1 cm or larger is used to define malignant aden-opathy; however, it showed a disappointing lowsensitivity of only 50%. The specificity with thatthreshold was 95%. Superior diaphragmatic aden-opathy is detected in approximately 15% of pa-tients with advanced ovarian cancer and is usuallyassociated with grave prognosis (Fig. 7) [65].

Although distant metastasis is rare at the time ofdiagnosis, the common sites of distant spread at au-topsy include the liver (45–48%), lung (34–39%),pleura (25%), adrenal gland (21%), and spleen(20%); bone and brain metastases are seen in lessthan 10% (Fig. 8). Knowledge of the frequency ofdistant metastasis in ovarian cancer guides the im-aging algorithm for patient surveillance.

Optimal debulking refers to the reduction of alltumor deposits to a maximal diameter of less than1 cm. Patients who are optimally debulked showbetter response to chemotherapy and subsequentlyhave a better prognosis. Staging of ovarian cancercan be effectively accomplished with preoperativeCT scanning. Multidetector CT is highly accuratein the depiction of tumor implants larger than 1cm throughout the abdomen and pelvis. Implantsmeasuring 1 cm or less are difficult to detect, how-ever, and CT sensitivity decreases to 25% to 50% forsuch small-volume disease [66]. The efficacy ofnonhelical CT in the diagnosis of peritoneal metas-tases in ovarian cancer has a sensitivity of 63% to79% and a specificity of 100% [66]. Helical CT im-proves performance, showing sensitivity of 85% to93% and specificity of 91% to 96%. This improvedaccuracy likely reflects the increasing use of thinnersections and multiplanar review of the data, whichaid in the detection of small implants and help inthe distinction of peritoneal tumor deposits fromunopacified bowel loops [67].

Although CT is the primary imaging modalityfor staging ovarian cancer, a Radiologic DiagnosticOncology Group (RDOG) study showed that MRimaging may be equal to CT [68]. One advantageof MR imaging is that it provides better soft tissuecontrast than does CT. In patients with advanceddisease, MR imaging and CT perform similarlyin determination of the location, distribution,and size of peritoneal implants. A study compar-ing ultrasound, MR imaging, and CT for diagnos-ing and staging advanced ovarian cancer showedthat for the detection of peritoneal metastases,MR imaging and CT (AUC 5 0.96 for both)were more accurate than ultrasound (AUC 50.86), especially in the subdiaphragmatic spacesand hepatic surfaces [68,69]. The use of MR imag-ing is currently limited, however, by expense, lackof availability, prolonged scanning time, and a rel-ative shortage of radiologists with adequate read-ing experience.

In the evaluation of nodal disease, using a sizethreshold of equal or greater than 1 cm in shortaxis to define adenopathy, MR imaging was slightlymore accurate than CT in the evaluation of nodalmetastasis (sensitivity and specificity were 43%and 89% for CT and 38% and 84% for MR imaging)[68]. Although enlarged nodes are likely to be met-astatic, CT and MR imaging are unable to excludedisease in nonenlarged nodes.

Differentiation between stage III and stage IV dis-ease has a direct impact on patient management.The management of FIGO stage III disease is pri-mary surgical debulking, whereas patients withstage IV disease are treated with chemotherapyand cytoreduction.

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Fig. 5. Axial contrast-enhanced images of the abdomen and pelvis in three different patients illustrate the typ-ical pattern of peritoneal spread of tumor, characteristic of stage III ovarian cancer. The tumor follows the flowof peritoneal fluid and tends to deposit in peritoneal recesses. (A) Massive ascites (asterisk) with perihepatic cap-sular implants (arrows on the left) and diffuse omental infiltration, known as omental caking (arrows on theright). (B) Tumor deposit along the falciform ligament (arrow) and in the splenic hilum (arrowhead). (C) Capsu-lar-based perihepatic implants (arrowheads) and tumor deposits in the left paracolic gutter (arrows). (D) Serosaltumor implants on the surface of the sigmoid colon (arrows). (E) Peritoneal tumor implants in the root of themesentery (arrows). (F) Implant in the left paracolic gutter (arrow). (G) Tumor deposit along the fissure of theligamentum teres (arrow).

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There are two potential pitfalls in assigning FIGOstage IV disease:

1. Pleural effusion in a patient with ovarian cancercan be benign or malignant. Pleural thickeningor nodularity in addition to pleural effusion in-dicates the malignant nature of effusion. In theabsence of those imaging findings, thoracentesisis indicated.

2. When only axial sections of either CT or MR im-aging are evaluated, there is a potential pitfall indifferentiating between liver surface implants(stage III with peritoneal spread) and true intra-parenchymal metastases (as a result of hematog-enous spread and so stage IV disease). Sagittal orcoronal reformatted images may assist in differ-entiating the two types. Multislice CT allows re-formatting the images and can be as accurateas MR imaging.

In the evaluation of liver parenchymal metastasesCT and MR imaging perform similarly, although inthe diagnosis of liver lesions in the setting of

Fig. 6. Axial contrast-enhanced CT section in a patientwith stage IV ovarian cancer manifested with diseasein the chest. (A) Malignant mediastinal and bilateralhilar adenopathy (arrows). (B) Superior diaphrag-matic adenopathy (white arrow) and right pleuralthickening (black arrow).

preexisting liver disease MR imaging may be supe-rior [68].

The role of FDG PET has been explored forovarian cancer staging. Numerous studies havebeen performed, although most of them havebeen limited by small numbers of patients anduse of a PET scanner alone. More recent studieshave been performed with PET/CT hybrid camerasthat allow more accurate detection and localiza-tion of the lesions. In the primary staging of ovar-ian cancer, FDG PET may be helpful (especiallywhen used in addition to CT [70] to evaluateequivocal or indeterminate lesions further and toestablish distant metastatic sites. Prior studies us-ing FDG PET have reported a positive predictivevalue of 86% and accuracy of 90% with sensitivityof 96% and negative predictive value of 75%[71,72].

Disseminated peritoneal tumor deposits may bemicroscopic or very small in size. FDG PET is lim-ited in resolution and is not optimal for detectinglesions less than 0.5 cm in size. Detection of micro-scopic disease is difficult on most other imagingmodalities as well. Rose and colleagues [73] studied17 patients before second-look surgery and re-ported very low sensitivity (10%) and specificity(42%). The study was conducted in patients with

Fig. 7. Moderately differentiated papillary serousovarian carcinoma. (A and B) Bilateral pelvic and in-guinal lymphadenopathy (arrows) develops as a resultof tumor spread along the iliac vessels and roundligament.

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optimal primary cytoreduction who had completeclinical response to prior treatment; however, itused a PET scanner only. All missed lesions weresmall (<6 mm). Later studies have reported betterresults, with sensitivity and specificity of 66% and94%, after primary debulking [74]. Positive predic-tive value was 93% for peritoneal disease measuring5 mm for various cancers [75].

The imaging observations that are crucial to man-agement may be divided into observation related tocharacterization of the primary tumor, identifica-tion of metastatic disease to prevent understaging,and identification of patients who would benefitfrom neoadjuvant chemotherapy before the pri-mary debulking procedure. Preoperative CT andMR imaging were found to be highly accurate inthe detection of inoperable tumor and the predic-tion of suboptimal debulking (sensitivity, specific-ity, positive predictive value, and negativepredictive value were 76%, 92%, 94% and 96%).The two modalities were equally effective (P51.0)in the detection of inoperable tumor. This studysuggests that imaging may help triage inoperable

Fig. 8. A patient with stage IV poorly differentiatedpapillary serous carcinoma of the ovary. (A) Axial CTimage of the chest shows metastases in the rightlung (arrows). (B) Section through the liver showsmultiple intraparenchymal metastases (arrows).

patients to more appropriate neoadjuvant chemo-therapy group [76–78].

Posttreatment follow-up

Patients treated for ovarian cancer are followed upwith serial measurements of CA-125 and eitherCT scan or MR imaging of the abdomen and pelvis.CT of the chest should not be performed routinely,unless no sites of recurrence are detected on CT ofthe abdomen and pelvis, and tumor markers areelevated [79,80].

Serum CA-125 is a strong indicator of epithelialtumor activity [81,82]. It has been shown that in pa-tients with complete response to therapy, three con-secutive elevations in CA-125 values even withinthe normal range of 0 to 35 U/mL at 1- to 3-monthintervals are associated with a significant risk of re-currence and may occur before the imaging findingsbecome positive. In one study, the mean time fromthe third early increase in serum CA-125 to clinicalor radiologic confirmation of recurrence was 189days [83]. The role of imaging is crucial, however,for localizing the anatomic sites of suspected recur-rent tumor. Familiarity with the spectrum of imag-ing findings of recurrent ovarian cancer facilitatesaccurate diagnosis and ensures prompt treatment.Recurrent ovarian malignancies manifest as pelvicmasses, peritoneal tumor implants (commonly inparacolic gutters, cul-de-sac, root of the mesentery,serosal surface of the bowel), malignant ascites, orlymphadenopathy. Occasionally, recurrent diseasemay present as pleuroparenchymal lesions or livermetastasis [84].

Knowledge of medical terminology used duringdifferent stages of ovarian cancer after the initialtreatment and its relationship to patient manage-ment is essential in understanding the potentialrole of imaging. Specific terms are used to definethe behavior patterns of ovarian cancer after initialtreatment as follows:

� Persistent disease is present when, after a tu-mor partially responds to initial therapy,there is an immediate elevation in CA-125or clinical evidence of disease. The role of im-aging in persistent disease is limited, unlessthe patient develops acute clinical symptoms(eg, bowel or urinary obstruction).

� Chemotherapy-resistant disease is defined astumor recurrence detected less than 6months after completion of initial treatment.CT can be used to document the extent of tu-mor recurrence and monitor response totreatment.

� Refractory, unresponsive, or progressive tumorsare tumors that progress during initial

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therapy. Imaging is rarely used in this patientcategory, unless clinical symptoms develop(eg, bowel or urinary obstruction). Imagingcan be used to document disease progressionand assists in future development of differenttreatment regimens.

� Recurrent ovarian cancer is defined as tumorrecurrence after a complete initial responseto first-line therapy, a negative second-lookoperation (if performed), and a disease-freeinterval greater than 6 months.

The treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer de-pends on tumor bulk and location and rangesfrom surgical debulking to medical palliation. Inthis patient group, an increase in survival is seenonly when the secondary cytoreduction is optimal[85]. Identification of unresectable recurrent can-cer is clinically relevant, assists in patient manage-ment, and directly affects the outcome. Thesurvival rate after secondary cytoreduction variesfrom 17% to 62%. An attempt should be madeto predict resectability with preoperative imagingto spare the patient unnecessary surgery. Few stud-ies describe the utility of helical CT and MR imag-ing in the evaluation of recurrent cancer. Ina longitudinal study comparing MR imagingwith CA-125 and physical examination, sensitivity,specificity, accuracy, and positive predictive valuewere 91%, 87%, 90%, and 72% for gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging and 53%, 94%, 63%, and38% for CA-125. The corresponding values forphysical examination were 26%, 94%, 43%, and29% [86].

FDG PET also has been used to evaluate the pres-ence of disease in patients before second-look lap-arotomy (SLL) or laparoscopy. SLL is the mostaccurate way of assessing the presence of micro-scopic and macroscopic disease; however, it is aninvasive procedure. Use of FDG PET imaging in-stead of SLL is reported to be feasible and cost-ef-fective [87]. FDG PET has high predictive value(93%) and provides prognostic information. Kimand associates [88] compared the prognostic valueof FDG PET with that of SLL in 55 patients withadvanced ovarian cancer treated with chemother-apy and found no significant differences in dis-ease-free intervals between patients who wereevaluated with PET and patients who were evalu-ated with SLL.

Most studies using FDG PET in ovarian cancerhave been conducted to assess the utility of PET inearly detection of recurrent disease. In a direct com-parison with CT or MR imaging, Delbeke and col-leagues reported sensitivity and specificity of 83%to 91% and 66% to 93% for FDG PET and 45% to91% and 46% to 84% for CT or MR imaging [89].

More recent studies also have shown a high sen-sitivity of FDG PET for detection of recurrent dis-ease [90]. The sensitivity remains low for lesionsless than 5 to 10 mm. Detection may be better, how-ever, with newer cameras and PET/CT fusion unitsthat have better resolution and anatomic correla-tion allowing detection of lesions measuring5 mm [91]. The exact magnitude of the clinical im-pact of detection of microscopic disease has yet tobe properly studied. FDG PET helps localize thesites of disease so that surgery or biopsy can be di-rected better. This is useful in cases where conven-tional imaging fails to detect recurrent disease [92].

FDG PET may be more useful in detecting recur-rence in the setting of negative conventional imag-ing studies and an increasing CA-125 [93–95]. Ina study by Murakami and colleagues [93] in which90 patients were evaluated, PET alone identified re-currence in 17 (37%), including in 50% of these 17patients, normal-sized retroperitoneal nodal metas-tases. In patients with an asymptomatic increase ofCA-125, PET had a sensitivity of 87.5%. The com-bined sensitivity of PET and CA-125 was 97.8%.PET/CT is of incremental value to CT alone in de-tecting viable disease in equivocal cases, when inter-fering and unopacified bowel or postsurgicalchanges may mimic recurrent disease [96]. PET/CTalso can help localize the sites of recurrent tumor insuch patients so that surgery or biopsy can be betterdirected (Fig. 9) [97].

Overall, FDG PET imaging holds promise in theevaluation of recurrent or residual disease whereother radiographic findings are equivocal anduncertain. Newer tracers are being evaluated toimprove detection; however, the sensitivity tomicroscopic disease is still limited.

Recurrent ovarian tumor resectability

In patients selected for secondary cytoreduction,the bulk of the tumor burden is usually present inthe pelvis. Two types of pelvic recurrence are de-scribed: central recurrence at the vaginal cuff andpelvic sidewall recurrence. The size of a pelvicmass is not an indicator of surgical outcome; how-ever, the extension of a mass to the pelvic sidewallis. In cases of small-volume recurrent disease inthe pelvis, multiplanar MR imaging is superior toCT in the assessment of pelvic tumor resectabilitybecause MR imaging can better outline the fat planeseparating the tumor from the pelvic sidewall. Thepresence of a fat plane at least 3 mm in thicknessis considered adequate for resection. The importantconsideration is that tumor invasion of the bladderand rectum is not a contraindication to definitive

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Fig. 9. PET/CT of a 63-year-old woman with recurrent ovarian cancer. Intense uptake is seen in the region of peri-toneal implants in left upper quadrant and presacral region.

surgery. These patients can be treated with pelvicexenteration (Fig. 10). In the past, the presence ofhydronephrosis was considered to indicate unre-sectable disease. With development of new surgicaltechniques and involvement of urologists, thesepatients are no longer considered inoperable.They may undergo a urinary diversion procedureas long as the pelvic sidewall is free of tumor. Preop-erative PET/CT is an essential part of curative pelvicexenteration planning to document the absence oftumor elsewhere.

In patients undergoing secondary cytoreduction,pelvic sidewall invasion and large bowel obstruc-tion are significant indicators of tumor nonresect-ability. Similar to primary ovarian cancer, bulkyupper abdominal disease, such as tumor in the gas-trohepatic ligament, gallbladder fossa, porta hepa-tis, and root of the mesentery, precludes optimalsurgical debulking (Fig. 11). The presence of largebowel obstruction is a strong indication of tumornonresectability. In the presence of large bowel ob-struction, secondary cytoreductive surgery is usuallyreplaced by palliative approaches.

In patients with recurrent ovarian cancer consid-ered for secondary cytoreductive surgery, preopera-tive CT identifies sites of disease and points outindicators of nonresectability; this may allow tailor-ing of the surgical approach and can have a direct im-pact on patient survival. The role of radiologist is notto point out unresectable disease, but to alert theclinician about potential complications during sur-gery. Depending on the institution, pattern of prac-tice, and personal experience of a surgeon, patientswith recurrent ovarian cancer ordinarily considered

unresectable can be triaged to surgery, whereas otherpatients with unresectable disease can benefit fromneoadjuvant chemotherapy or radiation.

Fig. 10. Resectable recurrent ovarian carcinoma.(A and B) Two different patients with similar findingsof recurrent ovarian cancer, manifested as a solitarymass in the pelvis. In both cases, the central pelvicmass (arrows) appears inseparable from the sigmoidcolon, requiring sigmoid resection. Bilateral pelvicsidewalls are free of tumor, however, and the diseaseis considered surgically resectable.

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Transvaginal ultrasound is a primary modality foradnexal mass detection and characterization. Thecurrent combined technique, which includes assess-ment of morphologic features and Doppler charac-teristics, gives the most accurate prediction ofmalignancy. Gadolinium-enhanced MR imagingserves as a problem-solving modality in cases of

Fig. 11. Unresectable recurrent ovarian carcinoma. (A)Multilevel obstruction of the right ureter by tumorimplants anterior to the right kidney encasing theproximal and distal right ureter with stent in place(arrows). Tumor deposit anterior to left kidney (ar-rowhead). (B) Tumor encasing the distal right ureteris inseparable from the pelvic sidewall, indicative ofunresectable disease. Multiple pelvic nodules (curvedarrow) are also evident. (C) Multiple tumor depositswithin the root of the mesentry (arrowheads) in theproximity of mesenteric vessels also indicate respect-ability. Bulky retroperitoneal adenopathy is shown(black arrow). Tumor deposit anterior to the rightkidney and proximal ureter (curved arrow).

indeterminate adnexal masses. A combination ofT1-weighted images and T1-weighted images withfatsaturation helps to differentiate most commonbenign adnexal masses, such as endometrioma andteratoma, from malignant ones. Contrast-enhancedCT of the abdomen and pelvis is the primary mo-dality for preoperative staging and treatment fol-low-up. In cases of pelvic recurrence, MR imagingis a preferred modality to assess tumor resectability.In equivocal cases when tumor recurrence issuggested by an increase in the tumor marker CA-125, but tumor implants are too small to be de-tected by conventional CT, combined PET/CT maybe valuable for determining tumor activity.


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