Download - Rainforest Book

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IntroductionThe Amazon rainforest is very important to our lives it gives of 1/5 of the world’s oxygen.A rainforest is a tropical that gets more rain than anywhere else in the world and has half the animals in the whole world.

Layers of the rainforestWe will be talking about the Amazon there are four layers of the rainforest the lowest layer of the forest is the forest floor it is 0 feet above the ground with very little plants and dim with little light. With animal such as anteaters and army ants. The second layer of the rainforest is the Understory form 0-60 feet above the ground with trees but less vegetation. It has a variety of animals such as Jaguars and reptiles. The third layer of the rainforest is the canopy 60-130 feet above the ground with animals like snakes sloths and toucans with much light and large leaves. The fourth layer is the highest layer named the emergent layer with trees such as evergreens and has very broad leaves. It has animals like butterflies,eagles,monkeys and bats.

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LocationThe Amazon rain forest is located in South America. In the countries of: Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. In the hemispheres of North-west an South-west. With the range of 5 degree N long 15 degree W lat and 45 degree S long an 75 degree W lat.

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ClimateThe rainforest is very large but does not really have seasons. The climate is

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tropical, humid and rainy. The annual temperature is 79-80 degree and the average rainfall a year is 60-80in.


The poison dart frog

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The yellow banded poison dart frog is a great example of a consumer. He is a predator and a carnivore. This animal is colorful and small but slimy. The habitat is the forest floor with surroundings of mulch, weeds, roots, and other insects with very little foliage. Nothing eats the small frog accept dumber animals such as young jaguars that cannot see bright colors that give of warnings to its predators. Those colors are adaptations that give warnings but the colors do not help the frog hunt its prey [small insects] they make it hard for the frog to

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capture its prey because it cannot


The black caimanThe black caiman is another organism that lives in the Amazon the appearance is scaly and, coerces. The habitat is on the forest floor in swamps and the Amazon River. Humans are the only thing that threatens it their skin is used for boots and cloths. This creature eats piranhas and spider monkeys making it a

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carnivore. Caimans adapts well they look like floating logs in the water; they also have invisible eyelids that keep them safe from Debreu in the water.

The Pitcher plantThe pitcher plant is indigenous to Ecuador the appearance is tall and skinny with faded colors. The funnel shaped plants habitat

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is the forest floor the plant is carnivorous. The plant eats flies and other small insects attracted to its smell. The plant goes through a cycle called photosynthesis witch the plant will take in Co2 then lets out


White orchid

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The white orchid flowers vary in sizes and many colors than just white. Their habitats are on the ground but sometimes been known to grow on plants or trees. This plant is a producer that means it makes its own food. Its predators are spider monkeys or any other basic herbivore. People outside the

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Amazon use it for decoration.

The yanomamiThe yanomami is the largest tribe in South America.With 25,000 people who live in 360 individual tribes and villages. The tribesmen get around by making trails,

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canoeing, walking, and by idea. Yanomami are indigenous their houses are made out of their surroundings also that is what their medicine is based on.

The macniguehgaMachiguenga has a population of 10,000 it is one of the larger tribes in the Amazon. This tribe

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is very useful of its resources; they make houses, medicine, colts, and weapons. Their culture is sacred and have beliefs of gods who rule the Amazonia(Amazon).

Conclusion The rainforest is a awesome place you like it don’t you? Well sadly the rainforest is threaten because of deforestation it at one time covered 14% of the world but now covers only 6%. But we can help with the act of conservation invest in the Amazon don’t let it die.Sources:

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