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RAN TAOID: 668728Tutorial Group: T 10Tutor: Caitlyn Parry

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Part A

A.1 Design Futuring

A.2 Design Computation

A.3 Composition/Generation

A.4 Conclusion

A.5 Learning Outcomes

A.6 Appendix-Algorithmic Sketches

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Self - IntroductionSelf - Introduction


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My name is Ran Tao, you can call me Ran which rep-resents happiness in Chinese. I am a third year archi-tecture student who born and raised in China. This is my first time to study abroad. The issues on language speaking are the most disturbing obstruction during the study period. I love traveling and photographing the architecture and the landscape of different cities. These are the symbols that record the history and culture of the city. I believed that architecture is similar to the tale which also includes the beginning, climax and ending. That requires visitors to experience them at first, after that gradually achieve deep reflection for the city.

My first time to touch on digital design was in the year one when I took the Visualising Environments. I learned about the basic knowledge of Rhino, CAD and Indesign that I can only use them to do some simple design. During year two, I almost did hand drawing and physical model making in Earth and Water studio that result in my digital design skill generally forgotten. I felt that I can come up with new and further designing ideas only by making physical models. During the making and draw-ing process, models could bring me the real reception and experience. Furthermore, I really enjoy the progress that the buildings were made step by step.

The algorithmic modelling is interested to me, but it is also a challenge for me. I am eager to learn grasshop-per and rhino to make my design more elegant and parametric and create more possibilities on design. Nothing is impossible, even if I did not know anything about the digital skill. I would put enough effort on the learning of grasshopper as soon as possible. Wishing my computational skills would be developed and boost-ed when finish the Studio Air.

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A.1. Design Futuring


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A.1. Design Futuring

In current years, belonging with the rapid development on economy, technology and society, the earth is trapped in an

unprecedented challenge. Human beings keep consuming the limited resources and destroy the environment which caused the damage on the natural environment and the unstainable development, such as global warming and water pollution.

Therefore, the importance of design was increased. Humans cannot wait for the chance to change the condition. Design is the only solution to the current urgently problem. 1Design futuring requires design-ers to create the most suitable things which beyond function and materials to promote against unsus-tainability in the future.

1 Tony Fry.Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Pratice (Oxford), p.4.

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The pavilion was designed by the architectural firm EMBT and completed with MC2 Structural Engineers which located in the Shanghai Expo. The structure and materials utilized in the pa-vilion were amazing and unpredictable. The project attempted to use the universal language of

material to connect the relationship between the Eastern and Western countries. The wicker, a natural material both traditional in Spain and China is used for covering the facade which make the pavilion liked a basket. The antiquated method to weave these wickers brings the historical elements into the future designing which lead to a new and unique weaving structure. The reference and improvement of historical elements also promotes the possibilities on designing.

The Spanish Pavilion for the Expo 2010EMBT

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The interior structure is made of steel and concrete. The highly irregular curved form is good at supporting loads which have ideal performance on deformation and seismic behaviour. The really complex form was

also inspired by the traditional structural form. Designers used computation to extend the possibility of the traditional curve. By using the digital skills and communicate several times with structural engineers the free form of the pavil-ion was achieved.

The building was destroyed now due to several reasons, but its concept and idea are good sources for learning. As the first weaving architecture, the usage of natural materials reflects the relationships between human and nature. Human beings’ future depends on the nature which is a sign to remainder people to pay attention to the natural environment. It is worthy to implementing. The concept on innovate radical things into traditional ideas is also can be utilize. I believed that designers should not abandon historical items. We should find an open minded approach to explore the potential advantages of design.

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House R128Werner Sobek

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The house was designed by Werner Sobek which located in Stuttgart, Germany. The facade of the house was fully glazed which it was the first time to make the idea of transparency come true. It advanced the transparency into further development and practice. The glazed facade enlarges the

ventilation, sunlight and sight views for the residents which provide different spatial experience inside and outside the building. The closer relationships between nature and human brought nature and archi-tecture come together. That was the first building in which on the same sight line through all the storeys.

The house was designed by Werner Sobek which located in Stuttgart, Germany. The facade of the house

was fully glazed which it was the first time to make the idea of transparency come true. It advanced the transparency into fur-ther development and practice. The glazed facade enlarges the ventilation, sunlight and sight views for the residents which pro-vide different spatial experience inside and outside the building. The closer relation-ships between nature and human brought nature and architecture come together. That was the first building in which on the same sight line through all the storeys.

I really like this design which not only achieve the sustainability, but also use the advanced technology in design as well.

The design of the house supposed to tell other architects, sustainability will lead fundamental change in the design. Putting sustainability in design is the compulsory choice for architects.

To make ecology breath takingly attrac-tive and exciting.

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A.2. Design Computation

In recent years, the rapid development of technology on computation can be found everywhere for solving problems

in the world which brings variety of ad-vantages. In particularly, the utilization in architectural design promotes tremendous changes and also provides more opportuni-ties for designers to encourage them to fake creativity (reference from the lecture)1.

1 Lecture for week 2

Different from computerization, computation is a practice of architecture which is the form of calculation which follows the well-defined model1. The digital will provide algorithmic formulation to help us design architectural spaces. Although, some scholars considered that we should keep the older design methods and processes. However, an increasing number of precedents showed that the benefits of com-putation are more than the disadvantages. The application of computation affects the design process and methods particularly.

1 Oxman. Theories of the Digital in Architecture,p.1

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Before the development of technology, the design process experienced special changes over fifty years. The design

became more concentrate on the logic of the algorithm. Computers can save all the changes and tracks done by architects, they can provide all the information to assist designers. 1Under these function, architects can develop variety of new and better solutions to fit problems. On the one hand, design is the process to change current situation to new situation which should reflect better and suitable solution. In the past, the methods were limited by the current tech-nology and strict rules which focus on the model and drawings. Computers can also make the report for designers to compare and analyse the distinction between solutions and former design2.

1 Kalay .Architectures New Media,p.12 Kalay .Architectures New Media,p.7

The application of computation also changes the relationship between architectural design and engineering. 1Due to the designing pro-cess communication, computation provides more opportunities for architects, structural engineers and more people to involve in the design process. It has established a collabora-tive design relationship between architect and engineer during design process which stimu-lates the energy and structural calculation.Along with the development of parametric design, a tectonic system has provided a pow-erful paradigm for material design in architec-ture as well as for the performative design of material system. This development makes ma-terial design be added to the past architectural design which enables architects to get involve in the design and usage of material. In another word, the design of material supplies more opportunities to achieved more and updated forms of buildings.

Finally, I found that it is significant to have the ability of to frame the problem in a manner when use the computation and also important to be able to predict how and where comput-ers can be useful in architectural design. I believed that computation make designers to break the limitation on presenting the design. They can achieve more complex and abstract design by using high level software.

1 Oxman. Theories of the Digital in Architecture,p.5

On the other hand, the designer must have the alibility of predict and evaluate the expected per-formance and emerge solutions along the criteria established by goals.1 The computation method will help to give the results quickly and can provide the unpredicted models for designers. In addition, computation also adds another design method for architects. It supplies the searching function which contains finding, developing candidate solutions, and evaluating them against goals. That makes the design much better and close to the desirable goal.

1 Kalay .Architectures New Media,p.13

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The Kuwait International Air-port which also designed by Foster+Partners which reflects

the application of geometrical compu-tations. The whole shape of the airport utilizes the geometry of triangle. The symmetry of the shape can ensure the airport can provide enough capacity for users and airlines. The each part of the triangle was reached by the triple rotational symmetry around the ori-gin. The usage of the digital tool make the symmetric representation becomes clearer, more compact and less prone to errors.

The huge roof covered the triangle which not only at the function of keep the rain off, but also can keep out the direct irradiation of

the sunlight. The material on the roof also uses the advanced technology, which represents the future tendency of the development of the architecture, achieving the balance between nature and human beings. In this design, the innovations does computa-tion present is that architects become possible to incorporate the topological considerations of a design. This new digital tool leads to the simple and convenient method that exploits symmetry and geometry opens up new design capabilities.

The Kuwait International Airport Foster +Partners

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The Kuwait International Airport Foster +Partners

The three parts of the airport in the parametric design provides more and new opportunities for the

future development of the airport. Archi-tects can use the software to change the algorithm in order to achieve larger capac-ity or better solution of the current design. The computation application makes the design more flexible and has more pos-sibilities for architects to search for the solutions.

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The National Bank of Kuwait Head-quarters was designed by the Foster+Partners which is an envi-

ronmentally responsive building under a really complex geometrical form. It designed by the development on para-metric models by relate to the geometric relationships between other elements. The groups used high level software to produce parametric models and achieve variety of models quickly. These mod-els provided different algorithmic data designers to compare and come up with more innovations and better solutions to achieve desirable situation. Peters presented that the process to applicate computation allows architects to extend and explore new ideas which increase the capability to solve problems. Under the usage of scripting, the designers wrote the environmental, functional and operational requirements into the program in order to get the rational shape of the building.

According to the calculation for the solar, wind and acoustic analysis in the parametric software, the shape was almost decided. The vertical structural shading fins covered with

the facade of eastern and western due to the local climate. The northern side was sealed off with glasses which provide sunlight and natural views. This concept of design considered the preceding architectural theory that try to bring design connect to the nature. The surrounding environment has significant influence on design. The computation provides more accurate information for designers to search for the better solution.

The National Bank of Kuwait Headquarters

Foster + Partners

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The fins on the eastern and western facade are not only used as shading, but also the loads supporting elements in the build-ing which consultant with the structural engineers. This is

due to the reason that parametric models provided specific data and predictable problem. It created the collaborative relationships be-tween architects and engineers. Engineers can easily create suitable structure according to the digital data rather drawings and models.

The parametric model contains a full geometric description of the construction build-up of the structural elements, and em-beds engineering input through linking to a data spreadsheet.

The elements can be adjusted for further development.

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A.3. Composition/Generation

Along with the development and the utilization of the computation tech-nology, the old or traditional design

methods have experienced a huge alteration. Hand drawing and model making are gradu-ally replaced by the digital modelling and al-gorithmic. The digital design provides more opportunities for designing, fabricating and also creates the new relationships between architects and structural engineers. It prob-ably increase and extend the possibilities and capacity for achieving more complex models.

The application of the digital model-ling is the process that shifts the model making into digital modelling. Mean-

while, the method for achieving analysis draw-ings is converted to the algorithmic drawings. Both of methods have benefits and shortcom-ings as well. Since the time of Renaissance, the scaled drawings and models had been largely utilized. Drawings present designers’ concept clearly and vividly. They allowed architects can communicate with engineers and clients and supply a real feeling of natural environments which shows the experiment and test of design solution of the form and function at the same time1. However, drawings made by hands consume a plenty of time and there are always some inevitable mistakes. The computation is the solution to these problems. Designers can redo and modify the drawings or model-lings in anytime for any part. Computation is redefining the practice of architecture, which already promoted the shift for architecture to digital and parametric technique as well as the shift from composition to generation.

1 Brady Peters, Computation works: The building of Algorithmic Thought, The Building of Algorithmic Thought, 83, p10

Computation can be used as the virtual drafting board which it is easier to edit, copy and increase the precision of

drawings.1Computation empower designers to extend their capability and intelligence for innovations.

1 Brady Peters, Computation works: The building of Algorithmic Thought, The Building of Algorithmic Thought, 83, p10

It has the potential to supply the inspi-ration to architects and help them to make models which cannot be ex-

pected and forward before. Computation also provides more chance to explore in the design environments, ecosystem and economic spending, instead of coming out the physical models.

In respond to the shift from composi-tion to generation, computation be-comes essential when designs need to

be completed. Computation allows design-ers to extend their abilities to deal with highly complex situation, especially benefit to larger scaled projects. They not only require to experiment and test the design by using algorithmic to write program and change the parametric data, but also create new environments to explore designs.1 The shift just provides more possibilities for designers to explore.

1 Brady Peters, Computation works: The build-ing of Algorithmic Thought, The Building of Algorithmic Thought, 83, p13

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Fondation Louis VuittonGehry Partners

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The parametric design is redefining the practice of architecture in the shift from composition to generation. In order to achieve best design out-

comes, it should take a long period of time on design-ing, planning, constructing and structuring. Applica-tion of parametric design is the solution to overcome these difficulties. It can provide all information that is required during the design and construction process. For example, it can predict the architectural design results, presenting different possibilities by changing the data and sliders.

The Fondation Louis Vuitton designed by Gehry Partners developed the conceptual model to structural model throughout the parametric scripting which also use it to develop the fabricate and install all aspects. It not only the art, but of design and technology. The parametric methods brought the design to the nest level. The biggest problem designers met in the design process is the collaboration between engineers and ar-chitects. The team developed the design idea through digital software, tools that allowed the calculation of each panel on the model, and the control of joint dis-tances between them which provides detail informa-tion for engineers and client to further achievement. A largescale prototype was constructed allowed the verification of the assembly of glass panels, and their effect in situation. Each iteration should be presented in specific structural model to find out the most suit-able method. This project is the good example of ap-plication on technology in architecture.

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Khan Shatyr is a giant transparent tent located in Astana which designed by the Foster+Partners. The team start-ed built the conceptual model and develop the further

forms by using the parametric tools. It is very efficient that the design team can quickly achieve generate design options for the cable net structure. The computation facilitate sthe parametric model to be used to develop and define the build-ing form. The three-layer envelops is designed to shelter the enclosed accommodation from weather extremes to allow sunlight to throughout the interior. The parametric tools cre-ated several forms. The computer program allows architect to simulate the structural forces of the cable net structure and generate the different form options. It also use the 3D print-ing method. Printing out the models to present for the clients. The geometry of this structure was developed in parallel with the cable net structure. It was ultimately rationalized to a se-ries of four concentric arcs that step up in elevation in a linear fashion. This allowed for simple site set out and construction strategy.

Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center

Foster + Partner

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A.4. Conclusion

How to make the architecture become more sustainable which still reserve the importance of function and form is the most significant

issue that require designers to solve in the future. Design is the process to frame the problem and find the solution to work it out. Along with the develop-ment of technology, computation became the signifi-cant method in design process, which provides more possibilities to solve problems and connect the context and building together. Architects could gradually understand the concepts of algorithmic, computation became a true method of design for architecture. In addition, computation makes the realization of design possible, computational approach and algorithmic thinking were push further by the development of dig-ital technology. This new method extends the intellect of the designer and increases the capability to solve problems. Computation is redefining the practice of architecture which reacts to the shift from composi-tion to generation.

When there were some mistakes, I required to redo the whole thing. Therefore, I am intended to combine computation and hand drawing ap-proaches together in the future design process. Hand drawing can help me present my ideas directly and provides more inspiration. Com-putation will make my process more efficient which allow me explore more possibilities and increase the capability of creating more solu-tions to the complex problems. I believed that is the most suitable method for me to the future design.

Before I take studio air, I never used any digital soft-ware to achieve my design. I felt uncomfortable when I use software and even do not know where can start. This might result from the reason that I was not fa-miliar with the application. Due to this reason, digi-tal tools seemed like the barrier for me to extent the inspiration and increase the imagination. Therefore I prefer to do some sketches and make models which can bring me closely to attach to the design idea, even it quite consumes time.

Along with the development of the technol-ogy, the algorithmic method will be promoted widely and the application of this technology will be developed as well. This almost depend on the effect from the largely usage of paramet-ric design. An increasing number of architects will aware of the significant of computation. Stimulating the intelligence and helping achieve various solutions and changes. Architects can relatively intuitively adjust the variables through parametric design to achieve best state of projects

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A.5. Learning outcomes

During the learning process for these three weeks, I felt excited but also dif-ficult to utilize the parametric software.

When I practiced on grasshopper, I gradually re-alized that parametric design is not only the tool or software for model making in order to save time. It on its potential to extends the possibili-ties and creates various solutions to the complex problems. Actually, the application of the soft-ware influences the thinking method, it changes my previous method that work on papers to reflect the design ideas. In addition, the para-metric tool always brings surprise. I can use it to achieve unpredictable and unbelievable forms of design. It widens the range of my imagination from some aspects.

I used to create some buildings in very regular and common form. When I put them in the grasshopper, the complex parametric tool can change the form into very abstract and radical shapes. The experience to improve the past work makes me realize the most significant advantage of using digital software. It increases the possi-bilities on changing the form or solution which still depend on the same ideas. Moreover, it pres-ents the results that I cannot predict and cannot achieve by hand drawing and model making.

I would like to facilitate my design by ap-plying digital tools in the design stages. Throughout the learning process, I found

that it is necessary to improve digital silks which can help me to obtain better under-standing of masters’ works and try to get the process how they achieve. In my opinion, parametric design will play an important role not only in the designing area, but also in construction and engineering area.

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A.6. Appendix-Algorithmic Sketches

This is my first time to touch with rhino and grasshopper. The differ-ent type of inputs and outputs for various commands almost make me crazy and dizzy. It quite difficult to achieve one outcome in a short

period of time. I was shocked about adjusting different variables to look at the incredible and dynamic shape that I never expect. During the practice, I believe that computation is capable to empower the imagination and inspi-ration of the designer and provides more chance for them to alter models. These three sketches were done by the triangulation from the mesh es which are in simple form. I will development my skill from part B. I have done some research that links to the computational techniques from Part A precedents. I will also explore through the new technology on materi-als in order to broaden the design opportunities. Improving the render and rhino skills immediately. The first sketch is set of blocks that achieve by tri-angulating the meshed surface. In order to make the height distinction, I use sliders to alter the height of the inside and outside of the individual columns. Each column aims in different form, the height different make them like to concentrate in the middle of the whole structure. The last one reflects the us-age of the quad tree in the mesh. I used orient to make the different squares to overlap with each other and arrange in the regular arrangement.

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Reference List

Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1–16

Grand opening of Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Kazakhstan the world’s tallest tensile structure,

Julio Martínez Calzón,Carlos Castañón Jiménez(2010). ARCHITECTURESTRUCTURING THE SPANISH PAVILION, EXPO 2010, SHANGHAI,pp.52-59

John Wiley & Sons Ltd.(2013)Integrated Computational Design National Bank of Kuwait Headquarters, pp.34-35

John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2013). Symmetry As Geometry Kuwait InternationalAirport, PP.28-31

Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25

Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Ar-chitecture (London; New York: Routledge), pp. 1–10

Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, pp. 08-15

Sobek, Werner. (2010) Radical sources of design engineer, pp.26-28

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B.1. Research Field

For the part B the case study, these search field of geometry is chosen for my exploration. In particular, the commands for patterning

which focus on perforating and transforming in a repetitive and predictable manner. Using different parametric to achieve different geometric structure, especially to achieve abstract facade and the struc-ture. Geometry has its own fluidity, order and con-sistency characteristics are suitable for constructing an interactive space.

As geometry will be used as basis on the interpretation of architecture, I believe that its order and fluidity attribute could further

link with a dynamic and well-ordered overview in our final design outcome. In addition, I also con-sider that give aesthetic manner alone to parametric design is not enough. Supported by Moussavi’s ar-gument in the paper of the Function of Ornament, a good outcome of architecture is supposed have great integration the concept of sustainability which combines with functional and representational features.

The approach in part B will be started from learning structural skyscraper explores the form of structural geodesics together with

the installation of sustainable energy.

As Moussavi mentioned that these internal orders that architecture gains an ability to perform relative to cul-

ture. It is necessary to consider urban setting and culture into design to provide a function as interactive living space. That is, the design outcome would be favourable not only in terms of its aesthetic beauty but also being an interactive living space to create the concept of sustainability.

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Aqua TowerStudio Gang Architects

The tower not only showed the features on the skyscrapers at that time, but also pre-sented and highlighted the condition of the

sculptural structure. Each level has diff erent struc-ture which creates the every level in the diff erent geometric lines. Th e whole shape of the building seems more fl exible and fl owability. It emphasizes the usage of geometry and technology to create the strong impression on the appearance and structure. To highlight the design propose and the main idea of the architecture.

Trying to arrest visitors’ attention by using rich colours and well defi ned graphics. Th e design was inspired by the striated lime-

stone along the edge of the lake. Moreover, this kind of sinuous shape is not just a mere formal ges-ture, but it is also a considerable strategy to extend the views and maximize solar shading. In the plan, the whole building is in the rational and common structure, true to the Mies legacy in the city. Aqua Tower is one of few tall buildings to create a com-munity on its facade. Combining a hotel offi ces, rental apartments, condominiums, and parking, along with one of Chicago’s largest green roofs, Aqua facilitates strong connections between people and to the city.

During the design process, Independent parameters combine to create Aqua’s archi-tecture which contains the contours, terraces,

pools and columns. ‘Pools’ of high performance glass and ‘hills’ of the fl oor plate extensions are visible from adjacent towers. Aqua’s distinctive form is achieved by varying the fl oor slabs across the height the tower based on criteria such as views, sunlight, and use. Strategically sculpting the shape of each fl oor slab off ers comfortable outdoor terraces, where neighbours can casually and comfortably intricate.

Aqua TowerStudio Gang Architects

The tower not only showed the features on the skyscrapers at that time, but also pre-sented and highlighted the condition of the

sculptural structure. Each level has diff erent struc-ture which creates the every level in the diff erent geometric lines. Th e whole shape of the building seems more fl exible and fl owability. It emphasizes the usage of geometry and technology to create the strong impression on the appearance and structure. To highlight the design propose and the main idea of the architecture.

Trying to arrest visitors’ attention by using rich colours and well defi ned graphics. Th e design was inspired by the striated lime-

stone along the edge of the lake. Moreover, this kind of sinuous shape is not just a mere formal ges-ture, but it is also a considerable strategy to extend the views and maximize solar shading. In the plan, the whole building is in the rational and common structure, true to the Mies legacy in the city. Aqua Tower is one of few tall buildings to create a com-munity on its facade. Combining a hotel offi ces, rental apartments, condominiums, and parking, along with one of Chicago’s largest green roofs, Aqua facilitates strong connections between people and to the city.

During the design process, Independent parameters combine to create Aqua’s archi-tecture which contains the contours, terraces,

pools and columns. ‘Pools’ of high performance glass and ‘hills’ of the fl oor plate extensions are visible from adjacent towers. Aqua’s distinctive form is achieved by varying the fl oor slabs across the height the tower based on criteria such as views, sunlight, and use. Strategically sculpting the shape of each fl oor slab off ers comfortable outdoor terraces, where neighbours can casually and comfortably intricate.

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This old warehouse on Jungong Road, Shanghai was originally used to store fabrics. Abandoned and dilapidated, it has now been given a new life as an office and exhibition space. Located in a newly formed artists’ complex, the area consists of three identical warehouse spaces totalling

1,200 sqm. The central warehouse has been converted into an outdoor recreational space and en-trance lobby serving the exhibition hall and the studio. The external parametric wall of the warehouse encloses the building on three sides. Parametric processes have been used here to superimpose the contours and definition of silk undulating in the wind - a sign of its past. The wall consists of concrete blocks, angled to create an interesting texture and varying amounts of light. Inside there are two meet-ing rooms and exhibition areas. The roof of this space has been left intact, simply renovated. Large windows run along both walls flooding daylight into the large open space.

AU Office and Exhibition SpaceArchi Union Architects

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B.2. Case Study 1.0

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Grasshopper is able to create infinite possibilities for parametric design from one primary source. In this part , the given grasshopper definition I chose is the Portrait Building. I was trying to change its different parts into simple or more complicated form by changing

existed parameters, replacing surface and adding new components in Grasshopper. The purpose of this approach is aimed to find more unexpected outcomes and possibilities.

At the first stage of experiment, the first iteration only altered the existing parameters without inputting new geometry or adding new definition. This allows me to get clear sense about how the primitive mechanism of curves influence on plans.

The second species was altered by transforming curves and changing the way of connecting two lines in order to explore different dynamic shape, amazing movement and continuity of well-ordered and parametric strips.

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The second species was altered by transforming curves and changing the way of connecting two lines in order to explore different dynamic shape, amazing movement and continuity of well-ordered and parametric strips.

The third species was done by repositioning and rotating geometries. Interactive lines give me different feeling.

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The fourth species explored more the structure. More possibilities of different outcomes are generated

by Voronoi, gradient and weaverbird. When I put weaverbird component, it is generating a very interesting wavy surface.

After experimenting and generating different species, I moved on to the selection criteria to pick up four iterations from 30 species. Basically, these selections will be helpful or enable me to process into further exploration and possibilities.

I believed that these four species that I would like to choose are able to use renewable and sus-tainable material (potential to be made of environmental-friendly material) and can be fab-ricated. They also need to have aesthetic characteristics and elegant shape in order to attract

visitors to come. Lastly, it is supposed to have further exploration (potential to have possibilities of further development).

In the case study, discovering many types of curves, layers and structure that could be formed by base geometries and various parameters are the main focus by base geometries and various parameters are the main focus to generate interesting outcomes. Therefore, play-

ing around with different basic things will give me some new inspirations, I believe that further development of this iteration may result in surpassing the conventional understanding of the patterning.

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B.3. Case Study 2.0

Construction group Grocon has unveiled the design for its latest project for Melbourne: a 32-storey residential tower designed by local architects Ashton Raggatt McDougall, which will be built on the site of the former Carlton & United Brewery. The façade of the tower will feature a portrait of

indigenous leader, William Barak.The image of Barak will be created using a striated balcony design, with undulations in the shape of the balconies outlining the features of the portrait so that, from a distance, the full portrait becomes visible.The design feature of the striated balcony has been explored by ARM previously, in their concept design for the Dupain Building in Sydneys Darling Harbour. The firms proposal for the harbourside commercial development featured a similar sequence of white balconies, cut away to reveal the image of Max Dupains photograph, Bondi. The building was designed and documented in 2005, but construction did not pro-ceed.

Portrait is the latest design to be revealed as part of Grocons large-scale redevelopment of the Carlton & United Brewery site in Melbournes CBD. The vacant site is set to be transformed into a mixed-use de-velopment, with buildings designed by firms including ARM, Denton Corker Marshall, Minifie Nixon, Sean Godsell, McBride Charles Ryan and NH Architecture. [“Studio505s Pixel Building”:] has recently been completed on the site.

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B.3. Reverse Engineer

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