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Reactive Applications with akka.Net

Anthony Brown


[email protected]

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HI, I’m Anthony

Software engineer at Adbrain

[email protected]


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Computers have changed… A lot

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Some of the changes

Faster processors More processor cores

More RAM Faster networks with more bandwidth

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We need to make sure applications are responsive to user actions

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Moore’s Law

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Scale up no longer possible

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What’s the options?

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CPUs have more cores Networks are faster

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Scale out is now possible

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Scale out relies on doing lots of work simultaneously

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To do work simultaneously, we need either parallelism or concurrency

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Parallelism is easy for Embarrassingly parallel tasks

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For more complex tasks, we need concurrency

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Is there a difference?

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Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 1

Thread 2

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Concurrency is hard

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We don’t want to write multithreaded code

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Use concurrency abstractions instead

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You’ve probably used one Tasks

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There’s another - actors

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Why are tasks bad?

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They’re not, they solve a different problem

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Promote isolation over co-ordination

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Actors are independent entities

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Why does this matter?

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We said we need applications to be responsive

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What does it mean for an application to be responsive?

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For an application to be responsive, it needs to work no matter what

the scenario

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Heavy load

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Service failure

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If we want to manage these, we need loose coupling

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Common language for these applications

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Reactive applications React to their environment

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using actors to write reactive applications

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an actor is

A mailbox behaviour state

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We saw that actors are strongly isolated, they encapsulate their


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To modify the state, we have a behaviour which is responsible for


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We invoke the behaviour by sending it a message

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Messages are processed serially but on separate threads

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An actor can

send a finite number of messages

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An actor can

spawn a finite number of actors

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An actor can

change how it responds to the next message

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How can we write actors?

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Using akka.Net

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Step 1 Define an actor

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class  GreetingActor  :  ReceiveActor  {          public  GreetingActor()          {                  Receive<string>(                          s  =>  Console.WriteLine(“Hello  ”  +  s));          }  }

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Step 2 Create an actor system

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var  system  =  ActorSystem.Create(“GreeterSystem”);

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Step 3 Spawn the actor

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var  greeterActor  =  system.ActorOf<GreeterActor>();

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where is my actual actor?

root actor



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Step 4 Talk to the actor

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What about F#?

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Full F# API

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Built upon Erlang foundations

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let  Actor  count  =          actor  {                  let!  msg  =  mailbox.Receive  ()                  printfn  “Message  %i:  %A”  count  msg                  return!  actor  (count+1)          }

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Resilience in distributed


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Cloud brings about failure

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your users don’t want to see THIS

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Need to isolate failures quickly and automatically recover from


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How can we isolate errors?

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Separate error channels

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Service aService B




user error

error action

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Handling increased load in a

distributed system

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Easiest way to scale is to make the servers bigger

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Scale up has a limit, scale out doesn't

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Scale out is easy with isolation

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Actors give us isolation therefore scalability is easy with actors

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Taking akka.Net to the next


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Connecting 2 actor systems in a client-server architecture

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Takes remoting to the next level

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Treat multiple machines as one actor system

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Cluster aware routers

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Cluster sharding

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Allows for easy CQRS and Event sourcing with actors

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Allows for sharing data between actors with strong eventual


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Where can I use akka.Net?

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IoT applications

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Job scheduling / cluster management

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User interfaces

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Microservices deployments

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akka.Net provides a solid foundation for the stronger constraints being

imposed today and in the future

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Want to learn more?

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akka.Net bootcamp

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Reactive applications with akka.Net MEAP soon

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Want to contribute?

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Plenty of up for grabs issues

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Q & A

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