Page 1: Read and Study Through the Bible: 2017€¦ · 3 STUDY OF THE BIBLE in One Year: Week FORTY-FIVE (Philippians – Colossians – 1&2 Thessalonians – 1&2 Timothy – Titus) PHILIPPIANS

Read and Study

Through the

Bible: 2017 Week Forty-Five:

Philippians – Colossians – 1&2

Thessalonians – 1&2 Timothy

– Titus

Week Forty-Six:

Philemon - Hebrews

Page 2: Read and Study Through the Bible: 2017€¦ · 3 STUDY OF THE BIBLE in One Year: Week FORTY-FIVE (Philippians – Colossians – 1&2 Thessalonians – 1&2 Timothy – Titus) PHILIPPIANS


Page 3: Read and Study Through the Bible: 2017€¦ · 3 STUDY OF THE BIBLE in One Year: Week FORTY-FIVE (Philippians – Colossians – 1&2 Thessalonians – 1&2 Timothy – Titus) PHILIPPIANS


STUDY OF THE BIBLE in One Year: Week


(Philippians – Colossians – 1&2 Thessalonians – 1&2

Timothy – Titus)


This is Paul’s letter of joy written from a prison cell to a

church he founded on his second missionary journey (Acts 16). In

spite of his outward circumstances, like his time in jail in Philippi,

he is full of joy. The reason for his joy is that everything he lived for

was being accomplished: “the things which happened to me have

actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel.” I would be

easy for the apostle to write a letter of joy from a palace, but from a

prison is very unusual, and appropriate because he wants their joy

to be in the Lord. There is a bit of a problem in this most blessed

church (4:2), and he does warn them of the legalists (3:2), but the

overwhelming attitude of this letter is joy in the Lord. All will be

well as they humble themselves and follow the example of Christ

(2:3-11). Chapter four is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible,

full of memorable verses.

THEMES for Philippians

• Joy – in the Lord. This letter is full of joy and exhortations

to rejoice in the Lord.

• Humility – Christ has set the example of humility and

exaltation by God. Cha.2

• The Worth of Christ – Paul gave up everything for the

excellency of knowing Christ. Cha.3

• Peace – peace with God is one thing; the peace of God is

something else. Cha.4

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• Generosity – Philippians is the most generous of Paul’s

many churches. Cha.4

OUTLINE for Philippians

I. Rejoice in God’s Plan, cha.1-2

God’s plan is for Paul to go to prison for the furtherance of

the gospel. His chains were in Christ. And for Jesus to die and

be exalted, that we might follows His example in humility.

II. Rest in God’s Peace, chas.3-4

God’s peace is upon those who forsake all for Christ, pray

about everything with thanksgiving, and think on certain things.

It is also for generous ones: “My God shall supply all your needs

according to His riches in heaven.”

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QUESTIONS for Philippians:

1. Why could the caption “Things couldn’t be better” be put with

Phil. 1:12-18

2. Why could the caption “Things could get better” be put with


3. What was the mind which was also in Christ Jesus?


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4. Why do we make good decisions and do good things? Phil.2:13

5. Why should certain people be held in esteem? Phil.2:19-30

6. What made Paul joyful that he had suffered the loss of all things?


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7. Instead of worrying about everything, what should we do and

why? Phil.4:6-7

8. When will the peace of God guard your heart and mind?

Phil.4:6-9 (You and God can’t worry about the same problem

at the same time.)

9. What can you do through Christ who strengthens you?


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This letter is the complement to Ephesians. Paul’s letter to

Ephesus emphasizes the Body of Christ and this letter to the

Colossians focuses on the Head of the body (the church). It is

supremely the document glorying in the greatness of Christ, the head

of the church and indeed all of creation. The purpose of the letter is

to correct heresy that demeans Christ and extols rituals and lesser

things. He does that by extoling the virtues and attributes of Christ.

In everything Christ is preeminent – first and foremost in

everything, exalted over everything – and the Christian life should

mirror that priority. “Because believers are rooted in Him, alive in

Him, hidden in Him, and complete in Him, it is utterly inconsistent

for them to live life without Him. Clothed in His love, with His

peace ruling in their hearts, they are equipped to make Christ first in

every area of life.” (Daily Walk Bible)

THEMES for Colossians

• Greatest prayer in all the epistles – cha. 1:9-14 We should

be praying this prayer for others all the time.

• Greatest Person in the universe – 1:15-22

• Greatest mystery in the Bible – 1:26-27

• In Him = with Him – 2:10 – 3:3:4

• Getting dressed for the day; what to put off and what to put

on - 3:8-11

• Home duties – 3:18-25

OUTLINE of Colossians

I. Christ – the Head of the Church, cha.1

II. Christ – the Lord of the Universe, cha.2

III. Christ – the Head in the Home, chas.3-4

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QUESTIONS for Colossians:

1. We normally pray for sick folks or lost people, but who did Paul

pray for? Col.1:3-6

2. List some things that Paul prayed for these Colossians. 1:9-14

3. List some things about Jesus Christ that we need to know.


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4. How are we to walk in Christ? Col.2:6-7

5. Why should we not subject ourselves to regulations? Col.2:16-


6. As the elect of God what should we do? Col.3:12-17

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7. List the one word responsibility of each family member.


8. Who was Epaphras? Col.4:12-13

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One of the best churches Paul had founded (on his second

missionary journey) and every chapter in this book speaks of his

affection for the relatively new converts. A typical seaport in the

Greco-Roman world was prosperous and pagan to the core, and

Thessalonica was not an exception. But Paul had brought the gospel

to them with power and they became followers of Christ and of Paul

who had labored among them in much affliction but with joy. This

is a letter of encouragement; they were being persecuted and he

urges them to persevere. He refutes the falsehoods they had heard

about him, and finally he corrects some misunderstandings they had

about the second coming of Christ.

THEMES of 1st Thessalonians

• Discipleship – They had become followers of the missionary

party and Christ. Cha.1-2 (Parental care is part of


• Tribulation (inevitable) – cha.3

• Sanctification – cha.4

• Rapture and Resurrection and Return – cha.4

• Day of the Lord – cha.5

OUTLINE of 1 Thessalonians

I. Personal, cha.1

II. Parental, cha.2

III. Prophetic, 4:13-5:10

IV. Practical, 5:11-28

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QUESTIONS for 1 Thessalonians

1. What is the essence of discipleship? 1:6-8

2. Explain how parenting is a part of discipleship. 1Thess.2:7-9

3. What hindered Paul from going back to them? 2:17-18

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4. To what have believers been appointed? 1Thess.3:3-4

5. What is the will of God concerning sexual immorality? 4:3-7

6. How are we to comfort those who have lost loved ones to death?


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7. What will happen in the Day of the Lord? 5:1-10

8. Whom should we recognize and esteem and why? 1Thess.5:12-


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“Since Paul’s first, the seeds of false doctrine have been

sown among the Thessalonians, causing them to waver in their faith.

Paul removes these destructive seeds and again plants the seeds of

truth. He begins by commending the believers on their faithfulness

in the midst of persecution and encouraging them that present

suffering will be repaid with future glory. Paul then deals with the

central matter of his letter: a misunderstanding spawned by false

teachers regarding the coming day of the Lord. Despite reports to

the contrary, that Day has not yet come, and Paul recounts the events

that must first take place. Laboring for the gospel, rather than lazy

resignation, is the proper response.” (Word Study Bible)

THEMES for 2nd Thessalonians

• Final Judgment and Glory - cha.1

• The Great Apostasy of the Last Days – cha.2

• The Coming of Satan – cha. 2

• Warning against Idleness – cha.3

OUTLINE of 2nd Thessalonians

I. Encouragement, cha.1

II. Explanation, cha.2

III. Exhortation, cha.3

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QUESTIONS for 2nd Thessalonians:

1. What are the believers’ persecutions and tribulations that they

endure and can we rest in them? 1:4-10

2. What must two things must come before Christ comes?


3. Describe the coming of the lawless one? 2Thess.2:8-12

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4. Why will all those people be deceived? 2Thess.2:10-12

5. Our confidence is in the Lord. Why? 2Thess.3:3

6. If a person will not work, what should he also not do?


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Timothy is the young disciple (discovered by Paul on his 2nd

missionary journey, Acts 16:1), son in the faith, and fellow minister

whom Paul set as pastor in Ephesus. In this letter we see that

Timothy faces a heavy burden of responsibility: false doctrine must

be corrected, public worship directed, mature leadership chosen and

guided, and widows cared for. This is really a church leadership

manual where Paul discusses the conduct of the leader and

members; how pastors and deacons are to act and those they lead are

to act toward them. Tim must be on guard lest his youth become a

liability, lest false teachers gain a foothold in his mind and church,

and he must beware of greed. Instead he is to pursue righteousness,

godliness, faith, and love. The key verse is 3:15, “I write so that you

may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God,

which is the church of the living God.”

THEMES of 1st Timothy

• The Law, 1:5-11

• The Mediator, 2:3-6

• Women’s Role in the Church, 2:8-15

• Qualifications for Pastors and Deacons, 3:1-13

• The Last Days, 4:1-3

• The Minister and the Ministry, 4:12-16

• Widows, 5:3-16

• Treatment of Elders, 5:17-22

• Greed, 6:6-10,17-19

OUTLINE of 1st Timothy

I. Organization of the Church, 1-3 (How people ought to

conduct themselves in church, 3:15)

A. Life in the Church, 1-2

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1. Law and Grace, cha.1

2. Worship and Women, cha.2

B. Leaders in the Church, 3

II. Operation of the Church, 4-6 (Set an example for the

believers, 4:12)

A. Dealing with False Teachers, cha.4

B. Dealing with Different Age Groups, cha.5

C. Dealing with Conflict, cha.6

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QUESTIONS for 1st Timothy

1. What is the lawful use of the law? 1:8-10

2. What is the first business of the church? 1st Tim. 2:1-2

3. What is the second business of the church? 2:3-7

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4. Why is the woman in the church to be in submission to the man?

1st Tim. 3:8-15

5. What is the job of the pastors and deacons? 1st Tim. 3:1-13

6. What is the chief characteristic of the last days? 1st

Tim. 4:1-4

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7. How will Timothy save himself and those who hear him? 4:12-


8. Which widows are to be taken care of by the church? 1st Tim.


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9. How should an elder/pastor/bishop be treated? 5:17-20

10. What is great gain and why? 1st Tim. 6:6-10

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Paul’s final epistle is a message of encouragement written

from prison to his coworker. The last thing you would expect from

a prison cell is a letter of encouragement, but Paul knew that

Timothy could use one. Timothy seems to have been timid, so Paul

seeks to embolden him in the ministry for the dark times ahead. It is

going to get worse before it gets better. He has Paul as an example

of someone who has faithfully lived and preached the gospel. He

had “fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith.”

(4:7) Timothy is exhorted to be faithful in his duty and doctrine; to

use the Holy Scriptures and follow the example of Paul (3:10-17) to

become thoroughly equipped for every good work.

THEMES in 2nd Timothy

• Metaphors for Ministry, 2:1-6

• The Last Days, 3:1-5,13-15

• The Scriptures, 3:15-17

• Preaching, 4:1-5

• Epitaph, 4:7-8

OUTLINE for 2Timothy

I. Faithfulness in Our Duty, chas.1-2

A. Our Calling to the Word, cha.1

B. Our Calling to the Work, cha. 2

II. Faithfulness in Our Doctrine, chas.3-4

A. Last Day Apostasy from the Scriptures, 3

B. Last Day Announcement from the Scriptures, 4

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QUESTIONS for 2nd Timothy:

1. Why would Timothy be tempted to fear? Why should he not

fear? 1:6-12

2. List the metaphors for ministry given in 2Tim.2:1-6. What

would be a chief characteristic of all of these?

3. What are some good things to remember when discussing

controversial things? 2Tim.2:24-26

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4. Describe the last days? 2Tim.3:1-5

5. Who will suffer persecution for Christ? 2Tim.3:12

6. For what is the Bible profitable? 2Tim.3:16-17

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7. Why is Timothy admonished to preach the word? 2Tim.4:1-5

8. What would you like to be your epitaph, the words on your

tombstone? 2Tim.4:6-8

9. When everyone else fails you, who will stand with you?


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Another one of Paul’s young preacher boys, Titus is left on

Crete with a people who have a horrible reputation as lazy liars and

gluttons (1:12-13). To make sure the new believers scattered though

out this largest island in the Mediterranean Sea are cared for and

encouraged to live holy lives full of good works, Timothy is to select

and train pastor-elders-bishops of the highest Christian spirituality

and morals. These are to speak the things which are proper for sound

doctrine to each age group in the church (2:1-10). Creed must be

accompanied by conduct, belief by behavior and doctrine by duty.

They are each a side of the same coin. The key verse in this short

epistle that summarizes the whole is 3:8, “That those who have

believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.” Faith

without works is dead, empty and vain. “Christ gave Himself for us,

that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for

Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” (2:14)

Titus is very similar to 2nd Timothy. “And let our people learn to

maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be

unfruitful.” (3:14) Titus is similar to 1st Timothy in many ways.

THEMES for Titus

• Elders, 1:5-14

• Savior, 1:3; 2:10; 3:4

• Regeneration, 3:5

• Sound Doctrine, (everywhere)

• Works, (again, everywhere in this epistle)

• Appearance of Jesus, 2:11-14

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OUTLINE of Titus

I. Elders, cha.1

II. Exhortations, 2:1-3:8

III. Eliminations, cha.3

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QUESTIONS for Titus:

1. What is the difference between an elder and a bishop? 1:5-9

2. How is the elder’s job to be consistent with his character? 1:5-


3. List what Paul tells Titus about the responsibilities of each group

in Titus 1:1-10

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4. Why did Christ give Himself (His life) for us? Titus 2:13-14

5. How has God saved us? Titus 3:3-7

6. What are we to avoid and reject? Titus 3:9-11

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Philemon - Hebrews


Philemon was a friend of Paul’s and the owner of a slave

named Onesimus who had wronged his master and escaped to Rome

where he ran into Paul and was converted to Christ. Now Paul is

sending him back to his owner so he sends a postcard epistle of

recommendation urging Philemon to receive him as he would Paul

and as a brother in Christ. Back in the day slaves were crucified for

this offense. This is where the rubber meets the road when it comes

to living out the Christian life. There will be need for forgiveness

and the recognition of a disobedient (at least to the cultural norms of

his day) slave as a brother in Christ. Grace and mercy is called for

and Paul is confident that Philemon will have both in light of his

relationship with Paul and Christ.

THEMES of Philemon

• Love - the theme of love runs throughout this postcard


• Intercession - Paul plays the role of an intercessor in this


OUTLINE for Philemon

I. Praise for Philemon, v.1-7

II. Petition for Onesimus, 8-21

III. Preparation for Paul, 22-25

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QUESTIONS for Philemon:

1. Who was Philemon? v.1-7

2. Who was Onesimus? v.10-11

3. Explain what an intercessor is. v.12,17-19

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An anonymous writer sent this letter of encouragement to

professing Jewish/Hebrew Christians who were suffering

persecution for their commitment to Christ and considering

reverting back to the safe confines of the Jewish religion (10:38-39).

His instruction is to continue with the better (Let us go on to

perfection, 6:1) and his information that would inspire them to do

that is how much better Christ is than the old Jewish faith. Christ is

better than the angels who gave the law, Moses who wrote the law,

and the law itself, Aaron who was the first high priest; in Christ we

have better promises, a better Sabbath, a better sacrifice, a better

covenant, a better everything. There are five warnings to not go back

and many exhortations to go on to perfection/maturity. If they do

go back they will put themselves under the strict discipline of a

loving heavenly Father (12:3-11).

THEMES of Hebrews

• Better, 1:4; 6:9; 7:7,19,22; 8:6; 9:23; 10:34; 11:16,35,40;


• Perfect - 2:10; 5:9,14; 6:1; 7:11,19,28; 9:9,11; 10:1,14;

11:40; 12:2,23

• Christ – the writer is continually extolling the excellences

and superiority of Christ.

• Covenant – the New Covenant (grace) is better than the Old

Covenant (law).

• Faith - the just shall live by faith and Hebrews gives many

examples of this.

• Divine Discipline - Those who depart from the faith make

themselves the subjects of harsh discipline.

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• Priesthood – Hebrews explains why Christ’s priesthood is

superior to the Aaronic priesthood.

• Sanctuary – the earthly is compared to the heavenly

OUTLINE for Hebrews

I. Christ is Superior to the Angels, 1-2

II. Christ is Superior to Moses and Joshua, 3-4

III. Christ is Superior to Aaron’s Priesthood, 5-7

IV. Christ is Superior to Mosaic Law, 8-10

V. Christ is Superior in the Christian Life, 11-13

Five Warnings: These are the most serious warnings against

backsliding in the Bible.

1. Warning Number 1 (2:1-4)

2. Warning Number 2 (3:7-4:13)

3. Warning Number 3 (5:11-6:20)

4. Warning Number 4 (10:26-39)

5. Warning Number 5 (12:15-29)

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QUESTIONS for Hebrews:

1. List as many of the things Christ is superior to in Hebrews 1-4

2. What two words or expression in Heb.2:1-3 describe the

beginnings of backsliding/apostasy?

3. The word used to describe backsliding are stronger in Heb.3:12-13.

What is it?

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4. What do you think the warning in Heb.6:4-9 means?

5. Who was Melchizedek and why bring him into the discussion?


6. What makes the New Covenant better than the Old one? Heb.8:7-


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7. Why are we not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together?


8. List some heroes who all died in faith? Heb. 11

9. Describe the discipline of the Lord. Heb.12:3-11

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10. Compare Mt. Sinai to Mt. Zion. Heb.12:18-24

11. What is one safeguard against apostasy? Heb.13:7,17

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