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Release D+Eissues reported with problem on time field, fixed that by using source.GUI fixes on SNTP pagesGUI fix on FTP modify pageIf you upgraded a previous version of kernel 45 and bootloader 69 youonly need to upgrade the webinterface.==================================================================================================Readme first for RDC 45 firmware with bootloader 69Release CDennis SlagersReported: SMB delete function removed again. Failure with SRC .. bummer .. solved it===================================================================================================Readme first for RDC 45firmware with bootloader 69Release BDennis SlagersReported by users: DHCP configuration functionality was not applicable. Fixed this problem (no idea what it was, but took some special code and replaced it)updated all files and released it as version BIf your device is already updated with latest kernel and loader, than you only need to updateyour nasb.web file from the /WEB/ folder===================================================================================================Readme first for RDC 45 firmware with bootloader 69by Dennis Slagers / 20-09-2006Released by RDC 2006/08/31First of all: this firmware does work on my RDC basedLANDISK (Conceptronic CHD3LAN).Mainly there are 3 EPROM types used EON, SST, ACTRANS. In all circumstances RDC has tested these with a pass.Although I did test it on various CHD3LAN I cannot guarantee that itwill work on your RDC2882 based LANDISKThe firmware consist of 3 parts1. Loader2. Kernel3. WebInterfaceBasically what I do is: use Loader & Kernel from RDC and use a modified HTMLinterface as the general GUI is ugly. Please note: this is tricky as my HTML GUI is using the limits andboundaries of the EPROM. The firmware cannot grow bigger as the memory is notthat big. Fancy logo's are impossible.For this version I use RDC45 with bootloader 69.BugFixes as released by RDC1. Failing renaming file names (CONCEPTRONIC to Conceptronic): solved2. Files >4GB could not be deleted: solvednote: through some tricks the FAT32 formatted HD can support >4GB files !(only through LAN)3. Problem with writing samba config policy: solved4. Problem with writing DHCP client policy: solved5. Problem with allowing seek over file size with RAM/FLASH file system: solved6. Problem with Disk/Format disk policy: solvedOwn Bugfixes:1. Changed status page html internal code !# became !-#, status page now working again with 452. Changed html problem with SNTP daylight time saving issueKnown bug:The internal webserver seems to crash when using multiple times F5 (refresh). (Call it abusingthe LANDISK) turn off/on will bring the device back to live. This behaviour I have with thestandard generic firmware of RDC as well, so I think it is introduced during BASIC45 and LOADER69.Together with the firmware RDC released tools for better maintenance of the device1. Quick Update Utilitythis utility will search for LANDISKS in your network and you can upgrade them easily.Note: this utility allows you to update: LOADER+KERNEL+WEB !Note: I believe this only works if you have loader 67 or higher cause loader 66 was failing by me.2. Configuration UtilityAs F5 can crash the internal webserver (not confirmed by RDC) you can use the 1.1 RDC configtoolNote: No Support for Daylight time saving.Added Features1 Netbench V7.03 Support (not sure if you want to know, cause speed is not the biggest feature of this device) 2. Windows DOS command supportRelease by me for youWEB-KERNEL-LOADERNASBASIC45 with loader69 including latest HTML GUIWEB-KERNELNASBASIC45 with latest HTML GUIWEBlatest HTML GUILOADER69Loader69 with MT.exe when you the quick upgrade tool does not work.UTILITYQuick Update toolConfiguration ToolHTML-GUI HTML Source. Modify and send back to me. I will create new firmware based on your source. the 'compiling' stuff I cannot provide unfortunately. NO WARRANTIES, MONEYBACK or anything else.BUT FEEDBACK IS WELCOMETjsak!

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