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KENNEDY KING COLLEGEOne of the City Colleges of Chicago


Course Syllabus – spring 2017


Instructor’s name: Ms. Perpetua Ruiz

Instructor e-mail: [email protected]

Office Phone number: (773) 602-5263

Office Location: Y271

Office Hours: TR: 08:20 a.m. to 09:20 a.m.TR: 12:25 p.m. to 01:55 p.m.


Semester and Year: Spring 2017

Course Subject, Category Number:

CIS 101

Section (lecture): Section NW

Class Number 61482

Section (laboratory): Section NWX

Class Number 61483

Length of Course: 16 weeks, January 17, 2017 – May 11, 2017

Form of Course Delivery: Face-to-face

Class Meetings Days and Times

TR: 03:30 p.m. – 05:10 p.m.Lecture: 03:30 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. Laboratory: 04:01 p.m. - 05:10 p.m.

Building and Room Number: Y110

Course Pre-requisite(s): Eligibility for English 101 based on prior coursework or COMPASS, ACT, or SAT test scores, or Consent of Department Chairperson. 3 hours 20 minutes

Credit Hours: 3 credit hours


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Contact Hours: 3 hours and 20 minutes

Lecture Hours: 1 hour

Lab Hours: 2 hours and 20 minutes

IAI Code None

Course Website:


1. TextbookDiscovering Computers 2016Authors: Misty E. Vermat, Susan L. Sebok, Steven M. Freund, Jennifer T. Campbell, Mark Frydenberg ISBN-13: 978-1305-39185-7Copyright year: 2016 Cengage Learning

2. Other materialsUSB Drive Hotmail or Outlook email account

IV. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: An introductory course in computer science and programming, with emphasis on the logical analysis of a problem and the formulation of a computer program leading to its solution.  Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, computer types, cloud computing, and computer programming languages.  Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.

V. COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the basic components of a computer system2. Describe the characteristics of a computer3. Describe the System Unit4. Identify input devices5. Identify output devices6. Distinguish between system software and application software7. Use application software such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, HTML8. Understand the functions of an operating system9. Explain how to access the Internet and the Web10. Create and use accounts to use services available in Cloud Computing11. Know concepts of data communication, network components, and Internet protocols


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12. Describe acceptable coding practices, including appropriate use of comment tags13. Understand Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number systems14. Formulate algorithms, write pseudocode, and write a computer program to solve simple

problems using a computer

VI. MEASUREABLE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon satisfactory completion of this course the student will be able to:a. Identify the characteristics of a PC’s software components and make wise choices for her

personal computational needsb. Identify the characteristics of a PC’s hardware components and make wise choices for

her personal computational needsc. Create, save, and print simple Web pages, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets,

PowerPoint presentations, and databases, using open source software, and/or application programs installed in the computer labs.

d. Identify and analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals and society.e. Identify and analyze social, professional, ethical, legal, and security issues in computing.f. Demonstrate how to create, save, edit, and print files created using software available on

the Cloud.g. Demonstrate how to upload, download, and share files on the Cloudh. Write programming code using binary, octal, and hexadecimal number notationsi. Identify and use computer concepts and solve simple programming problemsj. Apply critical thinking skills in the solution of problems that require the use of


VII. TEACHING METHODS: This course will employ the following methods CAI: Computer assisted instruction D: Discussion E: E-mail correspondence F: Flip the classroom I: Independent Study L: Lab activities Le: lecture O: Online activities P: Presentations

VIII. STUDENTS COURSE IS EXPECTED TO SERVE:Students may take this course to meet concentration requirements for an Associates in Science transfer degree or A.A.S. degree in Computer Information Systems, or to fulfill requirements for an occupational certificate, or to prepare for other careers in the area of information technology.


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This course is for students who: Desire to gain or extend their knowledge using computer technologies and programming. Are interested in Business, or Computer Information Systems (CIS) as a major or career

goal. Are AA or AS degree students and wish to count it as an elective. Own or plan to acquire a microcomputer for their own use.

VIII. ACTIVE PURSUIT CRITERIA: Please be advised that the college and the Business and Information Technology Department expect each student to demonstrate that he/she is actively pursuing the course's objectives. If, in the judgment of the instructor, the student fails to demonstrate this active pursuit of the course's objectives, the student will be ADW and withdrawn from the course at midterm. To avoid an automatic ADW at midterm (student will receive an “ADW” on his/her transcript). The Business Department requires that the student must have at least a "C" grade. The foregoing does not preclude the instructor from setting a higher standard for active pursuit of course objectives

Active pursuit is the completion of assignments, exams, quizzes, in-class-activities, as well as maintaining attendance, etc. For this class, students will be considered as Actively Pursuing the course if he/she meet the following criteria at midterm

1. Student demonstrates frequent class participation2. Student obtains the required materials 3. Student completes assignments, projects, trainings, and exams. 4. Student attends classes regularly (at least 80% or more of the total classes already presented)5. Student cooperates to maintain a learning environment in the classroom during the class time.

Students are not meeting the criteria for active pursuit if they have missed more than 50% of the coursework and 50% of the classes prior to the end of the 8th week of class.

IX. BLACKBOARD ACCESS INSTRUCTIONSTo access Blackboard please go to and enter your CCC user name and password. Your course will appear once you are logged in. If you do not have (or forgot) your CCC username and password, go to and click on the link at bottom of the screen to retrieve your username.

X.METHODS OF ASSESSMENTFor each credit hour of class, plan to spend at least two hours each week working on your assignments, which could be, projects, homework activities, portfolios, etc. therefore, for this three credit hour class you should spend a minimum of six hours on these activities.


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The following are the assessments applied regularly.

a) Class progress: Percentage of work done in the classroom during class period b) Homework: Assignments related to the chapter’s lecture (hands on exercises) c) Quizzes: A short test of approximately 15 questions (true or false, or multiple choice, or

matching).d) Exams: e) Muddiest pointsf) Writing assignmentg) PowerPoint presentationh) Electronic portfolio i) Hard copy portfolio

After completing CIS 101 students should be well prepared for further study in Computer Science topics such as operating systems, network administration, programming, and database design or administration. Students will have gained some basic programming experience and basic use of programming tools required in more advanced CS courses.

XI. WRITING REQUIREMENT:A research paper: Five page research project. (Apply MLA Style). The topic for this paper must be related to the course’s content and approved by the instructor. This paper is due by the end of week 12. Save this assignment in your flash drive and in OneDrive (cloud)

XII. GRADING You final grade is based on your combined performance on the categories listed in the table below


Category Total Points Percentage

Class presentation 25 25 02.5%

Class progress (12 chapters + 3 Programming assignments)

15 * 10 = 150 15.0%

Homework (12 Chapters+3 Prog. chapters) 15 * 10 = 150 15.0%

Quizzes (12 chapters + 3 Prog. chapters) 15 * 8 = 120 12.0%

Exams 15 * 30 = 450 45.0%

Writing assignment (Research paper) 40 40 04.0%Electronic portfolio (flash drive and cloud) 20 + 20 40 04.0%

Hard copy portfolio 20 25 02.5%

Total: 1000 100.0%



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Point System: 1000 total assigned pointsGrade A if total assigned points ≥ 900Grade B if 800 ≤ total assigned points < 900Grade C if 700 ≤ total assigned points < 800Grade D if 600 ≤ total assigned points < 700Grade F if total assigned points < 600

XIII. EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS: Attendance is mandatory. Consistent tardiness is not tolerated, every two times the student arrives late are considered

as one absence. Students are expected to turn in all work on time.  Late assignments are NOT ACCEPTED unless prior approval from the instructor.  Class participation is essential for the student’s success.  Participation grade includes

attendance, timely homework submission, commands’ demonstration (using the classroom’s computer and projector) 

There is no tolerance for cell phone usage, excessive chatter among peers, text messaging, and inappropriate comments, you will lose 25% of your class progress grade each time you leave the classroom or your name is called for disrupting the class.

All assignments should be turned in to the instructor on the specific class deadline. Emailed assignments to the instructor are not accepted unless stated by the instructor.  These

emails should be sent to Blackboard email address for the course or to any other email account specified by the instructor

 XIV. EXPECTATION OF INSTRUCTOR: The instructor will begin and end each class session on time. The instructor will be prepared for each class session. The instructor will be available during office hours and will be otherwise accessible via

email, Blackboard and/or office phone.  The instructor will return work promptly The instructor will make sure that the students are competitive when they finish the course,

not only academically, but through ethics and behavior.

XV. INSTRUCTOR POLICIESa) Student preparedness: You are expected to read the assigned chapter prior to the

lecture. Lectures will be short, to the point, and will discuss the highlights of the chapter. Every student will come to class with knowledge of the chapter and topic to be presented.

b) Assignments: A copy of your homework, presentation, projects, etc. must have been uploaded to OneDrive (before class), a copy must be saved in your flash drive, and a hard copy must be provided to your instructor. .Plan to spend at least six hours each week working on your assignments (projects, homework, tests, etc.).

c) Classroom Learning Environment: In order to create a safe and healthy learning environment for all students in the class, it is critical that you treat your fellow students and your instructor with respect and consideration.  Disruptive and/or disrespectful


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behavior can result in removal from the class and possible dismissal from the college.  Some disruptive behavior examples are defined for this course as: o Sleepingo Cell phone ringing and text messaging during or outside of classroom during class periodo Verbal and non-verbal expressions that display disregard for feelings of otherso Coming to class late and disrupting the class with inquiries about what is going ono Coming in and leaving the classroom to take care of personal businesso Talking to peers around you during class timeo Surfing” the Web during class, for purposes no related to the class’ lectureo Have electronic objects hanging from your ear, neck or/and pocket

d) Attendance: Attendance and punctuality are expected for each one of the class periods. Regular class attendance will maximize your chances to succeed in this class Attendance is related to good performance. District and College attendance policies are listed in the college catalog and the Student Policy Manual:

e) Student Support and Communication: Student may see the instructor during office hours for one-to-one meeting related to student success in the course, or may call the instructor at (773) 602-5263, or send an email using GradesFirst, or [email protected]. Instructor will respond in a period of 48 hours. Student should check his email daily.

f) Late and Make up Work: Due to a justifiable reason the student would be allowed to submit or complete assignments after he due date without penalty, otherwise the student would receive 75% of the grade for being late, no more than one week, and 50% of the grade for being late no more than two weeks, no assignments would be graded after two weeks.

XVI. COLLEGE POLICIES a) Administrative Withdrawal (ADW): Students are required to attend class. A student

may be awarded an administrative withdrawal (ADW) at midterm if the instructor determines that the student is not actively pursuing completion of the course, based upon the instructor’s active pursuit criteria.

b) No-Show Withdrawal (NSW): Students are required to attend class. Students will be issued a no-show withdrawal (NSW) under the following circumstances Courses that meet more than once per week: students who do not attend the first two

(2) class sessions will be withdrawn from the class by the instructor and issued an NSW.

Courses that meet once per week: students who do not attend the first class session of a course which meets only once per week will be withdrawn from the class by the instructor and issued an NSW.

c) Student Code of Conduct: All students are expected to review and abide by guidelines outlined in the Academic and Student Policy, which can be accessed at . : City Colleges of Chicago students are expected to


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conduct themselves in a manner which is considerate of the rights of others and which will not impair the educational mission of the College. Misconduct for which students are subject to College Discipline (e.g. expulsion) may include the following: (1) all forms of dishonesty such as stealing, forgery, (2) obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceeding, (3) physical or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, and/or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, and (4) carrying or possession of weapons, ammunition or other explosives.

d) Academic Integrity and Dishonesty: CCC is committed to the ideals of truth and honesty. Students are expected to adhere to high standards of honesty and integrity in their academic endeavors. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind are serious violations of these standards. In individual cases of academic dishonesty, sanctions may include one or more of the following: an F grade on an assignment where academic dishonesty occurred, a written warning, a failing grade for the course, and/or issuing of an academic dishonesty withdrawal. The severity of the penalty is left to the discretion of the instructor. A student may appeal a finding of academic dishonesty. Additional sanctions may be imposed up to and including dismissal from CCC when circumstances warrant it and/or the revocation of a previously awarded degree or certificate. A student may appeal additional sanctions.

XVII. FEDERAL AND STATE STATUTES AND MANDATES a) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Kennedy-King College abides by the Americans

with Disability Act and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( and will provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities covered by these laws.  If you have a disability for which you may require accommodations, please contact the Disability Access Center located in room W-108 or call (773) 602-5278.

b) Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Our College also abides by federal privacy laws on behalf of students and employees. For more information, go to

XVIII. RESOURCES FOR STUDENT SUCCESSa) Free Tutoring on Campus: Students are encouraged to get help and support with their

studies by participating in individual and group tutoring through the Academic Support Services Department. Kennedy-King's Academic Support Centers offer free tutoring and academic support services to assist students in achieving personal and academic success. We encourage any student to seek tutoring to gain a deeper comprehension of course content and to enhance learning development.

You can find tutors available in the following locations, CIS Lab Y218 (by appointment)


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b) GradesFirst: GradesFirst is a student support system that will be used by faculty, advisors and tutors to help students achieve success in their classes. Use GradesFirst to schedule tutoring or advising appointments, or to see communications about your course progress generated by your professors.

c) Advising: Academic Advisors are available to assist you at every stage of your education at Kennedy-King College—from clarifying education and career goals, to academic planning, to helping you succeed along your journey, to applying for graduation. Students can make an appointment to meet with their academic advisor by calling (773) 602-5111, visiting the Advising office in W-240, or going online to GradesFirst (

d) Career Planning and Placement: Kennedy-King Career Planning and Placement provides comprehensive services to help you make informed decisions about careers. We also help you successfully transition into the workforce. Make an appointment in the U-Building Room 2X1 or call 773-602-5307.

e) Computer Labs: Computers and print stations are available for students to write a paper, research for class, or check email. Student computers are located in the Open Computer Lab (W-255) and Library (X-Building).

f) Disability Access Center: The Disability Access Center (DAC) works directly with students and in coordination with faculty and administrators to facilitate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities; the DAC strives to remove barriers to equal access and create a campus environment of inclusivity. Any student with a disability, including a temporary disability, who is interested in reasonable accommodations, should contact the Disability Access Center as soon as possible.  It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Access Center and no accommodations will be made in the classroom unless directed and approved by the Disability Access Center.  The contact information is as follows:  (773) 602-5278. The DAC is located in Room W-108, and is open Monday–Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

g) Library: Kennedy-King College Library is located in the X building. Students can find information for their research through the library’s databases as well as check out and take home circulating books. For library use, choose from encyclopedias, or subject Reference books. Course Reserve books and textbooks for classes are available to check out and be used within the library. The Library has 29 computers to assist with research assignments. Laptops can be checked out for 2 hours and are for in library use only. For more information and for our library hours, go to

h) Transfer Center: The Transfer Directors on your campus are here to help you transition to your dream school. Services include 1:1 Transfer Advising Scholarship Research Assistance Campus Tours


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Schedule College Representative visits to Kennedy-King College Transfer Fairs Transfer Workshops, Information Sessions and Conferences College Application Assistance (Application Fee Waivers and Complimentary

Transcripts) Extensive Transfer Resources Center Exposure to Transfer Partnership Agreements / Articulation Agreements

Stop by the Transfer Center in W-118 or call (773) 602-5285 to learn more.

i) Veteran Services Center: The Veterans Services Center is a centralized, on-site source of support and access to veterans-specific information and resources. Our mission is to improve the overall capability, resources, well-being and success of all veterans attending Kennedy-King College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago and to assist them with transferring to institutions of higher learning and entering the workforce.

Our Veterans Services teams are staffed by veterans and skilled we understand the unique challenges our returning veterans face when making the transition from active duty military to college life. Not only do we provide one-on-one services, our Veterans Services Centers also provide a welcoming environment where veterans can meet and network with other veterans, relax, or study. We encourage you to take advantage of the services we provide and look forward to welcoming you to Kennedy-King College! Stop by the Veterans Service Center in V-229 or call (773) 602-5152 to learn more.

j) Wellness Center: If poor study skills, stressful life circumstances or any other personal challenge is hindering your Student Success, free confidential help is available on campus at the wellness center! Stop by V-138, call (773) 602-5280, or email [email protected] .

XIX. CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCTIn order to create a safe and healthy learning environment for all students in the class, it is critical that you treat your fellow students and your instructor with respect and consideration.  Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior can result in removal from the class and possible dismissal from the college.  Some disruptive behavior examples are defined for this course as:

1) Sleeping2) Cell phone ringing and text messaging during or outside of classroom during class period3) Verbal and non-verbal expressions that display disregard for feelings of others4) Coming to class late and disrupting the class with inquiries about what is going on5) Coming in and leaving the classroom to take care of personal business6) Talking to peers around you during class time7) Surfing” the Web during class, for purposes no related to the class’ lecture8) Have electronic objects hanging from your ear, neck or/and pocket


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Any act of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal right of students to question and discussion with the instructor the educational process relative to subject content will be reported to the Department Chair, and the student will be removed from the classroom temporarily or permanently depending on the seriousness of the student's behavior.

XX. GRADE’S COMPLAINT:If any of the student’s grades (Except final grade) has been erroneously calculated, contact the instructor via e-mail, within two weeks of the day you have received the grade. Overdue grade’s complaint will not be considered

XXI. GRADE APPEAL POLICY:The appeals policy applies to the course final grade only. There is an Appeal Procedure for Instructional Grading (see Student Policy Manual, Part V, for the complete Grade Appeal Process). The appeal process must be accomplished within one term (excluding the summer term) of the final grade’s assignment.

XXII. STUDENT’S COMPLAINT:If the student has a personal complaint related to the instructor, or instruction materials, the student must state in written his/her complaint (there is a special form for this purpose) and do the following.1. Give the written complaint to the instructor; he/she has seven days to respond. 2. If the instructor’s response is unsatisfactory, the student takes the complaint to the Department Chair. To contact the Business and Information Technology Department’ Chair use the email address [email protected]

XXIII. INCOMPLETE POLICY:Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without a sound reason and documented evidence of illness or other reasons for not completing the course assignments and/or exams. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete, he or she must have a passing grade of at least C and must have completed a significant portion of the course (at least 75% of the course work).

XXIV. CHEATING POLICY:Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student’s submitted work, examinations, reports, and homework must be the student’s own work. Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if they:

1. Present the work of others as their own (copy and/or print files that belong to another student in this class or other class, lend your storage device to another student, copy answers on exams or glance at nearby exams).

2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students.4. Misrepresent the content of submitted work.5. Turn in assignments that have been used in other classes


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6. Borrow, purchase, or sell assignments or exam materials

Any student violating the honor code is subject to receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Dean of Students. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation.

For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions, general advice, and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assignments and homework. In other words, students may not “work together” on graded assignments. Such collaboration constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy (by any means) another’s work (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. You will be penalized in the same way, if your work is used by other student...

If you cheat, some or all of the following actions will be taken: You will receive a zero for that particular assignment or exam. A report of the incident may be forwarded to the Business and information Technology

Department’s Chair A report of the incident may be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services. The Dean may

file the report in your permanent record and/or take further disciplinary action.


a) In case you are late or absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, laboratory assignments, and visit the Web Site where your teacher posts announcements for all the students in the class. Do not disrupt the class by asking your classmates or the instructor what is the work for the current class period. To be absent or late from a class period is not an excuse for not doing the assigned work on time. You will lose 20 points of your class progress grade for being late.

b) Food and Drinks in Class: Food and drinks are prohibited in the computer labs. Please be cooperative and respectful of the classroom environment, go to the cafeteria located in the W building in case you need to have breakfast or lunch. Please honor this rule.

c) Group’s assignments: Students will be placed in groups of two, each group will prepare a printed portfolio, they may collaborate with each other by helping to understand or use a concept or instruction, and the group must keep a journal of the contributions of each member.

d) Book and flash drive: Every student must bring the textbook and flash drive to every class.

e) Seating Accommodations: At the teacher’s discretion, you would be assigned a computer during the class period (any class period)

f) Access to computers: In order to do the assignments and homework you must have access to computers. You may use the computer labs Y108, Y109, Y110 when they are available, the


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library’s computers, the CIS tutoring room Y218 and room W255, to work the assigned projects. In case you don’t have a computer at home.

g) Children in Class: Children are not allowed in classroom or laboratory facilities.

h) Printer Use: You will use the printer during the class period only when the instructor indicates you that a specific document needs to be printed.


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Course: CIS 101 Computer Science Instructor’s e-mails: [email protected], [email protected] 101 NW Web sites:,

Post your files in your wiki, save them in your flash drive and share with your instructor by the end of the chapter

Topics Homework and Assignments

Week 1Syllabus. Blackboard Know the textbookIntroduction

Create personal email account, Hotmail or Outlook Create a WikiFind Online information to dispose electronic devisesFind Online information about the basic components of a computer

Week 2Ch. 6: Computing components: Processors, Memory, the Cloud, and More

Cloud computing: OneDriveBit, bytes, KB, MB, GB, Number systems: Binary, Decimal, Octal HexadecimalSolve the Study guide exercises (pg. 306)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 308, 309)Ch6 Class activities

Week 3Ch. 1: Introducing Today’s Technologies: Computers, Devices, and the Web

Quiz on Ch6, Quiz on Number systemsChapter 1Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 44)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 46, 47)Create a Twitter accountDo "Research This" pgs. 53 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 1 Class activities

Week 4Ch. 2: Connecting and Communicating Online: The Internet, Websites, and Media

Quiz on Chapter 1Chapter 2Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 96)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 98, 99)Do "How To: Your Turn" pg. 103 No 5 Send Email Messages Using Various Email Progs. and Web appsDo "Research This" in page 105 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 2 Class activities


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Week 5Ch. 3: Computers and Mobile DevicesCh. 4: Programs and Apps

Quiz on Chapter 2Chapter 3Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 146)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 148, 149)Do "Research This" in page 155 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 3 Class activities

Quiz on Chapter 3Chapter 4Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 200)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 202, 203)Do "Research This" in page 209 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 4 Class activities

Week 6Ch. 5: Digital Security, Ethics, and PrivacyCh. 6: Computing Components-Hard drives

Quiz on Chapter 4Chapter 5Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 250)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 252, 253)Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 255 No 1 Evaluating your electronic ProfileCh. 5 Class activities

Quiz on Chapter 5Chapter 6Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 200)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 202, 203)Do "Research This" in page 209 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 6 Class activities

Week 7Ch. 7: Input and Output Quiz on Chapter 6

Chapter 7Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 356)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 358, 359)Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 362, No 3 and 4Do "Research This" in page 365 No 5 Cloud servicesCh. 7 Class activities

Week 8Midterm exam: Chapters 1 through 7Ch. 8: Digital Storage: Preserving Content Locally and on the Cloud

Quiz on Chapter 7Chapter 8Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 398)


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Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 400, 401 )Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 403, No 1Do "Research This" in page 406 No 1 Making use of the WebCh. 8 Class activities

Week 9Ch. 9: Operating Systems: Managing, Coordinating, and Monitoring Resources

Quiz on Chapter 8Chapter 9Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 438)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 440, 441 )Do "Research This" in page 446 No 1 and in page 447 No 5Ch. 9 Class activities

Week 10Ch. 10: Communicating Digital Content Quiz on Chapter 9

Chapter 10Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 486)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pg. 488, 489 )Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 491, No 1Do "Research This" in page 494 No 1 and in page 447 No 5Ch. 10: Class activities

Week 11Ch. 11: Building Solutions: Database System, and Application Development Tools

Quiz on Chapter 10Chapter 11Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 540)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 542, 543)Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 547, No 4Do "Research This" in page 549 No 5Ch. 10: Class activities

Week 12Ch. 12: Working in the Enterprise Quiz on Chapter 11

Chapter 12Solve the Study guide exercises (pg. 580)Solve the Checkpoint exercises (pgs. 582, 583)Do "How To: Your Turn" in page 585, No 1 and in page 587, No 3 Do "Research This" in page 588 No 3Ch. 12: Class activities


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Week 13Logic and Flow charts Python Programming concepts: Variables, constants and arithmetic operations

Quiz on LogicQuiz on Programming conceptsProgramming assignment No 1

Week 14Python Programming-lists Quiz on Flow Charts

Quiz on Programming listsProgramming assignment No 2

Week 15Python Programming-n-arrays Quiz on Programming n-arrays

Programming assignment No 3

Week 16Final Exam on chapters 8,9, 11, 12, and on Logic, Flow Charts, Programming Concepts: Variables, Constants, Lists and ArraysCompleted portfolio

Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to modification at any time at the discretion of the instructor and or with approval from the Business and Information Technology Department’s Chair

Instructor: Mrs. Perpetua RuizJanuary 17, 2017


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