
Reading the Collective Energy and Potentials

With the extended manual, I wanted to create a way to not only use the cards as a personal oracle but to have a tool that makes it easier to read the collective energy. So, these cards have been created to account for many different collective scenarios, using the suits of Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Ice, Technology, Healing, Purification, and Spiritual Hygiene in order to achieve this goal. While the full definitions aren’t yet completed, I figured I would offer the chart in this document as something people could use in the time being.


There is no real spread developed yet (as the manual is still in development), but you can pull a few cards and either read them on their own, with other cards, or using the card backs and fronts together. Or you can create a spread that asks a focus question (such as “What is a future potential when it comes to the economy?”) or which different cards represents different facets of collective life—such as one card to represent the economy, one for environment, one for social, etc.


The definitions were created in point form to give ideas as to what the cards could indicate when it comes to reading a collective situation or climate. They are provided as merely examples of potentials. You can also come up with your own ideas using the symbolism or key words on each card. I tried to incorporate areas of research, politics, environment, economics, and social issues, where I could, but you still might have to come up with your own ideas, such as if you were to ask about the economy and draw a card where there is nothing in point form related to this topic.


The card backs can be used to tune into a particular aspect of collective life or as a focus card that can tell you what area to focus on with collective life. It is a little different than using the card backs for a personal oracle, but if you need a guide, you can use the below.

Personal Physical & Personal Emotional: With a collective reading, this can refer to a particular leader, politician, celebrity, or popular personality. For example, the card “Numb” in combination with the “Personal Emotional” card back might indicate someone in the public eye or a leader is not coping well or is feeling cut off from their emotions.

Collective Physical: Within a collective reading, this card back can refer to physical events that affect the world or environment, such as weather, natural disasters, the economy, environmental accidents, etc. Individuals of a collective or within a country or area can be affected at a physical level. If you were to draw the card “Numb” with the “Collective Physical” card back, it might indicate temperatures are going to plummet or cases of frostbite make the news.

Collective Emotional: This card back, within a collective reading, can indicate the emotional collective climate. For example, political, economic, or other events can cause the public to react emotionally in certain ways. The “Collective Emotional” card back can also indicate collective mindsets, conditioning, trends, public preferences, belief systems, or thinking (positive or negative). For example, the “Numb”

card combined with the “Collective Emotional” card back could point to there being something the public (or a faction of it) are not coping with, feeling shock, or shut down emotionally.

Technology: With a collective reading, this card back covers areas such as research, news, movies or music, social media, anything related to technology. With the “Numb” card, as an example, it could indicate research or advancements in cryogenics, freezing people, frostbite, refrigeration.

Purification: In a collective reading, the “Purification” card back can indicate something that needs to be let go of, cleaned up, purified (such as in intentions), or something that is being cleansed away or that is lost. It can sometimes indicate the ending of something (such as a dictator being pushed out of his position). You can also draw another card front if you feel you need more clarity.

Spiritual Hygiene: This card points to how the collective or planet is effected at an energetic level. This heading can point to either positive or negative spiritual influences. In the positive, it can refer to bringing in more positive or healing energy, prayer, inspiration, divine intervention, vibration, frequency, planetary shifts, etc. It also can indicate where the collective may be affected (or infected) by collective or cultural mindsets, propaganda, manipulation, and anything that involves taking on of an energy or “vibe” in an unhealthy way—such as from a prominent leader, personality, group, or movement. Sometimes, it may represent where a collective needs to become more grounded, or in touch with the truth (as opposed to fantasy or delusion). Again, you can draw another card front if you need more clarity.

Empathy and Relationships: This card back can refer to relationships between the public and corporations, movements, institutions, governments, or one another. It can cover the world of dating and relationships, or attitudes when it comes to relationships (or between groups, countries, or individuals). It can also indicate to look at where empathy and understanding is either present or lacking. Like the spiritual hygiene card, it can also refer to moods that can feel “contagious” or taken on from a group of people.


My belief is that the collective body is a body the same way the individual body is. It can be read for its imbalances and receive treatment. Only use this guidebook if you can use it in a positive way and are not afraid to be made aware of negative potentials as these definitions provide both positive and negative definitions. Another section of the guidebook is coming which will offer an energy to work with or lesson.

If feeling unclear, you can always forgo using these definitions to read with, or alternatively use them while asking your higher self or guides to show you what you most need to be made aware of (concerning a potential coming or already in form). This puts something higher in charge of what you may benefit from knowing. Like stated elsewhere, you can also draw from the card backs for what element of the energy to focus on.

A lot of the reason for creating a deck to use in this way was a way for guides and higher energies (and high self) to have a way to communicate something about the collective or the “bigger picture.” Most of what is going on in the external world is a mirror for where our personal paths (when acted on in a group way) are leading us. The collective energy and the symbols and archetypes that reveal themselves speak their own language. So this deck was, in part, created to help with learning this language, so that those who feel the urge or desire can use the language to become Rainbow Warriors and Shambhala Workers1 in their own way or style.

1 You can find out more about the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy at . It is similar to the Rainbow Warriors Prophecy, which you can find more information at

Card # Collective Energy or Potentials

0 – The Intangible


An outcome is awaited, such as the results of an election, investigation, legal matter, or something else that is of social interest, which it isn't fully predictable what will transpire.

Something is discovered of an unknown, celestial, or extra-terrestrial nature.

There could be something positive making its way toward earth or humanity that has its origins in the heavens, stars, celestial realms, or God. This could be a message, crop circle, astrological transit, or some form of contact.

Someone has a near death experience and lives to tell or write about it.

A large collective outpouring of love is, or will be, directed toward a place, issue, or person (living or deceased).


There is an atmosphere of helplessness when it comes to controlling a political, environmental, or social situation or outcome.

A leader, celebrity, religious or cult figure, or other personality becomes a "star," is idolized, or is presented (or presents themselves) as a savior figure, though they may not have loving intentions toward humanity.

Something that is coming down to earth from the heavens or of an extraterrestrial nature could be presenting itself as having loving or beneficent intentions but perhaps shouldn't be trusted or there is the need to use discernment. This could involve a message, channeling, or visitation of some kind.

It could be that occult phenomena, alien abductions, psychic addiction, or abuse of the occult are in the news in a negative way or the subject of research or documentaries.

1 – The Clock is Ticking


Heat waves, global warming, holes in the atmosphere, climate change, burnout, heat stroke, or dehydration could be a pressing issue or topic in the news or of research.

Within the public, there may be a sense of urgency that action is required to turn a negative situation around. Or, alternatively, feelings of laziness, hopelessness, or apathy could be acting as a block when it comes to taking appropriate collective action on a matter. Drawing a second card to determine what healing or corrective action to take may offer more clarity.

With the public or a leader, politician, or important public figure, there may be confusion or indecision as to what constitutes paranoia or what is real cause for concern when it comes to a collective event or issue.


A drought or heat wave is ending, or climate change is being dealt with.

Research offers solutions for climate related issues or other heat-related issues such as burnout, dehydration, or heat stroke.

Enough action is initiated during an eleventh hour to avert a negative outcome.

A sense of urgency has abated concerning a once critical environmental or other situation, perhaps due to new solutions or technology arising, or action being taken.

There may be reason to feel positive that the energy that individuals or governments are contributing toward healing a critical situation won't be in vain or wasted.

2 – Celestial Encounters


Something from the vicinity of the heavens, such as an asteroid, meteor, or something "extraterrestrial," flies close to the earth or enters the earth's atmosphere.

Satellites, space probes, or space missions feature positively in the news or there is new research, developments, approaches, or technology in these areas.

A new crop circle, planet, or solar system is detected, the results of a space mission are making headlines, or there is increased interest in, reporting of, or research concerning UFOs, aliens, crop circles, astrology, encounters with angels (or the deceased), or life on other planets.


Something is approaching earth or breaks through into the earth's orbit or atmosphere (such as an asteroid or meteor) but it goes unseen or leaves a negative impact.

Messages or warnings from heavenly beings sent through crop circles, mediums, or other vehicles are distorted, can’t be trusted, or go ignored.

Research, news, or topics become popular regarding ghosts, spirits, other-worldly beings, alien abductions, extra-terrestrials, or the paranormal.

There may be a need for more discernment when it comes to seeking contact with other-worldly forces, with more of a commitment made toward connecting with these forces in spiritually responsible ways.

3 – Cloud Formations


There may be public fear or confusion concerning unusual cloud formations, weather experiments, weather control, mind control, chemtrails, or biological agents that are sprayed from high altitudes. Or, some element of this could be the topic of the news or research.

Politically, environmentally, or as a consumer, it may be hard to decipher who is in the right, in the wrong, or has good intentions or not.

A naive public is duped in some way, succumbs to brainwashing or propaganda, or needs to beware of being played the fool by leaders, corporations, or others’ whose motives are not entirely honest.

A leader, country, or celebrity is duped or played the fool in some form.


Legislation is enacted or measures are taken to protect against the creation of tools or agents to use for biological warfare, hazardous chemicals being released into the atmosphere, or the use of or experimentation with technology that influences the weather.

The public stands up to or remains immune to a leader’s, the media’s, or an institution’s attempts to use propaganda, false advertising, or other techniques to fool or mislead them.

A charismatic or influential guru, celebrity, corporate identity, or leader loses their credibility or is exposed for fraud, perjury, or deception.

In some area of life, the public may feel more clear and unwilling to be fooled.

There may be new treatments, research, or approaches when it comes to headaches, migraines, brain fog, or neurological disorders.

4 – Bird’s Eye View


An endangered bird may be removed from the extinction list, a new species of bird may be discovered, or birds are being protected in some form.

A cause that serves humanity in some way is gaining momentum, popularity, or making headlines. Perhaps, money for charity is being raised through concerts, media events, documentaries, or other entertainment venues that the public can take part in.

A leader, celebrity, or person of interest is praised for their selflessness, charity, or generosity.

There may be new advancements, research, technologies, or treatments in the areas of vision, near-sightedness, or blindness.


There’s trouble in the avian world in a way that makes headlines, a bird is added to the

extinction list, or there’s a need to care about and respect the avian kingdom in general.

Birds are sick, negatively impacted by an environmental disaster, falling out of the sky, or their migratory patterns have become disrupted, perhaps due to human activity (such as due to radio signals, artificial lights, etc.).

Socially, politically, or environmentally, there may be the subtle knowledge that things

have gone drastically off-course—in general or with a world issue—yet the inability to look at the situation head on or to come up with a grounded solution.

There needs to be more effort made to consider the needs of society, children, or a group.

5 – Round and Round


Certain areas may by impacted by heavy dust storms, wind storms, or tornados. There could be damage to property or fallen trees.

At a political, environmental, economic, or social/emotional level, energies may be spinning out of control, causing chaos.

The same collective lessons are repeating due to a refusal to grow, mature, or take responsibility. People may be waiting for a savior, leader, or someone else to fix the problems of the world or to take responsibility instead of asking themselves what action they can take on their own.

Collectively, too much busyness, scatteredness, over-productivity, or being in a race to get somewhere could be making the energetic climate too yang or stuck on autopilot.


Strong winds or tornadoes have caused property damage or turned a town upside down. The focus could be on the aftermath, the cleanup process, and making repairs.

On the political, economic, environmental, or social level, energies have already spun out of control and resulted in accumulated losses. The focus could now be on rebuilding.

There's an opportunity for a collective lesson to be learned so that a particular social or other issue doesn't have to repeat itself.

The public or a leader takes responsibility for a collective problem.

The public lets go of blaming external forces for a pressing collective issue or lets go of waiting for a savior in order to come up with a grounded plan of action.

6 – Black Swan


A group, suicide bomber, psychopath, or the military of a country may seek to stage a surprise attack, coup, or mass shooting. They could be out for retribution, unstable, or using the element of surprise to achieve their goals or to catch an unsuspecting public off-guard.

An organization or manufacturer may be cutting corners in a way that could lead to a unprepared for accident or ecological crisis.

At the collective level, there could be signs or warnings that all is not right when it comes to a certain matter, which if the public or leaders pay attention, it is possible that a crisis can be averted.


A terrorist's plan of attack may be uncovered and neutralized.

A mass shooting or other negative crisis could be averted through seeing the signs that someone or a group is in trouble or feeling desperate.

A manufacturer who was cutting corners in a way that put the environment at risk is exposed before a crisis can happen, or a leak at a plant is discovered before too much damage is done.

The negative impact of a natural disaster is minimized through being prepared.

In some way there is enough foresight to avoid a crisis or disaster.

There could be new research or approaches when it comes to dealing with psychopathy, suicide bombings, mass shootings, or terrorist attacks.

7 – Flight Plan


A plane crashes or disappears. People may want to understand what happened, if human error was to blame, or whether it was the work of terrorists or a conspiracy.

A politician, leader, or celebrity who is trusted may not be all they claim to be or may not be able to follow through on a promise, plan, or commitment.

On the social, environmental, or emotional level, there’s a lack of commitment, follow-through, or the ability to walk the talk when it comes to dealing with a particular world issue.

There may be the tendency for the public, a leader, or an influential personality to avoid reality, preferring to live in a fairy tale.

There may be new inventions, research, technologies, or approaches when it comes to planes, cars, the way people travel, or the travel industry in general.


An airplane that went missing is found or there is closure concerning what happened.

A leader, politician, celebrity, or other who was hiding who they were in some form comes out of the closet, is seen for who they truly are, or accepted despite their shortcomings.

With the public in general, a greater number of people are desiring to make a commitment to being part of the creation of positive change, in general or with a pressing issue.

Something negative impacts travel or the travel industry. Perhaps it causes flight delays or cancellations.

There is new research, treatments, or approaches in the areas of panic attacks, fight or flight, commitment phobias, or fear of intimacy.

8 – Magic Beanstalk


Topics related to space programs, space exploration, satellites, or the building of tall buildings or towers are in the news.

Politically or socially, someone with pure and virtuous intentions could be rising to a position of prominence in the world.

A group, prophet, or psychic predicts that a rapture will be coming soon.

Factions of the population are experimenting with raising their kundalini energy or interested in the topic of ascension.

There is new research, approaches, or technology created in the areas of architecture (particularly of buildings), space exploration, satellites, or space crafts, or space shuttles.


A politician, celebrity, or public personality could either suffer from a fall from grace or perhaps their desire for advancement is motivated primarily by self-interest or greed rather than the common good.

At a social or national level, or with a leader or religious/spiritual group, there's an energy of hubris, arrogance, or spiritual pride.

A group's, religious leader's, prophet's, or psychic's predictions about ascension or rapture fail to actualize.

Certain groups may be interested in ascension, raising their kundalini, or other spiritual practices that focus on the upper chakras. There may be a need to give equal attention to the lower chakras (and to becoming more grounded) in order to avoid the energy system becoming out of balance.

There could be new approaches, treatments, or research in the areas of hubris, entitlement, or narcissism.

9 – Dining Table


There could be increased interest in organics, vegetarianism, healthy natural eating, or a new diet or supplement.

People could be turning away from indulging in certain foods or supplements due to a new book, research, or philosophy.

A popular brand name in food changes its farming practices or switches to offering organic, vegetarian, or non-gmo options.

There are new and positive laws passed or measures taken when it comes to food production, farming practices, or protecting livestock.

A celebrity or politician is dating someone new and everyone is talking about it. Or a celebrity marriage, dinner, awards show, or function dominates the news.


Research could make headlines that reports the negative effects of GMO’s, pesticides, additives, preservatives, or food or livestock tampering.

A brand name could receive harsh criticism for their food production practices. Or a new pesticide is developed which could negatively impact human or animal health.

Laws or regulations are passed that work against the natural food industry or which support the use of GMO’s, pesticides, or other food tampering.

People are feeling less nurtured by the food they are eating or their relationships. Perhaps there are breakdowns in families due to changing values or people prizing money over their relationships.

A celebrity, leader or other popular personality gets stood up, loved-and-left, or cheated on.

Environmentally, nature could be stood up on or is largely uncared for or unattended to.

10 – Field of Dreams


Crops are affected by poor weather conditions, pollution, or disease. Or issues with bees, locusts, or non-beneficial insects may need to be addressed.

New by-laws or reforms impinge on the ability for individuals to own gardens or to grow organically.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or treatments on topics related to infertility, childbirth, or high-risk pregnancies.

Socially, there may be a desire for change and progress, but a collective feeling of impotence when it comes to manifesting results.

There could be issues with the stock market, economic losses, or unwise investments.


Due to drought or over-tilling, the land in affected areas starts to lose its bounty.

People turn away from grains in increasing numbers or there is negative research or other findings concerning popular food stables, gluten/grain intolerance, or similar topics.

Poverty in another country is the subject of global concern, news, or inspires charity or other events that seek to offer aid or assistance.

There is a collective feeling of lack, that there isn’t enough of something, poverty, economic depression, or issues with stocks dropping in price.

11 – Fruits of Labor


There may be new developments or advancements when it comes to gardening, reducing plant disease or pest issues, or to protect bee populations (or other favorable insects).

Home or communal gardens could become more popular, or are the subject of news, research, advancements, or positive political reforms.

There is new research or advancements in areas of fertility or labor.

A celebrity or prominent personality is expecting a child.

Topics of labor reform, child labor, or unions is a subject in the news.

Economically or agriculturally, there could be a lot of fertility and growth.


Crops are affected by poor weather conditions, pollution, or disease. Or issues with bees, locusts, or non-beneficial insects may need to be addressed.

New by-laws or reforms impinge on the ability for individuals to own gardens or to grow organically.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or treatments on topics related to infertility, childbirth, or high-risk pregnancies.

Socially, there may be a desire for change and progress, but a collective feeling of impotence when it comes to manifesting results.

There could be issues with the stock market, economic losses, or unwise investments.

12 – Quarantine


A particularly bad flu, virus, or epidemic makes headlines or is cause for concern. Maybe there are quarantines, or the public is advised to be cautious about exposures.

Negative research or news makes headlines on the topic of vaccinations, perhaps regarding their effectiveness or issues with side effects.

A computer virus or hacker causes people to be more cautious with online activities or concerning what information they share on the web. Or new measures make it more difficult for people to maintain privacy on the web or other places.

A leader, celebrity, or person of interest is under the weather, out of the public eye for a while, or avoiding the paparazzi.


There may be new advances, research, or cures in the areas of medicine, vaccines, or communicable diseases.

There are new developments or technology created to deal with computer viruses or threats to online privacy.

There are new measures taken through laws or other means to protect people’s privacy.

A politician, celebrity, or person of interest who disappeared for a while is back in the public eye or making a comeback.

13 – Fungi Funeral


There’s new research, treatments, or approaches discovered in the areas of candida, mold sensitivity, food allergies, food addictions, or addictions in general.

The public is addressing issues of over-consumption, addiction, or over-indulgence, or a new book or philosophy compels individuals to become more moderate or to practice minimalism.

Someone in the public eye seeks treatment for addiction or is ready to give up an unhealthy lifestyle to get back to work or to improve their public image.

There is new legislation, research, treatments, or approaches when it comes to the use of recreational drugs, marijuana, or alcohol, or which supports rehab centers.


Candida, mold exposures, or allergy/intolerance to antibiotics are on the rise or causing unpleasant symptoms. Perhaps too many quick fixes, too much overindulgence, or the overuse of antibiotics or other drugs are to blame.

A medication or antibiotic is taken off the market or makes headlines for causing health issues.

An addiction center is in the news in a negative way, or someone in the public eye who sought treatment for an addictions suffers a relapse.

There’s new legislation that legalizes drug or marijuana use.

14 – Nature Sprite


Environmentalism is on the rise or an environmental group is speaking out or taking action in a way that makes the news.

Results of new research is circulating focused on the human impact on nature, the importance of having a connection with nature, or there are new developments, inventions, or solutions when it comes to living more environmentally or in harmony with nature.

A book or mind-set becomes popular leading people to seek to connect with nature.

A celebrity or politician is serving an environmental cause and is in the news.

The topic of fairies or elementals become popular or part of news, movies, or research.


An environmental group is in the news in a negative way, or is connected to a scandal.

A leader or celebrity discourages environmentalism, or a conspiracy theory leads people to question becoming eco-minded or ecologically responsible.

An environmental or other issue draws attention to how disconnected from nature a group, area, or culture has become. There may be a need to live more purely or closer to nature as a way to turn this trend around.

20th century diseases, environmental illness, reactions to medications or chemicals, hard to diagnose illness (because it is empathic related), or other environmentally connected illnesses or cancers are on the rise.

15 – Cherished Pet


Animal activism, vegetarianism, or concern over the humane treatment of wildlife or livestock is on the rise or makes headlines.

A species is saved from extinction, or removed from the endangered list. Or there are new developments, approaches, or solutions aimed at protecting wildlife or saving animals from extinction.

Legislation is passed or more effort is made to protect the rights of pets or animals. Alternatively, a celebrity or charity hosts an event to help animals in shelters.

A leader arises who truly cares for people and wants them to know it.

Social reform or legislation is created to protect families, marriages, or couples living together (including same-sex partnerships).


Somewhere, wildlife or animals are in distress or their lives are not valued. An animal species could be added to the extinction list (or is on the verge of extinction), or their habitat is being destroyed.

A certain corporation’s abuse or improper handling of animals (for research, food, or clothing) is exposed, is making headlines, or has gone viral on social media.

New research, approaches, or treatments become available or are talked about concerning domestic abuse, love addictions, cheating, or affairs.

Social or legal reform arises around divorce, child custody, parental alienation, domestic abuse, or affairs.

16 – Shaky Foundation


An earthquake, sinkhole, landslide, or crack in the earth’s foundation makes headlines.

Something going on beneath the earth’s surface is weakening its foundation. Certain weaknesses could be caused by fracking, drilling, or other human efforts.

A leader, guru, or personality could provide a platform, research, or theory that promises positive change or offers a quick-fix solution to an important world issue. While they may have a vision, it could be overly idealistic, immature, or lacking.

Weaknesses in the foundation of a culture, religion, political system, economy, or country begin to reveal themselves. Will chaos, disarray, or political unrest ensue?

There is new research, treatments, technology, or approaches in regards to joint disorders, collagen issues, back issues, structural issues in the body, or organ transplants.


The earth quakes, cracks, opens up, or begins to slide beneath foot causing buildings to collapse or other property damage. Somewhere in the world things may be shaky or unsteady and it could take time to rebuild.

Somewhere in the world a regime falls, or there could be chaos, revolution, or riots that result from an economic, social, or political collapse.

The social, political, or economic climate could be unsteady, unstable, or unsettled. The public could feel increased insecurity, instability, or gloom.

There is new research, treatments, technology, or approaches to help with joint dislocations, broken bones, fractures, or broken backs.

17 – Let There Be Light


Ideal weather conditions and sunlight foster agricultural growth, or there could be positive news or research pertaining to the sun that makes headlines.

Economically or technologically there could is expansion, positive changes, or growth.

There could be positive news, developments, or research pertaining to solar power or harnessing the energy of the sun that makes headlines.

Somewhere in the world could be experiencing a spiritual renaissance, enlightenment, or the uncovering of important truths.

Governments, institutions, or groups could be working on coming up with a solution to an important world issue. Perhaps, there is an important summit, meeting, talk, or discussion.


There could be issues such as solar flares or high levels of solar radiation. The sun in some way could be negatively affecting people or plant growth.

In some form, there is too much light, solar flares, being burned by the sun, or an excess of yang (masculine) energy.

A celebrity or person of interest allows their ego or pride to get the better of them and suffers a fall from grace or loss of reputation.

Collective, social, or political arrogance or hubris creates a block to problem solving or coming up with important solutions or reforms.

18 – Bottled Up


A volcano could be showing signs of activity or that it is getting ready to blow. Perhaps, there are evacuations in preparation that something could happen.

There could be something bubbling up from underground, under water, or under the arctic ice (such as a methane bubble), that is causing people to talk.

At a social level, suppressed emotions may be bubbling up to the surface. Perhaps, the people of a certain area or country are longing for more rights, freedoms, or fairness.

Revolutionary energies could be building within the public or there could be the beginning stages of social unrest within a certain area or group.

The topic of suppressed or repressed trauma or negative emotions could be the topic of research, or there may be new treatments or therapies.


A volcano could be showing signs of activity or that it is getting ready to blow. Perhaps, there are evacuations in preparation that something could happen.

There could be something bubbling up from underground, under water, or under the arctic ice (such as a methane bubble), that is causing people to talk.

At a social level, suppressed emotions may be bubbling up to the surface. Perhaps, the people of a certain area or country are longing for more rights, freedoms, or fairness.

Revolutionary energies could be building within the public or there could be the beginning stages of social unrest within a certain area or group.

The topic of suppressed or repressed trauma or negative emotions could be the topic of research, or there may be new treatments or therapies.

19 – Quench Your Thirst


Efforts could be made to ensure there’s enough water. Perhaps new water conservation legislation goes into effect or the public is asked to conserve water during a heat wave.

New legislation could be enacted (or efforts made) to protect drinking water. Or perhaps new technology is developed to help with water purification.

New developments, research, or treatments could arise which help to prevent or overcome states of burnout, exhaustion, or dehydration.

There’s a need for the collective to be conscious of a give and take process between the collective and the environment, or more balance between yin (feminine) and yang (masculine).


There may be a lack of rain or water. Perhaps a river, stream, or lake has dried up or water needs to be protected or conserved in some form or is running out.

At a social level, people may be overworked, burned out, or unable to balance their bodily needs with their desires and ambitions, or give with take. The world may be too focused on conquest and producing as opposed to promoting the values of moderation and finding contentment with what has already been attained or is available.

Economically or environmentally, there may be more debt or deficits as a result of over-spending when it comes to money or resources.

There may be new information, bestsellers, or research on topics related to burnout, dehydration, workaholism, or over-giving.

20 – Pick up Your Sword


A group or faction of the public may be engaged in some form of peaceful or enlightened resistance. Perhaps, somewhere in the world, an activist or a group is fighting for the greater good, standing up for rights, or standing up against oppression. It could be making headlines or bringing about positive and important changes.

A revolution is occurring, but it is one that doesn’t rely on violence or aggression to serve an end.

A world leader, the UN, or a government may be engaged in diplomatic negotiations, a conference, or some form of discussion.


A revolution or war could occur for the wrong reason, or has become violent or out of control.

There could be civil unrest, or factions of the public could be acting out in a destructive way. Perhaps this is a reaction to some form of social or other injustice. However, the response to this injustice may lack its own justice, integrity, or direction.

A legal battle could make headlines. Perhaps corporations, leaders, celebrities, or those involved aren’t fighting fair or are engaged in underhanded tactics.

World leaders, the UN, politicians, or other important figures (or groups) may be engaged in discussions but one party could be acting like a bully or making threats.

Research, new developments, treatments, or legislation regarding bullying may be a topic of discussion.

21 – Sacred Smoke


There could be new research, developments, inventions, or legislation pertaining to air purification or air pollution. Perhaps, manufacturers are forced to abide by new standards, or new laws or policies are made.

Politically or socially, there may be important discussions, peace treaties, or clearing of the air.

A celebrity or person of interest clears the air regarding a misunderstanding or rumor.

Medical marijuana or smoking drugs for either medicinal purposes or to embark on a spiritual quest may become the topic of news, research, or new legislation.


There may be issues with smog, pollution, or an increase in the incidence of chemical sensitivities due to something unnatural or toxic being released into the air.

Politically, factions of the public may feel unheard by representatives or people in power. Or there may be confusion, misunderstandings, suppression of public discussion, or the inability to receive clear answers.

New legislation negative impacts freedom of speak or the ability to discuss important collective issues honestly.

Political discussions fail to bring about clarity or a clearing of the air regarding important matters. Or maybe peace treaties or other agreements are not honored or one party feels unheard or misunderstood.

There is new research, new treatments, or new developments when it comes to chemical sensitivities, asthma, or the effects of man-made and airborne pollution.

22 – Without a Care


The planet or an ocean may have become like an unkempt house due to a toxic spill, industrial accident, garbage crisis, or neglecting to take proper care.

A disaster could have already happened or a threat could be looming, but the public may have become desensitized to the danger.

A government, corporation, leader (or other important individual), or group may promote an “ignorance is bliss” mentality in a matter that requires caution and care. Or perhaps there is collective denial or neglect regarding vital issues.

There may be news or research on (or outbreaks related to) bed bugs, lice, rats, or unhealthy pest or mold infestations in the home. In certain areas, there may be a need to focus on cleanliness or hygiene, or there may be the need to deal with toxic substances, asbestos, or mold in a particular residential area or complex.


Carelessness may have led to an accident, fire, or explosive situation. Whatever happened, you can be sure that human carelessness played a hand.

Politically, economically, environmentally, or socially, there may be a tendency to wait until a crisis occurs before taking a matter seriously. There may be a need to be less reckless concerning our world.

The topic of neglect, denial, or lack of humanity makes news or headlines, or news or research surfaces post disaster indicating the ways it could have been avoided.

A leader or celebrity’s carelessness lead to a dramatic situation, public censure, or the loss of a contract or position.

23 – Forest Afire


Important efforts could be made or legislation created to protect forests (from fires, deforestation, or other threats). Or the lumber industry may feature positively in the news.

The may be a burst of new ideas, technology, or inventions that offer hope for the future. People are positively motivated toward creating change.

There may be new research or treatments offered in the areas of Lyme Disease or tic-related issues.

The economy, dollar, or markets are doing really well. People are investing.

At the political level, perhaps, a leader is elected or rises in prominence who is full of energy and passion. He or she may be unafraid of change or controversy, and may come up with new ideas.

If not a leader, a motivational guru, activist, artist, designer, or celebrity is infecting the public with his or her positive energy, passion, or inspiration.


There could be forest or other types of fires that are out of control or difficult to put out. Or a particular country or group may be using a scorched earth policy (metaphorically or literally) to advance themselves militarily or in other ways.

The lumber industry suffers in some form or is in the news in a negative way

The energetic climate might be too yang, sped up, or chaotic. There may be too much exuberance, overindulgence, or overspending. Hopefully, this type of “high” won’t be followed by burnout or a crash in energy.

With the economy, too much overconfidence or overspending could lead to economic instability, increased inflation, or debt.

There could be out of control protests, revolution, or a chaotic outpouring of emotion and energy. Alternatively, a leader or popular personality suffers from burnout, or trouble regulating their passion or emotions.

There’s an explosion when it comes to technology, the internet, or the release of new ideas or information, however this type of explosion could result in overwhelm, confusion, or the emergence of conflicting ideas, approaches, or theories.

24 – Radiotoxic


A world leader may be leading their country toward a dictatorship, or poses a direct threat to other countries or the environment.

There is fear or worry concerning a country, group, or leader gaining the capacity to create or use nuclear technology.

On an environmental level, there could be issues with nuclear technology, accidents at nuclear plants, issues with nuclear waste storage, or an issue with decommissioning aging nuclear plants.

Chemical sensitivity may be on the rise, or there may be new research, news, or findings concerning sensitivity to chemicals (household or other kinds).

There may be news, research, or interest in the subject of toxic relationships, domestic abuse, psychic vampirism, or spiritual parasitism.

A public figure or celebrity is trying to advance his or her cause through deceit, false allegations, or underhandedness (such as after a break up, or due to a desire for revenge).


There are new policies, measures put in place, or technologies created to reduce risks associated with nuclear power or weapons, or with dealing with nuclear waste.

There is discussions regarding disarmament of nuclear weapons, switching to cleaner forms of power, clean up after nuclear accidents, how to deal constructively with nuclear waste, or with decommissioning outdated nuclear power plants.

Efforts made to deal with corruption or abuse of power, whether it be linked to powerful individuals, governments, corporations, or power companies. Perhaps a leader or powerful person who abused their power is impeached or loses their position.

More people are becoming educated in or are owning their own power through finding ways to detach from the power grid or releasing their dependency on corrupt systems or companies.

25 – Remnants of Atlantis


Tidal waves or tsunamis may cause a land mass to slide under the sea or to become flooded temporarily. Or perhaps a ship or plane becomes submerged under water.

Atlantis may be in the news as the result of a new discovery, book, or theory that is circulating regarding its location. Or perhaps there’s a new archaeological discovery regarding an ancient civilization, or a ship or plane that sank is found.

Lessons from Atlantis may be repeating themselves in the present. Humankind may have a choice of whether to continue down the same path or do something different.

There may be research or new findings regarding the possibility of past lives.


There are underwater earthquakes, the rising of new islands, artifacts uncovered that lie under the ocean, new crystal skulls discovered, or new technology discovered that is based on something from the ancient past or connected to crystals.

Lessons from Atlantis are repeating but humanity is at the place where they are ready and willing to acknowledge and learn them.

There is research or new finding regarding past life regression therapy, hypnosis, or uncovering repressed memories.

26 – Braving the Storm


Somewhere in the word, the threat of hurricanes, cyclones, or tropical storms may be causing tensions to run high.

A leader or someone in the public eye may be recognized or honored for showing heroism or bravery.

Someone gets hit by lightning and lives to tell about it.

A truth comes to light that may not be easy to face, but must be faced regardless.

Spiritually people may be having insights, realizations, or shifts in consciousness or energy that bring up difficult emotions, memories, or sensations.

There is new research, treatments, or approaches that show promising for dealing with fears and phobias.


Hurricanes, cyclones, or tropical storms cause damage. It may take time to rebuild or to regain a sense of equilibrium.

The people of an area may feel overwhelmed and unprepared in the face of devastation or chaos.

Emotionally, things may coming to the surface, or truths that people find difficult to face.

A celebrity or leader collapses under the weight of a challenge, or has a difficult time showing bravery or managing their emotions.

27 – Moon Magic


Something may be happening in the world which draws attention to or involves the moon. Perhaps, there’s a new space mission to the moon, something discovered on the moon, or there’s discussion concerning a blue moon, blood moon, supermoon, or lunar eclipse.

There could be new developments or research on topics related to circadian rhythms, other bodily rhythms, sleep, or dreams.

A celebrity or person of interest has a prophetic dream. Perhaps it makes headlines, or influences a religion, election, or some other area of collective life.


Something may be happening which draws attention to the moon in a negative way. Perhaps, all is not right with the moon or with a space mission to the moon. Or maybe a conspiracy theory or prophecy concerning the moon is causing people anxiety.

The topic sleep disorders or insomnia may be in the news. Or perhaps a celebrity or leader collapses due to lack of sleep, burnout, or exhaustion.

Something may be causing the public lack of sleep or throwing people out of sync, such as a solar flare, full moon, astrological transit, or frequencies (including those emitted by technology, smart meters, cell phones, or cell towers).

There could be new developments, technology, research, or treatments when it comes to insomnia, sleep disorders, sleep deprivation, sleep walking, or other sleep related issues.

28 – Purity


Water may be protected in some way. Perhaps, people are banding together to protect water, or new legislation is created to protect rivers and streams.

A business is in the news for it good intentions or efforts. Perhaps they garner positive intention for using ethical and ecologically friendly manufacturing practices that ensure water isn’t polluted.

Research, new inventions, or new developments offer promise when it comes to purifying rivers, lakes, or streams (or preventing their pollution).

On a social level, the consciousness is rising in a way where people are motivated by and focused on the topic of purity, simplicity, humility, altruism, and doing the right thing.

A celebrity, person of interest, or leader is placed on a pedestal for their charity, acts of altruism, and humanitarianism. Perhaps someone is honored or an award is given.


Overweening greed or other form of corruption may yield environmental or other consequences. Hopefully the guilty parties will be prosecuted justly.

A manufacturer could cut corners resulting in the polluting of a river, lake, or stream.

An influential person or celebrity may suffer a fall from grace, or a country or political leader is exposed in a deception or impure motives.

The topic of narcissism, selfishness, lack of humility, or greed are the topic of news, focus, or research. Or perhaps new approaches, theories, or treatments arise in connection to these topics.

29 – Ocean of Love


Measures may be taken to protect oceans and to keep them clean.

People may be banding together to support a cause or to promote peace in a loving way.

Love and caring may be in the air. Perhaps people are feeling a sense of hope in humanity.

On a social level, relationships could be a topic of conversation, or there may be new research, theories, or developments geared toward helping people improve their relationships (or to treat intimacy, attachment, or sexual issues).

Positive social or other change affects the dating world or how dating sites operate. Perhaps there is more careful screening or protective measures taken for people who are using online dating sites, apps, or venues.


There may be a toxic oil spill or nuclear leak that pollutes the oceans and impacts sea life negatively.

The oceans may be suffering or underwater ecosystems are out of balance in a way that brings attention or is a subject of news.

People may not be interested in caring about or protecting oceans or their ecosystems.

Topics related to dysfunctional or codependent relationships, abuse, love addictions, sex addictions, or STD’s could be in the news or the subject of a new bestseller or research.

New treatments or solutions could arise related to sex addictions, love addictions, or STD’s.

30 – Dolphin Song


People may be banding together to care about ocean life or a particular ocean species, such as dolphins, whales, other ocean mammals and fish.

There may be new research or technological advancements in the areas of sonar technology, radar, echolocation, GPS, or other forms of location tracking.

There may be new research or advancements in the areas of deciphering ancient languages, communications, or communications from whales or dolphins.

A religious, spiritual, political, or other type of leader or teacher may be a good listener. He or she may take the time or care to listen to the public or his or her followers. Perhaps he or she may have good instincts as to what direction to take a country or what's in the best interest of a group or country.


Ocean sea life is suffering. Perhaps certain ocean mammals or species are diseased, beaching themselves, or they have altering their migration patterns to cope.

Human-made pollution causes the balance in an ocean’s ecosystem to become disrupted.

At a social, environmental, or political level, people are trying to migrate away from a bad situation, but without solving the problem (or making it worse).

At a collective level, people may be off-track, not heeding wise advise or wisdom (from scientists or others), not listening to wisdom being communicated through signs or other means, or refuse to behave in a socially responsible way.

There may be new research, inventions, treatments, or approaches when it comes to learning difficulties, hearing aids, deafness, or being hard-of-hearing.

31 – Don’t Forget Your Umbrella


There may be heavy rainfalls or floods in certain areas.

There may be city-wide or other emergency drills or other measures aimed towards being prepared in the event of a disaster, war, terrorist attack, or other event.

There is an attitude of preparedness in some area of collective life. This could be politically, environmentally, with the economy, or socially. People are being responsible and thinking ahead.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or inventions that help with predicting disasters or other events before they happen.

Emergency preparedness may be a hot topic or there may be increase in supply and sales of emergency kits and supplies.


Heavy rain or storms may cause severe flooding in affected areas. There could be flooding of streets, basements, or property damage.

Something unprepared for happens (politically, socially, environmentally, or with the economy) and the result is chaos, overwhelm, panic, or loss.

Insurance companies are suffering or collapsing under the weight of having to settle many unexpected claims. Or businesses, banks, or other institutions suffer due to not being prepared for strikes, economic depressions, or other events.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or inventions to help deal with waterproofing technology or to help protect people and properties from floods, storms, or heavy rain.

32 – Intensity


There may be intense or shifting weather conditions.

Rough seas or crashing waves may make it safer to avoid boating, surfing, or spending time at the beach.

Politically or socially, emotions may be running high.

A leader, person of interest, or people in general may feel intense desire and passion, or may feel swept up with a cause, conspiracy, or injustice.

A leader may be impulsive or emotional (or may generate strong emotions in the public). He or she may be intent on creating sweeping changes.


There may be mass murders, mass suicides, assassinations, or events that result from emotional instability, obsession, or feeling swept up with a delusion or paranoia.

Someone in the public eye has a stalker who has become obsessed or potentially dangerous.

A leader, person of interest, or group may be emotionally unstable, overly impulsive, or ruled by their own self-interest or desires. Hopefully, this leader, person, group isn’t a threat to other citizens (or other countries).

The emotional climate may be one where people have trouble controlling their emotions or holding back. They may seem angry, fixated, obsessed, or may seek change or justice at any cost.

33 – Ice Fishing


People or governments may be taking measures to protect arctic life and ecosystems. Perhaps new research or technologies arise to help these ecosystems.

There may be new findings or research concerning arctic habits, polar ice caps, or arctic life. Or maybe archaeological or other relics are discovered under the arctic sea or ice.

People may be interested in increasing their self-awareness, or may be doing more soul searching to find out who they truly are or what makes them tick. There may be the desire to scratch beneath the surface to learn more about the workings of the subconscious.

There could be new research, therapies, books, or psychological tools aimed at helping individuals gain deeper insight, or to heal the traumas or memories that are trapped at the subconscious level of our reality or experience.


Arctic life may be suffering. Perhaps an arctic species is becoming extinct or is added to the endangered list.

The arctic ecosystem is no longer thriving, perhaps due to human efforts, natural disasters, or changes in climate.

A ship, plane, person, or artifact ends up trapped under arctic ice or sea and it makes headlines.

Research reveals something new and concerning about polar ice caps, arctic habitats, or life in the arctic.

Politicians, groups, or the public in general appear cold or frigid. There may be need to be more caring, openhearted, and able to access a well of compassion within.

34 – Dashing Through the Snow


Heavy snowfalls may cause travel delays, blocked or unplowed roads, or power outages. While inconvenient, the situation is unlikely to be serious.

There may be snow in areas or during seasons where snow is not the norm.

A well-publicized event, talk, summit, election, or other social or political event may be temporarily delayed due to unavoidable obstacles or circumstances. Plans will likely resume once the obstacles are out of the way.

A leader’s trip to another country may be delayed.


A blizzard or snowstorm could makes headlines. Transportation and power could be affected, roads or schools closed, or people trapped in doors. Travel by road or plane could be next to impossible until plows have a chance to clear the roads.

An avalanche makes the news, or there is a rescue effort to help someone trapped under the snow.

Somewhere in the world a situation (political, social, or environmental) may have arisen where it will be difficult for the powers-that-be, politicians, or public to metaphorically dig their way out of.

A leader or the masses could feel that something heavy was dumped on them. Perhaps something arises that leaves people feeling paralyzed, unable to move, or unable to know what to do.

35 – Time to Fly South


Birds, ocean life, insects, or other animals could be migrating to places they didn’t currently inhabit. This could be the result of seismic, weather-related, or other natural activity. Or it could be due to man-made factors, such as frequencies or sound waves that cause havoc or confusion.

There could be changes to immigration policies, or a group of people could be offered amnesty or protection.

A leader or celebrity could be taking an important trip or goes on vacation.

People may be evacuated from a certain area.

Migration, immigration, or travel could be in the news.

The vacation or travel industry could be booming. Or more people could be moving, buying real estate, or feeling the urge to take a pilgrimage to a certain area, country, or sacred site.


Somewhere in the world, it could make news that certain species may not be migrating or heading south when they should be. This could be due to weather changes, technology, human interference, or other factors.

A disaster, epidemic, or severe weather conditions may trap people of a certain area in their homes, shut down airports, or causes roads to become closed.

On the political level, perhaps doors are being closed to immigration or emigration, and residents of a certain area or country are forced to stay put.

Amnesty may be withheld or denied to a certain group or individual in a way that makes the news.

A leader cancels plans to travel, go on vacation, or cannot attend an important meeting or summit.

36 – Pole Shift

The earth’s polarity shifts slightly or there are changes in the earth’s magnetic field, in a way that makes the news.

A leader has a change of heart about a matter, such as sending aid somewhere, attending a summit, or taking some form of action they previously had agreed upon. Or perhaps, the public has a change of heart about a leader.

Upright There could occur a drastic change in belief systems, regimes, leadership, or trends. At the consciousness level, there could be positive shifts in consciousness.

There may be new developments, technology, or research when it comes to polarity or the earth’s magnetic field.


On the physical level, there could be subtle shifts in polarity. These could have a slightly negative impact or cause compasses not to give out accurate readings of true north.

On the consciousness level, there could be negative shifts in consciousness. This could be caused by false prophecies, false ideas circulating, or beliefs becoming popular that lead people to lose their moral compass, or to believe a lie is the truth or that a truth is a lie.

A leader, group, important person, or corporation, could be lacking in a moral compass in a way that makes news or leaves a social, environmental, or political impact.

The public is being encouraged, through propaganda, to believe that something false is the truth. Alternatively, leaders, groups, or other prominent personalities could be spreading false information unknowingly, feeling that they are in possession of the truth.

37 – Resilience


An ice or hail storm makes the news. Ice could be covering the roads, making for dangerous driving conditions. Or there could be power outages that take time to restore. It could be a slippery situation and better to stay indoors.

A political leader, country, celebrity, group, corporation, theory, or platform may be under attack.

Bullets are being fired in someone’s direction. This could be due to war, mass shootings, police firing their weapons, or other reasons.

The public is facing a period of adversity with composure and strength.

There may be new legislation concerning guns, or new technology or inventions when it comes to weapons or self-defense.


Somewhere in the world, an ice or hail storm could cause damage to power lines or property. Perhaps there could be lingering power outages.

A leader, party, celebrity, or group that has faced intense difficulties or criticism may find relief or support. Or perhaps enough time has passed that they are out of the spotlight and allowed to heal.

There may be new legislation concerning guns that favors making them more difficult to own or purchase.

38 – Numb


Somewhere in the world, temperatures could plummet, leading to cases of frostbite. Or maybe a town or area becomes buried in snow.

A case (or cases) of hypothermia or frostbite could make the news.

Homeless people could be suffering due to cold temperatures and having to find shelter outdoors.

A celebrity or someone the public idolizes passes away, leaving followers or fans feeling a sense of loss, overwhelm, or dismay.

A leader or prominent personality is going through severe stress or coping through dissociation or numbing their emotions. Or he or she could be going in for surgery.

New research, treatments, or approaches surface regarding frigidity, hypothermia, cryogenics, or refrigeration/freezing.


Somewhere in the world, there may be a period of healing, recovery, or renewed hope after a shock or event that brought about feelings of sadness, loss, or fear.

Someone survives hypothermia after falling through the ice or being buried under snow. Or someone comes out of a coma and it makes the news.

A prominent leader or celebrity is on the mend or recovering after being put under anesthesia for a procedure, or being admitted to a psychiatric hospital or rehab center.

New research, treatments, or approaches surface regarding treatment for PTSD, psychological numbness, dissociation, severe stress, or psychosomatic/hysterical-related illnesses or conditions.

39 – Frozen in Time


There could occur deep freezes or record low temperatures. Those who are homeless or without heat or electricity could be the most vulnerable.

The collective emotional climate could be cold. Perhaps, people lack warmth or are more frigid, emotionally repressed, or uncaring than usual. Or, people could feel too paralyzed or stuck to make the changes necessary to grow or to transform a certain situation.

The public or a group may find it difficult to let the past go or to move forward and embrace the new after a loss, war, political upset, or disaster.

There could be new research, technology, or approaches that are connected with watches, timing, which speed up healing or recovery, or which remove blocks to healing.


A period of deep-freeze ends.

A politician or celebrity is forgiven, given another chance, or seen in a new light.

The emotional climate could be less chilly, cold, or repressed.

A charismatic author or personality interrupts the frozen energies of paralysis and ignites people to become more warm, caring, or motivated to make an important change(s).

There could be newsworthy research or discoveries when it comes to dealing with emotional paralysis, repression, comas, paralysis, improving circulation, or treating heart attacks.

40 – The Ice Thaws


Somewhere in the world, difficulties may be easing after a period of hardship. Perhaps a war or dispute ends, or there is rebuilding after a disaster.

There may be an increase in measures or action taken when it comes to protecting arctic wildlife or dealing with melting icecaps.

The earth, in general, could be entering a new cycle of growth, healing, or change. Perhaps an old era has ended, and a new one with a different energy has begun.

There may be new discoveries, technology, treatments, or approaches when it comes to defrosting, thawing, high blood pressure, or pain relief.


Somewhere in the world, a thawing of ice or snow could be happening too quickly, resulting in floods or other issues. Or there could concern that the polar ice caps are melting, or that sea levels are beginning to rise.

Arctic animals may be pushed out of their habitat or at risk due to changes in temperature, melting ice, or difficulty camouflaging themselves due to lack of snow.

Environmentally, socially, economically, or politically, certain changes may have been initiated which there’s no turning back. This could lead the public to experience anxiety, fear of the unknown, or the desire to revert back to what felt safe and familiar.

New research, technology, treatments, or approaches may arise to help with issues such as physical weakness, fainting, or low blood pressure.

41 – Pleasant Distraction


The media and entertainment business may feature prominently in the news. Perhaps the release of a movie, play, ballet, or art exhibit has everyone talking or is expected to draw a large number of spectators.

Leaders or celebrities may be attending events, awards ceremonies, parties, celebrations, or taking time for vacation or leisure.

Socially, life is good and there isn’t too much to complain about. People are enjoying a period of affluence and freedom.

There may be new research, technology, treatments, or approaches when it comes to ADD, ADHD, autism, or art therapy.


The public could be becoming overly-distracted by propaganda, media, or the drama going in in the lives or celebrities or politicians. Being distracted this way could be blocking them from seeing a bigger picture or focusing on issues that should be treated as a priority.

A politician seems overly distracted or, conversely, is using distraction as a tool to draw the public’s attention away from an issue that needs attention.

A celebrity may be drawing attention to themselves in a negative way in order to keep themselves in the news or the focus on public fascination.

The topic of addiction to television, social media, internet or other forms of distraction is making headlines or is the topic of research.

42 – Going Off-Grid


The off-grid movement could grow in popularity or make headlines in some way.

A power outage could last for a long period of time. People may have to survive without electricity for a while.

News stories about disappearances or runaways make headlines.

Criminals, celebrities, or other popular personalities are hiding from paparazzi, the police, or have gone off grid for a while.

There may be new advancements, technology, or research in the fields of off-grid power, power generators, or new and popular ways to go off-grid, to find off-grid housing, or to live in off-grid communities.


The off-grid movement may be in the news in a negative way, or an off-grid community is accused of criminal activities.

Laws are enacted or measures taken that make it more difficult to go off grid or which make it illegal.

In some involuntary way, technology is asserted into the people’s homes, phones, or bodies as a means to keep track of them or to keep them attached to the grid.

A celebrity, criminal, politician, or popular personality may have a hard time escaping paparazzi, the public, or the police. Perhaps, pictures are released of a celebrities wedding or intimate moments which they had tried to keep private.

43 – Higher Education


Something positive may occur at a school or university that makes headlines.

A teacher's strike may end, or a compromise may be reached.

Student loans, tuition, or grants may be in the news in a positive way.

There may be new legislation regarding schools. Or perhaps a politician, leader, or other public personality is helping to make education a topic of interest or it is part of their political platform.

There could be a newsworthy breakthrough in the world of research. Or maybe an ancient manuscript is discovered or a new archaeological finding sheds light on what we prior were in the dark about before.

There may be new technology in schools or universities, or new approaches when it comes to education or student safety.


School programs, universities, tuition, student loans, or grants may feature in the news in a negative way or are the topic of heated discussion.

A tragedy may occur at an educational institution.

There could be a lot of information circling on social media or news outlets that is misleading or false propaganda. Or a leader or public personality may be doing a lot of talking but it may not be wise to trust everything they say. They could be using double-talk or gaslighting techniques to distract others from the truth.

There could be false prophecies, misleading conspiracies, or other misleading information that is circulating or gaining popularity. Or, there could be too much information circulating so that it may be difficult to know what information to trust.

Important new technology development, research, treatments, or approaches may not end up panning out, aren’t put into action, aren’t funded, or may not lead anywhere.

44 – No Place like Home


Something positive and relate to real estate, home insurance, or housing projects may make the news.

There may be new technology or approaches when it comes to building homes, providing homes power, or making homes “smart,” more efficient, or more environmentally friendly.

Something or someone may be returning home and it makes the news. This could be people returning home after an evacuation, hostages or prisoners of war going home to their country, a shuttle returning home to earth, or a leader returning home after a trip.

There could be increased desire to make sure this planet is a peaceful, clean, and healthy place to call home.


Housing projects, home insurance, shelters, orphanages, or real estate may feature negatively in the news.

People may be forced to leave, stay away from, or return to their homes unwillingly. Perhaps there’s an evacuation, immigrants are sent home or refused amnesty, or homes have been destroyed in a disaster.

At a spiritual or environmental level, the earth is the home and something is making it sick and toxic.

There’s new research on topics related to asbestos, mold, sick building syndrome, health effects of smart meters/technology, or other topics related to the home.

45 – The High Road


An important road or bridge may be repaired or improved in a structural way. Or perhaps the building of a road or bridge make the news.

There are positive new developments, technology, or research that makes headlines in the areas of environmentally friendly fuels, vehicles, or means of transportation. Or the government could be spending more money to help make transportation greener, safer, or more economical.

Socially, perhaps people are caring more about the “road” we are taking collectively, or there may be a return to higher values.

A leader or celebrity takes the high road in a contentious situation or gains recognition for their integrity and ethics.


Problems with roads, bridges, vehicles, or transportation may make headlines. Or negative issues having to do with fuels, oil (such as with a spill), or petroleum-based plastics or products makes people question their use.

Pollution caused by petroleum or plastics is in the news or the subject of research.

A petroleum or transportation company is accused of misconduct or features negatively in the news.

A celebrity gets caught drinking and driving, or new regulations are introduced to protect drivers.

A leader or the public isn’t being mindful of the road being taken and where it is heading. A lack integrity, direction, or values may get in the way of doing the right thing for its own sake.

46 – Anonymous


Someone in a prominent position is hiding their true identity, being phony, or is being secretly surveilled, investigated, or stalked.

The hacking group “Anonymous” is in the news, or hackers/hacking, cyber terrorism, cyber vigilantism, internet trolls, identity theft, internet viruses, online predators, or fraud perpetuated by people hiding behind internet avatar may be a topic of social interest.

Either the public or a country may be hiding behind a mask. A false persona may be presented, either to the rest of the world, or in order to feel good enough or to pretend everything is okay when it is not.

There may be new technology, legislation, research, or approaches in the areas of internet, internet security, home security, social media, or online privacy.


Someone famous is under investigation or may be exposed for keeping something hidden. His or her emails or other communications may be accessed, leaked, or reviewed.

Wiki leaks could make headlines, or the personalities behind cyber activities are uncovered.

Hackers may be exposed, or may find it more difficult to carry out hacking or surveillance. Perhaps this could be due to new technologies, legislation, or internet security measures that are created to protect against hacking/hackers.

There may be new legislation enacted or technology created that affects the public’s ability to maintain online or other forms of privacy.

Facebook, twitter, or social media sites (or their founders) may feature negatively in the news.

47 – Good Vibration


A special event, concert, ballet, or celebration (likely involving music) could be making headlines.

There could be new technology, advancements, or approaches in the areas of frequencies, microwaves, electricity, wireless technologies, radio, cell phones, smart technologies, or lasers.

Socially, there are good vibes flowing. People feel positive and hopeful about the future.

There is new research, technology, or advancements in the areas of brain waves or the Schumann Resonance. Or a new technology involving frequency or lasers shows promise with helping medical or emotional issues.


A highly anticipated concert, movie, musical, or ballet gets a bad review, or a performer is in the news in a negative way.

The frequency of the earth may be increasing in a negative way or out of sync with nature's Schumann Resonance.

Man-made frequencies may be having a negative impact on insects, birds, mammals, or other lifeforms. Perhaps their migratory patterns or populations are affected.

There could be new research, technology, or approaches that help to deal with EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies), ULFs (ultra-low frequencies), or noise pollution.

Socially, people may feel negative, unmotivated, depressed, out-of-touch, or disconnected from nature and her natural frequencies.

48 – Keeping Secrets


There may be secret agendas, military secrets, environmental hazards, secret technologies or experimentation, or other information that is being kept “hush hush.”

The public could be largely kept in the dark about an important matter, either feeling this protects the public or due to the desire to deceive. You may want to draw another card for more clarity regarding what the intentions are.

A leader, politician, corporation, the military, or famous person could be guilty of deception or trying to pull the wool over other’s eyes.

There could be new research, advancements, technologies, or cures for illnesses that is being kept secret or blocked from being made public.


A politician, celebrity, corporation, or other popular figure could be saying too much or sharing too much personal information (or a confession), potentially getting themselves into trouble.

Factions of the public or a specific group could be speaking out about a matter in a way that isn’t helping the situation but hurting it.

A gossip magazine is in the news in some way.

A celebrity or public figure is engaging in gossip or making false allegations. Or it could be that something isn’t being kept secret or confidential that should have been (emails, photos, confidential documents, etc.).

Someone breaks a non-disclosure agreement to get the truth out, or top secret government files or information are leaked.

There may be new technology, research, legislation, or approaches when it comes to lie detecting, debunking hoaxes or conspiracy theories, detecting “fake news”, or protecting the public from fake news sites, slander, or gossip.

49 – Withdrawal Symptoms

A celebrity or public figure enters rehab or discloses they are in treatment for problems with addictions. Or a former addict uses their celebrity to educate or help others going through addictions.

There could be new legislation concerning alcohol, drugs, drinking and driving, or other addictive substances.

On a social level, the public could be going through withdrawal or loss of someone or something they felt dependent upon. It may take time to adjust or mourn the loss.

Upright There could be new research, technologies, treatments, or approaches when it comes to addiction recovery, grief, divorce, break-ups, and loss.


A prominent personality, leader, or celebrity recovers from an addiction only to suffer a relapse.

An addiction center makes headlines in a negative way.

There could be new laws, efforts, or legislation that allows the legalizing of certain addictive drugs or substances, or which makes them more accessible.

The public could be avoiding an important change due to a fear. It could be a fear of letting go of the past, of what is familiar, or of having to go through an uncomfortable period of transition.

50 – Cleansing


Environmentally, the earth could go through some form of cleansing or cleanup process. If initiated by nature, there could be purification by water in certain areas (such as through floods, tsunamis, or similar events).

Agriculturally, there could be new legislation or a huge shift toward becoming more natural or organic. Or with technology and power sources, there could be a shift or new legislation toward more healthy, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.

Financially, politically, or socially something of a negative or unhealthy nature could be swept out so that something new and better can come in. Perhaps, a politician(s) who wasn’t serving his office very well is removed from office, or there is new legislation or programs created to clean up cities, offices, crime, garbage, or litter.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or treatments when it comes to cleansing the body, detoxification, or getting rid of heavy metals or toxins in the body.


Environmentally, a cleanup may be necessary, but is on hold, not taken seriously, or fear of change is blocking it.

There may be an inability for a city or area to get rid of garbage or toxic waste.

A leader, celebrity, or someone in a prominent position may be heavily criticized for being overindulgent or greedy. Or he or she may suffer from poor health, addictions, or dietary issues.

Socially, people may be overindulgent or may cling to materialistic mindsets and what serves big business and industry.

There may be new research, technology, approaches, or treatments when it comes to hoarding, lymphatic congestion, bowel disorders, constipation, kidney disease, or dialysis.

51 – Tea of Transformation

There could be advances in the treatment of a disease, a new drug, or a new cure that makes headlines.

A leader or celebrity may be recovering from illness or a surgery.

A leader may make healthcare reform a priority, or there may be positive changes to it.

There may be advances in the field of alternative medicine or energy work, or a new herb or supplement becomes all the rage for treating a particular condition.

There may be new and promising technology, research, approaches, when it comes to healing certain environmental issues, diseases in plants or animals, or ocean habitats.

Socially, it could be that people are opening up to natural healing techniques and remedies, or medicine is taking a more natural turn.


A medical breakthrough or some form of medical research may be delayed or compromised, perhaps due to lack of funding or other complications.

In the world of healing, something may have become stalled, delayed, or isn’t supported. Perhaps, there’s a lack of trust in using nature or natural therapies, or individuals, companies, or governments are lobbying against them.

There may be a recall concerning certain herbs, supplements, or medicines that makes headlines. Or maybe a medication, herb, or supplement is taken off the market.

There may be legislation against the use of marijuana, or the use of natural healing modalities could be restricted in some form.

52 – The Sky Bridge


A prominent personality, leader, or celebrity could make a prediction that comes to fruition.

A psychic, medium, or religious prophet could be in the news in a favorable way or helps to solve a missing person’s case or investigation.

It could be that people in general are feeling especially psychic at this time due to an astrological transit or some other type of phenomenon occurring.

New research, technology, or approaches could arise that focus on understanding psychic abilities or increasing them.


A prophecy or prediction that a lot of people believed could fail to come to pass.

A cult, leader, or religious sect could gain followers or devotee’s due to its focus on fulfilling prophecy or predictions it has made.

A well-known psychic could be being denounced as a fraud.

At a spiritual or scientific level, there could be a need to practice discernment. Or perhaps something once thought of as spiritual, scientific, or metaphysical truth will be debunked, proved false, or loses support.

A product, movie, or form of technology that was predicted to be promising could flop.

The stock market or a stock could be predicted to move in a certain direction and doesn’t.

53 – Breathing Room


Efforts could be made to purify the air of airborne pollution. Or perhaps stricter environmental protocols are put in place for manufacturers, or to reduce smog, greenhouse gasses, or pollution from automobiles.

New legislation affects smokers or their ability to smoke in public places.

There may be increased freedoms or rights for groups or minorities who didn’t have them.

The economy, stock market, banks, or real estate market is doing well. People could be enjoying more financial freedom, or a country could resolve a lot of its debt.

There is new research, technology, treatments or approaches when it comes to reducing greenhouse gasses, exhaust, or other airborne pollutants.


The public could feel smothered or suffocated by poor air quality, smog, smoke from a forest fire, or something else that makes the air difficult to breathe.

The public could feel overly monitored by big brother.

People could feel their privacy is being invaded, that there is increased military presence on the streets, or that their freedom of choice or movement is being limited due to strict rules or curfews.

A leader could be overbearing or bossy.

People could feel things are tight financially. Loans could be more difficult to acquire, the economy could be suffering, or unemployment could be on the rise.

There is new research, medical breakthroughs, or new treatments when it comes to asthma, smoking addictions, sleep apnea, or other conditions that affect the lungs and breathing.

54 – Spiritual Alignment


A leader, country (or group of countries), corporation, or group could make an important decision that serves the greater good in a humanitarian way.

Someone in a position of celebrity or power may be applauded for their charity, good intentions, or may be given an award for his or her humanitarianism.

In some way, the public may be embracing a spirit of generosity, caring, charity, or good will. Something good is happening in the world that is generating headlines, and we’re all more blessed for it.

There may be new research, technology, treatments, or approaches in the areas of scoliosis, chiropractics, orthodontics, setting fractures, or anything that has to do with the skeletal system or increasing alignment in the body.


Someone in a position of celebrity or power may speak out of both sides of their mouth, does not practice what they preach (or keep promises), or is motivated by lower values.

Certain influential people or groups may speak out about certain issues, ideals, or values but may have a tendency to be hypocritical. Or they could be speaking out against certain corporations or industries, yet passively continuing to support the companies and energies they are supposed to be against.

Under the ocean or on land, tectonic plates may be shifting or colliding. The friction could cause ridges to form, or trigger volcanic or seismic activity.

A large crack in the earth’s surface could make the news.

There could be structural issues with roads, bridges, or buildings, perhaps leading to breaks or other problems.

55 – Processing Energies


There could be a change in government or political structure, significant social changes, or the implementation of a new system or new way of doing things (such as with health care, environmental measures, technology, etc.). Such changes may needs time to be adjusted to or integrated.

Shocking truths or information could come to light. Perhaps, it may be a lot to process or results in information overload. The public may need time to digest it or feel for how to respond.

If the changes are not political, or social, it could be that they are happening on energetic, environmental, or other levels (such as with changes or shifts in the earth’s frequency or with the magnetic field). Such changes may need to be processed.

There may be new research, treatments, or approaches in the areas of digestion, digestive disorders, or processing disorders.


There may have occurred changes in political structure (or with implementing new laws or regulations) without the ability to make them permanent. Perhaps such changes weren’t accepted by the public or were undone by a new regime or leader.

An important and beneficial social or environmental change may have been attempted but didn’t stick due to there being too much opposition or the desire to return back to what was comfortable and familiar.

New information or truths may have come to light, but perhaps this information was swept under the rug or wasn’t acknowledged due to the public not knowing how else to deal with or process it.

There is new research or approaches when it comes to dealing with drug resistance, organ rejection, or resistance to the healing process in general.

56 – 11:11


At an 11th hour, there’s an important call to service and people are responding (this could be spiritual, or in the case of offering military or other service).

A leader or government may be taking important matters seriously. There may be the desire to respond in a way that serves the greater good or a divine purpose.

The phenomenon of 11:11 is becoming more prevalent, there is new information revealed, or perhaps it is the subject of research, movie, or documentary.

People are watching the clock in some form, or patterns of numbers. Maybe an election is occurring, a telethon, or people anxiously await the results of a trial or investigation.

There may be new research, advancements, or treatments when it comes to autonomic nervous system disorders, disorders that require one to pay attention to time (such as to monitor blood sugar), or disorders that result in watching the clock (such as with insomnia).


Something is looming on the horizon that needs to be dealt with and faced in a timely manner so that it doesn’t continue to grow and manifest. Perhaps a government or the public are waiting until the last minute or for a crisis to happen before taking action.

A leader, group, or the public in general may be overly optimistic about an issue when it is unwarranted. Or perhaps there is the misreading signs or signals that something isn’t right.

Something is delayed which it results in a missed opportunity and the inability to recapture the opportunity in the future.

In the realm of technology or research, something could be offered that has the effect of keeping people idle, waiting, or misinformed regarding the gravity of a situation.

57 – Caught in Her Web


A leader, group, or someone in the public eye may be being scapegoated, abused, discriminated against, or subject to false allegations.

A leader, public figure, or the public in general in the public eye may be being gaslighted, manipulated, or their gullibility is being taken advantage of.

A celebrity or popular personality comes forward about being a victim of abuse, rape, bullying, stalking, or being treated inappropriately.

There are news stories, concerns, or research concerning spiders, their webs, spider bites, or poisonings.

There is new research, approaches, or treatments when it comes to food poisoning, spider bits, liver poisoning, drug overdoses, or other forms of poisoning.


A celebrity or public figure could be exposed for abuse, rape, deception, stalking, or other misconduct.

There could be a scandal involving a leader, judge, or other powerful individual that leads to an investigation, legal action, or impeachment.

A criminal, murderer, or thief may be caught and brought to justice.

There are new measures enacted to deal with bullying or abuse of power. Or bully or abuse of power could be topics of news or discussion.

There may be new research, approaches, or treatments in the areas of sociopathy, bullying, psychopathy, borderline personality, or criminal behavior.

58 – Safe in Your Bubble


A leader or public personality may be whisked away to a private location in order to get them away from the spotlight.

The public, a leader, or important public figure is being protected or sheltered from knowing about certain activities, threats, or information.

There could be extra security measures taken, or rules enforced, to protect the public or an important public figure from a perceived threat.

There could be increased interest in, or a movement toward, joining monasteries, cults, or sheltered communities. Or they could be featured in the news in some way.

There may be new research, technology, or advancements when it comes to security, panic rooms, or self-defense.


A leader, organization, group, or country could feel hypersensitive, under attack, discriminated against, or criticized.

An increasing number of people could be feeling more emotionally sensitive, or may be experiencing sensitivities or allergies when it comes to food, chemicals, or the environment.

Psychics could be suggesting that the veil is thinner than normal, leaving humanity more vulnerable to being influenced by negative spiritual influences.

There could be new research, treatments, technology, or approaches when it comes to dealing with agoraphobia, social anxiety, or sensitivities and vulnerabilities (environmentally, emotionally, or spiritually).

59 – Unretrieved Soul


Something could happen with the earth’s magnetic field or gravitational pull (in a way that makes it weaker).

A cult could be influencing its members to commit suicide or to dissociate from their physical experience or bodies in a way that leads to deaths or makes headlines.

People may become more interested astral travel or the experiences they can have out-of-body rather than within it.

An astronaut could be sent into space or to live on a space station or another planet.

There could be new research, technology, approaches, or treatments when it comes to dissociative disorders, out-of-body experiences, the earth’s magnetic field, gravity, or the possibility of living in space, on a space station, or on other planets.


Something could happen with the earth’s magnetic field or gravitational pull (in a way that makes it stronger or more conducive to life).

A space shuttle or astronaut could return home to earth, or a space probe could bring back valuable information concerning its travels in space. Alternatively, an extraterrestrial space ship crashes or is found.

A celebrity or person of interest could have a near-death experience.

There could be increased interest in topics related to soul retrieval, near death experiences, or becoming more spiritually grounded.

There could be new research, technology, approaches, or theories when it comes to near-death experiences, soul retrieval, or how to bring people or objects home to earth after their being in space.

60 – Put a Spell on You


A powerful leader or pubic personality may be charismatic or have the ability to weave the public under a spell.

An advertiser, advertising company, or the subject of advertising itself could make headlines.

The Law of Attraction or ideas pertaining to manifestation may be becoming more popular due to the release of a new book, theory, or point of view being offered.

The topic of Wicca, witchcraft, magic, or spells could be in the news.

There could be new research or approaches (or increased interest) when it comes to metaphysics, manifestation, intention, telekinesis, or magic.


A leader or public figure may appear very charismatic but is not to be trusted or is only focused on their own self-interest.

Witchcraft, Wiccans, satanic cults, magic, curses, or spellwork could be receiving negative attention or are the subject of negative news.

A psychic is exposed for defrauding their clients or is being prosecuted.

Conspiracy or other theories (or movies) arise in which certain individuals or groups are being accused of practicing dark arts or having evil intentions.

There may be new research that reveals information about the inquisition, satanic cults, the Knights Templar, secret societies, or the Salem witch trials.

61 – Feng Shui Butterfly


A change, renovation, or overhaul could be taking place, perhaps involving the government, heath care, laws, security, or immigration.

The White House or another important building could be renovated.

The topic of housing or the real estate market could feature in the news in a positive way.

A celebrity or public personality connected to home improvement or interior design could be launching a new show or line of home furnishings.

There may be new research, technology, approaches when it comes to feng shui, interior design, real estate, home improvement, or home insurance.


A change, renovation, or overhaul to some area of government, laws, public life, or health care may have been promised (or is needed) but there are too many blocks to bringing it about.

A leader may be stubborn or set in their ways, or the public may be overly complacent.

There may be issues with too much materialism, hoarding, improper waste management, or too much waste or clutter.

The real estate market or other markets might not be faring well or there may be a lull.

A celebrity or individual connected with home improvement, real estate, or insurance may be in the news in a negative ways, or a real estate or insurance business goes under.

There may be new research, technology, or approaches when it comes to hoarding, waste management, or reducing clutter.

62 – Meeting Your Twin


A celebrity or political leader is put on a pedestal. He or she may be in sync with the public, or seems to understand where they are coming from or what issues are priorities for them.

Twins are in the news in a positive way.

The more positive changes take place within the collective consciousness, the more positive change is manifests in the external world.

There may be new research, technology, news, or approaches concerning twins, Siamese twins, gene splicing, or cloning.


A political leader, celebrity, or corporation could be demonized in the news or social media for the very same values society encourages or seeks to emulate.

A leader or powerful individual is being compared to (or mirrors) the energy or intentions of a negative figure in history.

There could be a lot of anger or blame directed at governments, corporations, power companies, secret societies, or the military when it comes to a major world issues. However, the public may not be taking responsibility for its own choices or lifestyles, or the effects of consumer and other choices.

Twins, Siamese twins, cloning, or gene splicing may be the subject of negative news.

63 – Seer of Souls


A leader or public personality may display warmth, insightfulness, and caring.

The emotional climate in a particular area or country could feel contagious. Perhaps many people are angry, panicked, or fearful about a situation, or an energy of inspiration or hope is spreading after something positive occurred.

Psychological profiling helps to catch a criminal. Or perhaps a mentalist or psychic is in the news.

There is new research, technology, or approaches in the area of empathy, emotional intelligence, emotional sensitivity, or psychological profiling.


A leader or influential personality may display a lack of emotional intelligence or empathy. They may have a hard time caring about or being genuinely interested in others needs or feelings.

A situation or event could leave the public overwhelmed and unable to balance their emotions.

Misunderstandings could occur between public personalities and their followers, constituents, or the media. Or there could be confusion or lack of understanding as to what caused a public personality, leader, or group of people to act or react in a certain way.

There could be new research, treatments or approaches for Asperger’s, Empathy Deficit Disorder (or other disorders where empathy or emotional intelligence is compromised), borderline personality disorder, or emotional overwhelm.

64 – Akashic Records


An archaeological study or finding could ignite the public's interest when it comes to history, Atlantis, or ancient civilizations.

A library, museum, information bank, or website/company that helps people to acquire or store information (such as Google or Wiki) could be in the news in a positive way.

There could be increased interest in past lives or akashic records. Perhaps this is due to a new theory, book, or tv program that becomes popular.

There may be new research, approaches, or technology in the areas of deciphering genetic codes, archaeology excavations, libraries, data storage, museums, past life regression, or accessing one’s akashic records.


A leader, prominent personality, or group may offer superficial solutions to a problem, is distorting the truth, or making things up as they go along.

A leader, personality, group, or large factions of the public may not be interested in looking deeply into things or may seem unintuitive, one-dimensional, or lacking in depth or deeper wisdom.

A library, museum, information bank, or other place where information is stored, is in the news in a negative way. Perhaps, a fire, server crash, hacking, or other misfortune results in the loss of important data or information.

There may be new technology, research, or approaches when it comes to data protection, archaeological preservation, preserving manuscripts, or preventing information from being lost in some form.

65 – The Karmic Scales


Action may be being taken to impeach, take to court, investigate, or fairly deal with a world leader, major organization, celebrity, or corporation.

There may be increased interest in seeing that justice is being served, with less willingness to look the other way with abuses.

New and fair laws or legislation could be introduced that affects many people and is in the news.

A judge or lawyer may be in the news in a positive way or is fighting a positive cause.

A lesson from the past or history could repeating. Perhaps there is the opportunity to do things differently this time around so that justice, fairness, or balance can be restored.

There could be new research, approaches, or change when it comes to the justice system.


A legal issue involving a prominent person, a leader, or corporation could arise which the outcome appears to be shocking or unfair. Perhaps, a celebrity, corporation, or politician appears to be getting away with murder (literally or metaphorically), fraud, an affair, sexual misconduct, or some other injustice.

Within the public or a group there could be a sense helplessness, passivity, or willing to look the other way when it comes to the corruption or injustice in the world.

In an unrealistic way, people could be looking to the same forces they see as corrupted, to be the forces that take responsibility, learn a lesson, or bring about more fairness or reform. Or perhaps there is too much blame and finger pointing, and not enough personal responsibility or willingness to learn a lesson.

66 – The Law of Balance

A leader, healer, author, or other personality (or company) could rise in popularity who is fair and balanced.

A ballerina, dancer, ballet or dance company, or performance could be featured in the news.

Books, movies, or theories could become popular which center around the topics of zen, yin and yang, walking a middle path, or avoiding extremes.

Legal cases or trials could turn out fairly or there is a compromise.

Upright Events could arise in the world, or important questions could be asked by the public, which there is no clear yes-or-no or all-or-nothing answer.


A leader, healer, author, or other personality (or company) could rise in popularity who seems to lack the ability to be fair or balanced. He or she may be an extremist, waver or swing between extremes, or may be unable to compromise or to come up with balanced solutions to problems.

People could feel unable to create balance in their inner and outer worlds, or tend to gravitate toward overindulgence and extremes.

Politically or with a legal matter, it could be that two parties will not be able to find compromise. Perhaps one party wants everything or nothing at all.

Events could arise in the world which important questions are asked by the public. However, it is possible that there is no yes-or-no answer because the public is dealing with a no-win situation or a lose-lose situation.

67 – Sound Healing


Strange sounds are heard in areas of the world, or appear to be coming from the sky.

Someone in a position of leadership or celebrity shares positive messages that enlightens others.

In the entertainment world, it could be that music stars unite to put on a concert, benefit, or to produce a song to raise money for a charitable cause.

An orchestra, conductor, musician, or music company is in the news in a positive way.

There is new research, technology, treatments, or approaches in the area of sound healing, music therapy, drumming, or music production or equipment.


Noise pollution could become a serious problem in an area of the world, or makes headlines in a negative way.

A leader or celebrity could be speaking too much. Perhaps, no one wants to hear what they have to say anymore.

The public or certain groups are complaining a lot, but it is getting them nowhere.

A negative event is connected with or happens at a concert, musical, or involves a conductor, singer, song writer, musician, or someone else in the music industry.

It could be that scientists or activists are speaking out about certain matters, but what they have to say is falling on deaf ears.

68 – Fantasy


A celebrity or someone in the public eye is having a baby.

The entertainment industry is booming, or providing an enjoyable source of distraction.

Events are taking place in the world that leave the masses feeling idealistic and hopeful.

There is new research, technology, or approaches when it comes to use of imagination, visualization, guided meditations.

People are using their imagination to come up with solutions to world problems.

An event is organized where people gather to meditate or pray together, or to combine efforts or intentions toward having a healing impact on the world.


It could be that a politician promises were pipe dreams, or the faith invested in him or her, or a dream or platform, was misplaced.

Within the public, there could be a strong addiction to fantasy, denial, and illusion.

A celebrity or leader may suffer the loss of a child. If not a child, it could be that a project, movie, dream, or promise doesn’t reach fruition or come to completion.

People may feel unable to use their imagination or creativity to come up with solutions to world problems.

69 – Wounded Healer


A leader or public personality may transcend an addiction, health crisis, or some other type of limitation or weakness. He or she could be committed to helping others who suffer similar limitations or weaknesses.

A country that has been through a trial or ordeal (environmentally, socially, or in another way) may be offering to help another country going through a similar issue.

The public may have been through a trial or ordeal, but have learned from it.

There is new technology, research, or approaches when it comes to stitches or treating physical or emotional wounds or scars.


A leader, celebrity, politician, or another public figure may not be coping well, succumbed to a drug or alcohol addiction (or overdose), is dealing with a mental health issue (or abuse), or is going through a health crisis. There may be an outpouring of love or support as their crisis is broadcast all over the world.

The plight of abused animals, children, or a group might become a topic that stirs sympathy, compassion, or the desire to protect them.

The world or environment could be going through trials or challenges which are karmically meant to trigger compassion, understanding, healing, and growth.

New laws or regulations may be enacted to help the abused or suffering. There may be measures to improve care offered in hospitals, retirement homes, or homeless shelters. Or perhaps abuses might be exposed (which trigger public concern and compassion).

70 – Miracle


A big event could bring people together in prayer or good-intentions. Perhaps there is the desire to use prayer, meditation, or intention to manifest a miracle or bring about peace.

A war could end in a positive way, there could be a positive growth (or recovery after a depression), or some other unexpected blessing.

A savior figure, miracle worker, or perceived miracle could be attracting attention.

There could be research on the nature of miracles or the efficacy of mind-over-matter or energy healing techniques or healing.

Someone in the public eye experiences something miraculous or recovers from an illness. Or someone becomes popular for having experienced a miracle or spontaneous recovery from an illness.


Efforts are being made to heal a collective issue or turn a difficult situation around (politically, economically, socially, or environmentally). There is reason to feel hopeful, as these efforts could yield positive results soon.

If there is not a full recovery or amendment to a situation there should be great improvement or growth.

A celebrity or public figure suffers an illness but there is hope for improvement or recovery.

There could be hope for a new drug or cure for an illness, but it may need to first go through an approval process or be tested.

71 – Hands That Heal


A world leader or someone in the public eye could be recognized for their generosity, an act of charity, or their donation of money or time to a cause. Or, all eyes may be on someone who is trying to help to make a situation better or who offers a way that people can heal after a loss or disaster.

There could be an event that draws people together to send energy healing to a certain area or place. If not this, they could be offering practical aid or physical labor towards an area struck by tragedy or a disaster.

There could be legislation or reforms that affect alternative healers, masseuses, or alternative medicine practitioners. Or hands on healing, energy healing, or a particular healer could feature in the news in a positive way.

There could be new research, technology, or advancements in the areas of hands on healing, massage, energy work, or alternative healing.


Somewhere in the greater world, a gift, charity, or aid may have not been received. Perhaps, a world leader or public figure refuses to accept a gift, charity, or aid, or refuses to give it.

An alternative healer or alternative healing method makes the news but in a negative way.

There could be new laws or legislation that hinders healers or forces them to conform to certain guidelines.

There could be an event scheduled for people to band together to send prayers or energy healing to an area of the world or to the world in general, but perhaps a more grounded and hands-on approach is needed.

72 – Divine Feminine


People may be standing up for mothers, women, woman’s rights, or even Mother Nature in a way that makes headlines.

A female could be elected to a prominent leadership position. Or a queen, princess, or other prominent female figure may be figure prominently in the news (or may be pregnant).

On a spiritual level, perhaps Mother Nature is demanding to be heard or requires attention.

The topic of motherhood, parenting, or child custody, may be in the news in some form.

Perhaps the subject of the divine feminine (or respect for yin energy) becomes popular with spiritual circles, spiritual authors, or becomes viral on social media.


A prominent female figure, feminist, or women’s movement is heavily criticized or fails in its mission.

There could be persecution of women or mothers (at home or abroad) in a way that makes the news. Perhaps there will be a need to protect women's or mother's rights or give them refuge.

A mother may be accused of child abuse, neglect, or kidnapping. Or perhaps a mother or grandmother is separated from children in a way that makes the news.

There may be new books, research, legislation, or approaches which deal with the negative aspects of motherhood, abusive mothers, abused mothers, or similar topics.

Environmentally, mother earth could be under-valued, devalued, or unable to provide. Perhaps she is blamed for her own deficiencies, or seen as an enemy or antithesis to the Divine Masculine, instead of admired.

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