Page 1: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

Copyright ©2016 by GKidz, FCBC Page 1

READY TO SERVE ! Date: 28/29 May 2016 Lesson 3: Heart to Love / I can Serve my Community Series Overview In this series, we share with the children that though they are young, they can start to serve others. Serving is easy – all it takes is to see the needs around them, and try to meet those needs. Through this series, we want to see the children apply the lesson and serve others in a personal capacity (3 weeks), and also step out corporately as a GKidz family to serve (2 weeks). Date Lesson Overview 14/15 May Lesson 1: Eyes to See / I can Serve at Home

• The children will learn that God can use us to meet the needs of people around us

• When we serve others, we are serving God • We need to see the needs of those around us • Challenge No.1 – Meet Needs at Home

21/22 May Lesson 2: Hands to Help / I can Serve in School

• The children will learn that they can and should do something about the needs that they see around them

• Identify needs in School • Challenge No. 2 – Meet Needs in School

28/29 May Lesson 3: Heart to Love / I can Serve my Community

• We need to have a heart of love to serve others the way God wants • Identify needs in the community, pray for TOUCH Community

Services • Challenge No. 3 – Meet Needs in the Community with your Family

TBD Lesson 4: I can Serve my Neighbourhood Part 1

• The children will take a walk around the neighbourhood and identify needs that people in the neighbourhood may face

• The children will plan ways in which they can help meet those needs

TBD Lesson 5: I can Serve my Neighbourhood Part 2 • The children will put their plans into action and meet needs in the

neighbourhood <consent form required>

Page 2: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

Copyright ©2016 by GKidz, FCBC Page 2

Series Memory Verse - Matthew 25:40 (NIRV) The King will reply, ‘What I’m about to tell you is true. Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

LEADERS’ PREPARATION This week we are going to talk about the last thing that we need to serve others – which is to have a heart to care and love. If we just see and do, but

don’t have a heart that cares genuinely, we will quickly lose enthusiasm and grow weary, lukewarm and indifferent. But a heart that is renewed with compassion is one that will persevere and keep going. It’s the secret sauce and fuel for serving. Leaders, do personally allow the Lord to renew your heart so that you will go the distance as you serve.

PLATFORM TEACHING (20 mins) Roles: PT1 and PT2

PT1: After these two weeks of lessons on being Ready to Serve, I am all… Ready to Serve! I’ve got eyes to see, I’ve got hands to help. I’m ready to serve! Are you ready to serve? I’m ready to serve! Let’s go serve! Woohoo! [PT1 getting more and more high, ready to charge and run off the stage]

PT2: Wait a minute, wait a minute… Not so fast. You've got your eyes to see, you've

got hands to help… But you’re still missing one important thing before you go out to serve!

PT1: Hmm… Really? What is so important about this thing? Can see, can do, I am

ready! PT2: Well, you may start very fast and do a lot of things, but without this important last

thing, it’s very likely that you will get very very TIRED, and you will want to GIVE UP, and you may BURN OUT and STOP serving completely!

PT1: HUH?? That sounds serious! I don't ever want to stop serving Jesus and I never

want to give up serving others! Okay okay, tell me… What is this important last thing that I need?

PT2: Okay everybody, take your two fingers [lift up index and middle finger up in

the air] PT1: Okay, I’ve got my two fingers. [lift up index and middle finger up in the air] PT2: Put it on the inner part of your wrist, press down lightly and tell me what you feel?

Page 3: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

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PT1: I feel a bom bom, bom bom… Is that… is that the pulse rate that shows that my heart beating?

PT2: Yes that is your heart beating, and with each pump of your heart, it is pumping

blood all over your body, including to your hands and your eyes. What would happen if your heart stopped working, would your hands and eyes continue to work? No, both of your hands and your eyes would stop working too!

Remember what I said that without this super important last thing, you may get tired of serving and give up and stop? Can you guess what it is? Yes, it’s your heart! You need your heart to work in order for your eyes and hands to work well, and for you to serve others well.

PT1: So to serve others, besides eyes that see, hands that help, I also need a heart? PT2: Yup, we need a heart that loves others. It all STARTS from the HEART! [slide]

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above everything else, guard your heart. Everything you do comes from it.”

It’s good if we can SEE a lot of the needs and DO a lot to meet those needs, but without LOVE in our heart, we are nothing at all! [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t have love, I get nothing at all.”

PT1: Wow, that means I can give everything in my entire house to the poor, but if I

don't have love in my heart, it means NOTHING? And if I work really really hard, and do difficult things to serve other people, but I don't have love in my heart, I don't get ANYTHING at all?

PT2: Yup that's the importance of having a heart that loves! When we have a heart that

loves, God will let us see more needs, and strengthen our hands to serve. We’re going to watch a video of this one young lady that God used to help meet

the needs of the people of Uganda. We’re going to see how God used her eyes, hands and heart to serve others.

[play video]

That video was 6 years ago, and today, Katie Davis is still loving and serving the children and people of Uganda, because she has eyes to see the needs, hands to help meet those needs and most importantly, a heart that loves God and loves the people whom she is serving.

Page 4: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

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We need God to give us a heart that loves others the way that He loves them, so that we can serve them the way that God wants us to. Let’s all put one hand on our heart, bow our head and close our eyes and let’s pray. [TL to pray]


Share with the children the various ways they can make a heart shape.

Baby Heart Hand Heart Big Heart Overhead Heart When you call out a type of heart, the children will need to respond quickly and make that particular heart shape. You can end by taking a photo together in a heart shape pose


Logistics: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 A3 card print out

Leader to say: How important is it to have a heart of love? Paul talks about it in the book of 1 Corinthians and we’re going to read these verses together, but we need to do it as a team. I’m going to say one part of the verse, and together as one small group you are going to say one part, then back to me. The easy part is, that your part is always the same – it is “if I don’t have love”! Let’s try and say it together one time! [point to them to cue them when it’s their turn to say their line, read dramatically and make it fun!] 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Leader to say: Suppose I speak in the languages of human beings or of angels.

Page 5: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

Copyright ©2016 by GKidz, FCBC Page 5

Children to say: If I don’t have love,

Leader to say: I am only a loud gong or a noisy cymbal.

Suppose I have the gift of prophecy. Suppose I can understand all the secret things of God and know everything about him. And suppose I have enough faith to move mountains.

Children to say: If I don’t have love,

Leader to say: I am nothing at all.

Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag.

Children to say: If I don’t have love,

Leader to say: I get nothing at all. Wow, if we do a lot but we don't have love, what we do doesn’t count in God’s eyes! We need to have the right heart and the right reasons for doing good and serving others. We need to have a heart of love. It’s so important that God repeats it three times in the Bible!

SMALL GROUP APPLICATION ACTIVITY – LOVE OTHERS (10 mins) Logistics: Love Others worksheet (1 per child)

Now this is a big important question! How can we show love to other people?

• We can treat them the way we would want to be treated if we were in their shoes. • Care for them like we care for ourselves • Put their needs above our own needs


• Think about someone in your neighbourhood or community (not in your home or your school) that you want to show love to and serve in some way

• How would you want to be treated if you were them? • Draw/write one thing that you can do to show love towards them and meet a need

that they have

Page 6: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

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PT2 to gather everyone again to watch the video and pray for TCS

[Play TCS Corporate Video - saved on thumbdrive] There are many needs in Singapore. And today we are going to stand as one Timothy Club P1-3 family to pray for these needs. [get the children to stand]

• Think about one group of people you saw in the video. • What needs do they have? Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what they need • We are going to pray altogether for the particular group of people that you chose.

[Stand in your small group in circles, holding hands and choose one group of people who would need God’s love and help in Singapore – blind, disabled, elderly, broken families etc.]

Let’s continue to pray for TCS and the work that they are doing among the people in Singapore. [PT2 to lead the children to pray for 2-3 areas]

REVIEW MEMORY VERSE (5 mins) Series Memory Verse: Matthew 25:40 (NIRV) The King will reply, ‘What I’m about to tell you is true. Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Write the memory verse on the whiteboard and rub away key words and see if the children can still remember the verse by heart.

TAKE HOME APPLICATION ACTIVITY – I CAN SERVE MY COMMUNITY (10 mins) Logistics: Ready to Serve worksheet (one per child, given out in Week 1) – see

Appendix • Tell the children to go on a walk or drive with their parents, and look out for needs in

their community as they travel around. Discuss with their parents how they can meet that need

• Encourage children and their families to consider serving together with the beneficiaries of TCS’ Meals on Wheel programme. They can get more info at

Page 7: READY TO SERVE! · [Slide] 1 Corinthians 13:3 says, “Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give myself over to a difficult life so I can brag. If I don’t

Timothy Club (P1-3) Year 3

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