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Real Change Starts with Self-awareness

Tips For Life Coaches

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People hire coaches because they are not satisfied with something about themselves or their situation. In the world of friendships and family everyone is giving out advice, but rarely does it really help move people forward on a consistent basis.

Coaches start by bringing awareness to the table. They help clients look at the issue(s) from different angles and then only when they are ready and really understand the direction to move in do they support their client in moving forward.

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Is there something in your life that you’d like to change?

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t answer this question with an emphatic “yes.”

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Is there something in your life that you’d like to change?

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t answer this question with an emphatic “yes.”

You can begin making these changes by building your self-awareness.

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Self-awareness is a self-conscious state where you’re focused on

yourself and your own well-being.

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“We cannot change what we will not see.”

Self-awareness is the acknowledgement of not only our strengths, but our weaknesses too. Being self-aware can be described as paying attention to your body and feelings, and then acting upon the information you acquire.

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If you’re one with your body, you’ll be able to read when to say “no” to that last slice of pizza, or when to say “no” to staying up past your bed time.

The more often you respect your body’s wishes, the better in tune you will become. Self-awareness is a process, and the more we practice it, the more proficient we become.

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But how does one become self-aware?

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Reflect upon who you are and who you’d like to be. While it is without a doubt important to understand your flaws and weaknesses, it’s equally important to acknowledge your strengths.

The more apt you are at understanding yourself, the better you will be at accepting yourself

as you are or changing things you’d like to. Self-awareness requires honesty with yourself and the courage to change things as you see fit.

By peering deep into your soul, you can uncover the many character traits that make you unique. Make sure to acknowledge your positive traits. This will help brace and encourage you in the face of less favorable traits to make sure you don’t abandon hope in your new


On the flipside, when you evaluate your strengths, don’t let your ego carry you away. You must try to stay objective and form a realistic picture of yourself.

Until you face yourself with 100% truth, you cannot move forward to the person you deserve to become.

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Make note of your likes and dislikes. Too often, people make life-altering decisions without acknowledging their deeply

rooted personal preferences.

Before you set out on your journey to fulfill your goals, make sure you are aware of the things you enjoy the most, and conversely, the things you’d rather not have in your life.

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Face your inner self.

During this process, reflect upon your dreams, fears, motivators, and stressors.

Ponder why you feel the way you do, and then start working towards overcoming these inner struggles.

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Ask the opinions of your loved ones. Talk to the people who know you best and take their words to heart. Find out what they see as your dominant character traits and motivations. Ask them to be completely candid with you and make sure

you are prepared to hear their opinions.

More than likely, you aren’t the best judge of your own character. Accept your loved ones’ views as a part of this process. Considering their opinions alongside your own

analysis can help you form a full picture.

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Self-awareness is a large part of self-esteem and personal development. If you want to grow as a person, make sure to begin with a candid and honest view of who you are.

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Self-awareness is a large part of self-esteem and personal development. If you want to grow as a person, make sure to begin with a candid and honest view of who you are.

This honest self-awareness will be the most important tool on your journey to become the best possible version of yourself.

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When clients make that first step to call us that is the first signal that they are becoming more aware. In the coach training process you will learn the most productive ways to help your clients enhance

their awareness and make the best choices they can.

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