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I was surfing in Costa Rica when these two e-mails came in my inbox

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…and this one…

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And this one came through while I was surfing also. And this one was all profit—$11,835.00

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All while NEVER having to worry about a source of goodproperties to flip (SELLERS) or BUYERS to buy them from me!

And I am finally ready to reveal to you guys how I do this overand over all while working less than 10 hours aWeek. Anywhere in the world!

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I am a 28-year-oldACTIVE and successful real estate investor who has bought andsold over $20 Million in real estate for more than 4 years (Just Google me for proof)

And I am sick and tired of seeing people struggle for success in this business, so I have setout to make the biggest impact I can on this problem.

I've decided it’s finally time for me to share what I’ve learned through my years ofstruggle to get to the top and let you in on my system on how I flip multiple deals amonth all while working less than 10 hours a week, at the most!

It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned Investor or a beginner who has yet to flip a house, or still doesn't even know what “Wholesaling” is. I will cover it all!

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Here’s my promise to you. Give me just the next few minutes of your time and I will blow your mind with what you are capable of doing in real estate, that most believe is reserved for just the top 1%.

You see, I have developed a system that has enabled me to do all of this, incredibly easily without marketing for motivated sellers, negotiating deals, or finding buyers to sell the deals to. I have bypassed all of that.

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See, the traditional way of flipping a house that you know of is not the way of the New Wealthy.

Let me explain. Spending thousands of dollars on mail

campaigns, hopeing to get a deal, negotiating with motivated sellers, putting up escrow/deposit money, driving through neighborhoods, putting up bandit signs at 2 a.m., showing houses to potential tire-kicking buyers over and over again—That’s all old school, old news!

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Sure, you can see some success and even get rich doing it the old school way.

But it’s extremely time consuming, stressful and literally robs you of your youth and life. Time is all we really have. Do you really want to waste it “working”?

And in most cases, it’s not sustainable. The very few who do make it eventually will get burned out!

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Guys, I have a better way and have been quietly doing it for a few years now.

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After years of trial & error, with big wins and big losses (which I will get to shortly), I have finally nailed down the principle that all successful Business have.

Listen to me carefully here if you are looking to find the absolute fastest and easiest way to profit in the real estate game!

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Defined Delegation AND LEVERAGING “Competitors “Inventory and Infrastructure!!

Then, set up a simple system OUTSOURCE that System to FREE or cheap labor 9which I will show you how). And get yourself out of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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See successful business owners are not technicians or even operators, but visionaries and delegators!

I am going to show you exactly how I have created a genius, but simple system to use massive leverage of other peoples time, money and resources in order to expand my investing business nationwide, all while working less than 10 hours a week.

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Most people think they are not capable of or have the budget to build a team. Well that’s what I also used to think.

But that’s a bunch of B.S. Welcome to the Information Age!

Where everything is accessible to anyone with an Internet connection!!!

I am about to completely change your financial freedom and position in life. I Promise!

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Think you would ever see Donald Trump opening doors for people at one of his skyscrapers or being a caddie at one of his golf courses?

Of course not! Well you don’t have to be

Donald Trump in order to have a team operate your systems for a common goal.

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Very briefly, in case we have any newbies watching this video, let me give you just the down and dirty quick overview of what wholesaling houses is. Wholesaling houses can be a simple as:

Negotiating with the seller for a price below market value Putting it under contract so you now have marketable

interest And then selling that deal to a buyer for a higher price,

collecting the spread or the difference as profit. Example: Get a contract on a house worth $100,000 for

$70,000, then assign or sell that deal by doing a simultaneous, or double close to your buyer for $80,000, collecting a nice juicy $10,000 check in the middle.

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I put together this system for myself for one reason and one reason only.

To simply create the absolute easiest way to flip real estate, all while doubling the amount of deals I do per month, so I could be financially free, surf when I want, wherever in the world I want all while cash keep coming in…in abundance!

Listen, you have never heard of anything like this because it’s mine for my own personal use. Until Now!

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Man, the day I came to terms with this fact of life—that I was getting in my own way—my life completely changed.

My businesses took off, and I began to work less and do more of what I wanted when I wanted. All while my net worth Increased.

If you are struggling right now then this information can be nothing less than a miracle for you!

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Lets be honest here. Most of us suck at either:

1) Staying focused OR 2) defeating fear to take

action in the first place Or Both!

If you are anything like I was in the beginning, you are working your ass off and running around in circles, stressed and overwhelmed all while still not financially and time free.

Just give me the next few minutes and Ill solve that for you.

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So, how do you leverage other people if you don’t have any money or on a budget? Easy! Stop freaking insisting on keeping 100% of every dime that comes in!

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John Rockefeller said it best,

“I'd rather earn 1% of 100 people's efforts, then 100% of my own.”

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I don’t know how you came across this video, but consider yourself lucky to have found it.

This information can and will change your financial and personal future.

Again, I am just a regular Joe like you, that has been successfully investing and flipping real estate for the last 5 years and am not a guru or Internet marketing guy.

I’m Just an everyday investor that has put together something really cool that I am now ready to share with you.

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Let me explain. I grew up in a very small Florida beach town. After high school, I took community college courses for a few years,

but I hated school, and I think school hated me. So I left. So what did I do? I listened to my gut and went into business for

myself. Nothing glamorous at first, but I started a small auto detailing company that quickly turned into a successful yacht management company that catered to the ultra wealthy. I maintained the toys for one of the largest high-end luxury developers in the world.

This alliance was very profitable and I was raking in the cash doing well over a quarter million dollars with a handful of employees at the young age of 19. It was phenomenal and I thought I had this whole money thing figured out.

Well then came the “Great Recession,” and when the real estate market crashed, so did all of my clients. I was the first expense to get cut and it happened quick. The music stopped!

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I was so convinced that I was a rock star that nothing could stop me. Reality hit me in the face.

The waterfront luxury condo, the speed boats, the lavish dinners and nightlife were bleeding me dry and I knew what was coming.

Guys, I lost it all! I have felt real struggle and real pain. I had no Idea what I was going to do. I have been there in the realist of ways.

So if you are there right now, I know exactly where you are coming from…

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Finally, I used the last money I had on a credit card and hired a real estate coach.

I took action, did what he said and I finally flipped my first deal. It was a HUD property, and I made $9,000 on my very first deal. From there I just started to take off, flipping deal after deal.

Since then, I have personally flipped 100s of properties and transacted millions worth of real estate doing both Fix and Flips AND wholesaling

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Then I began to realize that this was not the lifestyle I was dreaming about.

I was working my tail off day and night, sometimes pulling all nighters.

I even ended up landing myself in the hospital with a severe hernia after a few consecutive all nighters to reach a deadline on one of my properties!

Now, I had a lot more money, but life still sucked. I wasn't hanging with my wife and family or doing what I loved to do—surf.

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I still had to do things I hated, like driving through neighborhoods, going to auctions, negotiating with pissed off or distressed sellers. I had to all but fight for properties good deals!

Heck the employees at Home Depot all knew me by name and used to joke saying “I just needed to pitch a tent and sleep there since I was there so dang much.”

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So, as a result I locked myself in a room and developed a system that would CHANGE my life. .

The goal was to work no more than 10 hours a week all while flipping at least double the amount of houses per month.

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See, you have to erase the limiting beliefs that the only way to succeed is to keep every penny of the profit of a deal, and come to terms that I was NOT operating my business like the wealthy and free do.

it’s more lucrative to leverage other peoples efforts.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I fought this!

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Here’s the deal. In real estate investing, what is the biggest commodity and the hardest to come by, especially these days?

Deals! Good deals! Let me ask you, who already has deals that

would love for you to sell for them? Answer: Other Wholesalers & Investors!

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Here’s another question. What is this current market absolutely filled

and saturated with right now?

That’s right, cash buyers! How difficult do you think it is to pull a list of

cash buyers in ANY hot market in America that would be interested in these properties?

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The answer? Very easy! There are a number of both paid and FREE Programs and Software out there that will Give you a complete list of cash buyers in any market.

There are also multiple free ways like public records or MLS data.

Boom! There is your source of buyers. NEXT… Deals. It is very simple (although time consuming

if you were to go at it yourself) to identify the top wholesalers in a particular market who have good deals under contract.

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THEN JUST CONNECT THE DOTS!!! Send a list of their properties to your buyer

and split the profits 50/50 or Negotiate a Pat structure

Guys, the sky is the limit when doing deals like this and the better the team you have, the more you can do!

I am talking nationwide here. Its very easy now in days thanks to some great tools.

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This was one of the biggest realizations of my life!!!

And when I put a system together that I could hand off to VA’s to do this for me—Holy Crap— Life got good.

See, I am telling you this because I have accumulated an abundance mentality.

I Know that if I put good out there, then only good comes back. Two fold.

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Are you seeing the power in this? The other wholesalers that you JV with are

doing: 1) All of the marketing for me 2) All of the seller negotiations for me 3) All of the buyer showings 4) All of the deal analyzing, putting up lockbox’s

getting BPO’s, appraisals and contractor quotes

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And then sending me half of the profits! All while I’m surfing, traveling or whatever. Everyone wins here, and I get rewarded for

putting the systems in place and managing that team. The seller sells his deal, the buyer gets the property they want and need, and everyone gets paid!

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Oh yeah, and as if it couldn't get any better. This is the absolute fastest way to profit in real estate.

I have actually gotten paid my fee within 6 hours once! Wired straight to my escrow attorney, then straight to my bank account.

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To start my team, I discovered what may be one of the best web sites in the world.

Its called where you can actually higher virtual assistants from the Philippines ,India, the U.S or anywhere across the world starting for as little as $5 per gig WITH JUST THREE MOUSE CLICKS!!

That's right five bucks. Most have years of professional experience in their area of focus. This is Leverage! This would make Rockefeller turn in his grave. He probably could have owned half of the world with this resource at his fingertips! Welcome to the information era!

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In fact, I recently gave my good friend Jason, a full-time college student, my secret system for starting, managing & maintaining this model.

And he did his very first deal that brought in just over $7,000 in profit.

Utilizing nothing but his laptop and cell phone. Nothing too crazy for you already seasoned wholesalers, but here's the kicker—he only spent about 45 minutes of actual work doing this! And, he was half a state away from the property he flipped and never even saw the dang thing until it was over! Now that is lifestyle by design!

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Testimonial #1 Jason France "As a Veteran, who had just served 6 years in the United States Military I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in real estate investing. I wasted my first few months spending thousands of dollars on big name investor’s courses that promised results, and “claimed” to be easy for anyone starting off, but I quickly learned they didn’t work, and the material was about as clear as mud.As I was about to give up , But then I came across what I now consider now to be the “Holy Grail” of real estate investing!! Justin gave me the Beta version of his system. I followed it step by step exactly, and with his coaching I flipped my first deal. Justin's knowledge of real estate, along with his ability to teach and mentor, makes him one of the most paramount real estate Investing coaches around! Under his mentorship, I learned real estate wholesaling and the logistics of owning a business.I also created and cultivated relationships with fellow investors and found a confidence that has helped me see Success for the first time in this business. With Justin’s help, I have successfully flipped my first property netting $7,000!I also LOVE the digital book."Thank you Justin!!!

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Guys, I actually live the lifestyle I am preaching. These pics are not to boast, but rather to show you that this is real and possible.

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Just imagine for a moment that you did the same, even just two times a month. What would that do to your business?

To your life and for your family? Would that lighten the burden? Would that help you get where you want to be financially? Would it help you live free. The way you are supposed to live

Guys I'm here to help you make this a reality. Why? Because it's mine and now it's my time to share it!

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So, I found my “Holy Grail.”

I simply forward the VA’s and interns my system that details everything they need to do, and when to contact me with issues or questions (I provide them with a Q&A sheet so I don’t have to answer a bunch of repeat questions). I'm talking everything from buyer and seller lead generation, receiving phone calls and negotiating with soft passes.

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since most times I have my escrow attorney do direct deposits to my bank account. There have been days where I open my inbox to see over 17K was just wired to my account!

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Now, here’s what is super exciting about this. You can do the same thing.

My system is swipe and deploy stuff here. I am about to hand you the exact Blueprint I

use to dominate this niche, for you to do the same in your preferred market. Starting today!

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And remember you don't need any of your money or credit to get started. I was a college drop out, with a masters in nothing besides surfing. I promise you, if I can do this, so can you! Trust me!


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See, once you build a relationship (which only takes a few e-mails or 1 phone call) and get permission from the selling wholesaler to market his or her properties, you will have immediate credibility with your buyers when you “seem” to have 5-10 houses for them.

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Guys, you can pick a market, get it well oiled and established.

And then move on to the next, accumulating as many markets as you like into your business’s Portfolio. This is real BOSS kinda s*^%#

And, its easy stuff here guys. I mean child’s play Just copy and paste.

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So here’s the deal. There is a bit more to this system than I can cover in this video.

So I went ahead and created an online group coaching and membership Community called “The 10-Hour Wholesaler”

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Here is my question to you. Do you think I can help you create a better

business and lifestyle through systematically wholesaling houses?

Would you agree that you don't need just another course or workbook, but rather a coach that can answer your questions and keep you accountable, so you know exactly how and when to implement these steps?

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So here’s what I am doing so there is no guess work for you guys.

It’s a community where members can go to follow the system with me, as I hold your hand and hold you accountable and walk you through the system, so you can get wealth and freedom through real estate investing. The smart way!

By leveraging other investors inventory across the country and sending you half of the profits!

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• This SIMPLE system will lay out exactly How You Can Flip Properties Anywhere in the Country Without

• Ever having buy a house, • Use Any of Your Own $$ or Credit• Any real estate License or technical no How• Ever having to worry about the most difficult

thing in this business ..Finding Deals• And without working your ass off or have any


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• This IS… Bar None the EASIEST way to be in real estate and Build Massive Wealth Like a REAL CEO does.

• Wholesalers Make all the Money AND enjoy the lifestyle that most people get into real estate for in the First Place!! Unless you just “Love being on the Job site” as so may builders say…

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• Screw THAT!!! While they are on the Job Site Negotiating & babysitting contractors and dealing with all the drama (trust me.. its FULL of Drama)

• I and the 10 HOUR WHOLESALERS are sitting on a Beach off Of Central America sipping My Tia’s… or Whatever it is the you have always wanted to do, be, and go. Insert you Dreams

• Listen, Wouldn't you rather LIVE your dreams than Play Dress up and work your ass off???

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I am going to give you everything that I use in my business right now:

The exact e-mail introduction I send to the other wholesalers to make them want to work with you for immediate Credibility and reliance.

Exactly how I find and select the right wholesaler to work with.

The exact marketing agreement I use and make other Investors sign before I do business with them, so they can’t go around you. This is a must have!

The exact Letter I send to cash buyers so They call YOU looking for properties. This letter alone took YEARS of trial and error to PERFECT..and it is so damn powerful.

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How to locate a closing attorney or company to automate the closing process. All you have to do is just check your e-mail inbox for the “Incoming Wire Received” message. Man I love seeing that message.

Who I use for virtual assistants and what documents I provide them so I don’t spend time managing them and answering a bunch of questions.

And Much, Much More….

It’s all covered in here. And best of all, you will have access to me through the

community to help you along the way and answer any questions you may have.

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Again, it doesn't matter if you have done one house, a thousand or none at all.

Just follow along with me and implement exactly what I tell you.

It’s that simple! The system is broken down cookie cutter

simple inside the membership site. Just do this then, get yo money!

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Here’s the thing though, I want to make sure I can give every student the personal attention I know they need in order to become a 10-Hour wholesaler and never have to worry about money again.

So I have to limit this program to just 150 people. That’s all that my team and I will be able to handle, and

frankly, I’m not wanting to add anymore time to my work load.

As you know, I’m all about free time, so I just don’t have a desire to go over 150 people.

And I know there is a lot more than that watching this video. Once we reach that limit, the video is coming down and I am

closing the doors and I will not be reopening it anytime soon.

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• By now your probably wondering what this information and system is going to cost…

• But Before I get into that I want to tell you about a few bonuses that I am throwing so You can become a 10 Hour Wholesaler even Quicker….

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Get your mind right and get Inspired! Develop the habits and do what the New Rich Do!

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Bonus #2 I will also be giving you the MP3 audio of the

complete 10-Hour Wholesaler core training modules for you to listen to in your car or on The go:

$497 value

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Exclusive BonusAccess To Monthly LIVE Webinars

Join me and My team for LIVE group coach callsThese call WILL help you get any hurtles or obstacles you may be having, and skyrocket your Path to the top in this business. I typical charge $997 for Access to my Live Webinars. Yours FREE when you Order Today ONLY!

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If you order right now say within the next 15 minutes this will prove that you are an action taker I will be willing to partner with you on any deals you find that fit our criteria.

I have been successfully implementing this system in my current real estate business, I will show you how to:

A) Hire the right people for the job B) Build rapport with fellow investor so they are willing to JV with you C) Simplify the amount of leads that will be pouring in to your funnel D) Empower others to invest their time and efforts

I know exactly how to design, build and maintain this team of virtual assistants and I can show you the tips and tricks along the way so we can expedite your learning curve.

Having us on your team will practically ensure your success is truly priceless. Order 10 wholesalers within the next 45 minutes and the door is completely

open for us to partner with you on your next wholesale deal.

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See, I want to identify the select few who will become real movers and shakers, and build a long term, mutually beneficial relationship.

Simply put, if you succeed, so do I! This is why I love business and real estate in

particular. Networking and building an alliance team for success.

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So Just to re-cap

Monthly core training modules- $2,000 Value

Entire 10-Hour Wholesaler Course download for Audio $597 value

The New Rich Mindset$297

Limited Time Invitation To partner On Your Next Deal $5,000 Value At The Very Minimum

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This is a total real value of over $7,200 I told you I want this affordable for everyone.

So the price for this program is less than a fraction of that.

Honestly, $1,000 would be a STEAL for all of this…

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But because I remember so vividly what it was like when I was struggling, and because I have phenomenal support staff, today I am practically giving this information away

I want this information to be accessible to anyone.

So fore today ONLY….

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Join my community and I will personally coach you for just $97 Bucks!

That’s about 95% of what I should and could be charging for this material.

This is unprecedented! You can cancel anytime should you choose not to stay on board (but it is so good, I know you will stay).

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Think about how great it's going to be when you no longer worry about money or bills. Gone are the days of looking at the prices on the menu before you order.

Screw that. Chicken is boring! The 10-hour wholesaler is your blueprint to getting there. Like I said earlier, I would have bitten off my right arm to have this information years ago. It would've saved me so much agony, time, money and stress. Bypass all that crap and shoot straight to the winners circle.

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Let me be completely transparent and up front here guys. I don’t need your $97 bucks.

My real intentions here are to help you become successful and for ME to identify who the real mover and shakers are so we can potentially partner on deals and do more business together in your farm area/ market.

This is one way I have expanded my real estate business nationwide with my students, and right now is such a phenomenal time in real estate, that it’s time to expand further.

Follow this system and you will be making a heck of a lot more money than you are now and dramatically reduce the amount of time you actually work. Man I hate that word. Work. That’s why I am on a mission to get rid of it!

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So, the total value of the core training modules and the three bonuses total about $7,200

I am doing this because I know I would have killed to have this opportunity when I started

Yours today for just $97 Bucks!!

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Here's my promise. If my course doesn't teach you exactly how to outsource your entire business and do multiple deals per month all while working 10 hours or less per week, simply let me know and I'll gladly refund your money. No questions asked! And I can make that guarantee because I know this system works because I've been using it for years now.

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• Listen….You have an opportunity RIGHT NOW to try something different.

• If what you have been doing has not been getting you to where you want to be…but yet you keep doing the same thing over and over again

• Then what the heck would stop you from trying something different at NO risk. What do you have to loose?

• Click the add to cart button below , decide you will commit to this and Change your business and life once and for all & forever!

Page 75: Real Estate Newbie Banks $11,654 C0-Wholesaling Houses Using Just Her Laptop

• Look, What are you waiting for….

• If you have always wanted to live the life of finical freedom, so you can do the things that you want out of life, without any of the burdens or stress of worrying about bills or finances

• AND without ever having to feel that dread of a Having a to repot to a J.O.B or a “Work”

Page 76: Real Estate Newbie Banks $11,654 C0-Wholesaling Houses Using Just Her Laptop

• Then this system WILL change your current circumstances.

• You can Do this….I know this 100%, because you are still here listening to this video and learning. You Have Proven that you have the MOST important characteristic to start your path to success and freedom

• And that is Drive, Motivation and a DESIRE for change….You wouldn't be her right now without it.

Page 77: Real Estate Newbie Banks $11,654 C0-Wholesaling Houses Using Just Her Laptop

• Look, you literally don’t have ANYTHING to loose here

• Give it a try, click the add to cart button Right Now and get started on your New path to Freedom.

• I believe in YOU and I look forward to working with you.

• Click below NOW And I Will see you on the Inside

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