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Realizing the GPRAMA using Government Linked Data

George Thomas, HHS

DoD 2011 SOA & Semantic Technology Symposium

2011-07-13, 3:45-4:20pm, standards (green) track

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About me…

• HHS OCIO – Office of Enterprise Architecture– Working on a variety of (mostly ACA related) modernization projects

• PMO Semantic Web / Linked Data lead– TPC: open to all! – Send me an email if interested in participating…

• Clinical Quality Linked Data (CQLD)– With the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)– See CQLD blog post on

• W3C Government Linked Data Working Group (GLD)– Co-chair, member only, see W3C GLD wiki– Focused on SW standards and best practices for OGD

• Graduate School– SOA Instructor– Part of their EA Certificate program

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This Presentation

• Gov Performance & Results Act Modernization Act– GPRAMA overview

• IT Dashboard– Capital Planning Investment Control (CPIC) data

• Object Management Group Standards– Business Motivation Model (BMM)

• ‘Bizmo’ Linking Vocabulary– CPIC + BMM

• Agency Data Creation and Publication– Empowering content owners, exposing machine readable data

• Freebase Demo– Finding IT investments that support Federal Gov Goals

• Data Syndication and Aggregation– Architectures and tool examples

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GPRAMA Brief Overview

• Strategic Planning– Qualifying the Ends

• Performance Planning– Quantifying the Means

• Reporting– Annual to quarterly

• Federal Priority Goals– Cross Agency, Government-wide

• Agency Priority Goals– Intra Agency

• (Formalizing new/existing Organizational Roles)• (Training…)

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5 -> HHS Ex300

• Selecting columns to populate CSV

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Model for Performance Driven Government

Business Motivation Model (BMM)

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BMM Terms

• A desired result is a generalization of goals and objectives – A goal is something an Org is trying to achieve– An objective quantifies a goal, specifying timing and

measurement• A course of action is something an Org does to achieve a

desired result– A strategy is a broad, lasting course of action– A tactic is a narrow, fleeting course of action

• An influencer is something that can affect the Org’s ability to achieve its goals or implement its strategies

– An actuator is an influencer that can be considered as a quantity that can increase or decrease over time

• An assessment is a judgment of an influencer’s affect on an Org– Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are

common kinds of assessments (SWOT)

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BMM Business View: Means to Ends, Assets

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OWL version of BMM

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HHS Creates BMM Instance Model

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HHS Publishes BMM Instance Data

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Bizmo ‘Bridge’ Ontology in TBC-FE

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Key /bizmo#Classes

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Key Interlinking /bizmo#properties

– #supports properties link CPIC ex53/ex300’s• to BMM Strategies, Tactics, Goals, Objectives, etc.

– extending the Ex53/300 specs – without changing them!

– #maintainsExhibit53/300 link OrganizationalUnit’s• to CPIC investment information

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Browsing SMW KB via Classes

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Ontology Classes/Properties = Tags

• Create semantic annotations (part of wysiwyg editor tools)– auto-completion suggests tags to reuse from ontologies that have

been imported into the wiki (note existing tags from BMM ontology)

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NHIN RDF/XML IEP: Export Excerpt

• Wiki instance data and metadata curation (SME edits) maintain class and property specs of ontologies imported off the Web when exported or accessed by other sites/users/apps

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Browsing Linked Datasets on SMW

• Filtering through properties defined by Bizmo ontology• finds CPIC instance data that is linked to BMM instance data

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SDW = SNS enabled LOD• This presentation is summarized by the interactive data below• And - it’s a Wiki – SME’s can easily add annotations and data!

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Freebase Demo (1 of 4) – CPIC+BMM

• Using a modern browser, search for ‘Exhibit 53’– On

• Select ‘Exhibit 53 collection (2 topics)’ which takes you to;–

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Freebase Demo (2 of 4) – CPIC+BMM

• Two ‘topic’ (instances of type Exhibit 53) are returned– From the schemas defined in the bizmo ‘base’

• One HHS and one GSA Exhibit 53– Data sourced from extracts (circa ~2009 – perseverance!)

• Click on ‘Contains’ (on the right) in the ‘Connections’ browser– Faceted browsing, RDF properties show up as ‘connections’…

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Freebase Demo (3 of 4) – CPIC+BMM

• Three ‘topic’ (instances of type Exhibit 53 Recordset) are returned– All from HHS, these are Ex53 ‘row’ entries (note other facets on the left)

• Which of these supports an Administration Goal?– Click on ‘more connections’, then type ‘goal’ to filter properties on the fly

• Click on the ‘Supports Federal Goal’ property link (on the right)– in the ‘connections’ browser to filter the Exhibit 53 Recordsets

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Freebase Demo (4 of 4) – CPIC+BMM

• One ‘topic’ (instance of type Goal) is returned– The Ex53 Recordset entry for the National Health Information Network

• Which links to an Administration Goal– ‘Health Care Reform’ (these are notional/exemplary instances…)

• You’ve just browsed from all Ex53 entries to a specific entry– Via the connections in the RDF Schema (as described previously)

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Google’s PubSubHubBub (PuSH)




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Google’s PubSubHubBub (PuSH)

• A feed URL (a "topic") declares its Hub server(s) in its Atom or RSS XML file, via <link rel="hub" ...>.

• The hub(s) can be run by the publisher of the feed, or can be a community hub that anybody can use. (Atom and RssFeeds are supported)

• A subscriber (a server that's interested in a topic), initially fetches the Atom URL as normal. If the Atom file declares its hubs, the subscriber can then avoid lame, repeated polling of the URL and can instead register with the feed's hub(s) and subscribe to updates.

• The subscriber subscribes to the Topic URL from the Topic URL's declared Hub(s).

• When the Publisher next updates the Topic URL, the publisher software pings the Hub(s) saying that there's an update.

• The hub efficiently fetches the published feed and multicasts the new/changed content out to all registered subscribers.

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27 – SemWeb Index++

• Structured Data– RDF crawler

• Register URL’s– Manually– Automated

• Using Ping Submission API

• Check out– JS Widgets and interface

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Virtuoso Sponger

• Crawl/Ingest– Multiple


• ‘Swiss Army Knife’

– Structured and unstructured formats

• Search– keyword, facet

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Conclusions and Recommendations

• Linked Metadata– Bizmo relates/links – CPIC (what) with Motivation (why)

• Published Instance Data– Structured data – Gov Linked Data

• Decentralized, Federated Publishing– Agencies use light weight tools– Self-assessments and passbacks

• Syndication and Aggregation– Pull, push, feeds–

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Thank You! Questions?

• george dot thomas 1 at hhs dot gov• @georgethomas

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