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Homemade Snickers Bars RecipeIf you dont know what our favorite candy bar is yet, its time for you to know. Snickers. We are huge fans of the chocolate, peanut, nougat, and caramel combo. Weve mentioned it more than a few times on our site, so we decided that it was time to make our own homemade Snickers bars. All we have to say is, WOW! This no-bake treat tastes just like an actual Snickers bar, but better, since its freshly made. And even though it takes a bit of time to get the final layered candy bar that you have come to know and love, its worth it. For you Snickers fans out there, it will be the tastiest candy bar you will ever make and eat. Hunger, get ready to be satisfied.

24 oz of chocolate for coating 2 oz butter 1/4 cup condensed milk 7 oz Marshmallow Creme (marshmallow fluff) 14 ozcaramel candy 1/3 cup peanut butter 14 oz of whole peanuts 10 oz chocolate for background 1 tablespoon of water and 4 tablespoons morePreparation:1. Prepare a plate size 9 x 13 inches. covered with foil .2. Dissolve the chocolate (10 oz) in a water bath and poured onto the mold surface and also extended .3. Then put in the fridge for a few minutes .4. Then melt marshmallows with a tablespoon of water in a water bath .5. When the marshmallow is melted add the butter . Allow time for the butter to melt and pour condensed milk . Cook the mixture until a thick paste without lumps simmer 4 minutes .6. Remove from heat and add peanut butter .7. Pour the mixture over the chocolate and put back in the refrigerator.8. Heat the caramel in the microwave or a double boiler with a few tablespoons of water ( about 4) .9. Then add peanuts and mix.10. Pour mixture over marshmallow layer and spread well.11. Cool a few minutes and then cut into equal rectangles .12. Dipped in melted chocolate let drain on rack.13. And voila Snickers are ready to be enjoyed 14. It can be stored in a closed vessel for more than a week

Turtle Pie Recipeis usually a very rich and decadent dessert. Most turtle desserts are made with chocolate, caramel, and nuts. A turtle pie is a crust made of crushed chocolate cookies. The filling is often like a cheesecake with cream cheese and condensed milk. The topping is then made with caramel, brown sugar, and milk melted together, and then chocolate chips melted with milk and drizzled over as well. Sprinkle some pecans on top, chill and serve.Ingredients 3 cups chopped Pecans, divided 1/4 cup finely chopped and lightly roasted pecans for the topping 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup butter , melted 1 pkg. (14 oz.) Caramels (reserve just a tiny bit to drizzle on the top) 2/3 cupz whipping cream, divided 8 ounces Semi-Sweet Chocolate, broken into pieces 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/2 tsp. vanillaNOTE* You can Substitute 1 Graham Pie Crust for the homemade pecan nut crust, but the pecan crust is fantastic!Directions1 Preheat oven to 350 degreesF (180C)2 Blend 2 cups nuts in blender until finely ground, using pulsing action.Mix with granulated sugar and butter; press onto bottom and up side of 9-inch pie plate.Bake 12 to 15 min. or until lightly browned. (If crust puffs up during baking, gently press down with back of spoon.) Cool completely.3 Microwave the caramels and 1/3 cup whipping cream in microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2-1/2 to 3 min. or until caramels are completely melted and mixture is well blended, stirring after each minute.Pour into crust.Chop remaining nuts; sprinkle over caramel layer.4 Cook the chocolate, remaining 1/3 cup whipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla in saucepan on low heat just until chocolate is completely melted, stirring constantly.Pour the chocolate over the pie, sprinkle on the finely chopped roasted pecans and drizzle the bit of caramel you saved. You may need to warm up the carame slightly to drizzle it on.Refrigerate 2 hours.

Im going to warn you, these Chocolate Caramel Shortbread Bars are heavy on the butteryou may feel your thighs expanding as you read the ingredient list. On the plus side, a little square is plenty to get your sweet fix!This type of recipe consists of a shortbread crust, a caramel center and a top layer of chocolate.(Dulce de Leche you can do it fromhereor buy it.) I know Nestle makes it and I have found it in the ethnic food aisle, so start there first.These bars were a huge hit; I adore a salty/sweet combo, a really made the flavors stand out. These Chocolate Caramel Shortbread Bars reminded Brian and I of Twix Bars. In my family, the only way to eat any type of candy bar is to eat it cold. So, we stored the cut bars in the fridge and were in cold candy bar bliss! If you make these bars, definitely come back and let us know how you liked them!Chocolate Caramel Shortbreadmakes 16-24 barsIngredients:Shortbread

9oz plain flour 6oz butter 3oz caster sugar (golden or white)Caramel 1 tin Can sweetened condensed milkChocolate 6 oz chocolate (milk or white or plain)Shortbread1. Soften the butter, then cream together butter and sugar until pale. Sieve flour and mix, firstly with spoon, then with hands until it forms a lump. Grease a baking tin (approx 11 x 7-inch) then press the shortbread firmly into the tin and smooth the top with the back of a spoon.2. Bake350 for 20-25 mins until golden brown.3. Cool in the tin on a cooling rack.Caramel:1. Recipehere:(remember to cook for 2 hours to obtain a firm caramel or dulce de leche)

Home made Dulce de LecheDulce de leche is a confection prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a product that derives its taste from the caramelisation of the product, changing flavor and color. Literally translated, it means candy of milk or candy [made] of milk, milk candy, or milk jam in the same way that dulce de frutilla is strawberry jam. It is popular in South America, notably in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay. The same goes for Chile and Ecuador where it is known as manjar. In Peru, Colombia and Venezuela, it is referred to as manjar blanco or arequipe, depending on regional variations. In Brazil, it is known by its Portuguese name doce de leite.Make the dulce de leche ( recipe for 2 cans)Take the 2 tins of condensed milk and pierce 2 holes in the top of each tin. (this step is to reduce the risk of the tins exploding during the cooking process)Place tins of condensed milk into a large deep saucepan with water surrounding them. The water should come up to he top of the condensed milk tins but not lap over the rim (otherwise you will get water into the holes). Bring the water to simmer and cook the tins for 4 hours. Keep adding water to the saucepan so the water remains level with the tops of the tins (you know just ever now and then dont get too uptight about it).After 4 hours turn off the heat, allow to cool and then remove the tins from the saucepan. Take off the top of the tin and scoop out all the caramel/ dulce de leche.This dulce de leche should keep for 1 week in a clean air tight container in the fridge until required

Chocolate1. Melt the chocolate either over water, or in a microwave for about 1 minute, stirring halfway through. Spread over the caramel. Cool at room temperature or in a fridge.Cut the shortbread into 24 pieces (I do 8 x 3). This is easier with the shortbread at room temperature.

Caramel Apple ParfaitWith Fall in the air, our thoughts immediately turn to harvest recipes, apple picking and all the flavors of Autumn. One of our favorite recipes is this remarkable Caramel Apple Parfait that combines all the deliciousness of the classic fair favorite, with a little bit of sophistication.Portion: 4 servingsCook time: 10minutesPrep time: 20 minutesCalories: 664Ingredients: 2 cups Greek yogurt 2 apples 3 tbsp butter 2 tsp sugar 2 cups caramel my recipehere

Made from scratch caramel sauce is one of those items where I can really tell a difference if it is homemade, or comes from a jar. Dont get me wrong, I like both versions, but I much prefer this one to any other.Making scratch caramel sauce can be frustrating as you are getting a feel for it. The sugar can burn. It can seize up. It can take a long time. You can have some residual chunks. Once you get a feel for the temperature, the process, and the technique, you will never turn back.Start off with your best heavy-bottomed, light-colored pan. I used a non-stick in the photos, but that is not advised. Make sure there is nothing lingering in it. I always give mine a good wipe with a papertowel, even if it has been freshly scrubbed. Put in your sugar and put your pan over medium heat.

Now, you wait. Wait until the edges start to melt and get bubbly, or you see some spots in the middle getting melty. Then using a heat resistant utensil, pull the sugar from the outer edges into the middle. Dont stir too much or too soon, or you will get this.

I get a bit impatient when I am making caramel. It happens every time. The goal is to stir enough so that none of it burns, but not enough to create that chunky mess. It is okay though. With a little patience, and slow stirring, that mess will turn into this.

And then this.

When the sugar is fully melted and about the color of an old copper penny, reduce the heat to medium low and quickly add your butter and stir, stir, stir, stir. Remove from the heat and add cup of heavy cream and stir to combine. Pour the whole thing into a mason jar, or other sturdy glass bowl, and let cool. Stir in some vanilla if you like it!Some tips for caramel making. BE CAREFUL!!! Melted sugar is about the equivalent temperature to molten lava. If it splashes on you, you wont like it. Have your ingredients ready, and waiting for you within arms reach. Caramel doesnt wait for you to go hunting for ingredients. If the sugar smells burnt at all, start over. Burnt caramel cannot be fixed. One cup of sugar is fairly cheap. When you start adding butter and cream into the mix, it gets more expensive to toss. Butter and cream will not fix burnt flavor. Use softened butter. After you pour your caramel sauce into a dish to cool, fill your pan with water and put it back on the stove over medium heat for about 5-10 minutes. Makes cleanup much easier! If this takes a few tries to get right, try not to get too frustrated. Sugar is finicky. You can do it!

1 cup whipped cream Additional apple slices for garnishCake 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1 stick (4 ounces) unsalted butter, softened 1 1/2 cups packed dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons molasses 1 large egg 1 cup regular yogurtPreheat oven to 350. Blend flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and allspice in a bowl and set aside. In a mixer, blend butter with brown sugar and molasses at medium speed until combined. Add in egg and beat till smooth. Add dry ingredients in small batches, alternating with yogurt until all is blended together. Scrape the batter into a large non-stick baking pan and place on the center rack of over. Bake for about 20 minutes or until surface springs back easily to touch. Let cool completely.Directions:1. Peel, Core and chop the apples into small bite size pieces.2. In a skillet over medium heat melt the butter. Add the sugar and apples. Sautee until the apples begin to caramelize. Remove from heat and set aside.3. Take 4 tall glasses. Layer 1/4 up of the Greek yogurt in the bottom of each. Sprinkle some apples on top and drizzle 1/4 cup of the caramel on top of that.4. Add pieces of cake5. Repeat process for a second layer. Top with whipped cream and garnish with an apple slice.

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