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Recognizing Emotion from Singing and SpeakingUsing Shared Models

Biqiao Zhang, Georg Essl, Emily Mower ProvostComputer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Email: {didizbq, gessl, emilykmp}

Abstract—Speech and song are two types of vocal communica-tions that are closely related to each other. While significantprogress has been made in both speech and music emotionrecognition, few works have concentrated on building a sharedemotion recognition model for both speech and song. In thispaper, we propose three shared emotion recognition models forspeech and song: a simple model, a single-task hierarchical model,and a multi-task hierarchical model. We study the commonalitiesand differences present in emotion expression across these twocommunication domains. We compare the performance acrossdifferent settings, investigate the relationship between evaluatoragreement rate and classification accuracy, and analyze theclassification performance of individual feature groups. Ourresults show that the multi-task model classifies emotion moreaccurately compared to single-task models when the same setof features is used. This suggests that although spoken and sungemotion recognition tasks are different, they are related, and canbe considered together. The results demonstrate that utteranceswith lower agreement rate and emotions with low activationbenefit the most from multi-task learning. Visual features appearto be more similar across spoken and sung emotion expression,compared to acoustic features.


Speech and song are often considered overlapping forms ofvocal expression. For example, in ancient Greek, the words forsinging and speaking do not have the distinct meanings theydo today [1]. Further, emotion is expressed over both songand speech. Previous works have looked into the acoustic andvisual cues in spoken and sung emotional communication [2]–[4], and significant progress has been made in both speech andmusic emotion recognition [5]–[9]. However, few works haveconcentrated on building shared emotion recognition modelsfor song and speech. A shared model is desirable because itgeneralizes across types of vocal communications, which mayhelp combat data scarcity.

In this work, we predict emotion expressed in speech andsong using shared models and analyze the commonalitiesand differences present in emotion expression across thesetwo communication domains. We propose three models forshared emotion recognition from speech and song: (1) a simplemodel, where a single classifier is built to recognize emotionsin both domains; (2) a single-task hierarchical model, wheredomain classification is performed first, followed by emotionclassification of speech and song; (3) a multi-task hierarchicalmodel, where the independent emotion classifiers in (2) areconsidered together in a multi-task setting. Domain refers tospeech and song in this paper. For models (2) and (3), domain

information is required only for the training data. Finally, weuse two different feature selection techniques, one selectingfeatures on all training data, regardless of domain, and theother selecting features separately for speech and song.

The results show that the multi-task hierarchical modeloutperforms the other two models when the same set ofcommon features is used, and can either outperform or obtaincomparable results compared to models using features specifi-cally selected for each domain. This supports the relatedness ofspeech and song emotion classification. We find that separatefeature selection for song and speech works better than com-bined feature selection in the single-task hierarchical model,but does not outperform the multi-task hierarchical model.This indicates that emotion expressions in song and speechmodulate some features differently, but also share featuremodulations. In addition, utterances with lower agreementrate and emotions with low activation benefit more frommulti-task learning compared to high agreement and highactivation utterances. Classification using individual featuresets demonstrated that visual features are more consistentacross speech and song than acoustic features. The novelty ofthis paper includes: (1) combining speech and song emotionrecognition into a unified framework; (2) introducing multi-task learning to emotion recognition from different domainsof vocal communications.


A. Music and Speech Emotion Recognition

Previous works on music and speech emotion recognitionhave investigated the emotion information encoded in audio[10], [11], video [7], [12] and audio-visual cues [8], [9]. Bothacoustic and visual features have been demonstrated useful forspeech emotion recognition. Although most works on musicemotion recognition depend on acoustic features [6], a study ofthe use of facial movement to communicate emotion shows theimportance of facial expressions in emotional communicationduring singing performances [13]. In spite of the fast progressof both speech and music emotion recognition, few works haveconsidered emotion recognition from musical (song) and non-musical (speech) vocal communication as related tasks andbuilt shared emotion recognition models.

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B. Comparison between Singing and Speaking Emotion Com-munication

Past researchers have looked at the similarity between musicand speech emotion communication. Juslin and Laukka [14]conducted a meta-analysis of studies analyzing speech andmusic performance. They found that some acoustic featuresplay similar roles in both music and speech emotion commu-nication. For example, anger is associated with fast tempo,high sound level and elevated high-frequency energy in bothmusic and speech. Ilie and Thompson [15], [16] found thatthe manipulation of certain acoustic features of music andspeech, such as loudness and rate, resulted in similar emotionperception. For example, loud excerpts were judged as morepleasant, energetic, and tense. The work of Weninger et al. [17]investigated the shared acoustic features in speech, music andsound and introduced the cross-domain correlation coefficientas a measure of relevance. Their results indicate that there maybe shared and divergent properties in emotion communicationacross domains of expression.

Researchers have analyzed feature-level properties, compar-ing spoken and sung emotion expressions. Scherer et al. [2]compared emotion expression in singing and speaking. Theyfound that there were significant differences in the acousticsacross emotion classes in sung communication. Moreover, theyfound a high degree of similarity, comparing the patterns ofsung expressions and spoken expressions of emotion. Our pre-vious work [18] investigated emotion perception in singing andspeaking using within-domain and cross-domain predictionmodels. The results suggested that activation is perceived moresimilarly across domains, compared to valence. Furthermore,visual features capture cross-domain emotion more accuratelythan acoustic features.

Livingstone et al. conducted experiments and analyses onthe similarities and differences in the acoustic [3] and visual[4] cues between spoken and sung emotion expression. Theyfound that emotion is conveyed similarly in many acousticfeatures across speech and song. They also reported differ-ences in several acoustic parameters, including vocal loudness,spectral properties and vocal quality [3]. In [4], they foundthat emotion-dependent movements of the eyebrows and lipcorners are similar between speech and song, yet the jawmovements were coupled to acoustic intensity and thus showdifference across spoken and sung emotion expression. Theyalso found that facial expressions conveyed emotion moreaccurately than vocal expressions for sung stimuli. Thesefindings provide evidence for the links between speech andsong, and give support to the notion of building a shared modelfor speech and song emotion recognition. However, it is notyet clear how the similarities and differences between spokenand sung expressions of emotion can be used to build a sharedmodel.

C. Multi-class and Multi-task SVM

Support Vector Machine classifiers (SVM) were originallydesigned for binary classification. There are currently twotypes of approaches for multi-class SVM: one builds and

combines multiple binary classifiers, while the other consid-ers all data in one optimization problem [19], [20]. Typi-cal methods of the former approach includes one-against-all[21], one-against-one [22], [23] and directed acyclic graphSVM (DAGSVM) [24]. Experiments comparing these twoapproaches showed that the combinations of binary classi-fiers outperformed the all-in-one multi-class optimization inboth classification accuracy and training/testing time, anddemonstrated that one-against-one method and DAG are moresuitable for practical use [25].

In [26], Evgeniou et al. extended single-task SVMs to multi-task scenario. This extension is based on the assumption thatthere are T related tasks that share the same space. It solvesmultiple tasks together by imposing a regularization constrainton the average model and controlling the differences betweenthe tasks using additional model parameters. Empirical resultsshow that this multi-task SVM outperforms earlier multi-task learning methods as well as single-task SVM. Evgeniou,Micchelli and Pontil [27], [28] improved the idea of [26]by proposing multi-task kernels. They developed multi-taskkernels to extend the single-task learning methods that usekernels to multi-task learning. These methods all require thatthe tasks are label-compatible (tasks sharing the same set oflabels). The work of [29] lessened the requirement for a sharedspace between tasks. Ji and Sun proposed a multi-task multi-class SVM based on the single-task version of multi-classSVM that considers all data in one optimization formulation[20], [25]. The main advantage of this method is that it cansupport label-incompatible multi-task learning (tasks havingdifferent sets of labels), since the multi-class classificationproblem does not depend on a set of binary classifiers.


We use the Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of EmotionalSpeech and Song (RAVDESS) [30] and the University ofMichigan Song and Speech Emotion Dataset (UMSSED) [18].

A. The RAVDESS Dataset

The RAVDESS dataset is used in [3], [4] for investigatingthe similarities and differences in acoustic and visual signalsof emotional singing and speaking. It contains audio-visualrecordings of 24 performers (12 male, 12 female) speakingand singing the same two sentences with different emotions atnormal and strong emotional intensity, each with two repeti-tions. The speech recordings consist of 8 emotions, includingneutral, calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgust and surprise.The song recordings consist of the first 6 emotions. Threemelodies were composed for the singing performances: oneeach for neutral, positively valenced and negatively valencedemotions. The melodies only differ in two notes in the middle.

The emotion content of the dataset was evaluated by 350human participants, each utterance receiving 10 ratings from10 different participants. The participants were asked to iden-tify the emotion expressed by the performer from the set ofthe target emotions, or indicate none is correct. An agreementrate ranging from 0 to 1 was calculated for each utterance.

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(a) Simple Model (b) Single-task Hierarchical Model (c) Multi-task Hierarchical Model

Fig. 1. Three emotion classification models: (a) simple model, (b) single-task hierarchical model and (c) multi-task hierarchical model. In (a), testing data entera single emotion classifier trained on all training data, regardless of domain. In (b), a domain classifier and two separate domain-specific emotion classifiersare trained. Testing data is first classified into speech or song domain, and then enter the corresponding classifier accordingly. In (c), a domain classifier anda multi-task classifier are trained. The task which the testing data belong to is decided by the domain classification result.

A score of 1 means total consensus between evaluators andthe target emotion, while a score of 0 means complete lack ofconsensus. The evaluators also rated the emotional intensityand the emotional genuineness of the performer.

We only used utterances with normal intensity to avoid us-ing exaggerated performances. We further decrease the datasetto address two concerns: (1) there are two emotions uniqueto speaking and (2) one performer has only speaking data.These characteristics introduce dependencies between domain,emotion, and performer that could bias the results. Therefore,we eliminated the disgust and surprise utterances and droppedthe performer with only speaking data. This results in 1104audio-visual utterances in total (2 domains × 23 performers ×6 emotions × 2 sentences × 2 repetitions). The target emotionof performers is used as ground truth because the perceivedemotion labels are not yet available. The average agreementrate of the target emotion is 0.69. The chance rate of agreementand classification accuracy are both 16.7%. See [3], [4], [30]for additional details.

B. The UMSSED Dataset

The UMSSED Dataset consists of audio-visual recordingsof three performers (1 female, 2 male) singing and speak-ing seven semantically neutral sentences [18]. Each sentenceis embedded into passages associated with angry, happy,neutral and sad emotions to facilitate emotionally evocativeperformances. Seven melodies were composed to match thepassages, one each for the seven sentences. The four emotionvariations of each target sentence are accompanied by theexact same melody. This results in 168 utterances in total(2 domains × 3 performers × 4 emotions × 7 sentences).The target sentence was segmented out from the remainder ofthe passage and evaluated using Amazon Mechanical Turk by183 evaluators. Each utterance was evaluated by 20.9 ± 1.7participants. The evaluators were required to assess the pri-mary emotion of the utterance from the set of angry, happy,neutral, sad and other, and to rate the valence, activation and

dominance level. We used the target emotion of performersas ground truth to match the RAVDESS data. The averageagreement rate of the target emotion is 0.62. The chance rateof agreement and classification accuracy are both 25%. Pleasesee [18] for additional database details.


A. Feature Extraction

Audio-visual features were extracted to predict emotionexpressed in song and speech.

1) Acoustic Features: We used the low level descriptors(LLDs) described in the Interspeech 2013 ComputationalParalinguistics Evaluation (ComParE) feature set [31]. Thefeature set includes 4 energy, 41 spectral, 14 cepstral (MFCC)and 6 voicing-related LLDs. We used openSMILE [32] toextract the 65 LLDs. We applied statistics including mean,standard deviation, max, min, range, interquartile range, meanabsolute deviation, skewness and kurtosis to the non-silencepart of the LLDs and delta LLDs to generate utterance-levelacoustic features. This resulted in 1170 features.

2) Visual Features: We extracted the probabilities of 20facial action units (AUs), left and right unilateral AUs of 3 AUswithin the 20 (Lip Raise, Lip Corner Pull and Dimpler), and 2AU groups (Fear Brow and Distress Brow) at the frame-level,using CERT [33]. Action units are the fundamental actionsof individual muscles or groups of muscles. We applied thesame set of statistics as above to the frame-level LLDs anddelta LLDs, which results in 504 utterance-level features.

B. Classification Models

We present three emotion classification models as shown inFig. 1. The simple model (Fig. 1a) creates a single classifier,independent of domain. The two hierarchical models (Fig. 1band 1c) use domain during training. The single-task model(Fig. 1b) trains a separate emotion classifier for each domain.The multi-task model (Fig. 1c) trains a multi-task classifierto jointly predict emotion across both domains. In the testing

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phase, the testing data are separated based on the predicted do-main. The data are analyzed using the classifier correspondingto the estimated domain (Fig. 1b and 1c).

We adopted the directed acyclic graph SVM (DAGSVM)[24] as our single-task multi-class emotion classifier.DAGSVM is identical to the one-against-one SVM in thetraining phase. It constructs a binary classifier for each pairof classes, thus for a multi-class problem with k classes,k(k − 1)/2 classifiers are trained. In the testing phase, theDAGSVM uses a rooted binary directed acyclic graph thatcontains k(k − 1)/2 internal nodes and k leaf nodes. Eachinternal node represents a binary classifier. Each test case startsfrom the root node and moves to the left or right dependingon the output of the classifier until a leaf node indicating thepredicted class is reached. One advantage of DAGSVM is thatit has a shorter testing time than the one-against-one method,but still has similar classification performance [25]. We usedthe implementation of [25], which is built on LIBSVM [34].

We used the regularized multi-task SVM [26] for the secondstage of our multi-task hierarchical model. We did not selectthe more recent multi-task SVM in [29] because its mainadvantage is the ability to support label-incompatible tasks,while in this paper, the tasks are label-compatible.

The method of Evgeniou et al. [26] extends single taskSVMs to multi-task scenario by explicitly taking the relation-ship between learned weights in different tasks into account.For T related tasks that share the same feature space X andlabel space Y , this method learns T classifiers w1, ..., wT ,where wt is specific to task t. The wt can be written asw0 + vt, where w0 is the shared information across all tasks.The values of w0 and vt can be obtained by solving thefollowing optimization function


λ1T||vt||22 + λ2||w0||22 +



εt,i, (1)

s.t.∀t, i, yt,i(w0 + vt) · xt,i ≥ 1− εt,i, εt,i ≥ 0. (2)

Here, t is the index of the task, i is the index of the utterance,εt,i is the error term, λ1 and λ2 are two non-negative constantsthat control the relationship between the tasks. Solving thedual form of the above optimization function is equivalentwith the standard C-Support Vector Classification (C-SVC),but replacing the kernel function with

Kφ(i)φ(j)(xi, xj) = (δφ(i)φ(j) +1

µ)k∗(xi, xj), (3)

where k∗(xi, xj) stands for regular kernel functions, φ(i) isthe task xi belongs to, δφ(i)φ(i) = 1 if φ(i) = φ(j) and 0otherwise, and µ is a parameter for controlling the similaritiesbetween tasks. In the two extreme cases, the tasks are the samewhen µ→ 0, and are completely decoupled if µ→∞.

There are two parameters that must be selected: the costparameter C for the training error, as in the standard C-SVC,and the parameter µ. In this work, we used the RBF Gaussiankernel for k∗(xi, xj), and thus introduced another parameterγ that controls the bandwidth of the Gaussian function.


A. Performer Normalization

For the 1674 utterance-level features, we used performerdependent z-normalization across all utterances of the sameperformer such that each feature of each individual performerhas zero mean and standard deviation of one. This methodis commonly adopted in emotion recognition to mitigate theintrinsic differences in the vocal characteristics and facialmuscle movements of speakers [9], [35]

B. Cross Validation

We used different cross validation paradigms for the twodatasets to measure the performance of the models. ForUMSSED, we used leave-one-performer-out cross validation(one performer as testing data, others used for training data).As the RAVDESS has very limited lexical variability, weused leave-one-performer-and-sentence-out cross validation toavoid overfitting to specific lexical content. In each round,one sentence from one performer serves as testing data.The training data are composed of the other performers andother sentence. Each performer is associated with two cross-validation folds, one for each sentence. The parameter tuningprocess was performer-independent and based only on thetraining set. The parameters of the models were selectedusing a grid search by optimizing the 5-fold cross-validationaccuracy of the training data.

C. Feature Selection

We reduced the dimensionality of the feature set by select-ing task-related features using Information Gain [36] on thetraining data. The number of features selected was decidedby maximizing the average cross-validation accuracy of thetraining data. We selected features across domain (song andspeech) for the simple model and the emotion classificationphase of both the single-task hierarchical model (st-hier)and the multitask hierarchical model (mt-hier). We selecteddomain-specific features for the single-task hierarchical modelwith separate feature selection (st-hier-sfs). The mean andstandard deviation of the number of features selected fordomain and emotion classification are 150±141 and 283±144,respectively.


A. Performance of Different Models

Table I shows the emotion classification accuracy of thesimple model, single-task hierarchical model (st-hier), single-task hierarchical model with separate feature selection (st-hier-sfs) and the multi-task hierarchical model (mt-hier) on theRAVDESS and UMSSED datasets. The domain classificationused for the latter two models has an accuracy of 99% onRAVDESS and 97% on UMSSED. We can observe that whenall three models use the same features, the mt-hier modeloutperforms the other two in both datasets. The differenceis statistically significant for RAVDESS, where significance isasserted at α = 0.05 (paired t-test, p=0.002 for simple and

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Dataset simple st-hier st-hier-sfs mt-hierRAVDESS 81.61 81.25 83.15 83.15UMSSED 70.83 70.83 71.43 74.40

mt-hier, p=0.044 for st-hier and mt-hier). The performanceincrease for mt-hier is not significant for UMSSED. Thismay be due to the fact that this dataset only contains threeperformers. This result provides evidence that song and speechemotion classification are different, but related, tasks. Byadding the relationship into the model, we can outperformmodels that either consider them as the same task, or considerthem as completely unrelated tasks.

With separate feature selection for song and speech emotionclassification, the st-hier-sfs model works better than st-hierin both datasets (significant for RAVDESS, paired t-test,p=0.046). However, the mt-hier model using features selectedon combined song and speech data can achieve the sameaccuracy as the st-hier-sfs in the RAVDESS dataset, and out-performs all other methods in the UMSSED dataset. This mayindicate that the features that are most important to emotionclassification in song and speech have some differences, butalso share similarities.

B. Performance and Agreement Rate

We are interested in the relationship between classificationaccuracy and performer-evaluator agreement rate, and thebenefit multi-task learning brings for utterances with differentagreement rates. We compared the agreement rates betweencorrectly classified and incorrectly classified utterances usingthe simple model and mt-hier model in both RAVDESSand UMSSED datasets. We found that correctly classifiedutterances have significantly higher agreement rates than in-correctly classified utterances using two-sample t-test undersignificance level of 0.01, regardless of model and dataset.Table II shows the emotion classification accuracy of low (0to one third, inclusive, noted as [0,1/3]), medium (one thirdto two third, open and inclusive, noted as (1/3,2/3]) and highagreement rate ((2/3,1]) utterances using simple model andmt-hier model in both RAVDESS and UMSSED datasets. Itcan be observed that classification accuracy and agreementrate are positively correlated. Comparing the accuracy ofsimple model and mt-hier model, we found that althoughall low, medium, and high agreement utterances have higherclassification accuracy in mt-hier, low and medium utterancesbenefit more from using multi-task approach.

Fig. 2 visualizes the confusion matrix of the classificationresults on RAVDESS dataset (2a) and UMSSED (2b) datasetof all utterances from both domains, using the simple modeland mt-hier model. It can be seen that emotions with highactivation (e.g. angry, happy, fearful) are easier to classifythan emotions with low activation (e.g. neutral, sad) for thesimple model. One interesting observation is that emotionswith low activation benefit more from the multi-task approachthan emotions with high activation. For example, the accuracy



RAVDESS UMSSEDsimple mt-hier simple mt-hier

Low agreement [0,1/3] 70 74.17 60.61 63.64Medium agreement (1/3,2/3] 77.5 80.39 65.96 70.21

High agreement (2/3,1] 85.55 85.84 77.27 80.68

of the neutral class is boosted to 81% from 62% for speechutterances, and the accuracy of the sad class is increased by10% for the sung utterances in the UMSSED dataset whenmulti-task approach is used, as shown in Fig. 2b.

C. Performance of Individual Feature Groups

We group features by the type of their low level descrip-tor (LLD) and show the domain classification and emotionclassification accuracy in Table III and Table IV, respectively.Acoustic features are grouped into energy-related, spectral,MFCC and voicing-related features based on the categorizationin [31]. We separate out RASTA-style auditory spectrumfrom spectral features since they are calculated differently.Previous research has demonstrated that there are differencesbetween emotion associated with the upper and lower face[37]. Therefore, we categorized facial action unit features intoupper-face and lower-face action units. We compare featuresfor emotion classification using single-task SVM classifierswere trained using all utterances, only spoken utterances andonly sung utterances. We did not use hierarchical models toeliminate the influence of domain classification accuracy onemotion classification accuracy.

As shown in Table III, all five groups of acoustic featurescan predict domain accurately. Among them, voicing relatedfeatures have the highest accuracy across both datasets. Onthe other hand, the prediction accuracies of visual features arerelatively low. Lower face action units are better distinguishersof domain, compared with upper face action units.

In Table IV, we notice that in both datasets, energy-related features, spectral features and voicing features canpredict emotion in song more accurately than in speech, whichmay suggest that they contain more emotion-specific patternsrelated to the singing voice. In addition, the lower face visualfeatures are effective across both domains, outperforming themodels trained on only speech or only song. The upper facefeatures exhibit this pattern only for the RAVDESS data. Thissuggests that the visual features may exhibit more similaritiesacross domain, compared to the audio features. Other patternsof accuracy are not very consistent between the two datasets.Possible explanations include that the number of emotionlabels of the two datasets are not the same, and that the melodymatching methods are also different.


In this paper, we proposed three shared emotion recognitionmodels for speech and song: the simple model, the single-task hierarchical model and the multi-task hierarchical model.We studied the commonalities and differences present in

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(a) Confusion Matrix: RAVDESS (b) Confusion Matrix: UMSSED

Fig. 2. Confusion matrix of the classification results on (a) RAVDESS and (b) UMSSED of all utterances, utterances from speech and utterances from songusing simple model and mt-hier model. The darker the color, the higher the accuracy/confusion. A: Angry, H: Happy, N: Neutral, S: Sad, C: Calm, F: Fearful.


Feature group RAVDESS UMSSEDEnergy 94.75 95.83Spectral 98.19 90.48MFCC 97.46 95.83Voicing 99.09 98.21Rasta 96.69 89.29

Upper face 71.56 58.93Lower face 78.61 80.95



RAVDESS UMSSEDFeature group All Speech Song All Speech Song

Energy 37.86 34.78 40.22 60.12 55.95 61.90Spectral 50.82 48.01 51.99 60.12 52.38 61.90MFCC 53.80 48.73 62.68 47.02 51.19 46.43Voicing 45.38 38.41 53.62 43.45 39.29 51.19Rasta 34.33 30.43 32.97 51.19 61.90 44.05

Upper face 71.83 69.20 70.83 55.95 48.81 58.33Lower face 66.85 65.40 64.67 64.88 52.38 53.57

emotion expression across these two communication domainsby comparing the performance of these difference settings,investigating the relationship between agreement rate andclassification accuracy, and analyzing the classification per-formance of individual feature groups.

The fact that classification accuracy benefits from multi-tasklearning suggests that despite the differences between speechand song emotion recognition, they are related and can beconsidered using a shared model. The single-task hierarchicalmodel performs better when using features selected separatelyfor speech and song compared to combined feature selection,yet it does not exceed the multi-task hierarchical model. Thismay indicate that although there are some differences in theimportant features for speech and song emotion recognition,more similarities can be found. Classification accuracy of ut-

terances with lower agreement rate increases more with multi-task learning. Therefore, it is possible that multi-task learningcan help distinguish emotions in ambiguous situations.

Classification using individual feature sets demonstrated thatacoustic features are better distinguishers of domain than vi-sual features. The emotion classifier using visual features fromboth domains is more accurate than the one operating on onlyspoken or only sung data (lower face features for RAVDESSand UMSSED and upper face features for RAVDESS). Thissuggests that visual features are more similar across domain,compared to acoustic features. This is in accordance withthe findings in [18] that visual features work better in cross-domain emotion prediction. Among visual features, domainclassification using lower face action units performs better thanclassification using upper face action units, which may suggestthat upper face action units are more similar in speech andsong. This also agrees with the findings in [4] that emotion-dependent movements of the eyebrows and lip corners aresimilar between speech and song, yet the jaw movements showdifference across speech and song emotion expression.

A limitation of this paper is that we only adopted datasetswith acted emotion. We plan to use more datasets, includingnon-acted datasets, and perform cross-corpus analysis in ourfuture work for better generalizability. In this paper, wediscussed the situation in which the multi-task model usesthe same features as the simple model, where features areselected on all the training data, regardless of domain. Therehave been methods for multi-task feature learning as describedin [38]–[40]. Therefore, it would be interesting to learn multi-task features for speech and song emotion recognition andcompare them with features selected using traditional single-task feature selection methods.


We would like to express our appreciation to Dr. StevenLivingstone, who shared the RAVDESS dataset with us beforeits official release.

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